Helping Max

A gay sex stories: Helping Max HELPING MAX

NOTE: This is a work of fiction entirely imagined by the author. Although the names of the locations referenced in this story exist, the businesses, the people and the events are pure fiction.

© Copyright whitebeard50, 2023 – All rights reserved

Toronto, mid-April

I tried to find Rosa’s phone number, who lives in Montréal, for a long time. Rosa was my best friend when we were in high school in a small town north of Toronto. I broke her heart when I told her that I couldn’t be her boyfriend because I was gay. She was very angry. She thought that a big brute like me couldn’t be gay, that it was impossible. She said it was an excuse because I didn’t like her. It broke my heart too, big time. She was my best friend, my only friend. She never talked to me again. Eventually, a year or two later, I don’t remember exactly, her parents moved to Montréal. They were scientists of some kind and they were offered a job over there. I haven’t heard from her since.

A couple of weeks after that disastrous sort of breakup, I decided to tell my dad that I was gay. He went ballistic. I shoulda known. He never talked about such things as sex. He hated everything to do with “them”, the immigrants, stealing our jobs and worse than that was his hatred of anything having to do with Québec. He screamed at me and hit me square on the jaw and nearly broke it. Then he told me to leave. He didn’t want any sissy faggot living under his roof. I was 16 y/o. I left with my backpack filled with little possessions I had and left scared out of my wits and crying. I had no friends to go to. At school, everyone avoided me after what happened with Rosa. Thankfully, I was a big boy, already hairy all over, so nobody dared try and intimidate me. They were intimidated by me. But I was alone, all the time. Life has been quite rough since that, but I never sold my body, nor used any drugs or alcohol. I worked hard at any job I could find. I finally found a job in a restaurant downtown Toronto where a big brawny man took me under his wing and showed me the ins and outs of the job. He never touched me. He liked me, a lot, but never touched me. I was a minor, he protected me. He was the only good person I had met in my life at that point. Fortunately, I’m big, very masculine, deep voice so nobody harasses me. One day, the old man was too sick to continue, so he retired and closed the restaurant. Life was harsh after that. I went from one job to another doing all kinds of jobs. The job I had before this damn job I have now was really good. I worked for a cabinetmaker, and it turns out I was very good at it. Five very good years. The old guy never pressured me, but I had sex with him. He was alone and lonely, so I indulged him. But, again, the business closed down. The old guy retired. He gave me a good severance pay which I still have. That’s my last resort money. He was the second good man I met in my life. Now, at 37 y/o after years of hardships and cheap jobs, I work in that cheap, dirty diner with a bunch of useless assholes.

Suddenly, here I am with Rosa’s phone number that an old friend of hers had. I met her by pure coincidence at a Walmart store. She told me that Rosa never married. I was her only love, the love of her life and she wouldn’t have any other man in her life. She now owned a restaurant in Old Montreal. I kept control of my emotions when she told me all of this, but when I got home after work, late last night, I cried like I never cried in my life. I felt so bad. I love her, but not that way.

Well, big guy, it’s time to call her, because I can’t go on here anymore. I get a lot of small change at the convenience store near my little run-down apartment and I’m ready to call her. Christ, I’m a nervous wreck. I enter the dilapidated Bell’s phone booth, put a bunch of change in it and dial the number that’ll change the rest of my life.

“Hi! Is this Rosa?” Christ, I sound like a wimp.

There’s no response, but I can hear her breathing, so I wait.

“Oh, my god! Max.”

“Euh! Yeah, Rosa. It’s me”. I can’t say another word. But I must say I’m surprised that she recognizes me.

“Oh, Max, I’m so glad to hear from you. I saw on Olivia’s Facebook page that she met you at a Walmart store in Toronto. She said that she gave you my phone number. She thought I was going to be angry. Oh, but I’m so glad that you called. I was expecting it. How are you, Max?”

“Euh!… It’s nice to hear your voice, Rosa. Umm, I have a big favour to ask you. Do you think that you know someone who’s looking for a cook or perhaps a cabinetmaker?”

“Cabinetmaker?” she says.

“Yeah, I learned the trade with an old fellow I worked for.”

“Max, I do have a job here in my restaurant. You couldn’t I’ve called at a better time. I need a cook, I have a restaurant in Old Montreal. Come, I’ll hire you. No, I’m hiring you right now.”

“No kidding,” I said. Amazed, because we parted on really bad terms. But that’s what I’m calling her for, a job.

“Of course, I’m serious. I really do need a cook. The sooner the better. I know, Max, I was rude, cruel even, when you told me that you were gay. It was awful, to say the least. Now it’s time to make good my error. I should have been supportive of you. I’m so sorry…” then she started to cry.

“Hey! It was a long time ago, Rosa. I love you, always did, but you know… I’ll be glad to take that job, I’m quite good at it too. I’ll be on the first bus to Montreal tomorrow morning.”

“Sorry, I get a bit emotional when it comes to you. I love you too, in a different way now. I’m so glad you called. You have something to write down my address.”

“Umm, yes, just a moment. Christ, I’m all thumbs. OK, got it.”


The bus ride is long and dull, over 6 hours, but the seat is comfortable. I know that Montréal is on an island. That’s the extent of it. Never been to Québec, or anywhere else for that matter. Oh! I know they speak French there, of course. Here we are crossing a long bridge and there’s this large river extending on both sides. It looks like they’re doing some work on the bridge because there are only one lane in each direction and a lot of those construction cones. Na! It’s not a river. Apparently, it’s a lake according to this map. I see a big river from the north, the lake and the St-Lawrence River.

Oh! That’s the island of Montréal, so we should be close. But after an eternity, I look at my watch. Hey, it’s been more than 30 minutes since we got on that island. Christ, how big is it? Damn, traffic. Mid-afternoon, this is crazy. Boy, those cone things are everywhere here. After a little while longer, 20 minutes or so, christ, I hope this is the bus station. Finally, the bus enters a building and parks in one of the reserved spots specifically build for the bus. Small, but nice. Damn, it’s clean and bright. I look around, spot where the men’s restroom is and go for a pee. There’s a convenience store just next to the restrooms where I buy a chocolate bar. Christ, it’s expensive. OK, now let’s find out where she lives. I spot the information desk in the center of the station. As I approach the kiosk, I get my little piece of paper with Rosa’s address and phone number out of my jacket pocket.

