Substitute Masseur Pt. 02

A gay story: Substitute Masseur Pt. 02 “Shut the fuck up! He paid you a 30% tip? On your first go?!” Beth was waving her heavily bandaged hand through the air as she spoke. Her voice raised in astonishment.

“Yeah! I told him $150 for the inconvenience so $200 makes that about a 33% tip, I guess.” I didn’t tell her that the client I covered for her actually gave me $400 for the amazing massage and happy ending I gave him. “I guess I’m just a natural?” I suggested with a shrug. Also neglecting to mention the little show I did for him in the hall.

“No fuckin’ shit!” She said with a laugh. “And so you just went and spent it all, huh?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said brightly as I pulled my brand new PS5 out of the GameStop bag. The new appliance smell shot through the air when I broke open the plastic wrapping on the box.

It actually hadn’t taken all the money Dom gave me to put my savings over the top, so I spent a bit on some hot new jockstraps as an extra little splurge. Those were still sitting at the bottom of the bag, where I’d stuffed them, but I was going to wait till I was alone in my room to take them out and try them on.

“Well I gotta say I’m proud of you for stepping up, and doing such a good job! And so grateful again for covering for me.”

“No problem,” I waved my hand dismissively. “Honestly, it wasn’t that hard at all. I just followed the routine like you said.”

Plus a few extra moves, I thought to myself as I turned my back to hide a satisfied grin. The memory of pushing Dom’s cock past the back of my throat made my mouth water and my pants tighten.

“Well I’m impressed and so happy to know you can cover a client for me here and there in a pinch.”

“Oh yeah any time you need!” I said a little too eagerly.

Beth raised an eyebrow in a briefly suspicious expression. I responded by flashing her my new gaming system with a comically excited face. She rolled her eyes with a good-natured scoff before looking at the oven clock and declaring, “Well then this is cause for celebration! Let’s go for a drink!”

“That sounds perfect,” I said, stuffing the unopened box back in the bag and putting it in my room. “But is it even alright for you to be drinking with that cut?”

“I’ll be fine. I don’t have to drink too much and it’s not like I’m gonna go punch somebody with my mummified hand,” she replied with a sardonic scoff.

I changed into a cute tank top and ran some product through my hair to give my curls an extra bounce before checking my reflection. Was it the fresh confidence of a recent sexual encounter that flushed my cheeks? Who knows, but I felt powerful and sexy.

I opened my messages and smiled again at Dom’s heart to my text. Then, I gave the mirror a little face before turning the lights out and following Beth out the door.

Beth did indeed need to get her stitches redone after drinking too much and tripping on the sidewalk on the way home.

Two days later, I was finally trying on my jockstraps from Dom. Well… not “from him,” but it made them seem special to think that they were. Gifts from my first massage conquest. I’d gotten one in a dark blue color with white trim, another in a soft pink, and a third in a stark black.

I was standing in front of my mirror, wearing nothing but the black jockstrap and admiring the plumpness of my ass, when my phone buzzed twice. A text message.

I looked over at the screen and saw that it was from Dom. My pulse quickened a bit as I reached over to open it.


Lame opener, but I figured that wasn’t all he was going to say so I closed my phone and turned back to the mirror. I fingered the smooth cloth cupping my junk. It was shiny and accentuated the high- and low-light curves of my dick and balls. My dark brown pubic hair stuck out of the top and sides, and I made a mental note to do some manscaping later.

Bzzz bzzz. I reached back for my phone.

“Thanks so much for the massage again. My back’s doing a whole lot better =)”

I smiled to myself.

“I’m glad. I definitely gave you my A-game 😘”

Three dots. Then they dropped. I waited another moment and the next message buzzed in.

“It felt like it. Never had anyone… massage me so well.”

“I thought it was your first massage”

A long, coy wait for his reply, before…

“Technically yes, but I’m not really talking about the physical therapy”



I blushed, remembering our little tryst. He was definitely being flirty with me now, which made my stomach flutter.

