Getting Back at the Quarterback

A gay story: Getting Back at the Quarterback Disclaimer: While this is a story about two high school students they are both over 18.

Justin was getting really tired of Clark’s shit.

Clark was the star quarterback, king jock, and a walking cliché. A man devoid of anything resembling a personality that hadn’t come from an 80’s sports movie and the looks to match. He was Hollywood handsome, big and tall and built like, well a footballer. He wore khaki pants that were too tight, pink polo shirts, and was never seen without his stupid letter jacket. The only thing that made him stand out from the entire rest of the team was his long wavy caramel blond hair that he wore loose around his ears.

The girls all swooned as he walked by.

Justin cowered.

Justin had just moved into town recently and apparently that alone had been enough for Clark to decide that he needed to personally make Justin’s life a living hell. Justin was a shy and quite boy. Not exactly a nerd but definitely not a jock either. Sure he wore glasses and collared shirts and yeah he liked nerdy things like anime and comics but that didn’t make him a nerd. He ran track and attended martial arts classes too. The fact that he also played dnd and cosplayed shouldn’t matter. But it did, and he was teased ruthlessly by all the boys on the football team and their cheerleader girlfriends. Yet none were as bad as Clark.

Today alone Clark had pushed him over in the lunch line which made him spill his lunch all over himself, he’d unzipped Justin’s bag casing his books to spill onto the floor, shot spitballs at the back of his head during biology, tripped him in the hall twice, and made dozens of rude an inappropriate comments ranging from jokes about how stupid Justin was to implying that he was both a promiscuous homosexual and a virgin. And the day wasn’t even over yet.

In fact Justin knew the worst was yet to come.

Today was Tuesday, which was the single worst day of the week for Justin. Tuesdays were Anime club days for Justin and football practice for Clark and unfortunately both activities let out at just about the same time. Which meant that inevitably Justin would find Clark sitting and waiting for him at some point on his way home.

He knew that he could just find another route or skip his club all together but Justin refused to give the jock the satisfaction. He refused to not see his friends or to walk miles out of his way because Clark couldn’t stop being an asshole for one single day. Even if it usually meant going home fighting back tears.

Today Justin had made it almost all the way home without seeing Clark. He was actually starting to hope that today might actually be different. All he had to do was make it through the forest behind his house and Justin would be home free, literally. He felt his pace quicken, and he had to actively stop himself from sprinting into the treeline.

“Cartoon club run late?” Clark’s voice rang out from the trees.

Justin froze in place. He’d just gotten into the forest, far enough into the treeline that no one walking by would be able see him anymore. Not that anyone was going to walk by here. Justin was all alone with Clark and they both knew it, no one was going to interrupt them here. Justin tried to ignore Clark, continuing on as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t heard anything, as if he hadn’t just stopped in his tracks, frozen in fear.

“Did you run out of gay cartoons to watch together?” Clark went on.

“It’s fucking anime club.” Justin blurted out unable to stop himself.

There was a small hill that Justin had to climb and once he got to the top he saw Clark sitting in a tree holding a familiar looking book.

They were deep in the forest now.

“Where did you get that?” Justin demanded his voice shaking, though from rage or fear or both he didn’t know.

“This?” Clark asked flipping the book over and studying the cover as if he’d forgotten what he was reading. “Oh yeah, some girl dropped it out of her backpack this morning. I was going to give it back to her on her way home but now I’m not so sure I should.”

Justin recognized the book. It was his, or rather he’d had it in his bag this morning. It was a library book he’d checked out earlier in the week.

“Give it back.” Justin ordered.

“No.” Clark said with the cockiest smile Justin had ever seen

In his chest Justin’s heart was on fire. Pain and fear and adrenaline were sending his body into overdrive. His breathing was sharp and shallow. He hated this. He just wanted to go home.

“Please.” he whispered.

“No.” Clark said again, this time more authoritatively. He snapped the book closed and slid down from the tree.

