His Little Genie

His Little Genie by Dinonsfw,Dinonsfw “Jesus, If I knew you were going to whine this much, I would have just done it myself,” said Nolan as he dropped another crate next to his friend’s feet.

“I’m not whining,” Ron responded, indignantly, “I just think I have better things to do than do your job for you.”

“Oh bullshit. School won’t be back in session for another month and you’ve been bitching and moaning about how bored you are. You may as well have volunteered to teach summer school if you wanted something to do so badly.”

No matter how bored Ron (or Mr. Dickson to his students) was these last 2 months, teaching summer school was about the worst possible scenario for him and most every other teacher on earth. The boredom of sitting in a sensory deprivation tank all summer would be preferable if it got him out of that classroom full of brain-rotted teenagers until the next school year.

Being perpetually single with no family and fewer friends than he could count on one hand, Ron had to admit, his options for entertainment were limited in his shitty little college town. A high school teacher in his 50s, his options for socializing were getting more and more limited by the year.

Which is why, to his deep regret, he jumped at the chance when his friend, Nolan, offered to hang out with him all day at the local university. Nolan, however, failed to mention he would be helping to catch up on the backlog of work Nolan was too “busy” to get to.

“Busy my ass,” Ron fumed internally, “I wonder which of his students he’s screwing now.”

Ron knew his friend wasn’t particularly shy about giving better grades to students, male or female, if they gave him something in return. Just before the previous semester ended, Ron spoke with Nolan over the phone and his friend seemed oddly out of breath. It was only when he heard some light moaning and groaning in the background that it finally clicked what he was doing.

“Lucky bastard,” muttered Ron.

Ron went back to his duty of making a list of artifacts the university’s archeology department had received. Ken would have to properly record and catalog them later. Ron only needed to write down what was in each crate to keep everything organized. Or, in the case of the broken pottery in crate 37, write down what he thought he was looking at.

“I hope this shit wasn’t broken in transit,” Ron yelled to his friend across the room.

“With the garbage they send this shithole, I don’t think anyone gives a shit about proper storage procedure,” Nolan called back.

The university Nolan was a professor at wasn’t exactly known for its academic merit. It was more known for its social atmosphere and energetic get-togethers. Like the end of semester get-together a few weeks earlier that resulted in 48 arrests for drunk and disorderly conduct, vandalism, public indecency, an unfortunate case of arson and a litany of other charges.

“And that was a small one by this madhouse’s standards,” mused Ron.

Any artifacts of actual value went to far more prestigious institutions. This university got what was left with whatever budget the football team hadn’t bled dry.

Which is why Ron was so surprised when he opened the next crate.

“Damn, this looks expensive,” he said to himself.

“What does?” Nolan replied, causing Ron to jump, having accidentally snuck up on his friend.

Inside the crate were a few random trinkets that looked to be from somewhere in the Middle East. Of the old, dusty knick-knacks one in particular caught his eye. An old, shiny, golden oil lamp that looked exactly like something a stereotypical genie would pop out of. Besides a bit of wear on the sides, it looked relatively new, especially compared to everything else in the room.

“Think it’s real gold?” Ron asked as he gently picked it up.

“Naw. Probably just brass or something,” Nolan replied, “Probably fake too considering how new it looks. How did this crap even get in here?”

“Hey, you think if I rub it, a genie will pop out?” Ron asked jokingly.

“HA! That’d be great. I’d love to retire early,” Nolan responded, “But I don’t think you be the first to try with how weathered the sides are.”

Ron continued inspecting the lamp. Besides some simple embossing designs, it was a pretty plain-looking lamp. No jewels or fancy colors to be found.

“How do these things work anyway?” asked Ron, “I know they’re called lamps but it looks like it functions more as a kettle or something. ”

“Eh, it’s kinda like an oil candle. You put oil inside, put a wick in the spout and light the wick for light. Then you carry it around by the handle.”

“Huh, neat,” Ron said, checking the bottom for any markings or stickers saying it was made in China.

“You want it?” Nolan asked.

“What?” Ron said surprised.

“Do you want to keep it?” repeated Nolan, “It’s probably fake anyway and it keeps you from whining while we get this done, you can have it.

