The Mistress

A gay story: The Mistress The mistress

It is said that behind every homewrecker is a mother who failed to teach her offspring basic table manners, respect and the right amount of decency.

But is that always the case?

It is also said that being the other woman or guy doesn’t make you win. It makes you lose… your self-esteem, your values, your character.

You didn’t gain love but you gained lies, deceit, and stolen affections which didn’t belong to you.

Perhaps, being unhappy is the punishment all mistresses deserve. Perhaps, death… but you can never know what someone is going through until you’re in their shoes…. Or maybe I am only saying this because I am trying to kill the guilt or my conscience.


“Oh fuck…”

A man’s voice filled out the room followed by groans of pleasure.

The room smelled of sweat

It reeked of sex

It reeked of cum

There were clothes scattered all over the floor with several pieces of tissue. The room was filled with moans of pleasure and what one would have guessed to be rough sex. The bed was a mess with sheets all over the floor.

And here they were, two men on the bed having sex or rather fucking. One had his back arched with his ass high in the air while the other had a firm grip on his waist, plunging faster, deeper and harder, his thrusts growing more frantic.

“Yeah, baby…” he roared, slapping the other man’s ass harder.

The man that was receiving the strokes whimpered in pleasure as his hips began moving involuntarily. They were in the heat of the moment, enjoying the sex. It wasn’t long before the man on top started stroking harder, deeper and relentless. In a few seconds, he was an animal and the next he was emptying his balls in the other man’s ass.

When the other man felt the hot cum hitting his insides, he couldn’t help but come himself. They both cried out in pleasure as the last rope of cum left them. They were exhausted.

“Oh fuck, that was good.” The man on top said as he released his cock, collapsing on the other side of the bed. “Shit… you’re as good as ever.”

He slapped the other man’s ass as he tried to catch his breath.

The other gave a sheepish smile but said nothing. He slowly got up from the bed, wrapped a towel around himself and went to the bathroom. He was a mess… his hair was messy as if he’d just escaped from a predator and he could see dry cum on his face from the time the man had cum on his face.

Mateo was 20 years old, a very gorgeous boy with golden brown skin, a mixed race. His mother was black and his father was Spanish. He could say he had done justice to both his parents since he had inherited features from the both of them.

He had piercing brown eyes like his mother, his father’s height and face and he could say he was a little curvy, maybe he had inherited a bit of that from his mother. He had short curly dark hair like his father and pink lips like that of his father. He was a gem… just like his mother always said. But he wasn’t sure if she’d say the same if she were still alive.

‘You’re gonna be a very successful man, Mateo Perez…’ She always said. ‘…you’re gonna build a peaceful home with your partner and kids. You’re gonna be happy.’

He wasn’t sure if she still felt the same where she was.

Mateo got lost staring at his reflection in the mirror as the reality kicked in, just like every time he had sex with Henry Jackson. He was nothing but a second rate… a mistress, if such a word exists for men. Henry was a married man for fuck’s sake, he thought. He was married to a beautiful woman and they were known as a power couple. Whatever moments he spent with him, whatever they had, they were all stolen moments.

“I am sorry…”

Tears began rolling down Mateo’s face as the realization hit him, eating him from the inside. He didn’t know whom he was apologizing to but he needed to cut down on the guilt. That was the only way he was gonna live with himself.


Mateo was seated on the bed, watching as the hunk pulled on his shoes, making sure he looked presentable as he went to her. God, how could someone be so sexy, Mateo thought as he stared at Henry, studying each and every part of him.

Henry was a sex symbol, absolutely yummy. From his beautifully shiny hair that he always had cut on the sides and well combed in the middle, his captivating handsome face, his firm abs, his flat stomach and those sexy legs. He looked like one of those models from TVs but this one was a reality. He was right there in front of him and they had been fucking a few minutes back.

Henry Jackson was 31 years old, super-stinking rich and came from one of the richest families in the city. He was running an empire with an iron fist together with his mother and his wife. Not a week passed without him appearing in a newspaper due an achievement. In fact, he graced the cover of the magazine of ‘richest businessmen under 35.’ Yes, he was that rich.

“Are you gonna stare at me the whole night or you’re gonna say something?” He asked without even glancing at Mateo. “If it’s the money, I told you that you can just name it and it’s yours. You don’t have to hesitate, especially after all that killer sex we just had.”

“It’s not that.” Mateo sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “It’s just that I stay a lot in this house. I am getting bored.”

“Then go shopping.” Henry got up from the bed and moved towards Mateo, getting up from the bed. He slowly turned him, admiring his sexy bubbly butt. He didn’t miss the chance to smack it, licking his lips. “Buy more sexy clothes. You know how I like it when we…” he paused and gripped his waist. “…role play.”

“I have enough of that. Besides, even if I am going out, you never let me go out alone. That guard is always with me and it just frustrates me. I wanna go out and have fun without eyes watching me.”

Henry laughed. “You know that’s never gonna happen. You want to go out with other men?”

“No!” Mateo gasped, shaking his head. “You know I can’t do that to you. I…”

“This conversation is over.” Henry lost the smile on his face. He let go of Mateo and picked up his car keys from the table. “Let me remind you or rather warn, Mateo.” He pointed. “There’s no way I am gonna let you go out there without a guard. It’s not only for your safety but I will not let you cheat on me. Do you understand?”


“Don’t forget where I got you from.” Henry snapped. “You were nothing when I found you, nothing!” He yelled, making Mateo take a few steps back. “I polished you up, I introduced you to my world and I spent on you more than anyone would have spent on you. That’s something you can never repay so I own you. You’re mine. I’ll never let those stupid boys play with you.”

Mateo’s heart was racing. “I know. Not a day goes by that you’ve not reminded me of that. And I am thankful.”

“Good. Then stop acting like an ungrateful bitch and play your role.” He sounded rude but he didn’t care. “Don’t forget so soon what happen the last time you tried to cheat?”

Mateo sighed, dropping his eyes to the floor. “I told you that Aron….”

“Don’t fucking mention his name.” He warned.

“We were just friends. You just misinterpreted the whole thing.” He sighed, shaking his head. “I… I….”

“Let me get this clearly in your head, dear, Mateo.” He got closer, gripped Mateo’s jaw and brought him closer. “I own you. I bought you and I don’t expect you to be ungrateful.” He kissed him on the lips. “I have to go. I’ll tell you the next time I’ll come here.”

With those words, he quickly left Mateo alone. Mateo remained standing there, trying to process the whole thing. He sat on the bed slowly and hugged a pillow.

Mateo had never pictured his life to be like that… being a side chic… a mistress (paramour). It had never been a part of his plans for the future. But he was so far gone that he didn’t know if there was ever any return. After all, it had been three years already since he started seeing the married man.

He was a fucking home wrecker and he knew his parents would have been disappointed… maybe even disown him. Sometimes he was glad that they were gone just so that they wouldn’t see his shameful act, what he had become.

His best friend Rachael told him never to call himself a home wrecker but that was what he was. Sadness slowly crept in his life as he went down memory lane to where it had all begun.


3 years ago


“Please doctor…” Mateo begged, putting his hands together. “…you need to do something. My mother is dying.”

“Mr. Perez, I am doing all that I can to help you but…” He paused and sighed. “…my hands are tied currently. We need to fly in a specialist to come and work on your mother. That’s gonna cost money and the drugs that she’s been given currently also cost money.”

“I know but what can I do?”

“You need to find money for the operation. That’s the only way we’re gonna save her.”

“She’s all I have got. Please.” He sobbed as he started going through his pockets. The only thing he could find was 17 dollars. “This is all I have got.”

The doctor took his breath, patting his shoulder. Mateo could tell the man was also in agony.

“We need about 100 000 dollars to do an operation, Mr. Perez.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I am sorry. If you can find even half of that, I can see a way I can help you. But my hands are tied. You just have to find that money.”

With those words, he left.

Mateo remained standing there like a statue as he tried to process what the doctor had just told him. 100 000 dollars? How was he supposed to raise that money. Forget about raising that money, even if he sold everything, they owned including himself, there was no way he was gonna raise that money.


“Look who we have here…” Vanessa chirped while crossing her legs, looking like a boss. “…if it isn’t my prodigal nephew, down on his knees begging for money.”

“Please.” Mateo was in tears. “You’re my only hope. She’s dying and if I won’t pay the money, she’s gonna die. She’s all I’ve got. My father….”

“I don’t need to hear your life story.” Vanessa dismissed.

Vanessa was a beautiful woman with golden brown hair that she had curled and then let loose. She had deep green eyes and a perfectly tanned skin. She had a body to die for, a curved shape and a seductive look. No wonder she did what she did, run a brothel. She was very successful at it too. It was the reason why she had gotten into an argument with her brother, Mateo’s father.

“Your parents have always looked down on me and what I do. They’ve always called my money dirty.”

She rose and rested her hands on her wide hips, staring down at him.

“So why should I use my money to help you?” She said with a raised eyebrow. “After all, it’s dirty money, made out of prostitution.”

“Please.” He was on his knees. “I don’t mind and I am sure she won’t mind either.”

Vanessa chuckled and started getting close to him. She started going around him, passing her hands through his hair.

“You’re a very handsome boy, Mateo. I have always liked you although you haven’t been close to me.” She helped him up and didn’t lose that evil grin on her face. “Your parents never even allowed you visit or call. So, what should I call this, a blessing or maybe you’re just here because you’re desperate.”

“I’ll forever be indebted to you. I wouldn’t have travelled so far if I didn’t need your help. I’ll do whatever you want.”

Mary laughed as her finger passed to his pink lips, rubbing on them. “That’s my sweet, sweet boy. I have always known you to be smarter than both of them. I’ll help you.”

“Oh… thank you so much…” Mateo smiled, feeling excited. It was like life had come to him. “Thank you…”

“You haven’t heard my condition yet, Mateo.” She chirped in. “Nothing comes for free. You’re gonna have to work for that money. I have got clients that can pay that amount within a few days. And your mother will be out there living her life like nothing happened.”

“I’ll do anything.” He laughed excitedly, rubbing his tears. “Anything at all.”

“Good!” She folded her arms on her chest. “You’re gonna have to start tonight. Are you still a virgin or someone has popped the cherry?”

And that was when she dropped the bomb. She told him he was gonna have to sleep with men, big clients for money. Mateo had never felt as scared as he did at that time. His heart hammered in his chest, threatening to rip out. Blood rushed through his veins so much, he could literally feel it passing in his ears. The world became cold and he didn’t know how to react.

“What? No!” He gasped. “Never. Why would you expect me to do such a thing? I am not gay and even if I was, I would never engage in such an act for money. My mother taught me better than that.”

“Then there’s no way I can help you.” She shrugged. “You came to me to ask for help but nothing comes for free.”

“I… I can’t.” He stuttered, quickly turning. He was shaking. “My mother would never forgive me. I am sorry.”

He picked up his bag and started rushing.

“Go but just remember that if she dies, her blood is gonna be on your hands.”

How he wished he hadn’t stopped going that day. He wished he had closed his ears and left but for what she said, he had stopped and gone back. Soon, he found himself seated in a luxury hotel waiting for his first client, his first man.

He was so scared that he could hear his heart beating in the room. He didn’t know who the client was and neither did his aunt as he had wanted to remain anonymous. When he heard the door opening, he felt shivers running up and down his spine. He was about to do something he had never wished he’d do ever in his life, have sex for money like a whore.

Once he heard the man approaching, he slowly stood and started stripping without even turning to face the man. In no time, he was completely naked with tears flooding his face. He was visibly shaking. He felt the man’s hands on his shoulder and he cried even more.

“Do it fast, please.” He said in between sobs.

“Why are you crying?” The man behind him asked. “Shouldn’t you be used to this? It’s not like I am gonna hurt you. It’s just a business. I paid you money and you offer a service.”

Mateo slowly turned to face the man and when he saw his face for the first time, he looked really handsome. He had the most handsome face he’d ever seen, well shaven beards and he smelt expensive. He looked expensive. But he didn’t care about all that. He just wanted it easier and done with.

“Please do it fast. I… I want to get it done fast so that I can move to my next client.” He said in between sobs.

“I thought this was supposed to be until I am fully satisfied.” The man said.

“Then do it until you’re fully satisfied.” He said, rubbing his tears. “I am ready to service you in any way you want.”

His shaky hands moved to the man’s shirt and started unbuttoning it. But the man held his hand and stopped him.

“You seem nervous and scared. Do I look that scary?”

