My Dirty Little Secret Ch. 04

My Dirty Little Secret Ch. 04 by WildChildXXX,WildChildXXX … its Day 5, Friday morning, I’m off from school, as its Teacher In Service Day. So much going through my mind… excited that Brett finally comes home (it felt like an eternity), blown away by what happened between my stepdad and I yesterday and still trying to process it. It’s also a beautiful, sunny day and I really don’t want to spend it indoors… and on top of all that I’M HORNY AS FUCK… AGAIN!!

Just then, the phone rang, it was my friend Tim from down the street, “Hey Beau, what’s up. You want to come over and go swimming in the pool? It’s such an awesome day.”

Tim was a bit of a geek, but fun to hang out with, we’ve had some really good laughs together, so I said, “Sure man, what time?”

“Anytime. You could come now if you want. It’s just me and my dad at home. He’ll be working, so he won’t bother us.”

Strangely enough, for as long as I knew Tim, I’ve never met his father. I said, “Okay, I’ll be down in like a half hour.”

Tim said, “Okay cool” and hung up.

I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, showered, put on my super cool surfer trunks, t-shirt, and Reef flip-flops, and headed over to Tim’s house. It was such a beautiful day, sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, no humidity… life was good. I got to Tim’s house and rang the doorbell, Tim answered the door, and I could tell he was excited to see me (sometimes I thought Tim was gay, but he never said so).

“Hey man, what’s up, come on in.”

“Hey Tim. Looking forward to swimming in your pool (I was a really good swimmer and surfer, loved the water, and wished we had our own pool at the house).

Tim said, “Yeh man, me too. Let’s do it!” and with that, we headed out back, took off our flip flops and t-shirts and dove into the pool… it was like HEAVEN! We swam, horsed around, talked, and laughed for hours.

The sliding glass door to the patio opened, and out stepped Mr. Hopkins, Tim’s father. He had horned-rimmed glasses on (looking very studious), but I could tell that he was a handsome man behind those glasses, with dark brown hair, hazel eyes, about 6-feet tall, on the lean side and in-shape.

He said, “Tim, what do you and your friend want to do about dinner?” as he walked towards us. He then looked at me, extending his hand and said, “Hi, I’m Tim’s dad, I don’t think we’ve met before.”

I said, while shaking his hand “Hi Mr. Hopkins, I’m Beau, I live down the street.”

He said, “Nice to meet you, Beau. You’re a really good-looking boy. With looks like that you’ll go far, just make sure you keep your grades up” as he winked and smiled at me.

I blushed a little and said, “Thanks.”

He turned to Tim and said, “Tim, what are you thinking about dinner?”

Tim said, “I guess we could order a pizza, some cokes and maybe a salad?”

Tim’s dad said, “Fine. I’ll put the order in when it’s closer to dinner time. Have fun guys” and walked back in the house.

I said to Tim, “Your dad seems really cool.”

Tim said, “Yeah, dad’s cool. He’d have to be (and laughed).”

I said, “Why’s that?”

He said, “He’s a Proctologist… aka, an ass doctor! (hahaha!!).”

I said, laughing, “Really?”

He said, while laughing “Yeh man, not sure why he’d want to specialize in people’s assholes… but…”

I looked at Tim, still laughing along with him, while the wheels of my perverted mind once again began to turn.

Tim then said, “Beau, I have to attend the coach’s lacrosse meeting at school at 4 o’clock. It will only take an hour. Please stay and we can have dinner when I get back.”

Without hesitation, I said, “Sounds good Tim.”

He said, “You can hang out in my bedroom if you don’t want to be with my dad in the family room. He has a desk in there and that’s where he works remotely when he’s not in the office.”

I said, “No problem, man. I’m a “big boy,” I’ll be fine.” We got out of the pool, Tim dried off, changed, and started to head out. He said, “Dad, I have a lacrosse meeting at school. Beau is going to hang out here until I get back and then we’ll have dinner.”

Mr. Hopkins, looked up from his paperwork and said, “That’s fine.”

Tim said, “Sit tight man, I’ll be back soon.”

I said, “No problem, man, take your time.” And with that, Tim walked out the front door and began walking to school.

It was just me and Tim’s dad… I thought, “this is my chance.” I said, “Mr. Hopkins, do you mind if I take off these swim trunks and hang them out to dry, they’re all wet and it’s really uncomfortable?”