“I can’t steal an artifact from the university!” exclaimed Ron

“Oh please, shit goes missing from here all the time. Not like we get anything good. No one is going to give anything of actual value to the damn party school in the middle of nowhere. Just take it and let’s get back to it. We’re burning daylight.”

Ron looked uncomfortable, but figured with Ron being one of the most senior members of the archeology department, if he didn’t care it was missing, then no one would. Ron shrugged, set the lamp aside and got back to work.

The two men continued their boring, tedious work for a few hours longer until Ron finished logging the last crate.

“Alright that’s it for me,” Ron yelled into the large room as he gathered the lamp and the rest of his things, not wanting to be asked to do more work, “I’ll see you later.”

“Alright,” Nolan called from somewhere behind the shelves, “Let me know if you want to hang out here again.”

“Go fuck yourself,” Ron called back, walking out the door.

Ron was excited to try out his new antique. On his way home, he made a quick stop at the local hobby store to acquire a wick and some lamp oil. With that, he had everything he needed to use his new lamp as he rushed home.


Three weeks later, Ron was sitting at home, watching nothing of value on TV as he wasted another evening waiting for bedtime. With school starting back up soon, Ron wanted to make the most of his remaining days of freedom. Unfortunately, that would require effort that could be easier spent doing nothing.

So there he sat, half watching TV, browsing social media on his phone and nursing a beer he didn’t even like. He was content.

His home settled a bit, making a noise that knocked him out of his mindless scrolling. He glanced around the room, seeing everything was where it should be, without expending a single bit more energy than was necessary. His eye caught something shiny sitting on his coffee table. He realized it was the lamp that he had gotten weeks earlier that he had sat down and hadn’t touched or thought of since.

“I should have asked that jackass for money,” Ron thought, “What am I supposed to do with an old oil lamp? Sell it, I guess?”

In an instant, the room went black. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to just the light of his phone screen.

“Damn it,” Ron said as he slowly stood up.

He made his way to a window and peered out.

“Looks like it’s the whole neighborhood,” he thought, “Good. That means I don’t have to fix anything.”

He turned around and walked back towards his chair when suddenly a sharp pain shot up his leg from his left pinky toe.

“FUCK,” Ron exclaimed, stumbling a moment, “DAMN TABLE! I can’t see shit in here.”

After recovering a few seconds later, Ron turned his phone’s flashlight on to get his bearings. He then noticed his phone was only at 20% charge and realized it wasn’t sustainable.

“I need a better light,” he thought, “and I think I found one.”

The phone’s light bounced off a gold metallic surface sitting on the coffee table.

Ron went to acquire the plastic bag that contained the wick and oil needed to use the lamp that he had likewise abandoned on an empty corner of his kitchen counter and forgot about, along with a lighter from a nearby drawer. After a few minutes of setup, he had what he thought was how the lamp was supposed to look. The wick sticking out of the spout and oil resting inside.

Using the lighter he lit the wick and to his surprise, he had done everything correctly. The small flame cast a surprisingly bright, soothing orange light across his living room.

“Perfect,” Ron said to no one, “Now I can hope this thing isn’t spewing lead or something into the air and I can go back to doing nothing.”

As he was about to set down the lamp, the light showed the weathering on the sides in more detail. Ron looked closely at it and wondered if there was any way to get it back to looking like new.

“Maybe I could polish it with something later,” he thought as he tried to scrape away at the flaw with a fingernail then rubbed away some residue with his thumb.

Suddenly, something began dripping out of the spout, bypassing the wick entirely. Ron panicked, worried the oil was leaking out and would now ruin his carpet, either by staining it or burning his house to the ground. He tilted the lamp backward, to keep the oil in, but the leak only increased in volume, as if the lamp was overflowing.

More and more poured out, and only then did Ron realize what was coming out wasn’t oil. It was smoke. The smoke acted as a liquid, gushing out of the spout, and enveloping the small flame. It poured to the floor, covering Ron’s feet in thick, black clouds. The clouds grew thicker and spread unnaturally fast throughout the room, climbing up the walls and across the ceiling.

Ron stood frozen as small, bright green lightning bolts began crackling through the smoke. The bolts grew bigger and bigger until a large one struck from the ceiling to the floor in a loud crash that shook the room. Ron shut his eyes and dropped the lamp in series, the light being smothered by the smoke.

