Hotel Stay with Daddy

A gay story: Hotel Stay with Daddy “Now inhale. Gooood boy.”

It was those words that opened my eyes to a new world. One I never wanted to leave.

It started a couple months after I turned 20. I was still in the closet but more of less comfortable with who I was. Comfortable enough to have pictures on all the hookup apps anyway.

I did alright on those apps too. I had a somewhat cute face, 5’9, slim frame with a plump bubble ass. Dark brown hair and brown eyes. Glasses and an introverted, wallflower, habit gave me the cute nerd vibe that worked for some guys. I wasn’t the talk of the town, but I’d been around the block.

Being single but not publicly, out I was used to scrolling through hookup profiles absently (or obsessively if we’re being honest). I more or less looked for the same thing every time. Muscular tops that weren’t afraid to dirty talk. And that had a huge cock.

As I scrolled past the usual black profiles, people around my area, and people out of my league I found one that caught my eye.

Photo was headless, but he was in great shape. His shoulders were broad, his arms were thick, and his pecs were huge. I had a weak spot for a good chest, and I wanted to bury my face in his so badly.

He was also more than twice my age.

This also worked for me. I didn’t know if it was a fetish, a preference, or a kink, but I had already been drawn to the daddy type. Of submitting, giving someone control. Trusting a man to show me true pleasure. And older men knew just how to do that.

It also helped that the word daddy was in his profile name. MuscleDaddy352. Kinda hit the nail right on the head with a name like that. I tapped him immediately, then sent a quick follow up message.

“Hey daddy.” It was already upping my heart rate calling him that from the jump but felt oddly exciting too.

It was only a couple minutes before he responded. “Hi cutie.”

I blushed immediately, not being used to even the smallest bit of male attention from someone I was so attracted to. I still wanted to at least play it a little cool. “How’s it goin?”

“Doin alright. You?”

“Hangin in. What you looking for on here?”

“Friends. Fun while I’m in town.”

We went back and forth like this exchanging pleasantries. His name was Julian. He was an oncologist from Florida in town for business. That impressed me. I told him I just graduated college and was living back at home.

I asked him if he had any more photos and that’s when things got turned up several notches.

First he sent a face pic. He was balding slightly but had a nice smile. A few wrinkles on the corners of his hazelnut eyes but otherwise his face didn’t show his age. His face was smooth shaven, he had a very masculine jaw line, and his ears popped out adorably on the sides of his head.

Then came the uncropped photo from his profile. All that muscle but now his face was included and even that small change had my heart fluttering again and my dick started getting hard.

Then he sent his dick.

The first thing I noticed was how thick it was. It looked like my whole fist wouldn’t even fit around it. It had a perfect pink mushroom head and it was an intoxicating 8 inches. My dick went rock hard. A shiver went through my body. I actually think I started drooling.

“Holy shit those pics are hot,” I sent back immediately.

All he sent back was “your turn.”

Now I wouldn’t say i was eager. It was only within.05 seconds that I sent back 5 pics of rapidly increasing states of naked – a shirtless pic, naked from the side, ass pic, and frontal. So, I guess I would say violently desperate.

“Good boy.” Was all he replied with. But that was all he needed to say. It felt like he unlocked something. Or maybe said the thing I was waiting desperately for someone to say. Either way somehow I knew exactly what to say back.

“Thank you daddy.”

After that we immediately started planning when to meet up. He was staying at a hotel nearby and invited me to dinner. That caught me off guard. I had gotten so used to getting in the door, hooking up, and leaving that it almost never occurred to me that there would be a date first. I found myself liking him even more. This wasn’t some anonymous closeted boy who didn’t wanna be seen in public with me. This was a man. Knew what he wanted and knew how to get it and go about it with some class.

I made sure to clean out properly, put on something reasonably nice – button down shirt and some slim trousers – and headed over. I was vibrating with excitement, nerves, and horniness. I don’t think I had ever been so horny. (Little did I know I would be saying that several times that night).

