Becoming His Prison Bitch Pt. 04

A gay story: Becoming His Prison Bitch Pt. 04 Love love love feedback, leave comments, leave your love, leave suggestions, leave constructive criticism. Anything unnecessary, nit-picky or rude will be deleted however.


Darian looked down at Lexus as he slept and sighed. He probably should have told him. Well, he didn’t exactly hide it but…

He left the cell when he saw the crowds start to disperse for dinner. He would only be gone for a second. He flowed with the peopleb for a little bit then doubled back on the second floor. As he passed through the back of the crowd, he spotted Benny sitting in a chair just behind meshed glass in the control room. He walked up and tapped his knuckle on it, getting his attention. A second later, he and Benny were leaning against the rail. Benny offered Darian a smoke, but he didn’t take it.

“You have to move Lexus.” He said, “I just got done talkin’ to Ronny, I can get him in with Dom. So, start the paperwork for the transfer.”

“Dom doesn’t treat his boys right like you do, you know that.”

“He’s the only one with space in his cell and enough strength to protect him. Besides, he’s in here for 3 life sentences, he ain’t going anywhere. Lexus is getting out soon. You talked to the DA?” Darian looked sideways at Benny.

“Mhm. He said he won’t fight it if they move to throw the case, but the judge is an asshole.”

“Yeah well.” He shrugged. Using up his favors like this on a bitch. Fuck me, he thought.

“He’s got a sweet ass. But that mouth of his is divine. No wonder you care about him so much.”

Darian scrunched his nose, his lip up in a snarl.

“What? Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it.” Benny grinned at him knowingly. “Its always nice to see a bitch from another angle. Anyway, I’ll let you go.” Benny tapped the rail and backed up, letting himself into the booth behind him with a loud buzz.

DC stood there for a long moment before heading towards the mess hall. He smuggled a few rolls and a bottle of water before clocking out in bed.


Lexus could tell Darian was still distant ever since he whored him to the guards to settle that debt and to punish him. Not every moment of the day. Sometimes he was good ol DC, demanding and sarcastic and, well, Boss. Other times, he just seemed checked out. In the next month, he serviced them a second time, and a third another month and a half later, and he had no complaints; boss always let him cum afterwards with hot, hard sex as a reward for being good. Since then, he met with his lawyer, and it would be 3 weeks until his court date. They called it much sooner than they had the last time. His time with Darian was short now.

But apparently it would be shorter than he thought.

Darian was standing in the isle when Lexus was escorted back with Benny from another meeting with his lawyer to talk about what to expect. Benny usually left immediately, but he leaned against the rail, as if waiting. He and Darian stared at each other for a long moment, and Lexus looked between them. Darian sighed, as if he lost the silent argument, and looked over to Lexus. “Get your stuff.”

Lexus stared blankly back at him. His heart started racing but he didn’t move. “Why, Boss?”

“You’re moving.” He said. His face was expressionless as he watched the pages turn on Lexus’ face.

“You’re giving me away?” he said, digging his fingernails into the palm of his hand. He tucked his bottom lip nervously under his teeth. “So, this was all what… until you got bored?” his voice began to raise in volume and pitch. He would not service some other pervert… but he wouldn’t much have a choice. He glanced at Benny. “What, do you have another bitch lined up for him? Was I not good enough?”

Darian cleared his throat. “You’re forgetting who you’re talking to.” He said, but there was no anger in his voice, just indifference. Lexus wondered whether he was hiding his emotions or if he just didn’t care anymore.

Lexus felt anger and humiliation swell up in his chest. All the bullshit he’s dealt with, and he had been gullible enough to get comfortable with Darian. His fists clenched and swung hard at him. The first punch connected with his cheekbone, catching him a bit by surprise. But Darian grabbed him by the wrist on the second strike and turned, pinning him against the wall. Lexus lifted his feet, supported by Darian’s grip and kicked him hard in the abdomen. DC stumbled backwards a bit as Lexus slid down the wall, crashing against the floor. He got his feet under him and stood quickly before DC grabbed him by the front of his shirt and threw him down on the hard concrete. His head cracked against the hard floor, and his vision wavered a moment as the pain throbbed in his skull.

“Are you done?”

“Sure, Boss.” he said, clenching his eyes closed to try to stop his stomach from doing backflips as his head spun. He hoped he didn’t have a concussion. “Whatever the Boss says, right?”

“Are. You. Done.” He said again, emphasizing each word as he held him against the floor, his knee pressed into his chest.

Lexus opened his eyes and stared up at him, saying nothing else. His heart was jack-hammering now, his throat tight and full of his anxiety. The last few months have become familiar. Now he was headed to an unknown and he didn’t like it. He sat up with a wince when Darian released him, and slowly stood. He turned back into the cell, and grabbed the few things he had, like his comb, toothbrush and clothes. He stepped back out and Benny smirked. Lexus felt his blood boil and turned towards Benny. He dropped his stuff and swung at the guard, who was ready for his retaliation. He dodged and grabbed Lexus around wrist and shoulder, shoving him gut first against the railing. He might have a bruise blossom along the bottom of his ribs.

