Christmas Present Ch. 02

A gay story: Christmas Present Ch. 02 2: Sleigh Bells Ring

Pelaam (c) October 2008.

I got several requests for a sequel for these guys. So here it is.

Gavin was in Hell. Of that he was certain. Hell, Hades, Dante’s Inferno, whatever name it was given, the pain, the torment, the misery stayed the same. And it was his own stupid, insecure, childish fault. He sighed disconsolately, inordinately glad that no one sat in the plane seat next to him. He rubbed at the tear that had burrowed free of his closed eyes. It should have been a joyous time. It was almost the twelve-month anniversary of Piotr and he becoming lovers and he had made and discarded many plans on how they would celebrate.

Instead, Piotr’s company had thrown a spanner, no a towering, telephone pylon, into his plans. They decided to launch a new product. They wanted two four-day events, mixing seminars and networking with wining and dining their prospective clientele. One was to be in Copenhagen, the other Stockholm, with just three days between them. Piotr was in charge of all the arrangements: accommodation, transport, dining and entertainment as well as ensuring everything necessary was in place for the seminar such as samples, laptops and projection screens, even the contents of the ‘goodie-bag’ freebies. Gavin’s mind had been overwhelmed just at the thought of it all.

But worse than all of that was the fact that Piotr would then head-up each seminar. He would be away from home for almost two weeks when the couple had not spent a night apart for nearly twelve months. Hell suddenly did not seem adequate to describe Gavin’s anguish.

A part of him was so very proud of Piotr and he felt guilt and shame wash over him. He had not once said as much. Instead he had moaned when Piotr was late, whined when he had worked weekends and sulked when Piotr was too tired to make love, accusing the blond of loving his work more than Gavin himself. They had their disagreements over their time together, but they had also worked to resolve them amicably and swiftly and the make-up loving sessions had always banished away the darkness. But not this time. Gavin had griped his way through the precious time they had before Piotr left and the brunette was sure his lover was glad to have gone.

He slipped his hand into his pocket to clutch at the gaily decorated box he had not let leave his side for almost a month. They had spoken briefly by telephone during Piotr’s absence, but Gavin had found it impossible to let Piotr know how truly miserable he really was or how much he loved his absent mate. Part of his insecure mind was sure Piotr would be hoping he would not be on his way. His heart and soul prayed the younger man would welcome him with open arms. Plane tickets and a four-day stay in Lapland was the company’s ‘thank you’ to Piotr and Gavin. He fervently hoped he would be given a chance to apologise and that Piotr still loved him as much as he knew he loved his beautiful blond.


Gavin did not think it was possible for his heart to ache more than it already did, but as he cleared the airport check-in and scanned the small crowd of people, there was no sign of the athletic body of his lover. As he moved further inside the terminal he fought back tears as an unknown man, clearly a driver, held up a placard with his name on it. He swallowed hard; if Piotr really wanted him there surely he would have come to pick him up.

The ride in the taxi was a sad and silent one. Gain barely noticed the lights of the small town thinning out to become the odd glinting diamond in inky blackness. Nor did he see the equally bejewelled sky. His sole focus was getting to his lover. He *knew* Piotr would never be so purposely hurtful as to let him travel all the way out there only to tell him their relationship was over. However, a part of him could not help but dwell on the irony that he was heading to a similar environment to where he had found his greatest happiness, only to potentially have it snatched away. Once more his fingers found the box in his pocket. It was almost like a talisman to him now. Please, Piotr, please, please. The words were a mantra in Gavin’s mind.

As the taxi drove away, Gavin looked at the key he had been given. He used it to open the door and stepped inside. A couple of dim lamps were the only light and the fire was little more than embers. Gavin’s body slumped in abject misery. Piotr was not here. Almost blinded by tears he stumbled his way from the living room to find the bedroom. He stretched, fully dressed, on the large bed and let his sorrow have free reign.


Gavin batted futilely at hands that shook him and tried to make sense of the buzzing sound. The shaking became more insistent and the noise became recognisable words.

“Gavin, please wake up. Are you ill?”

Gavin’s eyes forced themselves open at the beloved voice and the anxiety in its tone. He saw normally brilliant-blue eyes dulled with tiredness and concern. There were tiny lines around them that Gavin knew signalled his lover suffering from lack of sleep or headaches and the beautiful visage seemed thinner. He reached up a shaky hand to confirm that Piotr was not just a figment of his imagination and then wrapped his arms around the blond.

“Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me. I love you, I love you,” he sobbed.

“Leave you, oh love, never,” Piotr rasped.

For a few moments the two men simply held each other, Gavin settling at the feel of the strong arms around his body and the kisses dropped into his hair. Finally he pulled back enough to gaze up at the younger man.

“You look tired and you’ve lost weight,” he said, searching his lover’s face.

“Not enough sleep and not eating properly without you to take care of me, baby,” Piotr replied, nuzzling at Gavin’s temple. “Let’s go into the living room and have a drink. I want to clear things between us before we come back to bed.”