He waited a few moments, his eyes tightly fastened as he listened to the lightning and thunder die down slowly. He opened his eyes a bit and looked around the smoke-filled room. He was shocked he could still breathe until he realized it still only clung to the floor, ceiling and walls. Looking forward, he could only see by the light of the eerie green lightning.

He noticed directly in front of him a gap where the lightning wasn’t showing. A silhouette of something blocked his view of the other end of the room. It almost looked….. vaguely human-shaped.

Two glowing green eyes suddenly opened at the top of the shape, startling Ron backward, and causing him to stub his toe again in shock. This time, he didn’t have time to focus on the pain as he stared at the person standing before him. The glowing eyes gazed back.

The smoke began to recede, being sucked into the feet of the dark figure, and within a few seconds, the room was back to normal. Only now Ron was no longer alone. The lamp’s wick ignited on its own, illuminating the room from where it fell on the floor.

In front of Ron stood….what could only be described as a boy. He was a thin thing, standing not much taller than 5 feet. He wore thin, harem pants with a very small, open vest that left most of his smooth torso bare. In the warm light of the lamp, Ron could somewhat tell his skin was a bit darker than white with very dark short hair.

The boy’s eyes dimmed before shooting up and returning the stare Ron was sending his way. Neither moved for a moment.

“Greetings master,” the boy said with a wide grin, before bowing deeply, “I am Harun. How may I serve you?”

“Oh…” Ron said aloud as he stared at what was obviously a genie, his view of reality shattering, “I guess you had to rub it when it was lit.”

“Indeed, master,” the little genie said, “Excellent work figuring it out. You must be a great scholar of this land.”

“Was…was that sarcasm?” thought Ron.

Harun’s face, however, showed nothing but a respectful smile.

“Nice to…meet you,” Ron replied, “My name’s Ron.”

“A pleasure master,” Harun beamed, before pausing, “You seem troubled master. Are you familiar with my kind?”

“Y-yeah I…think so,” replied Ron, “You’re a genie, right? Or Djinn? You grant wishes.”

“Indeed! I’m happy you are already acquainted. Saves plenty of time explaining.”

“Ok….uh,” Ron said before pausing, “Are you like one of those ironic genies?”

“Ironic, master?” Harun asked, tilting his head to the side.

“You know. I wish for a trillion dollars and you drop it on my head and kill me or something.”

“Oh…OH NO,” Harun exclaimed, shaking his head aggressively, “I would never do anything to harm you directly or indirectly. You get exactly what you want the second you ask for it, I assure you.”

“I see,” Ron said, a million thoughts running through his mind.

“I’ll try to be specific regardless,” he thought, “Just in case.”

“So… I can wish for anything? No rules?”

“Nope! Whatever you want!” the little genie said, beaming.

Ron was a bit excited. Despite the mindfuck of discovering magic exists, he was surprisingly prepared for this exact situation. He decided he could recontextualize his perception of the world later. For now, all those years of daydreaming in his classrooms while his students worked, imaging stupid hypotheticals like this one were finally paying off.

“Alright then. Might as well get started,” said Ron.

“Gladly. What would you like first master?” Harun replied eagerly.

“Ok, wish one is easy. Biological immortality. I want to be fit and healthy forever and can choose exactly when and how I die. Preferably quickly and painlessly.”

Harun’s eyes briefly flashed a green light, “Done”

Other than his toe not hurting anymore and a few other aches he had gotten used to disappearing, he didn’t feel much different.

“Guess it pays to stay in shape at my age,” Ron thought with a smile.

“Next up, I want to have functionally unlimited money that can never be investigated for taxes, fraud, or anything else. No one will ever look into where it came from.”

“Done,” Harun said with another flash.

Ron looked around, not sure what he was expecting.

“It’s in your bank account.” Harun said quickly, “Specifically, 10 billion dollars that will refill the second you use it. No one will ever question it. I can also increase the amount if you somehow need more.”

“Ok perfect. Thank you,” Ron said, getting a proud smile in reply.

The last one was a long shot, and the one everyone thinks of when they think of genies. He hoped with how accommodating the little genie was so far, that it would be granted, but he didn’t have his hopes up.

“Lastly, I wish for infinite wishes,” Ron said firmly.

Harun paused and looked up at Ron, confused.

“What do you mean?” he said, tilting his head.

