A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 03

A gay story: A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 03 Way knew Ignis had come and stayed over at the Davis’s since he was five and it was always in Bru’s room in the basement, he had never gone to the first floor before they started dating besides just once with Way when he was nineteen.

As Way waited at his doorstep with Joanna and Bru close behind him, Way couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if Ignis hadn’t taken the first step, all those years ago standing at this exact spot. Would they have landed up together or their unfamiliarity after so many years would have made it impossible? Way wanted to hold Ignis’s hand so badly at that moment, not wanting to think about his life without him.

Mr and Mrs. Davis opened the door and welcomed everyone with warm hugs and tearful eyes. The way they treated Ignis made Way feel elated, it was like Ignis was their son and Way the husband. And now he was alone.

Joanna and Mr. Davis were having a very long and intimate conversation on the upcoming elections, Bru was in Way’s room taking a nap and Way sat there unfocused. Just nodding his head whenever either of them tried to involve him in the debate.

Way had come out when he was 16 and was steady with a beautiful Cherokee boy, Halian in his class and swim team. They had kissed in every empty corner in school and fucked in all the lonely places he could park his car in the town. The only thing that Way didn’t understand is why he hadn’t felt any pain like Halian did, when they had parted ways amicably.

He was instantly popular in college, a large hung gay quarterback and pure top was in demand. The first year was all about sex, he had done it all, one to one, one to many, closed group orgies and frat initiations with many to one, always with men.

Once he had fucked a set of Russian twin brothers, making them so hot by just seeing each other being fucked with a huge dick by a large muscular hunk, they ended up making out with each other, while they got fucked one at a time by Way, all night, multiple times.

All of it felt good … but that was it for Way, he felt for no one. He would fuck around for hours in a party and then come back to his room and finish a paper.

In his back to back almost daily sexual exploits, he had never given a blow job or rimmed any one, his first time to give pleasure besides fucking was with Ignis, which he never told him.

He was spoiled for choices in college, was always the first one to pick fresh meat, he fucked them and left, going back to his books. Never calling anyone back.

Even without trying, his first year results clearly indicated he was extraordinary. His parents were contacted and Way took extra tests and was proved to be prodigal, a fact that his parents knew about him but never acted upon. He levelled up on all his subject classes and was already in year 3 curriculum in his third term.

By the time he was in his third year in college, his life was dedicated to becoming a neuro-surgeon. Everything else was peripheral, he had on and off physical relationships with understudies but that too dwindled off when he was offered internship by the hospital attached to his medical college. And then Ignis happened.

He couldn’t help but feel like an asshole as he retraced and relived the day when he and Ignis started this relationship. He saw himself at the door, groggy and horny and instantly hard as he laid his eyes on the extraordinarily good-looking dark boy at his doorstep.

He remembered how it took him a split second to place the tightly muscular, longish black haired, brown eyed and with a billion dollar smile, honey coloured boy as Ignis.

Bru had mentioned, Ignis had come out to him and his family when he was 15, but one touch on his bicep was all it took for Way to jump Ignis’s bones.

He never considered what would happen to Ignis and Bru’s relationship or how it would affect his relationship with his brother. He didn’t even stop to think on where to draw a line in the first thirty minutes with Ignis, he had taken what he wanted selfishly.

He didn’t kiss Ignis the first time like a first kiss but had attacked his lips and assailed his mouth with his tongue. He had pushed Ignis on his knees and shoved his dick in his mouth and held him there, making him swallow his cum, Way wasn’t small in any sense, both physically and his dick length and width but he hadn’t stopped to think if Ignis was comfortable. Ignis went with it and sounded and acted like he wanted it, but he was a virgin, naive to understand he was being used by Way.

He saw in his mind’s eyes as he almost shoved Ignis up the stairs, kissing and touching him all over, kneading his ass and squeezing his pecs. He had locked his door behind him, ordered Ignis to take his clothes off, and he had watched him do it with perverted eyes, drinking in all the beauty in front of him, taking but never giving.

He had already put on the condom and lubed his dick by the time Ignis had stripped down to his boxers, he made him lay on his stomach on the bed, his feet on the floor.

He had pushed Ignis’s boxers down and inserted his thumb slicked with lube in his hole, followed by his huge dick. Ignis had whimpered and grabbed the bed in front of him, at that moment it made Way feel strong, he felt that he was showing the Latino hunk a good time.

He never stopped to ask if Ignis was enjoying his time as well, he had fucked him hard and slow. After cumming the first time, he had physically picked Ignis by his waist and thrown him on the bed and got behind Ignis and had taken him again.

Ignis held on to the headboard and whimpered through it, Way fucked him like an animal and grunted as he came. He had kissed Ignis’s back, disposed of the second condom and went to sleep.

Only when he stirred awake as Ignis was sneaking in the dark looking for his clothes, he realised what he had done. He didn’t want Ignis to go just fucked by him, he selfishly didn’t want to be lonely on his last night before going to UK and wanted to make it a date.