He shook his head.

“Then what should I do to make you comfortable? I want you in the best state, wild and dangerous.”

“Can you solve my problems?” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. “100 000 and I… I will do anything you want. You can do anything you want with me.”

The man laughed. “That’s a lot of money for sex, don’t you think? And to think I have already paid the full amount to fuck you tonight, the whole night if I want. So why should I pay that amount? What makes you special?”

Mateo took a deep breath and tried to gather his confidence. “I am… I am a virgin, never been touched before. You’re gonna be my first man. I… I have never slept with anybody before.”

“Ha ha…” The man laughed, staring at him like he’d grown another head. “Do you think I am a kid?”

“I am telling the truth… I have no choice. I am desperate. What can you do if your loved one was dying and you had no choice but to sell your soul to save her? Wouldn’t you do anything?”

The man was quiet. He kept on staring at Mateo.

“My love is limitless…. My heart cannot let go of my loved one…” He was breaking down. “…I cannot watch them die if I have means to.”

The man shook his head. “What’s your name?”


“Mateo…” He said with a smile. “… I am super rich. All it requires is for me to snap my finger and every problem is solved, except one.” He got closer and rested his hand on Mateo’s shoulder. “I can see the desperation from your eyes but if what you say is the truth, I’ll cut you a deal. If you’re truly a virgin, then I’ll solve your problems but you’re gonna have to solve mine as well.”

“W-what?” He gasped, his eyes widening. “What do I do?”

“I’ll explain later. For now, we’ve got some business to do.”

He laid him on the bed and fucked him. He had difficulties penetrating him but after few minutes of struggling, he was finally in. It was the most painful thing that Mateo had ever experienced. He bled although the man was being gentle. He felt like he was being ripped apart. His ass was on fire throughout. He cried, and not just because of the pain but the thought that his mother was gonna kill him after she found out what he did to get the money.

But when they were done, true to his word, the man gave him a check of 100 000 but he also signed something, a contract that he shouldn’t have. Unfortunately, his mother died before he even reached the hospital. It was sad and painful.

But that day, his life changed as he got drawn into the world of the handsome hunk, Henry Jackson, a billionaire heir. He moved to a different city where he became a paramour to the married man that kept him a secret. He had always lived with the guilt and the pain since that day. He thought that his mother died because of the act he did to raise the money.


Present day


Mateo suddenly rose, realizing that he had fallen asleep while remembering the past. He quickly rubbed his tears and took a deep breath, combing his hair with his fingers. Three years of being a paramour. It had been that long but still felt like yesterday.

He sometimes felt so much guilt inside. Sex with Henry was always so amazing, sometimes rough but he always enjoyed it and felt guilty afterwards. But he was his dirty secret, something no one was supposed to find out.

“God!” He sighed as he moved to the window and began staring outside.

What did life have in store him?


Henry parked the car near the entrance to his beautiful white mansion and got out of his car. He didn’t wanna lose that smile on his face, satisfaction and victory. Memories of what had transpired between him and Mateo played at the back of his mind. Nothing was gonna wipe that smile from his face…

“Where are you coming from?”

Perhaps he spoke too soon. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw a very beautiful woman leaning on a pillar, staring at him with a stern face. She had beautiful, dark hair with blonde highlights… pink lips that could seduce any guy… a perfect skin… and a curvaceous body that could make any man go crazy.

“Where are you from?” She asked harshly, crossing her arms on her chest as she got near.

“Work!” He said simply, heading inside.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She yelled. “You and I both know that’s a very big lie. Last time I checked, you and I work in the same company. You left very early just like you do most of the time and come back home late. So… don’t you dare lie to me.”

“What do you want from me, woman?” He seethed, furiously turning.

“Who is she?” She didn’t wanna beat around the bush.

“Who is who?” He shrugged.

“Don’t try and act dumb, you know exactly what I am talking about.” She yelled, putting her hands on her hips. “Who is the bitch you’re fucking?”

“You’re delusional.” He said, clenching his fists. “But you can go ahead and look for her. When you find her, tell me because I’d like to know her as well.”

To say Emma was furious would be an understatement. She was so mad she saw red. Henry and her had been friends since they were very young. They had been married for over 7 years, an arranged marriage of course. Their parents were business partners and they had wanted their children to continue managing the company as a couple. Everything had been going so well, until about some two years back when their marriage had become unstable.

“You know very well that you’re supposed to he spending time with me.” She said softly, raising an eyebrow. We’re not getting any younger and we need to start having kids, we need to give our parents grandkids.”

“Oh wow!” He gasped in mock astonishment. “What happened to we need to make as much money as we can before we decide to have a family.”

“Well… I’ve changed my mind.” She said, looking away. “We need to start planning our future.”

“Good luck with that.” He lost the smile on his face. “When I wanted a family, you said you weren’t ready. How many abortions have you had behind my back simply because you said kids were gonna ruin your career?


“I don’t wanna have this conversation tonight.” He warned, shaking his head. “I’m very tired and all I ask is peace.”

With those words, he rushed upstairs, leaving Emma seething. She was really mad.

“We’ll see!” She said under her breath. “I know you’re seeing someone and once I find out who that person is, I’ll make them pay. I swear to you!”


Mateo sat alone, staring at an old photograph of himself and his deceased mother. The weight of unspoken words and missed opportunities hung heavy in the air, as regret gnawed at his heart. He traced the contours of his mother’s smiling face, feeling wishing she could have stayed longer than she did, all the moments they could have shared and the bond they had. He wondered if they could have still been closer.

“Hey!” He was gotten out of his thoughts when he heard a voice speak to him.

He quickly raised his face and smiled when he saw a very beautiful lady smiling at him. She had beautiful brown eyes with dark hair that was wavy and sexy. She wore a perfect black dress that followed her curves and her dark chocolate skin was to die.

“Hi Genny!” He greeted, putting the picture away.

She leaned down and kissed his cheek, and took a seat next to him. Mateo had been waiting for her for quite some time. Genevieve had been a good friend who knee about Mateo’s situation with Henry Jackson. She understood him and had been with him through most of it. Henry knew about her and hence didn’t mind that she knew. They met at school 3 years back and had been wonderful friends ever since.

“What are you hiding?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Nothing, just a picture of my mother.”

“Okay, what’s going on?” She asked with concern. “You only look at your mother’s picture when something major is bothering you. Now…. spit it.”

“It’s nothing!” He sighed, trying to fake a smile, but he knew he wasn’t fooling her. “I’m just glad to see you after so long.”

“Really?” She crossed her arms. “We talk almost every day and you…”

“That’s nothing compared to seeing each other.”

“Well, you’re the one that chooses to stay away from me sometimes.” She shrugged. “I told you to join me for a party last week but who declined? You had to stay with him.”

“You know that’s out of my hands. I cannot go against Henry’s orders. He gets upset.”

“I know…” she nodded. “But have you ever thought about the future. You’re a very handsome young man and sooner or later, other men are gonna start noticing too. You need a man of your own, someone that will shower you with lots of love and respect. Someone that will treat you like the prince that you are.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” He asked in frustration. “But how do I do that? Henry isn’t really that bad. He saw me through school and he has done so much for me. My life is comfortable because of me. I don’t know how life would have been if it hadn’t been for him.”

“But you cannot start a family with him.” She raised her shoulders. “Sooner or later, you’re gonna need to have a family. A handsome husband and wonderful children. No matter what Henry has done for you, you’re gonna have to leave him.”

The world seemed muted and colorless, sadness draining the vibrancy from his surroundings. But he couldn’t let that show, but again, he couldn’t fool her.

“Don’t you think I know that?” He shook his head, taking a deep sigh. “It kills me every day knowing that I am with someone that I can never truly have. And as my friend, you need to understand that it’s not easy for me.”

“I understand and I’m sorry. ” she apologized, holding his hand sweetly. “So sorry.”

“It’s okay. Let’s not talk about it.” He gave a genuine smile. “Let’s talk about what you’ve been up to nowadays. How’s baby boo and when’s the wedding?”

Genevieve burst into laughter. “Come on, we’ve not even been engaged yet. But he’s very fine though and he was saying hi.”

“Was he?” He raised an eyebrow. “I highly doubt it. You know he doesn’t like me. He thinks that I’m only but bad influence to you.”

“No!” She chuckled nervously. “You know that’s not ttue, he likes you.”

He looked at her without saying anything but she could laughed at the way he did.

“Even if he doesn’t, it really doesn’t matter because you’re my bitch for life. Friends before bros.” They burst until laughter. “Now let’s stop talking about all this and order something. I’m starving.”

The two friends ordered their food and had a nice time just talking about their time in the university. It was beautiful just catching up and Mateo enjoyed himself without having anything to worry about.


Mateo arrived in his apartment, feeling so happy. He was tired but he hadn’t had so much fun in a long time. It was worth it. He had a smile on his face as he opened the door to his room, letting himself inside before…

“Where are you coming from at this time?” A voice spoke, meaning his heart jump.

He saw the man standing near the window with his arms crossed, staring at him with a stern face. He looked so handsome, classy and sexy in the black suit that he wore.

“I went out with a friend, Genevieve.” He shrugged, throwing his bag on the bed. “And besides, it’s only 8 pm.”

“You know very well I was coming here and yet you decided to delay.” He sounded frustrated. “I have been waiting for over an hour.”

“I am sorry.” He sounded surprised. “But you could have called me.”

“And since when do I need to call you when I’m coming here?” He snarled as he moved closer, pointing at Mateo. “And your phone was even off. Don’t play with my patience, Mateo.” He warned.

“I told you I was with my friend whom I haven’t seen in a long time.” He answered. “You never allow me to.”

“It doesn’t matter. You know I come here most of the time and I don’t care where you are.” Hos voice rose. “And no matter where you are, you need to attend to me.”

To say Mateo was surprised would be an understatement.

“But…” he took a deep breath and moved closer, pulling Mateo closer to him. A smile popped up his face as his arms wrapped themselves tightly around Mateo’s waist. “You’re here now and you know what I want.”

His hands started moving down Mateo’s waist as his face moved closer.

“Henry…” he moaned softly, his eyes closing.

“I know.” Henry said as he kissed his neck softly. “I feel it too.”

He groaned, opening his eyes quickly. Then like a flash, he pulled away from Henry, leaving him shocked.

“I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I’m not feeling too well tonight and I’m tired. I won’t be able to have sex with you tonight.”

Henry stood there, staring at Mateo as if he’d grown another head. Then he burst into laughter, raising an eyebrow. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Are you serious?” He was still laughing but after a few seconds, he wore a stern face. A frown appeared on his face. “You cannot be serious. I waisted my time coming here and you couldn’t have bothered to call or text me.”

“I thought you weren’t gonna show up.” He shrugged, looking away. “We just had sex yesterday.”

“I don’t care.” He snapped, making Mateo move slight backward. “You knew very well that I usually come here and you couldn’t have texted? I fucking wasted my time coming here.”

“I am sorry, but I cannot tell my body what to feel.” He shrugged.

Henry sighed, taking a seat on the bed. He was horny and he wanted a release. Usually, in su h a state, his mood was usually not that good.

“I am sorry.” Mateo apologized, sitting beside him. “Maybe we can do something else apart from sex. I can cook and we can have dinner together.” He suggested, placing his hand on Henry’s shoulder. “I don’t think you and I have…”

“Goodnight, Mateo.” He rose from the bed and started heading towards the door. “I will be back tomorrow and you better be fine.”

Mateo watched as the man left him all alone in the room. He had no idea why he felt hurt and lonely. He didn’t wanna have sex with Henry but seeing him leave left him feeling otherwise.


Henry reached his room, feeling extremely tired and a little upset. Hardly did he reach his room than he was already taking his jacket off, throwing it on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw himself on the bed with his eyes on the ceiling.

It felt like he had been there for hours before he felt a finger tracing down his chest, all the way to his waist. He quickly tried to get up but…

“Shhh…” he heard a voice whisper before he was pushed back to the bed.

It was Emma and she looked so sexy in a black lingerie that showed off her massive boobs and her naked body, all for him. Seeing her, he felt his heart hummed in his chest and shivers began running down his spine. Her hair was wet and her lips were blood red with lipstick. She licked her lips and moaned, squeezing her boobs while she slowly got on top of him.

“You like what you see?” She said with a wink, slowly positioning herself on him. “Didn’t you miss all of this?”

“What are you…”

“There’s no escaping tonight, Henry!”

