The Helpful Citizen Ch. 02

A gay story: The Helpful Citizen Ch. 02 Chapter Two: Checking In, and We Need Your Help Again, Mr. Hill

Two weeks after helping the police bust the insurance scam, Steven was in his living room, thinking about getting some work done. Finally. He was behind, as he’d been strangely distracted recently.

Thirty minutes earlier he had kissed Marina off on another business trip. As soon as she had pulled out of the driveway, he’d raced upstairs to change. He’d dropped his bathrobe on the floor and pulled the skimpy underwear out of his dresser–the tiny thing the police had given him to help catch the insurance scammers. He had grown fond of wearing it around the house when he was alone.

Steven Hill was a changed man.

He knew it, but he hadn’t let himself think about what that meant.

His attitude towards his body had been transformed. He was spending more time looking at himself in mirrors.

Last week he’d almost bought a few new outfits. He had been spending time at discreet, online stores, looking for clothes designed to show off men’s bodies. But he couldn’t go that far.

He hadn’t shown his wife the clothing items the police had given him, the ones chosen to attract the perverted scammers. Nor had he told her that he was looking at sexy clothing online. One pair especially tempted him: they hugged one’s cheeks but had a discreet slit opening between them.

But then he felt guilty. He didn’t want to keep secrets from her. How could I possibly explain to her what had happened?

He almost wanted to forget the whole incident. He’d let himself be talked into wearing a bikini to entice two men into his house, and a secret part of him had enjoyed their looks. He also knew, in moments of clarity, that the men had too easily stripped the bikini off him and gotten him naked and used him sexually. He had gone along with it. Willingly.

Yet as wrong as that had been, he couldn’t quite make himself get rid of the bikini or the sheer underwear. They made him feel sexy.

And his hormones seemed to be raging. That was his explanation for why he had so easily let the two black men do those things to him: It was just hormones. They still seemed on fire and he was horny all the time. But Marina was working a lot and they’d only made love twice in the last two weeks. Masturbation helped. Now daily he needed to lie naked on the bed or the sofa, tweak his nipples until they became sensitive and puffy, and slowly stroke himself to orgasm. No matter what fantasy he began imagining, almost always what came to his mind was what the two black men had done to him.

Now he was walking around the house in the skimpy underwear, liking the exposed feeling and the teasing feeling of the fabric on his skin. Later, when he felt the need was too strong, he’d slip them off, masturbate, shower, and go out for some groceries.

* *

His day went as planned and late afternoon he was home again and had changed back into the underwear. He had turned on the television when his doorbell rang. It startled him and he jumped a little.

His robe was upstairs, so opened the door just a crack and peered through the crack under the chain. After all, maybe it was the pervert from next door, Davis Dorn. He’d tried to come by several times since seeing him outside in the bikini two weeks ago. He’d been more persistent than usual. Steven refused to let him inside.

He was surprised to see it was one of the detectives at his door.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Hill. It’s Detective Jeffers,” he said, flashing his badge.

“I remember you, Detective.”

“I need to discuss a few things. May I come in?”

“Of course!” he answered, closing the door and undoing the chain. He re-opened the door–and Jeffers froze upon seeing what Steven was wearing. “Oops! I’m so sorry. I forgot. I’ll go change.”

“Please don’t. It’s not a problem for me. I mean, I only need a bit of your time.”

“All right, then.” Steven shivered from a sudden thrill that ran through his body at wearing so little in front of the man. Of course, this was tame compared to the vulgar acts the detective had seem him doing with the two con men. “Have a seat. What can I do for you?”

Jeffers sat on the couch he’d sat on two weeks ago, and Steven took a seat across from him. Between them was a coffee table with a few magazines on it. Jeffers opened his briefcase and pulled out a laptop. “Hope I’m not taking up too much of your time, Mr. Hill.”

“Not at all, and please call me Steven.”

“Fine, Steven it is. I’m Vaughn.” He tapped some keys on laptop. “Thanks again for your help. The prosecutor says we have an airtight case against the Nelson brothers, Mark and Eric.”

