Rio Ex-Pornstar Pt. 17

A gay story: Rio, Ex-Pornstar Pt. 17 Rio uploaded his honest, confessional video to Onlyfans on Saturday night before joining Jay in bed. He checked that the upload was successful, then quietly shut his laptop down.

“Well, it’s done,” he said, slipping under the bed covers. “It’s posted.”

Jay knew what he meant.

“It’s out there now. Out in the world of zeroes and ones.” Rio paused, contemplating what he’d just done. It was life-changing in every sense of the word, and potentially career-destroying, too. He felt like a reptile shedding old skin. He listened to the sirens in the distance; they never went away. There was too much crime and too many emergencies, but not enough people to respond. “Like, even if I changed my mind right now and deleted my post, someone would’ve already seen it. Someone, somewhere, has already watched my post and knows what I said. Maybe someone has even downloaded a copy. And if logged back on and deleted it now, I’d look like a fuckin’ coward.”

Jay rolled over. “I don’t think you’re a coward,” he said, placing a reassuring hand on Rio’s chest. “Actually, I think you’re extremely fucking brave. I mean, you’re asking people to view you differently to how they’ve viewed you in the past, which is hard enough for anyone in your position. But in your case, it’s also tied up with your career, and I know how hard you’ve worked recently to resurrect it.” He felt Rio’s chest rise and fall underneath the weight of his hand.

“Yeah,” Rio agreed. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how people react tomorrow. I’m tryin’ hard not to think about it anymore tonight.” He spooned Jay from behind.

“I love you, Rio, whatever happens.”

“I love you too.”

“I’ll get you a job at the library if I need to.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Jay reminisced. “Hey, you remember the time you came in to join the library and you asked me, very fucking loudly I might add, where the hardcore porn section was?”

Rio laughed. “Yeah, bruh, I do. That was funny. I’m just glad I didn’t kill that old lady.”

“She was deaf as a fucking post. I heard she made a recovery, but she didn’t hear any of your complaint that the library didn’t store porn mags on its shelves. She passed out because she came across a racy paragraph in the Barbara Cartland novel she was reading.”

“Fuck around and find out,” said Rio. “That Cartland skank had a dirty fuckin’ mind.”

Jay laughed hard. He went to sleep with a gigantic grin on his face.


Jay woke alone on Sunday morning — the other side of the bed was vacant.

Rio was already up; he woke with the sun. He poured himself a coffee and logged on, steeling himself for the worst of all possible worlds. He began scrolling through the comments to last night’s post. While there were a few nasty and ignorant comments, most of the feedback from his followers was either neutral or positive. A few people offered praise for the guts he showed in owning his truth, even though he feared for his career in doing so.

Jay padded out to the living room where Rio was sitting with his laptop. “How did it go?”

Rio peered at Jay over the top of his reading glasses. “I’m feeling very relieved, bro.”

Jay sat next to him and gave him a big hug. “I mean, I’ve got a few less followers this morning than I had last night,” Rio continued, “but most of the comments are good.”

So some people had unsubscribed. “Show me?” Jay asked. Rio turned the laptop screen in Jay’s direction.

Jay began scrolling down through Rio’s feed. Some of the negative comments were downright nasty and offensive, but Jay felt way more upset about them than Rio did. He kept his thoughts quiet. This morning was about Rio, and not himself.

Rio pointed at the screen. “Look at this comment, Jay. That’s a word I never thought I’d ever be called.”

Jay knew the pain that six-letter word beginning with the letter F could bring. He’d been on the receiving end of it a few times himself. “I know.”

“You know what? Fuck ’em,” Rio decided. “If people like that have unfollowed me because of what I said, I’m glad they’ve gone. I don’t want people like that as my fans.”

He quietly closed his laptop and made breakfast for Jay and himself. Poached eggs on rye toast, with wilted spinach, hash browns and an abundance of coffee.