“I mean unlimited wishes. I can wish for anything forever,” Ron replied, not sure why such a simple concept would be confusing.

“What? But….Master…. how many wishes did you think you had?” Harun asked, putting his hand on his hips and smirking.

Ron stared at the boy before hesitantly replying, “….Three?”

Harun burst out laughing. He cackled for a solid 30 seconds as he doubled over, holding his stomach. Soon he wiped a tear from his eye and looked back at a confused and slightly embarrassed Ron.

“Master, if you only had three wishes, you would have used them all halfway through your first wish. I counted at least 10 individual requests so far.”

Ron’s ears burned with embarrassment.

“Well then how many do I have then?”

“As many as you want of course. You’re my master! I will grant you anything you want until you draw your last breath.”

Ron froze, the reality dawning on him. He now had what every person in existence could ever want. He had WHATEVER he wanted whenever he wanted it. And he had no idea what to do with it.

“O-okay?” Ron said, not sure where to go from there, “Can you… turn the power back on then?”

The boy’s eyes flashed.

“IF YOU OR A LOVED ONE WERE DIAGNOSED WITH MESOTHELIOMA, YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO FINANCIAL COMPENSATION,” the TV roared, causing Ron to jump in surprise, having forgotten how loud he kept the TV. He quickly grabbed the remote and hit the mute button.

The TV and two lamps in the room were now on and he saw in the next room his oven’s clock was blinking, needing to be reset.

Now in a much better light, Ron could see the clothes Harun was wearing were mostly green with intricate black cloud designs all over. As he stared, the clouds almost looked like they were moving across the fabric at the same speed they move across the sky.

The colors complemented his brown skin tone nicely. The parts of his body exposed by the comically small vest seemed to be completely hairless. Unsurprising, Ron guessed the boy was of Middle Eastern descent, although he oddly had no noticeable accent. He also guessed he was around mid to late teens, although with magic, he could be any age as far as Ron knew. His most notable feature, however, was the boy’s beautiful emerald green eyes that were staring at him proudly.

Overall, Ron concluded that his little genie looked adorable.

“Ok that’s…great!” Ron said, a smile growing on his face, “I…. guess I have unlimited power now.”

There was a long silence as Ron stared at Harun. The boy smiled back, eagerly awaiting his next order.

“Now what? I think I’m out of wishes already. At least off the top of my head,” he pondered aloud, stroking his stubble, “Should I… wish for world peace or something?”

Harun quickly deflated and looked away, embarrassed.

“I am truly sorry master but that is outside the scope of my power.”

“Oh uh….ok then, that’s fine,” Ron said quickly, not wanting Harun to feel bad, “How about political unification in this country specifically? Get everyone on the same page at least?”

Harun shook his head.

“Sorry but…no.”

“Ok… just this state?”



“Uh uh.”


Harun paused

“Maaaybe?” Harun said before flashing his eyes, “Nope.”

“God damn NEIGHBORHOOD?” Ron said exasperated, the concept of unlimited power now feeling quite limited.

“Well yes…,” Harun replied, his eyes then lit up and stayed lit as he spoke, “…but what would be the point in that? From what I can tell, getting everyone in this neighborhood to vote the same as you wouldn’t even sway a local mayoral election, let alone anything that actually matters.”

“Jesus Christ,” Ron said, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I thought you said no rules!”

“I apologize master. I meant there was nothing I won’t do. These are things I can’t do.”

“Can’t do? This is magic! Why would magic have limits? Isn’t that what science is for?”

“Well master, I would assume it is more of a safeguard built in when I was created rather than the actual limits of my power. If every genie’s master had unlimited power, the world would probably be ruled by a multi-millennia old, all-powerful immortal. And I don’t see any giant statues of God-Kings outside.”

“Wait…created?” Ron said, looking at Harun with curiosity.

“Yes master. When I was human, I was chosen to be turned into a Djinn due to my loyalty. If I remember right, my lamp was to be given to a nearby sultan as a wedding gift. Although I don’t think it ever made it,” he finished with a giggle.

“Well, at least he doesn’t seem to be all that broken up about the situation…” Ron thought.

“So….any other limitations I should know about?” Ron asked.

“Well, I cannot harm the wealthy or those of higher political or social status than you. My people had a rather rigid class system. Additionally, I cannot harm those who are devout followers of my people’s faith.”

