What Now Ch. 04

A gay story: What Now Ch. 04 Chapter 4


For weeks, I had felt that something was off about Levi. He just did not seem like himself. Even after we had sex and went about our normal routine, I knew that something was missing.

It did not help that shit at school was as crazy as ever. Of course, our monogamy blew up the campus as if someone had announced that Cher was coming to town and was committing to selfies with whoever showed up.

You would think that would have deterred women and men, now that they knew I had committed to Levi. However, they seemed to throw themselves at us more than ever. The guys who hit on me were even more persistent than the women, and there were a few times I thought Levi was going to get into a few fights.

There were a few instances where I felt like I needed to physically throw guys away from Levi. Fortunately, they would usually cave under the pressure of my posturing, size, and glare.

None of it helped our growing tension. What they did not understand was that my attraction to men really only extended to Levi. I found him incredibly attractive. I didn’t want to open that can of worms regarding my sexuality, so I focused on what was currently the issue: fixing whatever was broken.

The only person I could think of who could provide insight was Corey. That’s how I found myself sitting on his couch, eating a turkey sandwich and verbally vomiting up what I felt was wrong.

“…yeah, dude, what’s up with Levi and how can I fix it?” I asked after a long-winded monologue in which I explained all the ways I thought Levi was acting off.

His eyes were wide as he watched me munch on a sandwich.

“Okay, first off, that’s probably the most I’ve heard you speak on any topic besides sex,” he sighed. “Secondly, I can see how much this is bothering you, which makes me actually believe you can be committed to Levi.”

“Of course, man, it’s my Levi!” He held his hand up. “I will table the possessiveness and just call it cute, but can you blame me?” He looked at me pointedly.

“Look at it this way, until recently you were neck-deep in pussy, ew, by the way. You were never in a monotonous relationship. You just realized you are attracted to men. You sure as hell never been in a committed relationship with a one.”

I leaned back. “I guess I see your point.”

“Good, then you can also begin to see what Levi may be feeling,” he said. I frowned, but then it dawned on me.

My eyes widened, and I put down my sandwich.

“There it is,” Corey says. “And that, folks, is how it’s done,” he announces. Reggie chuckled from the living room. “Okay, Dr. Phil, now how about you figure out how to fix the stove because I’m tired of cold-cut sandwiches,” he announced.

I laughed. “You make a mean turkey, bud.”

“Thank you, it is good to feel appreciated.” It didn’t take much for me to guess that there were eyes being rolled from the couch.

“I’ve got to go, I need to fix things.” I stood up making my way to the door. They waved me off as they started an argument about the possibility of living on a raw food diet.

I needed to show him how much he meant to me. I needed to show him how much I cared. That I wanted a partner and not just a best friend. I decided to tackle this like I tackled anything new: Google, Reddit, and a shit ton of beer. A tried and true method for all of life’s mysteries.

When I knew Levi was going into a three-hour evening class, I set about my tasks. I cracked open a beer, cracked my fingers, and turned on my laptop. That is how I started my deep dive into gay sex, and holy fuck was it extensive.

Also, who knew that Cosmopolitan magazine had an article that gives you 37 tips on giving an awesome blowjob. Too bad half the girls I have been with did not read it. I guess that did not matter now since I learned that men, particularly Levi, can blow better than anyone I have ever been with.

When I typed in “how to bottom” into the search engine, the results astounded me. It was as if a horde of gay netizens had come together to provide the ultimate guide to all things prep and lube, ushering in the next generation of gay and questioning men. I took notes like a good boy.

I ended up running to the stores to get the required supplies. Not knowing what type of douches to get, I ended up with two types that the local grocery store sells. I went to an adult store to get a small dildo because, according to the gay bottom netizens, it could go a long way in adjusting. A giant bottle of lube later, because I was not messing around with not having enough lube (another pro-tip), and I was all set.

I found myself in the bathroom with my shopping spree, reading instructions on douching, and holding the bulb like it was a football. I was getting sweatier as I worked myself up. I had tucked the more complicated-looking one under the sink and eyeballed the bulb dubiously. I was concentrating so much that I didn’t hear the door open until I heard Levi speak.

“Alex, are you in here?”

Aaaaaand, of course, I didn’t lock the door. So when he opened it, I did the only thing my tiny brain could think of at that moment. I chucked the douche over his head, where it landed in the living room, and stepped in front of the sink to hide the rest of the goods behind my back.

Levi was gobsmacked. “What the fuck did you just throw?”

He started to turn to see what i threw.