A young woman is sitting inside some kind of booth and is watching a big man walking directly towards her. He is dressed in faded and well-worn blue jeans, a brown leather jacket, open on a green and black flannel shirt and regular worker’s boots. No baggage. Strong build and nice crotch… She blushes at the thought. Rough looking unshaven, though. There are a lot of men these days looking like him and thinking that it’s sexy, it’s so gross, she thinks.

“Bonjour miss, can you tell me how to get to this address? I’m sorry about my lack of French.” I hand her the piece of paper which she takes with a nice smile. Christ, I think, in T.O. nobody would have taken this from me.

“Good afternoon, sir, and welcome to Montréal.” She replies. The young lady smiles at me despite my shady look, she reads the address on the piece of paper. She goes on her computer and loads up a map of Montréal.

“Don’t worry about not speaking French. That is not a problem. There it is. It’s in Old Montréal. Not too far from here, about 2.5 kilometres. You’ll love it there. All the charming ancient buildings, the cobbled streets. Lots to do also. Would you like me to print the map for you?” She has a lovely French accent.

“S’il vous plaît,” I say with a very heavy English accent.

She prints the map indicating on it their location and shows me how to get to Rosa’s by tracing the directions with her pen.

“Thank you. You’re a wonderful and very pretty young lady.”

“Thank you, sir. I wish you a good stay in Montréal. I’m sure you’ll love our beautiful city.”

She smiles warmly at me. I’m impressed by her welcome. So friendly. Ok, let’s get out of here. Love that sunshine. A big board on the other side of the street indicates the temperature is 17°c, high for this time of year. Well, that doesn’t seem to be too far. She said about 2.5 kilometres. OK, down that way for a bit according to the map.

I walk at a good pace and 35 minutes later I’m in front of Rosa’s restaurant. My heart is thumping hard. Not because of the walk, but because I’m nervous like hell. Christ, I hope I did the right thing. The place is on a corner in an old stone building. Very old. Wow! There’s nothing like this in Toronto. Breathe deep, big guy get control of your nerves and walk in.

The place is deserted. Not surprising at 3h30 in the afternoon. I walk to the counter at the back of the room and suddenly a small woman, about my age appears from the back room.

“Oh, my god!” She says with her hands on her rosy cheeks. She looks at me standing in front of her and recognizes me right away.

“Max. Oh! My god.” She starts crying and hugs me tightly.

“Rosa, my dear, dear friend.” My voice wavers. I can’t speak. My eyes water and I return the hug trying not to crush the little woman. I tenderly kiss the top of her head.

“Come, let’s go sit over there,” she says pointing to a table at the end of the counter. She grabs my big callused hand and drags me there.

We reminisce for a little while. Then, Rosa gets all business-like.

“Max, you’ll work part-time here as a cook.” I nod. “You cook breakfast from 6 to 11 every day except on Mondays and Tuesdays, which are your days off, and because it’s quieter. Oh! I forgot, on Sunday, breakfast is served until 1 P.M. Late breakfast is very popular here, so add a couple of hours. OK? Oh! By the way, it pays $18 an hour, less taxes and stuff.” I nod again.

“Thank you, Rosa. I’ll do my best for you. I promise you.”

“I’m not worried, Max. Any idea where you will be staying?” frowning at me.

“I don’t know. Any suggestions? Euh, Money is an issue,” I growl.

Rosa thinks for a few seconds.

“I have an idea. Wait a moment. I’ll be right back.”

She gets up, disappears into the back room and returns with her cell phone. She taps it a couple of times and a call goes through.

“Jules. How are you?” She listens for a few seconds.

“I have a favour to ask of you, Jules. My old friend Max is here and he needs a place to live. He’ll be working for me, here at the restaurant. He’s a super guy. I trust him completely, Jules. You wouldn’t happen to…”

Jules cuts in, she listens, smiles and looks at me with bright eyes and nods.

“I knew I could count on you, love. Bye, bye.” Excited, she hangs up.

“Yes!” She almost screams. “My little Jules will gladly accommodate you. He said that if I trust you, he will too. He has a proposition for you.” I frown. “You’ll see. Now, Max, Jules is the nicest young man on this planet. You will like him,” she tells me. “He’s bright, not a big guy, well-built and don’t be fooled, he does some kind of martial arts thing or other. He’s very special to me, especially since he lost his parents last Xmas.”

“Thank you. I don’t know what else to say, Rosa. I…” I can’t continue as I’m fighting back tears. I fucking hate that.

“Oh, dear Max, I love you. You know that. I’d do anything to help you out, and Jules is a great young man. Treat him like he is my son.” That particular statement sounds like a warning to me. The tone is not aggressive, but it seems to carry a message. “You’ll like him. He’s a little bit like you, you know. Bottles up all the emotions and talks very little. You two will get along, that, I am sure of it. He has no real friends that I know of and no lover. I wonder if he ever had one. He’s gay, by the way. He will like you, Max. I know him quite well.” She has that little smile on her face that I think I recognize. “Things will get better for you, I know it.”

She takes her hand away. She smiles at me and gets up. So do I. I tower over her. I’m 6’4″, and she’s 5’2″. But, there is no doubt that she’s the boss around here.

“You start tomorrow morning at 6 sharp,” she says sounding like a tough boss.” Use the side door through the ally way on that side. She points towards the wall behind her. Jules lives up the street. Here’s the address, she hands me a card and tells me how to get there.

“You don’t lose any time, do you?” I say with a big smile on my face. Thank you, Rosa.

She walks me to the door holding my hand, I bend down, kiss her on both cheeks and leave.