I sat on one of the chairs in the lobby near the elevators and waited for him to come down. He messaged me “coming” and my cock twitched in excitement. The doors opened and there he was.

Thank god he looked like his photos. He was tall and built. His shoulders were the first thing I noticed. They were large and broad and his fitted t shirt hugged them so nicely. Then my eyes traveled down and I wasn’t disappointed. His pecs stretched out in front of him and his stomach was smooth, obviously hiding some decent abs underneath. He was wearing a simple pair of jeans but god did they look good. They were just tight enough to cover his thick thighs and hug a solidly nice ass. My eyes lingered on his crotch where the real prize was but I quickly glanced away as he spotted me and gave a big smile.

“Elliot hey! Glad you could make it.” His voice was wonderfully deep and confident. He strode over to me and already I was getting butterflies as he towered over me. His smile caught me off guard. Julian in person was playful and bright and sweet compared to the quick, short messages we had been exchanging until then. I wasn’t ready for it but was completely taken.

He put his large hand on the middle of my back and beckoned us to the hotel restaurant where he promptly ordered a dry gin martini. He asked if I’d like anything and to make it easy I nervously just asked for the same. Julian slipped the waitress his credit card and told her to keep the tab open. Now normally I wouldn’t be comfortable with someone paying for me but for some reason that fell away with Julian. I wanted to be taken care of, spoiled even. And it felt nice to just let go.

Then I took my first ever sip of a dry martini and had to fight back the involuntary recoil. I don’t think I had ever had a drink that strong and since I hadn’t eaten it was quickly starting a buzz. But I didn’t care. If anything it would help me relax more right?

Dinner was delicious and the conversation flowed surprisingly naturally. A couple times Julian grabbed or stroked my hand and that small contact alone dotted my face red. The second martini had that effect as well.

Properly tipsy, I made my way towards the elevator bank guided by Julian. As the doors started to close Julian managed to catch it just in time and beckon me in.

“Thanks Julian I appreciate it.” He followed me in and hit the close doors button so that would shut behind him. The small space of the elevator emphasized his larger frame and as the doors shut he turned and towered over me. Then he closed the distance even more.

“You know that’s not my name anymore Elliot. Right?”

The mood immediately shifted. I looked up at him and a wave of submissiveness and horniness washed over me.

“N-no sir” I said slowly shaking my head.

His hand tilted my chin up delicately and he leaned in closer. Then he whispered, “what is my name tonight Elliot?”

Without hesitation I answered.


Julian kissed me once, softly on my lips. His scent cascaded over me. Why had I not noticed that already? It was warm and musky. It seemed like his natural scent and that it held pheromones specifically designed to attract me. And I was helplessly caught.

As he broke the kiss he whispered again

“Good boy.” Then the doors opened and he strode out down the hall, leaving me shell shocked, rock hard, and completely dumbstruck.

I snapped out of it and quickly followed. As we walked the corridor his hand rested lightly on my ass, guiding me to where I needed to go. When we made it to his hotel room he swung the door open then followed me inside. As soon as the door shut he pinned me against the wall. I squeaked in surprise but he quickly put his mouth on mine and that instantly turned to a moan. My hands reflexively grasped his back and pressed him into me more. His chest felt so solid pressed against me. I could feel his hard cock grind into mine.

My brain turned to jelly and my inhibitions fell away. I gave into the erotic turn the night had taken and let him lead me.

“Are you gonna be my boy tonight, Elliot?” He asked, his voice now stern, intentional, commanding.

Still breathless from the kiss I nodded vigorously. “Yes daddy I am.”

“Say it” he demanded.

“I’m your boy tonight daddy.”

“Good boyyyyy”, daddy purred as he once again devoured me.

There it was again. My trigger phrase. It was like he firmly pressed a button that injected my entire nervous system with lust every time he said those two words. And I craved to hear them again. I would do anything to hear them again.