Soon Gavin was busy making brandy-laced hot chocolate as Piotr tended the fire. Now that the main light was on, he could see there were a couple of oil heaters to supplement the real fire his talented lover was insistently coaxing into roaring flames. Alongside the fire was a small, real Christmas tree. It was adorned with lights and a star. He gave a soft smile. His lover was always a romantic at heart and Gavin felt a swell of love for the blond. He brought the drinks to the large settee and settled with Piotr at his side.

“I’m sorry.”

Two voices spoke in unison and brunette and blond laughed softly. Gavin smiled, feeling at ease for the first time in almost a month and let Piotr place his half-finished drink on the small wooden table at the side of their sofa. He did not resist when the blond urged him to sit straddling his powerful thighs so they could look eye-to-eye.

“I really am sorry, Piotr,” Gavin said. “I behaved like a spoilt brat. I was sure I’d driven you away.”

“And I behaved like a pig-headed idiot,” Piotr countered. “I was really pleased I’d been asked. I wanted to show them what I was capable of. Then Marion said, in front of my boss and more importantly in front of his, that I was a poor choice because my ‘home commitments’ meant I wouldn’t put in the time necessary to get the job done.”

“You never told me that,” Gavin said, his hands framing Piotr’s face and drawing the blond to him for a gentle kiss. “She had no right. This was important to you.”

“It was important to my ego,” Piotr sighed. “My boss said to ignore her, that she had her nose out of joint because she’d missed out. But the consequence was that I felt the need to make sure these seminars went like clockwork. To make them perfect. I could have, and should have, asked for help but I wanted to prove I could do it. That I was as dedicated to the firm as anyone else. I lost sight of what was really important. You, me, us, what we have. This is what is really important to me.”

Gavin melted against the blond as he was drawn into a slow, deep kiss. It seemed that every millimetre of his mouth was thoroughly tasted by Piotr’s talented tongue. It explored his cheeks, slid over his teeth, twined with his own slick muscle, finally pulling it into his own mouth to complete Gavin’s willing ravishment. He panted softly in its aftermath, feeling his erection pushing against his jeans. He had not even realised he had been getting hard.

“I made sure everyone else was happy, except you and me. As well as the seminars went, it was a hollow victory. I thought you might not come to me. That you’d think I was more concerned about work than you.”

“And I thought you’d realise there was a bigger world out there,” Gavin said, looking almost shyly at the blond.

“I’ll never do it again,” Piotr vowed. “I’ll not jeopardise the most important thing in my life again.”

Gavin groaned as Piotr’s hand began a gentle caress of his straining flesh.

“Looks like Little Gavin missed me as much as I’ve missed him.” Piotr’s voice was a sensual purr against Gavin’s ear and he moaned as the touch ignited his desire.

“Not half as much as Big Gavin’s missed you,” Gavin countered, unconsciously pushing into the tender touch. “Make love with me, Piotr. I want you in me.” Gavin nodded at the raised eyebrow from his mate. He rarely bottomed, both men usually preferring him to top. But right there, right then, all Gavin wanted was to feel his lover in him, over him, surrounding him. “You can have Little Gavin tomorrow,” he promised.

“If you’re sure, baby,” Piotr said. “I’ll hold you to that. Let’s go back to bed.”

The two men stripped quickly, Gavin racing to the bed to watch with avaricious eyes as his lover’s boxers went down with his pants, revealing his straining erection.

“Glad you’re in bed, baby, don’t want you catching cold. I’ll soon have you really warmed up,” Piotr growled, the noise making Gavin shiver with need and want.

The bed dipped as the blond slid in and, much to Gavin’s delight, Piotr was soon all over him with mouth and hands. Then Piotr’s tongue was in his mouth thrusting in imitation of another, more intimate act to follow. It pulled out and attacked his neck then his nipples. Gavin lay there, his hands petting at Piotr’s soft, warm skin, eyes glazing at the strength and speed of Piotr’s amatory assault. Large, knowledgeable hands were fondling his shaft and achingly-full sac, and the nipple that was not under teeth, with passion and possessiveness.

“Oh, Piotr, so good” moaned Gavin at the onslaught.

The hand moved from tenderly rolling the orbs within their sac and moved towards his hidden opening, circling, teasing and he raised his hips and legs allowing further access. Hot, demanding lips never left his nipples, moving from one to the other, leaving them hard and throbbing in their wake. The teasing hand moved away from his furled flesh before returning, slick and urgent, to insist on entry of at least one finger. The digit slid inside and Gavin spread his legs wider. Piotr moved slowly between his splayed limbs as one finger became two. They moved around inside Gavin, slicking his inner walls and encouraging his tightness to relax.

“Oh, oh, Piotr,” he begged. “Please, more.”

The welcome invaders became a trio, moving in and out of his body and his hips were following the movement, wanting, needing more. Gentle caresses across his hidden jewel had Gavin pleading and sobbing for the blond to be inside him. The fingers left him and he cried out with their loss, only to feel the blunt end of Piotr’s cock push at his entrance. He raised his legs to his chest, moaning his encouragement as Piotr positioned himself at his portal, and then the blond was moving forward, gently, lovingly.