Well, big guy, this is it. I have a job and a place to stay. Man, I love Montréal. “Let’s go meet this Jules,” I say out loud, smiling to myself. I get to the address on the card a few minutes after leaving the restaurant. It’s very close. I stand in front of an old stone house. Very old house. There’s a bronze plaque on the right side of the front door that reads: «Maison Chauvigny construite en 1694». Wow! «Built in 1694». I notice that the outside stonework has been cleaned and repaired, and new windows that look like the original windows installed. The roof looks like it was completely redone. Normal, for a house this old. Over 500 years old. There’s no bell, so I knock. Once again my heart is racing. I breathe deeply. As I open my eyes, a young man opens the door.

“Max, I presume. Please come in. Oh, by the way, if you look in the middle of the door, you see that?” I nod. “It’s an old fashion doorbell ringer. If you turn it, it screams, literally. I have to change the bell inside it.”

I try it and indeed it sounds like screaming, perhaps more like screeching. I look Jules up and down. A little guy! Nice baritone voice. Rosa’s right, he’s well-built. Very masculine. Nice fitting jeans, square shoulders, nice looking, young man. I’d say 5’10” no more. Umm, nice package too. That’s promising. I’m a pig, I think to myself.

“How are you, Jules?”

I extend my large paw and Jules grabs it firmly. As we touch, a jolt, quite pleasant, runs through my entire body. I’m sure Jules felt the same thing judging by his reaction. Woof! I felt it all the way to my balls.

Jules returns the up-and-down look and misses no details. Wow! What a strange feeling! He looks like shit. Soft intelligent amazing pale grey eyes and there’s a gentleness there. I like that deep voice. More like a growl or grunt. Masculine, large man. Strong like hell, I’m sure. Wow! That’s a full package. Jules thinks.

“Come in, Max. Please make yourself at home. My apartment is upstairs and on this floor, I plan to build two small apartments. I’ve made the plans already. I just didn’t have the time to go ahead. One of them will be yours. Come. We’ll check the space out and you can pick. Oh! I’m sorry, Max. You’re probably tired after such a long bus trip.” I frown. “Rosa called after you left and give me a few more details about you.” I nod my understanding.

“I’m fine, Jules.” I smile my warmest smile. Umm, I like him. Rosa’s right.

I relax a bit and follow Jules and admire that cute little ass of his. Get a grip buster. This ain’t the time, I say to myself. Something about him turns me on. I like his masculine demeanour. He’s young but seems quite mature.

We move down the hall alongside the staircase. Jules goes on to tell me about his plan.

“The one on the right is the one next to the carriage porch which goes to the inner court. The other one, on the left, is next to the other house where my workshop is. That dividing wall is made of stone. It is between 3′ to 4′ thick. No sounds get through that kind of solid mass. Both apartments have a door to the inner court. They’re good size spaces. I planned an open space like a studio. But if you prefer a closed bedroom, we can do it, but it’ll be small.”

We look quickly at the bare spaces. I think I prefer the inside space. That stone wall is impressive and to think it was built over 500 years ago. Christ! I’m overwhelmed. Everything going so fast.

“I don’t know. Euh, this one. I like that stone wall. How much for rent, Jules?”

“Nothing, Max. This is your home for as long as you want to live here. Just take care of the utility bills and your cable/internet fees.”

I look at Jules not knowing what to say. “I don’t know what to say but thank you. I’m not a very fancy guy with lots of fancy words. So, thank you, Jules.”

“Max, you’re Rosa’s friend and I’ll do anything for her. And, I like you. But.” Jules says raising his hand.

Ah! There’s a but. He wants sex from me. Get serious Max. Listen to the little man, I say to himself.

“Judging from your hands, I’d say you did a lot of manual work. So, I think that you are probably good at construction work. How about you do the work?” Jules says waving his hand around the space.

“Yup, Jules. I’m good at it. I’ll do the work. I like to make furniture too. I worked for a cabinetmaker in Toronto, and he said I was good at it.” He doesn’t miss much, does he?

“OK! You can use all the tools in the shop next door. If you need anything else, we’ll buy it. I keep the keys to the shop upstairs. I’ll show you where later. Oh, I’ll pay you of course.”

“Nah, that’s not necessary. You’re not charging me rent, so…” Jules cuts in.

“Max, I’ll pay you. You need the money and I couldn’t let you do that kind of hard work for free. If you want, I’d like to work with you from time to time. You can teach me. It’ll be useful for me,” Jules continues trying to end the rent matter.

“Why are you…? OK, I get it. Rosa. You told me that already. I’m a little bit nervous, Jules. It’s all happening so fast. I appreciate your help.”

Jules just nods and smiles.

“Come on, let’s go upstairs. I’ll show you the workshop later,” Jules says and we both climb the stairs to the second floor.

I follow him and I like the view. Nice ass. Keep yourself under control, big guy, I can’t screw this up. I really like him. He seems to like me too.

Jules takes me around his apartment, shows me the den where I’m going to sleep and explains how things work and that I will have to shower upstairs, in his bathroom, next to where he sleeps. Umm?

We sit down and have a little bit to eat which I enjoy more than I should and then we go shopping. I need clothes. I have next to nothing. I want to use my secret little stash, but Jules insists on paying. After a good shower, we leave to have supper at Rosa’s who is delighted to see us. She notices the way we look at each other, and she smiles. She tells me, while Jules left to use the restroom, you like him, don’t you? Go for it. I know that you will make him very happy. I look at Rosa stunned. She leaves before I have the chance to say something. Hey! We just met a couple of hours ago, I say to myself.


A month later

My jobs are going well. Rosa is pleased with my work. My apartment is coming along and should be ready in another month or so. I like Jules’s company, it feels so good when he’s around helping me. He learns fast, he’s strong for a small guy. I like living here, with him, and I think he does too. But, neither one of us made a move. I don’t know why. We both work all the time. Lately, I can see that Jules is tired and he worries too much about all that stuff he’s doing. He seems frustrated about something. He needs a vacation, I think. The company he’s working for is doing very well and I think they pressure him too much. And that guy, Rick, Jules’s boss, comes around regularly and I don’t like him hanging around the little guy so much. Am I jealous? Yes, I admit to myself.

He doesn’t know that Rick does indeed like the young man but gave up a long time ago after Jules clearly told him he was not interested. Jules, like Max, rarely talks about personal stuff.

“Christ! That shitty piece of wood,” speaking out loud to myself.