“Well,” I typed out and paused. My fingers shook with adrenaline as they hovered over the keys before I steeled my nerve and finished typing. “Well your business is always welcome. I’d love to show you how beneficial a second session can be”

I hit send then closed and dropped my phone on the bed. Who was this sexual daredevil I’d become?

I took one more look in the mirror then put on my robe and headed to the bathroom. That manscaping suddenly couldn’t wait. When I’d finished reducing my wild bush into a neat and tasteful tuft, I came back to my room and found 2 texts on my phone.

“I’ve been wondering about the same thing.”

Then, some ten minutes later…

“Do you do late night appointments?”

“Late night,” I read outloud to myself. I’d been about to immediately tell him I do, but then I remembered that this was not my massage business and commandeering it in this way wasn’t – as they say – “ethical.” I couldn’t do that to Beth, to say nothing of the fact that I was also not a real masseur.

I started typing a lie, “I’m sorry, I’m actually gonna be leaving town this weekend…” and a knock came at the door.


I guiltily closed my phone screen and opened the door. “Hey Beth!”

“Hey, so I wanted to give you a heads up that I’ll be gone for about a month.”

“Gone?” I was surprised. “Where are you going?”

“So the cut on my hand is going to take a while to heal, especially after that fall the other night, and I definitely can’t use it. Which means that I can’t really do my job. So I’m going to stay with my sister for a month. She’s a nurse and everything and she’s got a spare room out there in the suburbs.”

“Oh…” I said. “Ok, wow, I didn’t realize this was all that serious.”

“Yeah, I mean it’s not, really. It’s just the stitches but it’s just going to take time and I work with a lot of oils and people’s bodies. I can’t really just ‘play injured,’ you know?” She made air quotes around the sports terminology; her bandaged hand was comically impeded, demonstrating the sorry state it was in.

“Ok, well is there anything I can do?”

“Nope, I’ve already worked everything out, I have no appointments, I’m all packed, and she’s picking me up later tonight.”

This was crazy. Could it really be this easy?

“If I get a call from any other clients who I can’t cancel on, though, can I maybe let you know?” She asked.

“Yeah! Sure, definitely,” I said quickly. “And, uh, is all your stuff in your room?”

“Yep,” she said brightly. “I keep it tucked away but everything should be pretty easy to find.”

Holy shit, I thought. It really is going to be this easy.

After I closed the front door behind Beth around 9:30, I leaned back against it and turned my gaze to the ceiling.

“To whatever god is up there playing on my side,” I called out, “fucking thank you!”

And with that, I texted back Dom, whom I’d left hanging since being interrupted by Beth.

“What night were you thinking?”

He texted back just a minute later.

“Tuesday? Can be at yours at like 10pm?”

Damn, he definitely meant late night. I hesitated for a moment before replying.

“Let’s do it!”

My heart felt like it would be beating double time until Tuesday.

When the day rolled around, I made sure to take good care to get ready. I touched up my manscaping, showered in all the important places and even bought a douche to be extra prepared.

You never know, I’d thought to myself when I’d seen it in the pharmacy.

I set up everything in Beth’s room just as it had been the first time Dom came, but added my own touch to the mood music – a sensual/tantric lofi playlist I liked.

I put on my tight gym shorts again, but this time they concealed my new blue jockstrap with white trim and I left the shirt off altogether. As a final touch, I applied my favorite product to my hair to define my chestnut curls once more, just as the buzzer sounded.

I bounced over to the button and let him in. Opening the door a crack, I could hear the double doors close and his footfalls pounding up the stairs. When he rounded the banister on my landing, I opened the door wider and flashed him a broad smile.

I noticed he was wearing a sports uniform, a bright green jersey over white shorts. Both items were practically skin tight and left little to the imagination. They were also both just as scuffed up and dirty as the man who wore them. He looked like he had just finished a game of some kind and I figured that must be the reason for the late night appointment.