As Piotr began to slowly push inside Gavin, he whispered soft words in Polish. They were barely audible as he mouthed them into the soft curve of Gavin’s neck and the brunette whimpered in reply. He lay still as Piotr pulled back, his eyes dark and passionate. Gavin moaned as his lover slowed the pace even more, rolling his hips in a figure eight motion, slow enough so Gavin felt every maddening, arousing, desired slide against his inner walls.

Gavin drew a deep, calming breath and settled into the slow pace of the deep thrusts into his body. It seemed as if he was aware of every ridge and vein on the engorged flesh as it pushed into him, possessing him without compromise. The older man clutched at his lover’s back, fingers digging into the taut muscle as Piotr mouthed moist words against his throat. Some he recognised, but he sensed the meaning of those he did not and shuddered in response, making soft, keening sounds of want and need. He tried to hold on tighter as Piotr shifted again and groaned as the blond continued his slow ravishment.

“Please.” Gavin keened softly, gasping as the almost casual thrust of the younger man’s shaft found his jewel, rubbing across it again and again. “Oh, Piotr, please.”

The brunette felt the shudders running through Piotr’s body as his lover’s orgasm built, impassioned indigo eyes devouring the sight of the older man lying hot and hard, writhing with need and want.

“Gavin, so good.”

Gavin looked up at the softly-husked words, seeing Piotr’s eyes warm with love, desire and promise. Gavin panted breathlessly, feeling another surge of his arousal against his belly, this one hotter and sweeter because it was all about love.

“Piotr, I need you,” he whispered. His legs hitched higher around the blond’s body, clutching tightly to his lover and holding him closer still. In response Piotr leant down and captured Gavin’s lips in a kiss and the hand not keeping him balanced moved to cup Gavin’s cheek. Piotr’s hips continued to move in small movements, designed to stimulate the older man’s prostate.

“You have me, always. I love you so much,” Piotr growled, his body shaking with pent-up passion.

Gavin felt a more forceful thrust to punctuate his mate’s statement. He parted his lips, inviting the blond deeper. Their tongues stroked lazily together, imitating the gentle rock of Piotr’s body. The older man gasped every time the head of his lover’s shaft bumped across his prostate. He was vibrating with his desire by the time the younger man began to thrust harder. Gavin mewled gratefully when Piotr’s hard shaft drove into him in deep, rhythmic thrusts.

“I love you, Piotr, so much. Oh, I’m close, so close.” He clutched at his lover’s shoulders, fingers tangling in Piotr’s hair as he panted erratically into the connection of their mouths.

“Love you too, Gavin.”

His lover’s eyes were dilated, wiping out the blue of his irises and Gavin knew Piotr was close. Gavin’s balls were drawing up against his body. His channel was hot and slick around the hard, insistent flesh of his lover. He began to feel the ripples that he knew heralded imminent orgasm. Piotr’s tongue flicked out over his lips, before dipping inside his mouth, his hand moving from Gavin’s cheek to his weeping shaft.

“Come for me, babe.”

Even if Piotr had not wrapped his calloused palm around his cock, the very sound of the younger man’s voice, in such deep, demanding tones, would have sent Gavin over the edge. He arched up with a wail, internal muscles clamping down on Piotr’s shaft as his own erupted between them, spilling his crème on their bellies and his lover’s hand.

“Piotr!” He clutched at the body above him, so solid with muscle, shuddering through his climax, panting out sounds of pleasure as his sheath spasmed around Piotr’s length. Gavin felt Piotr manage to thrust once, twice more and then the blond was frozen in place, breath catching in his throat. The younger man gave a low, deep moan and his release overtook him. Gavin felt Piotr’s flesh pulse repeatedly, flooding him with hot, wet juices. Gavin grasped tightly to his sated lover as the blond collapsed panting against his chest, pressing desultory kisses wherever he could reach.

“Love you.”

The words were soft and moist against his breast, over his heart and Gavin swallowed past the lump in his throat.

“I love you, Piotr.”

Neither man remembered drifting into sleep.


“Wakey, wakey, Gavin Scrooge,” a too-bright voice barged into Gavin’s unconsciousness. “‘Tis Christmas Eve and I need to sort out Christmases Past, Present and Future.”

The brunette groaned softly as the bed bounced and, along with it, his body. However he was held safely in place by the strong legs of Piotr whose smile quickly had Gavin’s vestiges of sleep vanquished. Already his younger lover looked brighter, more energised. The sight of the luscious lips had Gavin reaching to pull Piotr down for a slow, sweet kiss. He gave a hitch of his hips to encourage the friction of his rapidly filling shaft against his lover’s.

“Isn’t there something else you need to do first?” Gavin asked rocking suggestively.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Piotr said as he shuffled down Gavin’s body. “I have lots of plans for Little Gavin. You’ll just have to be patient.”

Gavin bucked as a gentle tongue licked his swollen flesh from root to tip and soft lips sucked sensuously at the head. He unashamedly whined his denial as the pleasurable sensations ceased.