Still against the wall, daddy put his strong hands just below my ass cheeks and lifted me up and I instinctually wrapped my legs around his waist. He proceeded to dry hump his big daddy cock closer and closer to my hole. His lips assaulted mine before moving to my neck. It was then that my muffled moans were released and I hardly recognized myself. I had never heard such slutty, wanton sounds come out of my mouth.

“That’s it boy. I’m gonna take you. Make you feel so good. Make you my slut. Would you like that”

“Oh godddd yessss daddy!!!”

His head buried in my ear he uttered one word that reverberated throughout my whole body like an echo chamber.


What followed was a near constant stream of sighs and constant pleading for this man to have his complete way with me.

“Please daddy. Please make me your boy. I want to be yours. Make me yours please.”

He growled in my ear like a wild animal. “Good boy. Now stand at the foot of the bed.”

He let me down and I went as directed. As I stood at the bed, he turned me to face him

“Don’t move” he said softly and began to undress me. He gently unbuttoned and pulled off my collared shirt, then my t-shirt underneath he slowly pulled over my head. Then as his hands worked on my belt and zipper his lips found my neck again. His breath was warm and his kisses soft. Against my will I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. I almost lost my balance but Daddy caught me.

Once I was fully naked he looked me up and down hungrily. Like a wolf eying is pray.

“Show me your ass boy.” He commanded and I obeyed.

I turned my back to him and he softly stroked it with the back of his hand.

“Yeahhh that’s it boy. Such a phenomenal ass”. His compliment flattered me, like it was the most amazing thing anyone had ever said to me. Warmth radiated in me at the thought of having pleased him.

Then his hand smacked my right cheek firmly and he gripped it tightly. I gasped, taken aback by the quick change.

His other hand snaked its way across my chest then up my neck – not squeezing it but laying over top my Adam’s apple.

“Whose ass is this Elliot?”

I didn’t hesitate “yours daddy. It’s all yours”

“Gooodddd boy. That’s what your daddy likes to hear. Now undress me.”

By then I was shivering. Whether it was being completely naked in an air conditioned room or the adrenaline I am not sure. But my hands were trembling as they reached for the bottom of daddy’s t-shirt.

“Relax, baby” Daddy cooed, suddenly gentle again. “take your time. We’ve got allll night.”

I looked up into his eyes and held his gaze. I took a deep breath and grinned slightly before pulling the shirt over his body.

His body was even more exquisite up close. It took all my will not to bury my face in his torso and breathe him in. But I wanted to do what I was told and I proceeded to his jeans. Soon enough those fell away and it was just his briefs left. He caught my hands before I could pull them down.

“Get on your knees.”

I did.

“Look up at me.”

I did.

He put his hands on either side of my jaw, his thumb lightly stroking my lips.

“Your my boy tonight Elliot. I’m your daddy. I won’t hurt you in any way and if you feel uncomfortable you tell me to stop ok?”

I nodded.

“Good. Have you ever had a daddy before?”

“No daddy”

“I’m your first”

“Yes daddy”.

I saw a gleam in his eyes and a grin slowly spread across his face. “That makes me very happy Elliot. Surprising too. You’re such a natural at this. I think you know exactly how to turn me on. You just have to submit. Let go and let me lead you. Because I know exactly what will turn you on too. And I think you know that. Understood?”

I almost nodded too hard at that. “Yessir. That’s exactly what I want daddy so so badly.” I said the words but they had never before felt so true. I wanted nothing more than to submit, serve, and worship this pinnacle of a man. His needs became my whole focus. And if I met his needs, mine would feel fulfilled.

Daddy took his hands from my face. He stepped away and walked behind me. I dared not turn around since he hadn’t told me to. He ruffled through his bag and then walked back around to holding two things. The first object, lube, he threw on the bed. The second object was a small brown, glass bottle. Then he returned to his place in front of me.

“Do you know what poppers are?” He asked?

At that point I hadn’t. I started to get nervous and slowly shook my head no.