“Hi again,” I said in my new masseur voice. “Fancy seeing you here.”

Oof, that was lame, I thought. If I wasn’t staring him right in the eye, I might have covered my face in shame. But as it was, I could only hold my smile and wear my reddening face.

Fortunately, Dom was conspicuously distracted by my bare torso, and I felt my embarrassment ebb as his gaze roamed my body.

He smiled his sexy half smile then and said, “Yeah, I- I just couldn’t keep away I guess.”

Also lame, I thought, but he was playing along so I gave a coy chuckle and pushed the door open to let him into my apartment. As he went past me, I got a strong whiff of his sweaty scent and it gave me a strong flashback to my own sexual awakening back in the high school locker room.

“Mind if I take a shower?” He turned to ask me suddenly when he reached the bathroom and I almost ran right into him. I’d been following too close, pulled in by the gravity of his powerful thighs and ass in front of me.

“Oh yeah, no problem.” I tried to play it off. “I put a towel in there for you already, and you know where to come find me when you’re done.” I held out a hand indicating Beth’s room, with its soft lofi beats trickling down the hall.

“Thanks,” he said before stepping into the bathroom.

I went to the room to breathe while he cleaned up, I had to calm myself down or I might jump the gun on the game we were obviously playing here. I peaked out into the hall and confirmed it when I saw he’d left the bathroom door open again.

Ha ha, not this time, siren, I thought, pulling my head back into the room and recalling unpleasant images in order to get my already hardening cock under control. By the time Dom returned from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and gym bag in hand, I’d managed to get the bulge in my shorts down to a not-too-obscene size – a feat made more difficult as I saw the outline of his hefty dick swing slightly below the towel line and watched the random drops of water still trailing down the hair on his bare torso.

“Y- you can just put that by the door,” I told him, indicating his bag. “Then come on over here and we can start with your back again. Is that where you’ll need some focus, like last time?”

“Actually,” he said while dropping the bag, “my back has been all cleared up since you helped me out last week. What I could maybe use is some work on my right shoulder and pec. I think I pulled or twisted it today in the game.”

“Oh, what sport do you play?” I asked.


Hot. I thought. That explains the physique.

“Oh wow! That’s a really rough sport, huh?”

“Yeah,” Dom replied, shaking his head and rotating his shoulder joint. “But hey, I love it. Makes me feel good – just like your massage.”

I demurred. “Oh you’re too kind.”

“Hey, I’m not joking. I’ve been thinking about this all week.” He finished with an earnest smile and then the moment hung in the air for a beat before he grabbed the knot holding the towel up around his hips. “Shall I?”

And with that, he pulled it off and handed it to me. I took it gently as he confidently stepped to the table and laid face down onto it.

Oh he’s an expert now, huh? I thought playfully while I draped the towel over a hook on the back of the door, before turning back to my deliciously bulky client.

I started by turning up the music a notch, engulfing us in the gentle tantric bass. Then I got to work on his back first. I positioned my hips just above his downturned face, rubbing a fresh pump of massage oil into my hands.

Slowly, I plowed my palms down Dom’s back muscles. Up and down I went, reaching far enough to caress his firm, juicy buttocks before retreating back up his back.

“Mmmmmmm,” Dom sighed. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

I bit my lip and redoubled my efforts, this time moving to the side of the table and working from that angle. I pushed into his muscles with steady pressure while standing with my junk an inch away from his fingertips.

“How’s the pressure?” I asked in my masseur voice.

“Perfect,” he said readily.

“Great,” I replied, moving to the other side of the table and repeating the routine.

As I went, I felt the faintest brush of Dom’s fingers on my package, which was straining against my jock strap and shorts. I was just wondering if I’d brushed his hand or the other way around, when I felt them again, caressing my cock and balls in the most timid approach to copping a feel.