“No killing the rich and powerful?” Ron thought, “Shame. Picking them off would have been wishes 4 through 50.”

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “And what religion do you follow then?” Ron asked.

Harun’s eyes flashed.

“An extinct one. Forgotten even to history,” he replied, surprisingly indifferent.

“Wait….if your magic comes from that religion…. does that mean your religion is the correct one?”

Harun shrugged.

“I dunno. That is outside of my power to know.”


“But master, which god would be doing the damning, if any? Who can say?” Harun replied with a shrug of his shoulders, his joking tone cutting through Ron’s frustration.

Ron sighed deeply, cooling down.

“If…if I don’t do anything good with this, then I’m no better than the billionaires who do nothing but hoard money and jerk themselves off while people starve.”


“Well, you do have plenty of money to spare. You could funnel a decent amount into some charities and call it a day. While being careful not to send enough to devalue your country’s currency of course.”

Ron sighed

“Yeah, fine… do that.”


“Done. Excellent work master! The world should be eternally grateful for your bountiful generosity. You deserve to reward yourself. Is there anything else you might want?”

Ron tried to think, but the disappointment clouded his mind.

“Nah I’ll think it over and get back to you. I think I need to head to bed. This has been a lot for one night and this isn’t something I should take so lightly.”

“If I may master, might I recommend you wish for someone to keep you company whilst you sleep?”

Ron’s eyebrows perked up.

“Oh? And who do you have in mind.”

“Master you’re forgetting. It’s not my mind that makes the wish. It’s yours! I can summon women from any time and anywhere. Either exact copies or the originals, plucked from their homes. I can give you any number of the most beautiful women on earth as wives, concubines or slaves. All you need to do is tell me who or what you want,” finished Harun, his arms outstretched to emphasize his point.

“Wow that would be great… if I were into women,” thought Ron.

“I don’t think I like the idea of sleeping with anyone unwilling…”

“That’s fine master. I can just make them willing!” Harun said cheerily.

“I like that even less,” Ron said bluntly, hoping Harun’s attitude towards consent could simply be attributed to cultural differences.

Ron thought for a moment. He had been in a bit of a dry spell. His last hookup was with a college freshman the previous December. He looked at the cute little genie, awaiting his master’s request. His word’s echoed in Ron’s head. That he can have whoever he wants and that there is nothing he won’t do.

“Hmmm….I can have anyone I want? Absolutely no limit?”

“Absolutely none.”

“Alright then…you.”

Harun’s eyes bolted wide.

“Come again master?”

“I want you.”

“You want me to… become a woman?”

Ron sighed.

“No. I just want you. As you are right now.”

Harun stared at his master, blinking away the shock before mentally coming to a conclusion.

“Ah, I think I understand. I’ve heard of some in the east that engage in such acts. Although…I believe I may be a bit too old to fully satisfy that desire. Shall I summon some younger boys to please you?”

Ron realized with how short and skinny Harun was, it was difficult to determine his age.

“That… brings up a good question actually…how old are you?”

“Well, technically I’m a few thousand years old but I’ve only been…,” Harun struggled to find the word, “Conscious… for a relatively short time. In terms of life truly lived as both human and genie, I am around… 18 years of age…. I think?”

“Then you’re perfect,” Ron said with a smile, “And to answer your previous question, no I do not want anyone younger than you. If I ever knowingly wish for anyone younger than 18, please kill me immediately.”

Ron was quite familiar with the concept of corrupting power and thought it couldn’t hurt to put in some safeguards to keep himself in check in the long-term.

“Very…well…master”, “Harun said reluctantly with another flash of his eyes.

“Now back to what I was saying. I want you. Are you ok with that?”

“I think so?” Harun said, “Apologies master, this is a rather alien concept to me. But… I’m more than happy to serve you in any way that makes you happy.”

Harun grinned with his arms behind his back.

Ron noted his little genie’s voice was more confused than reluctant.

“Works for me,” Ron thought.

Ron walked to his chair and plopped down.

“Now I’d very much like to have at least one more wish granted without any arguments. So, if there is nothing else, I wish for you to strip,”

“Of course, master,” Harun said, hesitating a bit, not knowing where to start.

