London Student Rent Boy


A gay story: London Student Rent Boy (With thanks to Mike for his tireless help with proofing and editing – you know who you are!)


When I was at university in London, I confess that I became a bit of a slut.

Having lost my virginity to a much older man during my gap year (see “Gap Year Experience” stories) I had become much more sexually adventurous and had a number of lovers, female as well as male. I was truly branching out and experimenting.

One day during the summer term I had taken the afternoon off to go swimming at the Highgate Men’s Pond on Hampstead Heath in north London.

For readers who don’t know London, Hampstead Heath is a large area of wood and grassland to the north of the city, popular with walkers and offering fantastic views over London.

It also has three natural swimming ponds, one for women only, one for men only and a mixed pond. These are extremely popular swimming spots during the summer months and also, amongst a die-hard population, through the winter. I was, and am, not such a die-hard, but did enjoy swimming at the men’s pond during the summer.

Lest I frighten-off prospective swimmers, the Ponds are not known as pick-up spots (although the Heath more broadly does have a certain reputation after dark) but on occasion it is possible to meet like-minded men if you know what to look out for.

So, on this early June afternoon I had entered the changing area – which is outdoors – and had stripped off ready for my swim. As I was about to put on my swimming trunks I saw a large, solidly built, bearded man walking around naked, rather ostentatiously in my opinion. In my experience men don’t do that without good reason.

I caught his eye and smiled.

Now that I had his attention, rather than put my swimming trunks on immediately, I turned away from him and bent over to rummage in my bag, in the process giving him a good – and private – view of my arse.

Despite my experimentation with lovers my own age, I still had a thing for older lovers, and men in particular.

He obviously noticed what I was doing and called over “Hello. I haven’t seen you here before.”

“It’s my first time!” which wasn’t actually true.

“Welcome to the Pond – enjoy your swim”.

He looked me up and down – noting that I was also needlessly naked.

Nothing more was said. We both went to the pond, dived in and started to swim laps around the perimeter.

On the other side of the pond, farthest away from the entrance, I stopped to rest on a floating platform. He saw me and swam over to join me, well out of earshot of anyone else.

“Hello again.”


“Fancy meeting you here.”


How are you finding the Pond?”

“Good. Cold!”

“I couldn’t help noticing you in the changing rooms” he said.

I was coquettish.

“And what did you notice?!”

“I noticed a fit young man who seemed to be taking a while to get changed and seemed quite happy for a certain older man to be admiring him.”

I laughed.

“Am I that obvious?”

He smiled.

“What’s your name?”

“Dan. And yours?”

He told me, but as it isn’t important for the story and, it subsequently transpired, he was actually quite well known in London’s media circles, I will draw a discreet veil over it.

“Does your boyfriend know you are here?”

“Who says I have a boyfriend?” I responded archly.

“Well, girlfriend then?” with a raised eyebrow.

“I actually don’t have either, formally, at the moment but, just for the record, last time I did it was a boyfriend, and before that a girlfriend!”

I didn’t feel the need to explain my actual situation which was that I was informally fucking both a man and a woman at the time (although not, I hasten to add, at the same time – although the thought had occurred to me!)

My mind briefly wandered to an image of the slim-hipped, amply-cocked, Ghanaian undergraduate with whom I was, very discreetly, spending time, as well as the fifty-something divorcée with the polished home counties vowels and the large, empty, house in Clapham, whom I had, equally discreetly, kept warm at night, on-and-off, for the previous few months.

My sexual tastes were wide ranging, and nothing if not eclectic!

As an aside, I was constantly amazed at how I could find the slim, taught, dreamily chocolate-coloured, buttocks of my young boyfriend just as erotic as the plump, soft, milky white ones of my older lady friend.

The view, and the feel, as I fucked them from behind were poles apart, but each in its own way, hugely erotic to me.

Each knew that they were not exclusive to me – and vice versa – and rigorous rules around use of condoms and regular STI testing were part of our mutual understanding of trust.

I digress, but I suppose the point I am getting to is that my sexuality was, and is, almost independent of the gender, body type, race or other physical attributes of that body. I am much more aroused by the mental construct with that person.

Which explains why I also felt my cock stirring as this large, older man was chatting me up in a cold pond on Hampstead Heath…

“Aha, so you swing both ways!?”

To be honest I thought that was a rather limiting term, but I nevertheless agreed.

