The Coffee Shop

A gay story: The Coffee Shop Disclaimer. The following story, is a work of fiction. The characters portrayed within are a work of fiction as well, and any resemblance to any person, living or dead is a coincidence and unintentional.

Copyright 1998. This story is the property of the author, Canadian Cowboy (formerly known as Animal360). Any duplication, in whole or in part, is forbidden without the express written consent of the author, Canadian Cowboy.

Chapter 1: A Hot Cup of Coffee.

There is probably one somewhere in the city that you live. It is just your average neighborhood coffee shop. A place where all sorts of people come to read the paper, drink coffee, eat donuts and talk. There is nothing at all to make it seem out of the ordinary or unusual. In fact, you probably drive right by it every day, and that is why you’ve never noticed it.

I’m one of those ‘strange’ people who has never had, and probably never will have, a car. I tried to learn to drive once, but it was a very bad experience. Maybe someday I’ll tell you about it, but that is another story which is best left for another time. So, over the years I’ve learned to take the local city bus, or ‘public transportation’ as it is called, and the occasional cab when I need to get somewhere in a hurry. But if the weather is nice, and I have the time, sometimes I walk.

That is how I came across the coffee shop.

It was a Saturday, one of the few ones I’ve had lately where there was no reason to go into work, and no chores to do at home. I was just enjoying my free time. Indulging myself by walking around the neighborhood, in a section of town that I did not often frequent. The wind was somewhat colder than I had thought it would be, so I ducked inside to get out of the wind and warm my hands around a hot cup of coffee…and maybe a donut.

I’d never been in the place before, but it seemed nice enough. Clean, bright, pleasant, and permeated with the aroma of hot coffee. As I sniffed the air, and the blood seemed to flow back into my frozen nostrils, I could detect the wonderful aromas of flavored coffees that I’d bought at the supermarket. These seemed to be richer somehow, stronger, and just breathing the air I could almost taste the coffee in my mouth, on my tongue. The shop was not exactly quiet, but it wasn’t packed to the rafters, either. There were a dozen or so people spread out sitting at various tables, and a few in some of the booths. They were quietly talking with friends, reading their papers, or just looking out the windows at the people walking by. I know that this sounds so ordinary, and quite boring actually, but at that time the place was very unremarkable, except for the aromas of the different coffees in the air.

The woman behind the counter appeared to be of middle age, a sort of motherly figure, whose eyes seemed to sparkle with hidden joy and laughter, the sort of person that seems to brighten a room when they enter it. I was sure that she was probably the reason why people came here in the first place, or at least why they came back. I felt my mood improve from just seeing her smile a big warm welcoming smile as she said, “Hello, sir. What can I get for you?”

“A large hot cup of coffee, no flavor please. Oh, and I take cream and sugar,” I replied.

“Just be a minute. There’s plenty of room here at the counter, so why don’t you sit here?” She replied in that warm motherly tone of voice.

“Sure. Okay.” I said, as I plopped myself down on a seat a few feet away from her and the multitude of coffee pots steaming gently in the corner. As I waited for the coffee to arrive, I noticed that the shop had a warm and inviting feeling to it that I had not noticed when I first stepped inside. It made me feel a bit better and a bit more relaxed, but I was far from a happy person.

The waitress, if you really wanted to call her that, arrived moments later and placed a large mug of hot coffee in front of me, accompanied by a bowl of sugar and a decanter of cold cream. “Listen,” she said. “You look like a man who needs a break. The first cup of coffee is on the house. And, I won’t take no for an answer. So you just sit there and enjoy your coffee and try to relax a bit, okay?” She turned away from me and went over to chat with what appeared to be one of the regulars who was standing by the till, waiting patiently to pay his bill. The man just smiled at me and nodded, as I looked at him for a moment. He turned to the waitress, and conversed with her for a few moments before paying his bill and leaving.

Actually, I was very surprised at her kindness, and appreciated it more than she could have known. It’s the little small thoughtful things that impress me, about people. I found myself feeling a little better about myself, and feeling just a bit more relaxed. For just a second, I felt a smile touch my lips. I smiled a second time. I suddenly realized that all this, the free coffee, the warm inviting atmosphere and the cheerful attitude of the waitress, were all designed to make me feel better about the place of business, and myself. It is just good business, and a way to get repeat customers. A little psychology goes a long way. I’m actually very familiar with using this approach, when I want to hypnotize someone. You see, I’m an amateur hypnotist. I do it because I love hypnotizing people…guys mostly. Both to help them, and because it is a turn on for me. I don’t get to do it as often as I would like, and certainly not to some of the good looking guys that I’ve seen. But I get by, I guess.

The coffee tasted very good. Smooth, and rich. Sipping it slowly was a luxury I had forgotten, or maybe it was just that the coffee here was very good. I soon felt the tension in my neck and shoulders fade away as I started to relax more and more. I was just looking around, at the people in the shop…as they came and left. Without quite realizing it my mug was soon empty, and I raised my hand to attract the waitress’ attention.

“Hi, again,” she said with that warm motherly tone of voice. “Would you like a refill? But, you’ll have to pay this time. It’s $1.50 a mug.”

“No problem,” I said as I smiled at her. “I think I can afford that.”

“You seem to be feeling better, sir,” she grinned, as she filled my mug. She came back a few moments later, after returning the pot of coffee to the collection of pots in the corner. “Listen,” she said. “I’ve got a free ear if you need it.”

I suppose, looking back, I should have been surprised at that statement, but I wasn’t. I soon found myself talking to her, about me, and my life and my troubles. Sort of like pouring out your guts to your favorite bartender. Understand that I am a very private person, and I don’t tell my secrets or problems to anyone. Well, I have to be private. I’m gay, and still in the closet. Sure, there are many guys out there who have come out successfully, but I haven’t done that yet. So, as you might imagine, I have a lot of suppressed feelings and desires that I have to keep under careful control all the time. Is it any wonder I’m tense a lot?

I won’t bore you with the details, except to say that this motherly waitress soon knew all about me…my being gay, my having a crush on my boss, and my fantasies about him. It was odd, as if spilling my guts to a total stranger was not odd enough, that as I was spilling my guts, she would just stand there and listen. Every now and then when someone would come near or she would have to leave me for a moment, she would touch my forehead and say “pause,” and my mouth and tongue would freeze. When she came back a few minutes later, she’d touch my forehead again and say “continue,” and I’d pick up right at the syllable where I left off. After this happened four or five times, it finally dawned on me that there must have been something in the coffee. (Okay, so Sherlock Homes I’m not.) I knew that I hadn’t been hypnotized, but I had been drugged, and that drug was preventing me from feeling scared or frightened or even angry. I would have felt that way, if I had been in my right mind.

I finished my tale of troubles and woes about two cups of coffee later. The waitress just looked at me for a while. She didn’t say anything, but a tear started to roll down her right cheek, and I heard a soft sob escape her lips. I knew that I should just get up and leave. After all I’d paid for the coffee, and I’d just told a complete stranger all my innermost secrets, but I couldn’t leave. I could not stand up and walk out the door. I just couldn’t. I didn’t feel compelled to stay, and I knew that I didn’t need her permission or anything. Whatever hold she had on me earlier had faded away and I KNEW that if I started to leave, she wouldn’t even try to stop me. Something inside, some part of me felt that I should stay and listen to her. So I gently reached up with the napkin and wiped away the tear from her cheek, and then sat back down and waited for her to say something.

“You poor man,” she said. “It’s not fair that someone as kind and sweet as you should go through life with such burdens, and worries. You deserve better. You deserve a chance at some joy and happiness. There is much you can do to make this a more wonderful world, if you were just given the chance.”

“Lady,” I said, trying to bring the conversation back to earth, and to keep from losing my temper. “Just what the hell are you talking about, and what did you do to me? What was that drug you put into my coffee?”

“Paul,” she said. “You did not leave now, when you knew you were able to, when you knew you had the chance. You chose to stay, and perform a small act of kindness for someone who you felt has just abused and humiliated you, and in public no less. Why do you think that is?”

“Probably,” I said with disgust and anger clearly in my voice. “Because I’m stupid. I also want to know exactly what you did to me, and why.”

“No,” she said with a small smile. “Deep down you have a compassionate and caring heart. It is just in your nature to want to try and help people, even if it seems to you that you always lose in the end. That quality is very rare, and very precious. I think you may be the person I’ve been hoping would come in here someday.” With that, she touched my forehead again, and I suddenly could not move a muscle! I was paralyzed, and scared to death!

“Paul,” she said as she smiled at me. “Come with me to the back room.. We need to talk..”

And like one of those hypnotized zombies, or slaves you see on an old TV show, I found myself standing up, and walking with her to the back room. My face a mask of terror, and my guts turned to water. My GOD! Why didn’t I leave when I had the chance? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Is all I could chant in my mind as I followed her like a good little slave, into the back room. Once there, I sat down in an ordinary chair, and waited. And waited. And waited. In darkness, and in terror.

Chapter 2: The Gift

Suddenly, my world exploded in bright light. After blinking a few times (I could still do that apparently), my eyes adjusted to the light and I saw the ‘waitress’ in front of me again.

“Paul, I know you are scared, and for that I am truly sorry,” she said. “But you would not have stayed of your own free will, for the entire explanation. No harm will come to you, that I promise. Actually, I am going to make it possible for you to help yourself and a lot of other people at the same time. You have within you a power, that you can develop and control for the benefit of your life and the lives of others. I can teach you how to do this, but it must be your decision.”

She stopped talking and looked at me, then, and sighed. She knew that if I had been able, I would have either run from that place and NEVER come back, or tried to kill her. I’m not sure myself what I would have done. So much, I thought, for being a “kind and sweet person.”

“To begin with,” she said. “Yes I did drug your coffee, but only the first cup. It is a drug that affects only those few types of people who have the ‘spark’ within themselves. This is how I was able to confirm that you have the power, even though it is dormant. I felt something special as soon as you walked through the door. I felt a resonance of my power with yours, but it was very faint. I had to give you the drug to be sure.”

“The drug is, well, hard to explain. It opened up your mind and soul to me…and because we resonated, you were able to confide all your secrets to me…and were unable to lie. So, I know all about you, as is necessary if I am to help you develop your power.”

“For example, I know that you have a crush on your boss at work, and have fantasized about hypnotizing him into doing a strip show for you.” (At that I blushed so hard I though my head would explode. She DID know everything about me. I shuddered uncontrollably.) “I also know that there are a couple of good looking firemen at the fire station in your neighborhood that you’ve had your eyes on too. All you’d like to do is to see them slide down a fire pole, naked.” (Another blush, even brighter than before if that was possible.)

“I can make all this happen for you. I can teach you how to do this, but only if you want to learn. I know that you don’t believe me. I am going to give you a small sample of what your power could be, and allow you to use it just once, and only on one person…one man.”

With that, she took my hand in hers, and looked deep into my eyes. I tried to close my eyes, or to look away, but I could not. I was compelled to look deep into her eyes. I felt my body start to float, and my mind begin to cloud. Vaguely, I heard some distant voice telling me things. Things that I knew to be real, but that I simply could not remember clearly.


I blinked my eyes open, and there stood the waitress bending over me and putting a cool wet cloth to my forehead. I was lying on the counter in the coffee shop, and my head ached a bit.

“Wha… what happened.?” I mumbled.

“You okay now, honey?” The waitress asked with big concerned eyes. “You suddenly fainted or something, and hit your head on the side of the counter. You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks,” I muttered. “Guess I’m not eating right.” Well, that certainly would explain the ache in my head, I thought. All I want is to go home and crawl into bed.

“Listen, honey,” the waitress called as I left the shop, walking without too much difficulty. “You go home, go to bed and get some rest. Come back when you want another coffee.”

“Kind of a strange thing to say,” I thought to myself…but I was more concerned about getting home and resting.

I spend the rest of Saturday, and most of Sunday in bed. I was just so damn tired that I couldn’t DO anything. Come Monday morning I was my old self and ready to face another work week. My head was much better, and I felt better than I had in a long time.

The workday was uneventful. Nothing at all unusual happened, and for some reason I kept expecting something to. I smiled at my boss just like I always do, and he greeted me warmly just as he always does. Little does he know how much I long to see him out of that double breasted suit, preferably at my apartment. But that’s what dreams are made of, I thought, sighing quietly to myself.

