Turned Out On Business Trip

A gay story: Turned Out On Business Trip My young adult life changed forever during a routine business trip. I am 26 years old and employed by a large regional bank supporting their ATM machines and networks. Until a few months ago I was dating a woman who I intended to marry. She was a nurse and I would’ve described our relationship as strong, committed and healthy. Unfortunately, she became involved with another man she met at her hospital. He was a nurse, too, and they worked the same shifts.

I was devastated by the betrayal, and my self confidence was at an all-time low. I couldn’t help feeling inadequate because her nurse boyfriend’s picture that I had seen on her Facebook page looked handsome. Last month I heard through a mutual friend that the two of them were now engaged.

I was determined to get into better shape, even though I wasn’t overweight and never had too much trouble getting dates. But I definitely lacked sexual prowess in the bedroom, something I struggled to overcome since highschool. And maybe that’s why my girlfriend had been cheating on me.

While I found myself attracted to women, sex was mostly mechanical for me, and I didn’t question my sexual orientation even though I occasionally visited porn sites and sometimes found myself more interested in the male performer.

I was on a trip to Oklahoma City for the entire week and it was my first morning at the hotel.

I’m an early riser, so I thought I’d have the hotel gym to myself when I left my room at 5:30am. When I arrived I was surprised to see another man who appeared to be finishing an intense workout. He was sweating profusely on the far side of the room, so he must’ve started his workout at least 30 or 45 minutes earlier. I headed for the treadmill nearest to the entryway and studied the screen to program a 30 minute run.

“Good morning gym buddy,” a deep baritone voice grunted as he completed a dumbbell curl.

“Good morning,” I responded, my voice resonating much higher than his. He was wearing a T-shirt and gym shorts. I’m 5ft 9in tall, and fit at 160 lbs, but this guy outweighed me by probably 40 pounds of muscle mass and I gauged his height a couple inches over 6ft.

“You’ll have the place to yourself, I’m wiped out, heading to the shower,” he announced as he returned the dumbbells to their rack. I couldn’t help notice they were the heaviest, 80 lb set. Even in my peak shape during college, I could barely manage 50 lb dumbbells.

I found myself impressed by his muscular build, but didn’t want to stare, so I shifted my gaze to my treadmill settings. I started my warmup and noticed I could still see him in the mirror. He looked to be in his mid to late forties, dark hair with hints of gray, salt and pepper beard, neatly trimmed around a square jaw line, and piercing blue eyes. He grabbed a clean hand towel from the bin and started wiping sweat from his brow, face, arms and lower legs.

He had a virile demeanor and confidence matching his athletic physique, and he started walking in my direction because the exit was behind me.

As he got closer I found myself feeling somewhat inferior to this magnificent male specimen. As he walked behind me, I could smell his sweaty musk odor, owing to the poor ventilation in the gym

As he opened the door behind my treadmill, he threw his used towel into the empty laundry bin and said “Have a good one, Butch” and the door closed behind him before I could respond.

What the heck, why did he say “Butch”? Was that polite banter, or a mild insult? I couldn’t decide, and I couldn’t take my mind off this man’s attitude and air of superiority. I realized the treadmill was still on the warmup setting, so I told myself “get yourself together Terry and start jogging and complete your workout.”

Forty minutes later, I was still alone and finishing my workout. I went to grab a hand towel and realized there weren’t any clean towels. For some reason I impetuously reached into the laundry bin and retrieved the man’s used towel sitting on top. With towel in hand, I headed to the lobby elevator and pressed the call button. I was staying on the fourth floor and typically used the stairs but was tired after my workout. The elevator dinged and the door opened. To my surprise and embarrassment, the man I’d been obsessing over stepped out in an expensive looking navy suit. He glanced briefly at me and I think his eyes flicked to the towel.

He seemed to smirk, then winked at me and brushed past me towards the hotel lobby. I kept my eyes down, pressed the fourth floor button quickly and the doors closed. I could feel my face turning crimson like a teenage girl. Why did this man just wink at me? And could he tell I had his used towel? He probably knew he had taken the last clean hand towel. And when he brushed past, I sensed an electric charge.

After closing the door to my room, I immediately lifted the man’s damp towel to my nose and inhaled deeply. The sweaty musk scent was intoxicating, I had to sit down and felt my dick stirring in my gym shorts. I was getting aroused by just absorbing odors from this stud man’s used towel.