He heard Darian sigh, and saw him shake his head out of the corner of his eye. Another guard saw Benny’s scuffle and came by to assist him. Darian had taught him how to fight and while it didn’t do a damn to change his physique, it made him faster and stronger and more confident than he had been when he got here.

The next few moments of the scuffle were fast and drew the attention of everyone in the block. Lexus broke the nose of the second guard and earned a few bruises from Benny’s baton. DC didn’t help him, not that he expected him to. Still… It had always been them against everyone else. He was pinned on the ground with blood on his shirt, not his own, but from the guard whose nose he felt crack. His cheek against the concrete floor, he looked back and Darian, his hands cuffed behind him. He could see a muscle twitch in his jaw, but he wasn’t looking at him. He was pulled to his feet by Benny and the nameless guard, his belongings left scattered, and he was taken along a familiar path to solitary.

Once there, shoved into the padded room, he took a deep breath. The light was on this time, but he knew it wouldn’t stay that way. He looked back at Benny and climbed to his feet, glaring at him. “Ya’ll are happy, huh? Two against one, let’s go again.” He didn’t give a shit right now, though a little voice in the back of his head reminded him in a squeaky voice that being in solitary now with court just a little way away wasn’t going to help his case, let alone antagonizing Benny and No Name.

Benny shook his head and laughed. “You’re fucking up, boy. DC is leaving. He’s been here almost 2 decades and he’s getting out, and he’s not going to do anything to stay here.” Benny pulled his arm back and punched Lexus hard in the gut, sending him to his knees. “There’s no one here that’s going to protect you when he leaves except for Dom. And Dom owes him a favor. It’s the reason he got landed in here in the first place. So, if you had any kind of brain, you would have shut your fuckin mouth and went to your new bunk.”

Lexus was breathing heavily. “When is he leaving?” his head felt light, and he swayed.


Benny stared down at him. “Send him in here.” Lexus said. “I’ll trade time, please…”

“That’s not up to you or him. You don’t belong to DC anymore.” Benny shrugged and left.

Lexus fell back on the mat, wincing as his head bounced on the crappy padded plastic. Darian could have saved them all the frustration if he just told him! All that bullshit he said about Lexus not telling him he was getting out, and then he does the same fucking thing back at him. He slammed his fist against the floor and screamed.


It was 4 days before he was let out of solitary. Benny stood there, holding a bag of Lexus’ belongings. “Gonna fight me again, boy?”

Lexus chuckled, pushing up to a sitting position. This time was nothing like when he was in here with Darian. It had been absolute hell, especially since he figured now, that Darian was long gone out of this god forsaken desert. Lexus took a deep breath and laughed again. “No, Benny. I’m not.” He murmured, and slowly stood. Once on solid ground, he stretched, and ran his hands through his hair, which was greasy from not being washed. “I need a shower.” He said simply. Benny smirked and handed him his belongings and stalked back to general population. He went straight to the showers where he scrubbed the sweat and grime from his body from being in that room. He hadn’t had a very good time getting any sleep between the unpredictable light cycle and lack of a warm body beside him. He tried not to think that he was alone in this place. He did his best to shut it all off.

In the shower… alo—In the shower, he scrubbed his body quickly, and scrubbed his nails against his scalp. His heart was beating in his chest. He heard a pair of feet approach the showers and froze as his curtain was flung open. One of Darian’s friends… what was his name again? Stood there and leaned against the door frame. “Relax.” He said, glancing up and down his body. “I’m just here to make sure you get to Dom without trying to punch a guard again. Nice swing by the way, able to take DC by surprise like that.”

Lexus snorted and turned back to his shower. He didn’t want to hear about him.

“You know he dropped a huge favor to get you in with Dom. That favor could have had him set up when he got out of here. You only got 2 and a half weeks? Don’t piss off Dom and he might let you out of here in one piece.”

Lexus said nothing. Not that he thought he still wasn’t allowed to, but out of spite.

“I’m trying to give you advice here, Lexi.” He said. Was it… Ron maybe?

“I’m trying to shower.” Lexus said, not looking at him. “Boss trained me to be a good slut. I’ll be fine.”

“DC was tame, Lexi. And the man actually cared about you. Dom don’t care about you, he’ll just halfheartedly make sure nobody kills your dumb ass.”

Lexus turned, wiping his long, wet hair away from his forehead. “Got it.” He yanked the curtain away from Ron’s hands and dragged it closed. He finished up his shower and dried off, and got dressed. Clean and back in proper clothes, he walked by Ron and past the shower guard. He recognized him as one of those he’d sucked off last time. Feeling frisky and daring, and up for distraction, he smiled at him and winked. The guard laughed.

Ron followed behind him, and as they reached the block, he took the lead. Dom must have been on the bottom floor because that is where they were headed. He stopped in front of one cell where a wide, heavy man sat on the bottom bunk, he was leaning against the bar at the head of the bed, and texting quickly on a burner phone. Lexus raised a brow and stared at it for a long moment. He must be pretty powerful to have smuggled such a thing in here, even with the guards so willing to be paid off.