Henry, with his unruly dark hair and deep, soulful eyes, was the embodiment of every romantic dream she’d ever had.

Her heart raced at the thought of feeling his cock going deep in and out of her. She placed her hand over his crotch, rubbing on it sensually. She didn’t miss the throbbing hardness in pants.

“I’ve missed you,” she groaned, her voice carrying a hint of lust. “I have missed this.”

She began unzipping him while she closed the space in between them. Before he could react, her lips met his in a kiss that sent shockwaves through her entire being. It was a kiss that spoke of longing, of passion, of all the unspoken emotions that had been building in her.

She slipped her hands in his pants and released the monster, running her hands up and down. Henry quivered and moaned, breaking the kiss.

“Emma!” He moaned. “Please, not today. I’m tired.”

“It’s okay.” She whispered, smiling at him. “I’ll take care of you, baby. There’s no way you’re running away from me tonight.”

Henry knew that escape was gonna be hard so he closed his eyes and let her do her thing. She locked lips with him, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. While some hand was busy caressing his chest, the other hand was busy stroking his cock.

He moaned as she had her way with him. She broke the kiss and began kissing him down the neck, the chest until she reached between his legs. She slowly took off his trouser and began sucking him like there was no tomorrow. Henry cried in pleasure as his hands found the bedsheets, pulling on them harder.

She sucked him until he was solid as rock, leaking so badly and couldn’t take it anymore. He flipped her and then slammed his cock so deep in her pussy that she cried out in pleasure.

“Fuck Henry!” She screamed, her legs locking around him. “Right there!”

She was so wet and horny. He fucked her so hard while she cried out and demanded for more. Henry was enjoying himself but contrary to what she felt, in his mind, he was fucking Mateo. It made him so horny that he didn’t last long. He came and he came hard, emptying his balls deep inside her. By the time he was done, he was so tired and could barely breathe.

“Whoa!” Emma said as she tried to catch her breath. “And you said you weren’t in the mood. Man… you can fuck!”

Henry smiled sheepishly, getting off of her. “I need to take a shower.”

Without getting any response from her, he rushed into the bathroom and locked the door him. Emma had a smile of a man that had just won a lottery. She was still recovering from that mind blowing fuck that he’d given her and she didn’t wanna recover.

“I knew you weren’t gonna resist me, Henry.” She chucked, staring at the bathroom door. “You could never.”


The cafe was bathed in warm morning sunlight, casting a soft glow over the golden brown wooden furniture and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air. A faint hum of chatter filled the space as customers sipped their drinks and tappes away on laptops.

This was Mateo’s favorite cafe. Whenever he felt sad, conflicted or shitty, he always came to this cafe. The smell of the coffee and the taste all together lifted his mood. He sat at a small table by the window, sipping on a latte. He was engrossed in a book, occasionally glancing up to observe the world outside. He just wanted some alone time but while he was busy reading…

“The great Gatsby!” A sweet voice spoke, surprising Mateo. “Man, I love that book and it’s good to see someone else reading it apart from me.”

When he raised his face, he found a handsome young man staring at him with the biggest smile anyone had ever looked at him with. He had a chocolate brown hair that was made into curtain bangs. His light grey eyes were shining and his pink lips were parted, showing his pure white teeth.

He must have been in his mid 20s and he looked like something pulled out of a magazine.

“Uh, excuse me, is this seat taken?” He asked nervously.

“Not at all.” Mateo smiled, slightly pushing the chair with his feet towards the man. “You can take it to your table.”

To say the man was surprised would be an understatement. He just laughed and moved took the chair, sitting next to the handsome young man.

“On the contrary, I thought I could keep you company.” He said softly. His eyes studied the young man carefully. “I’m Mark, by the way.” He extended his hand at the beautiful boy. “May I have the honor of knowing who this beautiful angel before me is.”

Mateo couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He raised his face and stared at the man, getting shocked when he winked at him. Was this man flirting with him, he thought, glancing behind to see if there was someone there.

“Look, if you’re talking to me, I’m not interested.” He said harshly, rolling his eyes. “I was doing something before you disturbed me and I wanted to get back to that.”

“Wow!” Mark gasped in fake astonishment, placing his hands on his chest. “Handsome and lethal. I like you. I really like you and maybe… just maybe you might like me too.”

“No!” He shook his head. “I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.”

“Who knows?” He shrugged. “Do you mind if I buy you some coffee?”

“In case you didn’t notice, I already have my coffee.” He said without staring at him. “I came here for some peace and quiet while I indulge into my book.”

“It’s okay.” He said, crossing his arms and sitting comfortably on the chair. “I can just watch you and maybe you’ll talk to me as soon as you’re done.”

Mateo rolled his eyes and continued his reading. But there was something was bothering him. It was the man staring at him while he did. He glanced at him and the man winked, making him feeling extra uncomfortable. He took a deep breath, closed his book, picked up his stuff and rose. With a final look at the man, he started walking away from the cafe. He could hear the man calling to him but he didn’t even bother to respond.

He stood outside the cafe, waiting for his driver who for some reason was taking so long.

“Hey again!” He heard a familiar voice, right before Mark came into view. “Look, I don’t think it’s good for a handsome man like you to be standing in the sun waiting for a taxi when I have a comfortable car. I can take you wherever you want today. I’mma be your driver for the day.”

Mateo chuckled. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m not interested.”

“Come on!” He said, not losing his smile. “I won’t bite… only if you ask me to.”

Mateo rolled his eyes and continued standing there as the man bothered him. He didn’t say a word until he saw his car coming near him. It stopped right in front of him and he glanced at the man, putting on a smile.

“My taxi is here. You can go and practice your skills on someone else.”

With those words, he opened the door and entered his car. As the car left, he glanced behind at the man that stood there with his hands on his waist, obviously looking surprised. He couldn’t help but smile…


“Oh hey!” Henry said in his deep manly voice and waited for the man on the other end to reply.

“Yes! The meeting is on tomorrow and we’ll sign the documents.” He said softly. “My mother is gonna be there because she wants to sign the documents herself.” He waited for a bot again. “No problem, see you there.”

Henry was seated on the edge of the bed, fully dressed in a black suit that fit him perfectly. He slowly started removing the tie, throwing it on the floor. He took off his jacket and placed it carefully on the bed. He started unbuttoning himself but before he could go any further, he heard the door to the bathroom opening.

He quickly glanced there and saw Mateo standing in the door way. He was dripping wet… his hair looking sexy like it had been wet by the most gorgeous wine… his eyes staring at Henry, literally begging him to take him right there and when he licked his lips, Henry’s heart began drumming like cultural night in an African village.

‘Shit!’ He swore as his member began rising.

Mateo could tell the man wanted him so much from that horny look in his eyes. Moaning softly, he seductively walked to the bed, dropping his towel.

“Fuck!” Henry moaned, staring at the body that had just displayed before him. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

Mateo smiled and used his finger to push the man on the bed. He sexily climbed on top of him and helped him out of his shirt before he began laying kisses all over his chest.


Henry’s cock was hard in his pants and he could feel it pulsating and leaking. But he let the boy take control of the situation. He was being slow but in no time, Henry’s cock was free and it was leaking badly.

Mateo slowly leaned and leaked at the tip before he took it all in his mouth and began sucking the man. Henry cried out in pleasure, his hands gripping the shits. His breaths came in short, almost as if he couldn’t breathe well. He could feel the pressure building in his balls as the boy went up and down his shaft with his hot mouth. This went on until he couldn’t take it anymore.

“I want you…” He said breathlessly. “…I want you right now.”

And Mateo didn’t waste any time. He got on top of the man and mounted him, rocking back and forth until things got all twisted and hot inside and both their beating miles away. By the time they were down, they felt exhausted. But they rested only enough to go at it again, with Henry taking Mateo this time with slow but deep strokes. Neither man could deny that what they felt was incredible and a much-needed relief.

Henry rested for a bit before he got up from the bed, cleaned himself and started dressing up. Mateo who was still naked on top of the bed raised his head and frowned.

“Where are you going?”

Henry sighed without stopping what he was doing.

“What kind of stupid question is that? Where am I supposed to be at night if not with my family?”

“It’s only” Mateo complained, rising from the bed. “Can’t you stay a little longer. It gets lonely in this house alone and I was really hoping maybe we could stay together for a while.”


Mateo’s mouth gaped. “What do you mean? A lot of things that a normal couple would do and…”

“First of all….” He paused and moved closer, staring into the boy’s eyes. “…we’re not a couple. I want you to get that straight. And secondly, you’re only here to satisfy my sexual needs and not cuddle with me or spend some time with me.”

Ouch! Mateo felt that right in his heart. He remained standing there like a statue, his eyes becoming glassy. He didn’t know if he had any more strength to say anything to the hunk.

“I take care of you and all I ask is for you to satisfy me.” He added. “If you’re lonely, watch Netflix or something. But let me warn you,” He pulled him closer by the waist, their lips touching. “do not let another man touch you. You’re only mine and that shall remain like that for good. Do I make myself clear?”

Mateo nodded without uttering a word.

“Good boy!” Henry smiled and pressed a kiss on Mateo’s already swollen lips. “I had an amazing time with you. Come with the same fire again and I’ll get you something nice.”

With those words, he proceeded to finish dressing up. Once he was done, he kissed the boy one more time and left. Mateo was filled with lots of questions about what his life was gonna be about. Henry was someone he had grown to like despite all the guilt he felt. Even though he was only his side piece, he deserved to feel like he was valued and not just something for satisfaction.


2 days later


“What?” Mateo gasped, a frown appearing on his face. “But I thought you said you were gonna come here, Henry. You promised.”

‘Look, I cannot control how my schedules are sometimes.’ Henry sighed on the other end. ‘Right now, I am heading to the airport.’

Mateo gripped his hair and took a frustrated breath.

“How long will you be gone for?” He asked softly.

‘A month or so.’ He responded. ‘It could be more than that. There’s a new project that I need to oversee while I am over there.’

“I see.” Mateo was sad and he couldn’t mask it.

‘Don’t be sad.’ Henry said. ‘I have sent some money to your account and if you need more, I can send.’

“You think this is about money?” Mateo said harshly. “I don’t need money, Henry. I need you, please.”

‘We talked about this several times, Mateo.’

There was silence between the two of them for a number of seconds.

‘I’ll talk to you later. And be a good boy while I am gone.’ He sounded with warning. ‘I might not be there but I have my eyes on you. Take care of yourself.’

Before Mateo could respond, Henry cut the call. He stood there lost in thought, wondering why once again his plan had to be ruined. He had pleaded with Henry to come for dinner and the man had for once agreed. But now, everything was ruined. Of course, he had to be sad.


The club was pulsating with music, flashing lights, and energetic conversations. People were dancing on the crowded dance floor, and the atmosphere was electric. A small VIP section was roped off from the rest of the club, where some people just sat and enjoyed the evening. Mateo sat with her friend Genevive, enjoying their colorful cocktails. Mateo hadn’t been at a club in a long time and it was making him a bit nervous.

“Hey,” Genevieve shouted, shaking him a little bit. “Relax! You’re at a place where you’re supposed to be dancing and laughing but you look like you don’t wanna be here.”

“That’s because I don’t wanna be here.”

“What?” She shrugged. “You’d rather be locked up in your house alone just because Henry said so? Come on, you’re young. You gotta experience life, socialize. Now…” She raised an eyebrow. “…are you gonna join me on the dance floor or we’re gonna sit here the whole night and look like two lost souls?”

Mateo laughed, glancing at her friend. “Why don’t you go ahead? I will join you later.”

“Okay.” Genevive raised her hands as if she was surrendering.

She went to the dance floor and started moving her sexy body, immediately stealing the spotlight. Mateo watched her with a smile on his face as she glanced at him, throwing kisses towards him.

“Mind if I join you?”

A voice disturbed him and he quickly withdrew his attention from her, directing it towards the voice. What he looked into was a very beautiful smile, baby blue eyes that seemed like that of an angel, a round cute face that made his heart flatter repeatedly. The man winked at him and it immediately registered in his mind where he had seen him.

“You!” He gasped. “What are you doing here?”

The man laughed, taking the empty seat. “I could ask the same thing. I have been to this club several times and I’ve never seen you. Looks like it’s my lucky day. Even fate keeps bringing us together.”

“Do you use that punchline on every boy you meet?” He rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his drink. “And does it ever work because it’s so cony.”

“Ouch!” The man gasped in pretense pain, holding his chest. “I felt that in my heart. And it’s Mark, remember? And to answer your question, no, I don’t use that on any boy that I meet. Just the boy right in front of me who has captured my heart.”