Oh, God, what the hell was happening to me, and why was I so infatuated with this man? I had known since highschool that I occasionally found some men attractive, but my upbringing didn’t tolerate same sex inclinations, and until a few months ago I had been in a sexually satisfying relationship with a woman. But this was an intense, almost overwhelming feeling.

My dick wouldn’t settle down and my mind kept racing back to that man’s wink, his powerful stature, and his deep, sexy voice that called me “Butch.”

Checking the clock I realized I needed to hussle or I’d be late. I snapped out of my daze and jumped into the shower, dressed and grabbed my car rental keys. On the way out, I placed the maid service card on the door so it displayed “No service needed”. On my way through the lobby there was no sign of the the muscle man.

The rest of my day was all business and routine work. I actually finished a little early and the branch manager gave me the green light to head back to the hotel. I hadn’t given any thoughts to my morning, but driving back to the hotel I started replaying my interaction with that older stud, and I pervertedly wanted to inhale his towel again. Man, I was disgusted and embarrassed with myself, but also getting excited about getting back to the hotel, part of me hoping I’d see the gym stud again.

The hotel was hosting a manager’s reception when I arrived, consisting of complimentary sandwiches, wine and beer, so I decided to have a beer and something to eat. I selected two small sandwiches from the buffet table, then headed to the bar area which was in the adjacent room.

I rounded the corner to the bar area and noticed the gym stud was holding court at the bar, surrounded by other hotel guests or maybe coworkers. He was in khaki trousers and a sports shirt with the collar unbuttoned, showing off his muscular torso because it was stretched tightly across his firm pecs and bulging arms.

A young and pretty bartender was smiling and talking with gym stud. She was obviously charmed by the athletic hunk. A male bartender closer to my end of the bar asked me what I wanted to drink. I ordered a beer and noticed all the chairs at the bar were taken, so I moved to an empty table.

I got immersed in my phone and was eating for several minutes when a hand slapped my back, and I turned around. It was gym stud, with a big smile on his face. He extended his hand and said, “Hey there gym buddy. I’m Justin and I don’t think I’ve seen you at the hotel before. Are you here on business, or just visiting relatives?” We were shaking hands as he was introducing himself. I was trying not to wince from his crushing grip.

“This is my first trip to Oklahoma City. I’m here for business, my name is Terry. So do you work at the hotel?”

“Oh, no, I’m in pharmacutical sales and this is part of my region, but I guess this hotel is one of my many homes away from home.” He pointed to an empty chair opposite of me, and I nodded that it was available. He continued, “I’m here at least a week every couple months, and I’ve gotten to know most of the hotel staff. Being in sales keeps me traveling all the time, so I stay in the same places whenever I can. I’ve been staying at this hotel for the past year and today was the first time another person showed up at the gym during my workout, so I was duly impressed. I start each morning with a 2 mile run, followed by weights, because I’m not getting any younger,” he laughed and took a long swig from a beer bottle.

We kept the conversation going for a while. I explained my recent breakup and talked about my job. Justin had a charming, conversational style, and made me feel comfortable. We chatted for another 15 minutes. He said he was having trouble with his laptop VPN setting, so I offered to help. His phone buzzed and he looked at the text, frowned, then stood, indicating our conversation was over. He told me he had a hot date with a pharmacist who he was seeing regularly while in town.

He said, “Terry, I’ve gotta run, I’m late. Is there any way you’d be able to check my VPN settings right now? I can’t upload my monthly report until the VPN is working.”

“I’ll be here in the lobby for another half hour or so. If you’re comfortable leaving it with me, I’ll do what I can to help out. I’ll leave your laptop with the front desk.”

Justin thanked me again, and headed to his room. He returned almost immediately and clearly in a rush. He had his laptop, which he handed over to me, along with a hotel room key card. “Listen, Terry, I’m really pressed for time. Could you please return my laptop to my room when you’re done? I might be out late, and if I get lucky,” he winked as he said this, “I won’t get back until very late, and I’ll need to finish my monthly report before the sun rises. I know, it sounds nuts, but my boss needs all sales figures by tomorrow morning, and I don’t really trust the night manager at the front desk. He just gives me the wrong vibe, if you know what I mean..”

I must have still looked confused because he added, “I can’t upload the report without the VPN being fixed, and I’m already running late. My date has texted twice already so I need to leave right away.”