“Yes, you could say that.”

“And you are single at the moment?”

“Yes, you could also say that.”

“What do you do for a living?”

“I am a student.”

“A poor student?”

In my experience “poor student” was a bit tautological – I didn’t know any students who weren’t poor.

I smiled ruefully “You could, once again, say that!”

“Are you interested in a bit of extra cash?

“I am always interested in a bit of extra cash.”

“Would you like to come back to my house with me?”

He was nothing if not direct.

“What do you have in mind?”

“What do you think I have in mind?”

“I think it might be more than tea and toast.”

“Indeed it is!” he laughed.

“May I propose – and he named a figure – for a couple of hours of your time this afternoon?”

“That’s a lot of money, I hope I’m worth it!”

“Well, I always like to get value for money. But let’s not be vulgar. Think of it as a gift. If we get on well there may be more.”

“Ok. Sounds interesting.”

He went on “Good. So let’s swim back to the shore. Give me a couple of minutes start. Ignore me in the changing rooms. Then, after about 15 minutes come to this address. He told me the road and house number and described where it was and how to get there. It was very straightforward and about a 5-minute walk away.

From the address he was clearly a wealthy man.

It may seem that I was a bit quick to accept this offer of sex-for-money – for that surely was what he had in mind – so readily.

But this wasn’t the first time for me. I had got into the sex-for-money thing by accident, which I may well write about one day, and once the initial idea has been accepted it is not hard to do more – and indeed hard not to do more – as it is so lucrative, as well as pleasurable.

If you have been having sex with strangers on a regular basis for fun, and one of them suddenly offers you money for what you have been doing for free it isn’t such a leap. I wasn’t doing anything different – just getting paid for it. Anyway, that was the way I justified it to myself.

And in this case, I would quite happily fuck this older man for free, as it scratched my itch for a more mature lover, and if he was going to pay me then that added a certain frisson of degradation and coercion that would enhance the experience. If he is now a paying customer then my submissive side perks-up and thinks I had better do whatever he wants, regardless of how depraved.

I let him swim on ahead and then, as instructed, ignored him in the changing area.

After I had dried and dressed, I left the pond and took a slow, circuitous, route to the address he had given me.

The house was actually quite difficult to see from the road as it was surrounded by a high fence.

I rang the electronic doorbell at the front gate on the road, which incorporated a video camera and, after a pause, during which presumably I had been inspected visually, the gate buzzed open.

As I entered the grounds, I could see that it was a beautiful modern house, with large floor-to-ceiling windows on the second and third stories that would offer fantastic views over Hampstead Heath.

He was waiting for me at the front door, dressed in a silk dressing gown, and he welcomed me in.

“So, you found me alright?”

“Well, I am here!” I smiled. I felt a slightly naughty, bratty, mood coming on.

“Come in.”

We went upstairs to the living room which was huge and, as I had suspected, looked out over the Heath. The wall away from the Heath was floor-to-ceiling books, which I always think is a good sign.

I could see, amongst the more usual suspects, several art and photography books by the likes of Robert Mapplethorpe and, whilst I could only see their spines, I had a pretty shrewd idea of what they contained.

He indicated a white envelope lying on the low level coffee table.

“My little gift”

I picked it up and, from a cursory look, could tell he was as good as his word, as it was stuffed with £20 notes. “Thank you” I said, and put the envelope next to my swimming bag.

“Would you like coffee? Tea..?” he asked.

I looked at him archly, and completed the quote “…or me?”

He laughed “Let’s go for ‘me’! Come here”.

I walked across to him and he embraced me, pulling me in close.

To avoid any awkward ambiguity as to whether or not I would kiss, I pulled his head to mine and kissed him deeply, tongue probing his mouth. He sort of moaned and, pulling my head into his, kissed me back.

Finally, we broke and he said:

“Yes, I definitely prefer that to coffee or tea! I suppose we should establish some ground rules. Is there anything you specifically do or don’t do?”

“That’s sensible. I am pretty open. Obviously no unprotected penetrative sex, which I am happy to give and receive, but I am happy to do oral without and you can cum in my mouth. And if you want to suck me that is fine too.”

This sounds all a bit matter of fact, but I find it is better to get all this sort of thing clarified at the start and avoid any embarrassing misunderstandings later.