They thought no more of it until Rio’s cellphone rang in the middle of the afternoon. He was sitting outside, enjoying a cup of herbal tea, but not doing anything in particular. He picked up his vibrating handset, but he didn’t recognise the caller’s number.

“Hey, Jay,” he hollered, “what does it mean when you get a call from a number with a plus sign in front of it?”

Rather than shouting back, Jay stepped outside to join Rio. “It means it’s an international call. Someone’s calling you from overseas.”

Rio’s phone stopped vibrating — the caller had given up.

“Who the fuck could be calling me from overseas? I don’t even think I know anyone from out of the country.”

Jay shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t ask me.”

“Must be a wrong number,” Rio concluded. “Someone’s doin’ an international buttdial. They’re gonna get a surprise when their next bill arrives.”

A few seconds later, Rio’s phone sprang to life again, buzzing loudly. He looked at the screen. “I think it’s the same number, Jay. There’s a plus sign on my screen, followed by 61. So if the plus sign means international, what does 61 mean?”

“Wait a second.” Jay unlocked his own phone and googled international dialling codes. “So, 61 is the international dialling code for Australia. Someone’s calling you from down under.”

Rio looked perplexed. “Who the fuck do I know from Australia?”

His phone rang again. Same number. This time, out of sheer curiosity, he answered. The line wasn’t very clear, but he heard a distant female voice.

“Uhh … yeah … g’day. Am I speaking with Rio?”

“Yeah, I’m Rio. What can I do for you?”

“My name’s Sandy. I’m calling from Australia. I’m a journalist from the Sydney Evening Garbage. I believe we’ve met before. In Fiji. You might remember me.”

Rio put his handset on mute for a second. “Fuck. Jay, it’s that fuckin’ Australian whore with those terrible plastic titties who hounded us on vacation. Remember?” Jay nodded, and Rio returned his attention to the call. “Yeah, I remember you. But how’d you get my fuckin’ number, bitch? My digits are private.”

Sandy’s answer was nonchalant. “I’m a journalist. Phone numbers are easy.” She pressed on with her inquiry. “So, Rio, I follow your Onlyfans account, and I was interested in the post you uploaded last night where you said you were bisexual and that you live with a guy. I was wondering if the guy you mentioned was the business partner you were vacationing with in Fiji.”

Rio wound up. “Listen, whore, I said what I said last night, but I ain’t got nothin’ further to add. My life ain’t none of your goddamn fuckin’ business …”

“I just want to let you know,” interrupted Sandy, “that I took some photos of you both in Fiji. You were splashing around in the pool, throwing a plastic football back and forth to each other in the sun. I think I overheard you talking about libraries. Is your business partner a librarian? I know librarians don’t get paid very much, so I assume that’s why you both shared the same room.”

Rio’s mouth opened, but no words came out.

“I also took some photos of you both when you were watching a football game at the bar one night. You were high-fiving each other and hugging. I guess that means you and your business partner follow the same football team. You both looked happy. Decades ago, people might have described you as having a gay time that night.”

Rio said nothing. He knew precisely what she meant by that word, but he refused to bite.

“So did you enjoy your vacation?”

“Until I met you, I did. Now listen, bitch, I thought I made things clear before. I ain’t your fuckin’ property.”

“I know that, Rio,” she said. “But the photos I took of you and your business partner are still on my phone, and they *are* my property. It’d be a pity if they … you know … got accidentally leaked to the internet.”

Rio wasn’t ashamed about anything. Personally, he couldn’t give a fuck if this sleazy journalist uploaded private pictures of him, but he wanted to protect Jay. He thought hard: nothing in last night’s post mentioned who his partner was. His shoulders sank. “What do you want?” Rio asked.

“An interview. An exclusive one, where I ask you about your … journey. My newspaper will pay you.”

“Listen. Why don’t you write some bullshit ’bout Taylor Swift and leave me the fuck alone.” He ended the call. His face was a scowl.

“What did she say?” asked Jay.