“You don’t need to thank me, Detective Je–… Vaughn. It was my honor to assist you.”

“Well, we do have one problem. My supervisor was upset by the videos. After seeing what happened, she was angry–even though she assumed you were an undercover detective. When she found out you were a civilian, she freaked out. She feels we put you in danger.”

“I never felt in danger.”

“Nor were you. Even so, she thinks we should have intervened before the men… took advantage of you. Maybe even as early as when they took off your robe. Everything after that, she thinks, was a violation of your rights. And obscene. Her assistant agrees.”

“But then you wouldn’t have had them on video accepting the money.”

“Exactly what Timmons and I said. Fortunately the prosecutor’s team agree with us. By the way, they asked me to pass on their thanks to you for giving them with the excellent video evidence.”

Steven’s mind was unsettled: Just how many people have seen the video??

Vaughn pressed a key and turned his computer to face Steven. “My boss especially didn’t like this part.” The screen showed a frozen image of him being penetrated by cocks from two directions–but it had captured a moment when the expression on his face seemed pained or frightened.

“Now, Detective Timmons and I know you were actually enjoying yourself at this point. Am I right?”

Steven was shocked at the vividness of the image before him. But he had to be honest. “Yes, you’re right. Something came over me. I can’t explain it, but I was turned on and not resisting. More … accepting of it.”

“Good. So what I need to know is: Do you hold the police department accountable for your actions on that day?”

“Not at all, Vaughn. Tell your supervisor I merely did my civic responsibility like any good citizen would have.”

Jeffers sighed. “That’s a relief. If you held us accountable, I was facing suspension.”

“I’m glad to be of service. Is there anything else?”

“Well, yes. Would you be willing to sign an affidavit–saying that you were a willing participant? We had the secretary type up a description of the video’s contents, describing the main … activities. The lawyers checked it for accuracy and approved the wording. So we just need your signature agreeing that during none of the … umm … interactions did you feel in danger or that your civil rights were being violated.”

He held out a sheet of paper and a pen. Steven silently took them, cast his eye down the text, and quickly signed at the bottom.

“There. Anything else?”

Jeffers paused for a moment. “There is one other thing, Steven.

“Would you be willing to assist us again?”

* *

Steven’s heart skipped a beat. Was the detective really asking for his help once again?

Work had not engaged him recently. The neighborhood had felt confining. As much as he wanted to forget, the incident two weeks ago was the most exciting thing to happen to him in … well, a long time.

“It depends what you had in mind, I suppose.”

Jeffers pulled out a file from his briefcase and handed it to Steven. He opened it and stared at a picture of an intense-looking man’s mug shot. Jeffers said, “That is Carl Stone, a.k.a. Big Stoner. He was a petty criminal but he’s recently moved up in the hierarchy.”

“Drug dealer,” Steven said, reading the sheet.

“Yes, but he’s just a middle-man. We need to find out who his supplier is. We have enough evidence to arrest Stone, but he’d just be replaced within hours. So we need somebody to plant cameras in his hotel room where he meets with his supplier.”

“Makes sense.”

“The problem is his bodyguard. He’s outside Stone’s room whenever he’s not there. The guard is too smart to fall for the usual tricks: ‘We’re with the phone company,’ ‘We’re with room service,’ etc.”

“But what could I do?”

Jeffers sat forward on the sofa and, making a steeple with his fingers, rested his chin on his index fingers. He stared at Steven, and both of them were aware of Steven’s minimal state of dress. “He does let one type of person in the room.”

“What type is that?”

“Prostitutes. Usually male prostitutes.”

“What?!? You want me to pose as a hooker?” Steven couldn’t believe it. “Don’t you have any undercover detectives for that?”

“Surprisingly, we don’t. At least, no attractive ones. Stone is choosy. And he doesn’t like guys who are too feminine. Most of our undercover Vice squad are too ‘gay,’ if you know what I mean.”

“But I can’t pose as a hooker–and especially to a drug dealer! That’s dangerous.”