“Okay, but I could probably fix it while you wait,” I said.

“I’ve gotta run, Terry. Please just let yourself into my room, put the laptop on the desk, and leave the key card. I owe you big time.” As he was walking away, he turned around and said, “As a thanks, I’ll treat you to a steak dinner tomorrow courtesy of my expense account.”

“Thanks Justin, there no need for that. I can fix these things almost in my sleep.”

He smiled, thanked me again, and rushed out of the lobby. I imagined his date being a twenty something hot chick, and pictured Justin fucking a gorgeous woman in every city across his sales territory.

After I finished my third beer, I went back to my room and opened Justin’s laptop. He had written his password on a note posted to the screen. As I guessed, his VPN settings needed a minor fix. After testing it twice, I logged off and shut it down before being tempted to cyber snoop. I couldn’t believe how trusting Justin was, giving me his laptop and and a key card!

I was excited about seeing this stud’s hotel room and was getting aroused all over again. I reminded myself I had a key and permission to be in his room.

His room was on the same floor as mine, so it was a short walk down the hall. Before inserting the key card, I knocked gently to make sure it was vacant. No answer, so I inserted the card and heard the familiar “click” signaling the latch was unlocked. I opened the door and walked slowly into the room. The door closed behind me. His room was a large suite, bigger than mine and the desk was on the far side of the room, past a king bed which was made up. Justin had left a pair of blue boxers, a white T-shirt and dark blue dress socks at the foot of the bed.

The room was very dark because the lights were off and the curtains were drawn, but I could still see just fine in the ambient light. I placed the laptop on the desk, along with the key card and turned back towards the door. As I walked past the bed, I couldn’t resist the temptation to smell this hunk’s boxers. I reached out and lifted them towards my nose and realized my dick was as hard as ever. I inhaled this man’s musky underwear, sniffing deeply over and over, with my eyes shut.

Suddenly I heard a faint “click” and the door flew open. Justin walked in and the door shut behind him. Oh shit, what the fuck, how can I explain this?

Justin just stood there, quietly, and he seemed amused. I dropped the boxers to the floor and stammered, “I, uh, ah, I know this looks weird, but I’m just leaving.” I was hoping my erection wasn’t visible in the dim light.

“Well, Terry, I wear 34 regular, but from the look of things, I’m guessing you’re more interested in my packaging.”

I was mortified, but got defensive and tried changing the focus by asking, “Sorry, Justin, umm, I thought you were on a date.” Justin was smirking.

“Yeah, Terry, I was supposed to be on my date, but he had to cancel at the last minute. His wife was supposed to be out of town until tomorrow, but she surprised him and came home a day early.”

Did he just say “he?” My head was spinning and it sounded like he said his date was another man. My mind was racing.

Justin took a step towards me and said, “I’ve learned a great deal about people I meet on business trips, Terry, and I rarely make mistakes when I size up other men. Do you ever size up other men, Terry?”

“What does that mean?” I was getting uncomfortable and was trying to sound calm and indifferent to this dominant line of questioning.

“Sorry, Terry. No reason to get your panties in a twist. It’s okay to be curious about other men, or their packages. I’m just being friendly to another traveler who might want some company, that’s all.” He stepped closer to me, smirking, and started to move his right arm upwards towards my left shoulder. I turned to my right wanting to move towards the door. But he pivoted to his left and blocked my way.

In my sternest voice I said, “Hey, Justin, listen, I think you definitely made a mistake. I’m not looking for company on this trip and I’ve got a very busy day tomorrow, so I’ll be on my way.” He stepped right up to me this time. I could smell his cologne and his open collar was at eye level. I could see his virile chest hair and I had to look up at him because he was so close to me now. My dick was still hard but I just wanted to get out of the room.

He placed his strong hands on my shoulders and firmly squeezed them while never taking his eyes away from mine. Instinctively I placed my hands on his arms to push back, but was stunned by the sheer strength of this man. I could feel his biceps flexing like steel cables as he held me in place. I felt like a small boy in comparison to this muscular, larger man.

“No Terry, I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere until we have a little chat.” His vice grip on my shoulders was borderline painful, but he wasn’t displaying anger. He was speaking calmly. I could smell beer on his breath. He started pushing me backwards until I was against the wall. He just held me against the wall, with a silent predatory stare, then spoke in a low husky whisper. “I’m betting you could use a strong friend, Terry”.