Rio sighed. “She saw my post last night. And she took photos of us in Fiji when we were in the pool, and when we were at the bar watching the Raiders game. She wants to interview me, and threatened to publish the photos she has of us if I don’t agree.”

Jay waited for Rio to continue.

“I’ve got nothing to hide anymore, but you ain’t part of this story and I wanna keep it that way. In my post, I mentioned I lived with a dude, but I didn’t say anything about who you were. So this ain’t about me right now, but about you. I wanna protect you and keep you outta this, but fuck, Jay, this bitch is blackmailing me right now.”

Jay rubbed Rio’s sculpted shoulders. “Fuck, dude, that’s what journalists do. They work in the fucking gutter. But you don’t need to protect me. I don’t care if she publishes those photos either. And if she’s got photos of me, she already knows what I look like, and it’s probably only a matter of time before she learns we did a scene together.”

As if on cue, Rio’s phone received two images. The first was a screenshot of Rio’s huge dick buried in Flower’s ass, with Jay sitting in a chair in the distance, jacking off as he watched. The second was of Jay’s tongue slurping Rio’s thick nut out of Flower’s ass.

“So it’s true,” texted Sandy. “He really *is* your business partner, isn’t he? You’re definitely ‘working together’ if these screenshots are anything to go by.”

Rio showed Jay the screencaps she’d sent. “Fuck, dude,” he said. “That didn’t take long.”

His phone beeped again. “I can’t publish these screencaps,” Sandy messaged. “Besides being a breach of copyright, they’d be too raunchy for my newspaper to print. But there’s nothing stopping me writing about them.”

“If you’re not intimidated by her, neither am I,” declared Jay. “But if you agree to an interview, do it for your own sake, and not mine.”

“You sure?”


Rio smiled. “Imma fuckin’ skewer this bitch.” He called her back, and she picked up almost immediately.

“Shut yo’ mouth, whore, Rio be talkin’ right now,” he boomed. “Now you fuckin’ listen to my gospel. I ain’t fuckin’ scared of you, or your shitty-ass column or the shitty-ass bullshit rag you write for. Imma agree to an interview wit’ you because it’ll be good for my profile. But Imma name my price. I want a hundred thousand.”

Sandy croaked. “Dollars?”

“Nah, bitch, a hundred thousand grains of sand. Yes, dollars.”

Sandy did some rough math in her head. “American dollars?”

“Well, I ain’t talkin’ ’bout Australian dollarydoos, am I? By the way, I ain’t got nothin’ against fake titties, but you ought to see a lawyer, yours are terrible.”

“I’ll need to … take your proposal … to my editors,” Sandy stammered.

“Yeah, you do that, bitch.” Rio hung up and looked at Jay. “Well, at least she ain’t gonna release those pictures just yet. Fuckin’ whore got somethin’ to think about first.”

Jay felt the need to reassure his partner. “Don’t worry about me. You’ve got no reason to. I’m personally not upset by any of this. Fuck, I mean, nobody knows who I am, so why should I care if those photos get published? Besides, I was a million times more worried about the scene we did, but that’s been released and the world hasn’t ended. I’m still waiting for the awkward phone call from my parents when they eventually find out that I’ve appeared in a porn scene and I’m living with a male pornstar, and having that conversation with my parents worries me way more than anything she can scribble.”

Rio’s phone vibrated with a new call. This time, the number was local, and Rio recognised it. The caller was the producer of his most recent scene. Here it comes: the end of everything. He pressed the green button.

“Hey, dude, wassup,” greeted Rio.

“Hey, Rio, I saw your post last night,” said the producer. “I’ll get straight to the point.”

Rio braced for impact.

“If you’re free, we wanna get you on set for some new scenes,” the producer continued. “We wanna craft a feature-length adult film around you. No pressure, it’ll just be you fuckin’ five different bitches like old times, and then we’ll shoot some continuity to connect the separate scenes.”

Rio’s jaw dropped. “Wait a second. I just need to check. You said you saw my post last night, right?”

“Yeah, I did. Why?” the producer asked.