“Hey, Dom. Got Lexi here for you.”

Dom didn’t look up at first and kept texting quickly. When he was finished, he dropped the phone on the ground and stood, crushing it underfoot before tossing it into the toilet. “Look who it is.” He said, smirking. “Was expecting you three days ago, but I heard you clocked another inmate and a guard.”

Lexus looked the man up and down. If he were to pick a “type”, this man certainly wouldn’t be it. He wasn’t even sure how much of a cock would exist under his belly roll. Maybe he got lucky and wasn’t here to service him.

In a flash, Dom was in his face. This man, despite his size, could really move, and the quick motion had Lexus disoriented. He realized that once standing up, he wasn’t quite as wide as he had seemed. Could he call him big boned? Like he was part giant and no amount of workout could change his shape? He couldn’t think for a moment, but found his head crushed against the concrete blocks of the wall. He groaned as his right arm was twisted painfully behind his back, and he felt a foot collide with the back of his knee, making it buckle. He found himself on his knees, his face scraped red from the rough wall. Fuck. Why did this happen each time? Well, this was a bit different.

He winced as his ear pinched against the wall. He looked back over his shoulder, and saw Dom lean in. “When I address you, cunt, I expect a Yes Sir or No Sir.”

“No Sir.” He murmured, his back arching to attempt to relieve the pain in his shoulder.

“Remove your shirt and shoes.” He was released and did as he was told. He wasn’t instructed to stand, but he did anyway. He followed the directions with a simple ‘yes sir’. Dom turned him until his back was against the wall. Ron stood in the hall, watching the exchange. “Now, unlike your faggot boy from before… Don’t give me that look, cunt, I made that boy and I’ll call him what I wish…” Lexus took a deep breath to stop himself from retaliating; he wanted to ponder what he meant by that, but Dom demanded his full attention. “I don’t use my bitches. I sell time with them to anyone who offers the right price. I have to babysit you and you will do whatever I tell you to.”

He looked up into Dom’s eyes, his teeth clicking together in frustration. Fuck… they were the same… no… He sighed in relief. They had a greenish tint to them. He almost thought they were grey. The longer he stared, the more different they appeared. He must have been imagining it. “…Yes Sir…” he said after a pause.

“Maybe Darian trained you well after all.” He stared down at him and leaned back against the wall, crossing his thick arms across a meaty chest. It made his shoulders flex and stand out a bit. He nodded towards the doorway and Lexus looked at Ron. “Stick by Ronnie and be a good boy.” He said, kicking his shirt at him. Lexus held back a sigh and pulled his shirt back on. Ron cocked his head, and Lexus followed him down the platform.

Ron went about his day, and Lexus was his shadow until he went back to Dom’s cell to sleep. Lexus found it strange to sleep on the top bunk, and even more unusual not to have another body lying beside him. It was, however, hell of a lot better than that closed room.

Lexus found himself hanging out with the same men that he was used to being around before, since he was attached to Ron, and they met up with the guys in front of one of their cells. It felt awkward without DC there. But without DCs ownership, the other guys were talking to him as if they had been from the beginning. Even though he wasn’t on his knees with his mouth open anymore, standing and facing them, his arms crossed over his chest, he felt somehow more exposed.

“Gonna miss D.”

“No you’re not.” One of the other guys said to him, laughing, giving his shoulder a shove. “Lexi is though, ain’t’chu?”

Lexus, who had zoned out of the conversation and been staring at the railing and counting the specks of raised paint, glanced up and looked around in surprise. “What?” His arms tightened around his chest, tucking his arms under his pits.

“You gonna miss DC, I said.” He laughed, “Man, so used to being D’s quiet bitch.”

Lexus sighed, and turned away. He wasn’t going to humor this conversation. But he didn’t quite have a choice when the man, about his height but thicker, stepped forward suddenly and shoved him hard against his chest. Lexus stumbled, his lower back hitting the rail, his arms hovering to his sides to catch his balance. He was about to shove the guy back, and make him back off, but Ron shook his head.

“Don’t fight, Lexi. You end up in solitary again, you’re gonna have issues with Dom.”

“What, so I just take it?” Lexus snarled, glaring at Ron. He had to service men for Dom, and that was one thing, but he wasn’t going to back down from an asshole who wanted to rile him up and pick fights. Darian taught him how to fight for a reason.

Ron stepped forward, the other guy backing up, his hands raised and a grin on his face. Ron tilted his head, cracking his neck before he grabbed Lexi around his and shoved him to the side, throwing him off balance. Lexus stumbled and grabbed him by the forearm, trying to regain his balance as he was herded backward into a cell.