I roughly pitch the moulding I just cut to the wrong size into the corner of the apartment.

“That son of a bitch is here again. Christ, that’s 3 days in a row. The little man is tired. He needs a few days off, fucking christ.” My frustration gets a little out of control. I should be more careful.

As I get out of the apartment to go cut a new piece of moulding, I almost run Rick down.

“Woah there! Big guy!” He notices the angry look on my red face, of course. He certainly heard what I just said a little too loud.

“Max, can we talk, please?” He continues without waiting for a reply. “I see you’re frustrated, and I know very well why. So, let’s clear this up once in for all.”

Rick’s tone is firm. He looks at me, he doesn’t say a word and points to the apartment. So, I turn around and Rick follows me.

“What do you want?” I say in not too friendly tone made worse by my low grumbling angry voice. I stand there with all my might, arms crossed on my chest waiting for him, trying to impress Rick, who’s not that much smaller than me.

“Christ man. When will you wake up? You’re mad at me because you think I’m after your boy? Is that it? Well, Max, Jules is in love with you. I can see it. It’s pouring out of him. You’re in love with him head over heels. It’s obvious to anyone who looks at you. Even Rosa, your best friend knows it.”

“Rosa?” My tone is much softer this time.

“Jules isn’t going to make the move. He’s young, inexperienced, and he’s afraid to be turned down. He’s afraid that you don’t love him the way he loves you.”

“He told you that?”

“Of course not.” Rick’s tone stays firm, but not so angry.” I know him well. I’m also a psychologist. I helped him a lot when his parent died.” His voice quivers. “It was a hell of a shock, both parents went instantly. Remember that and be there for him. Next Christmas will be particularly hard. Just love him.” Rick says making a dismissive gesture with his hand.

Rick takes a big breath, waits a few moments, and continues in a much softer tone. I’m standing there, frozen, unable to say a word. Jules loves me, I keep thinking.

“I told him that starting now he’s on vacation for 2 weeks. He’s angry because he’s frustrated at the job, at you, at the world. Whatever. He never gets angry proof that he needs a vacation badly. If I could, I’d give him a month.”

“Yeah, that he does need. You’re right, he wasn’t himself lately.” I manage to say.

“Max, just go to him, now if you can. Just, you know, euh… Hug him and tell him you love him.”

Rick turns around and leaves. He says without looking back waving goodbye,

“Go make love to him.”

I take a long moment to recover, to get my emotions under control. I needed that shake-up. I love my little man. I so fucking love him.

Then, I almost run upstairs.

I see Jules working standing up over his drafting table, as usual. He’s so concentrated that he doesn’t hear me. Covered in dust and glue and whatever else, I approach him and I hug my little man from behind with my big hairy arms. I feel him jerk a little, surprised by my move, I pull him close to me, lower my head and whisper into his left ear, “I love you!”

I squeeze him tighter against my big body. Nothing happened for a second or two, an eternity, and then I feel my little man shaking a little. He’s crying, softly, but not a sound comes out of him. His heart is beating hard and his breathing is a little ragged. I keep hold of my treasure and nervously await his reaction. Jules, please, I plead in silence.


I jump a little as two big hairy arms surround me above the waist. Max. It’s Max. I smell the wood pine, the sweat and his masculine musk that makes me crazy. My heart beats furiously. I feel Max’s heart racing, his heat, his comforting body heat. He whispers into my ear: I love you. My heart stops for a split second. I feel Max’s love, I feel it strongly and I start crying, very softly. I’m so tired. He pulls me tighter against him. Finally.


I caress Jules’s cheek and neck with my rough unshaven cheeks. My dick reacts immediately. Uncontrollable. I know he feels my big cock pressing on him, I’m sure. He puts his hands on my big, callused hands and gently moves them away. He turns around and his eyes bore into mine. I see love, I feel his love, and he whispers, “I love you too, Max. So much.”

Jules moves in tight against my huge body and presses his hard cock against me. I take my little man’s face in my rough hands and kiss him gently on the lips. The response is immediate and passion takes over. Jules never kissed a man, I show him how and MY little man follows my lead. I let his tongue explore my mouth and I suck on it gently. He squirms and moans. It excites me more. I plunge my tongue into his willing warm and wet mouth reaching everywhere. He tastes so good.

“Make love to me, Max. I want you so much.”

I kiss my little man on the lips, gently with love and tenderness. He puts his arms around my neck. I grab his waist and lift him and he wraps his legs around my body with his heels pressing on my ass. Christ, he feels so good. I kiss his lips, all along his jaw to the ear and I nibble his cute ear as I walk holding him with one hand on his back and the other on his firm little butt to the bed at the other end of the loft. When we get there, I sit holding him tight to my chest and I feel his cock hard against my belly. I love the way it feels. Then I lay back with my Jules on top of me and he kisses me all over. He licks my lips, and neck and softly kisses my ear and he whispers: I love you. My heart nearly bursts. I love him so much. My dick is so hard, my jeans so tight, I try to unzip but my little Jules slaps my hand away, lifts himself and unbuckles my belt, slides down the zipper ever so slowly and my cock flips out, hard and wet. His index explores the tip of my throbbing tool. Oooh… I jerk a little, it feels sooo goood… he wets his finger with my pre-cum and licks it. So hot. My little man tastes me, oh man! My throbbing cock is so hard that it hurts.

Jules tries to unbutton my shirt too fast, he’s trembling with desire, desire for me. I put my big paw on his little paws and I whisper,

“Slowly, Jules. Take your time. Enjoy the moment.”

Once unbuttoned, he opens my filthy shirt, bends down and starts kissing and licking my smelly musky wet hairy chest from neck to belly button. I take his shirt off. My little man is covered all over by light brown fur. I paw him delicately, I feel his goosebumps erupting all over. I tickle his hard nipples with the tip of my fingers and repeat that everywhere on his muscled chest and hard belly. I roll him off of me and I get up. I push my pants down, I don’t wear underwear when I work, and I let him drool over my naked body. Jules sits up his eyes full of desire, I can feel him, his lust. Oh god, I like it when he looks at me like this. It excites me even more.