“Don’t worry about that–he has no history of violence that we know of. And you wouldn’t actually meet him. Our plan is for you to enter his room when he’s out. His guard will let you in, thinking you’re just a prostitute he’s arranged for the evening. You’ll plant a few cameras, like the ones we used here in your house to catch the insurance scammers. Then you’ll tell the bodyguard you left something in your car. You’ll leave and drive home. That’s it.”

Steven pondered the plan.

“Also,” Jeffers added, “Timmons and I will be nearby to rescue you within minutes if something goes wrong.”

“Like you ‘rescued’ me from the last two guys,” Steven stated sarcastically. “This doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.”

“I understand. But your help was so valuable before that I thought I’d ask.” He put some emphasis on the words before.

Steven remained silent, but his mind was going over what had happened before.

“I wouldn’t ask,” Jeffers continued, “but when Timmons and I were developing a strategy for this new case, we kept coming back to you. Both of us …” Jeffers sought just the right word “… sensed something about you during the insurance scam case. The way you, uhhh, handled the … ummm … complications. You seemed a natural for situations involving … such men.”

Steven squirmed in his seat, feeling the fabric of the chair against his skin, aware that he was sitting with most of his body exposed and that the “situation” referred to involved bad men who’d had sex with him. What did they “sense” about him?

It was too much to process, and he didn’t respond.

“Okay,” Jeffers said. “I can’t blame you for staying safely home in this lovely neighborhood. Not everyone needs that kind of excitement in their lives.”

Jeffers reached out to take back the file from Steven. “I just hope we can stop this gang before they sell to any more high school kids.”


“Yes, sir. Stone and his gang believe in getting customers hooked young and early.”

Steven sighed. Helping the police previously had been the most exciting thing he’d done. And here was another chance to help his city and keep some young people safe.

And … something else was shifting inside him, below the surface of his consciousness. A dark sensation of … something.

“I’ll do it,” he mumbled.

“You will? That’s fantastic! Like I said, it should be straightforward. You can be in and out of the room in five minutes. Stoner is expected at the hotel in two weeks, the one he always stays at when he’s in the city. The police department will provide you with a suitable outfit. Something a male prostitute would wear.”

Steven had little idea what that meant, thinking nothing in his wardrobe would fit that description.

Jeffers continued to outline the plan. “The target date will be Saturday night before dinner time. Detective Timmons or I will send your outfit and hopefully we can wrap up another case. Everything will go as planned.”

Jeffers placed his computer on the coffee table before him, stood and walked over to Steven. He held his hand out to him. “We can’t thank you enough.”

“No need, it’s every citizen’s responsibility to help when needed.” Steven stood and took his hand and watched his own get completely engulfed by the large black man’s hand.

* *

“I should get going,” said Jeffers, but seemed strangely reluctant to leave. “I’ll be your case detective,” he repeated unnecessarily. “We’ll send your outfit to you in an unmarked package. Will your wife be here?”

“No. She’ll be home late tomorrow, but then off again the Friday before you need me.”

“Good. I’ll contact you and meet you in the hotel lobby with the cameras. Timmons will monitor the hotel. Thanks again.”

Jeffers turned, but turned back again, standing within a foot of Steven.

Something was clearly on his mind.

“One last thing, Steven. I’ve been wondering, and Timmons and I have been talking this over a lot. Two weeks ago with the insurance con men, why did you do it? I mean, you could have said No. You didn’t have to go as far as you did.”

Steven was flushing red again.

“Am I embarrassing you?” He was looking directly at Steven’s face.

“No … yes, but it’s fine, Detective. I’ve been thinking about it too. I can’t really explain it. But they knew what they were doing, Vaughn. They knew just what words to use. That got me worked up. And then there was the other thing.”

“What other thing?”

“They were… They were just so… well you know, big, as well as so sure of themselves.”

“Ah, their masculine confidence and directness overwhelmed you. I see,” Jeffers said thoughtfully. “But what do you mean by ‘big’?”