Mateo rolled his eyes again and shook his head.

“Like I said, I am not interested.” He said in frustration. “I am not interested. Whatever gave you the impression that I am single lied to you. I am in a very serious relationship.”

“Really?” The man leaned on the table getting closer to Mateo. “And I say you’re not in a relationship. Either that or your boyfriend doesn’t love you. Why would he let such beauty be alone all the time. If you were mine, I’d treat you right, make you happy.”

Mateo could feel Mark’s breath on his, the cologne he wore and he couldn’t help but feel some spark. His heart began racing and he began studying his facial features. He really was handsome.

“Every time I have seen you, I can’t help but get drawn to you.” He said, licking his lips as he stared at Mateo’s. “There’s something about you that I like but I can’t explain what it is.”

The chemistry between them was palpable and undeniable. But Mateo felt something emanating from deep inside, a familiar feeling… fear of the unknown. He took a harsh breath and rose from the table, staring at the man like he’d grown another head. Mark on the other hand stared at him like he wanted to just kiss him… he really wanted to.

“I’d love to get to know you, at least, let me add a name to this beautiful face.”

“I have a friend waiting for me.” Mateo said sheepishly.

He made a quick turn and rushed to the dance floor, joining Genevive.

“Whoa!” Genevive laughed. “I didn’t know you were gonna be joining me at all.”

“That’s because you know I don’t know how to dance.”

“Simple!” Genevive said enthusiastically, placing her hands on Mateo’s shoulders. “Just follow my moves and you’re gonna be fine.”


Mateo glanced at the table and Mark was still seated there, his eyes on his body, not leaving him. He took a deep breath and tentatively tried to mimic Genevive’s moves.

“See?” She laughed. “You’re doing great. Just let go and feel the music.”

They danced together, losing themselves to the music.

“So, are you gonna tell me about him?” She finally asked, gesturing towards the table. “The man that can’t get his eyes off you.”

Mateo gave a nervous glance and the man winked.

“It’s nobody…” He chucked nervously. “…nobody important.”

“Well, Mr. nobody is still staring.” She teased. “Seems like whatever he has seen is something he doesn’t wanna let go of.”

Mateo hesitated for a second, chuckling nervously at his friend.

“His name is Mark and this is the second time I am meeting him.” He had to shout as the music was too loud. “I met him at the café some days ago and he can’t seem to stop bothering me.”

Genevive took another glance. “Well, Mr. nobody is very handsome. And he seems to know what he’s doing… especially in bed.” She whispered.

“Genny!” Mateo laughed, slightly hitting her. “Stop saying that.”

“What?” She shrugged. “But on a serious note, he seems to know what he wants. The fact that he likes you means business to me. He is handsome and he seems sincere. You can make a very good couple.”

“Can we not talk about this, please?” He sighed. “You know the situation I am in and I don’t wanna incur Henry’s wrath.”

“Sure!” She raised her hands like she was surrendering. “I won’t bring it up tonight.”

The two friends had a lot of fun at the club. The entire night they were there, Mateo did all he could to avoid any other encounter with the man. It worked because the man just sat a distance and he seemed to be with a couple of friends. It worked well for Mateo… for now.


It was morning and Mateo was still in bed, peacefully sleeping and trying to rest from the previous night fun he had with his best friend. The room was quiet until an unmistakable ringtone of his phone shattered the tranquility. He stirred, groaning and fumbled for his phone on the night stand. He didn’t even bother to see who it was before he answered.

“Hello!” He answered as he yawned.

‘Mateo!’ A strange voice chuckled on the other end. ‘That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful boy.’

Mateo’s eyes suddenly opened and he glanced at the phone. The number wasn’t saved on the phone but he took a wild guess who was calling him.

“Why are you calling me and how did you get this line?” He said harshly.

‘Let’s just say there are some friends of yours that like me.’ He laughed. ‘I got your line from a well-wisher and I also happen to know you’re available.’

“Genevive!” He said under his breath, hitting his head with his hand.

He took a deep breath.

“Look, I have already told you everything that I can say to you. What else do you want? Is it by force to date someone?”

‘I just like you and I wanna make you happy, Mateo.’ He said with so much sincerity in his voice. ‘All I am asking for is a chance. Something tells me that you and I could be happy, so happy. Give me a chance… give us a chance.’

Mateo remained quiet as those words slowly sank in him but there was that feeling again, fear of the unknown.

“I am sorry.” He simply said. “I have to go.”

“Mateo, just…’

He quickly cut the call and sat there, catching his breath. When he was able to think again, he dialed a number and it didn’t take long before there was a voice on the other end.

“Hey babe…”

“Really, Genny.” He chimed in. “Why did you give him my number? I thought I explained to you that I didn’t want to do anything with that man. Now he’s just from calling me.”

‘Oh, that is good.’ She laughed. ‘He really didn’t waste any time.’

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

‘Look, the man was desperate.’ She sighed. ‘He approached me last night when you went to the men’s room. He is a nice guy, Mateo and he seems sincere. He wants you in his life and that is good enough for me.’

“But you…”

‘Yes! I know there is Henry but let’s face facts here.’ Her voice rose a little. ‘Henry is a married man and no matter what he does with you, he’s never gonna give you the happiness that you deserve. He’s never gonna leave his wife for you. As much as you’re rich and you live comfortably, you’re gonna need a family. I see that in Mark.’

Mateo’s shoulders slumped, a heavy burden of sorrow weighing him down, as though the weight of the world rested upon his fragile frame.

‘I am sorry for telling you this but it’s the truth. It’s about time you found yourself a proper man and give love a chance.’

“I understand but…”

‘No buts…’ She said before he could finish. ‘…as a matter of fact, I want you to do something for me. He gave me an address of where he is usually found when he’s not that busy. He’ll be waiting for you there.’

“What?” Mateo gasped.

‘Yes! And he just wants to have a talk, nothing weird. Listen to this man, Mateo, just talk to him. Then you will decide whether you want him or not. I am not gonna push you but listen to me for once as a friend.’

Mateo was confused. He remained there like a statue, lots of thoughts having a party in his tiny head.


“I I’ll give it a thought.” He stuttered.

He cut the call and remained there. He knew he wasn’t gonna go anywhere because not only was he scared, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to go down that path.

But he wished he had stood with that decision. A few hours later, he found himself standing outside an apartment with his trembling finger stuck between deciding to ring the bell or go back into the elevator and forget that happened. He took a deep breath and was about to turn back when suddenly the apartment door opened.

There he was, standing in the door way staring at Mateo with a flirty smile and of course, not forgetting a wink. He was shirtless except for a white apron that seemed to cover part of his chest. He had a really muscular, hairless chest that went with his muscular arms. Intricate tattoos adorned his arms, making him even sexier. The air around him seemed charged with an electric energy, an unspoken invitation to admire the physical embodiment of desire.

“What?” He finally spoke. “Am I sexy?”

Mateo cleared his throat and wore a stern face.

“I wasn’t staring.”

“If you like what you see, you can tell me.” He winked. “There’s still a lot of my body that is covered.”

Mateo’s mouth widened in shock. “What? You know what, this was a mistake.”

He turned to leave but Mark grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Wait, I was just kidding. Come on, you should know me by now. I am sorry, can you come inside?”

Mateo rolled his eyes before he nodded. He entered inside and he was captivated by everything that he saw. From the paintings on the wall, the furniture, the colors to the view was just to die for. That was one of the most beautiful apartments he had ever been to.

“Wow!” He finally spoke. “This place is just amazing. Do you own this?”

“Well, it’s family owned and I spend most of my time here when I need some privacy.” He chuckled nervously. “So, it’s practically mine.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“I know.” Mark smiled. “But right now, I am in the kitchen fixing something. Would you like to join me or would you like to watch something?”

“I’ll join you.”

They headed for the kitchen and it was a chef’s dream. It featured top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances and sleek granite countertops while a massive island serves as both a culinary workspace and a casual dining area. Crystal pendant lights hang delicately above, casting a warm glow over the scene. Mateo was just wowed. His apartment wasn’t even that beautiful compared to that place.

And the aroma coming from whatever was cooking was mouthwatering. They chatted as the man made his food. Mateo found out that Mark was a lawyer by profession but before that, he had gone to culinary school and hence he was good at cooking.

He had 2 siblings, brother and sister that were equally doing well in the business world. The man mostly talked because Mateo was afraid to open up about his past and there was no way he was gonna open his mouth to tell him he was sleeping with a married man.

The food was ready and it was very delicious. Mateo enjoyed every bit of it. After that, they found themselves on the balcony just talking about other things. Mateo saw a side that was calmer, sweet, loving and gentle than the man he had met on those two different occasions. This was a side that he really admired and appreciated.

“Yeah, so that’s it about me.” Mark said, staring at the man beside him. “Unless you wanna ask any questions. And I hope I have erased whatever impression you must have in your head about me.”

Mateo burst into laughter.

“And what impression do you think that is?”

“I don’t know.” Mark chuckled nervously, scratching his head. “You probably think I am such a flirt and an asshole.”

Mateo raised an eyebrow. “That is you giving yourself all those names. On the contrary, I found our first encounter really funny. I thought you were funny and you actually made me smile.”

“Really?” He clapped, feeling like he’d achieved something. “Well, I could do that whole day, especially if I really wanna see that smile all day. You’re very beautiful, Mateo.”

Mateo dropped his eyes to the floor, blushing. He couldn’t make eye contact with the man. Mark on the other hand felt his heart beat rhythmically, every fiber of his being urging him to get closer to the boy. And he did.

With a tender smile, Mark gently cupped Mateo’s face in his hands, his fingers lightly grazing his skin. Mateo looked up at him, his breath catching as their eyes locked in a magnetic gaze. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that moment.

“I meant every word I have said up to this point.” His voice sounded different, passionate. “I really like you and God knows how much I wanna make you mine… hold you…” He paused as his eyes locked on those full, gorgeous lips. “… kiss you…”

Mateo felt a shiver run down his spine and he froze. He tried to open his mouth but no word came out of it.

“I’m dying to do that right now,” Mark whispered, his voice a soft murmur that seemed to linger in the air.

Mark slowly leaned in, closing the distance between their lips. Time seemed to stand still as their mouths met in a sweet, lingering kiss. It was a delicate dance of shared emotions, a connection that spoke volumes without a single word… a connection Mateo didn’t even know he needed.

The warmth of the kiss enveloped them, creating a cocoon of intimacy that felt both electrifying and comforting. Mateo’s hands found their way to Mark’s waist, and his arms encircled Mateo, drawing him closer. The kiss deepened, weaving a story of longing and desire.

Both of them moaned as their tongues danced and their bodies caught fire. As the heat intensified, Mark found himself leaning into Mateo, slowly getting on top of him. Things were getting hot but…

“Mateo!” A voice echoed in Mateo’s head before an image of Henry appeared.

Just as quickly as the kiss had ignited, a wave of guilt washed over Mateo. He pulled away and pushed Mark off of him, his eyes wide with realization. The silence hung heavy in the air as Mark searched his face for an explanation.

“I… I can’t,” Mateo stammered, a mixture of regret and guilt in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Mark’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Did I do something wrong?”

“I shouldn’t have let that happen,” he whispered, his voice filled with remorse. “I have to go.”

He rose from the couch like the hounds of hell were after him, leaving the man looking confused. As he hurriedly left the apartment, guilt and fear weighed heavily on his shoulders. He couldn’t shake the feeling of betraying Henry.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he grappled with the consequences of his actions. If Henry found out, things were gonna go haywire.


The weight of Mateo’s actions pressed heavily on his shoulders as he pushed the door open. The dim light in his apartment greeted him as he stepped inside, casting long shadows that seemed to mirror the turmoil in his mind.

Closing the door behind him with a soft click, Mateo leaned against it for a moment, his eyes fixed on a distant point. The silence of the room enveloped him, amplifying the echoes of his own thoughts. The air seemed charged with the consequences of his choices, and he moved through the familiar space with a heaviness in his steps.

“God knows how much I want to kiss you!” Those words lingered in his mind, on repeat as a reminder of his actions earlier.

Images of the forbidden kiss flashed before his eyes, and he winced at the vivid memories. The weight of guilt settled in his chest, and he felt an ache in his heart as the realization of betraying Henry washed over him. Mateo’s breaths became shallow, and he closed his eyes, trying to block out the tormenting images.