Sensing my apprehension, Daddy gently said, “it’s nothing dangerous. It’s a muscle relaxant. You sniff the bottle and your hole will relax, you’ll feel warm, and you’ll get a little extra horny.” After the last word he gave a small wink. “I’m a doctor. I promise I would never do anything that could be harmful. Just do as I tell you and you’ll have the best night of your life. Ok Elliot?”

His words were like honey. Daddy just wanted to take care of me. He just wanted me to feel as good as possible. He’d already done that so much already. It was hard to believe he could dial it up even more.

After a few more seconds pause I nodded.

Daddy flashed an even bigger, devilishly handsome grin. “Good boy.”

He placed both of my hands on his ass, right on the waistband of his briefs.

Daddy shook the bottle. “I’m going to uncap the bottle. I’m going to hold one nostril for you and then hold the bottle under your other nostril. Then you’re gonna sniff for 5 seconds.”

I nodded. It suddenly felt like the earth was turning just a bit slower. My focus narrowed on my daddy, then the small bottle in his hands.

Daddy continued, “once you finish sniffing, you are going to hold your breath for another 5 seconds. Again daddy will count for you.

Again I nodded.

“Finally, I’ll tell you to breathe out and that’s when you’ll pull down your daddy’s briefs and as a reward you’ll get to see my cock. Is that understood?”

For the last time I nodded, and there was no turning back.

Daddy did each step. Held the bottle to my nose and I breathed in. It had an odd chemical smell. Daddy counted.

“One…two…three…four…anddddd fiveeee. Good job boy now hold.”

Something had begun to take hold. The edges of my vision started to get almost rosier. I felt a tiny bit light headed but in a good way. The air felt softer on my skin. Daddy counted again as I held my breath.

“One…two…three…four…five. Release. Goooooddd boy. Now take down my briefs and receive your reward”.

It took me an extra second to comply with his last request. The sensation that began after the sniff had now firmly taken hold. I felt sooooooo goood. What had the last step been? Right I pull down his briefs.

Slowly they came down, adjusting them a bit to get past the massive hard cock holding them up. And when that cock was set free it became my whole world.

I had never been hornier in my life. The poppers were like dumping gasoline on an inferno. I gazed in wonder as my daddy’s cock flopped in front of me. It landed on my nose and stuck straight out rock hard. It was the first thing my nose inhaled directly after the poppers. And I breathed it in deep deep deep and moaned long and low. My six-inch cock harder than granite. I could see why having my hands on daddy’s ass benefited me. It helped me keep myself righted after the chemically engineered mega lust made my knees buckle.

“Daddyyyyy I need your cock. Please daddy” I looked up pleadingly. My eyes begged him as the rest of my face was covered in his cock”

“Good boy yes always ask daddy for his cock. Even better if you beg. I knew you’d be a natural. Give daddy’s cock a kiss.”

I kissed the huge head. A tiny drop of precum settled on my lips and I hungrily licked it away and savored it. It took everything I had to not dive right back on his cock to deepthroat it. Before I could though, daddy pulled away. He got up onto the bed, put his back against the headboard, and spread his legs, putting his man meat on full display.

“Come here boy. You’re gonna take another hit for me and then you can start worshiping this cock.”

I crawled onto the bed with my ass up, hoping to impress daddy. I was drawn to his dick like a magnet, and to the bottle he still had in his hand.

I put my head into his hand and he brought the bottle to my nose to do the steps I’d just been instructed on.





“Release. Good Boy. Suck my cock.”

Newly overrun by chemical lust I dove onto his cock. I nursed his head and licked it lovingly with my tongue. Then I worked my way down his enormous rod. I bobbed my head. I worked it with my hand as I came up. I made sure every delicious morsel of precum coated my throat. Each time I gagged daddy was there with the poppers. Each time I got further down his snake.

Not only did the poppers make it easier to not gag, but the entire experience felt heightened. Daddy’s cock magically tasted better, smelled even greater. My mouth and throat felt so full from his cock and the sensation was addicting.

Before long my daddy’s entire cock was down my throat. All 8 inches. And I looked up at my daddy to witness him let out a gutter groan in pleasure.