“Because what you’re saying feels like a step up, and that was the very last thing I expected.” He paused for a second. “Like, I half-expected my career to die today.”

“Why?” asked the producer.

“Because … you’re commissioning me to fuck women when you now know that something about my personal life is … different … and I’ve been hiding it.”

“So what?”

Rio took a deep breath. “So … wait, lemme check … the fact I just told the world I’m bisexual and I sleep with a guy hasn’t changed anything?”

“Not as far as we’re concerned,” said the producer. “You’re an artist, and your canvas is the female body. From our perspective, absolutely nothing has changed.”

Rio blinked in sheer disbelief. “You bein’ fuckin’ serious with me right now, dawg? You ain’t playin’ me?”

“If you doubt my word, you can drive over here right now and sign on the dotted line. Your contract is already printed. You’re gonna be working with Tory, Loni, India, Brigitte, and Flower. If you want to, that is. I know you’ve worked with them all before.”

Rio was completely speechless.

“I’ve spoken with them all earlier today,” continued the producer. “They’ve all watched your post, they understand where you’re at personally, and as long as you pass the regular medical tests, none of them have any concerns about working with you. Flower asked if you’re living with that guy Jay, from the cuck scene you did. She said the three of you went out to dinner after the shoot. She said he was very polite, funny, and cute.”

Rio was smiling so hard his jaw began to ache. “Yeah, that’s him. Jay’s my bro. And I’m 100% in on this project, dude. Absolutely 100%.”

“Sweet,” said the producer. “Like I said, the contract is here for you whenever you’re ready to ink it.”

Rio ended the call and looked at Jay. “I feel like … umm … I feel like I just won the lottery.” There were tears in his eyes.

“Tell me?” asked Jay. He’d only heard half of the conversation.

Rio’s mind was exploding. “I don’t know if I can, but I’ll try to summarise. When I went to bed last night, I thought owning my truth might mean the end of my career, but so far, it’s turning out to be the exact opposite.” He chose his words carefully. “They … they want to make a full-length adult movie based around me.”

Jay beamed. “Fuck, no way.”

Rio nodded. He’d never smiled so hard in his life.

“Are you sure?” Jay queried.

“The producer told me the contract was already printed and was sitting at the front desk waiting for me to sign.”

“This deserves a toast,” said Jay. He scooted inside and pulled two icy beers from the fridge. After flipping the tops off, he brought them back outside. “I’m living with a stone-cold legend of adult entertainment.”

Rio accepted his beer and took a satisfied slug. “Nah, not really. I’m not a legend. I just got lucky.”

Jay took a sip of his ale. “Lucky in what way?”

Rio answered Jay’s question by grabbing his fat junk through his pants.

“Well, yeah, you’ve got an enormous cock,” Jay said, “which I guess was your ticket to ride, but I’m sure your craft requires more than just your natural endowment. I mean, you need to be able to get on well with the cast and crew and make them feel comfortable, you need to have chemistry with the women you’re working with, you need to have patience and stamina, you need to have a sense of humour, and you need to be able to nut on cue. Shit, dude, not many people can muster those skills, and on top of that, I think you’re an excellent actor. I mean, you could probably be an action star. Bruh, you’re not just a legend, you’re the fucking GOAT.”

Rio took a chug of his beer and looked up at the clear blue afternoon sky, feeling privileged to be alive. “I feel like I’m a thousand feet tall right now.”

Jay smiled out the corner of his mouth. “So nearly as tall as your dick, then.”

Rio hugged Jay tight and kissed him hard. “I’m so lucky to have met you.”

“I feel the exact same way about you, Rio.”

Rio grabbed Jay’s hand and led him into the bedroom. They undressed each other slowly, then lay side by side on the mattress. Jay ran his fingertips up and down Rio’s beautiful torso, feeling his sculpted pecs and his tight abdomen muscles. He touched Rio’s beautiful flaccid penis before looking up into Rio’s fiery, dark eyes. “A full-length adult film, huh?”