He nodded. “Sounds reasonable”

“Other than that my rules are anything goes as long as it doesn’t cause anyone any permanent damage or health risks and doesn’t involve children or animals! Does that sound OK?”

“Eminently. You have done this before haven’t you?”

I smiled enigmatically (I hoped).

“And I sense that perhaps you have too?”

“Well, I like to do my bit for ‘youth employment’, ‘contribute to the local economy’. You know.”

“Indeed I do!” I replied

“Anyway, enough about me. What if you are a naughty boy and I think you need a sound spanking?”

“I think you will find that I can be quite naughty, so it is entirely possible you will feel that need,” I grinned, saucily this time “and, yes, I will take a sound spanking and caning.”

“Can I tie you up?”

“Hmm, I think not just yet. I’d rather wait to get to know you a bit better before surrendering control to that extent.”


“Of course,” I smiled coquettishly, “anything is possible if we were to develop a longer-term arrangement” and reached in for another kiss.

“Well, I think you are an extremely naughty boy for picking up strange men more than twice your age at the ponds, and I think you should be thoroughly punished for it. What do you think of that?”

“I think you are probably right sir.”

“Before we get to that I want to take a better look at you. Please take off your shirt and shorts.”

I wasn’t wearing underpants under my shorts (I had assumed everything would be coming off again fairly soon) so, once I had followed his instructions, I was completely naked.

He looked me up and down. “Very nice. Very nice indeed.”

Then he reached out and stroked my flanks. “Gorgeous. Just perfect!”

He sat down in a nearby chair and, pulling closer, kissed my chest and belly. He reached round and took one arse cheek in each hand and squeezed them and then pulled them apart, allowing him to extend a finger of each hand into my crack, quickly finding my anus. He continued to massage my buttocks, gently teasing my anal opening with his fingers, while he kissed all over my chest, nipples and belly.

He worked his way down to my stiffening cock. He glanced up at me and then took my cock into his mouth. As he did so he allowed his teeth to drag my foreskin back, exposing my glans, which he circled and caressed with his tongue.

Then, gently pulling me closer towards him via his firm grip on my buttocks, he took my growing length into his throat. He held it there, massaging and caressing with his teeth and tongue, as I rapidly swelled inside his mouth.

He withdrew, allowing his teeth to run gently, but firmly, along the length of my shaft as he did so, tracing the contours and veins of my cock. I had a delicious feeling of vulnerability at the hint that he could use those teeth in a more aggressive manner at any moment.

My cock was now fully at attention as it popped out of his mouth. He smiled up at me again and said “Very impressive” before taking the full length back into his throat. He held it there for a few moments, once more lashing it with his tongue, before releasing me once again.

“I think that’s enough of that for the moment. Don’t want you getting all overcome just yet, do we?” again with a wicked smile. “Perhaps you would like to return the favour?”

“My pleasure sir” and I sank to my knees in front of him, face-to-face with his cock, that was protruding from beneath his belly. As I mentioned previously, my view of sexual attractiveness does not necessarily follow the classic model.

Of course I like a lean, hard body as much as the next man, or woman. Sculpted pecs, toned abs, pert buttocks, chiseled cheekbones. Smooth, depilated cock, balls and arse crack.

But I am also highly aroused by a wide range of body, shapes and sizes, in both men and women. I love the feeling of subjugation to someone who is not conventionally attractive. Especially a strong, dominant character. One who will use me, take his pleasure from me. Force his cock into me. Fill my mouth with his cum and make me swallow it.

To people who don’t feel this urge the idea is simply disgusting. But to those who do, it makes perfect sense. I imagine it is a version of this impulse that sends people to glory holes and the like.

Anyway, as I knelt before this large, older, man I felt an overwhelming desire to kiss and lick his protruding belly, before making my way to his cock that was by now shyly, but proudly, sticking out from beneath it. So, I did!

His cock was not quite fully erect, but I set to work to deploy my – though I say it myself – by now considerable oral skillset. It didn’t take long to have the desired effect as I worked lips, tongue, teeth and fingers in unison.

As always, I thrilled at the salty, sweaty, taste of another man’s cock.

His was a nice one. Not overly long, but thick and with a lovely curve as it stood hard and erect. I knew it would provide a very satisfying feeling of stretch and fullness when it went, as it surely would, up my arse, very soon.

But I knew he wanted to punish me, and I certainly wanted him to punish me.