The skin all over my body flushed with a surge of excitement and on my next stroke to his back, I leaned my hips forward, parking my growing member directly into his upturned palm. Dom let out a sighing groan with the pressure I exerted on his back, and simultaneously closed his fingers around the clothed bulge now sitting in his hand. I bit my lip to keep from moaning out loud.

Back and forth I went on for a good two minutes. Stroking – worshiping – his sore muscles and using the shifting of my weight to gently saw my iron-hard dick against his cupped palm.

The scene was so hot. I could feel the beads of sweat forming on my chest, called forth by both the effort of massaging and my heightened level of lust. His timidity seems to be melting away as I feel his fingers squeeze me harder and add a little stroke in time with my own.

Oh this is dangerous. I thought. I could cum right here!

I took a step back instead, and under the guise of moving on to the next portion of the massage, I grabbed a moment to come back from the precipice. I slowed my breathing and regained self-control before returning to his head – but this time I brought both his arms forward and very deliberately placed his hands on my hips and ass.

The new position elicited a small gasp from Dom and I knew he loved it.

In the few days since Beth left, I’d also done some research online for extra massage techniques. This one allowed better access to some of the muscles below the shoulder blade – but that wasn’t really why the pornstar in the video I’d been “researching” was using it.

And indeed, neither was I.

Almost immediately, as I set to work on those hard-to-reach muscles, Dom’s fingers began to flex and knead the flesh of my ass.

“Mmm… wow that feels so good,” he breathed.

“Was it this shoulder?” I asked, rocking the blade of my hand against him on the right.

“Yeah, that’s – ahhhh – that’s the one. But, I’d say it’s – uhhhhhh – more on the front side.” His words were chopped by sighs of release.

“Oh, we’ll get there soon enough,” I said, the playfulness peeking through my tone.

I moved to focus on his left side and his hands continued their exploration of my ass. His movements were slow and sensual. He alternated between soft caresses and rougher grips – once or twice nearly knocking me off balance with a particularly hungry grasp.

I was completely spellbound by my own performance. Caught up in the moment, you might say. The rush of being the conductor of this wild sexual fantasy was intoxicating, and I was drinking straight from the bottle.

Gently, I drew my fingertips under and along his arms until I reached his wrists, which I pulled upward to carefully guide his fingers over and beneath the waistband of my gym shorts. I felt his hands dive eagerly into place, one on each cheek.

“Oh my god…” Dom whispered in audible disbelief. He gripped the bare skin of my ass through the open back of the jockstrap. His jock strap.

The song changed and as one booty jam morphed into the next, I pushed down on his wrists again, encouraging him to slide my gym shorts down. The elastic tightened around his hands as it went over my butt and raging erection, then loosened and slipped off completely as his hands reached my thighs. Once free of the garment, Dom drew his hands right back up to caress my cheeks some more.

I was starting to lose control of my hands as the electric feel of his palms surged to my dick and increased its straining in the jockstrap’s blue pouch – right up against the side of his face.

I was surprised then to feel a slight turn in his head. It was cautious, but he turned a bit and began kissing my dick through the cloth.

“Mmmmmm,” I let out an involuntary moan. I couldn’t keep it in. I was in danger of losing my grip on the situation and that realization brought me back to reality.

Oh no you don’t. I thought quickly, and reasserting my pace to the experience, I stepped back and his hands fell.

“If you could turn over for me now.” My controlled voice felt like butter in the softly-textured room. Dom obeyed at once.

I bit my lip again when I saw Dom’s fully erect penis flop into view as his powerful body bent and twisted to lay face up. He showed no shyness about it this time. The whole impressive length of it practically glowed in front of my eyes.

He did twitch a little and open his eyes when he felt me mount the table, placing one knee on either side of his hefty torso. I did not sit back, but rather leaned the weight of my body forward to focus my pressure on his delicious pectoral muscles.

His eyes stayed open now, transfixed on my body as I flexed and moved over him. I could feel the lustful energy radiating off of his cock, which I knew stood at perfect attention behind my exposed asshole.