“Get on your knees.” Ron said through clenched teeth. He didn’t blink as Lexus stared back at him, weighing his options. But eventually, he crouched, letting his knees fall forward until they hit the stone floor. As he did, Ron released him. His hands moved to his pants, pushing them down below his cock. It was soft, and Lexus glared at it too. “It seems I’m going to have to teach you a bit of a lesson today.” He said. “On how to respect your superiors. I was trying to be nice but clearly Dom didn’t do a good enough job of teaching you one important thing; everyone is your superior in here. So… Get to it, Lexi.”

Lexus’ lip twitched. “Did you even pay for me?” he said, glaring up at him. That earned him a good hard slap across his face.

“I’m in charge of making sure you can do your job. And so I’ll be making sure you know your place.”

Lexus knew he was right. He raised up on his knees, his mouth opening against Rons soft cock. It twitched as his breath washed over him, and he ducked low, bathing his balls with his tongue before moving upwards. The thick curly blond hair of his sack tickled his nose. Lexus kissed upward to the base up his cock, using his tongue to bathe the spongey shaft. It twitched again, and Lexus felt it hardening as he painted it with saliva, making it slick. He pulled back, and parted his lips around the head, bringing it into his mouth, his tongue cradling the growing shaft.

Ron shifted, putting a hand on Lexus’ head and a foot between his knees, kicking his legs wide. He stepped forward, pressing his foot up against his crotch, lifting his balls in his pants. “See? Was that so hard?” Lexus didn’t answer, now bobbing his head and pulling at the nearly erect cock between his lips. He felt the cock tickle the back of his throat, and pressed deeper and deeper until his nose pressed into his pubic hair. Just as DC used to like it.

“Are you a cock sucking bitch, Lexi?” Ron said, sneering. He grabbed Lexus by the hair and pulled him back, leaving his mouth gaping and tongue hanging over his lips.

Lexus swallowed heavily and looked up at Ron. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I’m a cock sucking bitch.” Lexus no longer felt shame saying it, like he had when DC used to make him in the beginning. But it still irritated him that Ron used it to punish him and shame him. He glanced away from Ron and saw the guy from before who had tried to egg him into a fight standing and watching, leaning against the cell. His eyes returned to Ron’s own. “Let me suck your cock.”

Ron laughed, and released his hair, letting him dive back against his cock. Lexus wrapped his lips around it and gave the head a suck, slurping heavily as if licking the drippings off of a melting popsicle. The tip slipped from his mouth with a pop and he treated the long hard shaft to a pass of his tongue. Lexus grasped with his hand now and held it firm at the base as he sucked the mans’ cock.

“Oh, I see why DC liked you.” He said, rocking his hips. “You suck like a slut and look like a bitch.” He grinned down at him. “From this angle, I might even forget you have a dick.” He reached down, winding his hands in his hair on either side of his head, gripping tightly. His cock was practically dancing on his tongue, he was almost ready. He tightened his grip on his head and groaned as he pulled his head against his pelvis, fucking his face now hard. The sloppy sounds of him pushing in and out of his mouth drove him, his eyes clenched closed now and imagining that he was in a woman’s mouth.

Lexus gripped the thighs in front of him, trying to anticipate a rhythm but there wasn’t any. And so he wasn’t prepared when Ron came in his mouth, his cum squirting against the back of his mouth as he tried to inhale. He coughed, semen pouring past the cock in his mouth and down his chest. Ron pushed him backwards as he finished, and Lexus landed on his heels, catching himself with one hand on the bunk beside him. He regained his composure and smirked. “You fuck like a bitch too, so I guess we’re even.”

Ron turned back and kicked him hard in his chest, pushing the air from his lungs and throwing him onto his back. He gasped for air and took a moment to regain his composure, returning to his knees. He saw Ron scrubbing the bottom of his shoe against the concrete in disgust, and the guy who had watched shove him out into the hall. Lexus was confused, until he looked down at the semen smeared on his chest; he must have gotten it on his shoe and tried scrubbing it away like someone might when they step in gum, and the other guy didn’t want his cum scrubbed into the porous floor. Lexus laughed, his voice raspy.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch. You’re not in a position to be laughing.” Ron snarled at him over the man’s shoulder.

Ah. Right again. Because the man who initially instigated this whole thing, and who shoved Ron out of his cell, turned towards him with a bulge in his pants and a gleam in his eye. Lexus wouldn’t be getting a break. But to hell with it. He sat up on his knees and pushed his chest forward as the guy approached him, stretching his arms above his head for a moment. He felt his shoulder crack slightly, and he groaned in the momentary pleasure.

Bottoms up.


Lexus woke the next morning and rolled off the bunk, dropping down. He misjudged the distance, though, and stumbled, nearly falling into the wall. He glanced around, but the cells weren’t even open yet. He took the sink before Dom woke, brushed his teeth, and sat down on the toilet to take his morning piss. Last night, he’d had a dream. Well, if you could call it a dream. Dreams were positive things. This was a bad dream, or more like a nightmare. One where he was stuck in here forever. Wouldn’t that be some shit.