I bend down and grab his pants with his fancy boxer shorts and pull them off. My Jules chuckles. I love it. I love him. Man, I love this little man with his perfect well-proportioned body.

“Woah! Christ, that’s a big cock!”

I know he has a nice package, which I always look at any chance I have, but I didn’t think he was this big. His beautiful thick cock is close to 7″, and it points straight up over a nice hairy sack filled with two plump balls and crowned by a big head. Oh man, I can see myself slobbering all over his manhood. Christ! I can’t resist. I bend down and kiss the gorgeous head, engorged, large and delicious. I lick it round and round and put it in my mouth. My little man squirms and whispers my name over and over. I take his cock in my mouth my tongue licking his hard shaft. I slowly push down until my nose buries itself in his thick pubic fur. I moved back up gently sucking and I repeat that a dozen times at least increasing speed until my little man’s back arches and he goes stiff, he shudders and comes in my mouth, deep in my mouth. Loads after loads of thick salty cum. I swallow each jet. I hear him whispering my name over and over, his hands rubbing my head. Then, I realize that he’s never been touched that way. I’m his first lover. Fuck, I’m his first lover. Oh man, I love him so fucking much. He’s mine. He’s my little man.

I let go of his magnificent manhood, I take his hand and pull him up. Jules is breathless, his eyes swimming in lust. He’ll want more and I’ll give him everything he wants.

“Let’s take a shower, Jules.” I’m breathless, my heart thumps hard and fast. I tasted my man.

“OK, my big beautiful hairy bear. God, I love all the thick fur.” Love and lust shape his face.

I take his hand and put it on my chest. I want him to touch me all over. Jules paws my chest, my ass, my belly, my cock, and my nipples with sensual delicate touches. I’m so fucking excited that I let go. I come all over my little man. Tons of cum. He looks straight into my eyes, he runs his finger on his stomach and puts it in his mouth. So fucking hot. He repeats the gesture and puts his finger in my mouth. I suck it. I taste my cum. I’m a bit sweeter than him. I grab his hand and pull him close to my body and kiss him deeply.

We step into the shower and let the warm water run down our bodies while we kiss and touch each other everywhere. Jules runs his finger down my crack and finds my tender hole. I do the same to him and show him what to do. I gently run the pad of my index full of soap around his tight little hole. He squirms with pleasure. He soaps his hand and finds my tender hole again and does to me what I’m doing to him. Fuck me! It’s so good!

Our cocks rub against each other, and our hips move faster and faster as we caress our asses faster and faster.

“Max… I’m coming, Maaaxxx…”

“Aah! Fuck, me too, Jules… Jules… Umm…”

I hold him tight against me, and I kiss him deep and furiously, my little man responds the same way as we shudder, squirm and come in great jets of come. Jules holds me tight and slowly calms down, as I do. We stay standing in the shower for a long time. Savouring the aftermath of our extraordinary orgasms.

We finish washing, dry each other off and run to bed. I spoon my little man under the light cover. I can feel Jules’s calm and steady breathing, his body heat. I rub his stomach and belly and touch his soft cock. My cock gets hard again, of course, it jams itself in my little man’s butt crack. He moves his hips to get comfortable and my little man moans. I hold his hardening dick and we both fall asleep.

A couple of hours later, I wake up still lying on my side. Jules is on his back cuddling against me, I love his body touching mine. His left leg is in between my thighs just below my balls hanging on my leg. He’s breathing slowly, his furry chest rising and descending rhythmically. He looks so beautiful. I feel his hand touching my lower belly. I lower my head close to his and kiss him lightly on the cheek. I can’t help but rub his furry chest with the tips of my fingers. I love touching him. I whisper in his ear,

“Christ, I’m so in love with you Jules. You’re my little man.”

He smiles as I still rub his chest. I bend over and kiss him on the lips, running my tongue on his lips. I press a little bit and his lips let my tongue inside. I go slow with the tip of my tongue, just inside his teeth. I push a little further and… Jules sucks hard on my tongue and closes his lips tight holding it inside. I pull, but he tightens his lips and sucks harder. I grab his balls and squeeze, gently. Jules lets go of my tongue and starts laughing. I’m so surprised! Then I laugh hard.

I bend forward again and kiss him hard, tongue swirling everywhere in his mouth, my hand reaches his hardening cock and I firmly take hold of it and start pumping my little man. He squirms and moans and moves his hips to match the rhythm of my hand. His hand rubs my sack, I roll my eyes and let the pleasure drown my mind. Lust and desire. I want to fuck him so badly. But I can’t push him. I have to wait for him to be ready.

I stop pumping Jules’s cock. He grunts in protest, “Please Max… it feels so good.”

I wet my index with my spit and move below his balls and I find his tight virgin hole. I start rubbing it in small circles. His eyes burst open and plunges his beautiful hazel eyes deep into mine. His right hand touches my face, rough and unshaven, ever so gently, and asks, “Max, my big hairy bear. Make love to me. Please.”

He wants me to make love to him, and I want to please him with my sex inside him.

“Oh, baby. I want you so much.”

“Come in me, make me yours. I want your big cock in me, Max.”

He kisses me on the lips and licks my lips. Our eyes are locked and I can feel his love, his lust. He wants me. I want him.

“Max! You know you are my first lover. No one has ever touched me before. I promise you that you will be my only lover. There will never be any other. Just you, my big furry bear. My beautiful furry man. My man.”

I can’t stop tears from flowing. Jules wipes them away with his gentle touch. Fuck, I love him so fucking much.

“I love you, Jules. Your mime, little man and I will be yours for always. I promise you. I never made love to another man. Never. I had sex, animal sex. But I’ve never loved anyone before you.”

“Christ, Max. I love you. Now shut up and make love to me.”

I moved on top of him and start to kiss his right ear, along his jaw, his neck down his hairy shoulder. I licked him and taste him. I move to his mouth and lick his lips. My little man opens his mouth, but I just lick his lips again and move to his left side. I’m on my four on top of him, my dick and my balls hanging down and I feel his hands grab me. I shudder with pleasure. His touch is so light, so erotic. His left hand plays with my hairy sack and the other caresses my swollen knob and my hard shaft. Christ, it’s so good.