Just at quitting time, my boss called me into his office. My first thought was, great, more work to do. I could not have been more wrong. Upon arriving in his office, I noticed that there was a young police officer sitting across from my boss chatting with him. Well, there’s my ‘unusual thing,’ I thought to myself.

“Ah, Paul,” my boss grinned at me. “You’re here. I’d like you to meet the son of a friend of mine. This is Officer Steven Stokes. I’ve been telling him about the success you’ve had with hypnosis here in the office and some of the good it’s done for stress among some of our workers. Steven, here would like to reduce his stress level, and I though maybe you could help him.”

It was true. I had hypnotized a lot of my coworkers, male and female….but always in groups. Never alone. I didn’t want to tempt myself or torture myself with something that I knew I’d never be able to have. It was no surprise to you, I’m sure, that my boss Phil, was one of the few people in our department that I had not hypnotized at least once, at one time or another. He always joked about it, when I asked him why he did not want to go under, by saying something like he had to keep an objective view of everyone including me, and besides it wasn’t going to get me a raise anyway.

“Sure, no problem, Phil,” I said to my boss. “I’d be more than happy to help out..” I am not sure exactly how I did it, but I managed to walk over to Officer Stokes and shake his hand without stuttering a hello or drooling. This Officer Stokes had to be at least 6 feet tall, and maybe 200 pounds. He was built like a brick blockhouse, with well muscled arms, and legs, a beautiful torso and clean cut almost chiseled features. Add to that short cropped brown hair, and deep olive green eyes that made you want to dive into them, and a smile that could have melted the north polar ice cap. And a gold ring on his left middle finger. DAMN!!!

Concealing my disappointment at finding him ‘off limits’, I asked him, “Officer, when would be a good time for you?” “Tonight would not be too soon for me,” I thought silently to myself as I looked directly into his eyes.

(ping) “Funny, though, I thought I heard a bell or something ring very softly in my ears,” I thought to myself. “Guess I must be working too hard.”

“Please, call me Steve,” he replied. “And would tonight be too soon?”

“Not at all. Here I’ll just give you my address and you can drop by after work,” I said, concealing my delight at this unexpected turn of events.

“My shift ends at 7:30 PM tonight. I’ll go home, change, grab a bite, and be at your place by, say 8:30? Okay?” Steven asked me.

“Sure. Sounds good.” I replied. Of course, what I was thinking to myself, as I stared into those deep olive green limpid pools that were his eyes was, “Don’t bother to change. I want to hypnotize you in your uniform, and cuff you too.”

(ping) There it is again. I must not be getting enough sleep.

Officer Stokes looked at me for a few seconds, as though having second thoughts. “Listen,” he said. “Just so that we have a bit more time, in case this takes longer than you think it might, I’d like to drop by your apartment, right after work. I’ll grab something on the way over. So I’ll see you at maybe 8 PM then?”

“Sure. That’s fine too,” I replied. A chill went down my back though. This was just a bit too much of a coincidence for me. But, I had made an appointment and I intended to keep it. Besides at the very least, I’d get to hypnotize a good looking guy and cop to boot. Funny, but that had always been a fantasy of mine. My last thoughts of Steve, as I caught his eyes while saying goodbye to him as he left the room were that I’d like it better if he did shower and put on a new uniform before he came over. (ping) “Great. There it is again. Maybe if I take some aspirin, it’ll go away before my evening with Steve starts.”


He was late. It was already 8:15 PM and no sign of Officer Steven Stokes. Sighing to myself, I finally accepted the fact that I’d been ‘stood up’ and went to the kitchen to drown my disappointments in a hot cup of tea. A couple of minutes before 8:30 PM my doorbell rang. I tried not to run to the door like some hormone deranged teenager, but I couldn’t help myself. Even if all I was going to do was to hypnotize this hunk of a cop, so that he could get rid of some of his stress, it was still very exciting. I’d wanted to do this for years, and never dared to hope I’d ever get a chance. And here it was being offered to me on a silver platter. My boss, Phil, didn’t know it, but I owed him one for this. Big Time. I had to take a couple of deep relaxing breaths, to calm my trembling arms before I could open the door.

The door opened and there stood Officer Steven Stokes. Still in his uniform, and looking, if possible, even better than when I’d seen him just a few hours ago. In fact, his uniform looked freshly pressed and very smart.

“Hi,” he said. “Sorry to be late, but I wanted to shower and put on a clean uniform before I came over. Hope you don’t mind.”

“That’s a bit weird,” I thought to myself. “Why didn’t he just change into some casual clothes since he obviously went home instead of coming here directly from work?” But I smiled at him and said, “It’s okay. I was beginning to wonder though, if you were going to show up at all. I am glad that you did decide to stop by. Do come in and sit down. Please, make yourself comfortable in the living room.”

Steven just smiled at me with that killer smile, as he walked into the living room, sat down on the sofa, and made himself comfortable. “Is it okay if I keep my shoes & hat on?” He asked. “For some reason I just feel better leaving them on.”

“Sure, whatever you like,” I said. “I like you better that way anyway,” I thought to myself. “All dressed for work and ready to go under.” I only hoped that my jeans were loose enough that my reaction to this hunk was not apparent to him. It shouldn’t be. I’ve had lots of practice (a lifetime, it seems), of keeping myself in control.

“That’s good,” Steven said. “Because I’d like you to do something for me before we start.”

“And what would that be, pray tell?” I joked and grinned. “Write you a ticket for being late?”

“Not quite,” Steve replied. “I’d like you to cuff me before we start. I’m kind of strong and I wouldn’t want to accidentally hit you with an arm if something goes wrong. No offense Paul, but I am far stronger than you are, and if something does go wrong I might accidentally hurt you.”

“You’re joking, right?” I asked, after I picked my jaw up off the floor. “This isn’t the normal way to start a hypnosis session, Steve. I’m not into the S&M stuff, and I don’t use hypnosis for that sort of thing. I’m not trying to control you or anything like that.”

“No, I’m serious,” Steven said. “I’ve hurt guys with just one hit from these arms of mine, and I don’t want to take that chance with you. I know a little something about hypnosis, and I know you can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do. I just want to be sure that YOU don’t get hurt.”

I just stared at him for a few seconds. We had just moved from strange to weird, bypassed bizarre, and gone straight into the Twilight Zone. “Well, give me a couple of minutes to think about this first, okay?” I asked him, with a puzzled expression on my face.

“Sure. Let me know what you decide,” Steve replied, as he moved around on the sofa and made himself more comfortable waiting for my decision.

This was not like ANY other hypnosis session that I had ever started in all my years of hypnotizing people. Something was very, very different about it, but I couldn’t seem to put my finger on it. I knew that until I figured this out, I wasn’t going to go on with this, in spite of my promise. I absently looked right into Steve’s eyes and thought to myself, “I hope he walks around the room while he’s waiting for my answer. I’d love to see how he moves.” (ping)

“I’m going to take a walk around while I’m waiting, if you don’t mind, okay?” Steve suddenly said as he stood up and started moving around the living room, looking at the books on the shelves, and at the furniture.

“Fine, take your time,” I said, and watched him walking around for a few seconds. I finally knew what ‘poetry in motion’ meant. He was graceful, and controlled. The uniform must have been tailored to fit him. It could not have been off the rack. A light blue short sleeved shirt, which emphasized his muscular arms, and dark blue pants with a red stripe down the outside seam of each leg. The pants seemed only to hint at what they might be concealing, although one thing was for sure…Steve had a wonderful butt. A black leather gun belt, with the expected assorted tools of the police officer, black polished shoes, a dark blue standard police officer’s hat and a dark navy blue plain tie, with a simple silver tie clip completed the outfit.

I turned away from Steve and looked at my right foot. It was no where near as pleasant to gaze upon, but at least I could now focus my attention on the problem at hand. It did not take too long, only a few seconds for me to work out what that mysterious something was. For some reason, unknown to me at present, Steve was obeying my suggestions, even though I had not spoken them out loud. I knew he was not hypnotized, as we had not started yet. “Look at the facts,” I thought to myself. “He’s wearing a new uniform, and he showered before he came over here. He wants to try this tonight, and he even wants to be cuffed.” All ideas that I’d had when I was talking with Steve. And now that I thought about it, all ideas where two things always seemed to occur. First I was looking directly into his eyes at the time, and second, I heard that ‘ping.’

Deciding to test my theory, I looked at Steve, while his back was to me, (he was looking at some books in the bookshelf). I concentrated and thought to myself, “I want him to bend over and touch his toes.” I waited. Nothing. A full 30 seconds, and still nothing.

“Steve,” I called.

“Yes?” Steve replied as he turned around and looked at me.

I caught his eyes in an instant and thought at him “Steve, turn around, bend down and touch your toes. Then stand up and turn back to face me. Remember nothing of this when you are done.” It was a pretty big ‘command,’ but I reasoned it was the only real way to be sure. (ping ping ping )

Steve blinked a couple of times, and then proceeded to do just as I had silently suggested. He turned around, bent over at the waist and touched his toes, providing me with a wonderful view of his butt in those uniform pants. (Okay, so I took a tiny liberty in trying this out. Can you blame me? I’m only human, and Steve does have a nice ass.) Then he stood up again, turned back around, and looked at me. Blinking his eyes a couple of times he then said, “So what have you decided, Paul?” There appeared to be no indication of what he had just done and no apparent memory of having done it.

“Well,” I replied. “It is a bit unusual, but if it makes you feel better, we can try the induction with you cuffed. I would like to talk with you a bit before we actually start though.”

“Sure,” Steve replied as he walked over to the couch and sat down. (“Definitely poetry in motion,” I thought.) In a smooth practiced motion, he brought out his handcuffs and snapped one around his left wrist. “You can do the other one when you’re ready to start,” he said.

I walked over and sat down next to Steve, to the left of him. I made sure he was comfortable, and snapped the other cuff on his right wrist. Then I said to him, “Steve, I’d like to check out your eyes and make sure that you’re okay. So just give me a second, will you?”

As Steve looked into my eyes and said, “‘Fine,” I gazed deep into his and thought quickly at him. “Steve, I am going to hypnotize you now, but without any words being spoken. I am going to use your badge to do it. I will take your badge and hold it near the lamp so that it catches and flashes the light at you and into your eyes. With each flash, each time I move the badge, your eyes will begin to tire. As they do, so will you body and your mind, at the same time. As you feel yourself getting tired and sleepy, you’ll start to count backward from ten to zero in your mind, and when you reach zero, you’ll feel yourself let go and drift into a deep, deep sleep. You eyes will close, your head will nod forward and your whole body will go limp and be very comfortable.”

(PING! PING! PING! PING! PING! PING! PING! PING! PONG!) Ouch! That last one hurt! I winced in pain for a moment, then the pain passed.

“You okay, Paul?” Steve asked noticing my pain.

“Just a bit of a headache,” I lied. “It’ll go away in a second.” Fortunately it did. The pain was intense but very brief. “Mind if I take a look at your badge before we start?” I asked him.

“Sure, but let’s get on with this soon. Okay?” Steve replied. He was getting impatient.

I reached over and removed his badge from his shirt and then held it near the lamp as if I were examining it in great detail. Holding it between my fingers, I slowly spun it around and around, making sure that it caught and flashed the lamplight towards Steve.

“Hey, it’s just an ordinary, badge,” Steve snickered. “Why are you so interested in it?”

I said nothing. I continued to spin the badge slowly between my fingers, letting the light flash towards Steve. I acted as if I was ignoring Steve as the badge continued to flash light at him.

“You know, this is starting to become kind of boring and a big disappointment,” Steve said to me. I turned to look at him and noticed that his eyes were locked on the badge, following it around whenever I moved it. He was blinking his eyes very frequently. As I watched, I could see him mouth the word ‘five’ as he continued to stare at the badge I was holding up in front of him.

“Look…..when…..are…….you….going……..try……and…. hypnotize….me?” Steve said, slowly with long pauses between the words. He mouthed the word ‘one’ after he finished the sentence. “I…..really….do…want…….go….und……”

At that moment Steve’s eyes closed, and his head dropped forward. A deep sigh escaped his lips, as his entire body went limp and he toppled over onto his left side, and his head wound up in my lap.

“Deep sleep now, Steve. Feel yourself going even deeper now,” I said to him as he lay there. I could see his beautiful body becoming even more relaxed as he sighed a few more times, and smiled. Content to just lie there in bliss. As for me, I was in heaven. The only question was, what do I do now?

Chapter 3 Steve.