He moved to the cell door and crossed his arms over his chest, tucking his hands into his arms. It was cold in the mornings now, a far cry from the heat that exhausted him when he got here. His nipples stood out against the thin white shirt. Letting out a puff of air, he wanted to see if he could see his breath. But it wasn’t quite that cold. Looking out he saw guards pacing up and down the cells, using flashlights to peer into each cell. He stood there awhile before the lights banged on, and a bit longer before the cell doors opened. He ducked out and took the stairs up to find Ron.

Usually he waited for Ron to come to him, but he was bored. So now he stood against the door of his cell, waiting. His bunkmate, a large guy with a bald head, raised his lip and snarled at him. He hated everything about Lexus, apparently. Well, wasn’t his fault. He backed up anyway, leaning against the rail instead.

“You’re getting brave.” Ron said, brushing by his cellmate and walking out to the hall. “You’re with me on toilet duty.”

Lexus groaned. Why did he always end up in the toilets? As expected, once there they were provided with a cleaning solution, and Lexus ended up on the floor with the rubber gloves and scrub brush. Ron hoisted himself up onto the sink, his butt sunk into the basin, legs swinging with an air of amusement as he watched Lexus scrub the grout.

“Mmm. Yeah, even from behind you look like a chick.” Ron commented, and Lexus could hear the grin in his voice.

“Life was so much easier with Boss, he just shut up and let me do the work of 2 people. He read a book. Maybe it would help you to read once in awhile.”

“Boss isn’t here. DC has left your bitch ass behind. Besides, I don’t have an interest in engineering.”

“Engineering?” Lexus stopped and furrowed his brow, turning halfway to look at Ron sitting on the sink.

Ron cocked his head to the side and laughed. “You didn’t talk much, did you? Do you even know what he is doing right now?”

“He didn’t even tell me he was leaving.” He said, bitterness in his voice. “Why would he say anything?”

“Well if he treated you like a pretty princess and gave you all you deserved, would you have accepted being a prison prostitute so easily?” Ron watched swinging his leg up. “He treated you like a bitch because that’s all you’re good for in here. Getting it in your head that he’s your friend would only have made everything worse for you.”

“Whatever…” Lexus was frustrated again, tapping his teeth together. He was studying engineering? Every time Lexus had ever asked or tried to look at the books, he hid the cover and told him to mind his own business. Or suck his dick. Whichever. He wondered if he would have had a harder time now if DC hadn’t been so callous with him. He leaned down again and started scrubbing the base of the toilet.

“Come here.”

Lexus sighed, and stood, pulling the yellow gloves off and laying them over the rim of the bucket. He stood in front of Ron, who grabbed the hem of his shirt and tucked it under, rolling it up until it was up to his nipples. He gathered the excess fabric in the front, tied a knot, then tucked it up. The new “hem” sat right above his nipples, which were hard from the chill, and rose in a point in the center where the knot was.

“What the hell is this for?” Lexus asked, looking in the mirror at how ridiculous it was. It looked like what girls in middle school did to make their uniforms slutty, of course they’d only expose their midriffs. It exposed the dip in his waist that was smaller than his narrow rib cage, and the wider, effeminate curve in his hip. He pulled at it, trying to pull it down as far as it could go.

Ron slapped his hand and he jumped, glaring at him. “Don’t touch it. Get back down on your knees and start scrubbing.”

Lexus barred his teeth at Ron, but that only made him laugh. He turned back and went back to his knees, pulling the gloves back onto his hands. Despite being designed to keep his hands dry, he always felt as if his hands were moist after doing this crap anyway.

Ron seemed to be enjoying the view as he worked back and forth. “You know, it’s a shame they don’t have co-ed prisons. I’d even settle for community time with bitches who want to get laid. Just give me a pack of condoms, we’ll be good. I’ll be nice, I’ll ask permission, I’ll sign a waiver, whatever. Just get me the hell out of here.” Lexus shook his head and Ron continued. “Maybe just send me to a deserted island with like… three… no, four chicks. They don’t even have to be prett- Oh hey! Look who it is.”

Lexus sat up and leaned back, peering around the divider wall of the toilet. Standing by the door was a scrawny guy with his hand manipulating his dick through his pants. Looking up, Lexus saw Randall’s face. What did this guy want?

“I’m here for the services I paid for.” Randall said, craning his neck to peer around the dividers at Lexus. “I like the new look.”

Lexus stood and threw the gloves down, stepping out into the open. He stepped back away from the doorway, leery. “Not going to happen.”

“I’ve bought and paid for you, bitch. You owe me time. I never got to finish in that ass and I plan on finishing today.”

Lexus flexed his shoulders. “I punched you out last time and I’ll do it again.” Lexus snarled. Literally any douche but this one, he thought.

“Lexi, be a good slut and take care of Randall.” But Ron didn’t get down or move. He was waiting it out, seeing what Lexi would do.

Lexus glared at Ron sitting on the sink, and at Randall, who stepped closer with lust in his eyes. He waited, his heart racing, his fist clenching.

“Don’t punch him.” Rom said, his legs swinging.

