Opening Z Ch. 10

A gay story: Opening Z Ch. 10 I woke up to a blow job. Brett was curled between my thighs groaning quietly around my half hard. I was tender. I pulled his head up and said, “Sorry, I need some rest…I’m a little tender…” He groaned again and I felt his massive erection on my hip when he settled next to me. I had to piss. I said so and got up. I looked at my phone it was 544.

When I crawled back next to him he had his dick in hand. “C’mere,”….I turned him sideways on the bed, spread his legs wide. He rested his head on the wall. I turned on a night light so he could see. Kneeling on the edge of the bed, my ass stuck out towards the mirror I blew him.

Like blowing D, I wanted to give him this. Wanted to have him have this pleasure. I kept him from using his hands; I did all the work, when he really got into it he was flat on the bed, the only movement he made was his abs and hips clenching around my bobbing mouth. We were looking at each other and I knew from the change in his face he was getting closer and closer.

I pressed both of my middle fingers simultaneously up, in and then on his hard prostate. He came, the first up thrust was a dry heave, and I held his cock squeezing just below the head. The come oozed out I lubed the last tormenting stokes with that fifth

come. I curled on top of him, mostly hard but drained and tender too.

Our phone alarms blipped at the same time, in different tones. We scrambled to turn them off. He kissed me, “M-m-Mornin,”

“Hey,” my voice cracked I was so hoarse. He laughed and hugged me on the bed.

“C-c-can I shower be-be-before I g-go?”

Rubbing my eyes I nodded and together we went and took quick ones. Someone, Cory I think had just been there as it was still a bit steamy. At my door, Cory opened his door fully clothed and didn’t see us at first. I don’t know who was pinker: Brett, buck ass naked or Cory fully dressed and staring at two naked guys. I introduced them; they did shake hands and mumble. My voice was rasping. Cory gave a little smile and left.

I lay down; I had 45 minutes until Isaac came for yoga. I might doze I thought. Before he finished dressing Brett sat on the bed to tie his shoes. I curled over his back in a shoulder hug. “You’ll talk to me if you need to, right?” he nodded, “I’ll see you at 11 to run. Call or text is alright too.”

I-I-I like t-t-to t-t-take my t-t-t-time t-t-to mean wh-wh-what I say.”

I pushed him shirtless back on to my bed and gently kissed him. I did what I wanted. I held his gaze in silence. Then we shifted and he got dressed. He did look back, ear pods in one hand door knob in the other. “Th-this night m-means a-a-lot to us, I could n-n-not’ve im-imagined a bet-better man.” He got shy and flipped his bangs.

I got teary eyed. I stood and hugged him again. His example of silent meaningfulness was awesome. “You are a better man than you know. I believe in saying this when I feel it: I love ya….I fall quick but sure about it.”

“I-I-I did-didn’t, wa-wa was afraid to say it. I love ya too, too.”

With a smile he opened the door; it was cooler in the hall. “See you at the gym.”


I flopped back on my futon. The room was cozy warm. I rolled over and my dick actually twinged a little, “Can you have too much sex?” I asked my pillow. I was restless. Isaac wouldn’t be here for 45 minutes; I hoped to doze off. When I rolled over again, cock flopped and I groaned, I was tender. I grabbed the first pair of comfy boxer briefs I could reach and putting a pillow between my slightly chapped thighs let my mind wander.

I hadn’t come since March. Now in the last three days…I had to stop and count: Thursday, once jacking off. Friday, twice with J. Saturday, four times with J and D, Sunday four times with Brett; 11 orgasms in about 80 hours. I thought about all the edging I’d done too…the shower with Dale, and Brett, the solo in the hallway. Getting Isaac to show and strut….my lips tingled again at the memory of D’s hungry kisses.

My hips rose a tad and I pressed my package against my pillow. The tenderness was there but so was the great achiness that signaled another boner building in my balls. I heard footfalls on the carpet outside my door. A soft knock and, “Zach?” It was Isaac.