To say that there was a war going on inside me about what to do with Steve would be wrong. I knew that as much as I might want to, I would not and just could not take advantage of him like this. True he was hypnotized, and true it was probably not normal hypnosis, but still, it would have been wrong.

“Steve, tell me how you feel right now,” I told him.

“Warm. Safe. Relaxed. Comfortable. Obedient. Docile. Submissive, Sir.” Steve replied in that deep sexy baritone voice of his.

“Steve, why did you call me ‘sir’?” I asked him.

“I want to, Sir. Want to serve you, Sir. Want to please you, Sir.” Steve replied and the smile on his face grew bigger as he nodded his head slowly with each ‘sir’.

“Okay,” I thought to myself. “We are definitely back in the Twilight Zone. I NEVER made any hint of those suggestions to him now, or even when I first met him. Just what IS going on here? He’s not just hypnotized….he’s somehow super-hypnotized, if that is even possible.”

“Steve,” I said out loud to him. “Please tell me why you wanted me to hypnotize you, originally, and what you want to do now, and why.”

“Wanted to relax more, Sir. Wanted to know what it was like to be hypnotized, Sir. But didn’t really think you could do it, Sir. Been tried before many times and never worked, Sir. But this time, could feel myself slipping down and into a wonderful state, Sir. I knew it had to be you hypnotizing me, and I just wanted to keep going deeper, Sir. I love what you have done to me, Sir. I want to keep doing what you tell me, so I can continue to feel this way, Sir. Please, Sir, please. Please take me deeper, or let me serve you or help you so that I can continue to feel this way, Sir. Please, Sir, please.” Steve just lay there on the sofa with his head in my lap, breathing easily. He just nodded his head a lot and smiled as he lay there. I was sure he was repeating what he had just said to me, back to himself and enjoying it even more.

Surprised at hearing all this would not be the correct word. I was shocked. “Steve,” I asked. “Do you understand what you just said? Do you know what you just described yourself as?”

“Yes, Sir,” Steve replied calmly. “I want to serve you. I want to be your personal hypnotized slave policeman, if you will have me, Sir. If you do not want me, I will go away and never bother you again, Sir. To have served you now, just by answering your questions, Sir, is all the reward I need.” Steve continued to smile and sigh with pleasure.

“But why do you want to do this, Steve? Have you always wanted to be dominated or have you had a secret desire to be someone’s slave?” I asked in a puzzled voice. I knew that this just did not make sense.

“No, Sir,” Steve replied in that dreamily mellow tone of voice as he continued to smile. “Never wanted to ever be a slave to anyone before, Sir. But you are different, Sir. I can feel your power overcome me when you hypnotize me, Sir. Impossible to resist, and I do not even want to try to, Sir. Serving you like this is so wonderful, Sir. It is all I ever want to do, for as long as you want me to, Sir. I am yours, Sir. Body, soul and mind, Sir.”

“This evening is full of surprises, to say the least,” I thought to myself. “Here I’ve gotten more than I could ever have dreamed. A hunk of a cop, who is only too happy to act, no to BE, my willing slave. I’ve GOT to be careful with this.”

I then spoke quickly and quietly to Steve, telling him that any time I asked him to ‘write me up a ticket for hypnotizing a cop’, he would return to this state, immediately with his eyes closed and his head would nod forward, but he would not fall down, and that he would feel just as good, if not better, than he felt now. I also told him that when I counted from zero to five, he would wake up and be his normal self. I pushed Steve into a sitting position on the sofa and woke him up with the count.

“Hey, so when ARE you going to start, Paul?” Steve asked with a touch of a surprise in his voice.

“Steve, first tell me how you feel, and then take a look at the clock over there,” I replied.

“Well, I do feel kind of good. Great actually,” Steve replied. He turned his head to look at the wall clock. “Holy shit! What the….. 9PM! WOW!!! You really did put me under. This is great! I like this! Can we do it again?”

“Sure,” I replied. “Just as soon as you write me up a ticket for hypnotizing a cop.” With that Steve was back off in dreamland…sitting slumped on the sofa with an even bigger smile on his face.

I asked Steve where the keys to the handcuffs were, so that I could remove them. They would get in the way with what I planned to have Steve do next. After telling me that they were in the right front pocket of his pants, I told him to stand up so that I could reach into his pocket and obtain the key ring. He stood up and I walked over next to him. He smiled and even giggled a bit when my hand dove into the right front pocket of his pants to retrieve the key ring. I distinctly heard him mutter, “Nice. Very nice,” as my hand was feeling around in his pocket trying to find the key ring. (No. I was not trying to grope him. Listen, YOU try putting your hand in the front pocket of another guy’s pants and see how it easy it is to find anything. Well, other that THAT thing.) I finally fished the key ring out, and unlocked the cuffs. I then told Steve to open his eyes, put the cuffs and key ring back where they belonged, and then sit back down on the sofa and close his eyes. This he did quickly and easily.

“Steve, do you know you have a nice body?” I asked him.

“Yes, Sir, I know that. I hope it pleases you, Sir.”

“It does please me, Steve,” I said to him. (At this point I saw Steve smile that ‘killer smile’ he’d shown to me in Phil’s office, and nod his head a few times. The smile quickly faded into that pleasant grin.) “Steve would you mind or would your wife mind, if you were to show me your body?” I asked, trying to keep my breathing under control. I knew this was a key moment in determining how much true ‘control’ I had over Steve. .

“Not married, Sir. I would be only too happy to show you my body, Sir.”

“Why are you wearing a wedding ring then, Steve?” I asked, in a puzzled tone of voice.

“Keeps the women away from me, Sir. Don’t like women or girls, Sir. They just annoy me, Sir.”

“So, what DO you like, then Steve?” I asked trying to keep the tremor of excitement out of my voice. “This could not be happening.” I thought to myself. “This hunk of a cop could not be GAY, too. If he is, then I MUST be dreaming.” My cock was suddenly so hard, that I thought I would come right then, in my jeans.

“I….I…..I….don’t want to tell you, Sir. Please, Sir, please. Please, don’t make me tell you, Sir.” Steve’s voice had changed from that sexy deep baritone, to that of a small frighten child, and he was trembling….shaking with fear.

“Steve, stand up, raise your head and look at me,” I said in a commanding tone of voice.

“Yes, Sir,” Steve squeaked, as he stood up, lifted his head, opened his eyes, and turned to look a me.


There he stood, trembling, actually shaking with fear. His eyes were wide with it, and tears flowed out from them onto his cheeks, like rain in a sudden summer shower. My stomach turned to ice, in a heartbeat. My once hard hot cock had become as limp and weak as overcooked spaghetti. Dear Lord, what had I done? I had taken a strong secure man, and with only a few simple questions and commands, turned him into a frighten cowering child, paralyzed with fear. I had encountered subjects before who became frightened or reluctant when asked about things they considered private, but nothing like this. Steve was beyond that, well beyond it. At that moment, I understood that however much he did not want to answer that question, he would, if I asked him again. Definitely, this was something way beyond mere hypnosis. Steve appeared to be completely under my control and will. He could think for himself, but would always obey me, and do what I said, no matter how much he might not want to.

I suddenly had a bad taste in my mouth, and felt twenty feet lower than a snake’s navel. It hit me then, like a sledgehammer between my eyes, and completely by surprise. An intense fear, a terror, and yet a profound devotion all mixed together. I couldn’t seem to think straight for a few moments. I hung my head down between my legs as I took a few deep breaths, and absently told Steve to sit back on the sofa, relax and go a bit deeper. Immediately, I felt better. The terror and fear faded away, leaving nothing. I looked up to see Steve sitting back on the sofa, relaxed, and smiling just a tiny bit. He wasn’t crying anymore or trembling with fear.

I’ve watched enough Star Trek: The Next Generation back when it was on television, to know an empathic episode when I see one. Only this one was for real. All the terror and fear that Steve had felt when I asked him that question had somehow entered my mind, and I was feeling what he was feeling, or what he had been feeling. I tried to clear my mind as best I could and see what other ‘signals’ I could pick up from him. I was not successful. If he was feeling any positive feelings, I could not sense it.

I was even less sure of just what ‘power’ it was that I had over Steve and how it worked, than I had been before. I would have to go slowly and carefully with him, but I had to know if he was gay. Okay, I didn’t HAVE to know, but I WANTED to know. It was important to me.

I sat down next to Steve on the couch, and just looked at him for a minute or so. He seemed to have returned to normal…or whatever normal was in this trance-like state. My heart went out to him. How I wanted to hold him and comfort him and make him feel better, if only to assuage the guilt that I felt in causing all this. I knew that if I did that, it might only make things worse. Still, there was another way. Less pleasant for me, but it might help Steve.

“Steve, open your eyes and look at me, please,” I said.

“Yes, Sir.” He replied, as he opened his eyes and looked at me.

“Steve, do you like me?” I asked.

“Oh, yes, Sir. A lot, Sir.”

“Do you want to serve me?” I continued.

“Oh, yes, Sir. More than anything, Sir.”

“Steve, do you trust me?” I asked.

“Yes, Sir. With my life, Sir.”

“Steve, I am going to tell you a secret about me, to show you how much I trust you. Do you understand?” I asked.

“Of course, Sir. I am yours, Sir. Mind, body and soul, Sir. I could never hurt or cause you hurt, Sir. If I ever did that, you would send me away, and then I could not serve you, Sir.”

(Looking back, at that moment in time, I don’t know who might have been more worried about what came next, me, or Steve. I wasn’t 100% sure, but I believed that anything I told Steve I could make him forget, if it became necessary. So, there wasn’t much risk to him or to me. Still, this was a huge and difficult step for me.)

In as calm a voice as I was able, I said to him, “Steve, I do not like women or girls. I like men. I especially like muscular men like you. Steve, I am gay.”

His jaw dropped, and he just looked at me for a few moments. He stared so long at me…and into my eyes, that I thought maybe he had slipped down very, very deep so as to avoid this shocking bit of news.

All I can remember of the next few minutes is being swept off my feet as Steve grabbed me in a huge bear hug, and proceeded to carry me around the room, hugging me and kissing me and laughing. There were tears streaming down his cheeks again, but the full rich baritone of his voice conveyed limitless joy, not sorrow or fear. To this day, I am still not sure how he managed to avoid breaking any of the lamps, or me for that matter.

After what seemed like hours, he finally gently placed me on the sofa and sat down next to me. His face was aglow with joy and happiness. He swallowed a few times, and cleared his throat before he spoke.

“Oh, Sir! I’m so very happy to know you are gay! So am I! I was so afraid that if you knew I was gay, you would send me away, forever. I…..I….I…..I love you, Sir.” With a huge sob, his big beautiful body began to shake again, as he started to cry uncontrollably.

I reached out and drew him close to me. I held him. I kissed him, and softly stroked his hair. Without needing to be told, his big strong arms enfolded me in their embrace as he took me gently into his arms and hugged me close. He gently kissed my face every now and then, as his sobs slowly subsided.

“It’s all right, Steve. I’m here.” I whispered in his ear. “You’re safe with me. It’s okay for you to love me, Steve. I care for you too, very much. I do not know if I love you yet, but we have time. Steve, I won’t ever send you away.”

With that last sentence, he pushed me away gently, turned my face to force me to look him straight in the eyes and said, “A slave is never worthy of his master’s love. But perhaps someday, if I serve you well enough, I will have some small place in your heart. Until that day, I vow to serve you faithfully and completely. For I truly am yours, mind, body and soul, Sir.”

This huge bear of a man, proceeded to kneel down in front of me and bow his head before me. There he stayed patiently awaiting whatever I might ask of him, much like an obedient dog lies by his master. I do not know if you can imagine, or even believe, the situation. Here is this large strong muscular hunk of a policeman, who could easily overpower me, kneeling before me, just waiting. I knew that I could have done anything, even raped him, and he would not have cared. His devotion to me was total, complete and absolute.. I could have ordered him to rob a bank for me, and I knew, (I do not know how I knew this but I DID know it) he would do so without question. My spine turned to ice, as the realization came to me that Steve would even kill someone, if I told him to.

“Steve” I said, as I stood up. “Lie down on the sofa, close your eyes and go even deeper asleep. Just enjoy yourself for the next few minutes.”

“Yes, Sir.” Steve replied calmly and carried out my instructions.

I looked at the clock. Only 9:30 PM. “Well,” I thought to myself. “Looks like I’ve got some decisions to make. Steve’s not kidding about all of this. What have I gotten myself into now? And more importantly, what do I do about it?”