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Dom is gonna be mad if you punch a paying customer in the face.”

“Don’t give a fuck.”

Lexus stepped forward to swing but found himself slammed sideways as Ron launched off of the sink and checked him hard with his body. Lexus felt his shoulder slam into the wall of the stalls. He shouted in pain, and shoved back at Ron. He found himself a few moments later pinned on his stomach with his arm twisted behind his back.

“D taught you to fight, but it was for unprovoked attacks so you don’t get your ass handed to you. Not to pick fights. Dom isn’t going to be very pleased with you.” He released him. “Finish the toilets, bitch.”

Lexus grunted and sat up on his knees. He flexed his shoulder and went back to work at the toilets. He heard Randall complain loudly behind him, but Ron told him to shut the hell up or get out. Lexus never heard him leave, but the rest of his work time was completed in silence.

He found the rest of his day tailed by Randall, who never failed to drop snide hints. He managed to ignore him until Lexus found himself being followed by him into the showers. But every time he felt like he was ready to say something to Randall, he saw Ron shaking his head at him.

Because of Ron, he came into the showers late today, and Dom happened to be sitting on one of the benches in just a towel, talking to the guard who usually stood by the hallway. Dom looked up at Randall and opened his arms in greeting. Dom asked if he had any talk, but Randall shook his head. “I’ve been trying to get my services all day, Dom, and the bitch won’t take it.”

Dom sighed in frustration, rubbing his eyes. He wiped the water logged in his hair back from his forehead. “What’s going on, Lexi. We had an understanding, did we not?”

“Randall is a fucking asshole, I’ll open my mouth for anyone but that fucker.” he snapped. There was instant regret, of course, when he found himself face first against the wet wall of the shower room. Condensation from the humid air always collected on the cool stone walls.

“Oh, so you think this is a choice. Ok…” Dom nodded to Ron, who gripped his bottoms, and shoved down, stripping him bare assed in the hall. “Do you know what Randall paid for you, princess?” he asked, holding his free hand out to take Lexus’ pants once they were clear of his body.

“No, Sir.” he said through clenched teeth. he heard shouts and laughs from across the room as other inmates who were starting to sprinkle in, towels in hand, watched him get stripped. He heard a tearing sound, and his pants were in shreds. In just a few moments, his wrists were tied with the strips, and then secured to the bar above him that supported the curtain in front of one of the shower stalls. He pulled sharply but it didn’t budge. Fuck.

“3 cigs and a bag of doritos.” Dom said loudly. “I honored Randall’s request to be the first to use you because he’s a rat with big ears and you needed a lesson in humility. But looks like that lesson will have to change a bit.”

Dom grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head, leaving it bunched up in front of his neck. Rolled up as it was, and under pressure from the way his arms were pulled over his head, it pulled back against his throat a bit, leaving Lexus’ back bare. Lexus was trembling as he heard a slopping sound; Dom twirled a wet towel in his hands, and passed it off to Randall.

Lexus clenched his teeth as the towel whipped forward, licking the skin of his back. He jerked forward on his toes, the strike stinging like a mother fucker, burying his face in his upper arms. He moaned, his toes curling as another strike of the wet towel struck between his shoulder blades and another on his ass. He was sobbing by the time Randall finished dishing out Dom’s his savage punishment.

Lexus blinked away the tears as Dom reached up and grabbed him by the hair, jerking his head back. “You don’t get to say no, princess.” He turned away. “Get him down, tie him to the bench for awhile and see how he takes that.”

Dom must have held a lot of power here, even over the guards, because not a single man came to help him as he knelt on the stone floor, the welts on his back and ass throbbing. Even by prison standards, this wasn’t normal. DC hadn’t been kidding when he said on his second day that the guards weren’t on his side. They’d enforce the rules if it didn’t benefit them. But clearly, Dom and his dealings benefited them greatly.

He gritted his teeth, and pressed his head against the cold bar of the bench in front of him as he saw Randall’s feet approach him from under his arm. He stood patiently behind Lexus, who looked over at Dom on the other bench. Dom had continued his chat with the guard,

Lexus didn’t hesitate to stand, forced to bend at the waist because of where his hands were tied. He gripped the bars as Randall pushed his pants down below his balls and stroked himself a few times before pressing his thin cock against Lexus’ tight hole. He pressed back, accepting Randall’s ownership of his time with him.

Randall pulled back, and Lexus felt a stream of saliva drip onto his ass crack. He cringed as Randall stroked it onto his dick before thrusting back into his hole and Lexus jumped when he felt a hand slap onto his ass. “You don’t sound very eager, whore.” Randall said, his voice thick with lust and excitement.

Lexus arched his back and rolled his shoulders down his back, tense. He cracked a forced smile. “Of course I’m eager…” he said, raising the pitch of his voice to mock excitement. “Just waiting for you to fuck my slutty cunt for real… Not gonna fill me like that.” His eyes were on Dom, who was smirking at him from across the room.