I move my kisses lower on his chest around his hard nipples. I love licking his fur. Jules rubs my head with both his hands, he squirms and moans. Christ, I love that. It makes me harder. My tongue travels to his balls, my little man moves his hips slowly. I put a hand on him and stop him from moving. I suck one of his plump balls in my mouth and my tongue goes to work.

“Aaah, Max, christ, it’s so good. Max…”

I suck the other delicious plump ball, and I have to hold my little man. He’s discovering new pleasures. He’s excited as hell. I let the ball go and I suck the whole sack. Jules lets out a scream. I hold him tight while I savour his sack. Oh, man, it feels so good in my mouth. It makes him so crazy. I’ll suck his sack as often as I can.

My tongue moves up his shaft, 7″ of hard shaft. I take the glans in my mouth and gently suck. I let go of his cock. My little man protests. I kiss his shaft and move down under his sack. I kiss and lick that sensitive part between his balls and his tight little hole, letting him know that unbelievable pleasure is coming.

I reposition myself. Jules looks directly at me, smiles and waits in anticipation. His cock is so hard so gorged with blood that it vibrates and jerks. I slap his hand away from his dick.

“No, Jules. Wait. We’re just starting. I’ll make you come soon.”

My little man moans, and grunts.

I slap his hand away again. I lift his butt and push his legs towards his stomach. I lower my head and my tongue finds his crack. Oh, a magnificent hairy crack. Exposed to my every whim. I smell him, I lick from his balls all the way to the other side of his furry valley and reverse course. Jules growls with pleasure. It excites me more. As if that was possible!

After a few very wet passes, I attack his pink little hole. It looks like a little rosebud. His rosette. He quiets down and I relax my grip on his legs. He grabs behind his knees and pulls while opening his leg wider.

“That’s it, my little man. Keep that position.”

He growls a deep satisfied growl. His eyes closed, his mouth open, he waits in expectation again. I make him wait for a little.

“Max, my love, please. Please, Max…”

I kiss his little tight hole and wet it as much as possible. My tongue moves around it and I put pressure, a little at a time. Then, I push it through his sphincter. My little man screams.

“Oh! Fuck, yeah. Fuck.”

He pushes his hips against my tongue, and it gets as far as it will go. I move in and out and my little man follows my rhythm. He gets the idea fast.

I pull out. I let him breathe a little bit. Jules is out of breath. He’s covered in sweat. Delicious sex sweat.

“Where’s your lube, Jules?”

“There, top drawer.”

I open the drawer.

“Christ almighty, I say at the sight of what’s inside.”

“I’ve been practicing.”

“Jesus christ. Wow!”

Jules has an assortment of dildos. They look like real cocks.

“I bought them the day after I met you. I wanted you. I expected you’d be big, you know, a big cock. And, so you do have a beautiful big cock. So, I prepared in case.”

I shake my head with a big smile and take the bottle of lube.

I kiss his lovely rosette again. It doesn’t take long. We are both excited as hell. I apply a lot of lube on his hole. Jules watches me apply the stuff to my cock. I’m a little bit nervous. I admit. My mate never made love before. He’s a virgin.

“If I hurt you, tell me. I’ll go slow.”

“You won’t hurt me. I know you won’t. I want you so bad. Please, Max, fuck me my big hairy bear.”

I take my dick and place my knob against his hole. I look at my little man in the eyes and I push gently. My cock head starts moving in but I need to push a little harder so it pops inside the sphincter. Jules looks at me, a little grin on his face and I push in. My knob passes through.

“Oh, fuck,” my little man whispers and stiffens a little bit.

“Ah! Christ, so good,” I say. “Relax, Jules.”

It feels so good, wet and hot. I stay put. Not moving. A real cock feels very different than a hard dildo. Jules’s eyes are closed. He moans. He breathes deeply. He relaxes. His hips move slightly.

“It feels incredible,” he finally says. “You’re so hot, so big. Give me more. Push in a bit more, please.”

Jules says softly his eyes closed. I push a little more and stop.

“More, more cock,” he demands.

I push a little further in. To my surprise, my little man pushes his hips against my cock in one swift move that swallows at least 4″ of my cock. I jerk, surprised. My little man stays put. He doesn’t move. He breathes slowly and deeply. It hurts, I know. I move back a little. I feel him relax. I push back in and he responds by pushing against my cock once more and gets 3 more inches in. The root of my cock is but one inch from his hole. I wait for a little, I sense him relax. His sphincter opens up and my little man pushes tight against me and my balls hit his ass. He grunts. I stay put again waiting for him. He’s silent. My cock is all inside him, I feel the tight walls of his rectum, so soft, so warm. My cock fits perfectly well inside my little man. So comfortable.

“Am I hurting you, little man?”

“It feels so incredible. I just want to feel you in me. I love it. I can feel your whole big cock. Max, I love you so damn much.”

“Jules, my Jules, I so fucking love you.”

Jules looks at me, he pulls me down and kisses me. He looks straight into my eyes,

“Make love to me,” he says his hazel eyes pleading, loving me.

I started pumping slow, small moves, with rhythm.

“Ah, fuck, it’s good. Christ, Jules, you feel so good, so tight, so hot.”

“Don’t stop. I feel you. Oh man, I feel you in me. Ummm…”

I fuck my little man with longer moves but slowly. I feel him wanting me, pushing against me with my every move. I kiss him all over his face, neck, and ears. We’re moving faster and faster. Jules squirms under me and his legs and heels press my ass into him. He’s close. I feel his breathing accelerating, his body stiffening.

“I’m coming, Max. Oh, man, Oooooh, Ummmm…”

“Come, Jules, let it come, baby. Come for me. I’m close, too.”

I accelerate but I resist pounding his ass. And I feel his body arch, and he comes. Jets of cum, one after the other. He whispers my name tenderly two, three times.

“Aarrrghh, Jules, Jules my love, I’m coming little man. Aaaahh. Ummmm.” I grunt and growl in a low rumbling voice like a bear.