“No!” I reach out and turn him towards me.

“Levi, what a surprise! Um you are home early?” I say in a panic. He rose his eyebrows confused.

“Actually, if anything im a little late. Alex it’s 6:30 pm” he replied.

“Are you ok?” He continued. Now he looked concern. I was flummoxed as how to how I could have turned this situation around.

He looked towards the sink. “Alex, is that a dildo, and holy fuck, where did you get that industrial-sized lube bottle?!”

“No, it isn’t,” because I can be dumb on the fly when I’m flustered.

“Yes, it is, Alex. I can see it in the mirror,” he refuted.

I freeze like a gecko, hoping my movement will allow the danger to pass. “What is all this, babe?” He chuckles at my obvious embarrassment. “And what did you just throw?” He turns to make his way to the living room.

I panicked and launched myself at him as he was picking it up. I had the foresight at least to move in the direction of the couch, so the landing wasn’t as painful, but it sounded like I knocked the wind out of him based on the “ooooof” he made.

“Ugh, fuck, Alex, would you get off me?! I already saw what it was!” I slowly moved off him but kept myself straddled over his waist as he partially turned with the offending douche in his hand. I rubbed my face with my palm. Of course, this would happen.

He pulled my hand down with a smirk.

“Not a word, Levi,” I said, moving to sit next to him on the couch, and he sat down next to me.

“Is this what I think it is?”

I stopped speaking and quietly sulked.

“The lube, the dildo, the douche? Are you implying that you want to try with me… you know, to bottom?” He said, trying not to break into a huge smile but failing miserably.

“Maybe,” because I may be a slut sometimes, but I need to stay classy. This ass has been in an outward trajectory for 20 plus years, and I will be damned if I don’t get wooed for its first deep exploration into anal sex.

“So, ugh, how did this come about?” He said.

“I don’t know, babe,” I turn towards him. “Look, I hope it’s obvious that I’m into you, like I am trying monogamy for you type of serious, which you know, based on my history, is not a small thing.” I shake my head. “I know things have been different and I want to show you that you fucking matter, Levi. You always fucking matter to me,” I say. His mouth moves open but nothing comes out, so I continue.

“I lo…I wanted to be with you and it was only fair that I tried to do this 100%,” I stood up and paced. “I spent all afternoon trying to figure this out and even after numerous articles and going shopping, I still hadn’t said absolutely no to this…does that say something to you?” That I loved you. I didn’t speak those words, however.

I stopped and looked at him, and it was obvious he had been trailing me with his eyes.



“Did you google how to bottom?” He said.

I threw my hand up then crossed my arms across my chest. Now I was officially pouting.

He stood up, pulling my arms down with that gorgeous smile. How could I be mad at the smile.

“I was kidding,” he said, but I knew that he knew he was right which did not budge my pout.

He put his arms around my waist, leaned up, and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips.

“Babe, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, and I love you,” he kissed me again, and it quickly became more as he moved me to the couch and straddled my legs.

I leaned in more for another kiss, but he pulled away.

“Babe, you don’t need to bottom for me if you are not comfortable with it. The fact that you were even thinking of doing this for me shows me how much you really care. We could always come back to it if and when you are ready. But there is no pressure.”

And just like that, I made my decision. I’d do anything for this man; he made me feel like my heart was bursting.

I rose, setting him on his feet. “Do you mind if you get dinner ready tonight? I think I need to shower, then we can talk after, okay?”

He smiled and kissed me again and went off to the kitchen.

Determined, I stripped in the bathroom. This time, I locked the door. I turned on the shower to disguise my actions before I set about and made quick use of the douche from under the sink. It became simplistic in my determination. It would have been too obvious retrieving the wayward douche in the living room. RIP projectile douche.

I hopped in the shower, giving myself a nice scrub down, paying particular interest to my ass to make sure it was nice and clean, and worked in the buttplug in with a hefty amount of lube.

I ran to our bedroom and changed into some loose shorts and a T-shirt before I made my way to the kitchen where Levi was setting down two plates of spaghetti with his awesome homemade meatballs and a salad. I knew he was in a good mood when he broke out the meatballs.

I squirmed throughout dinner. Any movement was a quick reminder as to what was in my ass. How the fuck do people do this? I’d get an occasional zing that gradually plumped up my cock till I was leaking and flushed. Levi noticed, based on his quizzical looks, but fortunately didn’t say anything.

I ate light due to my nerves. The small talk was awkward as he gradually looked more and more concerned. This was not helping things. “Fuck it” I says before. I stood up and grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bedroom.

