Matt and Jason Ch. 05

A gay story: Matt and Jason Ch. 05 I swear that was the longest day of my fucking life.

I mean, I couldn’t help but feel wildly self-conscious, wearing Matt’s clothes at work. Wearing… his underwear. Fuck, I had a new appreciation for the movie “Bull Durham,” with Nuke wearing ladies’ garters on the mound. It wasn’t all bad… for one, I’d have to admit that Matt had better style than me. More to the point, the image of his dick having previously filled out those boxer briefs…yeah, I was just this shy of walking around with a boner all fucking day.

But that wasn’t the only thing gnawing at my thoughts. I… I mean… well, I’d been having gay sex. A lot of it. Me. A fucking bastard who had never looked at a guy that way in my life, and was famous for mowing down the ladies. I was having gay sex. And I loved it. I fucking loved it.

Oh my fucking GOD I loved it.

And all that was sending my thoughts exploding in a thousand different directions, all at once.

Jesus. A week ago I would have never thought it possible. I would have laughed in your face if you suggested it. Hell, depending on how much I had been drinking, maybe I would have decked you. But when push came to shove, I didn’t have any second thoughts. Not even the slightest hesitation.

And what did all this say about me, really? That I was an equal-opportunity lech? That I’d always been gay and was just repressing it? Would any other long-held convictions blow up the minute I tested them? Was I that fickle?

…Would whatever I had going on with Matt blow up the minute some different hottie walked into our hangout?

And what would people say if they knew? I had lived my whole world in a man’s man world, where quips about being gay had been thrown around, recycled, and thrown around again. Would my buddies… change… if they knew?

God, and what about my co-workers? In some ways, they were even… more… unreconstructed than my buddies. Especially towards the low guy on the totem pole. Which I most certainly still was.

I mean, shit, were they figuring it out already? Did anything… show? Were the guys at work sizing me up like I was a $10 whore? Snickering the minute I left the room?

Panic started to simmer inside me, but as the day went on, nothing really happened. The only comments the guys threw my way were irritated barks to get my head back in the game… justifiably so. My thoughts were so disjointed, I was completely distracted from what I was doing. Thinking about… Matt.


Man… he wormed his way into everything. Memories tripped by the stupidest thing would suddenly explode into real life. Memories of him. Being with him. It wasn’t just his dick, it was… him. Everything. His half-smile. It was never a smirk–he wasn’t that… harsh. Such a chill guy. Such a great guy. No, it was just a humorous half-smile that with such little effort I could pull into the biggest, laughingest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen. A grin that fucking lit up the room. And then there was his beard. I’d never… you know, played with a guy’s beard before. The way my stubble fascinated him. That feeling of his hand as he ran his fingers across my jaw, almost in wonderment. The friction when we were together. Friction. The way….

…the way his cockhead pushed through me, lighting me up from the inside. His cock when….

Shit. Okay… so maybe I was thinking about his dick, too.

Fuck, here I was at work, barely working, just pacing around like a tiger in a cage. When I did sit down, my leg involuntarily started bouncing wildly, making the desk vibrate. Thinking about him was torture. But not thinking about him wasn’t an option.

At least I wasn’t writing notes to him, like I was some goddamn school kid. At least I hadn’t stooped that low.

Oh shit… speaking of that, I should text him and confirm I can still stop by after work and pick up my clothes. And, you know, see how his day’s going, and….

Wait. Fuck. FUCK!

Christ on a cross. It was like puberty all over again. Like the first time I saw my Middle School teacher Miss Sommers and realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. What really blew my mind is that even having experienced it before, I was responding in exactly the same way as before. My body was responding in exactly the same way. Even if it was a guy this time, and not Miss Sommers. Shit. I was too old, too cool, too experienced for a crush. Or was this just like a phase? Was this something I was going to go through again and again? Like, was I going to have my world rocked like every 10 years or so, out of the blue?

Or was…

…was Matt something… special?

Shit. What was going on with Matt? Were we just fucking around, excited about the newness of the whole thing? Excited about how it was all taboo and all?

I shook off the question, I mean… Jesus, we were way, way, WAY too early in the game to think about that. What good could possibly come from trying to label us? Label what we were doing. I mean… get a grip, Jason. Quit overthinking. What’s wrong with you? You never used to spiral like this. Jesus. Just enjoy the ride.

Riding him.


