Training Daddy Ch. 03

A gay story: Training Daddy Ch. 03 This is a fictional story. All the names, places, and situations have been made up.

No characters are under the age of eighteen (18).

Comments and Rating always Welcome!

David is at his desk looking over a proposal when Tony walks in.

Tony sits in a chair on the other side of the desk. “I can’t believe management is still in their meeting.” He takes a pencil out of the pencil cup and bounces it, eraser side down, on the desk. “Can’t be good.”

David sits back in his chair. “I hear they’re talking about possible layoffs.”

Tony puts the pencil back into the cup, and stands. “With the way business has dropped off, I wouldn’t doubt it.” He stands and starts to leave, when David’s phone dings. Tony smiles. “Another picture of Jeff?” He quickly comes around the desk and stands behind David.

David frowns. “I’m not going to look at it.” He puts the phone down.

Tony reaches across the back of David and puts his hand on Davids shoulder. “It’s a crappy day with talk about layoffs.” He gives Davids shoulder a squeeze. “Just a peek.”

Knowing Tony isn’t one to give up, David opens the message. The message starts. “Jeff wanted you to know he’s thinking about you!!!” Under that text is a nude picture of Jeff, lying in bed on his back, with one hand under his head and his other hand holding his large, stiff cock, pointing straight up. Under the picture is more text. “He can’t wait to see you again!!!”

Tony pats David on the shoulder. “And, I bet you can’t wait to see him either.” He pats Davids shoulder one more time before leaving.

David continues looking at the picture, remembering how Jeffs cock tasted, and how it feels in his ass. He closes the message and takes a deep breath. He slowly stands and rearranges his stiff penis. He looks out his office door and sees the hallway is empty. He quickly walks to the restroom at the end of the hall, relieved to find it’s also empty.

Inside the restroom he walks to the last stall. Before he gets into the stall, he hears the door to the bathroom open. When he turns to see who it is, Tony is already rushing up to him. “Tony?”

Tony firmly pushes David onto the stall. Since David had turned, when he’s pushed into the stall he’s moving backwards. When he comes into contact with the toilet his knees buckle, leaving him sitting on the toilet seat.

David tries to stand. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!”

Tony grabs Davids knees, pulls up his legs, and positions his feet on the grab bars on either side. His keeps his voice low. “I suggest you be quiet, unless you want someone to see what’s going on in here.” He grabs Davids wrists. “And you’ll want to keep your feet up in case someone walks in.” He moves Davids hands together and holds them, one over the other, against the wall. With his free hand he undoes his zipper and pulls his cock free. “As much as I’d be embarrassed, imagine what they’d think of you in your position.” Tony lets go of Davids hands, leaving his hand against the wall for support. With his free hand, he points the tip of his cock at Davids mouth. “Now, start sucking, before I start making noise and we get caught.”

David can hear the impatience in Tonys voice. He opens his mouth and slides his lips over the head of the cock and closes his eyes.

Tony whispers. “That’s good, boi. Suck that cock.”

David slowly swallows more of Tonys thick cock, feeling his lips stretching around it. When he feels something soft on his cheek he opens his eyes.

Tony is smiling and holding a wad of toilet paper. “You better take care of your little pecker.”

Still holding Tonys cock in his mouth, David takes the wad of toilet paper, takes out his penis and begins masturbating, holding the tissue over the tip.

Tony takes his hand off his cock and grabs Davids hair to hold his head still. He then starts moving his hips, pumping his cock back and forth through Davids lips and into his throat. He continues to whisper. “That’s it…let me fuck that sweet mouth.”

When he hears someone come into the restroom David stops masturbating, being as still as he can.

Tony continues fucking Davids mouth, and whispers into his ear. “Keep stroking your pecker, boi. You don’t stop unless I tell you to.”

David begins masturbating again. His body relaxing when he hears the person leave the restroom.

It’s not long before Tonys legs start shaking. He lets go of Davids hair, and puts the hand next to his other hand on the wall. “Keep your head still. I want to feel my cock fuck your throat.” Each time his cock pulls out of Davids throat, it’s slow and deliberate. Each time his cock goes into Davids throat it’s a fast, violent movement.

Just as David is ready to release into the tissue, he hears someone enter the restroom and go to a urinal. When he does release, he closes his eyes tight, and fights back the urge to moan. His cum soaking the tissue and dripping onto his balls.

When Tonys cum suddenly fills his mouth, David starts to choke, and forces himself to relax his throat.

As he swallows the last of Tonys cum, there’s a knock on the stall door. “Are you ok in there?”

With his softening cock still in Davids mouth, Tony answers. “I’m ok, thanks.”

When the person leaves the restroom, David uses his tongue to push out the last of Tonys cum. He holds the cock in his mouth and looks up at Tony.

Tony smiles and slides his hand through Davids hair. “Damn, you’re a fine cock sucker.” He slowly pulls his cock from Davids mouth. “No wonder Jeff is into you.” He puts his hands on his hips. “Time to get back to work. You can put my cock away now.”

David carefully puts Tonys cock back in his pants and zips him up, then watches him leave the stall. He listens to Tony wash his hand and leave the restroom before lowering his feet to the floor.

He tosses the wad of cum soaked toilet paper between his legs, into the toilet. He takes more toilet paper and cleans his hands as much as he can, and puts his penis away. After leaving the stall he washes his hands and checks himself in the mirror. Walking down the hall to his office, he’s relieved to see that no one is paying him any special attention.

At his desk he’s glad to find that it’s a couple minutes after his time to leave. He grabs his briefcase and tosses in the proposal, so he can finish looking over it at home, and goes to his car.