He paused a second and said, “Sure Beau, go ahead. It’s just us.” So I pulled my swim trunks off and put them on the chair outside to dry. I was completely naked now and sat on the sofa chair (positioning myself diagonally across from Mr. Hopkins) in the family room, with my knees to my chest. I saw Mr. Hopkins out of the corner of my left eye looking over, trying not to make it noticeable. I pretended to be watching TV, using the remote to change the channels. After about five minutes, I reached down between my legs and with my middle finger, I started playing with my asshole, making circular motions with it, while pretending to watch TV. Mr. Hopkins kept glancing over from his desk. I then put my finger in my mouth (making sure he could see), wet it with my saliva, brought it back down to my hole, and started to push the tip of my finger in and out of it.

Mr. Hopkins stopped what he was doing and said, “Hey Beau, you like the way that feels?”

I said, acting embarrassed “Oh, sorry Mr. Hopkins, I kind of forgot you were sitting there.”

He said, “No need to apologize. We all have our desires and things that make us feel good.”

I responded by saying. “To answer your question Mr. Hopkins, yes, I love the way it feels, but my hole, IT’S SO TIGHT. Sometimes when I go to the bathroom, I have a really hard time.”

He said, “I can help you with that Beau, I’m a Proctologist, I’m a doctor who specializes in matters like this. Would you like me to help you with that? When I’m finished, you shouldn’t have that problem any longer.”

I said, “That would be great Mr. Hopkins.”

He got up from his desk and walked over to me and said, “Okay Beau, why don’t you slide yourself down so that your butt is just hanging off the edge of the chair.”

I said, “Like this?”

And he said, “Yes, that’s perfect. Now let me go grab my “medical bag,” I’ll be back in one minute, sit tight.”

I said, “Okay Mr. Hopkin, thanks.” My heart was racing, not knowing what to expect but obviously excited, as my cock was rock hard.

When Mr. Hopkins returned, he was carrying a black bag. He walked toward me, knelt down in front of me and said, “I see your excited about this Beau (referring to my fully erect cock), that’s normal.” He then said, “Now I want you to relax, I’m going to start by loosening you up.” He proceeded to grab my legs and push them all the way back, behind my head, which completely exposed my tiny pink, super tight, virgin hole to him.

He said, “Wow, what a beautiful pink, tiny anus you have Beau. I’ve seen a lot of holes in my time, and yours I have to say is at the very, very top of the list, if not the finest.”

I kind of blushed a little, but I knew I had a “beautiful hole”, I would put my ass up to the mirror and check it out on occasion. Staring at my little pink, tight hole, playing with it, it always turned me on, so I knew I had something special. I said, “Thanks.” He smiled and proceeded to pull out a black bottle from the bag, which I quickly figured out was lube, and poured it right on my hole.

He said, “Wow, look at the way your hole is drinking up that lube… its really THIRSTY my boy.” As I could feel my anus opening and closing, accepting all that lube. He proceeded to lube up his index finger and then slowly inserted it into my ass… I pretended to wince, acting as if it hurt, but it really felt SO GOOD.

He said, “That is really tight. Look at the way your anal sphincter is grabbing onto my finger… it doesn’t want to let go, even with all that lube in there,” as he smirked with a devilish and mischievous look in his eyes.

I said, playing along, “See Mr. Hopkins that’s what I mean, it’s SO tight”

He said, “Let’s see how much we can destroy… eck-hem, I mean stretch that beauty.” With that he put his mouth up against my hole and began to lick it in a circular motion, all around the hole. I began to moan uncontrollably, my cock harder than ever.

He said, “Beau, the feeling you’re having is perfectly normal, just go with it.” As he lunged deeper and pushed his entire tongue into my virgin hole, swirling it around and around. It felt like a fuckin snake in my ass – it felt SO FUCKIN GOOD! I let out a loud moan, grabbed Mr. Hopkins head, and pulled it in closer so that his tongue went even deeper. I could tell Mr. Hopkins was thoroughly enjoying this as he unbuckled his pants, pulled his big cock out and was jerkin it with his one hand.

He said, “Okay Beau, I’m now going to help stretch that hole for you. Are you ready?”

I said, “Yes, Mr. Hopkins I’m ready.”