I leaned back and let myself remember… remember the feeling as Matt and I collided. The fucking feel of us. Our eyes locked. His hairy…

A co-worker came in, and I slammed my body back to attention. He looked at me. “What the fuck, Jason? You’ve either been running around with your hair on fire or drifting off into la-la land. You fucking score last night or what?”

The blunt directness of the question blew past all my defenses. I could do nothing but blush ruby red.

Which only made the remainder of the day even more nightmarish. The guys were all over me, trying to suss out the gory details. Imagining what, um, “she” looked like. What “she” was like. Juicing up their own dull sex lives by living through mine.

Jesus. Men, sometimes. I tell you….

I gave just enough details to keep them happy–enough that the goddamn fuckers were probably gonna go jerk off in the bathroom stalls as it was–but I obviously kept several of the key details secret, or just vague enough that they could fill in the details themselves. Easier that way.

But just talking through things was… hard. In more than one way. Emotionally. Physically. Erectionally. Shit, I had gone from a semi to a full-on boner, and was hoping against hope I wasn’t leaking enough precum to make a wet spot in my pants.

In… Matt’s pants.

Shit. That didn’t help.

Fortunately, all this shit went down towards the end of the day. Quitting time finally came–well, close enough–and I was able to bolt for the door, with the hoots and knowing hollers of my co-workers ringing in my ears as they cheered me on. Matt and I never set up specifics for meeting after work, but I wanted to at least scoot over to his place and get my clothes.

Oh, who the hell am I kidding. I wanted to scoot over to his place and get OUT of my clothes.

By the time I left work, I was so fucking horny I could have bitten through steel. Bragging to the guys about how I had gotten lucky had put everything front-and-center in my mind. Matt’s place was only a short hop away from my work, but the minutes stretched to what felt like hours because of ALL THE FUCKING TRAFFIC MOVE YOUR GODDAMN ASSES YOU STUPID FUCKS OR I WILL FUCKING END YOU. All I could see in my mind’s eye was Matt’s hairy body, drenched in sex sweat. With that half-smile, cocky with satisfaction. I was only dimly paying attention to the road. Thank God I didn’t kill anybody. My pits and palms were sweaty, my dick was about to rip a hole in my clothes, and my leg was bouncing so violently, it about made the whole car shake.

What the hell was wrong with me? No one had ever… hit me like that. I mean, I was fucking rocking in my car seat, physically reaching my ass out, just thinking about Matt’s dick spearing me. My hole clamping reflexively at his imagined cock. I’ve never been so worked up in my fucking life. Not even my first time. With a woman.

I did a piss-poor job of parking, and fucking ran to his door like a thousand screaming demons were in hot pursuit. My fist pounding against his door. Horny. So fucking horny….

Matt finally threw the door open and I fucking slammed into the guy, nearly knocking us both over.

God, I hope he didn’t have company over.

I’ll say it again… it’s so fucking different being with a guy. Especially a real guy like Matt. My excitement/desperation would have flattened any woman I’ve ever known. Matt not only stood his ground, but as he smashed his lips against mine, he actually flattened me against the door, slamming it shut behind me as our collective wight pressed against it.

We kissed so violently that one of us drew blood, swirling that tell-tale metallic taste into our passion (teeth, Jason, teeth… you stupid fuck!). We fucking ground against each other, hard as fuck… with our dicks hard as fuck. Fucking each other with our clothes on. Our hands were everywhere, with grips of steel, as we leveraged for support and just luxuriated in the fucking feel of each other.

I put my hands on his pecs and roughly pushed him away, almost sending him staggering back. He looked momentarily confused until I dropped to my knees and all but ripped open his pants. His Jockeys were wet with precum. I hauled them down and fucking drove my face into his hairy crotch. Breathing in so hard I was fucking gasping, desperate for his musk. The smell of his balls fucking ripping my mind open.

The fucking smell of sex. MAN sex.

I pulled back and fucking slammed my mouth down his cock, swallowing him down as hard and as fast as I could. Sucking like my life depended on it. From Matt’s bellowed roars, I knew he was into it. I went at him so hard and fast that his knees buckled slightly, and he fell forward a bit, grabbing my head and shoulders for support. I fucking went to town on him, knowing how he liked it. How he needed it. Mouth-fucking him, teasing his cockhead with my tongue, tickling his piss slit. Driving down hard, again and again, deep enough that I was all but gagging and forcing me back. My spit ran down his shaft. I took his balls into my mouth, sucking them hard–hard enough to make the man squirm. Smelling them as I went, fucking needing it. Needing it all. Making his dick mine.