“I meant every word I have said up to this point. I really like you!”

Slowly, he slid down to the floor, his back against the door as the motions battled within him like a storm raging in his soul- threatening to drown him. Regret, guilt, and self-loathing twisted together, creating a knot in the pit of his stomach. Tears welled up, and he couldn’t hold them back any longer. They streamed down his face, silent witnesses to the internal struggle tearing him apart.

“Why did I do that?” He said under his breath, hitting his head severally. “Why do I feel so bad?”

He buried his face in his hands, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he tried to make sense of the mess he had created. How could he have been so foolish, so reckless with his heart? The realization of his betrayal weighed heavily on him, a heavy burden he couldn’t shake off.

He remained there and he didn’t know for how long he had done that. In the midst of this emotional storm, his phone vibrated, breaking the oppressive silence. Startled, Mateo fumbled for his phone and saw Genny’s name flashing on the screen. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to answer or not. Eventually, he pressed the button, his voice weak as he greeted her.

“Hey, baby! How was your visit to Mark? Spill the details!” She said excitedly, almost squealing.

Mateo sighed, rubbing his tears.

“It… it didn’t go well, Genny. I messed up. I messed up really bad.”

“What happened?” Genny asked, now concerned. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.” He sobbed softly.

And there, in the quiet confines of his home, Mateo found himself unraveling the tangled threads of his own indiscretions. He recounted the painful details, the guilt and confusion pouring out in a confession to his friend.

“Is that all?” Genny asked on the other end. “And here I was thinking that it was something serious. What’s the one thing that I have been telling you? You need your own man, Mateo, someone that will actually care for you and take care of you.”

“What about Henry?” Mateo asked. “He’s done so much for me. He took me when I was stranded… he paid for my school and he provides everything that I need. I feel like I am betraying him and he doesn’t deserve this.”

“And I’ll say what I have always been saying.” She sighed. “He’s a married man. He’s got a wife and if there is something you should be feeling guilty about, it’s the fact that you’re sleeping with a married man.”

Mateo was quiet. What Genny had said was something she hadn’t expected.,

“Don’t you think I know that? You’re making me feel shitier than I already do, please.”

“I am sorry, but it’s the truth. It’s time you opened your eyes and left him. He’s done so much for you but so have you. It’s time he lets you go so that you can go find your own path.”

“Whatever!” He sighed, combing his hair with his fingers. “I am done with this. I am not gonna see Mark again. I’d rather live peacefully.”

With those words, he cut the call and just sat there thinking. All he hoped for was to feel better and forget what he had done. But was it gonna be easy to forget about the hunk? Only time will tell….


Mateo rushed into Genny’s apartment, his forehead creased with stress lines. The door swung shut behind him, and he wasted no time in getting straight to the point.

“What’s so urgent, Genny?” he asked, his voice edged with impatience. “You made me rush here thinking it was a matter of life and death.”

Genny opened her mouth to respond, but before she could utter a word, Mateo’s eyes wandered across the room and landed on the figure seated on the couch – Mark. His heart skipped a beat, and the stress that had burdened him a moment ago transformed into sheer disbelief. The man was staring at him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

Mateo turned to face her friend.

“What’s this?” He asked with a weak grin. “What’s going on here? I thought you were in trouble for reals and I came here rushing…”

“Mateo!” Mark rose from the couch. “It’s not her fault. I forced her to do it.”

Mateo turned and looked at the man shaking his head. “Why?”

“You weren’t picking up my calls or returning my texts.” He said desperately. “I was getting anxious and I had to do something.”

Genny could smell the tension and she quickly excused herself and left them alone.

“I wasn’t picking your calls because I didn’t have anything to talk to you about.”

“Then tell, why did you leave like that?” Mark’s voice was desperate, tinged with a hint of pleading. He reached out to touch Mateo’s arm, seeking some kind of connection, some kind of understanding.

Mateo recoiled at Mark’s touch, pulling his arm away sharply. “I don’t owe you an explanation,” he replied, his voice laced with bitterness. “You know exactly why I left. What else did you want?”

“We kissed, Mateo and it meant more to me than anything else.” He replied.

Mateo chuckled bitterly. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you crossed a line, and I can’t just pretend like everything’s okay. What did you expect me to do, stay so that you can get into my pants?”

“What?” Mark gasped, his eyes widening in shock. “Is that what you thought I wanted? I am sorry if the kiss hurt you but I will not apologize for it because it meant a lot to me. I agree that that I might not be the best of people but my intentions with you are pure.”

Mateo felt a lump in his throat. “It doesn’t matter. Ler’s just go back to the way we were before we met, forget that we existed in each other’s lives.”

As Mateo turned to leave, Mark’s hand shot out, grabbing his arm firmly. “Please, just talk to me,” Mark pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. “I need to understand. Why are you doing this?”

Mateo hesitated, feeling the weight of Mark’s touch on his skin, the conflicting emotions swirling inside him. For a moment, they stood there in silence, the air heavy with unspoken words and unresolved tension.

But then Mateo pulled away, his eyes hardening once more.

“Why are you being so cold all of a sudden? Do you not like me?” Mark asked, his eyes searching Mateo’s for answers. “I am not a bad guy, I promise, and everything I have said to you up to this moment has been nothing but the truth.”

Mateo took a harsh breath, his gaze breaking away from Mark’s.

“It’s not about not liking you, Mark. I just don’t want trouble. This is too complicated, and I need time to figure things out.”

“Okay, fine!” Mark raised his hands. “I am not going to force you to explain things to me. But one thing is that I will not cause you any trouble.”

“This isn’t about you.” He sighed. “It’s about me and I am just scared, Mark. It’s better…”

“Don’t say it!” Mark pleaded. “I will give you all the time you want in the world. I’m willing to wait, Mateo. I can’t lose you.”

Mateo took a step back, his guard still up. “I don’t know, Mark. I just need some time.”

Mark nodded, his eyes softening. “Okay, I’ll respect that. Let’s take it slow then. We don’t have to rush into anything. How about we start by being friends? Just get to know each other better. No pressure, no expectations. What do you say?”

Mateo studied Mark’s earnest expression, the sincerity in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he let out a reluctant sigh. “Fine. Friends. But that’s it, Mark. Nothing more.”

“That’s a start. I’ll wait for as long as it takes, Mateo. I don’t want to lose you.”

Mark’s face lit up with a hopeful smile, and he pulled Mateo into a tight hug. The warmth of their embrace offered a glimmer of possibility, a chance for something more. As they held each other, the tension began to melt away, leaving room for understanding and the potential for a new beginning.


True to his word, Mark and Mateo became friends although Mateo was still hesitant because he knew Henry would kill him if he found out. What started as a simple exchange about their favorite novels and literature evolved into late-night conversations about life, dreams, and the complexities of relationships. Mateo, however, was guarded, concealing the truth about his own entanglement with Henry, a married man with whom he had found solace.

As the texts turned into phone calls, and the phone calls extended into long, soul-searching conversations, Mateo found himself drawn to Mark’s warmth and sincerity. Yet, a nagging fear lingered – the fear of betraying Henry. The guilt weighed heavy on Mateo’s heart, making it difficult for him to fully embrace the budding friendship.

Mark, unaware of Mateo’s hidden life, suggested they go out to a local restaurant to continue their conversations face to face. Mateo, torn between the desire for connection and the fear of betrayal, hesitated before agreeing. The restaurant became the backdrop for an evening filled with laughter, shared stories, and a growing sense of camaraderie.

As the days turned into weeks, Mateo and Mark began spending more time together. Casual dinners at charming restaurants slowly evolved into adventurous nights out in the city’s vibrant bars and clubs. In those moments, Mateo felt a sense of freedom he hadn’t experienced in years. Mark, unaware of Mateo’s complicated past, saw only the surface of the charismatic man who had become his friend.

Mateo and Mark’s friendship deepened, transcending the boundaries of mere camaraderie. Long conversations under the city lights blurred the lines between duty and desire, and Mateo found himself grappling with a truth he couldn’t ignore – he was falling for Mark, and the web of deceit he had woven threatened to unravel.

Haunted by the fear of betraying Henry and losing the security of the life he had built, Mateo faced an internal struggle. Yet, the heart has a way of defying logic, and as emotions intensified, Mateo couldn’t deny the inevitable. Love, like a persistent flame, ignited within him, burning away the carefully constructed walls he had built around his heart.


Mateo and Mark burst into the room, their passion igniting the air like a wildfire. The door slammed shut behind them, and in that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. The world outside ceased to exist as they embraced, their lips meeting in a desperate and fervent kiss.

Clothes flew in all directions, scattered like confetti in their wake. With each discarded garment, their desire seemed to intensify, fueled by the raw passion that surged between them. There was no time for hesitation, no room for anything but the overwhelming need to be closer, to touch and taste and lose themselves in each other.

Before they knew it, they found themselves on the bed, limbs tangled and hearts racing. The world outside faded into oblivion as they surrendered to the primal instinct that pulsed through their veins. Skin met skin in a frenzy of desire, each touch setting off fireworks of sensation.

And fuck was the man blessed with a cock, fit him so perfectly and drove him insane. Mark had fucked him so good, his entire body quivered with mind-blowing pleasure. His hands gripped so hard on the sheets as the man pounded into him, making him breathless and in need for more.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, a dance of ecstasy and abandon. Moans and whispered declarations of love filled the air, merging with the sound of their racing heartbeats. In that moment, nothing else existed but the two of them, lost in the throes of passion.

As they moved together in a blur of motion, time seemed to stand still. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered endearment was etched into their memories, a testament to the depth of their connection. In each other’s arms, they found solace and salvation, a refuge from the chaos of the world outside.

And as they reached the peak of their passion, the room filled with the symphony of their love, a crescendo of pleasure that echoed into eternity. Their climax was so powerful they’d both cried with rapturous gratification.

They were both catching their breath when they were done. It was a lot to take in but they were happy, if the smiles on their faces was anything to add to that. Mark wrapped his arms around Mateo’s arms and kissed him passionately on the lips. Both of them were tired and didn’t waste any time before they went to sleep.


Mateo slowly opened his eyes, the morning light filtering through the curtains casting a soft glow in the room. As he blinked away the remnants of sleep, he felt a warmth beside him. Turning his head, he saw Mark staring at him with eyes that seemed to hold the entire universe.

Mark’s gaze was intense, yet tender, and it spoke volumes of love and vulnerability. The room was quiet, filled only with the gentle rhythm of their breaths. Mateo couldn’t help but smile, feeling a deep connection in that quiet moment.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” He asked, his voice a gentle murmur.

“I’ve been awake for most of the morning, just watching you. I was scared you might disappear again.” Mark said, his voice with seriousness.

Mateo’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Disappear? I’m right here,” he said, reaching out to gently caress Mark’s cheek.

“I am was just scared that you might run away like the first time we kissed.” He chuckled nervously. “Well, you can’t blame me. I am crazy about you.” He leaned closer and held Mateo’s hands, staring into his eyes. “I can’t explain these feelings that I have for you. They’re so strong and… it’s almost like you’re the complete part of me. I love you so much, Mateo, so so much. These past few weeks I have spent with you have been the best of my life. I want you to be completely mine, my boyfriend and soon, to be part of my life for good.”

Mateo felt his heart begin racing and fear took ahold of him as he was once again reminded of what he had gotten himself into.

“I love you too, Mark…” He sighed, losing the smile on his face. “…but I don’t know what I am supposed to say to that. There’s a lot on my mind and I feel like I don’t deserve you. You deserve someone that will make you happy.”

“You keep saying that.” Mark said with a raised eyebrow. “I know I am not gonna push, you’ll tell me one day yourself. And I am the one that feels that I don’t deserve you. You’re just too good for me but that’s why I am gonna work hard so hard I don’t disappoint you.”

Mateo’s heart was stuck and he felt the confusion begin.

“What if it’s something that you can’t handle?”

Mark smiled and got closer. “No matter what, I love you so much, Mateo. Nothing in this world will ever separate me from you.”

Mateo’s mouth visibly shook. Oh… how he so much wanted to tell him the truth in that moment but he couldn’t do it. He was so scared because the burden that he carried was too heavy. And besides, Henry was still in the picture. He might have not seen him or talked to him in a few weeks but he knew he was gonna be back.

