Jacking Off Another Guy Pt. 06

Note: My wife was kind enough to point out an error in Chapter 5. I said that as a submissive you have no choices. She reminded me that I was, in fact, given a choice by our friend. I had disappointed him in a social setting. As punishment, he gave me the choice of a bare bottom spanking in front of the other guests, or I could write “I apologize” five times. Now most of you might have selected the latter as did I. He had me wait until there was only my wife, he, and I. As I began to gather paper and pen, I was told that there was a caveat. I watched him roll out a long and wide brown paper on the kitchen floor. He handed me a magic marker and told me to stick it in my bottom and using my ass to hold the marker, I had to write the “I apologize” 5 times so that it was legible. Through selective memory, I chose to forget that ordeal. My bad.

As I read the comments about Part 4, I understand that some of you wish this a tender love story. While I hope you continue to read the additional chapters, that is not what this is. Yes, johnnie and Cindy love each other. But I have tried to show that Cindy, like some other women I have known is selfish. They want what they want when they want it. Yes, she wanted to have sex with Keith. She didn’t have to ask johnnie if she could fuck Keith but ask, she did. Cindy needed to hear him tell her it would be okay. johnnie, in his own desire to submit to Keith had his own agenda for agreeing to becoming her cuckold as he wrestled with his newly discovered sexuality and wakening desire to completely submit to a real man.

I heard someone say once that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Someone else countered that fallacy by saying that if you have someone hold that horse’s head under water and you suck on its ass hard enough, that horse will drink or drown.

I am not that horse.

Have you ever been exposed as something you tried to hide from yourself and others? Maybe you can tell me if I was coming out of the closet so to speak. When I took my man into my mouth that first time, I shed myself of the delusion that I was completely straight. My wife saw my transformation as Keith strengthened his dominance over me. It’s not that Keith did something nefarious or anything. My submission to him was all my doing. The first time I met him naked and got him off, a spark in me ignited to a burning desire to give myself to him.

I can no more explain my newly found desire to completely submit to a man, albeit a real man, than I could explain why yellow is the color it is.

I do know that having had that taste of submitting to a man filled a void in me I didn’t know existed. Shoot, you didn’t know you like ice cream until you tried it. And I don’t want to read about anyone hating ice cream in the comments section, please.

As the evening of my matriculation from masturbator to cock sucker grew near, my wife Cindy was nearly beside herself with anticipation. She was also especially loving and less demanding of me. Hardly recognizing the changes that we were going through personally, we were able to see the changes in each other.

I knew that I had grown, matured maybe, into a male with an open mind. I no longer considered homosexuality a perversion of sex. Masturbating a real man aroused me like nothing else had since my first look at a real pussy. The next step simply couldn’t be as difficult as was that first step. But that was all I saw myself as, just a guy with an open mind.

Cindy noticed other changes, subtle changes in me. And being Cindy, she was happy to point them out. No filter on my wife. She mentioned that my walk was different. “johnnie, you walk funny. Your big butt sways back and forth like you’re trying to attract a man.”

“I do not,” I pouted. “I’m not trying to attract any guys.”

“That’s because you already have a man, don’t you?”

I’d been calling Keith my man even before I met him. My man had been just a figment of my imagination in those dirty stories I would tell Cindy when we masturbated ourselves. But now, since Keith came into my life, I do consider him my man. “Yes, Cin. I have a man. Keith as if you didn’t know.”

“Oh, I know baby. And I can see how much that means to you, having a man.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, how much that means to me?”

Cindy giggled a little as she came over and took my dick in her hand. “Well for starters, you shaved your body. Tell me you didn’t do that for Keith.”

My dick grew hard in her hand even as I denied the truth. “It’s not what you think. I saw my pubic bush was becoming unruly, so I trimmed it back. I didn’t like how the trimming looked so I trimmed it more until I said fuck it and shaved it all off. Then, looking at myself in the mirror, I saw how silly it looked, the hair on my legs, I mean. So, I shaved them to even out the look. One thing led to another, and I decided the hairs on my chest and arms should go. That’s why I did it.”