In a puff of quickly dissipating smoke, Harun’s shoes disappeared. He then grabbed his tiny vest and nervously peeled it off, leaving his slim torso bare for Ron to see. Seeing that his master seemed to be enjoying the sight, he put his hands behind his head and posted, letting Ron drink in the sexy sight.

Ron felt his cock stir, his pants becoming tighter by the second.

Emboldened by his master’s approval, Harun slid his hands down his chest until his thumbs hooked the waist of his somewhat poofy pants. He turned around smoothly and bent forward, slowly pulling his pants to his knees.

Ron was in awe of how perfect Harun’s adorable bubble butt looked. He knew he would never find a more perfect ass online if he tried. Harun’s cock and balls hung between his legs, both a modest but pleasant size. Harun stood up and looked over his shoulder, his hands on his hips.

“Do I look acceptable to you master?”

“Abso-fucking-lutly you do,” Ron said, shocked the question even needed to be asked.

“If there is anything about my body you would like changed, you need only say.”

“No… don’t change a damn thing,” Ron replied, stroking his cock through his pants as he ogled every inch of Harun’s body, “You’re perfect.”

“Thank you, master,” Harun said, blushing.

Harun, turned around, showing his full-frontal body to his master. Rob noted the lack of body hair continued all the way down. Rob wet his lips at the sight and noticed a twitch of the boy’s slowly inflating cock.

“You’re enjoying this,” Rob stated.

Harun looked away bashfully.

“Of course. If it makes you happy then I’m happy…” Harun said, “Although…I’ve only ever seen lust like you’re directed at the most beautiful of women. It’s….flattering that you look at me like that.”

“I’ll do more than look at you,” Rob said, making room in his chair, “Come here.”

The pants around Harun’s ankles disappeared, leaving him fully nude. He stepped toward Ron, before being caught off guard as Ron grabbed his wrist and pulled him into his lap.

“Oh!”, Harun said in surprise, as his smooth legs dangled over the left armrest of the chair.

Ron began stroking Harun’s naked thigh as his other hand reached around to the other side of his face and pulled him closer. They’re lips touched, Harun taking a moment before reciprocating the deepening kiss. Ron’s tongue probed outward, soon meeting Harun’s in the middle.

As they sat there, making out, Ron’s hand crept up Harun’s legs. The boy moaned as Ron cupped his large and around Harun’s goin. At some point, Harun’s cock had grown to full mast, pleasing Ron.

Ron’s fingers crept around the cock, before sliding the foreskin up and back down.

“Oooooooh master,” Harun whispered before clamping his lips back onto Ron’s.

Ron continued jerking his little genie off as their tongues danced in each other’s mouths for what felt like an hour. Every time he felt Harun was getting close, he backed off, receiving an adorable whimper from Harun.

Ron backed away from Harun, “My turn. Get on your knees.”

Harun looked at him lustfully, “Yes master.”

Harun hopped out of Ron’s lap and kneeled on the floor, looking up and his horny master.

“Take it out,” Ron said simply, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back.

Harun nodded eagerly, although his enthusiasm was cut short as he tried to figure out how modern jeans were supposed to come undone. It took him a minute or two and a quick flash of his eyes but he was able to undo the pesky jeans that kept him from his master’s cock.

Finally, with Ron’s fly open, Harun pulled down his master’s underwear, causing a thick 7 inches of meat to fall straight onto Harun’s face. Harun looked shocked as the large cok sat covering his eye.

“M-master, it’s…It’s so big!” Harun exclaimed, “I didn’t know they could get this big!”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Ron said with a smile, “If you don’t mind, I feel like I’m about to burst.”

“Of course, master, allow me,” Harun said wrapping both of his small hands around the thick shaft.

He began pumping away, the foreskin sliding back and forth over the engorged head. Rob groaned as he was serviced by his little genie. Harun looked like he was having fun, playing with the large cock in his hands.

“God, yes Harun, that’s perfect,” Ron groaned.

“Happy to…be of…service master,” Harun replied between grunts while jerking the thick meat.

“Use…ah…use your mouth,” ordered Ron.

“My mouth?” Harun asked, still pumping away.

“Put you’re…hmm…put it in your mouth and start….aw yeah….sucking…go back and forth and….ungh….avoid the teeth,” Ron said, enjoying the handjob to the fullest extent.

