A Day at the Spa Pt. 02

A gay sex stories: A Day at the Spa Pt. 02 You are now ready to enter the massage room!!!


Part 2!

You walk up to the door, turn the door knob, and walk in. He was already there; the guy you had chosen on the website was standing a few meters away. He was gorgeous, young, tall, with colored eyes and perfectly styled brunet hair. He was wearing sweatpants and a sleeveless shirt that showed off his perfectly defined arm muscles and some hair visible from his armpits, and the way his shirt tightened at the stomach area revealed he had well-defined abs, maybe a six-pack. He truly made you feel small and inferior. That’s when your chastity caged twitch, and a thought came to mind: “I could only imagine his cock proportionally sized, well endowed, girthy, and veiny.”

He introduced himself as “Cerus” braking your train of thought. You also introduce yourself. Cerus proceeds to tell you to lay on the table as he gestures towards it with both hands. You turned around to prevent him from seeing your secret, unbuckled the robe, lay down on the table, chest down, with the robe still hovering on your back, and waited. As you lay there, he seemed to shuffle some papers while he asked, “What brings you in today? Do you have any pain or soreness?” You answer “It is just my neck and upper back that have been feeling very sore, and I feel like I have some knots”, Cerus seemed hesitant and asked, “So… why does the survey also mention sore quads and hamstrings?”

You think about it for a few seconds and say, “Oh, that was a mistake; it is only my upper back and neck that feel sore” with a slight laugh in your voice. To have him massage your hamstrings with his hands and body so close to your ass would be too close to your comfort, as he might see the ring around your balls or even your cage. The absolute worst is if you mention your quads; that would mean flipping over and definitely giving him a full view of your cage, being caught in your Cobra Baby Narrow chastity cage. You would not even know how to explain your situation. So that means no front muscle massage at all!!!

You stay there, lying on the table, with the robe open from the front but still over your back. You hear him get close and jokingly say, “How do you want me to do my job when you are still in the robe?” You don’t know what or how to respond, and panic gets the best of you. You cannot disrobe!!! That would mean getting up from the table and removing the robe, which would allow him to see your now-strained penis in the small cage.

You suddenly feel his hand on your back, giving you some pats on your back, and hear his voice: “Don’t worry, just stay like that; I will help you.” You took so long with your thoughts that he decided to act.

You feel a sense of relief with what he said, that you didn’t need to get up. Cerus tells you to remove one arm from the robe as he moves the robe over to your second arm. Now, you are completely naked with your ass out in the open. Waiting for a towel to be placed over you, covering your exposed ass, but it does not happen. You guess he sensed your embarrassment, or maybe he has seen how you are begging to blush, for he says, “Don’t worry, it’s all fine; I will hang your robe here.” You didn’t even turn to look at him or where he placed the robe. You keep your face on the table hole, looking straight down into the floor. Wanting to be swallowed by the ground. You are so embarrassed, and he does not even know the real reason why.

Then you see his shoes moving toward the side of the table near your head, all this from your face in the table hole. You hear him sit down on a stool and see him wheeling toward your face. Slowly stopping as he places his hands on your scalp and begins massaging. Everything feels great, especially since all you can now see through the table hole is the bulge on his sweatpants. Just a few inches from your face, you look straight at it, imaging what his cock looks like and what it must smell like.

From the little you hear over your screaming thoughts, you can tell from his tone that he is trying to make you feel better and relax. Cerus is doing an awesome job! He started at the head, moved down to the neck, got up from the stool chair, and went for your upper back as you were feeling the knots disappear. He slowly moved his hands to your lower back, making you jump a bit. He reassures you, “Everything is fine, relax and enjoy the massage.” After a bit, you didn’t feel his hands anymore but thought nothing of it; he is doing amazing. Cerus is suddenly massaging the soles of your feet. Again, causing you to jump and, at the same time, giggle. It tickled every time he was massaging your feet. He says, “You see, nothing bad is happening; you are even giggleling.” Slowly, he kept moving his hand up toward the hamstrings. But by the time he gets there, you are not relaxed one bit. Just think about your cage and how you shouldn’t have come caged to massage therapy. Out of nowhere, you feel a big jolt. You feel his hand massaging your butt cheeks. You were sweating by this point, as you were sure he could tell. He once again tells you, “Relax, I am great at what I do because I like helping people. You will feel great after I am done.” After hearing him several times and seeing how professional he is, you finally listen to him and try to calm down.

He started a cycle: he would massage your scalp, neck, and back, slowly moving towards your ass, down your legs, and all the way to your feet. Over and over, as you feel the stress pass through and exit through your soles. As you are about to fall asleep from his full back massage, you hear his voice. Trying to pick up on what he had said, but didn’t really know. So he says again, “Are you enjoying the massage? Would you like more pressure? Or am I using too much pressure?” Being unable to speak, all you do is nod and mumble, “It is definitely going great.”

He replies, “Great, I love to hear that” followed by some gut-wrenching words! Thinking you should have faked being asleep, his next words were, “OK, time to turn around.” Your mind went a thousand seconds per minute as you felt your body tense once again. He spoke again, “It’s OK, everything is fine; you listed some soreness in your anterior muscles, which I can help with. All you need to do is turn around or flip over.” You hesitate. He does not know why you cannot turn around. Again, he spoke, “Listen, you don’t have to worry about anything; there is no one else in this room, it is just you and me.” His words work on your brain like a therapy session with a psychologist. He spoke again: “You are fine, I have done this for a long time and have seen all types of bodies. There is nothing for you to feel ashamed of or worried about. If it comforts you, I have seen a very large number of penises in my career.” His words brainwash your thoughts and get you thinking, “He could be right, he has done this for many years. He has seen many penises, I cannot possibly be the first cage boy he sees” while vaguely still listening to his compliments and reassurance.

Suddenly you don’t know how it happened, but your mind just goes, “Fuck it, it is like he says, he has seen many penises” and your body just moves on its own. You are now lying with your back towards the table, noticing that as soon as you turned over, your arms automatically went up to cover your face, moving on their own. It is as if your mind said one thing, but your body reacted another way.

All of this, as if covering your face and not being able to see him would make you invisible. Your face and body are feeling warmer and warmer with everything that’s going on.

For what feels like forever, you hear nothing. You don’t know if he is talking, and you are not listening. Maybe he is in shock and has left the room, or is he just staring at you, judging your decisions, thinking, “How can someone lock their cock in a cage? Especially one this small.”  feeling like hours had gone by, then came his voice along with his touch. You start to feel him touching you, but you cannot figure out where he is touching you. There are too many things to process, and then you begin to see an increasing amount of light. He grabs one of your wrists, and as he is moving it away from your face to the side of your body, you see light and the ceiling. As you hear a voice saying, “So, that’s what has been going on, That is what has had you stressed all this time and is making me work harder on your knots and body.” He grabs your other wrist and moves it next to your body. Revealing your full blushing face, with nowhere for you to hide other than closing your eyes to avoid him. Again, you hear “it’s OK, no big deal…” and other words you didn’t hear or understand.

Finally, you open your eyes only to see that he has his face right above yours. He is looking directly at your eyes. You wanted to close them again but got hypnotized by his colored eyes. All you could see were his naturally red lips and his wonderful eyes. You could see him moving his mouth, but no sound came out of it. Unable to hear him and answer him, you saw his finger pointing to your bottom half. He says, “No wonder you were behaving strangely; like I said before, it is nothing I haven’t seen.” This finally calms your mind and body. He stood quietly for a bit and resumed the massage.

Part 3? Feel free to post some comments or things you would like to read in the future.

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