She didn’t believe me as she laughed and walked off. She was right but I didn’t have the courage to tell her that I wanted to look nice for my man. Without being told or asked, I went full-blown metrosexual for Keith. Lotions, secret skin treatments, hair products, manicures and pedicures, eyebrows shaping. Everything I did was to garner Keith’s appreciation and were things I kept hidden from my wife. At least I thought they were hidden.

Why I did I do those things you might be wondering. Call it the man in the mirror affect. I didn’t like what I saw when I confessed my desire to become Keith’s cock sucker. I saw a guy a regular dude and that look didn’t fit with the internal changes I was experiencing.

Alone in my room, I applied skin softener to my legs, thighs, and buttocks. Looking in the full-length mirror, I pulled and pinched in places and decided I needed to work out, tighten up places before they became unwieldly. I was happy with my bum though. It was plump but not loose.

As I looked at myself, I remembered that first night with Keith and when he smacked my bottom for taking liberties without his permission. Just that thought was enough to make me hard and my heart rate increased. I smiled at the thought of how I first resisted my wife’s request, then her demand that I jack off another guy. How could I have known how exciting it was? How else could I have found out how liberating it is to serve a superior man, a real man?

Liberating is the correct word too. No longer constrained my conservative past, I knew I would embrace whatever Keith had in store for my future as his cock sucker. I knew that even before he honored me by parting my lips with his beautiful cock.

“What did he say to me? Oh yes, his cock and my mouth would become a couple.” I giggled like an excited schoolgirl. Once I decided to give my all for him, I knew I’d be a better person for it.

My marriage? Well to be honest, I have no idea whether that will survive or not. I love Cindy with all my heart. I know that she loves me as much. But now, we have to share a man who both of us want for ourselves. Cindy will want equal time with Keith if not more. And I’ll hover near by hoping he will permit me to serve him.

Don’t be silly if you’re thinking I want to only to be with my man. I don’t want to trade my wife for Keith. Keith could never love me. He doesn’t even respect me. No, Keith is a real man and man I want to serve and please and pleasure. He couldn’t and will never love me. And, although I respect and admire him, I wouldn’t call what I felt for Keith love.

Devotion? Maybe so.

Cindy? I wasn’t certain about her feelings. I could ask her, but I didn’t. I wanted to see how this played out without the pressure of knowingly trying to bull shit each other. I knew she’d love his cock as I have come to love it. I just hoped that we could share him as husband and wife.

“Phone, johnnie,” Cindy called to me.

My heart raced. “I hope it’s Keith” I prayed silently as I dashed out to the living room.

Cindy nodded with a smile letting me know my man called me. Me, not her. Go on bitch.

“Hello sir.”

“How’s my boy? You ready to become my cock sucker tonight?”

Oh yes sir. Most definitely, sir.”

“That’s good to hear, boy.”

I tingled all over when he calls me boy.

“You know I’m going to fuck that sexy woman you married. You think she’ll love my cock like you do?”

“I do sir. I hope she does,” I lied.

“You obeyed me, didn’t you. You have put your dick near my pussy, have you?”

“No sir. I haven’t tried to fuck your pussy.”

“Good. I like a boy who can follow instructions.” Then he ended the call.

“What did he say, johnnie?”

“He asked me if you’ll love his cock like I do. I told him yes.”

“Good. Did he say anything else?”

I hated telling her she was going to get what she wanted. “He said he’s going to fuck you tonight.”

“I can’t wait,” Cindy said. Coming to me, she held my now hairless balls in her hand. “You don’t mind if he fucks me, do you?”

“No,” I lied again.

Cindy did her nails, her hair, and put on her make-up for Keith. I envied her when she slid a hot pink thong up her lovely legs and snapped the back strap in place. To my surprise, she opened her drawer and pulled out thigh high black toned stockings. Calling me over, she had me put them on her. I knew she was hot for Keith’s cock. I smelled the familiar aroma of her aroused pussy.

“You really want him, don’t you, Cin?”

I was still on my knees when she held my face in her hands. “Baby, you have nothing to worry about. I love you. I will always love you. I would never leave you for Keith. Yes, I want him to fuck me. But, johnnie, I wouldn’t if you said you didn’t want me to. You know that, I hope.”