He moved his lips to my right ear and whispered. “Your body wants to submit to me, young man.” Now he pushed himself fully against me. He kept his head to the side of mine. I could feel his beard against my ear, and he kept whispering, “You’re hard, Terry, and you’re breathing like a dog in heat. Just let it happen, nobody’s going to know and we’ll both have a good time.”

My legs were so weak I would’ve slipped to the floor if he hadn’t been holding me against the wall. I don’t think my cock was ever this hard. But I was still frozen and didn’t know what to say.

Justin kept whispering into my ear, knowing how hard I was already. He had his right leg between mine, so his left leg was on my right side. I couldn’t see anything except his shoulder pressed against my chin. “I’m not just a strong friend, Terry, I’m a big friend.” As he was whispering “big friend”, he slid his hand down my right arm and found my wrist. He forcefully moved my wrist over to his left thigh until my hand came into contact with an enormous bulge. “Go ahead, Butch, grab Daddy’s cock. I’ll let you smell it too, if you ask politely. Would you like me to grab your little cock, would you like that?”

I couldn’t speak, and I was unable to see anything except his shoulder. He was perspiring and the musky odor made me even weaker in the knees. My hand sensed movement from the large python in Justin’s pants. It caused an involuntary moan to escape my lips.

Justin’s breath was heavy and his lips were now brushing against my earlobe, and in a low, sensual deep whisper he said, “I’m going to touch you now, Butch. I want to feel your sexy tight ass. Yeah, when I saw that ass this morning, I wanted to get my hands on it.”

I hadn’t moved an inch. I was struggling to catch my breath as if I had run a marathon. Justin kept his larger frame pressed against me, and moved his hands to my waist and deftly removed my belt and let it drop to the floor, then opened my shorts roughly. My shorts fell to the floor leaving me in my jockey briefs. He cupped my ass cheeks from behind and was squeezing and lifting me roughly. I started to shake, and moaned again, my aching cock was straining and shoved against his right thigh. He continued to use his mesmerizing deep sensual whisper to assume total dominance. “Easy, tiger, catch your breath, I’ll take good care of you. You’ve got one hot ass, by the way. Now I’m going to pet your little hard dick.” I moaned again, and felt his right hand sliding around to my aching cock. He cupped my cock and balls and squeezed. “There you go, doesn’t that feel good? You’re shaking like a teenage virgin. Wanna be my girlfriend for the night, honey bun?”

OMG, I was about to erupt. His voice, his dominance, his strong presence and his supreme confidence was overpowering. Calling me “honey bun” was humiliating, but made me more aroused.

He would not let me move from the wall and was both licking my ear and tonguing my neck in between his gutteral whispers. “You’re my new cute girlfriend, Butch, and you’re going to suck my big cock right after you cum for me, so just let it happen honey bun.” He was massaging my buttocks and placing pressure on my cock and balls.

His python cock throbbed against my hand and I started whimpering. My legs never felt weaker. This man was seducing and controlling me with a forceful dominance. His deep sensual voice and verbal abuse was like a potent drug. He also knew I was close to cumming. He removed his hands from my underwear and placed them on my neck, then moved them to my face. He pulled his head back and looked down at me, his piercing blue eyes in total control and said, “I’m going to kiss you, and you’ll moan like a slut and kiss me back, and then you’ll cream your panties.”

His eyes penetrated me and broke what little resistance was remaining. He was writing his own script for his next conquest. I couldn’t break away from his forceful stare. With one hand holding the back of my head, and the other guiding my jaw, Justin leaned down and started kissing me like his girlfriend. I had never kissed a man before. His mouth and tongue exuded dominance and passion. I was kissing back and moaning, just as he predicted. His strong jaw pressed my head against the wall and my hand was suddenly rubbing his huge cock. Justin moved his tongue briefly back to my ear, and in his deep voice whispered his command, “Daddy wants you to cum, now!” His pelvis pushed roughly into me.

“Aaaghhh” Like an electric shock, I climaxed with such force I let out a yelp, and collapsed into Justin’s arms. My body continued to convulse while shooting volley after volley into my underwear. All energy within my body evaporated. It felt as if I had just peed my pants. Justin’s strong arms were effortlessly holding me upright.