“Piotr, please,” he said reaching for the younger man.

“Be a good boy and you’ll be rewarded by Santa all in good time,” Piotr smiled. “Breakfast is ready and I need you to be good to go in an hour. I’ll leave out what you’ll be wearing.”


Gavin could not help but smile at the jaunty, red Santa hat his lover wore. He glanced downwards, uncertain about the thermal sweat pants in soft gray that Piotr had left out for him. Although he had been less-than-happy at going commando, the tantalising touches and sultry looks from cerulean depths had him in a state of semi-arousal and he finally deemed it a small price to pay.

The couple stood outside the cabin listening to the sound of winter and breathing in the crisp, clean air. Tree branches occasionally creaked from the weight of the ice and snow blanketing them, but there was no other sound. Gavin smiled as Piotr pulled him into his chest for extra warmth when a faint sound joined the chorus of snapping twigs and groaning boughs. Gavin had been ready to inquire what they waiting for when he heard the sound. It was faint but unlike the arhythmic music of the surrounding foliage. The sound got louder and nearer, and Gavin detected a distinctive metallic quality. He turned in the direction of the sound and watched as a vision of bronze and flaxen came into view.

One of the most beautiful bay horses Gavin had ever seen was pulling a sleigh of polished wood and golden paint and the silver bells on its harness tinkled merrily. Gavin laughed out loud in a mix of joy and delight, especially when he caught Piotr humming ‘Jingle Bells’. The sleigh stopped in front of them and the well-muffled driver jumped down.

Gavin stared at the vision and was only drawn from his inspection as Piotr smiled and pulled him forward. Gavin moved to join his partner, as Piotr climbed aboard the sleigh and slid onto the well-padded seat, clambering agilely after him. Once they were settled, the driver produced a warm lap blanket and threw it over their legs tucking it in to block the cold. Then he climbed back aboard and reached for the reins. With a practised flick of his wrist the sleigh moved off.

“This and the trip into town take care of Christmas past and present,” Poitr grinned.

He smiled at his lover as Piotr opened a small hamper and produced a thermos of hot, spiced eggnog for them to drink. He snuggled next to the blond as they finished their drinks and regarded the winter wonderland around them. The sky was cloudless ultramarine, the treetops were clothed in thick white and ice sparkled like diamonds creating a myriad of colour where sunlight hit them. Gavin sighed in pleasure. Then he gasped in surprise.

Just what was Piotr doing? He murmured wordlessly as Piotr’s lips covered his own and the hand that had been stroking an increasingly happy Little Gavin pulled the sweats away enough to let the eager flesh spring free. Gavin was thankful for the thick blanket that provided privacy as well as locking-in heat. He was sure he would have instant frostbite if his tumescent organ was exposed to the ambient air.

“You always said you’d like to do this in the open, where there was a danger of being caught.”

Gavin suppressed a sound partway between moan and sob as Piotr’s voice husked hot and dirty in his ear. Despite the proximity of the driver, or perhaps because of it, dulcet bolts low in his belly began to diffuse heat rapidly throughout his body. Gavin found his eyes riveted to the back of the oblivious driver even as his hips rocked into Piotr’s masterful touches. Or is he oblivious? An insidious voice in Gavin’s head queried.

“In fact,” Piotr continued, as if unaware of Gavin’s inexorably rising lust. “Perhaps I should get the driver to stop and let him watch, hmm? Maybe you’d like a voyeur, an audience, someone to see how you look as you come undone at my touches?”

Gavin was grateful that it did not require higher reasoning to breathe and even that was becoming difficult, coming in short, sharp gasps. His whimpered moan was swallowed by Piotr’s mouth as he realised that the previously bare hand working him, which briefly vanished, was now stroking him with silk.

“It doesn’t matter if you did.” Piotr’s voice was back in Gavin’s ear and teeth nibbled on his lobe. “Because even if you begged me to let him watch, I wouldn’t let anyone else see. You’re mine and no one else gets to see how beautiful you are when you come for me.”

The words were passionate and possessive in equal measure and rasped in a tone Gavin rarely heard except when Piotr himself was on the verge of coming. His mouth was captured once more and he shuddered helplessly as he came, his orgasm so powerful it greyed his vision and left him boneless in its wake. He sat, eyes closed, his head against the back of the seat, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He was slowly aware that Piotr was kissing his nose and murmuring softly. His lover had cleaned him and tucked him back inside the sweat pants as he had languished in his afterglow. He open satiated sienna orbs to meet satisfied sapphire.

“Thank you,” Gavin husked. He accepted the second glass of eggnog and nestled contentedly against Piotr’s solidity. He could not help but start as the driver spoke to them. He did not understand either his question or Piotr’s reply, but smiled as a strong arm tightened around him.

“I told him that this ride was part of my Christmas present to you, but that you were the best present I ever received.”