“I do,” I said greatly relieved. “So, me being his cock sucker. Does that bother you?”

Cindy smiled. “Not a bit sweet boy. I’ve been wanting to watch my sweet husband suck a cock for a long time. I know you want his cock as much as I do. We can share it, johnnie. Won’t that be nice?”

“Yeah,” I whispered. “By the way, have I told you how damned sexy you look? I’m almost envious.”

“Thank you, johnnie. I hope Keith appreciates my look as much as you do.”

“He will, Cin. Bank on it. Keith’s a real man and men like Keith appreciate sexy women like you.”

“You’re sweet, johnnie. Hey, do you remember in your early stories how you were going to wear that sexy little blue robe for Keith?”

“I do. Why?”

“You can wear that for him tonight baby. I think he’d like it. It won’t cover that sexy fat ass you have and he’ll like that too.”

“Really? You think so?”

“I do. Here, let’s try it out.”

Cindy rose and I stood up. Slipping her robe over my arms and shoulders, she took me to the mirror. “See baby. You look sexy as heck.”

Since I was a wee bit larger than my wife, we weren’t able to close the robe in front. She was right. I looked sexy and I felt sexy. The robe didn’t even reach my bottom. The pretty lacy hem only went down to my waist.

“You really think Keith will like it?”

“He’d be crazy if he didn’t,” she assured me. “By the way, johnnie. You may have thought I didn’t notice but I did. I see you had your eyebrows shaped. They make you look more feminine. I like it.”

I blushed. “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice. I thought you’d be mad or something.”

“I am something. I’m proud that my husband went out of his way to make himself pretty for his man. He’s going to see that you shaved your body for him too.”

“But, I didn’t…” Cin just didn’t want to hear how I only tried to neutralize my obvious male appearance for Keith’s comfort.

“Hush now sweetie,” Cindy interrupted me. “I see the changes you’re making for him, and I approve. I think it’s sweet of you. Maybe we could explore making you sexy for your man the next time he comes to get his cock sucked. We’ll see what Keith thinks about seeing more sexy for him, johnnie.”

Cindy strapped her stiletto heels which made her taller than me by an inch or so. She went the full “come fuck me” look for Keith.

And All I had was the little see-thru robe that was wide open in front.

Cindy was sitting, one leg crossed at the knee over the other when Keith knocked. “Get that, baby.”

“Hi sir. Welcome,” I said kind of breathy.

“Yeah. Hi boy,” he said as he went to greet my wife.

Cindy rose and I watched them hug. Keith had seen her naked many times. Tonight she wore sexy clothes for him and I could tell he appreciated her efforts. “johnnie, go fetch your man a drink, baby.”

I reluctantly left the couple and hurried to make his drink.

When I returned, they were kissing and Keith hand both hands on my wife’s ass. I was immediately jealous but not like you might think. I was jealous of Cindy and how Keith was holding her, feeling her up. I wished I could be that way for him as I stood by holding his drink. I mean he never mentioned the robe I wore for him.

But has they kissed and felt each other up, it dawned on me. Keith would never show his appreciation for anything I’d do for him. It was his way of keeping me working for his affections. He wasn’t being diabolical. It was just his nature to take charge.

No, this would be a one-way relationship. He would ask or tell me, and I would give or get. After giving Cindy to him, I really had nothing left to give but my service to him.

“Whew,” Cindy smiled as they finally broke. Keith took his drink and Cindy asked me to get her a white wine.

I hurried back and after handing Cin her wine, took my place on my knees before my man.

“Doesn’t johnnie look cute, Keith? He shaved his body, had his eyebrows done, all for you.”

“I didn’t notice. Now that you mention it though, he does look cute. You trying to attract men, boy?”

Cin laughed and said she asked me the same thing.

“No sir. Um, just you, sir.”

“How far are you willing to go for me, boy?”


“Christ,” he muttered exasperated. “How far will you go to be pretty for me?”

I looked at Cin hoping for a queue. I got nothing. Blushing hot red, “As far as you want me to, sir.”