After the first time, when he had hugged Ignis in a nonsexual way from behind and spoken with him, Way realised he was an asshole to have treated such a beautiful person like a fuck toy.

For an unknown and unusual reason he genuinely wanted to know Ignis better and as the night went on he started to realise how much more Ignis was besides a quick fuck.

“You want to get some coffee?” Way asked Ignis nervously, which was weird for him because he had just attacked the beautiful boy a few hours ago. He wasn’t sure how the dinner had gone because both had just talked and not eaten much and Ignis kept staring at him.

“No! I don’t normally have coffee at night, in fact I have just started my morning coffee and am still developing the taste for it.” Ignis said with endearing innocence.

“You want to have…. uh…uh… sex and then I can drop you!” Way asked, looking everywhere else but Ignis, spending time on a dinner date with the first man ever, had started to stir unexpected feelings within him.

Ignis smiled and blushed under the harsh lamp light outside Way’s house, it looked like he was glowing, “Can we do it after eating?” He asked, looking at something on his shoes.

Way started laughing and felt a strong desire to hug Ignis and kiss his forehead, which was also the first time he felt like that. “It’s not like swimming and anyways you didn’t eat anything! And Yes! We can do it and you don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” Way couldn’t help but touch his hand with his fingers.

“I want to!” Ignis turned his palm and held Way’s fingers with his, making Way feel warm and his ears started to get hot. He was suddenly uncomfortable and nervous around Ignis.

Way for the first time in his life till that moment, couldn’t take his eyes off Ignis as he laid under him on his childhood bed, the difference in their complexion and physical built stark but complimenting, his dark brown eyes almost black with passion, his lips swollen with kissing, his flat six packs and square chest covered with a thin layer of sweat, his cheeks flushed and dark as he moved and moaned under Way. It was the best sex Way had ever had and he wanted to do this again and again… with Ignis.

Another impactful realisation for Way was when he drove away from Ignis after dropping him home, he was feeling pain, he didn’t want to go, he didn’t want to be alone, he didn’t want to be without Ignis… and he liked the pain but also wanted it to end by going back to Ignis.

When Ignis didn’t get in touch with him, he was not surprised, who would want to know an animal better, and he didn’t deserve him. His lonely and long grey days and nights in the UK were made worse with every day he could feel Ignis slipping away.

He wanted to call Ignis and apologise but did it years later when he Ignis told him that Way had taken his virginity.

Ignis laid in his arms on the couch, naked after he had cum in his boxers.

“Babes! I am sorry. I know I had hurt you, I should have taken care of you on our first time together. Baby! You didn’t say anything and I just wanted to take everything from you. The moment you touched me, just knowing you wanted me … made me feel like I had achieved something … I don’t know…it felt like you were a trophy for all the hard work I was putting in.. Like you were sent as a gift because I deserved it. You were so young and beautiful, I should have protected you… I should have… uhh … Irrespective of you being a virgin or not, I was rough and selfish to someone who was and is … uhh… extraordinary.” He kissed Ignis, pulling him over his body.

Ignis was lying on top of Way’s huge muscular body, stirring with arousal, his prostate still sensitive. Way fussed over something that happened so long ago and was complimenting and kissing him, he was enjoying the attention, “Haría y haré cualquier cosa por ti.” Ignis murmured against his lips and smiled.

Way looked in his eyes and touched his lips with his fingers gently, treating Ignis like he deserved to be treated, like he was the most precious thing in the world, “What?” Way asked quietly.

“I will do anything for you.” Ignis said, blushed and hid his face in Way’s chest, that was the first moment when Way experienced love… that first moment when he realised he would do anything for Ignis… he tightened his grip on Ignis, kissing his head repeatedly … biting his tongue to stop himself from saying those three words, he wanted to say it all his life but had never found anyone he felt it for … until then.


“I love you! Iggy?” Way murmured in his sleep and woke up startled as he raised his hand to touch Ignis, almost falling off the couch. He must have fallen asleep before dinner, he was still fully dressed but someone had taken his shoes and glasses off, covered him with a blanket and switched the lights off.

Way got up to pee and brushed his teeth using a new brush from the cabinet, out of habit, in the ground floor washroom. He stared at his face covered with beard and glasses, he looked tired and unloved, after a few seconds he couldn’t look at himself anymore. He rinsed his mouth and walked out taking his jacket off, when he saw the phone on the dining table.

He picked up an apple and was about to bite into it, when the phone lit and a text message came up and disappeared after a split second. The apple fell off his hand and tumbled across the kitchen floor, he picked up the phone and the message was now not readable, the wallpaper was Joanna and Bru in some party. “BRU! BRU!”, Way started yelling and bounded up the stairs and knocked on the door, “BRU! JO!”


Joanna stirred from her sleep with the sound of knocking and Way calling their name, she gently removed Bru’s hand from her body and looked at the watch, it read 03: 43:56. “What does he want now?” She murmured.

Joanna found Way extremely odd, not in a bad way, she loved him like a brother and respected his intellect, but he was an odd one.