He said, “That’s my boy.” He proceeded to pull something out of his black bag. I recognized it from one of the porn sites I had visited. It was a butt plug. He also proceeded to pull out a large hand-held mirror, he gave it to me and said, “Here, you may want to check out my work while I’m “treating” you.” I grabbed the mirror from his hand and positioned it so I could clearly see my tight pink hole about to be invaded for the first time. He then proceeded to lube up the butt plug and stick the tip of it up to my hole. He said, “Now take a few deep breaths Beau, and then breathe in and hold it, okay.”

I said, “Okay.” He then proceeded to push the tip of the butt plug into my anus… it felt weird and uncomfortable at first. He pushed it further inside my anus… it was feeling larger and larger as he pushed… my virgin hole began to stretch… it was painful and pleasurable at the same time. I winced and said, “ahhhhhhh… awwwwwww… ahhhhhhh.”

He laughed, and said, “Cmon buddy, you can do this.” He proceeded to push harder, and I let out a scream. Just then, the butt plug popped in and was now fully inserted in my anus, its base resting against my hole. It began to feel comfortable – it had a pleasurable full feeling.

He said, “Great job Beau. How do feel?”

I said, “It feels really good Mr. Hopkins… but I… I… actually think I can go bigger,” acting embarrassed about admitting that.

He said, “Thats my boy, BIGGER IT IS! As he proceeded to take hold of the butt plug in my ass and started to pull it out. My virgin pink hole opening up as he backed it out and then it slammed shut.He said, “Look at that beauty” as he stared at my hole expanding and contracting.

He then said, “I’m going to give you a local anesthetic to numb the pain a little, so that we can go BIGGER, are you okay with that Beau?”

I said, “Yeh, I’m fine with that Mr. Hopkins.” He proceeded to administer the local anesthetic… it felt warm in my ass at first and then it began to feel cold and really soothing – it was SO NICE. And with that, he reached into his black “medical bag” and pulled out a thick, long rubber strand of anal beads (I also recognized them from the porn site I had visited) with varying size balls attached to it, from smaller to bigger to HUGE!! I gasped at the size of the last two.

Mr. Hopkins, seeing my fear, smirked, with that devilish look in his eyes and said, “It’ll be fine Beau, trust me.” He proceeded to put the first, smallest ball up to my hole and pressed firmly. I felt my tiny pink hole start to expand and the ball popped in. Mr. Hopkins did this with the other three balls, each increasing in size, my hole feeling a little more stretched with each, but I didn’t feel any pain, just a really full pleasurable feeling – I guess the anesthetic did its job in numbing the pain. We were now at the final two huge balls, the next one in line was the size of an orange, the last one, the size of a large grapefruit.

Mr. Hopkins said, “You’re doing great Beau. Now we’re at the point where these last two balls will make the biggest difference and will stretch your anus enough so that you’ll never have those bathroom issues again.”

I smiled at Mr. Hopkins, winked at him, and said, “GO FOR IT DOC.”

With that, he pressed the orange size ball up to my hole. He said, “Take some deep breaths in Beau and then hold it, okay.”

I said, “Okay.” Feeling like a total slut and liking it.

With that, he started to work that orange sized rubber ball into my ass… pushing and pushing… I felt my hole begin to open up, more and more and MORE!!… STRETCHING… I could almost hear it stretching… FUcK!! And just like that it popped into my ass and disappeared. I felt another full, pleasurable feeling and feelin even hornier now, than ever before, wanting that last one buried DEEP IN MY ASS!!

Mr. Hopkins said, “Excellent Beau, beautiful. Now one last one that will change your tight little hole, forever… are you ready for it?

I said, in a euphoric/delusional state, still gasping for breath, “Mmmmmmmm fuck yeh Mr. Hopkins, destroy that tight little hole, go for it!”

He proceeded to press the last grapefruit sized rubber ball against my anus, pushing and turning it, working it into my ass, stretching my anal sphincter to maximum limits… it looked like my hole was gobbling up that huge rubber ball with ease… before I knew it, that entire, massive ball popped in and also disappeared deep inside my ass, just the rubber cord now hanging out. I couldn’t speak, I just kept moaning in sheer ecstasy.

After a minute, “Mr. Hopkins said, “Beau, I’m now going to pull on this cord and release all the balls out of your rectum, one at a time. Are you ready?”

I wasn’t sure I wanted this feeling to end, but I said, “Yeh, I’m ready.”