“Huh….ok then,” Harun said before wrapping his lips around the engorged head.

Ron did a sharp inhale of breath. Harun slowly slid as much of the dick as he could into his mouth, being very careful to keep his master’s cock from his teeth. With only a quarter in, Harun suppressed a gag, before looking up for the man’s approval.

Nodding, Ron pushed Harun’s head back up the shaft before pulling him back down slowly. Harun was careful to keep a suction-like grip on his lips.

“That’s it, just like that. Keep going.”

The praise encouraged Harun, who began to bob his head faster, his blowjob skills improving by the second.

Ron continued his coaching, “Yes, good….be sure to use your tongue….aw that’s it, now…..keep one hand on the shaft and….mmh…on hand on the balls….yes Harun….you’re doing great.”

Harun ceased the blowjob for a moment to slowly drag his tongue from the base to the head, giving the tip a quick kiss, before sliding it back into his mouth. His tongue rolled over the head as his hand pumped up and down. All the while he stared intently at his master, noting what he enjoyed most.

“Oh my god yes, “Ron threw his head back, “You are a wonderful cocksucker.”

Harun sucked and licked and stroked and fondled, getting better and better at it.

“The world is a cruel place if I’m the only one who can feel this fucking good.” thought Ron as his hand stroked Harun’s soft hair.

He felt a pressure in his balls that told him he was getting close. Harun was rolling over the tip with his outstretched tongue as his hand jerked the shaft when Ron gently pushed Haruns head back.

“That’s….enough,” Ron said, out of breath.

“Was that pleasurable mas-” Harun said before being cut off by Ron leaning down and pulling him into a kiss.

Harun followed Ron back up onto the chair, straddling his cock, their lips never parting. The ready-to-burst dick sat comfortably, hotdogged between Harun’s round cheeks.

Ron pulled back, “Take us to my bed.”


They now sat in the center of Ron’s bed, quickly resuming their invasion of each other’s mouths. Ron pushed forward and Harun fell back onto the pillows. Ron pulled back up for air again.

“I wish the bed were bigger.”


The bed instantly grew from a queen to a king, pushing the nightstand to the side and knocking the lamp to the floor, shattering it. Ignoring it, Rob continued.

“I wish the room were lit by candles.”


A dozen green candles appeared, floating around them. Their soft orange light flickered, illuminating Harun’s smooth body as he lay on the bed, waiting for his master.

“I wish my clothes were gone”


Whatever clothes Rob was still wearing disappeared, revealing a strong muscled body that was about to ravage the little genie beneath him.

“I wish that whenever I want you like this, your hole is clean, lubed and ready for my cock.”


“Done,” Harun said smiling.

Rob leaned down, his large body fully enveloping the small twink. His tongue re-entered the boy’s mouth, as they ground their bodies together. He felt Harun’s cock, stiff as a board, poking at his stomach. Harun moaned as Rob sucked and nibbled at his neck. He then kissed his way back up his neck to Harun’s lips, planting one final gentle kiss there.

“Are you ready?” Rob whispered.

Harun hesitated, but then Rob felt Harun’s cock twitch hard beneath him.

“I’m ready master,” Harun smiled.

Rob stood up on his knees and grabbed Harun’s ankles. He spread the boy’s legs wide, exposing everything to him. Harun grabbed the underside of his knees to allow his master the use of his hands as Rob pulled him closer to his cock. Rob lined up his cock against the magically lubed hole and pressed.

“Hrnnnn,” Harun braced as the cock spread his opening wide for the first time.

“Relax,” Rob whispered in his genie’s ear.

Rob felt the hole loosen a bit as he kept pushing. Inch by inch, his meat disappeared inside as Harun squirmed beneath him.

“Oh…OH MASTER!” Harun exclaimed, “It’s so thick.”

“It’s almost in,” Rob reassured.

Finally, Rob bottomed out inside the tight, quivering hole.

Harun’s breath was ragged as he adjusted to the feeling.

“You ok?” Rob asked.

“Yes master, just….ah…Give me a second please,” Harun replied, “It’s so big.”

“Of course. Let me know when you’re ready.”

They stayed for a few moments longer and then Harun took a deep breath.

“Ok master. I’m ready.”

Rob nodded then carefully pulled his cock back, Harun’s hole greedily squeezing it to keep it inside.