“Come on, don’t think too much about it.” Mark said, wrapping an arm around him. “Come here,”

Mark’s touch was tender as he wrapped his arm around Mateo, drawing him close in the warm embrace of the bed. Their bodies, bare and entwined, ignited a familiar fire between them. With a passionate kiss, they rekindled the intensity of their connection. As Mark settled on top of Mateo, their hearts beat in sync, and the world outside their shared moment faded away. In this intimate space, they found solace and passion, lost in each other’s touch.


Mateo entered his apartment, a radiant smile lighting up his face like a bride on her wedding day. The door swung shut behind him, and he kicked off his shoes, still grinning from ear to ear.

“Stop it!” Mateo chuckled, his joy evident in his voice.

Mark’s laughter echoed through the phone, a mischievous tone underlying his words.

“How do you want me to stop when I miss you so much?” He moaned, making Mateo blush. “I can smell you on my sheets and I just want you back here. I want my lips on your skin… my body on yours, whispering something sexy in your ears. Oh fuck… I miss you so much!”

“Look who’s being naughty and flirty.” Mateo shook his head, still grinning from ear to ear. “I miss you too, naughty boy and your kisses too.”

Mark’s laughter echoed again, warming Mateo’s heart. “I can’t help it. You’re just too irresistible,”

Mateo’s cheeks flushed pink, but he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. “Alright, alright. Let’s stop before this gets out of hand.”

“Let them get out of hand!” Mark laughed on the other end. “I wouldn’t mind having you back here.”

“Alright, naughty boy, save that for our next date, okay?” He smiled.

Mark agreed, a hint of mischief still in his voice. “Deal. Looking forward to it, Mateo. Until then, try not to miss me too much.”

Mateo chuckled, “No promises, my naughty boy. Take care, and talk to you soon.”

With that, he hung up the phone, still smiling as he thought about the wonderful day he had spent with Mark and the prospect of more to come. With a contented sigh, he leaned against his door, feeling grateful for the warmth of home and the warmth of Mark’s presence.

Mateo’s smile lingered as he headed upstairs, his footsteps light with contentment, the tune of a happy song escaping his lips. As he reached his room, he swung the door open, leaning casually against it. However, the cheerful melody froze on his lips, and his eyes widened in shock.

There, seated on the bed, was Henry – the married man Mateo had been secretly dating. Mateo’s heart sank, and a wave of fear and dread washed over him. Henry stared back at him, an unreadable expression on his face.

Mateo’s mind raced. Did Henry overhear the conversation with Mark? The smile slowly faded from Mateo’s face as he faced the unexpected and potentially disastrous situation unfolding before him.

Henry sat on the edge of the bed, watching him with a mix of concern and amusement.

“Why do you look so scared, Mateo?” Henry’s voice was gentle, but there was a hint of confusion in his tone. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Mateo’s mind raced, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and apprehension. He hadn’t expected to see Henry, not after weeks of silence. Not after everything that had transpired between him and Mark. He felt a shiver go down his spine.

For a moment, Mateo hesitated, unsure of what to say or how to react. He forced a smile onto his lips, though it felt brittle and strained.

“No, no, Henry, I’m happy to see you,” he said, his voice unsteady. “It’s just… unexpected, that’s all.”

Henry studied him intently, as if searching for something beneath the surface. Mateo felt a shiver run down his spine under that scrutinizing gaze.

“Where are you coming from at this time?”

A question Mateo had been expecting but it made his heart race so much he felt like he was gonna pass out. He looked at Henry as the images of his passionate night with replayed at the back of his brain. Fear took ahold of him and he didn’t know whether it was the fear of Henry finding out he had slept with someone or the fear that Mark was gonna find out he was a mistress to a married man. Oh God, he thought as he tried to hide his shaking hands.

“From… from Genevieve’s place.” He lied. “I had to help her with something. When did you arrive?”

“A few hours ago.” Henry said with a raised eyebrow, rising from the bed. “I tried to reach your line but it was unreachable. I waited for you the entire time. You know how much I hate waiting.”

“I… I am sorry.” Mateo apologized, his mouth visibly shaking. “I didn’t know. You went quiet on me for so many days and… ”

“I am sorry.” Henry sighed. “There was a lot going on and I needed to concentrate.”

After what felt like hours of staring at each other, Henry did something unexpected. He opened his arms, a warm smile spreading across his face.

“Come here, Mateo. I know you missed me.”

Mateo hesitated, torn between the comfort of Henry’s embrace and the tangled mess of emotions swirling inside him. But in the end, he couldn’t resist the pull of familiarity. With hesitant steps, Mateo moved into Henry’s embrace, feeling the familiar warmth envelop him.

In that moment, as Henry’s arms wrapped around him, Mateo couldn’t help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions. Guilt mingled with longing, and beneath it all, a sense of impending consequence weighed heavily on his heart. Thoughts of Mark, his newfound connection, loomed large in his mind, casting a shadow over the fragile reunion unfolding in Henry’s arms.

They broke the hug, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. And then, in a moment of impulsive longing, Henry closed the distance between them, capturing Mateo’s lips in a tender kiss. The touch sent a shiver down Mateo’s spine, igniting a fire within him.

One thing led to another, and soon they found themselves entangled on the bed, consumed by passion and desire. But even in the throes of lovemaking, Mateo couldn’t silence the nagging voice in his head, the one that whispered of consequences and the tangled web of emotions he found himself ensnared in.

As they lay spent and breathless, Mateo couldn’t shake the weight of guilt that hung heavy in the air. He couldn’t suppress the tears that welled in his eyes. He knew that if Henry ever found out about Mark, it would unleash a storm of chaos and devastation. And in that moment, as he lay beside Henry, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of the consequences bearing down on him like a crushing weight.

The next morning when he woke up, the man was gone like he had expected him to. His heart skipped a beat as he instinctively looked around for Henry, the memories of their shared intimacy flooding back. But the room was empty, save for the scattered evidence of their passion. No surprise there, Mateo thought bitterly. Henry was likely back home with his wife by now.

Sighing heavily, Mateo sat up, the sheet slipping down his torso. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, feeling the weight of guilt settle in the pit of his stomach. Memories of their passionate night flooded his mind, vivid and unrelenting. The way Henry’s hands had felt on his skin, the desperate heat of their kisses, the shared intimacy that had briefly eclipsed everything else. Mateo closed his eyes, trying to push the images away, but they clung to him like a shadow.

And then there was Mark, a beacon of light in Mateo’s otherwise chaotic world. His new lover, his secret solace. Guilt washed over him in waves as he thought of Mark, the man who had somehow managed to crack open the walls around his heart.

Mateo buried his face in his hands, fingers tangling in his hair as he let out a raw, anguished scream. It echoed off the walls of the room, a primal sound of torment and confusion.

But then, amidst the chaos of his own thoughts, a voice cut through the haze.

“Mateo? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Startled, Mateo looked up, his breath catching in his throat. There, framed in the doorway, stood Henry, concern etched into his features. Mateo’s breath caught in his throat, disbelief washing over him like a tidal wave. Henry was here, not gone as he had assumed.

More shock took him by surprise when he saw the man there with a tray of food.

“How…?” Mateo began, his voice trailing off as he struggled to process the surreal scene before him.

Henry had never stayed the night, let alone prepared breakfast. Henry’s expression softened into a gentle smile as he placed the tray on the table. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the room, tempting Mateo’s senses despite his shock.

“I thought you might be hungry,” Henry said, his voice breaking through Mateo’s bewildered thoughts.

Mateo couldn’t find the words to respond. His mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions–confusion, disbelief, and a hint of something he dared not acknowledge.

“Hey, are you okay?” Henry asked. “You’ve been acting weird since I arrived.”

“What are you doing here?” Mateo finally managed a word. “I thought you’d have been gone by now. Did you spend the night here?”

Henry chuckled. “What do you think? I didn’t plan on leaving.”


“She doesn’t know I came back into the country.” He sighed, taking Mateo’s hand lovingly. “I came straight here because I wanted to spend more time with you. I thought you’d be happy. You’re the one that has always thought I have been unfair to you.”

Mateo stared at the man in confusion.

“I want to make up for all the time I was away, the time I didn’t call you.” He sighed, losing the smile on his face. “I will explain everything to you.”

Mateo’s gaze was fixed on Henry as if trying to decipher whether this was reality or some sort of dream. His mind swirled with a maelstrom of emotions, unable to fully grasp the situation unfolding before him.

“I know I’ve been unfair to you,” Henry’s voice broke the silence, his tone surprisingly calm. “These past four years… I’ve treated you terribly. Like you were nothing more than a possession, a mere object of desire. I denied you the life you deserved.”

Mateo remained silent, his thoughts racing as he tried to process the unexpected confession. For so long, he had resigned himself to the role Henry had assigned him – the compliant lover, always at his beck and call. Yet now, faced with Henry’s uncharacteristic vulnerability, Mateo found himself at a loss for words.

“I made you heed to my every call without finding out whether you actually liked it or not.” He took Mateo’s hand and sweetly rubbed on it. “The truth is… I was scared of myself, my past… the fear that I might wake up and you’re gone. I’ve been scared,” Henry confessed, his eyes searching Mateo’s for understanding. “Scared of my own past, of the demons that have haunted me for so long. And most of all, scared of losing you.”

Slowly, Henry rose from the bed, his movements tentative yet resolute. With each step, he seemed to gather the courage to unveil a part of himself that had long remained hidden in the shadows. And then, with a trembling voice, he spoke of a memory that had been etched into the fabric of his being since his youth.

“I was young, 15 at the moment but very young,” Henry began, his voice trembling slightly. “Too young to understand love, but old enough to feel its pull. My father… he found me kissing someone, a boy from my school. And for him, that was a little too much to handle and he… he… he beat me to a pulp.”

He paused and chuckled bitterly but Mateo didn’t miss that tone in his voice.

“According to him, no son of his was gonna turn out gay. He made sure I understood that as I lay on the floor covered in my own blood.” He laughed, wiping the tear that threatened to come out. “I was badly injured. I spent weeks in the hospital, trying to heal wounds that ran deeper than the bruises on my skin.”

Mateo’s heart ached as he listened to Henry’s confession, realizing the layers of pain and fear that had shaped the man he thought he knew.

“But even when I got out, he never let me forget why I had been there. He reminded me every day, as if the shame wasn’t already burning a hole in my soul.”

Mateo’s expression darkened with understanding as Henry revealed the depths of his father’s cruelty. It was a pain that no one should ever have to endure, and yet Henry had carried it with him for years, a heavy burden on his heart.

“To prove that what I had done, kissing a boy was a mistake, he… he made me propose to Emma,” Henry confessed, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. “And not only did he do that, but he made sure we were intimate, as if it could somehow erase who I was. He… he made me humiliate gay people, just to prove that I was straight.”

Henry didn’t even realize he had tears on his face.

“I thought it worked,” Henry whispered, his voice raw with anguish. “But when desire becomes strong… no one can stop it. I secretly and discreetly started seeing guys for sex, but each time I did, I was reminded of the consequences that had brought before.

I hated myself, Mateo,” Henry confessed, his voice trembling with emotion. “And I hated them too. Whenever I felt close, I reacted in the most horrible way. I hated them with a passion that consumed me and only saw them as sex objects.”

The weight of his past threatened to consume Henry as he laid bare his darkest truths to Mateo.

“But then… then you came into my life,” Henry confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. “And everything changed. I just wanted someone that could satisfy me, one person because sleeping with different was too risky for me.

I couldn’t fall for you no matter what because I considered myself straight. But with your kindness, your generosity and humility changed that, Mateo.”

Mateo’s heart began pounding like a drum. He didn’t want to hear the words that followed next…

“I began liking you a little too much.” He chuckled bitterly. “The thought of you with other guys killed me a lot but I didn’t wanna act upon that. I couldn’t act upon that no matter what.

I’ve spent much time wrestling with my feelings, trying to understand them and, frankly, trying to deny them. I’ve always considered myself a straight man. But love, as they say, knows no bounds. It’s something I couldn’t control, something that snuck up on me when I least expected it.”

Mateo’s eyes widened in disbelief, a myriad of emotions flickering across his features – confusion, shock.

“What do you mean?” he whispered, his voice barely audible above the pounding of Henry’s heart.

“I mean… I mean that I fell in love with you, Mateo,” Henry admitted, the weight of his confession hanging heavy in the air. “Despite my best efforts to deny it, to push you away, I couldn’t fight the feelings that consumed me.”

Mateo’s breath caught in his throat, his mind reeling from the revelation. He had never dared to entertain the possibility that Henry might feel something for him- that their connection would go beyond mere physical attraction.