At home he leaves his briefcase in his study before going to his bedroom. He strips off his cloths and gets into the shower. After his shower he ties a towel around his waist and goes back into the bedroom, where his daughter is sitting cross legged and nude on the bed. Next to her is a tube of lubricant, an anal plug in the shape of a large cock, and something he’s never seen before. He covers his penis with his hands. “What do you want?”

Claire rolls her eyes. “Ugh…you’re shower took forever.” She climbs off the bed, her large tits bouncing with each movement. “I got some toys for us to play with.” She giggles when she reaches the floor and stands. “Well, you get to play with and I get to watch.”

After the day Davids had, he’s not in the mood to deal with Claire. “I’m not doing anything!”

She makes a pouty face. “But you have to daddy.”

He walks to his dresser. “What makes you think I have to do anything?”

She shrugs. “Because, I remember you telling me how some of the people you worked with got fired, because they didn’t realize the company uses some kind of software to check everyones computers and email for porn.”

David reaches into his dresser and pulls out underwear. “So…I don’t have any porn.”

She sits on the edge of the bed. “Not yet. But you will if I email Jeffs pictures to you.” She picks up the plug and pretends to study it. “That would be bad.”

David looks at her in disbelief. “You…you couldn’t!”

She pats the top of the bed. “Now, daddy.” Her voice becoming more demanding. “On all fours!”

Hearing the tone of his daughters voice, he puts the underwear back in the dresser and closes the drawer. He nervously crawls onto the bed.

She takes the tube of lubricant and covers the anal plug. She firmly holds the tip against her fathers pussy. “Relax daddy. It’s not as big as Jeff’s cock, so I know it’ll fit.” She pushes the plug, forcing it into his pussy, before letting it slide out a little. “Don’t worry, we’ll get it to go in.” The next time she forces the plug against her daddys pussy she continues the pressure.

Feeling the plug spreading his pussy, and being forced deeper inside him, causes Davids hips to slowly rotate. “Ooooooh…fuuuuuuck!”

Claire rubs his back. “You like having your pussy filled, don’t you daddy?”

He nods. “Yessss!”

Holding the plug in place with one hand, she gently drags the nails on her other hand up his inner thigh. “Yes, Baby.” When her nails reach the top of his thigh, she drags them back down his thigh. “Let me hear you say it.”

The combination of his pussy fighting against the pressure, and her nails against his skin, makes it hard for him to concentrate. “Yes…yes, Baby…yes, Baby.”

Claire continues forcing the plug into his pussy. “Much better.”

When the plug is finally filling his pussy, and his muscles close around the narrow base, David lets out a low moan. His penis hard and swaying beneath him while his hips continue rotating.

His daughter slides her hand over the part of the plug that’s outside his pussy. “I want you to remember, this is your pussy.” She gently wraps her hands around his hard cock. “And this is your clitty.” She slides her hand back to the plug. “Where is the plug?”

David moves his hips, causing his ass to slide on his daughters palm. “In my pussy, Baby.”

She slides her hand along his shaft. “And what is this?”

He feels his penis twitch at her touch. “My clitty, Baby.

He can hear the pleasure in her voice. “Good daddy, you understand.”

He watches his daughter pick up the other toy. It’s a tube, with an opening at one end that’s covered by a rubbery looking material, with a slit in the center.

Claire lubes the end with the slit. “This will feel like a pussy.” She wipes her fingers on the bed sheets to wipe off the remaining lubricant. She turns a knob at the other end of the tube causing it to hum. She holds it out to David. “Slide your clitty into it and masturbate.”

His hand shaking, he takes the tube, immediately feeling the vibrations. He slides his clitty into the tube, and begins masturbating, sliding it up and down his clitty.

Claire places her hand on his balls and gently holds them. “Does it feel good, daddy?”

He nods. “Yes, Baby.”

As he masturbates with the tube, his daughter lays on her back and slides under him. She spreads her legs so they are on either side of his legs. “Mmmm…it’s like you’re fucking me, daddy.” She closes her eyes and grabs her tits. “My pussy is so wet.”

David can feel the plug sliding around in his pussy as he masturbates, his daughters words exciting him more.

She lifts her knees, pressing them against him. “Oooooh, daddy. She grabs her tits. “Jeff fucks me all the time.” She arches her back. “His cum is so hot, and he cums so hard inside me.”

David masturbates harder, the soft part of the tube slamming against his balls.

She wriggles under him. “Jeff likes to fuck me really hard. She slides her hands through her hair. “And I love it daddy.” She bites her lower lip. “Mmmmmmm, he’s such a good fuck, with a man’s cock.” She glares at her daddy. “But, you know that…don’t you?”

When David starts to cum he pushes the tube down his clitty, until it’s pressed against his balls. His pussy muscles holding tight onto the plug. “I…I’m cumming…Baby!”

Claire gently slides her hands over his chest, her voice soft. “That’s ok daddy. You can cum.”

When his body stops shaking she slides out from under him and stands next to the bed. She puts her hand on his back. “You’re such a good daddy.” She pushes her hair behind her shoulders. “When you’re finished cleaning up you can cook us something to eat.” She turns and leaves.

David slides his clitty out of the tube and slowly crawls off the bed. When he goes to stand he’s surprised at how shaky his legs are. He pulls the plug from his pussy and cleans it and the tube in the sink. In the shower, for the second time, he thinks about the day and realizes he really doesn’t have a ‘safe place’.

After drying off and gets dressed, he goes into the kitchen and looks for something to cook that will please his daughter.

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