Randall scoffed at the jab, and reached forward, grabbing him by the hair as he drove hard into his tight cunt. Lexus gave a moan, catering to the biggest bitch in this place. Making him officially worth less than Randall. He laughed, and pushed back against his ‘client’, closing his eyes and letting out another raspy moan. The more he panted and forced his moans, the more excited he could trick himself into feeling. After a few moments, he forgot about Randall and dwelled in the feeling of having a cock in his ass. His own cock twitched in response.

It was a few minutes later when he felt his ass fill with sticky cum. He moaned, genuinely this time, at the feeling of a cock sliding from his ass and semen dripping down his balls. He dropped back to his knees, and Randall walked around to his side. Lexus wrapped his mouth around the cock that tasted of his ass and sex, and licked it clean. For good measure, Randall lifted his cock, and had him bathe his balls as well.

“Off with you.” Ron said, stepping forward. Randall tucked himself back in his pants and strolled off with a smirk, apparently fully satisfied that he finally fucked the bitch that dared act so superior before.

“Have I earned my pants back, boss?” he said, using the same title for Ron as he had for Darian. This time, it carried a hint of sarcasm and disdain, but its use expressed some submission that was earned today.

“Not my decision. And if you decide to keep asking, he’ll probably say no.”

Ron left after getting a shower, as did Dom after getting dressed leaving Lexus in the bathroom tied to the bench. He moved closer to the bars and kept his head down as the day wore on. As it did, Lexus watched guards and inmates move in and out of the showers, and at one point it became so packed there was barely any space for him where he was. Some paid notable interest or disgust in the naked boy tied to the bench, others ignoring him entirely.

Ron came back for him after dinner was done and escorted him in nothing but a towel back to the cells. There, he was tied on his knees to the bars of the cell, just inside, and the towel was tossed up onto his bunk. Lexus sighed. He got it, this was ridiculous at this point. But he didn’t speak his thoughts out loud. Instead, he just watched the faces of the men who wandered in and out of the cell to speak with Dom.

Benny was one of the guards to stop by. “Woo, boy. Been a bit since we’ve spoken. You look like you’ve gotten yourself into a bit of trouble there.” He chuckled. “I heard a bitch got themselves whipped. That shirt, though, nice look on you, I wish DC had done that with you months ago.” He went into the cell and left a short time later. Lexus peered through the bars, and Dom had a cell phone in his hands that he didn’t have before.

So Benny was the one supplying him with one…

Lexus ended up servicing two more men while he was tied here, a guard and an inmate almost back to back. His cock was dancing between his legs. It was hard to maintain the argument that he didn’t want to be a whore when he was throbbing and dripping after being fucked by men he didn’t know, naked and tied to the bars of a jail cell.


Lexus didn’t earn his pants back until morning. He watched the cell doors close and panicked, yanking on his bindings, but Dom’s gruff voice behind him made him freeze. By the time Ron came by and untied his hands, he was freezing and aching. He dragged his pants on with a sigh, rubbing them quickly for some warmth.

“You got a job this morning.”

Lexus sighed, and pulled his shirt back over his head, he cracked his neck and followed Ron to the top floor. It was actually kind of warmer up here, and Lexus finally stopped shivering. He noticed that they were there when he saw a sheet hanging up across the bars of one cell in particular. He slowed, and Ron jerked his head. Lexus ducked under the sheet, coming face to face with a tall older gentleman who was sort of lanky and nerdy looking.

“Oh! Lexi is here!” he said, clasping his hands together. He reached forward and grasped Lexus around the back of his neck, dragged him forward and kissed him deeply.

Lexus was caught by surprise. What a strange man. He balked at first but decided to play along after a moment. He quickly became lost in the hands that held him firmly. He heard the man who had bought his time moan into his mouth, after the cold night on the hard floor, Lexus was willing to accept any warmth.

“Lexi… I’ve been here for months and I haven’t touched a woman…” he whispered, breaking away and kissing along Lexus’ neck. “Oh Lexi… You’re such a beautiful woman…”

Lexus froze, his breath short as he bit his lip. He wasn’t sure how to respond. “I—”

“Shh, Lexi, I know.” He whispered as he ran his hands down Lexus’ sides, feeling his ribs and along the curve of his waist. Lexus felt his breath catch in his throat as the man begged for the kind of intimacy he might have with a woman. He had never felt so desperately wanted.

“What do I call you?” Lexus asked as the man’s hands snaked up his shirt, grasping at his nipples and tugging and pulling. Every movement he felt manipulated by the man, moved, pushed and pulled until he was against the wall, and found both of his arms pinned above his head with one of the other man’s hands.

“My name is Mason, but…” the man pondered for a moment. He smiled. “Call me Daddy…” he said, his voice giddy with the excitement of it all. Shadows passed over the sheet that hung on the wall, but otherwise they were separated by the goings-on outside.

“D-daddy…” Lexus squirmed. It was such a strange request, but just him testing out the word had Mason’s breath shuddering against his cheek.