Steven was embarrassed to be saying such things out loud. He looked away from Jeffers and had a momentary impression of a shadow moving outside the front window. But he was preoccupied with the memories playing inside his head.

“Their … penises. I had never seen any that big. I know I’m pretty well endowed, but … ”

“Yes, you are,” Jeffers agreed. “But maybe you don’t have much experience with black men.”

Steven frowned. “What are you saying?”

“The insurance scammers are average for black men.”

“No! No way. How can you call those things average…?” Steven’s attention was drawn down to Jeffers’s crotch as the detective fished his cock out of his pants. He tugged out a swollen, semi-hard monstrosity of a penis.

“Compare mine.”

Steven stared at the huge penis. Something that large was more properly called a cock. “That’s big! You’re saying you’re average for a black man too?”

“Mine’s not even hard yet. Here,” he reached out and took his hand. Steven let his hand be taken and placed on Vaughn’s cock. “Stroke it.”

“My god,” he said, complying. The fingers of his hand were now gripping Vaughn’s huge black cock and starting to slide it up and down its hardening shaft. It extended a few centimeters, and then some more, stiffening to full erection.

“It’s so big! What’s wrong with it?” He grabbed the flesh covering the head and pulled back until a fat bulbous cock head emerged.

“I’m uncircumcised. Like I said, mine’s what you’d call big. That’s why I didn’t understand what you meant by calling those two loser con men big.”

Steven’s total attention was on his hand running up and down the man’s shaft.

“One last thing, Mr. Hill,” said Jeffers, loosening his tie. He reached out and touched the hem of Steven’s skimpy underwear. “The department needs its property back.” He tugged and the underwear slid partway down his thighs. Another tug and they fell around Steven’s feet, leaving him standing there naked and mesmerized by the big cock in his hand.

Jeffers remembered what had happened when the con men had touched Steven’s nipples. He’d re-watched that part of the video several times, so he knew what to do. His hand moved to one nipple and pinched it. Steven moaned.

“Why don’t you get a closer look at my cock?” His one hand continued to tweak the nipple. His other went to Steven’s shoulder and pushed him down.

Steven fell to his knees directly in front of Jeffers’s long black cock. It looked even bigger up close as he stared cross-eyed down the shaft. Why is it so fascinating to me? I don’t understand.

But honestly, he thought, this monstrosity of a cock is ugly–until he pulled the foreskin back and the dark-purplish head appeared, and then it became sleek and magnificent.

“My god,” he said with awe, “I see it, but I still don’t believe it.” He then looked under the cock at the scrotum dangling there. “Even your testicles are huge.”

Vaughn groaned as if in pain. “Yeah, and they’re swollen right now. I haven’t had any relief in weeks. I’m married to my job and working long hours getting criminals off the streets. I just haven’t had time to meet anybody.”

He added: “Having a handsome white man stroking it isn’t helping either. Maybe, you should stop.”

Steven jerked his hand back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. Did you say weeks? It must be painful.”

“It is painful. This was a bad idea. I don’t know how I’m going to get it back in my pants now. It sucks sometimes that I’m so job-bound. Sometimes I think I should switch to a desk job and find a wife. But I’m a committed to making this city safe.”

“I wish there was something I could do for you,” said Steven. Vaughn was making no effort to put his cock away, and Steven’s hand wanted to reach out and grab it again, but he restrained it.

“The only way you could help me, Steven, is to get me off. I know that’s a lot to ask, especially after everything you’ve already done.”

“You want me to make you orgasm?” Steven knew how strong a real man’s sex needs were. And Detective Jeffers did put his life at risk every day. Even so, it was crazy to think it was his civic responsibility to jerk off a semi-stranger.

But there was something compelling about kneeling before such a magnificent monstrosity. Plus the man was in obvious need. He made up his mind, reached out and grabbed his cock again. “What do you want me to do?”

“Oh thanks, Steven,” moaned Vaughn. “You don’t know what this means to me. I’d be happy if you just stroked me off. But if you don’t mind, I’d love it if you licked around the head or sucked it in your mouth some.”