Matt was totally into it, his whole body rippling in time with mine as I sucked him, but he needed more. He reached down and grabbed me under my armpits, then hauled me to my feet, slamming my shoulders against the door. He laid on a kiss hard enough to stop traffic, as his hand clumsily wrenched my belt open, then pulled my pants and underwear down in one massive jerk.

Then he went after my dick, even harder than I went after his.

I mean, holy fuck. It was a good thing he had all but pinned me against the door, as I doubt I could have stood upright. God… all I can say is I hope someday you can find a cocksucker as enthusiastic as Matt was… it’s an experience every guy should have. Matt was fucking living for my dick, going after it with thunder and rage, and a desperate hunger. Mouth-fucking me hard, sucking me down. Swallowing my shaft, playing with the head. Fucking inhaling my balls and rolling them around in his mouth. Over and over, in rapid-fire succession, keeping me wildly off my toes. I was bucking against him, needing more. Desperate for more.

Then to my befuddled surprise, he spun me around harshly. He roughly wrenched one leg free of my pants and spread my legs. Oh fuck… he was gonna….

YES! The motherfucker buried his face in my hairy ass and fucking feasted on me. FUCK. He was like a rabid Grizzley Bear, fucking making out with my pucker, ramming his tongue inside me as far as it would go. Wildly swinging his head, and fucking shredding my skin with his beard. Huge licks up and down my crack. I roared out my passion; trying to encourage him… although my words collapsed into garbled raw animal sounds. I pushed hard against him, desperate for more of his mouth… more, more, FUCKING MORE. I realized that sound I kept hearing was me screaming out “FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME!”

Matt’s mouth came off me with nearly an audible “pop.” I couldn’t see what he was doing, but it was like he fished something out of his pocket and then stepped out of his pants entirely. There was a vulgar splatter of a sound, and then… POW! He slammed his rock-hard dick up inside me, his balls to my balls.

I belted out a gasping cry. That fucking incredible first thrill of penetration! But… weirdly enough, it was so fucking easy. Surprisingly easy. My brain was reeling, as Matt slammed my shoulders into the door, my left cheek flat against it. His hand pressed against me, and his bearded face pressed tightly against my ear. “Like that? I got some lube on my way home. No excuses any more… now, we’re gonna REALLY fuck!” He roughly licked my ear, and my knees quivered.

And then Matt fucked the shit out of me.

It felt strange, and FUCKING WONDERFUL. There was next to no resistance as his dick powered through me, his head finding my magic spot and setting my body on fire. GOD that fucking golden light FILLED ME. My hair standing on end, my skin shivering. That fucking FIRE as Matt slammed into me, again and again, AGAIN AND AGAIN. Rougher than ever before, rougher than I thought possible, with the lube creating a frictionless glide. I was fucking screaming like a bitch in heat. Sweating. Sweating like a fucking pig. Power strokes ripping though me. Matt slowed, and ground his hips against my hairy ass, like a fucking obscene hula dance, getting his dick inside every possible part of me. Opening me. Setting off fireworks in my mind even brighter than the light already flooding through me. As much as I could, I slammed my ass back against him, reaching around with one hand to try and open myself up so he could drive in deeper. Needing, fucking NEEDING his dick. There was nothing but his dick and my ass.

Matt started slamming against me. Whole body slams, like he was using my body as a battering ram to break down his own door. His arm looped around my chest for extra leverage. Pounding me, fucking POUNDING me, harder than fuck. Pressed against me, mashing my face against the door. My body on absolute fire. Roaring as flames exploded out of control. Fire. RAW FIRE. It was like I was cumming, but the feeling kept going. Fire. Roaring. More. MORE. My balls churning. FIRE. Finally, a cascade of nuclear explosions in my mind as I lost all control. I screamed out a braying cry as I blasted a bucketful of cum all over his front door.

That just got Matt even more worked up.

My mind was in a haze, but moments later I realized I was laying on the floor, chewing his carpet, while Matt hauled up my ass and fucking POUNDED me. Faster than I thought possible. I could fucking feel his cockhead rip through me, setting my guts on fire. Each blow landing like a plane crash. Fast. FAST. FASTFASTFASTFASTFASTFAST. I screamed, no other recourse. I hadn’t even come down from shooting my load; the explosions in my mind just kept building. And he kept pounding. Our bodies slapping together, his balls all but ricocheting off me with each hammer stroke. My still-hard dick slapping against my stomach from the impact. FASTFASTFASTFASTFAST. My entire being was on fire.