“Thatssss it boy. Fuck you make your daddy so proud. It usually takes my boys way more hits to get my cock all the way down. Fuckkkk good boy.”

I swelled with pride. With a huge gasp of air I let his cock out of its new home in my throat.

“Thank you daddy. Fuck that makes me happy. I want to make you feel good so badly. I wanna be your boy. I need it.” The slutty, submissive words kept flowing. Small tears rested at the corners of my eyes and I genuinely wasn’t sure if they were from the bear gagging or joy.

“That’s what I like to hear boy. Now get back to work.”

For the next 20 minutes I sucked his cock like there was nothing else in the world I would rather do. And there wasn’t. His cock was my world. It was the only thing I wanted and my new daddy gave it to me. And more hits of poppers





“Release. Good boy”

Daddy explored every inch of my throat with his cock. He’d alternate face fucking me, leaning back, making me hit, and face fucking again.

Eventually he pulled my face up to his and gazed directly into my soul.

“Do you love my cock?”

“Yes daddy!!!”

“Are you my boy?”

“Yes Daddy!!”

“You want daddy’s cock inside you now!”

“Yes please daddy. Please put your cock in me.”

It was my turn to spread my legs. Daddy put me on my back, spread me wide and took his place in between my legs, looking down at his new conquest. He handed me the bottle of poppers.

“Every time I say “take a hit” you do the steps I told you before alright?”

“Yes daddy.”

“Good boy. Now inhale.”

I did as I was told, maybe even a slightly longer inhale than 5 seconds. Daddy seemed to notice but didn’t mention anything. Then he shifted his attention to my hole.

“Lube up my cock Elliot.”

“Yes daddy.” I squirted our a generous amount of lube and slowly rubbed it over his cock. It gave me time to register how truly big it was and how hard it was going to be to take it all.

As if reading my thoughts, daddy dirty talked me in circles as I applied the lube.

“Don’t worry baby. It’s big but it’s going to feel so good. I’m gonna take you slow. I’m gonna make you fall in love with my bare cock. I’m going to take my time and make sure if feels good for both of us. Your hole is already so relaxed. It’s ready for me. And if it starts to hurt just hit those poppers daddy gave you.”

His gentle words softened me like butter. I was in almost a hypnotic trance and before I knew it his cock was against my hole and I was moaning and begging like a whore.

“You ready?”

“Mmmmm yessssdaddy mmmmfuck me please”.

“Take a big hit for me.”

I was ready. This time I inhaled for almost 10 seconds and held for just as long. Without even being counted down – I had the steps down by now.

His cock head popped in and broke through my hole. What would have normally hurt like a bitch was like nothing. I was in shock. In response my eyes rolled back in my head and I moaned loud enough to not care who heard.

True to his word, Daddy slowly worked his cock in me one inch at a time and laid conquest to my ass. He dominated me slowly, fully, and completely; all while delivering a steady stream of the dirtiest things straight to my brain.

“That’s it boy. Take my cock. Ohhh fuck your ass is tight. You’re my new favorite fuck hole I can already tell. I’m gonna love owning you. I’m gonna fill you with my cum.”

This went on gloriously until I felt his pubes against my ass.

“You’ve got all of me in you boy.”

I’d truly never been hornier. Daddy’s face was right above mine and he was smiling down at me. The view of his huge muscles torso above me, over me, was almost divine. His eyes looked into my soul. He knew he had me. We were both so full with pride and I was also stuffed full with his cock.

Daddy leaned down to kiss me, our bodies pressed so firmly together. I moaned into his mouth but suddenly squealed loudly as that was the moment he decided to do his first real thrust. His cheeky grin told me he wanted that to happen on purpose. But I didn’t care. I’d make any sound for him. His cock felt that good.

“You ready for me to take you for real now boy?”

“Yes daddy. I’m so ready.”

“Ready for me to claim you?”


