The Tent


A gay story: The Tent I’m tying up some loose ends, and editing this story has always been the ‘loosest of ends’ in my mind. Sorry for the wait in doing this, and thank you so much for your patience. _______________________________ Toward the beginning of my college days I was running around with a guy … Read more


Substitute Masseur Pt. 02


A gay story: Substitute Masseur Pt. 02 “Shut the fuck up! He paid you a 30% tip? On your first go?!” Beth was waving her heavily bandaged hand through the air as she spoke. Her voice raised in astonishment. “Yeah! I told him $150 for the inconvenience so $200 makes that about a 33% tip, … Read more


Christmas Present Ch. 02


A gay story: Christmas Present Ch. 02 2: Sleigh Bells Ring Pelaam (c) October 2008. I got several requests for a sequel for these guys. So here it is. Gavin was in Hell. Of that he was certain. Hell, Hades, Dante’s Inferno, whatever name it was given, the pain, the torment, the misery stayed the … Read more