Chapter 4 Decisions, decisions.

I knew I had some time to try and think about all this. About what had happened, and what to do about it. One thing I was certain of though, Steve was my slave….by his choice not mine. All I could do was send him away….and break his heart, and probably screw up his life in the process. All those masters in the hypnosis stories I’d ever read on the world wide web, never seemed to have problems like this. Of course that was fantasy, and this was reality, and a fat lot of good these thoughts were doing me.

I looked at the clock, 9:45 PM. Great, just great. Fifteen minutes had gone by and I was no nearer to a solution. My thoughts were running around in circles and going nowhere fast. “Okay, bright boy” I thought to myself. “Stick with what you know works. Treat this like any other hypnosis session where the guy says he wants to be your slave. Maybe that will work..” I had encountered a couple of guys, good looking ones too, who turned out to have a ‘need’ to be dominated and enslaved. Literally. I won’t tell you what they wanted to do, though. Let’s just say it went WAY beyond the line with me. I broke off all contact with them, and removed all post-hypnotic suggestions from them, with one exception. I told them they could never contact me, until I gave them express permission. Well, here goes.

“Steve,” I asked. “Are you in the closet? And do you want to stay there?”

“Yes, Sir.” He replied in that sexy baritone voice. “I might lose my job and friends on the force if I don’t stay in the closet, Sir.”

Well, this was better than I hoped. I had some room to maneuver now.

“Steve,” I told him. “I am in the closet too. And like you I have to stay there. So, our relationships both gay, and master and slave, must stay in the closet too. The only time you may acknowledge that you are my slave, that I am your master, and that I am gay and that you are gay, is when we are alone and I hypnotize you. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. I must protect you from harm, Sir.” Steve replied.

“Steve, as for your other gay relationships, that is for you to work out. You, not I, must decide if you wish to continue them. If you do NOT, then you must break them off without arising any suspicion. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” Steve answered immediately. “It is not a problem, Sir. I don’t have a boyfriend, steady or otherwise, Sir.”

“Looks like there are more surprises in store yet, this evening,” I thought to myself. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” I sighed softly to myself.

“Good to hear that, Steve,” I replied. “Now when you are not hypnotized by me, we are just casual friends who know each other through Phil. Sometimes you might come over for a normal hypnosis session to relive your stress, if you ever feel like it. Other times, I may want you to come over for other reasons. However, I will always check with you if this is a good time or not, before I hypnotize you…even if it is over the phone. Do you understand all this?”

“Yes, Sir,” replied Steve. “It is very kind of you to look out for me like this, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

“One last thing, Steve,” I said to him. “Your professional and private life remains unchanged in spite of this new relationship of ours. You and I will fit in time for ourselves around our normal lives. It may not be easy, but we will manage to do it because nether one of us wants to be discovered, do we?”

“NO, SIR!” Steve barked out. “I will be very careful, Sir. I do not want to harm or hurt you, Sir. I love you, Sir.”

“Steve, you don’t remember what happens at all when I hypnotize you, do you?” I asked him.

“No, Sir. I do not, Sir.”

“And for your sake and for mine, it is going to stay that way,” I told him. “You only remember in hypnosis what I tell you to remember. Whatever that is, plus the trigger phrase.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

A part of me cried that Steve would not remember his love for me except when I hypnotized him, but I knew it was for the best. Until I knew more about my abilities, it was best to keep things simple. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t still have some fun tonight. I looked at the clock. 10:00 PM. Good. Still enough time for a bit of fun.

I counted him out.

“Hi, Paul,” he said. Then noticed he was lying on the sofa. “What the heck am I doing here? The last thing I remember was sitting on the sofa, in handcuffs. You put me back under, didn’t you? You must have, I feel great.”

“Yup.” I replied. “You got it on the first try.”

“Well”, he said after looking at the wall clock., and sitting up on the sofa. “I guess I should be going soon. But we still have a little time if you want to talk for a while, say a half hour or so.”

“Actually, Steve,” I replied. “I was thinking of having some harmless fun with you, while I have the chance. You’re such a natural and deep subject.”

“Well, I don’t know, Paul,” Steve said looking at me square in the eyes, and smilling that killer smile of his. “You and I both know that I won’t do anything I don’t want to. So, I’m afraid a strip tease is out of the question,” he laughed.

“Why don’t we discuss that after you write me up a ticket for hypnotizing a cop, Steve?” I asked with a wicked grin on my face and wink of my eye.

Steve’s eyes blinked three or four times, then closed, his head nodded forward, and he sighed as he started to smile. I think he was looking forward to some fun as much as I was.

Chapter 5 Time for Some Fun.

There were so many possibilities, that I wasn’t sure where to begin. True, sex was out of the question, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have him jack off for me, and give him the pleasure of an orgasm. Damn it! I was getting close to one myself as I thought about it. Best to start slow and easy, though, and relish the moments.

“Steve, open your eyes and stand up.” I said.

“Yes, Sir.” He replied as his eyes popped open and he stood up, in a fluid motion.

“Steve, When I tell you to, I want you to put on your hat, put your badge back on, and then I want you to do a police ‘pat search’ of me for any objects. While you are doing that, you’ll find that it turns you on just a bit, and that you’d like to have me do that to you, when you are done doing me.”

“Yes, Sir. I like that idea, Sir.” He replied with shining eyes, looking at me.

“Let’s start then, Steve.” I said with a wink of my eye.

“Oh, yes, Sir!” Steve replied joyously. As he bent over and picked up his hat from the floor where it had fallen earlier, and put it on. (My cock saluted him.) He picked up his badge from the coffee table and replaced it on his uniform, then he reached over and grabbed my arm hard and pulled me (with little resistance, if any, I might add) over to the wall where he made me ‘assume the position’, that suspects always assume on police shows; facing the wall with my arms up and over my head.

He started with my right foot and gently but firmly moved his hands over and across my foot feeling every inch of it and patting it to see if there was anything concealed. I couldn’t really see what he was doing, but I could sure feel it. I tried not to tremble when I thought of him searching my crotch. My breath was starting to come fast now. Steve was methodical, and efficient, as his searched first my right foot and leg up to the knee, and then searched my left foot and leg up to the knee. His hands were strong but very gentle as if he were afraid he would bruise me. Still his touch was warm and wonderful….all that I had ever dreamed it might be….and I still had my clothes on! He continued to search up my left leg to just below my crotch, and then switched over to the right leg and did it. The anticipation of him reaching forward and grabbing my now hard and throbbing cock, was sending waves of pleasure into my brain.

I was surprised then, when he suddenly put his hands on my head, and started to search there. In the same quick and methodical way he searched my head, arms, shoulders neck and chest, leaving only my butt and pelvic areas alone. For a second, I was not sure exactly what he was doing, until I realized that he was saving the best part of the search for last…..and my cock throbbed even harder as I started to sway gently back and forth with anticipation.

Without any warning he suddenly grabbed my ass and started to run his hands all over it. He wasn’t just searching for a concealed weapon, he was giving me a butt massage! He wasn’t deaf, so I know he heard me as I began to moan with pleasure and call out softly to him, “More….more…don’t stop.” He gently increased the pressure and push on my ass, with each and every stroke of his hands. I surrendered myself to the coming climax as I called out to him, “Oh, God, YES!. Oh keep doing it, Steve! Oh, I’m so close!” All at once his right hand reached out and spun me around to face him. In a heartbeat his right hand was down on my rock hard and hot cock and stroking it and grabbing it as best he could without opening my fly, while his left hand continued to massage my right buttock. This was every fantasy I’d ever had about a hunk cop, coming real at one time. I gave myself over to it, willingly and totally. I came. With the force of a thousand denied dreams, I came, and the ecstasy eclipsed everything. The hot liquid fire erupted into my shorts, as I threw myself forward at Steve. Effortlessly he caught my body as it suddenly sagged forward, and gently lowered me to the floor with all the care and compassion of a mother putting her baby down for a nap. I was totally drained.

I opened my eyes to find myself sitting in the chair by the sofa, with Steve watching me like a hawk, the concern and worry on his face only starting to fade as I smiled at him. “WOW!” I said. “What do you do for an encore?”

“Whatever you want, Sir,” he replied, with obvious relief. He was sitting on the sofa next to me. “I was worried that I might have hurt you, Sir.”

“No,” I said, smiling at him easily now as my strength started to return. “It was such a rush and joy and so much more than I could have hoped for. I guess I shouldn’t have skipped supper tonight.” I looked at him sitting there beside me and my hands and arms ached to caress that body, but I was just too damn tired. Still there was one more thing that I did have the energy for, and after looking at the wall clock, I knew there was still enough time for it.

“Steve,” I said as I looked at his handsome face. “I’m sorry but I’m too tired to do the police ‘pat search’ of you that I mentioned. So I’d like you to do something for me, instead. Strip for me. Give me the best male stripper show in the world. Do your best to turn me on, and to show off that incredible body of yours to me. And as you remove each piece of clothing, you’ll get more and more turned on. Once you’re dancing naked in front of me, Steve, you’ll start to stroke your long hard hot cock. As you do, you’ll get closer and closer to an orgasm, and when you do cum, Steve, you’ll hold your cock against your stomach and cum all over yourself. The pleasure will be incredible.”

“Right away, Sir!” Steve replied as he frantically scrambled off the sofa to go and stand a few feet in front of me and await my signal to begin. I nodded my head and smiled at him.

I suppose that if there had been some music playing on the stereo, the show would have been even better, but frankly, I doubt it. Steve slowly started to sway his hips as he made eye contact with me and smiled that killer smile of his again. The motion was gentle and regular as he slowly started to walk around in front of me and show off his uniform, in a coy and almost teasing manner, spinning around every now and then so that I could see all of him. Standing right beside me, he slowly lowered himself into a swat, and sensuously ran the fingers of his right hand down the red stripe on the seam of his pants, all the way to the cuff. Then he surged up and turned his back to me, and started to gyrate his hips as he raised his arms to clasp his hands behind his head. He thrust his head back suddenly, and his hat came flying off to land in my lap.

Suddenly he turned around and kicked off his left shoe, quickly followed by his right shoe, in my general direction. His hands traced a slow and sensuous path from his neck and down his chest to his waist where they met at the buckle of his gun belt. As his lips were blowing kisses to me, his fingers undid the clasp and he wiggled his butt until the belt dropped to the carpeted floor with a soft thump. He dropped to the floor and rolled onto his left side, facing me. Looking straight at me he slowly brought his right foot to his left knee making sure to keep his legs spread wide so I could see the hard on that he was starting to develop. His hands walked down that heavenly chest of his, down past his waist, and did a brief walk on his now harder cock. He proceed to remove his right sock, pulling it off slowly while smiling that killer smile at me yet again. The left sock quickly followed, except that Steve rolled over onto his right side first with his back to me, while he slowly brought his left foot up to his right knee, which afforded me a wonderful view of his uniform pants tightly caressing his butt. (The man had imagination, you had to admit that.)

Pushing himself easily off the floor now, Steve, moved in front of me again and turned to face me. His hands moved to his tie bar and effortlessly undid it. He stroked his tie a few times holding it out away from his body, and letting it fall back against his wonderful chest. Slowly his hands traveled upward towards the knot. When they arrived there, Steve gently pulled his tie down in a sensuous, smooth and fluid motion until there was just enough room for him to reach up and undo the collar of his shirt. Glancing back at me, he reached up, pulled his tie out from under his shirt collar, and then pulled the tie down until it was no longer knotted. I didn’t think it was possible to be so turned on by watching a good looking guy undo his tie. Boy, was I wrong. My jeans were getting just a bit uncomfortable, but I was too engrossed in the show to really pay much attention to them. Steve moved over to one end of the living room, and looked around as if checking to see exactly where all the furniture was. “What is he up to?” I wondered to myself. He adjusted his tie again, making sure that it wasn’t caught up on any other part of his uniform. Then with just the briefest grin at me, he did a cartwheel right in front of me, and his tie fell to the floor near my feet. I was amazed to say the least. He was putting on one hell of a show, and he hadn’t even undone his pants yet! Walking slowly back from where his cartwheel had left him, his hands moved slowly but deliberately towards the topmost button of his light blue police shirt, the one below the collar button, and I stopped breathing as he slowly undid the rest of the buttons on his shirt, right down to his waist. Like something out of a Superman movie, Steve pulled open his shirt to reveal a white cotton T-shirt underneath. With a graceful and fluid motion, Steve pulled his shirt out from within his pants and slowly slipped it off his chest, and let it slide down his body to the carpet. He then proceeded to strut around the room for a few minutes being sure that I got a good view of every side of him. His hands were moving slowly across his body as he walked around, from his chest down to his mountain of a cock and from there to his beautiful bubble butt. The motion was continuous and completely natural. He looked as if he was enjoying himself immensely, almost as if he were caressing himself. In fact, I am sure that is exactly what he was doing.

