Monster Diversity Hire

A gay story: Monster Diversity Hire

Plot LOL: Caleb hires Vengar The ‘Ravager’ As part of a progressive Monster inclusivity Program.

It backfires in the best way possible…


“We are pleased to have You on the team mister Vengar! Here, take a seat” Caleb, the blond freckled 30 something techie said.

The large Alien beast plopped down to the soft black couch, legs spread and extremities covered only by a damp loincloth that left little to the imagination. The respect for the office setting completely null to the lion headed monstrosity. He stood the same height as Caleb was, even sitting down. He towered over the employees. All of whom he despised, namely, for pampering and treating him as though he were some endangered species who needed saving every time they talked to him. As though the various scarring across his chest from Gladiatorial Slave Prison Battles and the giant frilled fuck-off mane he sported didn’t spell it out enough.

See, they didn’t view Vengar as a respectable man with his own demons and a fair share of battles won. More like a giant pet, an idol that they Bowed down to every chance they got. The room would grow cold and silent every time he walked in, and he was sure at least a few employees had a thing for Xenos like him. And given the reputation of western American humans in recent years? He shuddered to think of the search histories. Or lack thereof.

He had grown tired of the pompous self righteousness and faked smiles of them all. And a plan was formed. A plot concerning one Caleb McCluskey…..

He didn’t need they’re help. And just like a Cat though these humans, Caleb in particular, viewed him as a pet, in reality…

They would be his…

So instead of a business suit which he WOULD have worn out of respect, he chose his Gladiator’s Loincloth, hit the gym and headed straight to the office in his barely street legal Chevy Nova, body sweaty and pumping pheromones.

“So I was considering raising your Pay. Among other things, I’d like to discuss-”

“ride me” The Alien said with the subtle gentleness of a sledgehammer.

Caleb was perplexed, sweat feeling like a stream down river on his face.

“I’m sorry what?”

“Ride me till I come, human. Unless you think I’m just some noble savage who can’t think for themselves, I see right through this diversity bullshit. You only hire Monsters like me to fit a quota, and I intend to use my ‘ET’ privileges to The maximum extent so to speak. Now…ride….” He said whilst growling a deep rumble.

Clawed fingers unbuckled his loincloth and the stench of sweat soaked Beast-man filled Caleb’s lungs. Burning and stinking, his own cock twitched at the Smell, and that spiky barbed length looked threatening. He felt small in the porcelain office room, helpless before the beast and-wait! He didn’t remember walking over to the massive employee! Or getting to his knees and…salivating? What was happening?

Vengar grew somewhat impatient.

The beast forced Caleb closer with a large paw like hand, shoving his nose against his boiling hot red balls. Caleb tried pulling back, only for the beast to interrupt again.

“Oh! You don’t like tending to your guests? This is a sacred tradition where I’m from. And you more “modern” humans seem to celebrate public displays of sex and debauchery. Your not Xenophobic are you? You wouldn’t want me to report You for discrimination. I mean bro, imagine the lawsuit.

Caleb wanted to scream. Nose nuzzled against those hot, sweaty balls and utterly stinging with the scent.

“I-I-You can’t just-”

“ARE YOU RACIST!?” Vengar mocked, bellowing out a laugh and bucking his hips, shooting a jet of Pre across Caleb’s face.

Some got in his mouth. And whether it was intimidation, or the corruption filled pheromones clouding his thoughts, he started to sniff and lick at his new hire’s orbs.

The taste was a bitter grimy and pungent scented flavor, salty from sweat and yet, Caleb didn’t stop.

“Yes..yes human. Make me come in Peace!” Vengar trilled, toothy grin plastering his Lion face as he relaxed into the couch.

“Fucking Alien Prick” Caleb whispered under his breath, hating the savage Alien though he would never admit it in public.

Caleb was terrified of Aliens. Monsters, whatever the interdimensional fucks were being called now. He wasn’t bigoted he swore! Just… well… Vengar was really fucking scary.

And his ears were also twice as sensitive, picking up on that little “Alien Prick” comment. He punished Caleb with a thrust, cock tip bulging his cheeks as it slipped inside…..


They had kissed and touched and Caleb had sucked the alien cock wet.

a bottle of lube and oil, because of course this room had them inside an office desk, applied liberally upon the liberal Ass.

One finger, then two, then all five as the Alien watched Caleb spread his freckled juicy rear wide. His bumpy spiked cock jumping at the free show he was getting, licking his lips at the way the rim parted and swallowed up the Human’s digits.

Caleb moaned and shuddered as what felt like several pounds of meat dropped between his ass.


Large clawed hands gripped and softly caressed the oiled up rear. So plump and giving to the touch, his cock was near ready to burst as he ground the tip against that hidden exit, soft and wet and winking and squelching, just for him.

Caleb was shivering with hatred and burning secret passion he would never admit in public. As much as he hated this prick, as conflicted as he was about being taken by this savage Alien Monster, he loved the idea of it. A depraved, baser and bigoted part of him hidden away under the social mask he wore every day. The part of him that wanted to be taken, dominated, raped by the enemy. He always had a debauched Xeno Interspecies roleplay fetish, and it was being enacted on him by this muscle-bound Alien Warrior that would have been better suited for a battlefield than a Tech department. He defended Aliens previously when it came to the remarks about them “Taking humans to mate” but those were just harmful stereotypes!

Juicy, hard, big stereotypes….

Those barbs dug into his cleft, parting between his cheeks like a tank ramming through a concrete house without a basement, sinking deeper before finally entering his depths.

Vengar tensed and trilled, the wet hot sweat soaked warmth of his Boss wrapped around him, a blissful feeling as his churning tankards full of they’re payload rested against Caleb’s cute rear.

“Oooh I can..uhnhm!- tell this isn’t-Oh fuck! Not Your first time!”

Caleb wanted to call him a bunch of Anti-Alien obscenities but the massive length silencing his protests into a strained groan prevented him. It was so good it hurt, and not from the stretch. His prostate was being beaten hard by that rough tip. He was already leaking off white Pre mixed with his true load, And the Monster now had him sitting on his lap flush with ass against a frilled, scaly pelvis. Whether his brain was shattered and delirious he wasn’t sure, but he saw a bulge pushing his stomach out and OH fuck!

The monster suddenly pulled out, turning the Human around. and now face to maned face with the Demon. The cock ground against his cheeks, before finding the hole and pressing inside with a wet fleshy squish, Vengar’s hand grabbing a fistful of the man’s hair and twisting, gripping it like a handle.

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