“Out…now back in,” Rob said, pushing forward.

“Aaaah,” Harun groaned as his hole was filled again.

“Now back out…..and back in, good, you’re doing great,” Rob said, stroking Haruns curly hair.

“Thank….thank you master,” Harun said trying to smile.

Rob continued, going in and out, slowly easing Harun to faster speeds. After 15 minutes, Harun’s groans turned to moans as he seemed to be enjoying it.

“Mmmmh, Master, please….you can…you can go faster,” Harun said.

Rob smiled and transitioned from slow strokes to slow thrusts. The tempo picked up as his cock was under a wonderful amount of pressure from the little genie’s tight hole. He went faster and faster over the next half hour until they no longer could be considered just having sex. They were fucking. Fast and hard as Harun gripped Ron’s shoulders tightly.

“Yes…oh…yes….master,” Harun moaned between thrusts, “Please…keep…..ah…going.”

Ron was more than happy to fulfill his little genie’s request and continued to pound away, his heavy balls slapping against Harun’s cheeks. The room was filled with sounds of grunting and moaning and flesh slapping together as Rob screwed deep into the boy.

“Ah…oh..ooh..master….I-…I think I’m going to-,” Harun moaned.

“Harun, I wish you will only cum when I do,” Rob ordered, not bothering to stop fucking for a second.

“Aangh, yes master,” Harun said with a flash of his eyes.

“Good boy,” said Rob, giving Harun a peck on the lips.

Rob sat up, gripped Harun’s thighs tighter and began pulling Harun into his thrusts, the genie’s cock flopped around helplessly as he was savagely fucked. Each thrust elicited a cute squeak from Harun. With his own orgasm approaching, Rob didn’t want to end things just yet.

“Let’s try something else now. Flip over onto your knees,” Ron ordered, pulling out.

“Aw yes….you will take me…..like a dog now?” Harun asked between gasps of air as he turned over in the bed.

Rob didn’t respond as he popped his dick back into the puckered asshole. A thin sheen of sweat reflected the light of the candles off Harun’s back. Ron’s hands gripped Harun’s adorable ass just as hard as Harun gripped the pillow as he was getting pounded. Harun’s ass jiggled pleasantly with every slap from Ron’s thighs. So pleasantly in fact, Ron gave a quick swat, causing a large ripple in the round flesh.

“AH….master….oh master….MASTER!” Harun moaned into the pillow before biting into it.

The tightness around his cock felt amazing. Harun’s little ass contracted with each thrust, matching the steady rythm of Ron’s manhood. Harun groaned into the pillow as deeply as the cock dove into his slick hole. Rob felt the familiar pressue, signaling he was about to make a mess of Harun’s little ass.

“I’m…almost there,” Rob said, “Get….ready!”

Rob’s orgasm built up quickly inside his balls. He could feel Harun’s hole tighten as his orgasm synced with his. Ron wondered for a moment if Harun did that consciously or if the magic did it for him, but that thought was quickly replaced with pleasure as he burst inside his little genie.

The last hour or two of teasing, sucking and fucking had built up quite the explosion in both of them. Ron’s cock coated the inside of Harun’s ass with an obscene amount of cum as it burst inside. Harun, meanwhile, was splattering his own load against the no longer clean sheets of the bed.

“AAAAAAAAH,” Harun moaned loudly.

With each burst from Harun, his ass tightened, milking more sperm from his master’s spent cock into his twitching hole.

With each of their sacks now empty and Ron’s cock slowly deflating inside the messy hole, they collapsed on the bed, exhausted.

“Master….that was…..hrn,” Harun said as a bit more jism fell from his cock, “That was amazing! Thank you so much.”

Ron chuckled a bit, finding it funny who was thanking who.

“Anytime,” he replied as he rolled off his little genie.

Ron pulled Harun into a cuddle, ready to end the night of surprises and pleasure.

“Hey Harun? Could you…clean us up?” Ron asked.


“Done,” Harun replied, all the sweat, saliva and cum in and around them disappearing in an instant.

“God you are so perfect,” Ron said before giving a deep yawn, his eyes suddenly very heavy.

“I wish this could last forever,” Ron muttered as his eyes shut.


“Done,” Harun said gently as he cuddled closer to his master, following him to sleep with a smile.

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