In a surprising turn of events, he did not remove his pants next, but instead reached down inside them and began to pull out his white cotton T-shirt from within them. When he had the T-shirt out, he grabbed one side of the T-shirt with each hand and pulled it up and over his head, in a single motion. He swung it around his head for a second, sauntered over to me, tossed the T-shirt into my lap, and winked at me coyly. As he bent forward and gave me a brief but passionate kiss on the lips, I took advantage of the moment to run my hands through the thick mat of hair on his well muscled chest, and to feel his smooth strong skin beneath my fingers. How I would have loved to pillow my head on that chest, if only for five minutes.

He should have been ticketed as a ‘moving violation’ his ass was swinging back and forth so much as he casually strolled back in front of me. He knew my cock was rock hard again, and that I was enjoying this immensely. He ran his fingers up and down his fly so many times in the next few minutes, as he playfully unbuckled his belt and bucked it again, that I was tempted to tell him to drop his pants. Before I could though, he unzipped his fly, flipped open the belt buckle, and undid his pants. Then he wiggled his ass back and forth until his pants surrendered to the force of gravity and slid down off his hips and onto the carpet. There he stood for a second or two, before he stepped out of his pants and walked towards me. He stood in front of me, and winked at me as he took my hands and placed them on the elastic band of his boxers. No words were necessary. He placed his hands over mine and forced my hands down as he made me pull the last item of clothing off his body.

In the uniform he was gorgeous…naked…he was a work of art. Michaelangelo’s “David” come to life…and he had the rock hard cock to prove it. His body could have been sculpted by the artist himself it was so perfect. Evenly tanned, without any moles or blemishes, and smooth, except for that wonderful thick mat of hair on his chest, and the normal amounts of hair you’d expect to see on his legs, arms, armpits and elsewhere. No body shaving for this guy. Not an ounce of fat anywhere Everything in proportion, and I DO mean everything.

Steve had already grabbed his hot, hard and throbbing cock, which was at least eight inches long, and was stroking it for all he was worth. His eyes were closed in ecstasy as he moaned almost continuously, bringing himself closer and closer to climax. As big and strong as they might have been, even Steve’s hands could not contain the monster that lived between his legs. When he erupted, seconds later, and shot his load all over his washboard stomach and heavenly chest, his cries of ecstasy and delight were like hearing a foghorn go off in your ear. Good thing the apartments here were sound proofed. It was intense but brief, and so very soon Steve was standing there with his eyes open, looking at me, with his cum all over his chest and stomach. Never have I seen a man who looked as happy and content as he did at that moment. All he did was gently smile at me and mumble the words, “Thank you, Sir.”

I told him to go clean himself up in the bathroom, and then put on his socks and boxers and sit down on the sofa. What I really wanted was to have him spend the night, but I knew it was much too soon for anything like that. No, I did not want to have sex with him… just sleep with him. Just fall asleep with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me.

When Steve returned, I had already changed into another pair of jeans, since the first ones were kind of damp. (Okay, they were soaking wet and were getting a bit uncomfortable.) I took a deep breath and then counted him out.

“Hey, Paul,” Steve said as he blinked his eyes a few times, and looked at me. “You must have hypnotized me again, because I feel wonderful. Listen, what do I owe you for all this, anyway? There must be…HOLY SHIT! What the hell happened to me? What are my clothes doing over there? DAMN IT, PAUL!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME????”

“Nothing that you didn’t want to do, Steve,” I replied with a small smile on my face.

Steve looked at me…..and the anger in his eyes quickly faded, as he began to appreciate the joke. After all, he’d said earlier that I couldn’t make him do anything he didn’t want to do and that a strip tease was out of the question. Well, it appeared now as if that wasn’t the case.

“Steve,” I said as he gathered up his clothes and started to dress himself. “You’re a good looking guy, but I wouldn’t give up your day job for this.” I smiled at him to show that I was only joking.

Over a cup of herbal tea, I talked with Steve and told him all that I felt was safe for him to know, as to what happened while he was hypnotized. I did not tell him the truth, far from it in fact. Mostly, though because I did not know the truth myself. He accepted what I told him easily enough, but only because I suspect his subconscious was still accepting me as Steve’s master. I would have to think about all that had happened tonight, very carefully, and try to work things out. But, for right now Steve was safe, I was safe and we both had to go to work in the morning.

He left my apartment happy and content with his first session, and sure that he’d want another one again (but no stripping he made me promise). I wasn’t really sure of much right now, except that I was so tired from the night’s activities that I wouldn’t have any trouble falling asleep.

Chapter 6. Hit and Miss

The next few days at work were uneventful. Nothing at all out of the ordinary happened, which was probably just as well, since I was trying to figure out what exactly had gone on with Steve and myself. There were several things that just did not make any sense, no matter how I might look at them. Why did Steve so under so easily? Why did he want to be my slave? Why did he think that he was in love with me? These things just did not happen in a hypnosis session, no matter how willing the subject might be. There were other questions hanging around in the back of my head as well. How had I managed to ‘arrange’ to have Steve do what I secretly wanted him to, that is to come over on Monday night, and wear a new uniform, and let me handcuff him? All I did was think these thoughts at him and he acted upon them. No matter how I looked at it, it just did not seem to add up correctly.

I was startled out of my thoughts when I heard a voice suddenly say to me, “Starting your weekend a bit early, Paul?” It was my boss, Phil, who had somehow walked up to my desk and was standing behind me.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” I grinned at him. “I’ve just been thinking a bit.”

“Well, it’s only 10:30 in the morning, so could you try and put in a few hours work before lunch maybe?” He asked in a half joking tone of voice. That was the one thing about Phil that I always had a problem with. I could never be sure when he was, and was not joking. So, I always presumed that he was serious….it seemed safer that way. Besides, he had a valid point. My work had been off the last few days. I was more concerned about what happened with Steve and myself, than I’d admitted to myself.

So, with a slight bit of guilt, I set back to my work. I was so involved in what I was doing, that I was actually a bit surprised when the lunch hour arrived. I was sitting at my desk stretching and trying to get the kinks out of my shoulders and back when Phil walked up to me a few minutes after noon.

“Feeling more like your old self, Paul?” He asked.

“Yeah, guess I was just a bit under the weather the last few days,” I replied.

“Glad to hear it. I was getting a bit concerned about you. You haven’t been your normal energetic self the last few days,” Phil said.

“Not to worry,” I smiled at him. “I’m all better now.”

I guess I should explain at this point that Phil is a good looking guy, and I’ve had my eye on him for a long, long time. (Okay…I admit it. I have a crush on Phil, but he doesn’t know that.) Phil isn’t the muscle man than Steve is, but Phil is well built, handsome, and looks very good in a suit and tie. Many a time I’ve enjoyed looking at Phil when he takes his jacket off, which is not very often. Phil has a nice body, and a tight, smooth, well defined ass. Add that to a handsome face, with boyish good looks (and the man is at least 35), comprised of jet black hair, a full mustache, and clear smoke gray eyes, and I think you get the picture. But, Phil is married, and has been for at least seven years.

As Phil was looking directly into my eyes, I suddenly decided to try out my theory. I fixed my eyes on him and looked directly into his eyes and tried a simple and harmless command. “Remove your jacket.” Phil just looked at me and blinked a few times, but nothing happened. I tried the mental command again and tried to put more force, more effort into it. Phil just looked at me, and then turned his head as he noticed someone walking by.

“Listen, Paul,” he said as he turned and started to walk way. “I’ve got to go now. Have a good lunch.” And he was gone. So much for my theory. Whatever happened on Monday night was most definitely NOT happening now. I knew that what had happened with Steve and I was certainly NOT a dream, although now I was starting to have some doubts.

At about 3:00 PM, my office phone rang, which dragged me out of the contract that I’d been reading through. I picked up the receiver and absently answered it.

“Hello, Paul Walton speaking,” I answered.

“Hi Paul,” a rich baritone voice replied on the other end. “It’s Steve. Officer Steven Stokes. Remember me?”

“Why of course, Steve,” I replied, surprised that my voice wasn’t cracking with excitement. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” I asked.

“I was hoping that you might be free for dinner tonight, and maybe afterwards if you have time, I could have another session with you. It’s been a hard week and frankly I could use something to help me unwind.”

I was in heaven again, although I also felt the need to be cautious. I was not sure how much of Monday’s session Steve remembered. If my theory about the ‘super-hypnosis’ was correct Steve would not remember anything about becoming naked before me and jacking off, rather he would only remember that he ‘woke up’ in just his underwear and socks, and thought the whole thing a joke.

“So, just what did you have in mind, Steve?” I asked jokingly.

“Well, just a good meal at a nice restaurant, followed by a relaxation session with you. And nothing more,” Steve laughed. “If it is okay with you, I’ll pay for the meal. That way I’ll feel less like I’m getting something for free.”

“Okay, with me,” I replied. “Where and when?”

“Say 8 PM at the Copper Kettle? I know that is one of the more elegant restaurants in the city, but I sometimes like to dress up when I go out for a meal, and besides I want to pay your for the last session too.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you there,” I said with warmth in my voice. “I look forward to it. Bye for now.”

“Bye, Paul,” Steve said. There was a click at the other end of the line. I replaced the receiver and did some quick thinking. Steve seemed to be his normal self, and there wasn’t a hit of anything amiss, or the slightest indication that he remembered anything more that what I’d told him to remember. It was with a mixture of fear and anticipation that I looked forward to 8 PM. If nothing else, I’d have the chance to look at Steve for a while, even if he did have all his clothes on.


I was a few minutes early, and so I waited for Steve in the bar of the Copper Kettle. I was wearing one of my best suits. A light gray subtle pinstripe, two piece single breasted suit, with a plain red silk tie, matching red silk handkerchief in the breast pocket, and a plain white long sleeved shirt. Add to that a plain black belt and black polished shoes and you have an idea of what I looked like…..a banker or a lawyer. It was not that I considered this a ‘date’ with Steve, I just wanted to look my best. It was rare that I went out to dinner, and I liked to dress up when I did. It made me feel better about myself.

When Steve arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later, it was all I could do not to stare at him and drool. He looked great in his cop uniform….but in a suit and tie he could have been a professional male fashion model. He was wearing a dark olive green double breasted two piece suit, that must have been tailored to fit him. It emphasized the shape of his body, in all the right places. (And I DO mean ALL the right places.) I wasn’t the only person to think so. Several of the ladies in the bar (with or without male companions) turned to look at Steve and to ogle him. I could understand now why he wore the wedding ring. Accompanying the suit was a pale mint green long sleeved shirt that bordered on white, and a deep maroon tie. The man had style when it came to clothes, although how he managed to find a suit that exactly matched the color of his eyes is beyond me. Since Steve’ shoes were polished plain dark brown, almost a black, I was fairly certain that his belt was a similar shade of brown. Anything else would have marred that perfect picture of fashion and grace that waved at me, smiled, and walked over to me.

I won’t bore you with the details of the dinner, other than to say that the Copper Kettle lived up to its reputation for fine food and service. We enjoyed an excellent meal. It was relaxing and very pleasant. It was much less like a date and much more like two old friends getting together for some good food, some good conversation and a good time. I found out a lot about Steve, and he found out a lot about me. But never did the fact of our mutual homosexuality ever become a topic of discussion. It just never came up, which was not at all surprising since Steve only remembered those facts while he was hypnotized.

Later, alone with Steve in his car, I asked him if he wanted to have the session at his place or not. He insisted that we go to my place because it would be easier on him. He’d only have to drive home from my place, rather than drive me home from his place and then return home. I said that I’d be happy to take a cab home, but he insisted that we have the session in my apartment. After a bit of a discussion I agreed, but secretly I was more than happy to have the session at my place. I felt safer and more in control there.

Once we arrived at my apartment, I invited Steve in and we sat down at the dinning room table. I thanked him again for the meal, and said that whenever he was ready for his session we could begin. It was only 10:15 PM and it was a Friday night so we had lots of time. I fully intended to respect Steve’s wishes and only hypnotize him for relaxation and stress relief, but that isn’t what happened.