“Good girl, I knew you’d cum for Daddy.” For the first time in my life, I was swooning in an orgasmic euphoria and briefly doubted whether I had ever actually had a real orgasm before.

“Now Daddy needs you to suck his cock.”

I heard a belt being pulled off, and looked down to see Justin pulling off his trousers. He was wearing black boxers. He removed his sport shirt and then his t-shirt. His muscular hairy chest and massive arms were a work of perfection and found myself just staring at this manly alpha male specimen.

The prominent bulge in his boxer shorts was accentuated by his muscular legs. He was a champion stallion.

He guided me to the bed and turned me around to face him and said “My girlfriends are always naked when they suck my cock.”

I nodded in a trance like manner, I took off my shirt and my wet underwear. My crotch was soaked in cum. I was so aroused by the manly body standing over me that my dick was getting hard again. I hadn’t uttered a single word since he pinned me against the wall. I was wordlessly and obediently following his every command.

Justin yanked the covers down, and before he crawled onto the bed, he grabbed both my hands and put them on his waist and said “Daddy is ready to feed you his cock. Do you wanna see my cock, Terry? I think so, and you want to smell it and feel it, isn’t that right? Look at me, Terry. You need to ask politely.”

I looked up at my predator, acknowledged I was his prey, and whispered, “Can I touch you?”

“That’s a good girl.” He slowly nodded, then added, “Take off my drawers.” I reached out with shaking hands and started to pull the boxers down, but the girth of his cock and his muscular thighs caused me to fumble around with the waistband until it suddenly gave way. I gasped as one of the biggest cocks I’d ever seen jumped out, semi erect, hitting my forehead. My cock was just over 5 inches when hard. Justin’s semi hard dick was already over 7 inches and almost twice the gearth of mine. I couldn’t take my eyes off his fuck rod. He had a trimmed bush and a perfectly round set of heavy balls. He looked down at my cock, already hard again.

“Butch, you’re already reloading your little gun. You’re one horny virgin aren’t you?” He got on the bed and positioned his athletic torso at the top of the bed and casually spread his hairy muscular legs, then started directing me as he grabbed the base of his cock. “Babe I need your virgin mouth on my fat cock, get up here and start sucking Daddy’s dick. ”

I crawl between his legs, and reached out to his cock. He released his hand as mine grabbed hold of his cock, and shuddered. It was hot, heavy, soft yet hard and I could smell his apha musk. The tip was glistening with precum. Already weakened and totally emasculated, I opened my mouth and started sucking cock with abandon. He began moaning. I wanted to devour this stud.

“Thatta girl, mmmmm, oh yeah you are hungry for Daddy’s cock. This is your first cock, honey bun, yeah, suck that cock. You like Daddy’s cock?”

I nodded my head while sucking, moaning and drooling on his manhood. I had no idea how magnificent a man’s cock would feel and taste. He was holding my head and guiding me up and down. He was fully erect and slowly face fucking me. He must’ve been over eight inches now, hard and virile. I was struggling to suck it and needed to get higher on my elbows for a better angle.

His deep, sexy breathing and dominant directions were constant, keeping me under control. “Take it slow, Butch, you’re one hot cocksucker, hmmm, yeah that mouth is sooo hot, I want you to stroke my big cock while you gag on it. I need to feel that young throat sliding on my dick’s precum. Hmmm, yeah, ohh yeahhh, suck that cock you slut. Look at me babe, yeah you like that cock don’t ya? You can’t get enough of that cock?” He was staring down at me with his muscular arms relaxed as he placed his hands behind his head. I stared into his piercing eyes, with my peripheral vision saturated by his masculine, hairy and sexy body, and those arms and shoulders emanated strength while not even touching me. I could hardly believe I was conscious because it seemed so surreal.

“Daddy’s going to seed your faggot mouth, honey bun.” He was almost growling now.

Still in a dream like trance, I was gagging on his python dick, still not entirely down my throat, and he shifted his stallion legs upward indicating he was getting close.

He lowered his arms, moved his hands to either side of my head. “Keep sucking that cock babe, yeah, you keep that fuckin throat open. Daddy’s going to feed his butch boy a tasty dessert.”