I grabbed the massage oil and ran it up and down his left arm, placing his hand with a little encouragement on my own bare chest as I coaxed the lactic acid out of his forearm, bicep, tricep and deltoid. Our eyes stayed locked the whole time and his fingers explored my body where I’d let him.

I then repeated the same routine on his right side, his problem side. I took care to make my strokes long and luxurious and Dom closed his eyes again, moaning quietly in pleasure.

My heart was pounding in my ears as I finished with his arms and took the massage oil bottle cap off. Tossing the pump cap to the side I tipped the half full bottle slowly over Dom’s black and white chest hair.

His eyes snapped open again when he felt it fall, and he watched with rapture as I poured it down his chest and up onto my own abs and pecs. I put down the bottle and ever so slightly gyrated my hips to the music as I caressed the oil into my body and his. My hands ran greedily all the way down his stomach and to his cock, which jumped when my fingers finally closed around it.

“Ohhhh, fuck dude,” Dom moaned, his hands reaching up and finding my ass again while I gave him some slow strokes.

“Fuck yeah,” I agreed quietly as I sat back and slid slowly down his slicked body until we were chest to chest and his red hot, 8-inch cock was nestled between my two globes. I relished the moment that the surprise in Dom’s face turned into hungry desire.

The palms on my ass wrapped instead around my hips, a few fingers entwined with the straps of the jock. Together, he and I dragged my ass back and forth against his pre-cumming dick, my movements perfectly in sync to the rhythm his hands commanded. The slickness of our chests and abs made the rocking skin-to-skin contact deliciously stimulating.

I then put one hand on his chest and pushed myself upright, using the motion and the other hand reaching back to line up the tip of his throbbing cock with my waiting hole. I released a triumphant sigh when I felt the head pop smoothly inside.

The stretch was nothing to scoff at, though. His dick was so sumptuously bulky that I had to take a moment to breathe and relax. Dom was holding his breath, frozen as though caught holding something both delicate and white hot.

I chucked huskily down at him.

“You can relax, stud.” I pulled one of his hands up to my mouth and gave the index finger a luscious suck while I simultaneously sat further down his enormous member. The ridge of his cockhead pushed past my prostate and I moaned loudly.

Dom released the breath he’d been holding in with the words, “ffffuckin’ holy fuckkkkk…”

His body tensed and then melted beneath me. My thighs could practically feel the electric pulses zapping through his muscles.

I took another deep breath and sat all the way down. Stars burst in front of my eyes when I felt every last inch of him slide deep within me. The nerve endings in my ass were sparkling like the Fourth of July.

“Oh fuck, Dom,” I moaned and gasped. “You’re so big!”

“Your ass is so fucking tight, baby.” He growled in response.

Oh, he called me ‘baby’ again. I thought and my soul began to purr. My body responded by rocking and rolling my hips, rewarding my client for using that magic word with the milking he never expected.

Or maybe he did. I thought cheekily as I felt Dom start pumping his manhood up into me. He was meeting my gyrating with increasingly powerful thrusts of his own, and I put my hands over his at my hips just to have something to hold on to.

Within less than a minute, I was no longer grinding, but hanging on for dear life as Dom’s thrusts began to clap loudly against my ass. My voice rang out in loud, wild moans. I could feel every inch of him slide almost out then slam back into me, in a relentless drumbeat. Each stroke stimulating my g-spot and radiating tantric shockwaves throughout my body.

I swear, I was moments from bursting through to the ecstasy of orgasm, even with my cock still enclosed in the jockstrap, but just then Dom slowed to a stop. His breathing was heavy and he was sweating copiously from the effort. God, he looked so fucking sexy like that.

I leaned forward and kissed him full on the mouth, and, without hesitation this time, he met my passion with a full open-mouthed response. His arms wrapped around me in a great bear hug as we made out with abandon. He thrust his hips gently, insistently reminding me about his cock in my ass.