“Well, I’m ready to start, Paul,” Steve said as he made himself comfortable on the dinning room chair. “But remember, no stripping this time…you promised me that over dinner.”

“Yes, I know. You just have to ruin my fun, don’t you?” I replied jokingly. “Well, we can start as soon as you write me up a ticket for hypnotizing a cop.” And with that Steve’s beautiful eyes closed and his head dropped forward and down onto his chest. A smile came to his lips as he sat there in the chair, peaceful and at ease.

“Steve, what do you remember of your last few sessions with me?” I asked him.

“Everything, Sir. It al came flooding back to me when you hypnotized me, Sir. I love it when you hypnotize me, Sir. And I love you, Sir.”

“Very good,” I said to Steve. “Now just sit there and breath easily and deeply…and go even deeper. As you do, and you feel yourself going deeper and deeper, you will feel all the accumulated stress and problems of the last few days just drift out of your mind. So just enjoy yourself. Count silently to yourself backward from fifty to zero, and with each and every decending number you’ll feel yourself go even deeper as the stress and tension melt away from your body and your mind. You cannot slip, slide or fall out of the chair, though, no matter how relaxed you become. Start counting now, and when you reach zero, you can walk over to me. do up your jacket, and kneel down in front of me…and tell me most what you want to do.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Steve replied.

I could see his breathing change, and his body become more relaxed and limp with each breath. At least this gave me a few moments to carefully consider something that I’d been thinking about ever since his call this afternoon. I didn’t know if it was wise or not, but I felt that it was necessary for some reason. I was in heaven just standing there looking at Steve as he sat there on the chair, deeply hypnotized. It seemed only a heartbeat later that Steve stood up, buttoned his jacket closed as he opened his eyes and smiled that killer smile at me. (I started to melt inside.) Then with practiced grace he walked over to me, and knelt down in front of me.

Looking up into my eyes, with adoration and love he said in that deep sexy baratone voice of his, “All that I wish to do is to serve you, my Master. My pleasure is in pleasing you, in whatever way that you command me. ”

It was simple and to the point, and not unexpected. I supposed I could have done a lot of things…both good and bad…but once again something seemed to tug at my mind and I felt my desires and wants go off into that deepest part of my soul. The part that was hidden from everyone, including me. Words came to my lips, but it didn’t seem to come from me, or rather it was me, but a part of me I almost didn’t recognize.

“Steve, when you wake up in a few moments you will remember everything that has happened to you in all your sessions with me. You will still feel relaxed and refeshed, but the memory of tonight, and of the other night will return to you mind with crystal clarity. You will, however, be unable to move or to yell out. You will be able to talk but only in a normal tone of voice. Your body will be bound in invisible unbreakable cords…that can only be removed when I hypnotize you again.” And with that I woke Steve up.

Puzzled, confused, hurt, embarrased, amazed, stunned, and just a bit scared. All those emotions and more raced across his face as Steve woke up and the events of Monday night, and tonight played in his mind. He struggled briefly, as though trying to run, but the post hypnotic suggestion held him bound and kneeling on the floor. I brought a chair over to sit beside him, and just looked at him, waiting for him to say something. His face continued to run a gaunlet of emotions, until it finally settled in a small warm tender smile. Steve continued to just kneel there and look at me with that smile, seeming to be totaly at peace and at ease with himself now. I waited And waited. And waited. It seemed like an eternity passed….or at least a lifetime. Had I done the right thing by bringing all this out in the open? I hoped so, but I was as unsure about the outcome as I was about why I had done this in the first place.

“And what do we do now, Steve?” I finally asked, breaking the loud silence.

“Could you please put me back under, and let me spend the night with you?” Steve asked with pleading eyes.

I was struck dumb. This was not the response I had expected. Not in a million years.

“Steve, you are not hypnotized, you know,” I said with a puzzled expression on my face. “You don’t have to pretend to be my slave or to act like that.”

“Paul, I’m not acting,” Steve said looking me in the eye, and speaking with a dead calm voice. “I remember everything that happened, from the time you hypnotized me with my badge to the time you just woke me up a few minutes ago. There is nothing that you did, that I do not approve of. All of it was wonderful. While you had me hypnotized I felt a peace, a calm, and a trust that I’ve never known before. I know that I can trust you totally and completely. I do not know how I know, but I know it just as sure as I know my own name. You would not and could not ever hurt me. When you hypnotize me, I know that I can give myself over to you completely, mind and body, and I will be safe. With you I have found someone whom I can serve, and not fear abuse or misuse. I have never felt this need, this desire before, but when you first hypnotized me, it seemed to come to the surface of my mind and I just gave myself over to it. Please, Paul, hypnotize me again, and let me spend the night with you…if only to lie beside you, in bed.”

“Steve,” I said after a few moments thought. “I’m flattered and actually happy to hear you say all this. You are now free to move. But why did you say you loved me? Doesn’t it matter to you that I know you’re gay, or that you know I am gay?” (Steve has been out of hypnosis for only a few minutes and so he was still very suggestible. I didn’t need to hypnotize him again to remove the hypnotic suggestion of the bonds.)

As he rose to stand next to me, Steve said, “Paul, do you have any idea how often I have had to say ‘no’ to guys who just wanted my body for quick bit of fun? I know, in my heart and soul, that you want my body. I can see it in your eyes, your lovely blue eyes. I also know, that you will never try to take advantage of me. You had the chance on Monday night, but you restrained yourself. I am safe with you, just as you must know by now that you are safe with me. Yes, I’m gay, and I have longed to find someone who wanted what I want…a long term relationship based on trust and love. But it’s so hard to find that today. I told you that I loved you, because I didn’t want you to send me away. I feel something for you….and I want the chance to find out what it is. I do not want to make love with you, but I do want to hold you and caress you, for as long as you will let me.”

“I do not know why, but the hypnosis makes it so much easier to tell you this and to feel these feelings. I know I felt something the first time I saw you in Phil’s office…..that’s why I wanted a session that night. And that is also why I wanted a session tonight. I feel so very good when you hypnotize me, Paul. I love so much giving myself to you, and letting you take total control of me. You make me feel safe and secure, and protected. All I want to do, is to please you so that you will continue to hypnotize me and I can keep feeling this way.” And with that, Steve just stood there looking at me, and he blushed.

I looked at Steve, dumbfounded. I didn’t know what to say. I turned my head slightly away from him and looked at the clock on the wall. I needed to think for a bit. It seemed that the super hypnosis had tapped some hidden and deep desires within Steve and brought them to the surface. This was much more than I could have ever hoped for. Still, though, it did not explain everything that had happened. I was still convinced that the first session on Monday night was my idea, and not Steve’s. Not to mention the bit about the new uniform and the handcuffs. Right now, though I had something more pressing on my mind. I turned my head as a movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Steve had just knelt down in front of me, and was looking at me straight in the eyes.

“Paul,” he said. “Please, hypnotize me again, and let me spend the night with you. Not for you, but for me. I don’t want sex with you. I just want to feel your body next to mine…and to feel safe for a while.”

“Write me up a ticket for hypnotizing a cop, Steve,” I said with a soft warm smile on my face.

With that simple sentence, Steve was back in hypnosis and smiling.

“Steve, come with me into the bedroom,” I said.

“Yes, Sir!” He replied happily as he stood up, opened his eyes and followed me into the bedroom like an obedient puppy.

Since I’ve already described Steve’s body, there is no point in doing so again. (Sorry, dear reader, but I don’t like to share Steve with anyone. He’s mine.) When we got to the bedroom, I had him stand in front of me, by the bed, and told him that he would do everything to me as I was doing it to him. I started slowly at first, though. I reached up and stroked his wonderful brown hair….just letting my fingers run though it. I kissed him on both cheeks and on his forehead….and finally on his mouth….all the while enjoying his reciprocal actions. I caressed his body by running my hands all over his suit jacket and pants. How strange, yet exciting and erotic it was to feel him do the same to me. I explored his suit thoroughly, every inch. I thrust my hands deep into each and every pocket of his pants and his jacket, removing everything that he carried with him…wallet, keys, comb, and just let them fall there on the carpet beside us. It was like picking his pockets while he was doing the same to me. Fun, and erotic too. We were both rising to the occasion as it were.

I caught my breath as I pulled at his jacket, unbuttoned it, and slid it off him. His shirt was tailored to fit that wonderful muscular chest of his. God, he was a major league stud muffin!. I tried not to rush, as I removed his tie and his belt. I wanted to savor this but at the same time my arms were aching to finally hold him to me. Unbuttoning his shirt was easy, as was undoing his pants. Both items of clothing came off easily and quickly. My clothing was beginning removed just as easily if not more eagerly, by Steve. I looked at Steve standing there inches away from me wearing just his boxer shorts and his T-shirt, and told him to take off his T-shirt and hold his arms out away from his sides. There he stood, with that magnificent body, just waiting there for me. I stepped forward and into his waiting arms.

It was wonderful to be able to run my hands over his body, to feel his skin at long last and those wonderful muscles. He was more gentle and kind in caressing me than I thought a big strong man could be. Perhaps it was not love that I saw on his face, but it was something that showed a deep concern and caring about me. I know my face showed the same thing to him because he occasionally planted a soft warm kiss on my cheeks and my lips every now and then as we embraced each other and held each other close. I am not ashamed to say that tears started to roll down my face, and my body started to shake with emotion, as Steve held me next to him. With infinite tenderness, he kissed away my tears, and just held me close until the shaking stopped. All the while he whispered to me in soothing tones, “Shh…it’s alright. It’s okay. You’re safe.” For the first time in my life, I did feel safe and protected. When the shaking finally stopped, I whispered “Thank you” in his ear and tried to hug the stuffing out of him. I failed but it was wonderful trying. (I still smile now, as I think back to that moment.)

His kisses to me soon became deep and passionate, and I returned that passion in full. I am not sure how long it was, but eventually I came up for a breath of air and pointed at the bed. Without hesitation or comment he pulled back the sheets and lay down in the bed, and just looked at me. Slowly I lowered myself next to him. I do not know which of us was trembling more….him or me. Soon, though, the trembling stopped as I wrapped my arms around him….or at least as much of him as I could. I felt the strong yet gentle embrace of his arms as he pulled me close and tried to hold me as close to him as possible. I snuggled down and put my head on his chest. His wonderful warm furry chest. I sighed with contentment, and heard Steve mutter a “Thank you, Sir,” as he closed his eyes again and smiled.

I counted him out. He opened his eyes, and looked down at me, as I lay there with my head on his chest. “Paul, that was wonderful, thanks so much,” he said to me. “Please, put me back under and let me drift away into normal sleep like this, okay?”

How could I refuse that man? I looked into those olive limpid pools that were his lovely eyes, and hypnotized him. I had him hold me close, and had him stroke my hair. The last thing I told him, was that when I feel asleep in his arms, he would fall asleep too. I lay there with Steve, at peace and content for the first time in my life. My fantasy and dreams coming true at last. His chest was warm and furry, and I feel asleep listening to the beating of his heart, with his strong, gentle arms holding me.

Chapter 7. Fitting All The Pieces Together

Maybe 10 AM on a Saturday morning is a bit early to be going off to a coffee shop, but I felt a strong urge to get back there as soon as I could, and I had Steve with me. I’m not sure exactly why, but I knew I had to bring him with me. I suppose I should mention that the name of this establishment is “The Coffee Shop,” and that Steve said he had never been there before. He’s not much of a coffee drinker it seems. As we were heading down to the Coffee Shop in Steve’s car, I thought back to what had happened so far this morning. It was just a little bit odd.

I woke up beside Steve. (In case you have not figured it out, dear reader, this is NOT the odd part, this is the wonderful part.) His arm was draped across me and his head was lying on my chest. It was a wonderful way to greet the morning. Just then the alarm clock went off and broke the spell, literally. I reached over and hit the snooze bar on the clock radio. Steve woke up and came of hypnosis. I know, because the whole time he was thanking me for a wonderful night, he never once called me ‘sir’. I was content to just lie in the bed and watch him get dressed, knowing that he had things to do today that did not include me.

I looked at the clock as it went off again, and saw that the time was 9 AM. I don’t like to sleep in on a Saturday morning, as there are usually too many chores for me to do on a weekend. As Steve was getting dressed I called out to him and asked him if he’d like to share a morning cup of coffee with me at this little coffee shop I knew of, that is if he didn’t have any plans. He seemed on the verge of saying ‘no’ and then shook his head for a moment and agreed. He also said that he wanted to stop off at his place and take a quick shower and change, but that he’d be back here in about half an hour. And with that he called out a good-bye to me and slammed the door closed as he left.