“Ready for me to own you forever”

“Ohh fuck yes daddy”

“Good boy! Take a big hit for me!” I hit again for 10 seconds and the second I finished breathing out the pounding began.

To say I saw fireworks would be an understatement. Stars collapsed and exploded in front of my very eyes as Julian thoroughly and completely pounded me into that bed.

My legs were on his shoulders. He did long, slow thrusts. He jackhammered me. Then settled into a rhythm – one that accurately nailed my prostate every single time. Sweat fell off his brow and landed on me where I proceeded to lap it up hungrily, eager to not let a single bit of daddy’s essence escape me.

Then he flipped me over.

I was on my stomach. Completely in a haze but feeling an immense emptiness without his cock in me. My eyes were closed. The head of his cock grazed my hole and I immediately begged him to put it back in. Without him even asking I took another hit. And like clockwork his cock came back inside as soon as I finished exhaling.

“That’s my boy. You know just what to do now. How does it feel to be trained so well.”

“Sooo good daddy. Thank you for training me”.

“You’re – ughhh – welcome boy.” Halfway through the sentence, daddy had slammed his cock into me doggy. He rested both his hands on to my ass cheeks and hit that same rhythm of fucking me. My ass bounced and quivered in his expert hands. In between thrusts he would stroke it, knees it, or spank it. I moaned for it all.

I don’t know how long he fucked me. But then Daddy flipped me over again.

“It’s almost time, Elliot.” He said while panting. He slipped his cock back in. “I’m going to truly make you mine.”

It took me a second to realize what he meant. Regardless I nodded vigorously.

“I want to be yours. Completely yours, Daddy.”

Another smile gleamed on Julian’s face. “Good boy. I wasn’t going to take no for an answer anyway. There’s no way I’d give up an ass like yours. But I wanted to see your face as you said those words. And I wanted to see your face as you experienced it. Becoming only mine”

My chest fluttered. I was so deliriously into Julian it hadn’t occurred to me that I could make him feel the same way. It felt so good. And I was happy I got a full frontal view of him as he took me completely.

Daddy continued, “You’re gonna take one last big hit for me, boy. Then you’re going to beg me for my thick daddy cum. Like you’ve never wanted anything more in your fucking life.” Daddy’s voice was more stern than any other point tonight. Fuck was it hot.

“Now take a fucking hit.”

I inhaled for as long as I could. I didn’t even count I just breathed. Then held. And then released.

“PLEASE daddy give me your cum. Shoot your big huge load in me. Flood my hole with your man cum. Please.” Over and over I begged.

Daddy drilled me harder than any other point. My moans were deafening. In between grunts he said “That’s it. Ohhhh fuck I’m gonna give you my seed. You belong to me now Elliot. Any time I want this ass you’ll come running. And you’ll TAKE. MY. CUMMMMMM”

Daddy’s cock exploded in my. Rope after rope of cum shot inside my hole. I could feel his cock pulsing. 7, 8, 9 times daddy fired more and more cum.

“Grrrr mmmmmmm you’re mine boy.”

I couldn’t take it. I was deliriously happy. And still ridiculously hard. Something which didn’t escape my daddy’s notice. He started thrusting in me again.

“To celebrate you are going to cum on my command. Then the contract will be sealed. Are you ready boy?”


He leaned over me as a jerked my cock like my life depended on it. His huge frame covered mine. I put my other hand on his huge chest. He stared into my eyes which were wild with lush and desperation.


My orgasm shook the world. I nearly blacked out twice as my cock uncontrollably exploded cum between daddy and I. It painted his abs like a canvas and wouldn’t stop. “UGHHHHH. FUCKKKKKK IM COMINGGG” I screamed.

Finally I came down. Panting. We looked at each other one more time and chuckled breathlessly. Julian crashed down on top of me, his weight smothering me in the best possible way. He kept his softening cock inside me and I relished it for as long as I could. Daddy turned on his side and stroked my hair.

“Let me wash you off and then spend the night with me?”

“Mmmm that sounds nice. Yes daddy.”

“Good boy.”

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