“Say it… More feminine…” he whispered. “Soft…”

Lexus took a deep breath. He tested it out with his breath, letting out a soft whine. He turned his head to the side, feeling Mason’s hot breath on his ear. “Daddy…” he whispered again, his voice higher in pitch this time, more of an erotic whisper. He bit his lip as Mason sucked his neck in response, releasing a moan of his own in the same effeminate tone.

“Oh Lexi…” he whispered, running his hands through his hair. He wrapped one arm around his waist and jerked his legs up around his hips. Lexus wrapped his arms around the man’s shoulders and hung on as he was turned around to the bed. He sat down and pushed Lexus’ shirt up over his head, his hands caressing his feminine body with rough hands.

Lexus straddled the man’s lap, his head ducked to avoid hitting the bunk above him. In his lap, he started to roll his hips, pressing his groin against Mason’s. Mason gave a moan, and a smile, his teeth grazing against Lexus’ chest, encouraging him. His own cock grew hard against the mans already raging one, and still he felt a bit dwarfed. He’d never felt a man’s cock against his before, and it made him want to play.

“Daddy can I touch your cock please?” he whispered in that soft feminine voice, running his hands down his chest, his stomach, to the waist band of his jeans. He slid his fingers under the elastic, feeling the heat radiate from his pelvis.

“Get on your knees, sweetheart.” He said, his voice raspy and eager. Lexus grasped the top bunk as support as he stood and slowly lowered himself onto his knees. He immediately grasped the waist of his pants and pulled downward, and Mason lifted his hips to give him a better time with it. Lexus watched his cock bounce free. It was tall and pale near the base, but the tip was red and purple in color, and veins jutted out the side.

His cock looked just as desperate as Mason seemed for companionship.

He leaned forward, bathing the shaft with his tongue, inhaling the musty scent. He closed his eyes and was almost able to imagine it was a month ago and he was sitting between Darian’s legs. He ran his fingertips around Mason’s hips, grasping his ass as he took his cock into his mouth.

He expected for Mason to take control from him, and fuck his throat with abandon like he was so used to, but he didn’t. Instead, Mason leaned back, enjoying the warmth of a mouth, his fingers gentle as they twirled his hair and stroked his arms. So, Lexus took his time, worshipping the cock in front of him.

After a few long minutes of Lexus losing himself on the cock in front of him, he felt a hand under his chin pull his face up. He could feel that he was unfocused, a thick string of saliva pooling from his open mouth to the cock in front of him. “Yes, Daddy?” he cooed, nuzzling his cheek against the hand, turning his head and kissing against his forearm. He saw a tattoo along the length of it of a stripper, in mostly black and white except for faded red stilettos.

“Get up for me, baby girl, and take off your pants nice and slow. From behind now.”

Lexus looked up at him, seeing the gleam of excitement in his eye. He glanced down at the stripper on his arm and smiled slightly. He stood, spinning on the spot as he did and kicked his shoes off. He pushed them away and raised his arms up, pushing his chest forward to accentuate his curves. He slid his chest side to side, dancing as his hips tilted and turned. He heard Mason moan as he slid his pants down over his ass.

Leaning forward, he barred his asshole to Mason, the once dark, tight asterisk more like a loose, pink star now, as used and stretched as he was. He felt Mason’s warm hands on his outer thighs, stroking his soft skin. He felt goosebumps spring up under his hands.

But what came next was something he didn’t think he would love.

Mason leaned forward, leaving bite marks along each ass cheek here and there. And then he felt his tongue wash over his asshole. It clenched, and Lexus moaned, feeling his soft lips and the nip of his teeth over his used hole. He trembled, and his own cock twitched heavily in the air. “Nghh, Daddy, that feels so good…” he whined.

Mason paused, pulling back. “Do you want more, baby girl?” he asked, his fingertips running up against his hip bone.

“Yes Daddy please…”

Lexus could feel his tongue bathing his ass and ran from the smooth skin behind his balls to the top of his crack, matting the peach fuzz against his skin. Lexus felt his knees weaken as a tremor ran up his spine.

“You can rub yourself, sweetheart. I want you on the edge when I fuck you.”

Lexus took that suggestion to heart, and didn’t hesitate to stroke himself. Oh god, it had been so long since he’s been in his own hand. He moaned, pulling at his cock while Mason licked his asshole. This was certainly an ass loving guy. He was panting within minutes, his balls already tight from the tease and denial he’s dealt with for so long. “I’m so close, Daddy…” He whispered.

It didn’t take long to end up under Mason on the bed, and it was just a few minutes before his semen painted his chest between them.

Lexus serviced several kinds of men over the next week, counting some repeat visits. A lot of them enjoyed the short top and girly voice and demeanor he had adopted with Mason, some just wanted him to shut up and open a hole. Lexus had become quite good at being a desired commodity, and he was well rewarded by Dom with nice things. He even let him smoke with him once. It was getting easier, and he didn’t fight against his role much anymore. If anything, he was enjoying lending his cunt and mouth and being a filthy little slut. He got even better at it too, and could read the desires of people around him.

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