Way was too good looking to be allowed to be intelligent, Joanna always chastised herself whenever this thought crossed her mind but she couldn’t connect the extremely large, red haired, blue eyed, muscular jock with prodigal intellect and surgeon skills.

She imagined him being too large for an operation theatre and his fingers too big for dainty equipment and minute cuts, but he was an award winning neurosurgeon, so she knew she was wrong but still it was weird, as if he was engineered to have it all.

Then there was his selfless love and dedication to Ignis. Ignis was like God for Joanna as well, the way he looked, dressed, talked, his thought process, his work and his attitude, Ignis was a legend. But Way didn’t love Ignis, like she loved Bru or vice versa, it was different, like he would pick up a machete and attack anyone Ignis pointed at.

Whenever she and Bru discussed them, they always sent a silent prayer that Way was with Ignis, anyone else would have used and thrown him, even though Way was so good looking and intelligent, he had this child-like innocence and rural naiveté.

Ignis cared for him like he was fragile and made of glass, which was again extremely unusual to see, like a brown bunny with his pet red-headed lion. When with Ignis, Way didn’t care about others and when with others he kept looking for Ignis, it was like he was new in town and had to be chaperoned by Ignis.

As per Bru, Way never truly completely belonged anywhere, he was too handsome and good at sports for the nerds and too intelligent and studious for the jocks, even with the popularity and multiple certifications and awards, Way was always kind of lost and had never been in any serious relationship, not even with his parents and Bru… let alone romantic.

Then he suddenly connected with Ignis and finally clicked someplace permanent, Ignis anchored him … Way felt the sense of belonging …he belonged to Ignis.

Joanna woke Bru, when Way quietly but persistently knocked and called them from the door. “Wuhh… Whaat?” He woke up with a start. “Way… he is been knocking since some time now. See what he wants?” Joanna pointed at the door unnecessarily.

“Huh! What… What time is it? What he want? Fuck! He has gone completely insane!” Bru rubbed his face and switched on the side lamp and got off the bed.

Joanna remembered in one of the Davis family weddings, she and Bru had found Ignis waiting for Way outside the washroom. “What the fuck, Iggy! Way, tiene miedo de orinar solo?” he laughed. Ignis frowned, “No! It’s not that he can’t pee alone, I didn’t know where to go, so I am standing here. Too many white people in the room! Se siente como que todos me miran!”

“Obviously! They are looking at you… you are the most handsome man any of these people have seen. Look at us Davis’, all pale and tall… Way is the first gay man in our family and he lands up with the most good looking man, this side of the states. Ellos estan celosos.” Bru smiled genuinely at Ignis.

“I feel you Ignis… What’s with you two? Am I and Ignis like a rebel thing?” Joanna asked as it was bothering her too. Bru kissed her lightly on the lips and smiled, looking deeply in her eyes, “Nope! I am lucky that you love me!” He kissed her again, “As for Way, he has imprinted on Ignis … Ignis is his hooman!” He chuckled at his own bad joke. “Please Bro! Not about Way… you know anything about him is a nerve for me… I insist … me da mucha rabia!” Ignis pleaded firmly.

“What?” Way came up and hugged Ignis from behind, making Ignis weave their fingers together instinctively on his abs. Way didn’t care what people thought or his family would gossip or anything, if Ignis was in close range then he had to hug him. “Stop touching him… he is going nowhere … he was waiting for you outside the washroom to finish your business … What else do you want from him?” Bru shook his head and chided him. Way smiled ear to ear and rubbed his cheek with Ignis’s, “You were waiting outside, Baby? Should have come in!” He smiled again and hugged Ignis tightly to him from behind, smiling with genuine happiness.

“Thank God! This is a wedding and not a funeral.” Bru smiled at the constant PDA between his two most favourite men in the world.

“Ignis knows how to leash me when I am being inappropriate … I am his good boy …What say hooman?” Way smiled kissing Ignis’s cheek and wrapped his arm around Bru’s neck and kissed his cheek against his will, making everyone laugh.


“Jo! Is Jo awake?” Way asked as soon as Bru opened the door, his eyes round and alert and face flushed, holding the phone tightly in his hand, his knuckles white. Jo came up behind Bru, tying the robe and was handed over her phone nervously by Way, his hands shaking.

“There is a message, I read it for a second … please check … I think I read it correctly but I wanted you to check and confirm … I am not sure of myself anymore … please check … I am sorry to have woken you guys up so early… but I couldn’t wait … I mean I could …” Way’s words tumbled over each other.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! … Stop! Way! It’s okay! Let me check …” Joanna stopped him and unlocked the phone, she read the message on the secured chat group of Ignis’s network, that he had added her to and she was now monitoring and asking for information about Ignis, since his disappearance.

She covered her mouth with her free hand, her eyes went wide as he looked at Bru and then at Way. “Look Way! We get a lot of chatter and false leads in the network and we need to cross verify it before we can be sure… it’s not as…”

“Did it say what I read?” Way cut her mid-sentence, his eyes now swimming in tears, like blue balloons drifting in the sea.

“Yes! It says … someone saw him in Texas… and this video looks like it is Ignis!”

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