As I was going through my morning routine, trying to make myself look like a human being again, I was struck by how odd it was that I felt almost a need to have my morning coffee at the Coffee Shop. It was not like I was any type of a regular there. Heck, I’d only been there once…a week ago. I smiled as I considered just how much my life had changed in that one week. Who would have thought all this would happen to me in only a week. Right on time, Steve arrived back at my place, dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a red pull over shirt. I was dressed in jeans as well, but with a long sleeved black casual shirt.

We arrived at the Coffee Shop at about 10 AM, and for some reason that I could not put my finger on, I felt relief that we had not arrived later. The shop was as I remembered it, with that motherly waitress behind the counter. We exchanged pleasantries, and she asked how my head was as I ordered a hot coffee and Steve ordered a large cold orange juice. When the drinks arrived, the waitress put them in front of us. Steve and I talked small talk (we couldn’t dare talk about the night’s events), and tentatively made plans to get together for another night out in a week or so. The waitress passed by me, and placed her hand on my forehead and said something to me. Suddenly my head was swimming, and as my eyes started to close, I heard myself saying the trigger phrase that would hypnotize Steve. I couldn’t stop myself! God, the last thing I wanted to do to him was hypnotize him in public and embarrass him. We’d just started what could have been a beautiful friendship or more and I had just blown it away. Worst of all, I couldn’t for the life of me think of why I had done this.

I guess it was only a few minutes later that my head cleared and I was able to open my eyes and look around. I found myself in the back room of the Coffee Shop, sitting tied to a chair. Next to me was Steve, also sitting in a chair, with his eyes closed, his head nodding forward and a smile on his face. He was hypnotized and enjoying himself. I do no know HOW I knew I was still at the Coffee Shop, but I was certain of it. My first impulse was to awaken Steve and have him untie me so we could leave. I could not say the words. No matter how hard I tried or how much I wanted to, I could not speak them.

I am not sure how long I sat there waiting. Eventually, though that ‘motherly waitress’ walked into the room and sat down in an empty chair that was next to me. She looked at me for a moment, and smiled at me with warmth and joy. My head was filled with visions of what I would do to her (with or without Steve’s help) once I got free of these ropes. She reached out with her hand and touched my forehead again. I tried to move my head, to do anything to avoid that touch, but not one muscle would obey my will. She spoke one word, in a clear soft and yet commanding voice, “Remember.”

My head started to spin. I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach, and was glad that all I’d had to eat this morning was the few sips of coffee before all this started. Slowly I started to feel better. My stomach settled as my eyes closed tight and stayed closed. (Great more muscles that won’t obey me. This is just NOT my morning.) My mind was blank…like the white screen at a movie theater before they start to show the movie. Seconds later, my ‘movie’ started to play.

I was seeing myself sitting in this back room again with Mary (so THAT was the waitress’ name), and she was talking with me and explaining things to me. I remember her telling me that I had some kind of ‘power’ that she said she could help me develop, if I wanted her to teach me. As an example of what the possibilities were, she said she would give me a gift…a sample of what could be. Her eyes seemed to boar into mine. I felt my mind begin to open as if someone were lifting the lid off a heavy chest. I felt her place something golden and soft inside me…inside my head…in my mind. Then I heard her instructions to me. “Paul,” she said. “You now have the ability to influence and control any one mind that you would most like to control. Sometime, within the next week, you will meet someone who you will be very strongly attracted to physically, and when you are this gift will allow you to impose your suggestions on the mind of that person. Eye contact is all that is required. This person will not know why, but they will feel very willing to go along with you…and with whatever you ask of them. If you hypnotize them, as you most likely will do, they will feel themselves becoming submissive and obedient to you. It will feel right and natural for them. If they feel any type of attraction for you, then that feeling will grow into a very strong affection and possibly adoration. This is my gift to you. The chance for you to experience love and devotion from someone else, for you. A week from today, you will feel compelled to return here, with your companion for a cup of coffee. I will explain everything else then.”

And with that the ‘movie’ stopped playing and I opened my eyes to see Mary, and Steve still in the room.

“So, now you know why Steve is so willing to spend time with you and wants to be with you, Paul. He truly does love you, but only because you wanted him to…deep in your heart. Yes, Steve is currently hypnotized, and you did that. He will not awaken until you tell him to. He will not remember any of this. All that he will know is that it was necessary for you to hypnotize him. He will not wonder why, since he trusts you completely.”

I just looked at Mary for a few seconds and tried to think. Some of what she said made sense, but there were still many unanswered questions.

“Okay, Mary, but why am I still tied up?” I asked.

“The memory recall can cause physical strain with some people, Paul, and I didn’t want you to hurt yourself by having a muscle spasm that would knock you to the floor,” replied Mary. And with that she reached over and untied me. I was free to go. If I’d been smart I would have just left, with Steve, but I was curious and had other questions I wanted answered.

“What was that ‘ping’ I felt in my head when I gave Steve those suggestions? Why did you pick me for this? What makes you think I want anything more to do with you?”

“The ‘ping’, as you call it, was the result of your using up part of the ‘gift’ I gave you.”, Mary said. “That gift is now gone. You can still control Steve, but you cannot do anything more than simple hypnosis with any other person, just as you have always been able to. As for your other two questions…I didn’t pick you. You have the power, and you would have been drawn here to this shop, to me, sooner or later. You won’t leave, either. Now that you’ve seen an example of what you could learn to do, you want to know everything, and you want to know how to use this power.”

She was right on all counts. I did want to know more, and for some reason I knew that I could trust her. I also knew in that instance that I was now able to say anything at all, and that I could command Steve again. I told Steve that we would now go back to the coffee shop, and that when he sat down in his chair he would wake up and not remember any of this. I said a warm good-bye to Steve a few moments later as he left to do whatever else he had planned that day. Then Mary and I went back to the back room, where she explained that all the people in “The Coffee Shop” had already been ‘influenced’ that morning so that they would ignore anything out of the ordinary. Most of them were regulars anyway, and this was a frequent command that Mary gave them every time she greeted them, and looked them in the eyes. Of course she had many years experience with ‘adjusting’ minds and perceptions so she was able to affect an entire room full of people with ease, and needed only the briefest of glances to implant the command.


It would be pointless to attempt to describe to you any of the details of the training I underwent. If you have not experienced it, then you cannot understand it. It would be like trying to describe the color red to a man born blind. In only a few short hours of that afternoon, I learned all about my power and exactly how to use it. I know it sounds too simple and too easy to be true. Mary and I literally had a meeting of the minds. We linked our minds together, well actually she did the linking, and she proceeded to take me on a mental journey of exploration. I saw her enter my mind and cause my dormant power to grow and develop to the point where I could tap it at will. I learned how to look into a mind, and how to reach in and adjust the controls within it. I could make people like or dislike me, or other people, and I could literally make someone fall in love with me. I learned that the ‘gift’ Mary had given me was the power to make the man of my dreams fall in love with me and become devoted to me, mind, body and soul. Well, that explained Steve all right.

I became amazed at the possibilities that opened before me. This was POWER! I had this wonderful POWER! I knew, though, that I was not all powerful by any means. There were many limits to my abilities, such as I had to make eye contact with my subject and use my voice to instruct them. So, I could not use this ability on deaf or blind people. Another limitation was that I was NOT telepathic. I could link with another mind and read it at will, but only if I had physical contact with the body housing that mind. I could force people to tell the truth, using only eye contact, though. Should I encounter anyone else like myself, I would now feel the same ‘resonance’ that Mary had first felt with me. The single most important limitation was that I could affect ONLY one person at a time. I could super-hypnotize one person, and once they were under, I could then turn my attention to someone else, but I could NOT super-hypnotize two people at the same time. I could super-hypnotize a group of people, but only in a very general way, such as having them ‘not notice me’ if I walked by. I would not be invisible, just unnoticed. They wouldn’t remember me as anything out of the ordinary. Mary said that my abilities and level of control would improve and increase over time, but in the beginning, I would find the process of super-hypnotizing someone to be somewhat draining.

Perhaps I am making this sound too easy and simple, as if Mary waved a magic wand and ‘zap’ I had this ability. It was far from it. I learned and earned every bit of each ability that Mary taught me. I learned all that I could do, and all of the consequences that could result. Simply put, being able to adjust a mind, means that you can easily hurt or damage that mind, even unintentionally. I felt a deep and icy fear strike my heart when Mary described to me all the things that misusing this power could cause. Suddenly, I didn’t want it. The weight of the responsibility seemed too great. But before I could object, her warm and tender thoughts caressed my mind as she told me that if I had not been worthy of this power and ability, she would not be helping me now. My natural compassion and kindness, she said, was the buffer or safety net that would prevent me from misusing this power. It was the primary qualification necessary to permit her to train me. If my natural caution and compassion for others were not so deeply integrated into my personality, she would never have approached me in the first place.

I also learned from her that caution and secrecy were of the utmost importance. I had to be cautious and careful not to call attention to myself when I used these new powers of mine. Helping others, and myself, was fine, but doing anything out of the ordinary that others might find strange was asking for trouble. So walking into the local bank, and having the bank manager give me all the money I wanted was out of the question. The manager would do it, but I would have to cover my tracks, and that would prove to be somewhat difficult, given what banks are like for procedures and checking on their cash. Then there would be the problem of how would I explain my sudden wealth? I began to understand that with this power there limits both in terms of ability, and in what I could get away with, without people noticing.

I left “The Coffee Shop,” a changed man to say the least. I was also dead tired. Like the weekend before, I spent all my free time in bed, resting. My mind had been altered in many ways, and the drain on the energy reserves of my body were high. All I could do was eat a bit and just sleep. I did have some fantastic dreams, though. I only hoped that Steve was having a good weekend too. I looked forward to his next session with me.

Chapter 8. Who’s The Boss? (1)

I recovered, more or less, from my training session on Saturday, and was back at work in the office on Monday. I tried to act as usual, but it wasn’t easy. I kept wanting to try out my new abilities on people. Only Mary’s cautions prevented me from doing anything more than just thinking about it. I knew that if I was going to do anything it would have to be in private, in a controlled situation where I could be sure of not being interrupted. I would just have to wait and see what I could arrange. Monday and Tuesday were a bust. I didn’t seem to be fully recovered yet, since I found myself still feeling somewhat tired all the time. Come Wednesday morning, I felt refreshed and chipper, and ready to face the day. I looked forward to trying something with someone at the office today, even if I didn’t have any firm plans made. Sometimes, though, fate takes a hand, when you least expect it.

The last few months I had completed some large projects at the office, and with all modesty, I thought I had done an incredible job. Sure it involved extra hours and some of my weekends, but I was trying to show my boss, Phil, that unlike the previous two years, this year I was entitled to a raise. I was not in need of a raise, but I felt that it was time I got one for all the hours I’d put in as well as all the consistently good work I had been doing for the last few years. My annual work review was at 1 PM, in Phil’s office. I was a bit nervous to say the least. I was also determined to get a raise this year, too. It seemed to take forever for one o’clock to roll around, but finally it did, and I headed off to my meeting with Phil.

After exchanging pleasantries, and talking for a few moments Phil cut to the heart of the meeting. “Paul,” he said. “The bottom line is that although your work of the last few months has been outstanding, you have not shown enough consistency in the quality of your work to warrant a pay increase at this time.” Phil had a look of genuine sorrow in his eyes and on his face as he told me this.

I would have let it pass, then and there, since when Phil talks like that there is no room for negotiation. Except, that something just did not feel right to me. I decided to try out my new powers on Phil. So, looking him square in the eyes, I sighed and sent the mental command, “Phil, tell me the whole truth about why I am not getting a raise, this year.”

“I guess you deserve to know this,” Phil started to say, with a slightly puzzled look on his face. “You have worked hard these last few months. You’re not getting a raise this year, or probably any time in the near future. When I keep raises low, I keep getting my quarterly bonus, and there’s no way I’m giving that up, Paul. So, I guess you’ll either have to live with this, or look around for another job. Besides which, you’ve been buying my ‘I am so sorry routine’ for so many years now that I figured it was good for another try.” I was in shock. This was the truth? This is what Phil actually thought of me and my work? It took me a few moments to compose an answer.