From my futon, “its open, Isaac.”

The light was sharp but brief. “You awake?”

“Not really,” I tapped the small light near my headboard and rolled over. I had a small precum spot on my briefs. Isaac had on flannel pajama bottoms and a long sleeve T, “C’mon in. Sit.” His eyes stayed on my body, my face, my abs, my come stain.

He set his mat and water down, lifted his shirt off, “it’s nice in here. Hallways are freezing.” I sat up and rubbed my eyes, smoothed my hair.

“Man, I’m drained.” His flannels were snug to his hips….he looked relaxed.

“Whatcha been up to? You do look kinda beat…”

I thought for a moment and gave him the run down…”Celibate for six months, I’ve come 11 times in the last 80 hours.” I waited for judgment.

“Seriously? That’s amazing, some kinda record! The best I ever did was a return trip to Hawaii; I had 6 in about a day and a half.” I think that was the first I’d really see him blush.

“We’ll have to swap stories some time.”

“Definitely! Kinda sucks though…I haven’t come in 5 days and spent the night edging…got thumping in my room in fact. Now we’re in different places again.”

“Ha! I was showing a friend the house and we heard you…I thought…”


“Well, last I saw you, you and Dale were….”

“Dale and I got drunk and talked. We went to his room, put on a movie. He fell asleep. I went to my room. He texted apologies and asked to get a long massage. We’re gonna hook up at some point.”

“Nice! Sorry you had a shorter night than you expected though…”

“S’all good. It’s warm I here…can I lose these?” and plucked one thigh of his flannels.

“Oh sure, no problem.” He was wearing tight boxer briefs too. “Whatcha wanna do?”

“I usually do some intense flow yoga to get my blood up….you look like you could use some rebuilding, buddy.”

“Sounds good…you’ll lead practice? I’m not that familiar with flow…”

“Yep. C’mon lazybones.”

Heavily repetitive, non-stop I was sweating in the first 10 minutes as was Isaac. I said, “Water,” and paused for a gulp. He did too. I rolled down my sopping briefs. Isaac dropped his too. For the next 25 minutes his voice directed us in liquid rhythms. Our breathing was timed to the movements. I crossed some boundary, like when I run; hit the wall in a good way. I felt a tingle begin behind my balls. I know I started to show hard. Once quick look and Isaac was ahead of me; he was dripping hard.

“Cool down series…” he almost whispered.

“Honestly, I could do more…”

“We’re gonna be close to 8:00. Didn’t you have a thing this morning?”

“Nothing important. I can email my question anytime today.”

“Alright then. Lets do the standing series again.” We went thru another 15 minutes both of us with fully hard cocks. I’d never seen how some yoga poses really show off the body. The tingle behind my balls, now a full erection, began to spread up my tummy and chest, settling in the back of my throat. When I identified it for what it was: the urge to suck cock, I stumbled a bit in a transition.

“OK. Cool down now.”

Smaller, slower movements, then stillness flat on my back. My cock left a drool that was slipping down the side of my belly on to the mat below me. When I looked up below Isaac’s navel was shiny with precum.

I sighed deeply and Isaac moaned in satisfaction. We sat up, side by side then stood, turned and he bowed to me, I followed his lead. On my way up from the waist bent bow, I said, “You’re leading…what’s next?”

“Let’s edge together. Then shower. I’d like to build up to our time tomorrow night in the massage studio.”

I was relieved, I could feel tenderness in the ridge of my cock and I didn’t think I could come, even though I was hard. “MMM, sounds great….” And I started teasing the base of my dick. Isaac puts his hands on my shoulders and nudged me back on the futon. He licked his palm and kneeling around my thighs grabbed both of our hard-ons.

In a quick minute of stroking our combined precum had us thrusting into his hands. I put my hands on his hips and using all my strength massaged deep into his wiry frame; this got him groaning. The tenderness was replaced with heat. “I could come like this, buddy, its fucking hot.”

“Maybe we won’t edge?”