“Well, maybe we can see about that. It would be nice to have two women; one to fuck and one that sucks. Want to be my woman, boy? Would you prefer I call you girl instead of boy?”

How the heck was I supposed to answer that? I couldn’t and didn’t. When Keith saw me struggling for an answer, he broke out laughing. Taking a drink, he said we’ll take it slow. “Right now, let’s turn you into my cock sucker. How about it? You ready?”

At last we were back on familiar ground. “Oh yes, sir. Very much sir.”

“Great. Let’s take this to the bedroom. I like to be comfortable when I have a cock sucker hanging on my cock.”

I cringed. Cindy giggled. We went to the bedroom.

I undressed my man knowing this time would be very different. I was going to get my first taste of his cock. Then, he was going to fuck my wife.

Both Keith and Cindy propped themselves up on pillows. Keith spread his legs, my invitation to join the couple. I took off my robe and climbed up between his legs.

“May I begin, sir?” I asked remembering, even in my haste, to get his permission first.

“By all means, boy. Suck my cock.”

Cin stiffled a laugh. Keith gave me an expectant smug look. I reached for his beautiful cock.

On my knees, I bent forward, close to the object of my desire. I reached down and used my newly frenched nails to lightly scratch his ball sac while I ran my other hand up and down his nearly hard cock. It was mine at last. All mine to show his cock the proper respect a real man deserves.

I kissed his balls in gratitude for sharing so many tasty loads, then licked up to the crown which I licked all around. I could tell Keith liked it when I used my tongue under the flared head to circle it. Pursing my lips, I ran them up and down the thick warm shaft as if using them to masturbate my man.

Oh my God, he’s doing it. My husband is actually sucking a cock for me. Get on that dick, johnnie. Oh, fucking motherfucker that’s hot.”

“Are you sure he a first timer?” Keith asked my wife.

“As far as I know,” she replied. “Who really knows but him? Hey johnnie, ever sucked a cock before?”

“No,” I said with my mouth again planted on his big balls.

I crawled up at Keith’s side and used his tight stomach to support my head as I swallowed his cock. God but it was everything I hoped and more. The nice thick cock of my man in my mouth at last.

My face was moving across Keith’s stomach, my hand pumping up and down his wonderful cock. I felt Cindy leave the bedroom and paid her no attention. My focus was pleasing my man.

I held his cock hig and got back on my knees along side him. Holding his balls in my left hand, I was joyously sucking and savoring the pre-cum when I heard Cin tell me to look her way.

It took me a second to realize that she was using her phone ro record me sucking Keith’s cock. I was about to raise up and stop, Keith held me in place, his large strong hand on my neck.

“Going somewhere boy?”

With his cock still n my mouth and me unable to pull away, I could only shake my head no.

Keith’s voice became less demanding. “It’s okay, johnnie.” That was the first time he used my name. “This is a big night for you, baby boy. Cindy and I want to remember it. I’m sure you’ll want a copy for yourself.”

“Umm hmm,” I said with his cock deep in my mouth.

“That’s my good boy. Now look at Cindy and smile as best you can.”

I did as I was instructed. “Come on, johnnie. You can do better than that. Let’s have that big smile of yours,” cindy urged.

Keith let go of my neck. I held his cock and smiled at the phone. “Wonderful, johnnie. You look really happy holding Keith’s cock. Are you? Tell the camera, baby. Tell us how happy you are that Keith is letting you be his cock sucker.”

I don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the fact that I was actually sucking Keith’s cock that made me lose all control. “I love being Keith’s cock sucker,” I said perhaps a bit too loud. “Look at his cock,” I smiled holding the large thick phallus in front of my face. Then, without another thought, still looking at Cindy’s phone, I gave the head of his cock a loud sloppy kiss before sticking out my tongue as far as I could and licked the crown all over.

“That’s my good boy. Tell us, johnnie, are you my good boy?”

Keith had called me by name for a second time. “Yes sir. I’m your good boy and your cock sucker, sir.”

“And who am I going to fuck tonight, boy?”

“My wife, sir. I want you to fuck my with with your big beautiful cock, sir.”

“Did I hear a please in there, boy?”