“Why not?” Justin asked. He was on the verge of tears now. It had all been too much. Day in and day out this asshole had made his life a living hell for no reason. Why did he have to do this kind of thing? Why?

“Why?” Clark repeated. “Why? Because it’s smut.”

“It’s not-” Justin interrupted him.

“Yes it is.” Clark shouted advancing on the smaller man “It’s fucking gay smut!”

“No it’s not.” Justin tried to protest.

“What’s this then?” Clark demanded, thumbing through the book until he found a two page spread of a shirtless muscular man and held it up to Justin’s face.

“It’s not-” Justin began again.

“It is!” Clark shouted at him smiling. “It’s fucking gay and you are too. I bet you-”

But Clark didn’t get to finish his sentence.

Justin had finally had enough. He balled up his fist and slammed it into the side of Clark’s face, sucker punching him as hard as he could. The jock collapsed to the ground and Justin jumped on top of him shedding his backpack as he went.

“What the fu-” Clark began and then Justin was on him, the two men struggling, wrestling in the dirt.

Justin’s glasses flew off, lost in the mess of dirt and leaves which covered the ground. But it didn’t matter, the fight was on.

For a few moments the two men were indistinguishable from one another, just a whirling mess of arms and legs as the two fought for control. Justin was in the better position but Clark was both bigger and stronger. They grappled, panting and grunting as they struggled in the dirt. Their hands grabbed at the other’s bodies searching for any kind of purchase they could use to gain the upper hand. Then Justin’s hand grabbed something and suddenly he was scrambling backwards, desperately trying to disengage.

“What the absolute fuck!” He shouted.

“Shut up.” Clark said in a tone of voice that Justin had never heard from him before.

“No! What the fuck was that!” Justin repeated.

“It was my-” Clark started, he wasn’t looking Justin in the eyes anymore.

“Why the fuck was your dick hard!” Justin shouted.

Suddenly Clark burst forward and clasped his hand over Justin’s mouth. Justin hadn’t seen him move and didn’t know how he’d gotten so close so fast.

“Shut up.” Clark growled and the authoritative tone was back in his voice.

Justin didn’t say anything. Couldn’t say anything. His eyes were wide with fear, panic, and confusion. He tried to speak but only a mumble came out. His eyes searched Clark’s face and he didn’t understand what he was seeing there.

Suddenly the jock pulled his hand away but before Justin could say anything he replaced it with his lips. The kiss was hard and rough, almost painful. It was a kiss full of desire and fear and fire. It was fierce and wild and spoke of a yearning and desperation. Within that kiss was a thousand questions and apologies and a single raw painful need. Justin didn’t know how to respond.

“Please.” Clark whispered his lips still close enough to brush against Justin’s when he spoke.

There was a longing in his eyes that almost was enough to melt Justin’s heart.


“Please?” He exploded. “Please?”

Justin pushed the other man back from him, knocking him onto his back. Clark looked up at him with such pain in his eyes, such hurt and heartbreak. Was that what he’d looked like when Clark was bulling him? Did he look so sad and pitiful? Did he look so-

He couldn’t finish the thought, instead falling forward grabbing Clark’s wrists, pinning the jock beneath him. Their faces were close enough to touch but neither of them dared move. Clark’s eyes darted around studying Justin’s face trying to figure out what he was thinking.

“Fuck you.” Justin whispered, and then he brought his lips down so that they met Clark’s and this time the desire was mutual.

They shared the heat between them, kissing frantically, passionately. One of them opened their mouths and suddenly their tongues were dancing together meeting, exploring, and savoring one another. Clark tasted like cinnamon and sugar as if he’d just been eating snicker doodle cookies.

It was too much for Justin and he pulled away.

But when he looked down at the man he’d just been kissing there looking back up at him wasn’t the face of a lover, it was just Clark the asshole who’d made his life a living hell. Rage once again flared up in Justin’s belly and before he could stop himself he’d scowled down at the bully below him and spit on his face, ridding his mouth of the sweet taste of snicker doodles.