Then, I couldn’t believe it… I could feel my body rising up all over again, readying….

And I fucking came all over again.

Matt’s body responded, as my ass clenched down on his cock. His hammer strokes became wilder, less rhythmic, and I could feel his hands dig into me. A low wailing sound was building inside him, taking off a thunderous roar… and Matt exploded. I could feel his dick jerk inside me as he shot load after load of white-hot cum deep inside me.

One with me.

God, my body didn’t know what to do with itself. Muscles spasming. A ringing in my ears. Seeing spots. It almost felt like I had been pummeled in an inch of my life… but underneath everything I felt like I was burning with LIFE. Like Frankenstein’s monster on the operating table after being brought to life by lightening. Fucking ALIVE.

The fucking FEELING.

Matt and I made out for what felt like an hour… just thrilling at the feel of each other. Clothes half-on, half-off. Our hair drenched in sweat. Hairy legs entangled. Cum oozing everywhere. It was the ugliest romantic scene possible. And the most beautiful.

At some point, I looked at Matt. Amazed by him. Amazed at me with him. But there was the real world out there, and real-world commitments. Damn.

“Okay dude,” I murmured. “This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, but I can’t spend the night again. If nothing else, I have to get some actual sleep–I’ve got a major project to finish and today was pretty much a waste. Another day like today, and my boss will flay me alive.”

Matt looked on with that half-smile, and a comically displeased demeanor. “Tssk. That figures. You men are all alike. Ten or twelve quick ones, and they just roll over and go to sleep on you.”

I punched his arm and we started laughing. “Jesus Christ, man. You have officially rocked my world. It’s so bizarre–wonderful, but bizarre–to fuck around with someone so… enthusiastic for sex. I mean… holy shit!”

Matt beamed. “I don’t know if it’s that way with all guys, or just you, but I know what you mean. Alicia was one extreme, but even when I was with ‘high sex drive’ women, nothing compares with what you throw down. What you push me to throw down. You’re fucking amazing.”

“Can I ask a question?” I ventured.


“Just curious. Do you… well, do you like… you know, getting fucked or doing the fucking better?”

Matt paused, and looked off into the distance. After a second, he smirked and looked me in the eye. “I think its whichever one I’m doing in the moment.”

I snorted derisively. “Talk about a cop out of an answer.”

“Well, what about you?”

I reflected. I had been thinking about that very question quite a bit. “Well, the only reason I’m not gonna bust your chops about that answer is that mine is pretty much the same. When I fuck you… damn! It feels like I’m king of the world. Roaring with power. Gonna fucking take you and make you like it. But when you fuck me…. shit, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt in my life. You set my whole body on fire. Like I’m all but cumming the entire time, for like an hour straight. And when I do actually shoot, it’s like cumming on another level. I feel like I’m finally alive. But then again, I feel that way when I’m pounding that hairy ass of yours, too. Like… I don’t know. But also, it’s like the biggest rush fucking you and seeing it on your face how into it you are.”

Matt broke out the biggest, goofiest grin I’d seen. “I know what you mean, bud. The thing is… when I’m fucking you, God, you are fucking into it! Every part of you… it’s in your eyes, your whole face, your entire body. Like, you’re fucking glowing or something. It’s like every single thing I do is driving you wild. It’s such an intense connection… and the rush of knowing I’m doing that to you. It makes me feel…” Matt’s voice caught, just for a second. “It makes me feel like the biggest stud on the planet.” He paused longer, and went on in a nearly broken voice. “Like I’m a fucking stud. After Alicia… I didn’t know how much I needed that. To feel like… a man again. To feel… desirable again. To feel… shit… like, I’m sexy again.”

I think my heart broke a little for Matt right then, knowing what he had just been going through with his ex. Not just the break-up, but even before. I remember being cheated on, and how it shredded your confidence. Made you question so many things about yourself, especially sexual performance. It took me a very long time to come to terms with that, all the while denying there was a problem. I was… touched with his honesty. His vulnerability.

“You ARE a stud, man!” I said, running my fingers through his beard. “Being with you is the biggest rush imaginable. You fucking ARE sex! It’s… amazing. And you are most definitely a man. THE man. With a man’s needs, a man’s hunger… and a man’s stamina.”

He smiled sheepishly.