I come inside my little man. I fill him with my cum. I never came like that before. Nothing measures up to this lovemaking. That’s the most extraordinary feeling I’ve ever had. He’s mine. Totally mine. Christ, I love him. I whisper in his ear,

“You’re my little man bear now. I love you.”

“You’re my hairy bear. I love you too. More than you know.”

I plunge my tongue into his open mouth, and we kiss passionately for a long while.

I gently pull out of my little man and roll onto my back. Breathless, covered in sweat. Completely satisfied. I grab Jules and pull him on top of me. He pulls the bed sheet on top of us and we fall asleep.

Later, after showering, we are sitting naked at the table set by the window with a view of the street below and the top of the skyscrapers of downtown having a light supper when Jules’s cell rings. It sounds more like a ping or something. I never had one of those, nor do I want one. Jules looks at it and says he got a message from Rosa.

“Oh,” he says, “it’s for you.” A big bright smile paints his face, and he hands me the phone.

The message says: “Max, you are on VACATION for two weeks. Enjoy. Love, Rosa.”

WOW! I scream. I get up and pull my little man right off his chair and hug him tight.

Two weeks with my Jules, 160 pounds of pure joy. Christ, I love him. Two weeks! I let go of him and I kiss him hard and he responds in kind. Rick called Rosa, I’m sure. He’s not such a bad guy after all.

After a long passionate kiss, like almost all our kisses so far, Jules drags me by the hand to the den where I sleep.

“We strip the bed and bring all your stuff up into our bedroom. I promise not to let you sleep too long,” he says with that lustful grin of his. Damn, I thought I was getting something else.

My dick grows. I feel like a teenager. Christ, I get hard-ons just at the way he looks at me. I bring all my stuff which isn’t that much up in the loft and I put everything away where it belongs, while Jules strips the bed, closes the murphy-bed and cleans up the room.

The evening is still young. The weather is beautiful, so we decide to go for a walk, hand in hand, all around Old Montreal and the Old Port. We stop at a café Jules knows well and where they know him well and sat on the terrace enjoying the setting sun. I take a beer and Jules a coffee and a slice of sugar pie. I never had sugar pie. Didn’t know such a thing existed. There is no sugar pie sold in Ontario that I know of. He lets me taste a forkful. Oh, so sweet, so good. I wave the waiter over and order a large piece. Jules looks at me and I tell him, “Well my little bear, I need the calories. A beautiful young man I know requires my talented services.” Jules laughs and tells me I’ll need more than one piece. We both burst laughing. The little devil passes his hand high on my thigh under the table. Christ, I got hard fast.

We walk back home, hand in hand, and I kept looking at this little guy next to me and can hardly believe that such happiness is possible. I kiss him in front of our door. We make sure that everything is locked downstairs. Before we go upstairs, Jules goes to the space that’s not finished and he tells me that he will use it as his new office.

“OK, so what happens to my apartment?”

“Well,” he says, “when you annoy me, that’s where you’ll sleep.”

I grab him and bring him close to me and tell him. “That, Jules, will never happen.” We kiss passionately. We both get very hard as usual. Jules goes to what is supposed to be my apartment, walks around and looks at me.

“That will always be your space, your personal getaway so to speak. I’ll be working next door and that’ll be your whatever room. Perhaps, you know, a place to meet during the day, unh!” He flashes that lusty grin. I grunt my desire and put a hand on my crutch. He continues. “Let’s go shower, big guy. I need you to be squeaky clean. Tonight, me top guy.”

I look at him, not sure what he means, then it dawns on me. He’s looking at me, a malicious grin on his face. I never bottomed for anyone before. That way I’m a virgin just like Jules is, oops, was. We are still locking eyes. He gets close to me, takes my hands and whispers, “I will not hurt you.”

He lets go of my hands and walks away towards the stairs. Before he turns the corner to go up, I tell him in my usual low growl, “I’ll do anything for you, Jules.”

And I really will do anything for my little man bear. He stops, turns around and says,

“I know and I’ll do the same for you, my big hairy bear. Now, come get your ass cleaned up. I need you so badly. But, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me before I take your beautiful virgin derriere.”

I get to him before he gets to the stairs, and we kissed tenderly. Hand in hand, we climb the stairs to our love nest for a night of love and lust, of course.

After I made love to my beautiful hairy little man like there was no tomorrow, I lay on the bed, and I pull Jules close to me. I like him close touching my body when we’re in bed. I love when he runs his hands on me, all over my hairy body. That’s what I call my happy place. It keeps the bad memories away. He’s my guardian angel. I love him with all my heart. More and more each day. I wish I had a way with words, but I don’t. He knows I love him, and I see his unconditional love for me in his eyes.


“Yes, my lover-bear.”

“I’m ready for you. I want you to make love to me. I want to feel you inside me, my little bear.”

My little man moves on top of me, already hard and throbbing, and he started kissing me painfully slowly from top to bottom. It feels so good. He slaps my hands away when I try to get control. He kisses, licks and sucks almost every inch of me, front and back. I’m so fucking excited. My cock will explode, I swear.

“I need you now Jules. Christ, little man, I want to come. I can’t hold it anymore.”

I’m holding my knees tight on my chest with my ass and my big fucking hard dick and my hairy balls totally exposed, while his tongue is inside me. Yeah! All the way inside me. Christ, I’m squirming, moaning, grunting with pleasure I never thought possible. My mind is melting. My little bear moves the head of his beautiful swollen cock, a big hard 7″ of hungry and willing cock, it touches my wet and expecting hole. Oh! God! I want it, then I don’t, my mind is swirling in lust and, AH! Fuck! Oh, fuck! He’s in me. AAAHHH! Christ, his cock is in me. Oh! Shit. It hurts, ah man! Ummm, I feel it, it’s sooo biiigg. My little man lowers and looks at me and my heart melts. He loves me so much. I want him so badly. I want him to be so happy. He kisses me softly.

“Want me to stop, Max,” he says with a look of concern. “It hurts, I know. Breathe slow, relax your buttocks.”

“No fucking way, little man, don’t stop. I want you. All of you in me. Push that great dick of yours in me. Come on.” I try and relax.