I shoved him down as he laughed at the sudden change so pace. “Someone’s feeling raunchy.” He said and whooped when I whipped off my shirt, then turned around, pulling my pants down as I slowly bent over.

He immediately stopped laughing and sucked in a breath. I was nervous. I did not want to see what his face was doing. I need not have worried. I felt a hand on my hips. I turned and looked down to see Levi on his knees behind me.

“Just stay…stay right there,” he whispered in awe.

He pulled my cheeks apart as he inhaled and exhaled noisily. He tapped the exposed part of my plug, and I shivered, immediately hardening further. Fuck, why did that feel so good?

“Come here, come to the bed. I need you on all fours, baby.”

He got up, tugging me to the bed.

I did as instructed, feeling virginal with my ass in the air and the tsunami of nerves running through me.

It felt like an eternity before I flinched as I felt his hand start rubbing my hips, thigh, and up to my back and around, slowly relaxing me.

Soon, I felt a warm wetness on my ass and realized with a shudder that Levi’s tongue was coating and skirting around the plug. The anticipation was building. He moved his head back and grasped the end, slowly pulling it out and pushing it back in.

He did this a few times, and I was breathing harder. When he pulled it all the way out, he kept pressure on my lower back, like he knew having his hands on me was the key to unwinding my anxiety over all of this. His finger made its way to my pucker, and he pushed in what felt like two fingers.

“Fuck, baby, god, I wish you could see how sexy this is,” he said, breaking the silence that started after I showed him my gift. I released my breath and felt myself shiver from the need I heard in his voice.

He added another finger, and I flinched with the initial pain of entry but quickly grew comfortable with it. I knew when he hit my prostate, as pleasure pulsed up and ignited my nerves from deep within me, causing a bead of cum to form at the tip of my dick and start to drip onto the comforter below me.

I started pushing back on his finger before he removed it.

I dropped my head in, heavily breathing, waiting for the next step. When he tapped my hip and proceeded to lay down.

I looked at him, confused.

He smiled at me without dropping his lusty gaze. His cock stood hard and proud, bobbing above his abdomen. It looked bigger in this moment.

“I want you to ride me, baby…I need you to ride me. I want to see all of you, and I also want you to be able to control the speed and tempo.”

I knew he was doing this for me, and I loved him more for it.

I straddled his waist. I grasped his hard cock and felt that it was coated in cum, and I wondered when that even happened, but those questions were for later.

I slowly lowered myself, grimacing my teeth as it pierced my sphincter, remembering to push out at the last minute. He hissed and clutched my waist hard but did not pull me down. I wiggled a bit, then slowly moved downward. Sweat had broken out on my forehead and he gritted his teeth in the attempt to be still.

By the time I fully sat on his pelvis, I realized it was not so bad. The pain was subsiding enough where I could tentatively rise up and sit back in a slow cadence.

“Fuck Alex, god damn,” he pushed out.

I grabbed the headboard and repositioned myself before I really got into it. Biting my lip and increasing the strength and speed of my ride. I threw my head back as I felt a hand wrap around my dick. Levi had positioned his feet flat on the bed to push up into me. I’d be surprised if the neighbors didn’t complain about the racket we were making. Fuck, this was good.

I gasped and stilled as I felt my orgasm rise.

Levi did not stop his upward movement and continued to stroke me. I threw my head back with a yell as I shot hard on his chest and my my own.

I was quickly flipped on my back and Levi shoved in me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pumped his hips towards completion, his head tucked in my shoulder as I clutched his sweaty back. I felt a bite and suck on my neck as his hips stuttered against my ass.

He collapsed on top of me. We rested before the cum dried and became uncomfortable. He sat up and looked down at me, grabbing my hand.

“Come on, power bottom, let’s take a shower.”

I chuckled, following him. “Fuck yeah, I’m a power bottom.” I knew he rolled his eyes, but he smirked and looked back at me lovingly. I am glad he ignored my tentative movements off the bed. Fuck I loved him.

I pulled him back to me drawing him into a hug. He signed and fell into me.

“I love you, Levi. You are it for me, for however long you want me,” I said quietly into his hair.

He nodded, pulled back as in saw him tearing up. “I love you too, let me show you how much.”

That night, we found ourselves washing each other, taking turns making love, and eventually falling asleep as the sun finally rose. In that moment, we both knew that whatever happened, the only rule that truly mattered was our love for each other. The uncertainty of the future was no longer a mystery. That the question of “what now” was now a promise of good things to come.

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