“That’s what the producer said.”

“We’re gonna need some shelf space for all your Oscars,” Jay joked. He knew there was a similar awards ceremony for porn, but he couldn’t remember what it was called, and right now, it didn’t matter.

Rio chuckled. “I’m gonna be working with Flower again. She remembers you. The producer told me she said you were polite, funny and cute.”

Jay’s heart swelled. “Really?”


“That’s so fucking sweet! I’ll never forget meeting Flower through my boyfriend!”

The word was out there. Conversation halted, and Jay took his hand away from Rio’s chest. He worried that he’d crossed a line.

“I’m … fuck … I’m really sorry,” stammered Jay. “I know you called me your boyfriend in your post last night, but I don’t know how you feel about me calling you *my* boyfriend.” He paused for a moment, not sure how to proceed. “I mean … that’s definitely how I feel about you … like, to me, you’re my boyfriend … and I’ve felt like that ever since I moved in with you … but if you don’t want me to use that word, I won’t.”

Rio immediately put Jay’s mind at ease. “I’ve just spent the past 24 hours being as honest with myself as I can, so there ain’t no way Imma tell you to be any different. I’m not ’bout to tell you not to use a word that you wanna use. Does that make sense? So yeah, it’s cool. I mean, I never thought I’d be called the F-word, but I also never thought I’d have a boyfriend. It’s a day of extraordinary terminological discoveries.”

“I’m gonna hide that fucking thesaurus from you and your ‘extraordinary terminological discoveries’,” Jay grinned. He’d rarely felt this happy in his life.

“Just for saying that, Imma tickle you to death.” Rio knew exactly where Jay’s ticklish spots were and he zoned in. Jay’s body thrashed and contorted as he tried to hide his vulnerabilties from Rio’s touch, giggling uncontrollably the entire time.

Eventually, Rio showed mercy, and Jay caught his breath. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, in a state of near-delerium. Ecstasy didn’t feel this good. He tried hard to pull a serious face. “No, but seriously, that thesaurus is in my sights. It’s going down.”

“But have you considered the downside?” asked Rio. “You won’t get to see me wear my reading glasses no more?”

Jay pouted. “Fuck.” Rio’s frames were sexy as hell, and he wasn’t willing to pay that big a price. He turned his mind back to Rio’s upcoming film. “Anyway, so tell me about the movie?”

Rio propped himself up on one elbow. “I don’t know too much. They said it’d be five or six scenes with me fucking different chicks, and they’d shoot some bridging material to stitch the scenes together into a storyline that’s at least semi-coherent.”

“Fuck, I love that genre of porn,” said Jay. “If I’m into the performer the movie is centred on, the sex scenes are guaranteed to be lightning and I’ll get off while I’m watching, but the interludes they write to try to connect the sex scenes can be hilarious. They’re cheesy as fuck. I guess most people would skip past those bits because the cast are wearing clothes and they just want to get to the next sex scene, but I love how corny the connecting parts are. The worst one I ever saw was some female pornstar was ‘having a bad day’ (he did the airquotes), where the inter-scene continuity was about all the ways in which her existence sucked while having the best sex of her life. Like, in one scene, she got held up at gunpoint for some reason, yet ended up fucking the gunman.” He paused for a second. “I try to imagine the room. A bunch of cunts who’ve never held a pen in their life are sitting around a table. They’ve shot the sex scenes already, and they’re brainstorming ideas for what they can use to weave a thin embroidery of a plot. I’ve never seen a good idea, but I love how hard they try.”

“Fuck, Jay, that’s you.”

He knew exactly what Rio meant, but he pretended to be upset. “Wait, I’m a bunch of cunts who don’t know how to hold a pen?” he pouted.

Rio was excited. “No, no, no … what I mean is, you could write the connecting scenes for the movie.”

Jay wasn’t immediately opposed to the idea, and Rio continued.

“Like, you’re into books, you’re well-read, and you like porn. Where’s the downside?”