“Sorry, sir. Yes, please fuck my wife with your big hard cock, sir.”

“I think we got enough, Cin,” I heard Keith tell my wife. “Now get your sexy ass back here.”

I have to hand it to my man. I tried my best to make him cum. The man he is. Keith lasted for so long, my jaws ached. His stamina was just another thing about him that I admired.

I was lightly scratching his balls and jacking his wonderful manhood while sucking the crown when Keith finally announced his pending orgasm.

His hips bucked forcing his cock deep in my throat. Cut off from air, I momentarily panicked before breathing through my nose. His balls tightened in my hand as his cum exploded with such force that it choked me. I coughed out his sperm over his stomach and thighs as his cock kept rewarding me with the riches I so badly wanted.

“That’s it cock sucker, get all that cum,” Cindy said. I thought she might be masturbating while watching me make my man cum. She told me later that watching me was the most exciting thing she’d ever seen. So much so that she was afraid that if she rubbed her pussy, she might miss something.

I had done it. I’d finally sucked my man’s cock and made him cum. It was different and so much better than having to lick his load from my wife’s fingers too. I felt simply divine having achieved my desire to become Keith’s cock sucker.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I said over and over as I cleaned his cum from his stomach and thighs. Then, turning my attention back to his cock, I gratefully licked it free of sperm and was kissing the crown until Keith stopped me.

“Enough, boy. That’s enough. Get me a drink.”

I brought Keith his drink. “Kneel there beside me, boy,” he directed me pointing to the floor beside where he was laying.

Cindy had her head on my man’s chest, toying with his hairs while sucking a nipple. Her other hand was cradling his balls and rubbing his cock in an attempt to get him hard again.

Cindy moved her face down, kissing her way to Keith’s cock. Licking the head, she looked over and smiled at me. “Jealous?”

“Kind of,” I told her.

“Well, come up here and help me get your man hard again.”

I started to jump at the chance but stopped. “Um, sir? May I assit Cindy in getting you hard again?”

Not one to miss an opportunity to put me in my place Keith wanted to know why I was asking.

“You know sir. So you can fuck her.”

“Who? Fuck who, baby boy.”

God I loved it when he called me boy. But now he added baby boy. Maybe Keith was beginning to like me. “My wife, sir. I want to get you hard so you can fuck my wife.”

“You like my cock that much, baby?”

“Come on, sir. You know I do,” I gushed enthusastically.

“Suit yourself, baby.”

I moved between Keith’s legs and while my wife attended to his cock, I lavished his balls with kisses and licks. I got the best reaction from my man when I licked behind his balls.

Finally, he was erect. “Would you do the honors, johnnie?” Cindy asked as she mounted my man and waited for me to hold his cock up.

Cindy leaned forward as I rubbed Keith’s cock between her pussy lips, teasing her.

“johnnie, damn it. Stop fooling around.”

I giggled and placed the large, beautiful head at the opening of my wife’s wet pussy.

Cindy pushed back and groaned as Keith’s cock bottomed out in her. I went back to sucking his balls which was made difficult by Cindy’s bottom constantly bumping into my head.

I looked up and saw my wife’s generous bottom. I had never kissed her butt before, not literally I mean. But this night I was inspired. I kissed her buttocks, working my tongue between them. Then I stabbed her anus with my tongue. I heard her moan and felt her shudder.

“Did you cum already?” Keith asked her.

“Oh yeah. johnnie has his tongue in my ass and it made me cum. Eat that ass baby. God damn johnnie you’re one oral son of a bitch.”

“I may have to try my boy on my ass.”

Quite by accident, I found I had something else to offer my man.

Cindy eventually pushed me away and I went back to my place on the floor where Keith had me on my knees earlier.

Watching them fuck was an education in sex. As excited as seeing them together like that, I was afraid that Cindy might not want to fuck me again.

“Fuck me you sexy motherfucker,” Cindy pleaded. Keith flipped her over, took her legs in my arms and growled that he was going to make that pussy his.

To be continued.

I hope you all are still enjoying this. Those who know my writings, may already have an idea where this is going. Your comments will tell. Thank you.

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