Gavin looked into his mate’s face, the azure eyes shining more brightly than any of the abundant diamond icicles and their sultry heat warming him faster than the eggnog. He closed the last few millimetres between them, kissing Poitr with all the love and desire he felt and surging his tongue into the blond’s warm, spicy depths. As he pulled back, he was inexorably pleased to see his lover’s eyes almost indigo with passion and his surreptitious hand had found the hard evidence of Poitr’s arousal.

“Gently, baby,” Poitr husked, the sound was a whisper in Gavin’s ear. “I’m likely to go off if you keep doing that.”

Reluctantly Gavin released his prize, moving his wandering hand to where he was less likely to succumb to temptation.

“Love you,” he whispered.

“Love you, too,” Poitr replied.

Gavin settled to enjoy the sleigh ride into town, a smile playing about his lips. He was going to think of special ways to repay his imaginative lover.


Gavin was delighted when he saw the quaint town in the light of day. It could have been the inspiration of a traditional Victorian Christmas card. It seemed to him that all its inhabitants were occupied in providing food and drink, or managing the market stalls selling last-minute, unique gifts, carolling or providing the accompanying music. He smiled to see the town’s children as involved as their parents. He and Poitr were in the minority as a couple, seeing many families with children. He demurred laughingly as Poitr showed him where Santa sat with his helpers, and a full complement of reindeer, and offered to pay for him to have his photo with Father Christmas or feeding the animals. Instead he accepted the offer of one of the locals to take a picture of him with Poitr that included the town’s beautifully bedecked tree and some of the carollers as background.

They meandered around slowly, eating the local versions of bratwurst and sauerkraut and drinking ice-cold vodka or steaming cups of coffee. Occasionally their hands brushed as they walked, their eyes meeting and making silent promises of love and devotion. Gavin wished they, too, could walk hand-in-hand or kiss one another just for the joy of it. However, he refused to let that spoil their day. Poitr’s smiles were becoming sultrier and the often arctic-blue eyes were smouldering cerulean. The looks were making Gavin hard and the loose-fitting sweat pants did nothing to restrain his wayward flesh. It was becoming increasingly difficult to walk with a persistent erection.

Taking advantage of a secluded niche, Gavin pinned his lover into a doorway and plundered the warm, willing cavern sucking slowly on Poitr’s slick muscle. As they broke apart to breathe Gavin nibbled at his blond’s ear.

“Let’s go home. I have a very special present to unwrap.” He ground against the other man, letting Poitr feel his arousal and smiling triumphantly at the low moan as his hand squeezed carefully at his mate’s endowments.


Gavin was almost vibrating with a mixture of desire and arousal as he and Poitr sat in the taxi taking them home. Occasionally he slid a hand between the blond’s thighs, teasing the erect flesh he could feel, keeping his lover hard and needy. Gavin usually took a more passive role when they began lovemaking, enjoying the strength of his blond mate. However, he was currently relishing the power he wielded over Poitr and intended to continue it once they got back to the cabin, having very definitive ideas on how to repay Poitr’s ingenuity and generosity.

The older man pushed his lover inside their cabin, flicking on the light before devouring his mouth in a kiss that expressed all the passion and desire he had kept simmering during the ride home. He deftly unfastened Poitr’s coat, throwing it aside, his eyes glowing like dark fire. He pulled off the thick sweater and literally tore open the shirt beneath to reveal Poitr’s smooth, warm skin. He dimly realised the growling sounds of want were his as he attacked the silently begging nipples. He sucked and nipped at one as he rolled and pinched the other, alternating till each were hard and red and the sounds from his lover were little more than whimpers of need.

Gavin tugged the shirt down to entrap Poitr’s arms at the elbow to his sides and backed the pliant blond to the large, wooden table between the kitchen and living spaces. His cocked throbbed achingly, but this was all about Poitr. He moved quickly to switch on the tree lights, giving a mental nod at the golden radiance they threw out. He turned off the main lights and returned to his lover. Wordlessly he manoeuvred Poitr so that the lights of the tree now cast illumination on the blond, a low growl of approval rumbling deep in his chest as Poitr’s skin took on a golden glow. Poitr whimpers heralded Gavin kissing his throat. Gavin purred as he brought his hand up to caress the sides of Poitr’s face, before stroking his fingers through the thick, blond hair.

“Gavin, please.”

The brunette smiled at his lover’s moan as Poitr allowed his head to fall back whilst Gavin gently pinched the taut nipples.

“Please what, love?” Gavin asked. He could hear the need in Poitr’s voice. “Tell me what you need,” Gavin husked as he rolled a nipple between his fingers. He pressed his body against his lover’s, letting him know how aroused he was by the wantonness of his actions and the hardness he ground against a slender hip.

“Gavin don’t tease please. I need you it’s been so long since I’ve felt you.” Poitr moaned.

Sliding his hands around Poitr’s thighs, Gavin lifted him the couple of inches necessary to seat the blond on the table. With a single hand to the smooth chest, he pushed the younger man to lie back. Licking his lips in anticipation, he began to unbuckle Poitr’s belt, then he undid the button, listening to the harsh breaths of the supine blond. Stopping, he mouthed the erection through the denim, sucking where a darker, damp patch heralded Poitr’s need. A sound that was part sob, part growl from the blond went straight to Gavin’s cock and it throbbed against its cloth confines.

