Crush 2 by Him

Crush 2: A Passionate Gay Sex Story by Him

In the last story, Tiel and Jack finally got together after awkward tension built up. They spent the summer getting to know each other in more ways than one. As August came to a close, Jack went back home to get ready for school and they reunited in September.

However, the passion that had taken hold of them in the humid summer air evaporated when classes began and they were back in their respective circles with roommates to worry about. They managed to find secluded corners at first, but eventually came to the decision to go their separate ways. Tiel wasn’t sad about the decision, Jack was hot. He was fun and had showed him a lot about himself and swinging for the other team, but Tiel wasn’t in love, and didn’t really feel like trying to make something work out that had already fizzled.

While they had been together Tiel had been forced to come out to his family, if only to avoid the shock of someone walking into his room in the morning to discover him spooning another guy. His dad seemed a little disappointed, but not surprised.

His mom, though, had been much more annoying. She wasn’t as overjoyed to have a bisexual son as he had expected, but made up for it by being excessively nosy. She began probing him about his relationships with every one of his guy friends as she had with the girls in his life before, and he remembered why he never told her anything. Next came his friends, fortunately, most knew before he told him so they didn’t act any differently. The rest just didn’t care, which he much preferred the former.

Anyway, the school year started. Tiel knew it was going to be different than his freshman year. He was walking in under an entirely different premise. Facebook had been updated, it was official: both the tacos and sausages were ok by him.

Before Tiel had even met Jack, there had been another guy he had had a crush on, to obviously no avail. That was Adam, oh beautiful Adam. Tiel had met Adam in one of his classes second semester, and decided to be friends with him based solely on the fact that he was damn fine.

It worked out, Adam was a really cool guy, and they ended up being lab partners for the rest of the year. In Tiel’s eyes, Adam was superior to himself in every way: smarter, better looking, and got a lot more action, but straight of course. Adam was a lot different than Christian Jack. Jewish Adam was even shorter, standing at around 5’8″, but with the presence of someone taller due to his ripped body. Not the short and stocky ripped kind of body that seemed improportioned, but with the lean muscles of a swimmer, since Adam played water polo.

Tiel had even wondered at first whether it he really had a crush or just that he had wanted to be him. It would be interesting to see how the semester played out. Tiel’s cards were on the table, he just needed to see if he could pull Adam over with him. Being in the same major, Tiel was in most of Adam’s classes, and they had been friends before, so they were hanging out just as much as before. Tiel couldn’t sense any change in how Adam approached him, but he wasn’t sure whether than was good or bad.

Weeks passed as classes, weekends and the occasional weeknight played out in beer pong: Tiel and his roommate (Henry) versus Adam and his friend (Tom). The second week of school they were a couple of games in when Tiel’s roommate miraculously found some pot in his back pocket. Adam fell over backwards in appreciation and Tom went to get his bong.

After a couple of bowls, the four guys sat around the dorm’s kitchen table all staring at the bong giggling and reminiscing.

“I was smoking so much this summer!” admitted Henry.

“From sober to stoner, you started last spring break.” Tiel chastised.

“Well, I found something good and stuck with it.”

“Fuck! It’s 11:00 already, I gotta go meet Heather!” Tom exclaimed looking at his watch.

Adam did a 180ยบ “Heather?”

“Yeah, we’re dating now…”

“I thought you were just gonna fuck her and be done.”

“Well, I found something good and stuck with it.”

“Damn straight, man!” Henry chimed in. “I got back together with my ex for most of the sum-” and then he broke out laughing. Perplexed, Tom excused himself.

“Something happen in the last couple seconds?” Asked Tiel, amused with Henry’s fit.

“You fucked a guy!”

There was a short pause. Tiel had known this would come up at some point. “I know your mom’s masculine, but don’t you think that’s taking it a little far.” It was a good save, alluding to his bisexual nature, but it was already too late. In his baked/drunk state, Henry had said what both him and Adam were thinking, it was bound to steer the conversation from this point. Maybe it was just the beer and pot talking, but the words were out of his mouth before he could take them back “…You never considered it?”

Henry was about to respond, but his face turned a peculiar shade of green and he ran off to the bathroom.

He probably shouldn’t have had those shots of vodka before the game. Tiel thought, but then amended it to: How convenient. Since he was now alone with Adam and they were both under the influence.

Adam winked at Tiel, “And then there were two.” He smiled. Tiel couldn’t help but remember the way Jack’s smile had melted him. He hadn’t noticed how strong an affect Adam’s had on him until now.

“The question’s still on the table. Have you ever considered… doing things with guys?”

“Well, I hooked up with a guy once.”

That caught Tiel off guard. He was shocked, Adam was so generically straight. He had assumed that since he couldn’t turn Adam, he could at least make him feel uncomfortable. Apparently the little jew was full of surprises. Although, when he thought about it, Tiel wasn’t that shocked. Adam was known to be very horny, and Tiel had always assumed that if pointed in the right direction at the right time, he was prone to do anything. “Details. Now.”

“Well you remember SexFest?” Of course Tiel remembered SexFest. It was a party that the GLBT community and all of frat row came togther to throw. Dress code was the most creative way of wearing as little as possible. The party was thrown in a huge hall on campus and was dry, but everyone arrived drunk, afterall, being sober at a naked party would be really awkward.

Everyone hooked up with at least one person, and it wasn’t uncommon that activity went farther than that, bordering on sex in the bathroom or on the side of the dance floor. Tiel had managed to hook up with several women and even secure a blowjob, but the thing that stuck out in his mind was that was also the first time he had hooked up with a guy. He had been dancing and just ended up grabbing some guy out of the crowd and grinding with him and making out.

It had been spontaneous and amazing, but Tiel immediately lost track of him. It had been easier to forget the experience back then than using it as a turning point to come out. “Well, I kept getting thrown around the party from girl to girl until some guy caught me on the dance floor.” Tiel flushed, the story sounded familiar. “I dunno, I was pretty drunk and didn’t really mind the attention until we started kissing. A girl grabbed me back when the song ended. It was weird, but it happened.”

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