“Fuck you.” He whispered leaning forward so that he was inches from the jock’s face.

“Please.” Clark whispered up at him.

“No.” Justin growled fighting against his own desire, refusing to give the other man the satisfaction.

The look on Clark’s face was pitiful. It made Justin smile. He liked being the one in charge, the one in control. He reached down and grabbed the collar of Clark’s letter jacket.

“Take this off.” Justin commanded and Clark did as he was told.

Justin pulled the jacket on, looking a little silly in the over-sized jacket but not caring. It smelled like Clark. He looked down at the other man sitting there on his knees. Clark didn’t say it but Justin heard the word anyways as he looked into Clark’s eyes.


Justin leaned forward and kissed Clark again. This time he was the one leading the kiss and he wanted to make Clark suffer. He was playful and teasing, taunting the other man, tormenting him. Whenever Clark pushed forward Justin pulled back. Whenever Clark opened his mouth Justin refused to be drawn in, instead running his tongue along the edge Clark’s lips never acknowledging the others invitation. He slowly pushed forward, easing Clark back down onto the ground, once again pinning the bigger man beneath him. He kept kissing him, kept teasing him.

Eventually Clark began to struggle. Not hard, not fighting back, not actually trying to break free, just trying to get closer to Justin. There was a shift in position and suddenly Justin could feel Clark’s cock straining through his pants, rubbing up against his ass. He realized with a start that he had an erection too and that it was struggling painfully against the fly of his pants, desperate to get out.

He growled again, angry that this prick beneath him had somehow managed to turn him on despite everything he’d put him through.

Justin pulled away and spat on the bully again again, a thick wad of spittle landing on Clark’s cheek.

“Fuck you.” Justin said again putting all of his anger and rage into those two words.

He spat again this time hitting Clark’s chin.

Clark didn’t say anything. He didn’t move. He wasn’t even breathing, just waiting with baited breath for Justin’s next move.

“You can suck my whole fucking dick you fucking asshole.” Justin growled and spat again, this time hitting Clark square in the forehead.

“Okay.” Clark whispered softly.

“What?” Justin asked blinking down at Clark, genuinely confused.

“Okay.” Clark whispered again his voice almost inaudible in the slowly darkening woods.

“Okay what?” Justin asked still not understanding, letting go of Clark’s arms and scooting back, climbing off of him so that he could see the other man more clearly.

“Okay, I’ll suck your dick.” Clark said sheepishly, sitting up but not willing or able to meet Justin’s eyes.

“You want to-” Justin asked.

“Yes!” Clark shouted and once again he was right there, right in Justin’s face. “I want to suck your dick.”

The worlds were almost a whisper but even so Justin felt his cock twitch, somehow getting harder then it had been before.

“I want you to put your dick inside my mouth.” Clark went on, reaching up and running his hand though Justin’s spit which was still all over his face. He grabbed the slick pools of saliva and pulled them into his mouth, sucking on his fingers to get every last drop. “I want to taste you. I want you to use me, to fill my mouth with-”

Justin couldn’t take it anymore. Suddenly he was kissing Clark again, one hand desperately fumbling for his zipper. He could taste his own spit in Clark’s mouth and he didn’t care, his tongue too busy passionately exploring the other’s mouth. Then suddenly there was another pair of hands, reaching up helping him with his belt, ripping it away.

Justin leaned back letting Clark do his work. Clark was on his ass, his legs off to one side while Justin was on his knees, bent back holding himself up with his arms. Then with a forceful pop Clark ripped open the button holding Justin’s trousers closed and the nerd fell back onto his ass, his cock exposed in the cool night air. Clark crawled forward on his hands and knees getting into position between Justin’s legs.

“Holy shit.” He whispered his voice shaking and barely audible.

“Go on.” Justin demanded, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable out there in the woods alone with the man who earlier today had been tormenting him. What if this was a trick? Some kind of trap to-

Then Clark kissed the tip of his penis and any thought of deception faded. Slowly, unsure of himself Clark wrapped his lips around the head of Justin’s cock, engulfing the tip of his prick in his warm wet mouth and all thoughts of any kind disappeared.