“Seriously, dude. Fucking around with you is on a whole other level. Even compared to what I though was a good sex life with my ex. Even when we were in our prime, I still felt like sex was a much bigger thing to me than it was to her. Yeah, women like sex, but it is nothing compared to how much guys like it. It’s funny–having never had man-sex before… now I don’t know if I could do without it. All my previous sex, with a whole bunch of sexed-up women, just seems so… pale now. I mean… you get it. And holy shit, you have fucking brought me to my knees. You’re so fucking good. So fucking good. It’s more than I deserve.”

Matt looked at me, and if I didn’t know better, I’d have thought his eyes were… glistening. He rolled in, pressing his head against my chest. I just held him. Fucking held him. Breathing him in. I realized I was running my fingers through his hair, wet with sweat. We laid there in silence, and I was… oddly content. Oddly connected. Baring our souls.

Funny. There we were, still half-dressed, in a partial tangle of clothes… but truly naked to each other.

Long silence. Matt and I didn’t have words. Or, maybe what we were thinking, what we were feeling, was all so deep that we couldn’t explain ourselves with mere words. Maybe our actions were our words.

Matt finally pierced the quiet. Roughly trying to change the subject. “Hey man, I know you said you needed to go, but you want to at least stay for dinner? Carry out? My treat?”

Many words crossed my mind at that point, but I went with the simplest. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

And it occurred to me, that as much as I wanted another roll in the hay with him, I at that moment I REALLY wanted to just… hang out with him. Make him smile.


We never formally discussed it, but I think we were in general agreement to not bring up our… activities… to the outside world. Truth is, I was afraid to bring it up to Matt. I…

…Okay, fine, I was nervous.

I wanted to know what he thought about what we were doing, but at the same time I really didn’t. I mean, I hadn’t wrapped my head around it. Plus, the experience with my co-workers had me freaked out some. Enough that I had no interest in saying anything to my crew… and really, why did we need to? What I had with Matt was… just sprouting. Maybe not even taking root yet. Were we just fucking around? Did he think we were just fucking around? I was half expecting him to at any minute say, “This is fun and all, but there’s this hottie I’ve been talking up….”

I didn’t want in any way to disrupt our fun.

And so, I spent the rest of the week trying to put Matt out of my mind long enough to finish my work project. And–God help me–daydreaming about the fucking sexiest guy I knew. A guy too scruffy to be a pretty boy, but too pretty to be scruffy. I think I jerked off more in those few days than I had since I was 13. Was Matt rubbing some out thinking of me? His face in my used Jockeys…?

Fuck. Matt’s smell. I don’t think I can convey how hot his scent got me. His smile might make me weak in the knees, but his smell just…. It fucking…. FUCK.

Why didn’t I run off with a pair of his boxer briefs, too?

We kept checking in… messages, even talking on the phone. God, it was like we were 13-year-old girls.

While we were talking on Thursday night, he called me out on the fact that I was beating off while talking to him. Shit. I thought I was being all quiet and clever.

Hearing me, he decided to join me. And full-on phone sex followed. I had him rub his hands again and again through his bush, then finger his hairy hole, and describe his scent to me. I had my own finger deep in my butt as I furiously jerked off. He wanted me to describe the taste of my cum. Fuck. The roar he made as he shot his load was so loud, I think I could hear it across town even without the phone.

I slept pretty well that night.

That Friday, I was at Town Hall as usual, and pretty much all the hoodlums were there letting loose. I had shot Matt a message to see if he was coming, and he sent back that wild horses couldn’t keep him away. I got there early–I worked the room, hoping that by doing so, an early exit wouldn’t raise eyebrows. Matt came through the door and…

Fuck, did I have butterflies in my stomach again? What the fuck.

We sat at the bar on adjoining stools, making an appearance to keep up appearances. It took inhuman amounts of self-control to keep from diving on top of him, but the force of self-control added to the excitement. Plus, it gave us a chance to talk. Yes, there were the not-so-subtle coded messages we sent back and forth, but… it also was like, conversation.

I loved talking to him.

I always loved his stories, his dry humor talking about this or that at work, making it somehow into some sort of zany adventure. His way with words. Shit… the whipsaw steel of how his mind worked. The smartest guy I knew, but so fucking easy to talk to.


“What…?” he said, finally, with s suspicious look on his face.

I realized I was just staring at him with a stupid look on my face. God, I probably looked like a fucking puppy or something. I made a crass joke and got him laughing to break the mood. Making him smile. But I… my mind…

It was all… strange.