He suddenly thrusted deep into my throat, shoving my head downward, my nose now into his musky bush. He let go briefly, then shoved hard again and again. He started cumming. “Ahhhhgggg…take it, swallow it, SLUT.” I couldn’t move. I was gagging and struggling to push back, but he was just too strong. My senses were in overload. I could taste his cum and felt his cock pulsating in my mouth. After six or seven convulsions, he released my head and I gratefully pulled up gasping for air, my mouth drooling with semen and spit.

He was breathing heavily and in between breaths said, “For a first timer, you held your own, babe. I usually don’t cum so quickly, but you’re a natural cocksucker. You like the smell of Daddy, dont you? I saw you with Daddy’s towel this morning,” he said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah,” I muttered, feeling ashamed but, oddly, still aroused. My dick was so hard that I was grinding it into the sheets, still between gym stud’s legs.

“Clean Daddy’s cock, Butch, I’m still dripping.” His commanding voice was starting to direct me again.

I was struggling to process the events that had unfolded the past 15 minutes, and I recovered my voice enough to express my confusion, “Justin, I’m not sure what to say about this. I’ve never done anything with a man, and I think I’ve made a big mistake.”

Justin chuckled, sat himself up against the headboard, and patted the bed between his legs where his deflating cock was rested. He said, “Turn around and sit up here, babe.” He pointed between his legs.

I raised myself up and turned around, trying to shield his view of my straining cock. He leaned forward and placed his hands under my arms and easily lifted me in between his legs and wrapped his strong arms around my midsection. He pulled me against his sexy chest. I had my hands on his steely forearms. His head was against mine and I could feel his manly bulge against my lower back.

He was back to whispering again. How the hell can he have so much control over me? “My new girlfriend is a horny slut, isn’t she?” His right hand took hold of my cock and firmly squeezed it, causing me to let out a faint whimper. His other hand massaged my chest while his mouth was against my ear, and his beard was soft and sensual.

“Do you still think you made a mistake, Butch?” He moved his hand from my cock to my balls, and I was moaning again.

“Butch, I asked you a question, was it a mistake to suck my cock, or to let me touch you like this?”

He lightly squeezed my balls, forcing the air from my lungs, and I expelled a soft, “No,” hoping he’d relax his grip.

“That’s my girl,” he returned to light massaging motions from my balls to my cock. He paused for a moment, and I turned to see him reaching into the drawer of the table and he pulled out some lube. With a practiced hand he snapped the lid off and I felt a cold jell being squirted onto my cock, and he resumed his firm and steady stroking.

“You’re rock hard, little guy, and I think we both know what that means. If touching you is a mistake, you won’t bust a nut. On the other hand, no pun intended, I’m guessing you won’t last three minutes,” He was stroking my cock slowly, gliding up and down, teasing me. My breathing was rapid, and I was pushing my pelvis into this man’s strong hand. “You’re already leaking precum, Butch. Yeah, baby girl, you want Daddy to keep stroking your hard clit until you cum like a slut.” I was getting close and he knew it. I was no match for his dominance.

His deep commanding whispers were relentless. “There’s no mistaking you’re my new girlfriend who can’t get enough of her boyfriend’s cock.” His massive cock was getting hard again, pulsating against my back as he applied more pressure, but kept stroking me slowly, confident that I wasn’t going to last another minute. I was moaning and squirming as his arms held me tightly to his chest. I could feel his throbbing dick between our torsos.

With his tongue in my ear, he was determined to humiliate me again, “Daddy loves this hard clit.” He kept stroking me with one hand while massaging my balls with the other. I was moaning louder as a clear sign it was game over. “You’re so close aren’t you babe? Yeah, you’re a good girl, and Daddy’s going to squeeze the cum outta you. Cum for me, SLUT.” I felt my cock and balls being squeezed harder now, and I surrendered to him.

“Ohhhh, I’m cumming, oh fuuuuckk.” For the second time, I exploded, this time on my chest, my chin and my stomach. He kept a steady pace of firm stroking while I shot again and again, then I slumped down, not able to speak or move, out of breath.

“Well, I think that debate is settled,” he growled into my ear, then lightly licked my neck and said, “You’re one horny girl, babe, and your tight little ass is making me horny.”

Oh God, he was planning to fuck me. It’s not possible for me to take that cock. “Please Justin, can I just massage..or just stroke you, I, um, I’m not ready to be fucked.”