Abandoning one ‘present’, Gavin decided to enjoy another. He ran his fingers over Poitr’s luscious lips. He closed his eyes as the younger man took his fingers inside his mouth and sucked them slowly. Gavin let out a deep moan, sliding his other hand over the blond’s flat belly. He brought his hand against the still-fastened zip and quickly took care of that obstacle, encouraging hard flesh to spring free. Gavin touched the warm, silken skin of Poitr’s belly, caressing him with slow, rhythmic touches. Gavin withdrew his fingers from Poitr’s sinfully talented tongue. He ran them down the younger man’s neck, trailing past the clavicle and brushing them over the peaked nipples. The younger man mewled and bucked helplessly at the touch and Gavin grinned, feeling his own shaft impossibly thickening further.

“You like this,” Gavin purred. He brought his thumb and forefinger against one of the hard nubs and gave it a gentle pinch. He tugged at Poitr’s jeans and the blond hitched his hips, allowing Gavin to pull them and the dark blue briefs down. He left them puddled at the blond’s ankles, a similar symbolic restraint to the shirt that still held Poitr’s arms at his sides. Gavin breath caught in his throat at the sight of his lover almost naked, helpless, the straining shaft dripping pre-come to leave a small pool on the toned belly. With a small grunt he shifted Poitr further up the table, spreading the blond’s legs apart.

The older man moved slowly and let his tongue snake out between his lips as he watched Poitr. He ran his tongue slowly up the inside of Poitr’s thighs, caressing the flesh softly as he cupped his mate’s sac. He let his tongue follow his hand, lapping at the suede-like skin and nosing gently at the hidden ovals. He captured one between his lips, sucking it softly as Poitr moaned and arched up from the table. He teasingly licked his mate’s cock. Poitr was hot against Gavin’s tongue and achingly hard. Gavin leant in close, pressing his lips against the blond curls that surrounded Poitr’s straining shaft that leaked copious amounts of pre-come. Gavin groaned as he lost himself in Poitr’s musky scent, rubbing his nose gently into the soft curls, making Poitr arch up against him.

“Gavin please stop teasing me.” Poitr whined, tossing his head, jerking his hips upwards in an attempt to redirect Gavin’s attention.

“Shhh it’s not time yet.”

“Oh gods, Gavin.” Poitr moaned.

Gavin relished the way the blond arched as he licked the length of Poitr’s cock before moving up his body. He licked and kissed Poitr’s stomach, cleaning away the silver desire and licking at the tangle of downy hairs that led up from his groin. A whimper accompanied licks at his lover’s navel, Gavin driving his tongue into the irresistible belly button. Gavin moved onwards to the smooth chest leaving little butterfly kisses over honeyed skin. He moaned as he felt Poitr’s cock brush against his sweat-pant clad erection as he moved again. He softly bit the blond’s nipples in turn before licking and suckling them. Then Gavin captured Poitr’s lips in his own, feeling his lover’s hips pump gently as he tried to get more friction on his shaft.

He pulled away and breathed deeply as he saw the love and lust in Poitr’s eyes, he was so aroused he felt almost feral. Gavin knew that he was going to enjoy this just as much as his mate. Poitr’s lips were bruised with the intensity of the kiss and he looked like a debauched, decadent angel lying beneath him. He touched the younger man’s weeping arousal once more and smiled when Poitr bucked his hips and groaned deeply. Gavin slid his hand down, holding the base of his mate’s damson-hued organ.

The younger man’s gasp accompanied Gavin’s swipe of his tongue along hard, hot flesh. He repeated the action, this time the older man ensured his tongue slithered around the shaft several times before running teasingly along the underside. Gavin brought his mouth close to the tip and the blond let out a cry when Gavin’s mouth closed over it. He began a steady suction instantly driving Poitr mad with need. Gavin swallowed his mate inch-by-inch, a feeling of exhilaration washing over him as Poitr flung his head from side to side and his fingers clenched and unclenched. He heard the choked mewl when he touched his lover’s sac, cupping each precious oval in his palm, squeezing softly. Gavin smiled as he moved away from his lover’s balls and began to caress his scrotum in long, languid strokes. Gavin could hear the desperation and excitement in Poitr’s voice as he writhed in the makeshift restraints.

He moved his mouth up and down the younger man’s shaft, moving his tongue against the overheated flesh. He teased the slit with his tongue and heard Poitr groan low and deep. Gavin brought both hands against the blond’s hips. He applied gentle pressure, holding the young man in place. He took Poitr’s entire length into his mouth again and began suckling his cock in earnest.

“Gavin!” Poitr wailed.