The mood shifted again, when my buddy Paul rumbled on over and grabbed Matt’s arm. The two had a friendly rivalry going, going back to the first day when Matt joined us. Paul thought of himself as the King of the Pool Table, until Matt unceremonially dethroned him, pitched him on his ass and stuffed him into a side pocket. From that date forward, the two battled regularly like Clash of the Titans. No quarter asked for or received. As Paul dragged Matt off to the pool table, I could hear fiery oaths shouted out, something about “your mother,” and they were at it again. I smiled broadly, watching them.

At that moment, Maggie walked by with her friend Jackie. I’d known Maggie forever; she’d been dating another one of my buds for years. I sometimes wondered if they were ever going to officially tie the knot. She was carrying a couple of beers, and Maggie’s eyes widened as she saw me.

“Jason! Oh, hey… glad I caught you. I have something I’ve been meaning to ask you. You busy?”

“Nope, just killing time… what’s up?”

“I’ll get right to it… are you on the market again?”

Uh… that was a question. I had no idea what to answer. “Me? Well, you know me… just kinda….”

“Yeah, this is the longest I’ve known to you to fly solo. It’s not right. I think I have the perfect girl for you. Your ex was a bitch and all, but that’s over. You really should put yourself out there!” Jackie nodded vigorously. “And the thing is….”

Whooo-boy. My mind was spinning in several directions at once. Yeah, in all other respects it probably did seem weird to other people that I didn’t have someone on my arm. It felt… weird to me, too. Not to sound crass, but I usually didn’t have problems hooking up with the ladies. And, here’s the thing. If people were asking me openly… they were certainly talking about it amongst themselves, and probably had been for some time. But… well, did I have someone? Was I off the market? Shit. Did Matt see me as being off the market, or did he…? Shit. Fucking shit.

“…and I just think it would be perfect….”

Maggie droned on. I looked instinctively past her, over towards Matt, where he and the boys were duking it out on the pool table. Well, was I off the market? What was going on between us. Was it real? The other day, I hadn’t wanted to even think about such a thing, afraid of mucking things up. Maybe… that was wrong? Should I be thinking about… things?

“…and I even think you know her! She’s….”

Wait… “she?” I tried to look back at Maggie and Jackie, but their words just bounced around aimlessly, not making any impression on me. Was I giving off some kind of vibes? Were folks… worried? Did they see things going on that… made them worried? And were trying to “right the ship,” so to speak? I turned back to Matt. Matt. There he was. Flushed with success, eyes flashing. Still in his work shirt, but it was pulled out and hanging loosely around him. His arms in the air, in triumph. I could almost see… wet pit stains under his arms. The man was physical at everything he did, including trouncing my boy Paul at pool. Matt. Matt…. Paul was there with him, both mad as hell, and laughing his head off. They both were. Matt… laughing. Glowing. I couldn’t hear what they were shouting at each other. God. I just kept… staring. A man at the height of manhood. A man in action. I man flushed with success. A man alive.

I don’t know if Matt could feel the weight of my gaze on him, or what, but he looked over at me. Searching the crowd… for me. Our eyes locked. He just… he smiled. That fucking half-smile.



… it’s hard to describe, but I think I felt… warm inside. I swear I could feel the touch of his meaty hands. The feel of his breath. The light scratch of his beard. His… scent….

“…and it would be perfect, wouldn’t it?”

Shit. Maggie. Maggie had stopped talking. She was asking me a question, looking at me expectantly. I turned to look back at her, and gently put my hand on her shoulder. “Yeah, sounds perfect! Um… can you excuse me for a sec?”

I slid into the crowd, not waiting for her answer. Matt met me half-way, and I had to check myself from giving him a flying roundhouse kiss. It was a good thing, too; just as I moved in, he excitedly threw his hand forward to give me a high-five. “Skunked him again! Just when he thought he had me! Uh… Jason?”

I realized I was staring again. My cheeks burned and shook myself to attention. “Excellent bud, I had faith in you! Saaaay… you want to get out of here? Um, the beer is colder at my place!”

Matt just looked at me, and his grin somehow got even wider. Loudly, he responded, “Sure bud, I’ll get my coat and follow you out!” Then, he leaned in conspiratorially and whispered just for me, “Not to presume, but I brought an overnight bag.” He was too close for me to tell for sure, but I swear he winked at me.

“You brought… clothes?” I hissed.

