Monster Diversity Hire

A gay story: Monster Diversity Hire Plot LOL: Caleb hires Vengar The ‘Ravager’ As part of a progressive Monster inclusivity Program. It backfires in the best way possible… 1PM… “We are pleased to have You on the team mister Vengar! Here, take a seat” Caleb, the blond freckled 30 something techie said. The large Alien … Read more

The Vampire Chronicles: Part I by Parker2130

A gay adult story: The Vampire Chronicles: Part I by Parker2130 WARNING: This is a gay story. It involves sexual relations between a minor and an adult. It also involves vampires. If you find any of the above criteria or anything listed in the tags offensive, please do not continue to read! If you have … Read more


A gay adult story: HARRY SHAGG’S HOGWARTS 1 by tripleaaa Harry Shags Hogwarts DISCLAIMER: J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter I make no money or anything from this. Twenty year old Nymphadora Tonks heard Harry’s call and quickly executed order OMEGA. Briefed on this new order days ago by her boss, she stunned and port-keyed all … Read more

Inccubus by phallilover

A gay adult story: Inccubus by phallilover , I’ve been real tired of the fact that there aren’t any good gay mind control stories so here is one! A common day in Wisconsin, snow lightly covered the ground and the roads were slick with ice. In front of a average looking house on a normal … Read more