Clark wasn’t technically skilled, struggling against his own gag reflex and unsure how to keep his mouth wrapped around Justin’s shaft while keeping his teeth away from the delicate flesh that filled his mouth. But what he lacked in raw technical skill he made up for in passion and enthusiasm.

“Oh god” Justin moaned struggling not to thrust upward and shove his dick deeper into Clark’s mouth then the jock could handle.

“You like that?” Clark asked popping the nerd’s cock from his mouth and playfully slapping it against his face, jacking him off as he did so.

Justin growled, angry Clark had stopped sucking.

“Stop talking.” Justin commanded. “Keep-”

His words disappeared into a moan as Clark licked the tip of his penis, flicking the end of his tongue right against the sensitive sport on the underside of Justin’s cock right where the head met the shaft.

“-sucking.” Justin finished breathlessly.

“I can taste your precum.” Clark told him with a smile. “It’s swee-”

Justin grabbed the back of Clark’s head and forced his face down onto his dick.

“I. Just. Fucking. Said.” Justin grunted out, each word punctuated with a deep thrust all the way to the back of Clark’s throat making his bully’s eyes water and tear up. “Stop. Fucking. Talking. Start. Fucking. Sucking.”

His point made Justin released his grip letting Clark pull the dick from his throat and gasp down much needed lungfuls of air.

When he’d caught his breath Clark smiled up at him, his face coated with Justin’s spit and his own saliva.

“Is that it?” He asked, gasping for breath. “Is that all you’ve got? You’re no going to-”

“To make you?” Justin finished the sentence reaching up and grabbing Clark’s chin, holding it in his hand. “Not until you ask for it. Not until you say please.”

There was a flash of anger in Clark’s eyes. For a second he thought he’d regained control and for a second maybe he had. But then that second passed and he was the one who wanted it, who needed it. His eyes softened.

“Please.” He whispered. “Please use me. Please fuck my-”

That was enough. Justin wanted this too. He just didn’t want to give Clark the satisfaction. He shoved his dick back into Clark’s mouth and began to thrust.

Clark moaned as the cock pumped in and out of his mouth. He wanted to reach down to stroke his cock as his mouth was filled with this amazing, glorious, wonderful dick. But before he could do anything Justin locked his legs around Clark’s head and rolled the two of them over. Now Clark was on his back with Justin above him thrusting down.

The jock struggled to get a deep breath, knowing what was coming next, having done it to countless bimbos eager to hookup with the star quarterback.

Justin was merciless.

He slammed his dick into Clark’s mouth again and again and again, pounding the other man’s throat ruthlessly. Clark coughed, struggling to breath around the hard fleshy member and the saliva which filled his mouth but Justin didn’t stop. He didn’t even slow down. This was Justin’s revenge, his therapy, his release. And Clark wanted it. Bubbles of saliva poured up from around Justin’s cock. This was a nasty sloppy blowjob and both men were loving it.

Justin could feel the jock’s hands behind him frantically jerking off his own cock.

“Is this what you like?” Justin demanded. “Is this what you want? You’re getting off on being face fucked by the school nerd?”

Clark nodded, unable to speak, unable to do anything but suck and stroke. Even if he could have he wouldn’t have wanted to. This was heaven for him, the realization of a fantasy he hadn’t even realized he’d had.

“Your disgusting.” Justin said spitting on the bully again. “You’re nothing but a worthless fucking cock hungry cum dump.”

Clark’s desperate stroking became more frantic, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. He moaned around Justin’s cock and the vibration was too much for the nerd who suddenly felt an inescapable wave of pleasure rushing up to meet him.

“Oh fuck!” he moaned and suddenly he was pulling his cock out of Clark’s mouth.

“No!” The other man gasped trying to get one of his hands up to grab the cock escaping from his mouth, but it was too late.