“We’ll see,” Steven replied. “No promises.” He was also relieved that this time there were no cameras. I’m just helping out a public servant. No further.

He grabbed the base of the cock to hold it steady and began running his free hand up and down the shaft. If two weeks ago someone had told him that he’d be kneeling before a stranger’s cock and stroking it–he would have been disgusted. Now he was fascinated by this enormous cock, and judging from own leaking cock, aroused too.

He planned to use only his hand, but the friction was too dry. The tip of the man’s cock was oozing lots of pre-cum, but not enough to coat such a thick shaft. “It’s too dry,” he stated.

“Using your mouth would help,” suggested Vaughn, staring down at Steven’s lips.

Steven stared at the massive black cock and felt saliva building in his mouth. Vaughn was attractive in a rugged way with chiseled features. His eyes had a direct look that made him look virile. He filled out his suit nicely and looked to have a fit body under it.

Unfortunately, his attractiveness did not extend to his fat cock with the bulging blue-black veins crisscrossing it.

Then Steven suddenly remembered how his feelings had changed once he had the con man’s cock in his mouth. He licked his lips, leaned forward, and let his tongue caress the tip of Vaughn’s cock.

“That’s it, boy,” the detective moaned.

Steven ran his tongue around the flaring head, testing. He then stretched his jaw as wide as he could and took the knob in his mouth, holding it there and letting his tongue swirl all around it. It then felt natural to bob his head a little, sucking the end of Vaughn’s cock and part of the shaft. Drool ran down the shaft, coating its smooth skin criss-crossed with veins and helping his pumping hand glide smoothly up and down his cock. Both men moaned with pleasure together.

Steven gagged for a moment as the head pushed into his throat. He paused to adjust and tried again, this time succeeding in getting almost half of Vaughn’s cock in his mouth. It was so large and thick that learning to suck it well would take practice. I want that, he suddenly felt desperately.

Looking up at Vaughn, he saw him staring down at him. Vaughn winked, and he winked back, feeling stupid for some reason. He let his tongue run under the man’s cock while he sucked it. Vaughn continued to stare at him, and Steven wondered what kind of pleasure it gave the man to watch what was being done to him.

Now his own cock was hard and dripping and screaming for attention. But he didn’t want Vaughn to see how needy he was. I’m only helping him out. Then he realized that his kneeling position meant Vaughn couldn’t see his lower body. So he let one hand leave Vaughn’s shaft and fall between his own legs. He found his cock and began stroking hard. His mouth moaned around Vaughn’s shaft as his hand pleasured his own.

Just a few moments later, Steven wanted to scream as he orgasmed, but his scream turned into a gag as over half the man’s cock slid into his throat. Vaughn’s cock seemed to be swelling larger and it was even harder to swallow. He had to pull back–but suddenly the black cock spasmed and semen filled his mouth.

It bulged his cheeks and some squirted out the sides of his mouth. He involuntarily gulped, swallowing too much at once and making his throat hurt. He swallowed again, this time tasting the hot seed sliding over his tongue–and finding he liked it just as much as he had before.

Vaughn suddenly pulled his cock back and out of Steven’s mouth, shooting another strand of semen across his face, just as the con man had done before. Was this something black men liked to do?

Vaughn squeezed his hand forward along his own cock, squeezing a final long strand of sperm out onto Steven’s outstretched tongue. Steven wanted every drop in his mouth.

He swallowed and licked his lips and, after a slow breath, said, “Does that feel better?”

“You have no idea,” sighed Vaughn contentedly.

“Glad to help,” he panted, trying to keep his voice neutral but realizing that his hand was still stroking his own cock. He wanted more stimulation, but he also didn’t want Vaughn to know what he was doing, so reluctantly he stopped.

Somehow he couldn’t bring himself to move from his kneeling position. He brought a hand up to heft the man’s huge scrotum. “It must have been a long time without sex for you. I’ve never seen so much semen in one orgasm.”

“It’s usually about that much,” said Vaughn, smiling.

Steven fondled one of his balls. “I can and cannot believe it,” he said.