He chuckled again and said, “You’re one confused faggot aren’t you! I don’t think I’ve seen anyone hornier for my cock. I’m going to fuck your brains out, and you’ll be back here tomorrow night begging for another round. You’ll never think about your old fiancee again.”

He flipped me over so he hovering over and in front of me, between my legs, and I was on my back. My emotions were in overdrive and I felt tears running down my face. He was concentrating on lubing his cock, then I felt the cold gel on my anus.

I found myself admiring his muscular pecs, arms and washboard abs. His chiseled features and dominant attitude made me feel like a total sissy boy, but I couldn’t deny my attraction to this man lifting my legs over his shoulders. He slapped his lubed cock against my taint a couple times, then looked directly at me and said, “I’ll go slow, Butch, and I’ve got you lubed up real good. This is sooo hot, I haven’t had a virgin ass in a while. I’m assuming you’re clean, and I get tested monthly. I want you to pucker up and push like you’re taking a shit when I tell you, okay?”

I nodded knowing I was submitting to this stud as a full participant. I was terrified and still spent from cumming just minutes beforehand. He verbalized play-by-play his intentions.

“Ohh, babe, I’m now going to take that cherry of yours, just take a deep breath, try to relax.” I was grateful for the lube. His head penetrated and he pushed on his cock, then looked at me, “Time to push back Butch.” The pain was unbearable. I let out involuntary grunts with each thrust. He paused momentarily then pushed again, causing another grunt from me.

“You’re doing great, Butch, half way there. You’re sooo fucking tight, I would’ve cum already if you hadn’t blown me. You’ve got the sexiest look on that virgin face of yours. I love seeing a virgin being mounted for the first time.”

I was clutching the sheets and trying not to yell out, I started to beg Justin to stop, “Please, please pull out, it’s too big, I can’t take it, uggghhh, oh fuuuuckk,” I felt like my ass was being ripped open.

Suddenly, I felt Justin’s big balls against my ass and he leaned down, his face just above mine, “Look at me Butch, I want you to remember who took your cherry. You’re doing great, babe, and this ass is sooo tight I don’t think I’ll last too long. The pain will ease up soon and then I’ll fuck your brains out.”

The pain was definitely subsiding, and it was like a magical transition to this amazing erotic feeling as he slowly started fucking me. He expertly adjusted his position, his movements and his hold over me. He placed his strong hands on mine and pressed down against my chest and started kissing me while thrusting harder and harder. I was kissing back and wanting more and more of his amazing cock. He knew I wanted him, but demanded verbal affirmation. Grunting into my ear he was asking, “Do you like Daddy fucking you, slut? Does this dick feel good in your boy cunt? Answer me, tell me you want Daddy’s cock.”

I was obedient and in full submission. “Ohhhh, ughh, God, yes, I love your big cock, I want you to keep fucking me, Daddy.” Somehow I’d become hard again. Justin was sweating and his muscular abdomen was creating friction on my cock while he fucked me. His torso was sliding against mine. He was biting into my neck and his cock was suddenly simulating me to an ecstasy level I didn’t think possible.

“Yeah, Butch, I’m about to seed this cunt, and I’ll plow sooo deep you’ll never be the same again, ohh, yeah, I’m right…about…there…yeah, ohhhh, yeah, fuuuck!” He planked and slammed with such force that I gasped. His cock was exploding, and he kept thrusting. I started cumming for the third time without touching myself.

“Fuuuuckk me…Daddy I’m cumming.”

“Yeah, you SLUT, you horny slut, take that cock!”

His thrusting slowed, then abated, then altogether stopped. He was still hard, and deep inside me. He collapsed into my chest and put his arms around me. I wrapped my legs around his muscular buttocks and my arms around his broad shoulders. We held each other while experiencing orgasmic after shocks. I truly lost my virginity to this man.

He softened and pulled out, then rolled to his side and patted my ass. He was so masculine and sexy, I could hardly believe it was real.

With a smirk, he said, “You are one good fuck, Butch, and I’ve only had one other lover cum three times. Man you are one horny slut.”

I shut my eyes, nodded and smiled. He was right. I was a gay slut for this man.

I guess he did need to file his sales report because he asked me to leave his room. While I started to get dressed, Justin went into the bathroom and started pissing into the toilet with the door open. Even the sound of him pissing was arousing, and I’m sure he knew it, too. I headed for the door and he simply said, “Goodnight Butch” as I exited the room.

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