In his mind, Jay had said ‘yes’ before Rio reached the halfway mark of his sentence, but he was curious to find out more about the project. “Who will you be working with? I mean, besides Flower, that is?”

“You know Tory?”

“The anal queen of New York with the potty mouth? Fuck, bruh, no fucking way. I remember watching a scene you shot with her a few years ago. Her mouth is so fuckin’ filthy I got no idea how you didn’t bust after like five seconds. Fuck, man, her dirty talk makes me melt. And every time I see someone cum in her mouth and she plays with it, the thought of me kissing her as we swap the cum back and forth makes me nut.”

“Yeah,” Rio smiled, “that’s her, no doubt. She’s a fucking demon. And I know exactly what you mean about her dirty talk. It’s not easy when you’re expected to shoot a scene about thirty minutes long and you want to hose her down as soon as you see her.”

“Has she ever made you pop too soon?”

“Oh, yeah. There was one scene we shot together where she was a doctor and I was her patient. She made me cum in her mouth about five minutes into the scene. She improvised and said she was collecting a sample. It was a complete accident on my part. I didn’t mean to bust, but she was just too good, and I couldn’t hold it back.”

“I remember that scene,” Jay replied. “You came twice, once in her mouth and once on her ass, but I had no idea the first one was unscripted!”

Rio giggled to himself, remembering. “Yeah, it was. Tory’s got an amazing mouth in more ways than one. Oh, and Loni’s gonna be in the movie, too.”

Jay’s mind was about to explode. “The tiny Filipino chick with those massive natural titties? Oh my fucking god. I fucking LOVE her. You’re gonna split her in half.”

Rio laughed. “I’ve fucked her before. Her pussy stretches like elastic. So does her asshole. It’s tight, but … it stretches.”

Jay turned on the charm. “Is Loni’s asshole better than mine?”

“Your asshole stretches good.”

“I think we need to test that claim,” said Jay, jamming his tongue into Rio’s mouth. Rio rolled on top of him and he felt his full weight bearing down upon him, possessing him.

“Imma make your pussy stretch,” Rio whispered.

Jay moaned in anticipation as they kissed. “If I had a real pussy, I’d be so fucking wet for you by now.”

Rio pressed his massive cock into Jay’s stomach. “No, Rio. Not there. I guarantee you it won’t fit inside my navel,” Jay wisecracked.

Rio laughed hard.

“Roll onto your back,” suggested Jay. He tickled and teased Rio’s giant penis, coaxing it to full hardness. He watched, mesmerised, like a snake-charmer, as it slowly grew under his tender touch. He ran the tip of his tongue across the head of Rio’s dick and he heard his boyfriend’s breath catch. He drooled a small amount of spit onto the tip of Rio’s cock and lightly massaged it in, spreading it around. He dribbled some more moisture; this time lubricating Rio’s thick shaft. He lazily jerked his fist up and down Rio’s anaconda.

“What do you want me to do now, Rio?” He loved making him beg.

“Please, bro … please can you put it in your mouth?”

“Ummmmm, no. I don’t think so. I’m just gonna stroke it for a while, if that’s OK with you.” He picked up his phone and pretended to scroll through his socials.

Rio knew Jay’s hand felt good, but his mouth felt even better. “Jay, please.”

Jay pretended to think hard before giving in. “OK, in a second. But I’ve got another idea first,” he smirked as he gently squeezed Rio’s thick, full testicles.

Jay began tickling Rio’s asshole with two wet fingers.

“Oh my fucking god, bruh …”

“It’s good, huh? You like this?”

Rio placed a forearm over his eyes in complete submission to his anal nerve-endings sounding off like fireworks.

Gently, Jay squeezed one finger inside Rio’s rectum, and then when he felt Rio was ready, he inserted a second finger. Jay noticed Rio’s cock jump, as if it had received a small electric shock.

“Please touch it, Jay,” Rio gasped. “I know what you’re doing. I know what you’re looking for. I want you to. Please.”