“You’re in the lead….”

“I’m gonna make us come then…” and he ground against his fists faster…..we got the humping squeezing perfected…..he released one of his hands, grabbed mine and we fucked our fists between us. He added a couple hot wet spit gobs. He sat straight up and I saw him roll his eyes back, then reach out to me like he hadn’t done yet. For the first time we were really together.

“God your cock is hot….come together. Let’s shoot all over each other, Isaac!” I hadn’t talked dirty really before but it made me hotter and it got to him too….With my free hand I grabbed cupped his butt; he was teasing my nipples and pecs. “Gimme your load dude, cover me with it!”

He shot onto my 8pack and creamy come filled my navel, making drips down my oblique abs. I pushed our cocks to point up at his belly. I shot, it was hard to do and kinda painful in my ass muscles but it sprayed up, collecting around the bottom curve of his left pecs and coating his thigh. He fell sideways on the bed. I pounced on top of him and humped him hard to draw out the crazy jerks he was having. He let me keep at it until I couldn’t take it anymore.

I filled my hands with his curly hair and touched foreheads. “Fuck yeah. That was hard and amazing. You are hot, dude.”

“I so wanted to keep that going…I forgot how strong a male lover can be, how that strength can add so much. Damn you are sexy when you come!”

I laughed. “And I’m not sexy other times?”

He snorted, “No dude, you’re sex walking….and that open look you give some one….damn. You…” he shook his head…

“Please go on….” We laughed tiredly.

“You make me want to give pleasure again. I found that gift in my training. I’ve lost in the craziness of this world. And in two days time you’ve awakened me…thanks for that…”

I didn’t know what to say; I looked him in the eye, “I usually think its cheesy but: Namaste!” I paused he replied in kind, and then I added “sexy fucker!” and slapped his abs.

We levered up and drank big gulps of the coconut water he’d brought. I picked up the towels from Brett and me and got two more out of the closet. We showered, chatting about people we knew from the yoga studio. We dressed quietly in my room; the chill off the hallway thru the partly open door reminded me I had to pack cold weather gear for running. It hit me: I no longer felt drained.

I was silently chuckling shaking my head as I packed my back pack for the day. When he asked I said, “a dozen come shots in three days!!!” He offered a high five: I snagged a groping hug instead.

Isaac went to his room. I popped down to the kitchen thinking I was ready to go out for the day. It was chilly in the kitchen and the rain was hitting the tall windows almost sideways. I had on my usual: briefs under jeans, sweater and fleece. Hmmm. I went back upstairs and dug out a pair of running tights. As I pulled them over my ass, they made a nice grippy pouch, like a soft hand cupping my cock and balls. That’ll do I thought.

I switched jeans to the old worn pair from yesterday and knew that I was showing off: the blue shiny fabric of the tights would further highlight the thinness of my jeans’ crotch. But that was fine, because I wouldn’t even get the chance to do more than think about sex. Mondays suck.

No wait, I realized today wasn’t gonna suck. I had four! buddies, four lovers, that I was gonna connect with and a campus full of potential. Something Isaac said rang back to me: I can give the gift of pleasure. I dipped my head at the wind and scooted off to campus. I had an hour and forty five minute class; my notes for participation were in order. As I settled in to my desk, seeing everyone hunch and grump. I gotta say I felt like I was on the mat facing a bigger meaner opponent but knew I could win. I had them laughing in short order. Class was a blast. The TA even thanked me.

Brett sent me a text during class that I saw as I left, “New locker, 57H, left side near PT room. See you in 10?”

“Yup, on my way… thanks, man. How’re you?”

“A little worn…did yoga, worked. Ready to sweat. Q flipped. I let her freak and plan on dealing during session. How’re you?”

“Sorry to hear Q flipped, you can deal….Drained…12 O’s in 80 hours! Great yoga with Isaac, ending with #12 O. Tender in spots, but ALIVE! Putting phone away to dash to open gym to empty old locker. See you in 10.”