I broke the kiss and asked to his beautiful brown eyes, “Mind if we change positions?”

His eyes were dazed but he smiled and agreed. I give him a quick peck then lift myself off of him, letting his dick slip from my ass and feeling an emptiness where it was. We both got down off the massage table and I took him by the hand.

“Follow me,” I said, my voice dripping with playful lust.

I led him out of Beth’s room, down the hall, and into my room. The music dropped to a faint whisper, giving a closer, more intimate feel to this moment. I turned to face Dom. My hands found his arm and chest, while his snaked around and grabbed me possessively by the waist and buttock. Our lips met again and my ears rang with the sound of our excited breathing and my own pounding heartbeat.

Dom’s fingers crept under the waistband of my jockstrap, and finally released my desperately sensitive erection. Our cocks pressed against each other as this final garment hit the floor. Dom pulled me tight to his body, using his hands to spread my cheeks apart and sneak a finger in to play with my hole.

“I want you to fuck me against the mirror behind me,” I told him between kisses.

His manly growl of agreement sent a shiver up my spine. And I felt another when he grabbed me around the waist and forcefully turned me toward my full-length mirror, coming in close behind me and pushing me to lean forward. I catch the satisfied glint in my eye as I place my hands on either side of the reflection. The view so erotic.

Using my grip on the wall, I arched my back and shoved my ass against his rock solid cock while also resting my head against his chest. Dom’s hulking presence engulfed me, and I watched our reflections thirstily as his meaty hands ran roughly up and down my body. His face disappeared into the crook of my neck and I gasped through my teeth feeling him suckle hard at my skin.

I reached back and lined him up with my hole once again. Our eyes locked in the mirror and my jaw dropped as he pushed all the way inside me in one stroke.

“Oh fuck, stud,” I whispered to him through the reflection. “That dick is so good.”

His eyes widened slightly and grew in intensity when he heard my words. I relished the energy they gave him so I tried a few more.

“Oh yeah, Dom,” I could feel him pulling back, “I love feeling that big- UNGH” he slammed back into me, “thick- UNGH” another earth shattering pump, “cock- UNGH!!”

I felt his hand suddenly on the back of my head as he forced me forward, bending me at the hip with my face just inches from my mirror. And then he unleashed. Over and over again, eight inches of uncut, rugby-playing pipe pummeled into my over-stretched hole.

I was mumbling incoherently between my cries of ecstasy. Through the mirror, I could see Dom’s face, contorted with lust and effort as he worked himself deeper and deeper into me. The muscles in his body rippled in concert and he was dripping hot beads of sweat.

Thrust after thrust. He kept up an unimaginably strong and steady pace. I could feel myself reaching the edges of climax, and I’d still not even touched my own dick.

Then suddenly – and without skipping a beat – Dom grabbed me by the throat and pulled me back against his chest with one hand, while the other gripped my hip tighter than ever and his pace quickened frantically.

“I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum…”

His breath felt like menthol on my sweaty neck, a hot iciness that set my nerves crackling and my toes curling with another impending climax. I yearned for it. I could feel every point of contact between our bodies, from the hairy pecs at my back to the tip of the cockhead drumming my prostate.

“I’m gonna cum I’m gonna CUM!”

The sensation of Dom unloading into me pushed me right over the edge. As his cock jerked and swelled and shot load after load of his precious semen into me, I cried out and began shooting my own spunk onto the mirror. Waves of orgasm washed over us both and we stood there after what felt like forever, panting and quivering while we regained control of our motor skills.

I realized then that I’d cum so hard that my legs had curled back off the floor and Dom was actually holding me up and on his cock. I gingerly returned my feet to the ground, though Dom still held me fast to his body. The sound of our panting filled the room, and we were staring eye-to-eye in the mirror.

“Damn,” Dom said into my ear breathlessly. “I gotta get massaged more often.”

I giggled softly.

So lame, I thought impishly as Dom’s softening cock finally slid out of my oh-so satisfied hole.

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