“That was an unexpected surprise, Mr. Hill,” said Vaughn.

Steven felt liquefied sperm starting to slide down his cheeks and nose. Suddenly he felt dirty.

He stood up, “Are we finished? I want to take a shower.”

“Actually, yes,” Vaughn said, “Would you mind if I had a quick shower too? I need to be presentable when I go back to the station.”

He wasn’t sure he wanted to let Vaughn use his personal shower but felt an obligation to help the man get back to normal. “Okay,” he said, “but me first. I need it most. Wait here.” He turned and headed upstairs.

Vaughn watched him go. When he was out of sight, he walked over to the couch and pressed Stop on the computer’s video controls. He hoped he’d estimated the cameras’ viewing angles correctly. He closed his computer and put it in his bag. He pulled off his tie and climbed the stairs after Steven.

* *

Steven’s mouth was tired but his body still wanted attention. He felt like playing with himself again as he showered but knew Vaughn was waiting. If he could get Vaughn out of the house quickly, he could have a more enjoyable session.

After washing he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Not wanting to greet the police detective in the nude, he walked into his bedroom to grab his robe. He gasped.

Vaughn was laying on his side on his and Marina’s bed. He was nude and his swollen cock hung down. His body was every bit as impressive as it had appeared under his suit. His chest was covered sparsely by hair. “I thought we might have some more fun,” said the muscular black man.

Steven felt a sudden surge of lust but controlled himself. “I can’t,” he said. “Vaughn… Detective Jeffers, I’m an engaged man. This is my house with my fiancĂ©e and our bed. What happened was … nice–but it was wrong and to go any further would make it worse.”

“I understand completely,” said Vaughn, sitting up. “I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want to do. I was just thinking I might help you out–I know you’re still in need.”

“No!” Steven shouted in frustration. “Enough!”

“Fine, fine,” Vaughn said. “Then I’ll just take that shower and get back to work.”

“Go ahead,” said Steven, making a point of turning away from the naked man. He dropped his towel and grabbed his robe, leaving the bedroom and heading down the stairs.

* *

He was only halfway down the stairs when the doorbell rang. Unbelievable!

What if it was his neighbor? Davis couldn’t have chosen a worse time. If Davis found out he had a naked black man upstairs in his shower, the whole neighborhood would explode with gossip.

Making sure his robe was tightly around his body, Steven opened the door as far as the chain latch would go and peeked through the crack. He was surprised to see it wasn’t Davis, but another black man. He recognized him quickly. “Detective Timmons, what can I do for you?”

Timmons looked tired and his suit was disheveled. He was younger than Vaughn but not as attractive. His face looked more cynical, like the badness he’d seen in the world affected him more. His height and build were about the same as Vaughn’s, a few centimeters taller than Steven himself, and muscular. Do the two partners also worked out together? “I’m here to see Detective Jeffers,” he said.

“Detective Jeffers? Why do you think he would be here?” he lied, wincing when he realized Vaughn’s car was probably parked in front of his house.

“Because I drove him here, Mr. Hill,” grunted Timmons. “We’re partners after all.”

Steven blushed at being caught lying. “Sorry,” he apologized. Timmons must have napped in the car for a while.

“May I come in, Mr. Hill?”

“Of course.” Steven closed the door, removed the chain, and reopened the door. Timmons’s eyes immediately zeroed in on his bathrobe-clad body. “I was just getting out of the shower,” Steven said quickly, “I should go change.”

“Don’t bother. You look just fine.”

Steven resisted letting the compliment affect him. “I’ll bet you’d like a cup of coffee.”

“Sounds good.” Timmons followed him into the kitchen, watching Steven’s backside under the robe and his bare legs beneath. “Where’s Jeffers?”

“Upstairs in the shower.”

“I thought so. I could smell sex in the air when I came in the house.” Timmons shook his head. “The idiot could get in a lot of trouble. Using you to catch criminals is one thing. But having sex with a client crosses the line. Hope he doesn’t get suspended.”

Steven gasped and forgot about making coffee. “You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?”