I adopted a submissive voice, which has worked well in similar situations in the past and asked him:

“Sir, so if I have been very naughty, what do you want to do to me?”

“I think you need a sound spanking. Come here and lie across my lap.”

This was actually slightly awkward as we both had erections at this point, but we arranged it so that his cock was squeezed up between my hip and his belly, and mine protruded down between his thighs as I lay across his lap.

He had taken the precaution of opening his dressing gown, under which he was completely naked.

As the first slap of his hand fell on my buttocks, I felt that deep sense of peace that I always did when I knew I was about to be spanked – or whipped. I knew the pain was coming, I knew I couldn’t do anything about it and I knew that, for the next few minutes at least, every other stress in my life was going to be blocked out. I would feel only this.

The initial slap was gentle, but they became increasingly hard. He had positioned my legs somewhat apart so that my cheeks were parted. I could feel the cool air over my anus, and I knew that he had a full view. In between strokes he occasionally caressed the tops of my thighs and allowed his fingers to stray into my arse crack.

I could feel his cock hard against my hip, and he could doubtless feel mine between his thighs.

He spanked harder and harder. I felt both pain and a spreading warmth in my buttocks.

He paused to explore my anus, toying with its opening before sliding his finger in a little way. I moaned gently and opened my legs further. My cock straining between his thighs.

“So how many cocks have you had up here” he asked “Quite a few I’ll wager. Do you like getting fucked in the arse by fat old men, or do you prefer, svelte young students?”

“I like older men sir. I like older men who treat me badly and abuse me.”

This was perfectly true, although not a direct answer to his question. To be honest I didn’t really know the answer myself. What I preferred sexually changed from day to day. Mental connection was key. Scenario, circumstance. Right now, I was uncontrollably aroused by this wealthy older man toying with my body, in the knowledge that he was going to spend the next hour or so beating and fucking me.

He spanked harder and faster, but soon there was an urgency to our lust that couldn’t wait. We had to fuck right then.

He made me get up off his lap. I knelt and nuzzled his now fully erect and throbbing member.

“Do you know what I am going to do with this?”

“Put it in my bottom, sir?” I said in a girly voice.

“Precisely. He produced a condom from his dressing gown pocket. He gave it to me. “Put this on me”

I did so, rolling it carefully and lovingly down his velvet shaft, and he then told me to “Turn around. Kneel on the floor in front of me. Bottom up high.”

I went down on all fours on the carpet, legs parted, offering my arse to him. I heard the familiar click of the cap of a bottle – which by now in me created an almost Pavlovian reaction of arousal at what was going to happen next – and then felt cold lube dripping onto my anus, and firm fingers massaging it around, and inside, my back passage.

He grasped my hips and pulled me back towards him. Then with one hand I felt him spread my buttocks, and with the other guide his cock so that the tip was positioned perfectly, nuzzling at my hole.

I was certainly no virgin at this point and, after the usual initial resistance, as the sphincter relaxed and stretched, his latex covered cock slid into my lubricated anus easily.

As I felt him fill me up, I sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction. I just love this moment of initial penetration, as the sphincter surrenders, and the shaft slides home. Being taken by a powerful older man.

In the floor-to-ceiling picture windows I could see our reflections as this fat old man thrust himself into my slim body. I could feel his large belly resting on my back as he began to thrust backwards and forwards into me.

I relaxed and opened myself to him.

Initially he was gentle, warming up and developing a rhythm, but soon he grasped my hips and pulled me into onto his cock harder and harder.

He wasn’t concerned with my pleasure which, as he was paying me, wasn’t unreasonable, he was just rutting into me.

But the very fact that he wasn’t concerned about my pleasure was, paradoxically, highly erotic to me. I wanted to be used, and I arched my back, thrusting my arse at him and opened my legs wider to allow him total access.

He slapped my buttocks and grabbed my hair. Pounding into my delicate flesh. He grabbed my hands together behind my back leaving my face pressed into the carpet. Holding my wrists together with one strong hand, simulating the bondage that I wasn’t quite ready to let him put me in for real, he reached with the other hand between my legs to fondle my cock and balls. Alternately he wanked me and squeezed my balls.

He raked my back with his fingernails and then did the same with my legs. He pushed me to the floor so that I was flat on the carpet with his not inconsiderable weight on top of me. He pulled my cock so that it was pointing backwards, and the exposed glans was rubbing painfully on the rough carpet.