Gavin knew Poitr was close from the way he thrashed and shook. He took one hand off the blond’s hip and brought it between his spread thighs. He caressed the sac and heard a deep moan. He sucked harder, hollowing his cheeks. He stroked his finger against Poitr’s entrance, barely touching the intimate area, lightly pressing against it. Then the tip of Gavin’s finger breached his lover’s entrance, triggering his release. Gavin braced himself as Poitr pumped his hips, completely out of control, spending himself into Gavin’s insistent mouth, letting out a long, low moan as he came. The older man milked the blond, drinking in all he could offer. When he had swallowed the last precious drop, Gavin let the softened flesh fall from between his lips. He was pleased that his lover was still gasping for breath when Gavin gave the spent flesh one last parting lick and slithered up his body to kiss him.

“That was incredible,” Poitr panted into Gavin’s mouth. “Get me out of these things and bed me,” he added, his voice a dark, sinful purr to Gain’s ears.

Gavin unfastened Poitr’s boots, pulling the jeans and briefs off to throw carelessly aside. Helping his lover to sit, he tugged free the shirt tossing it to lie where it fell. He watched avidly as his lover’s golden body rose from the table and then a bolt of lust seared through his body as Poitr elegantly sank to his knees, rubbing his face along the erection tenting Gavin’s sweat pants and sucking at the patch that was dark from the steadily leaking pre-come.

“You like this?” Poitr asked, looking up at Gavin. “You want me to be your slave-boy?”

Gavin had to grasp the base of his cock tightly to stop himself from coming at the sight and sound of his beautiful lover. He shook his head.

“Not this time,” he husked, knowing it was something he would like to revisit. “Right now I want to be inside you so badly it hurts.”

“Then take me, Gavin,” Poitr purred, rising as gracefully as he had knelt.

Poitr’s hand was in his as Gavin urged them towards the bedroom, both men kissing and touching. He pushed Poitr to the bed and heard himself give a sound somewhere between plea and growl as the blond spread his legs and canted his hips, offering himself. Gavin’s eyes were riveted to the enticing sight as he carelessly tugged off his own clothes, groaning with relief as his erection sprang free, slapping his belly before settling to point unerringly at its desire. He moved to the bed, eyes raking over the powerful body, stronger than his own, submissively and silently begging to be taken.

“I love you,” he husked. “I love you so much.

“And I love you, baby,” Poitr affirmed. “Now show me. Show me with your body.”

Gavin settled on top of the lithe blond, kissing him deeply. He ground into Poitr, his pre-come letting his cock slide easily over his lover’s heated flesh. He dropped lower, dropping random kisses as he descended. Reaching Poitr’s modest nest of blond curls, Gavin looked up.

“Hold yourself open,” he commanded. As Poitr’s legs were lifted and spread, the small portal to his body was clearly displayed. Gavin used his thumbs to prise it open, enthralled by the way it pulsed as if begging to be filled. Unable to resist any longer he drove his tongue inside the hot, satin sheath. An unrestrained wail of pleasure from his mate accompanied the action. Gavin alternated between tonguing hard and deep and teasing, lapping licks around Poitr’s entrance earning a litany of pleas and moans from his blond lover.

Realising he was unable to open Poitr further with his tongue, Gavin rummaged for the edible oil he knew was in the locker drawer. He made soothing sounds as Poitr jerked when Gavin’s wet finger wormed its way along between his cheeks and rubbed insistently at his entrance. Gavin resumed his ministrations to Poitr’s reviving sex. He felt Poitr squirm at the wanted intrusion. As Poitr arched his back, Gavin pressed his hips back down, further impaling him on his finger. Then, Gavin crooked his finger Poitr let out a howl and his body convulsed and shook. Gavin kept sucking at his lover’s cock, his tongue doing wicked things to the head, feeling and hearing Poitr’s increasing arousal. Gavin scissored and twisted his fingers, occasionally brushing Poitr’s prostrate, until the blond’s shaft was fully hard once more. Poitr’s eyes were closed and he was lifting his hips to increase the friction. Knowing his lover was ready, Gavin lifted his body away and pushed Poitr’s legs up so his knees were in line with his shoulders.

“I want you to get me ready,” Gavin said, taking one of Poitr’s hands and pouring some of the remaining oil into it. “Rub it on me.” He felt Poitr shiver as he wrapped his oil-slickened hand around Gavin, stroking up and down his length. Gavin moaned and leaned down to take his lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue thrust immediately into Poitr’s mouth as the blond continued to stroke him. Gavin removed his lover’s hand and positioned his cock against Poitr’s entrance. He ended the kiss with a final nip to his lover’s bottom lip and whispered hotly in his ear, “You’re so beautiful, want to be inside you making you come.”

With a deep breath from both of them, Gavin began to push slowly, but steadily into Poitr’s body. Gavin forged carefully ahead, pushing himself halfway in before stopping, reaching down to take his lover’s flagging erection in his hand. As Gavin pushed the last few inches into Poitr, his mate was hard once more. Poitr’s hips shifted for a better position, causing Gavin to move inside him and he groaned as the blood-hot sheath contracted, drawing him further in. With painstaking slowness, Gavin withdrew half of his length before pushing back in the same slow manner, knowing that he would not be able to maintain such rigid control for long.

“Gavin!” Poitr cried his name as Gavin’s shaft nudged his prostate.