“I’m not sure yet. The rules say I’m supposed to report infractions like this to my superiors.”

“But he’s your partner.” Steven thought quickly. “We didn’t do anything I didn’t agree too.” Timmons’s expression did not change. “You know he’s a good man. He hadn’t had sex in a while and I was lonely too. He just asked me to help him out a little. Please, Detective Timmons, give us a break. Say something.”

A gleam came into Timmons’s eyes. “Would you be willing to help me out a little? Jeffers isn’t the only one with needs.”

Steven froze. “What do you mean?” He stared as the man reached down to his gray slacks and undid his belt. “No, not that.”

Timmons laughed. “Do it, or I’ll bring Jeffers up on an ethics-violation charge.” He pulled his cock out and tugged on its head as it grew completely erect. “Besides, we’re partners–we share everything,” he added with a cynical laugh.

“My god,” said Steven staring at another large black cock. But this one was simply gorgeous. It looked like it was carved from ebony and perfectly streamlined, straight. Steven felt dizzy as he stared at it. For some reason, his anus twitched. His legs grew weak. Half of his instincts made him want to turn around and bend over–like he remembered being bent over and fucked by the con men. He had fantasized about that after. The other half of his instincts make him want to fall on his knees and kiss it.

Timmons decided for him. “Do you know how many times I’ve watched the evidence video? That ass of yours in that bikini–and then when it came off and you spread your legs for that con man. I saw how much you loved it.”

Timmons took three steps forward, grabbed Steven by the shoulders, spun him around, and pushed his chest and face down onto the kitchen island. Behind him now, he grabbed his cock and spit onto it to lubricate it. He shoved the robe up over Steven’s hips and lined his cock up with his anus–immediately pushing forward and thrusting half his cock into the tight ass.

Timmons groaned. “That’s it, man. You’re really helping me out too,” groaned the black man.

Steven was shocked at the fast invasion. I’m only doing this to protect Vaughn, Steven said to himself. But his body began to respond, and he spread his legs wider to accommodate the penetration. Timmons’s cock began swelling after only about two minutes of pounding. He was grunting, and his fingers were digging into the flesh of Steven’s ass. Steven closed his eyes and gave himself over to the pulsing sensations.

He almost missed it, but a noise intruded into his consciousness–Vaughn had come silently down the stairs and entered the kitchen and was staring at them.

Timmons was oblivious to everything except the sight and feel of his cock pumping in and out of the tight ass before him–and he began to orgasm. He pumped and shot his load.

A few moments later, as Timmons’s jerking thrusts subsided he became aware that they were not along.

“Well, Timmons,” said Vaughn. “I see you got tired of waiting in the car.”

Timmons was slowly stroking his cock to squeeze out the last drops to fall onto Steven’s ass. He didn’t seem at all worried to be caught fucking their client.

“Yeah, partner,” he said to Jeffers. “I was stuck out in that car for a long time. Then I realized what you were probably doing in here. Got me worked up.”

“You should have joined us.”

Steven’s brow furrowed at that.

Vaughn walked past the two of them and poured himself a cup of coffee. “Hurry it up, will you? We need to get going.”

Timmons slapped Steven on the ass once and then tucked his softening cock back into his pants. “Good to see you again, Mr. Hill,” he said with a sarcastic grin. “Appreciate your ‘help'” Without further ceremony, he turned and headed out the front door.

“Don’t mind Timmons,” Detective Jeffers said. “He’s blunt but a good cop.”

“Okay,” Steven replied, still leaning over the kitchen counter, needing its support. His mind was blank and he knew only that he wanted another shower.

“It’s late and we need to get back to work. We’ll be in touch soon about Carl Stone.” Then Jeffers too was gone.

* *

Steven finally managed to stand up straight. His legs were still weak and something liquid was slowly dripping down them. His jaw was sore from being stretched open so wide. His anus felt … he wasn’t sure how he felt down there but was certain he’d feel after-effects tomorrow.

His foot was on the first stair up toward the shower when his doorbell rang again. His heart raced. Did the detectives forget something?