He’s right I’m squeezing my ass so tight. I relax and some of the pain goes away. I must look so pathetic. I’m pleading like a little girl… I laugh at the image.

Jules’s wonderful tongue enters my mouth just as he pushes into me. A few inches. Mmm! I jerk a bit. He stops and waits. I wrap my big hairy legs around him. It feels better. Oh, man. I like the feeling. His cock’s in me. I move my hips a bit. I try to do what my little man does so well. Jules pushes in slowly and stops.

“Pull out a bit and, you know, start fucking me. Slow, please.” The pain is back. I’m sweating a lot.

“I love you, big bear. I never thought it could be so good. I feel you. It’s tight and hot, and wet. Oh god. Squeeze your ass and wrap my cock. Yeah! Like that. Oh, Christ, I’m completely in you, Max.” whispers my little bear.

I love when he whispers in my ear. Ah! Yes. Move those hips, Jules. It hurts, but it’ll go away, when he pulls out and pushes back in, it feels a little better. Oh! Man! I can feel him inside me. I move with his rhythm, I squeeze my ass and grab his cock. My baby squeals! I push my ass at him. I want his cock there.

“Ah! Shit! Yeah! There. There Jules. Oh yeah!” I beg him.

Jules makes sure he rubs that sensitive spot. It’s so good. My little man accelerates and I plant my heels on his butt and push. AH! Yeah! And I’m about to come. I can’t hold it anymore. Man, he’s really fucking me hard, and I follow his rhythm.

“Jules? I’m coming. I can’t hold it. Ummm.”

Oh! Fuck! Ummm… My little man is coming inside me. Oh, fuck what a feeling. I love him so damn much. This must be heaven…

I hold my little guy tight. I don’t want to let him go. We’re both out of breath, sweaty and completely satisfied. He’s still hard and all in me. “Stay in Jules. Don’t move.” I take his face in my hands and kiss his lips softly, pouring my love into this kiss. The tip of my tongue circles his mouth and I move to his neck. He’s doing the same to me. We’re both silent except for our breathing, slow and heavy. I feel his hot breath on my neck. I nibble his ear and he kisses me. Our tongues meet and caress one another, and the rhythm accelerates.

I move my hips in small circles and Jules starts moving in and out. The pain has subsided. I feel his tight butt rubbing against my legs. Oh, man. He’s fucking me again. Yes, little buddy. Fuck me. His tongue is ravaging my mouth and his cock is rubbing my ass insane. I hold him tight against my hairy body he loves so much. With my legs around his ass, I press him in, my arms around him caressing his back. His belly rubs my cock hard and I follow the rhythm of his movements. Oh! Christ! Mmmmm….

“Jules! I’m coming again. I’ com… Arrgh! Aaaahhh!”

My ass spasms out of control and takes a hold of my little man’s cock and I feel his hot juice exploding in me, again.

I keep holding him tight. I feel his breathing slowing down. His cock is still hard. So, I hold him on and in me. He kisses me gently. I whisper that I love him. He does the same into my ear. He finally relaxes and so do I. He falls asleep, and as his cock slowly softens still inside me, I fall asleep.




Jules Young man, gay, 22 y/o, 5’9″, 160lbs. Intelligent and smart (they don’t always go together), big heart, always ready to land a hand. Hazel eyes, light brown hair, in top shape. Nice firm body, covered with light brown fur, 6 1/2″ thick uncut cock, hairy sack with two plump balls.

He inherited an old manor in Old Montreal which he is renovating inside. Besides his apartment on the top floor, he is planning two more studio-type apartments on the ground floor. He got control of his inheritance, a very, very large inheritance when he reached 25 y/o. That is a secret that he protects. Only his notary and the president of the board of directors of his Foundation know who he is. His money is well-used… His parents died in an accident in southern France two days after Xmas.

He has no boyfriend and never had complete sex with anyone. He started his civil engineering study but quickly moved to architecture. He currently works for an architecture firm, a few blocks from where he lives. Jules is very intelligent, has great computer programming knowledge, and has a unique drafting style for his rendition of the projects he works on. He will have his architecture cabinet as soon as he thinks he has accumulated enough experience.

Rosa, a little woman at 5’1″, 100lbs, 38 y/o – Auburn hair, delicate face, beautiful green eyes, delicate body, gracious and very cultivated. She speaks fluent impeccable French having gone to a French college in Montréal. She’s the owner and chef of a restaurant where Jules eats several times a week. She will ask him to help out a friend of hers, Max whom she has not seen in a long time, but who needs help. She hires him part-time for the morning breakfast in the kitchen. He’s a good cook apparently. Rosa is like a second mother to Jules, especially since the death of both his parents. His father was his hero, his super-dad and his best and only friend. His loss has devastated him. Rosa is very concerned about his grieving. The young man keeps everything inside… Rosa asks Jules to take Max to his home. Max, a good handyman, will help JULES with the renovation of the two apartments.

Max Is a big bearish man of 37 y/o, 6’4″, 220lbs, solidly built man, very hairy, dark brown greying hair and brown fur all over his body, big strong square shoulders, biceps and thighs, nice firm buttocks, and big thick uncut 8″ cock with a hairy large full sack containing big balls. He has a big mustache. Very masculine man, he looks like a big brute, but his gentle pale grey eyes reflect his tenderness. His voice is deep and warm. He is a nice, gentle man who had a really bad time and is now trying to rebuild a life. He told his dad at 16 y/o that he was gay. His dad slapped him hard and threw him out of his house… His mother died when he was only 4 y/o so he doesn’t remember her. His dad did his best, he knows that, but he couldn’t get passed his bias if not hatred of homosexuality and everything that wasn’t white protestant Anglo. He particularly hated anything that had anything to do with what he called the Québec Frogs.

Richard (Rick) is an architect of 42 y/o, a big brawny hairy guy, 6’1″, 225lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, who is Jules’s boss. He’s gay but keeps it a secret. Very active sexually, he attempts to charm Jules, to no avail. He works closely with this genius and helps him professionally. Max is jealous of him. Rick will straighten him out about his relationship with Jules and push him to act on his so obvious love for

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