“Why are you telling me this now?” Mateo finally managed to choke out, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and perhaps, desperation.

“Because something happened, Mateo. Something that made me realize I couldn’t keep denying who I am.” Henry took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to reveal next.

“What do you mean? What happened?”

“I met the boy I kissed… whom my father nearly killed me for.” He added, feeling a lump in his throat.

“I… I am sorry.”

“It’s okay. He’s happily married now and we had a long heart to heart talk.” He took a deep breath. “It made me realize that I can’t keep living a lie. And Mateo, I realize now that I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not. I have to be true to myself, no matter the cost.”

Mateo felt tears build in his eyes as the images of his time with Mark replayed in his mind.

“What about your wife?”

“My wife?” Henry laughed, running his hands through his fingers. “My wife and I have never really been happy. Our marriage has mostly been for show… nothing much happens behind closed doors. I don’t think I can live this way anymore, Mateo.”

Mateo sat on the edge of the bed, his mind swirling with fear and uncertainty. Henry’s words echoed in his ears, stirring up a storm of conflicting emotions within him. As Henry approached and sat beside him, gently taking his trembling hands in his own, Mateo couldn’t help but feel a flicker of hope amidst the turmoil.

Henry’s hands reached out to hold Mateo’s trembling ones. The touch was tender, sweet, but Mateo couldn’t shake off the weight of what Henry had just confessed. As Henry looked into Mateo’s eyes, he could see the confusion, the turmoil that consumed him. With a gentle squeeze of Mateo’s hands, Henry spoke softly, his voice filled with sincerity.

“Mateo, I know I’ve made mistakes. I know I’ve hurt you. But I’m willing to try, to be better for you. I want to show you the love and care you deserve, to make things right.”

Mateo’s heart ached at Henry’s words. He never imagined himself in such a predicament, torn between the familiarity of Henry’s presence and the allure of something new with Mark. His lips quivered as he struggled to find the words, to make sense of the chaos in his mind.

“Henry…” Mateo whispered, his voice barely above a breath. “I never expected this… I never expected us to be here.”

Henry’s expression softened, understanding the torment Mateo was going through. He didn’t push, didn’t demand an answer. Instead, he simply continued to hold Mateo’s hands, offering his support and his promise to try and make things right.

“I know that you’re scared because of my behavior.” He said softly. “It will take some time but I will show you that every word I have said here is true. After all, we both are still here, right?” he chuckled.

Mateo closed his eyes, the conflicting emotions swirling within him. In that moment, he knew he had a decision to make, one that would shape the course of his life. With the dilemma he was currently in, what was he going to do?


Mateo sat on the couch, his gaze fixed on the phone vibrating insistently on the table. Each buzz sent a shiver down his spine, a silent plea for attention that he was desperately trying to ignore. It was Mark calling, and Mateo’s heart pounded against his chest like a caged bird, frantic and afraid.

His arms were wrapped tightly around his knees, holding himself together as if his very being might unravel if he let go. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, suffocating him with its relentless grip. He knew he should answer, confront whatever awaited him on the other end of the line, but the fear of the unknown held him back like invisible chains.

Genevieve entered the living room, her steps light but purposeful. She noticed Mateo’s troubled expression and the way he seemed transfixed by the phone. Concern etched lines into her brow as she approached him, her voice soft with worry.

“What’s wrong, Mateo?” She asked, taking a seat beside him.

Mateo tore his gaze away from the phone, meeting Genevieve’s concerned eyes. He swallowed hard, the lump in his throat making it difficult to speak.

“It’s Mark,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. “I can’t bring myself to answer. I’m scared of what might come out of my mouth. I don’t know if I can face him right now.”

“Why? You can’t be serious. This is a man that has shown you nothing but love ever since he entered your life.”

A bitter laugh escaped Mateo’s lips, tinged with self-deprecation. “Because every word that comes out of my mouth will be a lie,” he admitted, his voice heavy with guilt and shame.

Genevieve’s eyes widened in disbelief. Without another word, she reached for the phone, ignoring Mateo’s feeble protests. With a determined flick of her wrist, she answered the call, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her.

“Hello?” She said, her tone calm and collected.

On the other end of the line, Mark’s voice came through, tinged with concern.

‘Hey, is Mateo there? I’ve been trying to reach him.’

Genevieve glanced at Mateo, silently urging him to speak up. When he remained silent, she took matters into her own hands.

“I’m sorry, Mark,” she said, her voice unwavering. “Mateo’s sleeping right now. Can I take a message?”

There was a pause on the other end of the line, a heavy silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Finally, Mark spoke, his voice tinged with disappointment.

“Oh, okay. Just let him know that I’ve been thinking about him a lot and I love him so much. That’s all.”

As Genevieve hung up the phone, Mateo felt a wave of guilt wash over him, threatening to drown him in its suffocating embrace. Genevieve’s patience wore thin as she gazed at Mateo, her eyes ablaze with frustration and disappointment.

“Why are you treating the man who loves you like this, Mateo?” she demanded, her voice rising with each word. “Mark cares about you, and you’re pushing him away like he means nothing to you!”

“What do you want me to do, huh?” He asked, staring at her. “After everything that I have told you, didn’t it mean anything? Henry is back and he…”

“Oh, please,” she scoffed. “Don’t tell me you’re actually considering what Henry said. He’s a married man, Mateo. He can’t offer you anything real.”

Mateo’s jaw clenched as he fought to contain the storm of emotions raging within him.

“Don’t you think I know that?” he snapped, his voice tinged with desperation. “Do you think I want this? To be caught in the middle of something so… so…”

He trailed off, unable to find the words to express the turmoil churning within him.

“He’s done so much for me and I just can’t bear to tell that to his face.”

Genevieve’s voice rose to a crescendo, her frustration boiling over into a torrent of words.

“So, you think you owe Henry something because he helped you when you were in need?” she exclaimed, her eyes flashing with incredulity. “You think you have to suffer for the rest of your life just because he threw you a lifeline? Love is right in front of you, Mateo, and you’re too blind to see it!”

Mateo recoiled from her words, his mind spinning with confusion and doubt. “I can’t just hurt Henry,” he muttered weakly, his voice barely audible above Genevieve’s tirade. “I don’t even know how he’s going to react…”

Genevieve’s eyes narrowed, her frustration simmering beneath the surface.

“So what, then?” she demanded, her voice cutting through the air like a knife. “You’re just going to settle for this? Being a mistress for the rest of your life?”

Mateo fell silent, the weight of Genevieve’s words pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. He couldn’t find the words to respond, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Genevieve leaned in closer, her voice dripping with scorn. “Maybe you enjoy being Henry’s dirty little secret,” she spat, her words laced with venom.

Mateo recoiled as if struck, his eyes wide with shock and hurt. “No!” he shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. “No one dreams of being a mistress!”

Genevieve’s gaze bore into him, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. “Then do something about it,” she challenged, her voice low and intense. “Get out of this toxic situation before it destroys you.”

Mateo felt a surge of panic rising within him, the weight of Genevieve’s words crashing down upon him like a tidal wave.

“It’s not that easy,” he protested weakly, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Genevieve’s eyes flashed with determination as she stared him down, her voice unwavering.

“It’s only as hard as you make it,” she insisted, her tone fierce and uncompromising. “Is it the money? Because Mark seems to be loaded. Or maybe, you just like the taste of a married man?”

Tears welled up in Mateo’s eyes, betraying the turmoil raging within him. He wiped them away hastily, but they kept falling, unstoppable in their cascade down his cheeks.

“Genevieve, you’re being unfair,” he choked out, his voice thick with emotion.

But Genevieve’s expression remained resolute, her disappointment palpable in the air between them.

“Unfair?” she repeated, her tone sharp with incredulity. “Do you even realize the mess you’re making, Mateo? Mark doesn’t deserve to be dragged into this web of lies and deceit. He’s a good man, and you’re selfish for involving him in all this drama.”

“I have…”

“I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be so disappointed in you, Mateo,” she murmured, her voice tinged with sadness.

Mateo reached out a trembling hand, but Genevieve pulled away, her expression firm.

“Don’t,” she said, her voice strained. “I can’t even look at you right now. You made your choice, Mateo. You have to live with it.”

“I am sorry, Gen, don’t shut me out.” He pleaded. “You’re the only person I have in my life, one who understands.”

Genevieve shook her head, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “I don’t want your apologies, Mateo,” she said softly. “I want you to do the right thing.”

Mateo’s chest tightened with anguish as he struggled to find the words to respond.

“It’s not that simple,” he protested weakly, his voice laced with desperation. “No man would understand…”

“Then maybe he’s not the right man for you,” she replied, her voice unwavering. “You owe it to Mark to tell him the truth. He deserves better than to be dragged into this web of lies and deceit.”

“I… I can’t,” he whispered.

Genevieve’s expression softened, a flicker of sympathy crossing her features. “Then we have nothing more to talk about,” she said quietly, her words final.

He nodded slowly, his heart heavy with regret.

“I understand,” he murmured, his voice barely audible. “I’ll… I’ll go.”

And with that, Mateo gathered up his belongings, his steps heavy with the weight of his own guilt. He glanced back at Genevieve one last time, longing etched across his features, but she averted her gaze, her expression unreadable.

As he closed the door behind him, Mateo couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness that settled over him like a shroud. He knew that he had to face the truth, no matter how painful it may be. And as left, he couldn’t help but wonder if he would ever find redemption for the sins he had committed. But one thing was certain: he couldn’t continue living a lie. It was time to confront his demons, whatever the cost may be.


Mark pressed the end call button with a heavy sigh, his heart sinking as the call disconnected. Mateo had been ignoring him since yesterday, and the silence between them felt like a gaping chasm. Leaning back against the wall, Mark ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his features.

His thumb absentmindedly flicked through messages and notifications. His eyes landed on the thread of naughty texts they’d shared just the day before, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he reminisced about the passionate night they’d spent together.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the presence behind him until he heard a voice, soft and curious. Startled, he turned to find a beautiful woman standing there, her long hair cascading in waves down her back, her lips full and inviting, her body curvaceous and accentuated by the short dress she wore.

“Why do you look so happy?” she inquired, her tone playful.

Mark blinked, momentarily caught off guard by her sudden appearance. “Oh, uh… just reminiscing,” he replied, his smile widening as he took in her presence.

The woman stepped closer, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

“I know that look,” she said, her voice teasing. “You’ve got a new boyfriend, don’t you?”

His cheeks flushed, and he dropped his gaze to the floor, feeling suddenly self-conscious under her gaze. “Um, well…” he stammered, unsure how to respond.

But she simply chuckled, stepping closer to him and wrapping him in a warm hug.

“I know you,” she said softly. “You’re always glued to your phone when you’re in love.”

Mark laughed, the tension easing from his shoulders as he returned her embrace.

‘Guilty as charged,” he admitted, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “There is someone,” he confessed, his voice quiet but filled with hope. “But he’s not my boyfriend… yet.”

As they stood there wrapped in each other’s arms, enjoying the brief moment of connection, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the tranquility. They reluctantly pulled away from each other, turning to see a handsome, tall man standing before them. His professional short hair was impeccably styled, and he wore an expensive-looking suit that spoke of success and sophistication. But it was his captivating eyes, filled with warmth and charisma, that could make anyone fall under his spell.

Mark’s face lit up with excitement at the sight of him, and he practically flew across the room to envelop the man in a tight hug. The man returned the embrace warmly, a smile spreading across his face as they parted.

“I’m so glad you’re back, big brother,” Mark exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine happiness.

Henry chuckled, a deep, rich sound that echoed in the air. “So am I,” he replied, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Mark and Henry were brothers that loved each other and supported one another. Though they had different fathers, one couldn’t know that unless he/she knew them very well. While Henry’s father had almost killed him, Mark’s father was supportive of his son being gay, which made Henry’s father being reluctant to allow his son to be with Mark.

“You’ve been too quiet while you were away, Henry. I barely heard from you.” Mark complained, raising an eyebrow. “What happened?”

Henry chuckled softly, a tired smile playing on his lips. “I know, Mark. I’m sorry about that. Work’s been crazy, and I just couldn’t find the time to keep in touch as much as I wanted to.”

“Is that an excuse?”

“No, I was really busy.” He chuckled nervously. “You’re my favorite brother so how can I ignore you?”

“I am your only brother,” Mark laughed, slightly hitting his arm. “And I get what you mean, Henry. But you need to remember to take breaks. Life isn’t just about work. You need to rest and have some fun too.”