Now he pounded into me again, faster and more urgently. Crushing me, using me. I was a vessel. A vessel for his cock. A body to be used by him for his pleasure. He varied the pace, fast and slow, thrusting into me as far as he could.

My cock was starting to suffer from carpet burn as it rubbed on the floor. The discomfort was real and, while I enjoyed being debased, I was surprised to find myself wondering how much longer this would go on for.

Finally, to my relief I sensed a slackening of urgency, and then he pulled out. He wasn’t finished but I sensed that he was flagging somewhat. He wasn’t the youngest of men, and he clearly needed some extra stimulation to keep him up.

“Stay there. Don’t move.”

I relaxed onto the carpet, relieved not to be crushed into it anymore.

He wandered away and then came back a few moments later holding a black leather belt, about an inch and a half wide, and what looked like a thin whippy cane.

“I think you need a bit more punishment. Don’t you?”

“Yes sir.” I whimpered.

“Get up on your knees again. Face down. Bottom up.”

He took the belt and pressed the end to my mouth. I smelt the strong leather smell which, due to its associations with submission and punishment, is a powerful aphrodisiac to me.

“Kiss it!” he ordered.

I pressed my lips to the black leather and kissed it, looking him in the eyes as I did so.

“Do you see that stain?”

I looked and saw a dark mark on the leather.


“That is from one of your predecessors.”

I looked at him, blinking.

“I tied him to the bed and whipped him. Then I fastened this belt around his cock to keep him hard while I rode him. He came all over it. A pretty boy. But messy. Maybe I should introduce you at some point. Perhaps we could have a threesome.”

I think I moaned out loud at this point, overcome by the depravity of the situation.

“Anyway, first things first!”

He wound the belt partially around his right hand, leaving about two feet hanging. He slapped the end against his left hand, with a loud crack.

“What am I going to do with this?”

“You are going to beat me sir.”


“On my bottom sir?”

“That’s right. And do you know why?”

“Because I am a naughty little slut, sir?”

“That’s right. A naughty litle slut who is on his knees, naked in a stranger’s house. Offering his body to an older man he has never met before, for money!”

“Yes sir, I said meekly.” – I couldn’t fault that description of the situation!

He pushed my head down to the carpet once more and started to thrash me with the belt.

This was truly painful but, as always, I relaxed into the pain and pushed my arse out, wanting more and more.

I loved the feel of the stiff leather biting into my flesh, whipping me.

I also noted that his cock was coming back to life, rearing up as he beat me.

He had discarded the condom now, and his cock was once gain fully erect. I sensed he wanted to take advantage of this situation while it lasted and he abruptly dropped the belt and, grabbing me by the hair, pulled me up to a kneeling position.

“Open your mouth!” he commanded, somewhat breathlessly.

I complied and he thrust his cock back into my mouth. I started to go to work with my tongue, but there was no need as he almost immediately exploded in my mouth, shooting his hot cum into the back of my throat, filling my mouth.

I gagged slightly in surprise, but recovered and started to swallow his seed. I looked up at him in what I hoped was an appropriately submissive manner, seeking his approval.

Panting he looked down “Good boy. Now swallow it all. Swallow my sticky cum down ino your tummy, like the good fuck-boy that you are.”

In order to ensure I complied with this suggestion he continued to hold me by the hair, ensuring that his cock remained firmly in my mouth so I had little choice but to continue swallowing.

Finally, I managed to get it all down and, using my tongue, milked his now shrinking cock of any remaining semen.

He ground his crotch into my face, moaning as I sucked him dry.

Finally, he released me and sank to his knees, coming down to my level.

He pulled my head towards his, and kissed me deeply on the mouth, clearly relishing the taste of his own cum on my lips and tongue.

“That was amazing! My god, you are a hot little slut!”

Then he took me by the hand and stood up, hauling me to my feet also.

“Come” he ordered and taking me by the hand, both of us completely naked, almost dragged me up a spiral staircase in the corner of the room.

It led to a bedroom. It was sparsely furnished. A large, clearly expensive, bed, but little else.

The lack of “lived in” quality made me suspect that it wasn’t actually his bedroom, but a spare. Perhaps one he kept for anonymous fucks with strangers. I wondered who got to share his actual bedroom and – rather presumptuously – whether I would ever have that status!