Justin shot a huge thick stream of heavy white cum right across Clark’s face. The thick viscous fluid landing wetly on the quarterback’s nose and forehead, and a thick globule landed and got lost in his hair.

“No! In my mouth!” Clark said quickly, desperately forcing the tip of Justin’s penis back between his eager lips.

Both men moaned as the second blast of cum came shooting out. It was so thick and creamy, sweet like condensed milk and it coated Clark’s tongue and the inside of his mouth. There was so much of it that he wanted to gag but didn’t dare. As the third shot poured into his mouth suddenly all he could taste was the salty bitterness that left no doubt that his mouth was filled with another man’s spunk.

That thought alone was enough to make him cum, and he did, bucking hard against his hands, pouring out load upon load out and onto his chest, the warm semen soaking into his shirt. Clark’s mind was a complete blank with nothing let in the world except the pleasure which was racing through his body. He felt the last dribble of cum squeeze it’s way out of his dick and onto his hand and then suddenly he felt his toes uncurl and his eyes slowly began open.

Only for him to be blinded by a sudden flash of light.

Clark tried to blink, to clear his vision but then the flash came again and again and again.

“What the fuck?” Clark mumbled staring up blearily. As he spoke he realized that he still had a mouthful of spunk and a load of cum across his face and another bigger pool on his chest.

“Don’t worry about it.” Justin told him slipping his phone into his pocket.

“What the fuck was that?” Clark demanded trying to sit up only to be pushed back down by Justin who had come back around and was now crouching beside him.

Slowly, almost gingerly, Justin reached out and stuck his finger into the cum which had pooled on Clark’s polo. Evidently the nerd had finished cumming moved out of the way before Clark shot his load.


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“You came so much dude.” Justin said swirling his finger around in the sticky stain.

“You’re one to talk.” Clark said around a mouthful of slowly cooling spunk, unsure what to do with the salty surprise.

“Shhh.” Justin said placing a finger on Clark’s lips. “Don’t talk with your mouthful.”

The implication was clear and Clark only hesitated for a moment before closing his eyes and swallowing the whole load, only struggling a little as the runny protein slid down his throat. When he’d swallowed every last drop he opened his mouth, proudly showing off his accomplishment, moving his tongue around to prove he’d swallowed every drop.

Only he wasn’t done.

Justin reached up and scrapped the cum off of his face, collecting the quickly drying liquid onto his finger which was then delicately placed into Clark’s mouth. The jock wrapped his lips around the digit and sucked it clean swirling his tongue around it to make sure he hadn’t missed a drop.

“Good boy.” Justin told him, his other hand still playing in the pool of Clark’s own cum on his chest.

Clark looked from the cum to Justin and back again.

Justin raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

“You want me to try it?” He asked.

Clark nodded enthusiastically, pleased and surprised at the suggestion.

Justin reached out and scooped up what cum he could, pressing the sticky and quickly cooling cum soaked fabric of Clark’s polo to his chest as he did so. He brought his hand up to his mouth and gave it a sniff. Then suddenly he reached out and wiped the handful of semen right down the center of Clark’s face.

“Fuck you.” Justin said again and once again spat in Clark’s face.

The nerd stood up and put his cock away before stepping over and picking up his glasses and his backpack. Without another word he started walking away.

“Where are you going?” Clark demanded still lying on his back, cock out, with his hands and face covered in cum.

“I’m going home.” Justin told him not looking back, pausing only to pick up the library book that had started all of this.

“Wait.” Clark pleaded. “Don’t leave me alone out here like this. At least give me back my jacket!”

Justin said nothing, continuing to walk in silence.

“Can I at least borrow a clean shirt!” Clark pleaded with him.

No reply came from the darkness.

“What am I supposed to tell my parents!” Clark demanded. “How do I explain this?”

That actually did cause Justin to stop and he turned, looked back at the cum covered boy who’d made him feel so miserable so many time as so good once.

“Tell them you got bullied.” Justin said and turned around disappearing into the night, still wearing his bully’s letter jacket.

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