Pleasure swept through Gavin’s body, rolling in continuous waves around him at the feeling of slick, tight heat enveloping him. He withdrew a fraction and pushed in a little harder, moaning softly. He sucked at Poitr’s neck, relishing the little animalistic grunts that broke free from Poitr’s mouth as Gavin sucked, stroked and thrust in unison. Gavin panted breathlessly, leaning down to lick a stripe up Poitr’s neck. His lover’s thighs, now wrapped around Gavin’s waist, shook as Gavin continued to pump into him. Gavin smiled as Poitr shook his head back in forth and thrust his hips up pushing his rock hard cock into Gavin’s hand.

Poitr’s moans grew in volume as Gavin’s thrusts increased in speed and force until he was all but slamming into his mate. Gavin’s groans were a counterpoint to Poitr’s keening as he felt pleasure build on pleasure. It was sublime and addictive and he knew they both craved more. Gavin’s head dropped taking Poitr’s lips in a hungry, desperate kiss. Their tongues duelled in a battle neither could lose. Gavin bit at his lover’s bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth and running a soothing tongue over the hurt.

Gavin felt strong hands clutch at his ass, trying to pull him impossibly further inside Poitr’s body. A particularly powerful thrust made Poitr groan and grip him even harder. Gavin swooped down and covered his lover’s mouth with his own, tongue plunging immediately into his mouth. Poitr’s sounds of pleasure were muffled by Gavin’s lips as he slammed hard and fast against his lover’s hidden jewel. However, Poitr’s hands tightened on his ass to the extent Gavin knew he would wear bruises for several days. As he broke the kiss, Gavin bit and sucked hard first at Poitr’s throat and then at his shoulder, determined the blond would wear his mark. Gavin mercilessly rocked himself into his lover’s body wanting, needing them both to feel this lovemaking long after it was finished. Gavin hoisted Poitr’s legs and draped them over his shoulders, driving even deeper and pounded into the shaking body with all his strength.

“Come for me!” Gavin shouted, sweat dripping off his face to fall unheeded and mix with that on the man beneath him. His hand was a blur on his blond’s burgundy-hued hardness. “Come with me!” A high-pitched keening was Poitr’s only reply as Gavin’s hips began to jerk erratically, his rhythm faltering. He twisted his hand around the head of his lover’s cock as he pumped, desperate to bring him off as well. “Poitr!” Gavin cried out his climax, his seed erupting into Poitr’s body and sending his lover to plummet in freefall over the edge. Gavin heard his scream echo in the bedroom as the blond’s orgasm tore through him, his channel contracting brutally around Gavin’s spurting flesh.

Gavin sagged against the broad chest, feeling Poitr’s legs slide bonelessly from his shoulders. He smiled against his lover’s neck as Poitr’s arms came to wrap around him, holding him close. He kissed sweat-dampened flesh as he felt his lover’s mouth press against the top of his head. He felt loved, cherished and wanted in ways he could never vocalise and hoped Poitr knew it was returned with equal fervour. He felt the loss of his connection to his mate as his softening sex slid free of its haven.

“Gavin,” Poitr’s panting voice was suddenly uncertain and Gavin shifted a little to look into his lover’s face. “Remember what I said about Christmas future? I never want to face one without you. Will you marry me?” Gavin could see that despite everything, his mate was unsure of Gavin’s reaction. He let his face reflect his joy in a wide smile and kissed Poitr breathless once more.

“Yes,” he added, in case his mate was still in any doubt. “Wait one second,” he added, disengaging from his lover’s arms with more than a little reluctance. He retrieved his box, hiding it behind his back as he returned to his beautiful blond and straddled the trim hips. Suddenly shy, he proffered the box to his mate. His eyes never left Poitr’s face as the blond undid the ribbon only to pull another smaller, more obvious box from inside. He nodded as Poitr’s eyes briefly left it to glance at him, then his lover resumed opening the gift with suddenly shaking hands. Gavin smiled at the gasp and the look of love and appreciation as the contents were finally revealed.

“It’s beautiful,” Poitr’s voice was a barely-there whisper.

“I bought it before you told me about the job and I was such an arse and I…” Gavin began to babble and was pulled into a deep kiss before he could continue. He relaxed into it, letting his lover’s tongue possess him.

“Put it on me.”

Gavin eased the solid, gold circle from its case and slid it onto Poitr’s wedding finger with ease, both men smiling widely.

“Is there one for you?” Poitr asked.

“There is back home, it’s being held on reserve,” Gavin confessed. “I wanted to know you were willing to take the step with me.”

“Then when we go home I will buy it and put it where it belongs so all can see you are mine. Just as I’m yours,” Poitr grinned, making Gavin’s stomach flutter and heart melt.

Gavin yelped as he was expertly rolled to lie beneath the widely smiling younger man and then groaned as talented lips and tongue began to bathe his body. He was sure he was in Heaven, Nirvana, the Elysian Fields. Whatever he called it, Gavin knew Paradise on Earth was in Poitr’s arms.

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