I didn’t have much time to dwell on this idea as he pulled me onto the bed.

“This is a bit more comfortable.” he said with a smile.

“Do you know what you are going to do now?”

“I am going to do whatever you want me to sir.”

Which I suspected was the right answer – and genuinely the answer that turned me on the most also.

“You are going to rim me. Do you know what that means?”

“Yes sir”

“Have you ever done it before with your boyfriends”

“Yes sir”

“Do you like it?”

“Sometimes sir?

“Oh really, when do you like it?”

“When I am made to do it sir”

“Well,” he said, reaching down and taking my scrotum in his hand. “I think I will make you do it.”

With that he squeezed and twisted my balls.

I winced and gasped in pain.

“Do you like that?”

“No sir”

“Would you like me to stop” he squeezed harder.

“Yes sir”

“Then you had better do a good job on my arse hadn’t you?”

“Yes sir”

And I knew I would.

He knelt forward on the bed, legs splayed.

I pulled his fat white buttocks apart to expose his hairy crack. In one sense it was a revolting sight, but in another, the degradation of the act was intensely arousing to me.

I knelt behind him and moved my head in close.

I kissed and licked his buttocks and then tentatively explored his crack. I ran my tongue up from his scrotum, where I licked his heavy testicles, along his perineum and up to the bud of his anus.

He was clean, as he had just showered following his swim, but there was still the slightly acrid taste that I always thrilled to as I tasted an anus.

“Lick me. Push it all the way up. Fuck my arse with my tongue you little slut!” he grunted.

I was happy to oblige, and pushed my rolled-up tongue into the muscle and gradually penetrated into his anal passage.

He moaned in appreciation, and the volume intensified as I reached around to grip his flaccid cock, still sticky with cum, and started to massage it in harmony with my thrusting tongue.

Gradually I felt the sticky muscle start to grow and harden under my touch, and I felt the thrill that I always did in knowing that it was I who was causing the effect.

As I wanked and tongued him harder and faster his “dirty-talk” increased.

“Get your tongue up my arse you little slut. Lick my shit-hole clean you little sissy rent boy!”

I am always privately amused at how some men used such derogatory terms about gay sex, almost as if the very use of such taboo language was a turn on in itself.

Finally, he said “Fuck me. Fuck me in the arse. Put your cock inside me”.

I was a lttle surprised by this, as often I have found that dominant men don’t want me to fuck them, but only to fuck me. I never fully understood that, although I sometimes sensed when the man in question was not “out” and was ostensibly heterosexual they were actually in some kind of denial about their sexuality, and had a sort of rationale that said if they were the one doing the penetration then they weren’t really gay, whereas if they were being penetrated then there was no question that this was the “gay” “non masculine” role.

Frankly I have given up trying rationalise peoples’ sexuality, and now just accept it at face value. It is just too complicated!

Nevertheless, I was happy to oblige as my cock was feeling somewhat neglected. I slipped on a condom and wanked myself up to full erection. I squirted some lube into his crack and pushed it right inside his anal ring with my finger. I copped a sneaky feel of his prostate as my finger was inside him, eliciting a gratifying moan.

Then I slid home. He wasn’t especially tight, and it was clear that this was not the first time he had been penetrated. I grabbed his fleshy hips and pulled him to my groin, forcing my cock deep inside him.

I thrust hard. I wanted to do a good job. I took a certain professional pride in my work and, despite the fact that I was immensely turned on, I wanted him to want me and – candidly – wanted him to ask me back. I sensed the opportunity for a longer-term arrangement if this went well.

He was moaning and gasping as he took my cock deep inside him. It was interesting to note that when he was fucking me, or when I rimmed him, he would “talk dirty”, but as I fucked him there were no words coming out. Just moaning and groaning. I sensed he was lost in a form of private reverie, that speaking would have interrupted.

I leant forward, pressing my chest to his back. At the same time, I reached round and felt for his cock, which was coming to life once more. He didn’t come fully erect, but hard enough that I could wank him off as I fucked him.

Eventually I felt a twitching and he came spurting into my hand, even though still not fully erect, at which point, aroused by what I had done to him, I also came deep inside his bowels.

I pulled out and removed the condom. I gave his still gaping anus a quick kiss and then he rolled over onto his back.

I gave him a wicked grin as I knelt over him, straddling his hips, and then proceeded to lick his cum off my fingers, one by one, all the while looking him in the eyes.