Rio had let Jay play with his prostate gland just once, the night before they flew to Fiji for their vacation, and he remembered cumming so hard he saw stars.

Jay found Rio’s button and gently pressed down on it. At the same time, he sucked as much of Rio’s dick into his mouth as he could fit. His tongue teased the fuck out of Rio’s sensitive tip as his fingers gently probed his P-spot. His fist, still wrapped tightly around Rio’s shaft, expanded.

“Fuck, Jay … you’re gonna make me bust …”

Jay’s fist pistoned up and down Rio’s cock like lightning as his fingers pressed down delicately on his prostate. He felt a stream of sweet precum ooze out of Rio’s cock seconds before his orgasm hit.

Rio lifted his hips up off the mattress as he unloaded deep into Jay’s throat. With a roar, he fired fat ropes of hot sperm onto Jay’s tonsils and tongue. Jay swallowed eagerly; Rio’s nut was always delicious. He couldn’t swallow it all, there was way too much, but he eagerly sucked up the dregs that pooled around Rio’s nutsack.

Jay extracted his fingers and gave Rio’s sweaty balls a tender ‘thank-you’ kiss before laying his head and arms on Rio’s sexy tattooed chest. “Did you like that?” he grinned.

Rio couldn’t reply. Right now, he didn’t have the power of speech.

Jay answered his own question. “Fuck, dude, you’re sweating! I guess it must’ve been good, then?”

Rio nodded weakly. He grabbed Jay’s wet hand and gripped it tightly. He loved feeling Jay’s mouth sucking him dry. They lay there quietly for a few moments, as sirens wailed in the distance.

Jay began moving his hand across Rio’s chest, lightly tickling his pecs. He squeezed both nipples until they were standing proudly to attention. He began suckling on the nearest one before reaching down to cup Rio’s balls. “Have you got another load in you? You wanna fuck me like you fucked Tory?”

The thought of Tory’s filthy mouth made Rio’s cock twitch again. He gently placed Jay onto his back and loomed over him like a dark shadow. Jay kept a bottle of lube in his bedside drawer, and Rio leaned across to retrieve it. He placed a clean towel underneath Jay’s ass before dribbling lube onto his hand. He applied a generous amount to Jay’s opening and an equally generous amount on his own manhood before replacing the cap on the bottle.

Rio towered over him. Jay eyed the mighty pornstar penis about to enter him.

“You ready?”


If this was porn, Rio might’ve been savage, but it wasn’t. He was gentle and loving. He slowly pushed a few inches inside Jay’s pussy and held there, waiting as Jay stretched to accommodate him.

“Fuck me,” said Jay, and Rio thrust another thick inch in, starting a slow, pulsating, rocking motion with his gifted hips. “Fuck, that’s it. Right there,” whispered Jay. “Just like that. You’re right on my prostate. Just like that. You feel so fucking good,” he breathed, reaching up to paw Rio’s chest and abs. Jay’s cock wasn’t hard, but it felt like it was.

Rio had finally found Jay’s p-spot. Silently, but with immense concentration, he rocked slowly back and forth in a narrow arc, studying Jay’s reaction.

A bead of salty sweat dripped down from Rio’s forehead onto Jay’s face.

Without any warning at all, Jay’s semi-erect cock expanded to full capacity and sprinkled semen randomly around the room, as if in a wet dream, before softening again. His eyes closed and his jaw slackened as wave after wave after wave of ecstatic bliss washed over him. And as Rio felt Jay clenching around his fat shaft, he flooded his pussy.

Rio slowly pulled out, and Jay’s asshole began to return to its regular, though somewhat dilated, dimensions. He rolled onto his back. “Fuck,” Rio said, “I ain’t never seen you nut like that before. It was like your dick was possessed.”

Jay was still catching his breath and collecting his thoughts. “It was. It was possessed by you. Not just my dick, but my whole body. You found my spot. Nobody else has ever done that to me before. Nobody else has ever made me feel like that before. Not even myself. You’ve given me some unbelievable orgasms since we’ve been together, but I swear I haven’t cum that ferociously since I was a teenager. I can’t even begin to describe what you and your beautiful penis just did to me.”