With that, Mr. Hopkins grabbed the rubber cord hanging out of my ass and started pulling with all his strength. One after another, each ball was rapidly released from my anus. I began to scream as it felt like my whole insides were falling out, but at the same time it was MIND BLOWING, making my eyes roll back in my head. The lube began pouring out of me and oozing out on the carpet. I was gasping for breath, my legs shaking, my cock about to burst… I began to laugh deliriously and said, “Yeh man, FUcK!!!”

Mr. Hopkins smiled at me with a mischievous, evil look in his eyes and said. “We’re not done Beau, there is one last “treatment” that we need to do. Are you up for it?”

I was grinning from ear to ear, still dazed and confused, saying, “DO IT DOC, BREED THAT VIRGIN ASS!”

Mr. Hopkins laughed and then proceeded to pull out a huge 14-inch SUPER-THICK black dildo. I was like HOLY FUcK!!! My eyes widening in awe and fear.

Mr. Hopkins (grinning) said, “Beau, I’ll be back in one second.” He left the room, went into the kitchen and returned with a jar of CRISCO. He said, “We’re going to need the industrial strength stuff for this baby.” He then proceeded to heavily lube up that massive black dildo with the white CRISCO and then pressed it up against my hole. I was obviously scared, Mr. Hopkins said, “You’ll be fine Beau, just enjoy it.” And with that, he proceeded to press that massive dildo against my anus and push with all his mite, as my hole opened up for the last time, it began to stretch, more easily now, to accommodate that 14-inch super-thick monstercock… it felt AMAZING.

After a minute passed, with the 14-inch monstercock buried balls deep in my ass, Mr. Hopkins said, “Beau, I’m going to milk your prostate, do you know what that means?”

I said, “No Mr. Hopkins.”

He said, “I’m going to use this dildo to hit your g-spot. If I’m successful, you’ll experience one of the best pleasures you’ve ever experienced in your lifetime.”

I said, “I’m all in Mr. Hopkins, PLEASE try to hit it.”

With that, Mr. Hopkins kept pulling and pushing the 14-inch super-thick MONSTERCOCK in and out of my ass. Within a minute I started feeling incredible sensations, like I was about to cum… I curled my toes and bit my lip, trying to hold back as much as possible… the sensations were ones I never felt that intensely before – I kept curling and flexing my feet and toes as the sensations grew more and more intense. I began arching my back involuntarily and before I knew it, I was cumming with such intensity and such volume, cum was shooting all over my neck, chest, and stomach, non-stop!!… I was like, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, what the fuck?!!”

Mr. Hopkins who now positioned himself in between my legs was jerking his cock off, spewing cum all over my chest and stomach, adding to the huge puddle of cum. He leaned over and licked my cum covered nipple, bit it and said, “Good boy,” with that devilish look in his eye.

I repositioned the mirror so I could evaluate the “damage” to my boypussy. It looked like a big gaping hole, quivering in spasms, having been stretched way beyond its normal limits… it looked DESTROYED… it looked INCREDIBLE!! Mr. Hopkins laughed. I was trying to catch my breath, loving how I felt. I said, “That was MIND BLOWING AS FUcK man!!!”

Mr. Hopkins said, smiling, “I told you Beau. Now bare down as if you were moving your bowels.” I did and he said, “See that stretched out beauty, all red now from the beaten it took… that’s called a “Rosebud.”

I said, “Wow, it looks so pretty, like a real rosebud.” He said, “It looks even prettier when it’s covered in cum” as he reached over to the puddle of cum now accumulated on my stomach, scooped it up with his fingers and dribbled it all over my “Rosebud.” He said, “See.”

I said, “Wow, it looks like art,” as my hole began to contract, trying to drink up the cum.

Mr. Hopkins put his head to the “Rosebud” and stuck his tongue inside, thrusting and swirling it deeply, breeding me with my own cum… it felt AMAZING. As he withdrew his tongue, he kissed the “Rosebud” and said, “Beautiful.”

He then said as he rose and began pulling up his pants, “Beau, your hole is nice and stretched out. You shouldn’t have any issues. It will begin to get tighter and tighter as it recovers and if you still do have issues, you know where to come to have it stretched out some more.”

I said, “I sure do,” as I smiled. Thanks again Mr. Hopkins.”

He said, “I just ask one thing Beau, please don’t mention this to Tim or to anybody, it’s our little secret.”

I said, “I won’t, I promise.”

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