Then I bent down and took his cock in my mouth and sucked it clean. Rolling back his foreskin I cleaned his glans thoroughly with the tip of my tongue.

I emptied the condom onto his belly and smeared my cum into him, massaging it into his belly and up onto his chest. I offered him my fingers to lick, which he did, hungrily.

“Give me your cock too” he whispered.

I maneuvered myself around into a soixante neuf position, offering my still semi-tumescent cock to his mouth, whilst allowing me to continue my ministrations to his. He took me hungrily, licking and sucking it clean of my semen, gripping my buttocks with his hands in order to guide me into his mouth, and stretching my buttocks apart to dilate my anus and then, cheekily, slipping a finger into my anus as he did so.

As he licked and sucked – and I did the same to him – he moaned gently, once again lost in his own private world of ecstasy as we cleaned each other.

Finally he let my cock slip out of his mouth. Following his lead, I did the same, and we just lay together for a while, enjoying the animal warmth of each other’s bodies, faces pressed into each other’s sweaty, sticky, groins.

Eventually we relinquised the soixante neuf position and rearranged ourselves, head to head. He drew me into him with a strong arm around my hips. Pressing my body to his, our cocks squashing together. With his other arm he brought my face to his and started to kiss me. In between kisses he started to ask me questions.

They weren’t challenging, just intimate questions that lovers might start to ask as they relax in an initial post-coital stupor.

“Tell me, you said you prefer older men. What do you like about them?”

I kissed him back, on the lips.

“I don’t know.” Suddenly and, given what had just transpired, ludicrously, coy.

I kissed him again and he squeezed my buttocks.

“I suppose I like to feel submissive. I like the imbalance of power. I like to feel that I am being used.

“I also like being punished. I think I have some hangover schoolmaster fantasies that I never got to live out – very wisely!”

He laughed.

“Being with an older man makes me feel slutty and naughty. I suppose it is a taboo to have a big age gap”

“And what about being paid for sex?”

Another kiss. With tongue.

“Honestly, if just magnifies all of the above. Especially if I am being paid to do really naughty, slutty things.”

“And how naughty and slutty can you be?”

“I can be very, very naughty and very, very slutty…” I responded as I pushed my still sticky fingers into his mouth followed by my tongue.

“Hmm. I think we should get together again so I can verify that. Would you like that?”

“I think I might…I think I might like that very much” and I gave his cock a squeeze.

Finally, he got up, “Sorry, I have a dinner appointment, so I am going to have to kick you out!

“Really? That’s a shame. I was hoping we might be up for a round two!”

“Sadly not! Perhaps next time? I do just have time for a quick shower if you would like to join me?”


He had a large walk-in shower attached to the bedroom.

We stepped in and turned on the water. He washed me carefully and thoroughly and I did the same for him. As I knelt in front of him, soaping his cock and balls, I pulled back his foreskin and gave his glans a lick.

“Hey! That’s enough of that! I haven’t time – and I don’t want to head-off to my dinner with a semi!”

I pouted, but relented and we slipped out of the shower and dried ourselves off.

As I stood in the hall-way, French kissing him good bye, he slipped the stiff white envelope into the waistband of my shorts in a proprietorial manner, almost as if he owned me.

“Don’t forget your little present. I hope I can see you again. Perhaps we could come to some arrangement?”

“That sounds like fun. Maybe next time I’ll let you tie me to your bed”

He picked up the cane which he had fetched earlier, but had never got around to using, and bent it in his hands

“And maybe I’ll use this on you?”

I felt a frisson of excitement at that thought and my cock twitched.

“Maybe!” and grinned.

“He reached for the envelope stuck in my waistband. and pulled it out. I was a bit surprised – wondering briefly whether he was going to take back the money. But he just smiled, picked up a pen, and wrote on the envelope.

He handed the envelope back to me with a smile.

I took it and read what he had written “Call me!” followed by a telephone number.

I looked at him and smiled “I will. Definitely. Soon.”

Then, with a final kiss on the lips, I turned and left through the front door and walked, in what I hoped was a seductive manner, down his front path and into the street.

The thoughts of what he might do to me on my next visit – for there now surely would be a next visit – giving me a warm fuzzy feeling and, due to the partial engorgement of my cock, also a slight impediment to mobility, as I walked down the hill to the bus stop to get the bus back into town.


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