Henry nodded thoughtfully, a glimmer of contemplation in his eyes. “You’re right, Mark. I’ll keep that in mind.”

As the brothers caught up, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Emma. With a raised eyebrow, she addressed Henry, “Where have you been? Last I checked, you were supposed to be back from your flight a day ago.”

“What?” Henry lost the smile on his face. “What are you talking about?”

“I talked to mother and she told me you started off two days ago.”

Henry’s shoulders slumped slightly, a tired smile playing on his lips. “Nice to see you too, Emma.”

Emma rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything further, Henry excused himself, citing the need to freshen up after the long flight.

“I’ll be down in a bit, Mark, and we’ll catch up,” he promised, making his way towards the staircase.

Henry headed towards the staircase, intending to retreat to his room for some much-needed respite. However, Emma followed closely behind, her curiosity piqued. As Henry reached his room, Emma barged in uninvited, her expression demanding answers.

“Where have you been all this time, Henry? Don’t try to evade the question.”

“Emma, please, I just need some time to unwind. It’s been hectic, and I’m exhausted.”

But Emma refused to back down, her determination unwavering. “I want to know where you’ve been, Henry. Who have you been with?”

With a resigned sigh, Henry began unbuttoning his shirt, hoping to convey his desire for solitude through his actions rather than his words. However, Emma persisted, her tone laced with suspicion.

“Who is she, Henry? Who is the bitch you’re screwing? Don’t think I’m stupid. I know there’s someone else,” Emma accused, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Henry couldn’t help but laugh at Emma’s accusations, finding them utterly ludicrous. “You’re being delusional, Emma. Other women would be overjoyed seeing their husbands after weeks of not being together but look at you, barely a minute has past and you’re giving me a headache already. Can’t I have some peace in my house? What the fuck is this about?”

“Don’t try to change the topic!” She yelled, breathing harshly. “Maybe I’ve been asking the wrong questions,” she mused aloud, stepping closer to him until they were almost toe to toe. “Maybe I should be asking who the man is.”

Henry froze, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to comprehend Emma’s accusation. “What… What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb, Henry. I know there’s someone. Who is he?”

Henry shook his head and tried to walk away but Emma pulled him back angrily, raising her finger at him.

“Don’t forget, Henry, I know your secrets. I know what your father did to you all those years ago. I know why you proposed to me in the first place.”

Henry’s jaw clenched at the mention of his past, memories of pain and betrayal flooding his mind.

“If you already know, then why do you keep pushing, Emma? Maybe there is someone else, maybe it’s a man. And maybe I’m tired of this marriage. Maybe we should just get a divorce,” Henry spat out, his words heavy with resentment.

Emma felt her heart race with a mixture of shock and anger, her breaths coming in harsh gasps as she struggled to process Henry’s words. How could he say such things to her face after everything they had been through?

“How dare you say that to me?” Emma seethed, her voice trembling with emotion. “After everything we’ve been through?”

Henry’s expression remained impassive as he met her gaze head-on, his eyes ablaze with suppressed fury.

“What exactly have we been through, Emma? The constant fights and arguments? Or perhaps it’s the fact that you’ve cheated on me, and I’ve kept quiet about it.”

Emma recoiled as if struck, her eyes widening in shock as Henry’s words pierced through her defenses. “What are you talking about?” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

But Henry refused to back down, his resolve unwavering. “I’m not stupid, Emma. I know about your infidelity. Don’t pretend like it never happened.”

Emma remained silent for a long moment, her gaze locked with Henry’s as she processed his accusations. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper but filled with determination.

“Okay, yes, I’ve made mistakes in the past,” Emma admitted, her tone subdued. “But I’m sure you have too. And despite everything, I still love you. We’ve been married for so many years, Henry. We can’t let these things tear us apart. We should be that powerful, sexy couple the world sees us as.”

Henry shook his head, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. “Is that all that matters to you, Emma? Money, fame, power? I am tired of all this and perhaps have discovered my true self and wants true intimacy.”

Emma gripped on Henry’s shirt tightly, her touch becoming more seductive as she pulled him closer to her.

“We can be whatever you want us to be, Henry. We can have true intimacy.”

But Henry gently but firmly gripped her arms, pulling them off his shirt. “I’m just tired, Emma,” he confessed wearily. “I’ve never really felt that with you.”

With those words hanging heavy in the air between them, Henry picked up a towel from the bed and headed towards the bathroom, leaving Emma seething with anger and frustration.

In a fit of rage, Emma screamed and gripped the beddings tightly, hurling them onto the floor. As she stood alone in the room, a malevolent grin spread across her face, her mind already concocting her next move. Henry wasn’t going to escape her grasp that easily. She had a surprise for him, one that would ensure he remained by her side forever. With a sinister determination burning in her eyes, Emma vowed under her breath that Henry belonged to her and she would stop at nothing to keep him close.


Mateo sat in his dimly lit apartment, his thoughts swirling like a tempest in his mind. The weight of his secrets bore down on him, pressing against his conscience with relentless force. He never imagined himself in such a tangled web of emotions and deceit. If only he hadn’t fallen for Mark, perhaps he wouldn’t be facing such gut-wrenching decisions now. But love, that unpredictable force, had swept him off his feet, entwining his heart with Mark’s in ways he couldn’t have foreseen.

But what about Henry? The mere thought of him sent a shiver down Mateo’s spine. He had become entangled in a clandestine affair with Henry, a man whose name he could barely utter without a pang of guilt stabbing at his heart. Mateo ran his hands through his long hair, feeling the weight of his turmoil pressing down on him.

With a deep breath, Mateo reached for his phone, his fingers trembling slightly as he dialed Mark’s number. The phone rang, each chime echoing in the stillness of the room, until finally, Mark’s voice cut through the silence, filled with warmth and excitement.

‘Hey, baby! I was starting to think you had ghosted me,’ Mark joked, his laughter tinkling like wind chimes in Mateo’s ears.

Mateo felt his heart quicken its pace, the weight of his impending confession pressing down on him like a lead weight.

“I’m sorry, Mark,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I had some urgent matters to attend to.”

Mark’s understanding tone offered little solace to Mateo’s troubled mind. ‘Is everything okay?’ Mark asked, concern lacing his words.

Mateo hesitated, the words catching in his throat like thorns. “I… I need to talk to you… like face to face,” he managed to say. “It’s very important.”

Mark’s response was immediate. ‘Of course, baby. Whatever you need.’ He said excitedly. ‘Oh shoot!’ He gasped. ‘I’ve already made plans with someone who needs my help, but if it’s urgent, I can cancel.’

Mateo’s heart clenched at the thought of Mark sacrificing his time for him once again. “No, it’s alright,” he replied abruptly, his resolve hardening. “I’ll wait.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line, as if Mark could sense the gravity of Mateo’s words. ‘What’s wrong, baby?’ Mark asked gently, his voice tinged with concern.

Mateo forced a reassuring smile onto his lips, though he knew Mark couldn’t see it.

“I’m fine, really,” he lied, the weight of his guilt threatening to suffocate him. “We’ll talk later, okay?”

Mark’s reluctance was palpable, but he acquiesced nonetheless. ‘Alright, babe,’ he said softly. ‘I love you.’

Mateo’s breath caught in his throat at the words, his guilt threatening to consume him whole. “I… I love you too,” he replied, his voice barely a whisper.

As the line went silent, Mateo let out a shaky breath, his heart heavy with the weight of his secrets. He knew he couldn’t keep living this lie, but the thought of tearing Mark’s world apart filled him with dread. With a heavy heart, Mateo sank back into his thoughts, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as he waited for the inevitable reckoning that lay ahead.

Before Mateo could even rest, his phone buzzed, and his heart sank as he saw Henry’s name flashing on the screen. With a deep breath, he plastered on a smile and answered, steeling himself for whatever might come next.


Henry’s voice came through the line, its usual cool demeanor tinged with an unfamiliar vulnerability.

“Mateo, I… I’m feeling low,” Henry confessed, his words hanging heavy in the air. “I feel suffocated here. I need to get out. Can we please go out?”

Mateo froze, his mind reeling at the implication of Henry’s request. In all the time they had been together, Henry had never once allowed them to be seen together in public. What could possibly be going on? Mateo’s thoughts raced as he struggled to make sense of the situation.

“I… I’m sorry, Henry,” Mateo stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty. “I… I didn’t catch that. Can you repeat what you said?”

Henry’s sigh was audible even through the phone, his frustration palpable. “I said I want us to go out,” he repeated, his tone firm. “In two hours. Can you do that?”

After a moment of hesitation, Mateo reluctantly agreed, his voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah, sure, I’ll… I’ll meet you in two hours.”

“Thanks.” Henry said excitedly. “See you,”

As he hung up the phone, Mateo sank back onto the couch, his mind whirling with confusion and uncertainty. Why was he being tested like this? What did Henry’s sudden change of heart mean for their relationship? With a heavy heart, Mateo buried his face in his hands, the weight of his secrets pressing down on him like a lead weight.


Mateo ascended the grand staircase leading to the upscale restaurant, his steps measured, each one a deliberate stride forward. Skinny jeans hugged his legs, accentuating every contour, while a crisp white shirt, unbuttoned just enough, revealed a tantalizing glimpse of his sculpted chest. His long hair was swept back into a sleek ponytail, adding an air of effortless allure to his demeanor.

At his side, Henry exuded an aura of sophistication and confidence, dressed impeccably in designer trousers and a finely tailored shirt. He moved with the grace of a seasoned gentleman, his presence commanding attention as they entered the restaurant.

As they reached the summit of the staircase, Mateo’s nerves threatened to overwhelm him. The weight of judgmental eyes bore down upon him, intensifying his anxiety with each passing moment. He had never ventured out in public with Henry before, and the prospect filled him with both excitement and trepidation.

Henry sensed Mateo’s hesitation and gently placed an arm around his waist, drawing him closer.

“You look absolutely stunning, Mateo,” he whispered reassuringly, his voice a soothing balm to Mateo’s frayed nerves. “There’s no need to worry. Just be yourself, and everything will be fine. I’m here with you.”

Mateo offered a shy smile in response, grateful for Henry’s unwavering support. With his hand resting against the small of Mateo’s back, Henry guided him through the bustling restaurant.

A waiter approached them with a warm smile before ushering them to their table. As the waiter presented them with the menus, Henry glanced at Mateo with a playful smile.

“What do you feel like having tonight, love?” he inquired, his voice filled with warmth.

Mateo’s eyes flickered nervously over the array of options before him. “Um, I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll just go with your recommendation,” he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Henry nodded, turning to address the waiter. “We’ll start with a bottle of your finest red wine, please,” he said, his tone confident and assured.

The waiter nodded in acknowledgment before disappearing into the depths of the restaurant, leaving Mateo and Henry alone at the table.

Henry sensed Mateo’s tension and reached out to squeeze his hand gently. “You seem a bit tense. Is everything okay?” he asked, concern lacing his words.

Mateo offered a sheepish smile in response, his nerves still palpable. “I’m fine, just a bit nervous, I guess,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Meanwhile, across the restaurant, Emma sat at her table, her presence commanding attention. Dressed in a form-fitting dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, she exuded an air of confidence and allure. Her long hair cascaded down her shoulders in loose waves, framing her face like a halo.

Lost in her phone, Emma suddenly looked up and caught sight of Henry and Mateo across the room. A flash of rage crossed her features as she realized her husband was out with another man when he had claimed to be busy with work. Downing her glass of wine in one swift motion, she rose from her seat with purpose, her steps deliberate as she made her way towards them.

“Hi, baby,” she greeted Henry with forced sweetness, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she planted a kiss on his lips.

Henry looked stunned by her sudden appearance, his eyes widening in surprise.

“Emma, what are you doing here?” he stammered, taken aback by her unexpected arrival.

Emma’s gaze shifted to Mateo, who sat frozen in his seat, his eyes wide with apprehension. A cold smirk played across her lips as she addressed him.

“And who do we have here?” she said, her tone dripping with disdain. “Henry, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend? Or should I say, your boy toy?” she added, her laughter ringing out like a dagger in the air.

Mateo’s heart sank as her words cut through him like a knife. He felt exposed, vulnerable under her scrutinizing gaze. Dropping his eyes to his lap, he felt like he was being judged, reduced to nothing more than an object of ridicule.

“I assume that’s what you are, right?” Emma continued, her voice laced with malice as she fixed her gaze on Mateo, her eyes burning with contempt.

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