I got to the ‘new gym’, the one we on team call the open gym compared to the ‘old gym’ which was closed to team members and athletic department only. I emptied my locker and passed my padlock and ID thru the scanner and left. Wasn’t gonna miss much, except the random chances to show off. It was drafty and during class hours packed. In the old gym we team members had services dedicated to performing better; we could feel we were a community. My first semester of freshman year we were in the old gym; they closed it for renovations.

I saw Brett huddled in a doorway, hoodie up, listening to his headphones. He saw me; the connection was there still. We got out of the rain, “n-n-n-nasty out!” The place smelled of paint and polish, but looked great. We had to show and scan our student ID’s to get pass the lobby. Brett nudged me at the line as others had to wait to get registered for a locker. He palmed me a slip of paper with my combo, “y-y-you can-can-can ch-ch-ch-ange it whenever you w-w-want to…”

“Thanks man,” I shook my cap off, “wow…holy…wow…” the new locker room was amazing. I wanted to just drop my shit and wander but I needed to run today and Brett was snickering at my wide eyed excitement. He’d seen it during and after the remodel. I got to my locker, his was four lockers over.

“Th-th-they s-s-space out th-the t-t-teams….f-f-football, b-b-b-basket-b-ball, s-s-sw-swimming…wr-wr-wrestling….” He pointed at lockers in a row, “s-s-so no no no one is s-s-s-side by s-side….o-o-oh cool!” He pointed to a tacked up sign: the pool was re-opened too. “L-l-laps in-instead of g-g-getting w-w-et?”

I just laughed, “Dork.” And it took him a moment to think it through. He hung his head in shame. I got my locker open and dumped my shit in. I stripped and naked walked over to piss at the urinals. Brett was naked when I got back; his locker was just 4 away from mine. I couldn’t find my trunks at first but got them on just as Brett tugged the tie on his Speedos, goggles in one hand.

I had no idea what changes they’d made, Brett led me around a corner and up a short stairs, and the smell of chlorine and warm moist air smacked me as he opened a door. They had re-arranged the hallways. We stretched a bit. That was when I noticed the red marks on Brett’s neck, pecs and thighs….”Dude, did I do that?”

“Ye-ye-yes and n-n-no…I get ch-ch-chafed all the t-titme. Th-thin skin.” He shrugged.

“Thirty minutes of laps?” he nodded and dove in. He was a better swimmer and out paced me. Winded, we finished our time. The shorted hallway was nice and warm. In the locker room, Brett grabbed a towel stripped off his Speedos; his cock shrunk tight to his body and said, “C-C’mon.” I stripped too and followed.

They’d added a steam room, sauna and hot tubs! Only accessible thru the locker room. Brett dropped his towel on a bench in the steam room, flopped down and sighed. A few guys were coming and going, getting their new lockers but no one was using the facilities. I immediately thought of edging and it started to show. Brett gave a little laugh and we slow jacked for a few minutes, keeping an eye on the door.

I got too hot and we peeked out; no one was on our end of the locker room. We cooled down and got in the hot tub. He didn’t take much time to seek out my hard-on under water. We just lay our heads back and played with each other. I couldn’t help see the clock. It was almost noon and I was starving. He saw me looking at the wall clock, sighed and nodded. Before I stood up I grabbed him and sucked his kiss for a long minute; we were lost in it when loud banging from the lockers made us jumping. The shower cooled down our cocks. It was a great half hour edge.

Someone was having trouble with their combo. We walked to our lockers, naked and strutting. Getting dressed was hard; it was so warm and comfy in here. “I-I-I’ll c-call later?” as he was closing his locker.

“Yeah, do that. I may be back here to do weights at some point, so text first, k?”

We sideways hugged before getting slammed by the wind and rain, sleet too I think. He jogged off towards center of campus. J had texted while we were in the hot tub, “Me and D @ Thai Spring in 20 minutes. Eat?”

“On way now. Order for me? Pad Thai!”

“Just got here. Will do, see ya.”

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