Rio smiled. He smeared Jay’s liquid across his stomach. “I’m glad.”

Jay reached up to grab Rio’s neck. He pulled him down into his face and kissed him passionately. “I hope you can remember what you just did to me, because I know I’m gonna want to feel like that again. I love you.”

“I love you too, Jay.”

Jay smiled. “And in answer to your earlier question,” he said, “I’d be honoured to write some scenes and dialogue for my sexy pornstar boyfriend’s new movie. If you can make it happen, that is.”

“You don’t wanna be in the movie too?” asked Rio. “Like, I don’t know how it might work, but Flower would probably put in a good word for you. And Tory could probably put in a string of filthy words for you, too. I’m sure we could squeeze you in there somehow.”

Jay laughed. “No, I don’t think so. I’ve done one scene with you, and I don’t regret it, but I think I could make a much better contribution to your career off-camera.” Jay kept the thought to himself, but the last thing he wanted was for V2.0 of Rio’s career to come crashing down from the same mistakes he’d made earlier. He didn’t want Rio to make bold demands at the expense of his own credibility.

“Feels,” said Rio. They pumped fists. The sun was beginning to set. “You hungry?”

“Yeah, man,” Jay replied. “Might take a quick shower, but you wanna go out for a meal when I’m done?”


They didn’t stay out late. It was a Sunday evening, and Jay was due at the library at 8.30 tomorrow morning. They ate dinner at a sports bar, catching highlights on ESPN from some recent baseball games. Their waitress was sure she recognised the muscly guy with the ballcap and the bling around his neck, but she wasn’t sure where from.

They got back home, showered, kissed, and prepared for sleep.

Rio’s phone rang unexpectedly in the middle of the night. He picked the handset up off his bedside table and saw ‘+61′ on the screen. He took the call. He began speaking before pleasantries; he already knew who was on the other end of the line. He knew his career was safe; he knew he had absolutely nothing to fear from the intrusive Australian journalist.

“Listen, bitch, shut the fuck up. I don’t wanna hear a single fuckin’ word outta your mouth right now. I don’t know what time it is in Antarctica, and I don’t fuckin’ care either, but where I live, it’s three in the morning and you just fuckin’ woke me up. So whatever it is you want to talk about wit’ me, write it down on a piece of paper, fold it in half, fold it in half again, then shove it up your ass until it’s daytime. And then I might talk wit’ you, if I fuckin’ feel like it. You fuckin’ hear me?”

He hung up.

On the other side of the mattress, Jay was fast asleep. He hadn’t moved.

Rio stared at the ceiling for a few moments, processing his anger, before slowly drifting back to sleep.

The sun rose on Monday morning. Jay’s alarm went off. He dressed for work and closed the front door behind him as he headed to the library. He planted a kiss on Rio’s sleepy cheek before he left.

Despite the Monday morning sun, Rio slept deeply. He dreamed that he’d made an important public statement about himself, despite fearing for his livelihood. In his dream, his fears evaporated as he learned that he was accepted for who he was.

He woke around 10.30am, and as his eyes blinked open and he returned to consciousness, it dawned upon him that his dream wasn’t a dream, it was real.

For a brief second, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven, but his full bladder pulled him back to reality. He got up, went to the bathroom, and took a piss. He padded to the kitchen and made himself a coffee. He scooped some yoghurt into a bowl and took it outside. He texted Jay, who was on a break.

Rio: i dreamed last night that everything in my life was good

Jay: i don’t know how to respond to that

Rio: i don’t know either … like, in my dream, i told the world the truth that’s been weighing me down for like fuckin years, and they accepted it

Jay: it isn’t a dream, rio, like it actually happened

Rio: i know but i still cant believe it

Jay: believe it because it’s true

Rio dropped his phone and began to cry tears of joy.

Jay went back to work.

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