“So, you’ve been suckering me all these months, and years, Paul? You’ve been using my hopes of advancement or of a pay raise to motivate me to keep working harder and longer hours, even giving up my social life? How could you?” My voice was ice cold and ice hard. I wanted the truth now, and looking directly into Phil’s eyes, I demanded it of him.

“Yeah, well, can I help it if you’re so easy to trick and deceive?” Phil said in a sarcastic tone of voice. “If you had any backbone or spunk, you’d have caught on to this ploy a long time ago, and done something about it. Frankly, I’m getting just a bit tired of having you around the office anyway, and I’m glad I’m finally telling you this to your face. You’ve always made me feel uncomfortable for some reason. I’ll be sorry when you go, but only a little. You’ll be easy enough to replace.” Phil sat back in his big swivel office chair and just grinned at me, daring me to say or do something. I knew that if I took any action, even just calling him a bastard, he’d make my life hell, and try to blackball me to make it harder for me to find a new job elsewhere.

How could I have been so blind all this time? I finally saw Phil for what and who he was, an uncaring selfish man, who did not ever consider anyone else. He did whatever he had to, to get or keep what he wanted. My desire for him all these years had blinded me to the truth about him. Phil was right about one thing, though, I wasn’t going to take any action. He was going to do it all himself….with just a little bit of help from me.

“Is the door to your office locked, Phil?” I asked him, keeping my voice neutral and calm. “And, just how long did you tell your secretary we’d be in here talking?”

“Tell me the truth, Phil,” I mentally commanded him

“Of course it is, Paul,” he replied with a touch of surprise in his voice. “I always lock my office door when I have a meeting, especially a worker review. And I told Miss Summers that we’d probably be an hour or two, and to hold all my calls. I figured you’d want to talk out your disappointment with me again like last time. I’m glad to see that won’t be happening. Now you can leave early and I can get back to work..” He turned his head away from me, to pick up some papers on his desk, and ignored me, effectively dismissing me without another word.

“No, I am not leaving, just yet Phil,” I said to him with a touch of anger in my voice. I stood there in front of his desk waiting for his reaction.

“Oh, so just what are you going to do now, hurt me with dirty looks?” Phil said with sarcasm and acid dripping from his words.

“No, I’m going to hypnotize you, Phil, and make you my devoted and loving slave,” I said in a voice of iron. And looking directly into Phil’s eyes, I adjusted my power to maximum and sent the mental commands, “The induction begins now, Phil. You are helpless to prevent it. Each suggestion that I give you will take effect about fifteen seconds after you hear it.” Despite the intense yet brief pain in my head, I smiled. I was going to enjoy this.

“Bullshit, Paul!” He replied with anger beginning to show in his voice. “I know a little something about hypnosis and I KNOW you can’t do that. So forget it and just get out.”

“Really, ‘boss’?” I said with sarcasm evident in my voice. “Then why is it that you are finding it harder and harder to not look into my eyes? Why is it that your eyes, even now are being drawn to mine and you find yourself looking at my eyes?”

“I’m just humoring you, to make a point, is all,” Phil said, as he turned his head and made eye contact with me. “I can look away anytime that I want to. You’re going to feel so embarrassed when this doesn’t work, you know.” And Phil actually laughed as he said that, with his eyes still looking at mine. I moved my head around a bit, and Phil’s eyes remained locked on mine, tracking them like radar.

“But you really don’t want me to go, do you, ‘boss’? You’re trying to make a point here, and this staring contest we are having is actually kind of fun, isn’t it?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I guess you can stay for a few more minutes. I am wondering which one of us is going to turn away first. I’m curious to find out,’ Phil replied. He was still a bit angry with me, but his attention was now focused on looking at my eyes. Mary was right, my power was fully developed and working beautifully. This was one induction that I was going to savor as long as possible.

“You’re very good at this staring contest, Phil. You’re looking at my eyes and hardly blinking at all. In fact, I think it’s becoming easier and easier for you to keep looking at my eyes, isn’t it? You’re so very good at this. And each time you blink, you’re finding it easier and easier to look at my eyes and harder and harder to look away. After all, you don’t want to lose the staring contest.”

“Yeah, it is getting easier to stare at your eyes. I’m gong to win this contest, Paul. Why don’t you just admit defeat now?” Phil asked with more than a touch of arrogance.

“You won’t lose the contest Phil. You just love staring into my eyes. You’re going to prove to me that you’re going to win this contest. With each passing second and with every blink of your eyes, it becomes easier and easier to just keep staring at my eyes. You can’t lose the contest, because your eyes are now locked upon mine. You can’t look away no matter how hard you try. But, you don’t care about that, because you just love staring into my eyes. With each blink of your eyes it starts to feel even better to just stare into my eyes.”

“I’m going to win the contest, easily,” Phil said with his eyes solidly locked on mine. “Like looking at your eyes. It’s so easy to just keep looking at them. Don’t want to look away. Just want to keep staring.”

His eyes were starting to blink somewhat more frequently now, and I could see that his gaze and attention were now directed towards me and my eyes. So I decided that since he was clearly starting to enter the hypnotic state, I’d use a little ‘shock’ induction, and play with him a bit more. “Gee, Phil,” I said in a normal tone of voice. “Sounds to me, like I’m hypnotizing you.”

“What? No. No your not!” Phil suddenly replied as he wrenched his eyes away from mine and looked at the far wall of his office. “See, I can look away from your eyes whenever I want to.” He proceeded to look around the room a few more seconds, until his gaze slowly swung around to me and his eyes locked on mine again. “I just want to look at your eyes a little bit more,” he sighed. “I like to look at your eyes. They’re kind of nice.”

“Yes, they are nice. A warm soft blue, aren’t they? And looking at them starts to make you feel a bit better, a tiny bit relaxed, doesn’t it? And the more you look, the more relaxed you start to feel. Just a tiny bit relaxed. After all, a staring contest is hard work, and you are such a hard worker, Phil.” (God, I was enjoying this. The gradual surrender of Phil’s mind and will to me was sweet and delicious.)

“Nice blue eyes, yes. I guess they are kind of relaxing. They are nice to look at. Nice and blue….and a bit relaxing,” Phil started to drone.

“Getting easier and easier to look with each breath you take. And the easier it becomes to look at my eyes, Phil, the more relaxed you start to feel. Each blink of your eyes helping you to relax a bit more. So very hard to look away now, that you just can’t even think about doing it much less trying to look away. Just looking into these wonderful blue eyes of mine, and feeling yourself relax is all that you can think of right now.”

“Feeling better, yes. Eyes are easy to look at. Just want to look at them now. Feeling good just looking at eyes. Don’t want to look away. Feels so good,” Phil repeated.

It was clear that Phil was going under, even if he was not admitting it to himself. “You’re going into a hypnotic trance now, Phil, aren’t you?” I asked him.

“What….trance…no. No. Not going to let you hypnotize me.” Phil managed to say in a nearly normal voice. Once again he wrenched his eyes away from mind, but it was clearly a major effort for him to do so. “See, I was just faking you out,” he continued. “You might as well give up trying because I’m not going under. You can’t put me under because my will is too strong.” But he was back staring at my eyes before he’d even finished speaking.

“Sure, Phil, sure.” I said to him. “But you feel so relaxed as you continue to look into my eyes. With each breath that you take and with each word that I speak you can feel your body becoming more and more relaxed. The tension leaving you, as relaxation enters your body. Just sitting back in your chair and relaxing even more as you continue to look deeper and deeper into my eyes.”

“Feels good. Comfortable. Relaxed,” Phil droned as he leaned back in his swivel chair and his face muscles relaxed more and more. “Just want to keep looking at your eyes….nice blue eyes.”

“That’s right, Phil. Relaxing more and more. You’re feeling relaxed and warm right now. In fact you’re a bit too warm. It’s starting to be a bit uncomfortable. So why don’t you take off your jacket, and hang it up?” I asked him.

Phil, pulled slightly at his shirt collar and moved around in his chair. He stood up, and started to walk towards me but then stopped, with a puzzled look on his face. He just stood there unmoving.

“What’s wrong, Phil?” I asked him, though I new exactly what the problem was.

“I’m too warm. Want to hang up my jacket, but I can’t take my eyes off yours. Can’t look away from your lovely blue eyes,” Phil said in a low even tone of voice that did not have a trace of anger, sarcasm or arrogance in it.

“That’s because I’ve hypnotized you, Phil,” I said gleefully.

“Hypnotized me….hypnotized me…..hypnotiz….wha…what… no. No. NO. NO!” Phil blurted out as his voice increased in volume. “No you haven’t.” And with a huge effort apparent on his face, Phil tore his eyes away from looking at me, and looked around the room. His gaze fell on the coat rack, and he immediately walked over to it, removed his suit jacket and hung it up. Phil just stood there, slightly confused and looking at his jacket. Since he was facing away from me I could see his back and his butt. What a lovely ass he had. The suit pants fitted him very well, and very snugly bordering on tight. I was enjoying this more and more. He continued to look at his jacket for a few seconds and then reached inside it and took out his wallet which he then slipped into the right hip pocket of his pants. It made a most attractive bulge, and caused his pants to cling to his butt just a bit tighter.

“So, if your not hypnotized, Phil,” I asked him. “Why did you just take off your jacket after I told you to do it?”

“I was too warm is all,” he said to me as he walked back to his desk and sat down in the chair. He was speaking in a bit of a monotone and a bit slower than normal as he continued to address me. “I told you this would never work and it hasn’t. I have too strong a will to be hypnotized, so you are just wasting your time.” He looked up at me from his desk, and as he made eye contact with me, I could see his body relaxing as a sigh escaped from his lips as he said to me, “Such nice blue eyes. So warm and blue. So nice.”

He was hypnotized, and I could have forced him to acknowledge that fact very easily, but I wanted to continue playing with him. Looking back now, I know that what I did was wrong, but at the time I was angry and hurt and I wanted revenge of some kind against Phil. I was determined to get satisfaction of some type.

“Phil, you’ll be more comfortable and go even deeper into relaxation if you just stand here in front of me, and continue to look into my eyes.” I said to him.

A few seconds later he did just that, moving easily and eagerly towards me. “Such deep blue eyes….so warm….so nice…just want to lose myself in them,” Phil muttered as he stood there a few feet in front of me.

“You know Phil, you’re feeling better and better the deeper you go, and the deeper you go the better you feel. You can’t help yourself, as you look into my eyes. You are just going down even deeper. And with every blink of your eyes, your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. And soon and very soon indeed, you’ll start having trouble keeping them open as they just get heavier and heavier.”

“Feeling good. Like to look at your eyes,” Phil said. “So nice…so good.” He was starting to blink more and more frequently. I could see that it was requiring an effort on his part to keep his eyes open. He was trying very hard to keep his eyes open so that he could continue to look at mine, and I could see the effort was starting to tire him.

“Eyes… heavy. Can’t keep them open much longer…but got to try. Want to just keep looking…….looking at your lovely warm blue eyes,” Phil said, with some difficulty.

“Phil, when I touch your forehead, your eyes will close completely and you will be unable to open them. A few seconds later, your head will become even heavier than your eyelids and your head will drop forward with your chin on your chest. You want me to touch your forehead so that you can finally close those heavy, heavy eyes, don’t you Phil?” I asked him.

“Yes, want to close eyes….so heavy….so hard to keep them open….want you to touch ‘head,” Phil softly said. He was barely able to speak now.

“Phil, when I touch your head, you will fall deeply asleep, but you will remain standing. And when your chin touches your chest you will feel yourself letting go completely of any cares, worries or troubles. Your mind will become carefree and calm, and your body will be very comfortable and relaxed…as you just stand there and go even deeper,” I said to him.

“Eyes…so heavy…want to close….can’t,” Phil mumbled. Clearly he was on the edge of going completely under on his own. His eyes were closing and then popping open again as he continued to struggle to keep them open, and to keep looking into my eyes.

“Sleep!” I commanded him as I touched his forehead. Phil’s eyes snapped shut instantly and a second later his head nodded forward until his chin was touching his chest. And he stood there, swaying just a bit, as his breathing became even and regular, and his face become relaxed. I could almost feel him going even deeper.

“Going down even deeper and deeper Phil. And the deeper you go, the warmer you get and the warmer you get the deeper you go.” I said to him, with a smile on my face. “Feeling even better, and going even deeper with each breath that you take, Phil. And you are enjoying this state even more as I talk to you, aren’t you?”

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