“Coming,” he yelled, straightening and tightening his robe around him. The doorbell began ringing non-stop. He replaced the latch chain and opened the door a crack. “What is it?”

Damn! Not Davis!

“Good evening, Steven,” said his neighbor. “I’d like to come in for a visit.” He was smiling but his eyes were cold.

“Sorry, but this is a bad time.” Steven closed the door on him. Davis immediately started pounding on it with his fist. He re-opened the door a crack. “What is it, Davis? I’m busy.”

“Too busy for a neighbor, but not too busy to entertain some black men?” replied Davis.

Steven caught his breath. “What do you mean?”

Davis had an unpleasant expression on his face. “What part of entertain and black men don’t you understand? I saw them leave not two minutes ago.”

“Those men are police detectives, Davis. I’ve been doing them a favor, that’s all.”

“Is that what you call it? Wearing slutty clothes for them and getting them off?

“I don’t appreciate what you seem to be insinuating!” Steven protested, but a shadow of doubt crept into his mind. “I am an engaged man–and heterosexual! Go away!” Steven slammed the door closed again.

Davis had made him angry, though he knew part of that anger was towards himself. He loved his wife. What was I thinking? he thought.

Davis pounded on the door again. “Go away!” he shouted through the door.

“Did you like servicing black cock?” Davis yelled.

“You’re sick, Davis Dorn. Now get off my property or I’m calling the cops.”

“You sucked that man’s dick. And probably the other one’s too,” he yelled again.

“I don’t know what you mean,” he shouted back.

“I saw you!”

Steven’s face drained of color. He opened door open again, enough to hiss “Keep it down.” He tried to look past Davis to see if any of their other neighbors could have heard Davis’s loud voice.

Through the crack in the door, Davis said more quietly, “I saw you. Like from a front-row seat and plain as day. Prancing around the house in that little tiny slip of underwear. Kneeling before that black man and taking his big cock in your mouth. Wished I’d had my camera with me. You looked like you were in love with it.”

“You spied on me!”

“I’ve been peeking in your windows ever since you came outside in that bikini two weeks ago. I’ve got a thing for peeping on hot guys. Hadn’t seen much–except that whenever Marina’s out of town you start wearing that sexy little outfit as much as you can. That is until today when a couple of black men pulled into your driveway.”

“You damned pervert,” gasped Steven.

“Can’t argue with you there,” laughed Davis. “You should see my collection of sex toys at home. Some I haven’t had a chance to try out yet. Wait a minute. What am I saying? You are going to see my collection of toys, up close and personal.”

“Oh, my god,” moaned Steven. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been wanting my own personal slut for years now.”


“Yes. So unless you want Marina finding out that her handsome husband likes cocks–especially big black ones–we’re going to take our relationship to a new level. I’ve got a thing for hot men who have to do what I say.”

Steven was breathing heavily as he stared at his neighbor in horror. Could he call Davis’s bluff? He slammed the door on him. “Go home or I’m calling the cops.”

“What if the neighbors hear what I have to say?”

“It’s just your word against mine, Davis. Nobody will believe you.” Though Steven wasn’t so sure. Rumors could do a lot of damage.

“Wait until Marina finds out what you’ve been up to.”

“You have no proof. Do you think she’ll believe me–or the perverted neighbor who likes to stare at my ass? Now go home before I call the police and tell them you tried to force your way into my house.”

Davis’s face twitched. “Okay. I’m leaving. But we know the truth–you’re a cocksucker, and probably more. It wouldn’t surprise me if you even let them fuck you, the way you like showing your ass.”

“You’re disgusting, Davis,” Steven said.

“Just remember,” Davis said in parting, “This is not over!”

* *

Steven sat down in the chair across from the couch and almost wanted to cry. This day was too much. But almost immediately he stopped himself. Davis was a crude and had dangerous information–but … at least I stood up to him.

And he’d learned a good lesson–at a minimum, to be more careful about keeping the curtains closed to prying eyes. Hopefully, the Davis problem would go away.

* *

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