“Clothes? Oh hell no. What for?”

Yeah, my dick was straight and tall as a telephone pole. Thank God the lighting was dim.

Although I was wrapped in a hormonal daze, I made it back to my place without incident with Matt close behind.

I got my front door open in time to see him come sauntering up the walk behind me… cocky, in more ways than one. That damn half-grin.

“Hey Jason! I’m horny as fuck!”

I pulled him in, and pulled him into a fat, juicy kiss, ramming my tongue down his throat. My hand slid down and reached for his dick, now hard enough to split his pants. “Yeah, I can tell. Get in here!”

Ah, the elegance of masculine foreplay…

It was a chaotic scene as we tried to pull ourselves out of our winter wear, all the while locking lips and trying to feel each other up. There was a pause when out of desperation, I slid my hand down his pants behind his belt buckle, grabbing his bare cock. Matt yelped; my hands were still ice cold. That slowed us down with a laugh. We disentangled, and got out of our coats. I wrenched my shirt over my head and dropped my pants, while Matt struggled to undo his buttons. Finally, his shirt fell away and I could take in that hairy chest of his.

Goddamn. Matt was one sexy fucker.

I had an idea.

For all the times I’d hung around guys, for all the fun that Matt and I had had… I’d never really… explored a man’s body. You know, taken it all in… all of it. Scents, tastes, textures. As a man. Never really dug into what a man was like. What it meant to… be a man.

I grabbed him by his belt buckle, and hauled him towards the bedroom. He stumble-followed me, trying to kick off his shoes as we went. I threw him down so he was flat on his back on my bed. He moved to undo his belt, but I blocked him. I slid out of my underwear, standing before him naked and harder than steel.

“No,” I commanded with a wicked grin. “I want to try something. Hands off!”

Matt gave a theatrical grown and laid his head back. I clambered on top of him, my lips meeting his. Whiskey still on his breath. His arms wrapped around me, and I slid my hands along the side of his face, letting the scruff of his beard tickle my fingers. Matt kissed me… anxious. Curious.


I slid down from his mouth, rubbing my face against his hairy cheek. Waking up my skin. Teasing myself, teasing him. My mouth rand down across his neck. Nibbling. Licking. Probing him. Trying to find that exact spot that would set him off….


There it was.

I worked it over, again and again, my mouth activating him. Sending small shivers up and down his body. My other hand roamed freely, letting myself twirl his hair. Feel the soft scour of his hairy chest. Rub the hard muscle of his arm. Lightly tickle his hairy nipple. Matt growled in appreciation. He attempted to move, but I blocked him, forcing him down. Pining him. Making him take my exploration of him like a man. He relented; not trying to move, but running his hands over my head, massaging my scalp as my tongue tormented that magic spot behind his ear.

I slid further down, rolling my mouth across his pecs, long sensual licks from nipple to nipple. Taking them in, suckling them like a baby, then slurring over to the other. Repeat. Slow and steady. My hands, mouth, and the stubble on my chin making his skin dance and his body ripple.

Matt continued to gurgle out sounds of encouragement, unable to form actual words. I could see goosebumps rise up to meet my tongue. He was sweating.

That was part of my plan. I started mouthing wide, obscene circles around his nipple… widening. Widening. Finally, I swung hard, threw back his arm and buried my face in his hairy pit. Breathing in his sharp, sweaty scent. The scent of man. I smashed my nose against his fur, up and down, up and down, finally lashing out with my tongue and slathering him with spit. Matt’s growls intensified, a sound of savage hunger. I had to keep him pressed down to stop him from going on the attack himself. I pulled back, and after a long heavy slur of my tongue, I fucking made out with his other pit, sucking and licking, smearing my face against him again and again. Fucking relentless. His scent filling my lungs. His fur matted by my spit.

Spit and sweat.

Holy fuck was I fired up. Moreso even than Matt… and Matt was fucking losing his mind.

With great reluctance I pulled back, his scent still filling my nose. I ran back toward the center of his chest, mouthing my way down. Dragging my teeth across his skin, raking his short, curly hair. Massaging heavily against his pecs as I went down and down, down and down. Marveling at his body. This incredible masculine form… a form I knew so well, but had never explored. Finding the sensuality of it. Not sensual like a woman’s body… but like a man’s. The masculinity of it. Rawness. The coiled power. Feeling the tautness of his abs. Feeling the play of his fur. Breathing his dusky scent.

All the while scouring him raw with my stubble.

I loved how his body hair grew dense again right at his belly-button. Fuck. Masculine. His fur holding his smell. Growing into a fucking forest as I went further down… God, I loved that familiar sound of undoing his belt buckle and unzipping his fly. Sounds I normally associated with the times I was going in for the sexual kill, but now hearing in a different context altogether.

Pulling his pants down from his hips. Feeling his anticipation. Him all but reaching up to me with his dick, trying to spear my mouth.

Not yet. I bypassed his raging hard cock. Toying with him, yes… but not wanting to end my exploration of his body too soon. I could feel his skin quiver as I went. Him making a strangled sound, willing me to go down on him with all his might, to offer desperately-needed release.

Hell no.

I went after his balls; that stop was all for me. I needed, fucking needed the sweaty musk of his balls. His boys finally freed after being trapped all day in his Jockeys. Having spent the whole day churning, as he thought of me. I ran my nose across them, fucking floored by his scent. FUCK. The raw scent of sex. Of male. With my tongue, I fucking rolled one into my mouth, sucking down on it. Hard. Teasing it. Tickling with the tip of my tongue. Rolling. Sucking. Suckling. My nose still in his man-bush. My hands sliding up and down his flat abs, feeling him. Holding him down. Matt growled in frustrated horniness, lapping up the sensations of my tongue lapping up his balls. Back and forth. Each one in my mouth. Wet with my spit. I pulled back slightly… and blew cool air lightly across his ballsack. Inwardly snickering as the man squirmed, totally lost in the moment.

Back down, down and down again. Running my tongue the length of his hairy legs, pulling him out of his pants as I went. I massaged his thighs with my hands, feeling the awesome power of his muscles, but my mouth kept going. I had business down lower.

I freed his foot from his pant leg, and pulled it up… still sheathed in his sock. I bit down on the edge and pulled it down with my teeth. Rich in man-scent. I freed his foot entirely, and dragged my face along the sole, letting my lips and stubble work together to send a shiver across his body. Matt made an embarrassingly obscene sound. I continued. Pushing my nose through his toes, then dragging my tongue from heel to toe, stopping at his big toe and suckling it. Like it was his cock. Licking, heavily licking, then mashing my face along his spit-slick skin. Matt groaned, lost in the sensation. Horny as fuck, and finding new sensations ripple across his body. Suckling his toe again. Hard, rolling my tongue around and around. A long lick upwards again, then sliding back up to go after his balls again. Keeping him honest. Sucking him. Tonguing him. As I mouthed his hairy sack, his toes reached up, desperate. Searching. Hoping.


He found my cock and rolled his toes through my bush. Trying to stroke my cock with his feet. Connecting us.

I let the feeling wash over me. That connection, foot and balls. Then shifted my weight to travel the length of his other leg. Freeing it from his clothes, and making out with his other foot. Getting it slick. Firing his nerve endings. Rolling my tongue across his toes. Flooding his brain with feeling.

Then up. Up and up. He was ready. God knows I was too.

I fucking took his cock in my mouth. It was gushing cock-snot, desperate for attention. Desperate for release.

And I fucking sucked the hell out of him.

Whatever my explorations had done to him, they had set my whole fucking body on fire. I had never been so fucking horned up in my life, so desperate for action. Hard to believe what a man’s body could do to me.

What THIS man’s body could do to me.

I attacked him like a fucking demon, sucking so hard I was afraid I was going to hurt him. I dove down his shaft as far as I could, and tied something new. As I went down, I physically swallowed…

…and fucking drove down to his hairy balls.

His whole body flailed wildly. His wild screams rattling the windows. His hand slamming onto my head, shoulders. His hands like a Jaws of Life ripping open a car door. I could only hold there for a second. I burst back, coughing, but then savagely went down on him again. Hard. Again and again. Sucking for all I was worth. Needing his cock like I had never needed anything. Again and again. Hard. HARD.


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The poor guy didn’t stand a chance. Any hope I might have had of extending things was gone in a flash–he blew hard. Screaming his head off. Flooding my mouth with his spunk so fast I was gagging on it, forced to spit it out. Coughing for breath. Still he shot, his back arched… nearly lifting off the bed. Six, seven waves. Ropes of cum. Thick and heavy. A taste of warm sea water.

He slunk back down to the bed. Still making animal sounds, like a fucking bitch-lion in heat. Utterly spent.

I, however, was just getting started.

You see, I had saved his ass for last…

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