Get Out! Ch. 03

A gay story: Get Out! Ch. 03 Dear Readers,

I’ve received a pretty good response to the first two chapters of this story. Thanks to all of you who have commented, sent me emails, favorited and rated them.

I’m not done with the story, yet, but I’ve just started formulating the next chapter. We’ll see where it leads.

Don’t forget to check out my other stories. They are mostly in the TG & CD section. Even if this isn’t usually your preference, you might like them.


Thomas slowly drifted out of sleep and into consciousness. The first thing he noticed was a sense of calm. His mind was awash in a peaceful bliss, the likes of which he had never felt. He struggled to identify its source. His body also felt as relaxed as he had ever been. He was not even half awake and he couldn’t remember where he was. It didn’t feel like his own bed.

He thought he remembered a dream. It was much more vivid and detailed than his dreams usually were, at least his memories of his dreams. He had done things in that dream, that he never would have in real life, or so he thought.

As he lay there in semi-consciousness, it registered in his head that he wasn’t alone. A warm body pressed into his; a body significantly smaller than his own. His right arm lay around the waist of that body. His face and nose were nuzzled into and being tickled by a head of hair. His legs were entangled with someone else’s. His morning wood nestled in a smooth crevice.

His sense of smell awoke next. The soft head of hair that brushed his countenance smelled of strawberries. He inhaled deeply and the next odor he recognized was … well … sex. Raw animalistic sex. And dried sweat.

He felt the affects of that sex. His cock was a little sore and achy, but in a good way. He felt dried, crusty semen, everywhere. Beneath his right hand, he also felt something else. He felt a small hard object.

Thomas finally realized where he was. Last night hadn’t been a dream. Well, he had had a dream, a dream during which he realized he was gay. And last night he had acted on that dream. And the things he was feeling now, and the smells, were evidence of that.

He opened his eyes and saw the source of his contentment wrapped in his arms. Light was streaming through the windows and he saw the beautiful body that had given him all of that pleasure last night. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

His hand had a mind of its own and wrapped around the cock laying beneath it. It was real. His own cock reacted and got even harder when he thought about it. He resisted the urge to just plunge it into the wonderful hole right in front of him. Instead, he just basked in the warm afterglow of a night, the likes of which he never could have imagined just 24 hours ago.

“Ugh.” Ashley moaned. He, on the other hand, had no problem recalling the previous night’s encounter, immediately upon awakening. He also remembered asking Thomas to stay. This was totally out of character for him, but feeling the warm body spooning him from behind, and feeling the throbbing shaft between his cheeks, and feeling the tenderness with which the hand holding his own morning wood was gently gripping and releasing him, he realized something had changed within him.

This guy had touched a part of him, not in a physical sense, but much deeper.

Ashley rolled over towards Thomas. “Good morning.” He leaned towards Thomas. Thomas leaned in at the same time. Both, suddenly realizing they had tremendous morning breath, avoided the other’s mouth and kissed each other’s cheek. “Gawd! We need showers.”

“And toothbrushes.” Thomas laughed.

There was a few moments of awkward silence.

“Listen, …” they both said at the same time.

“Go ahead.” Ashley laughed.

“No you first.” Thomas insisted.

Ashley hadn’t thought of what he really wanted to tell Thomas, of what he wanted to say. He avoided his emotions and deflected. “I was going to say, why don’t you go ahead and shower first? There’s also a fresh toothbrush in the medicine cabinet.” “What were you going to say?”

“I was going to ask what your plans were for the day.” Thomas didn’t want this short lived relationship to end after they cleaned up. He didn’t want these feelings to go away. He wanted to tell Ashley he loved him. But that was ridiculous. It was probably just the sex talking. And the horniness that was growing, along with the penis between his legs. He couldn’t be in love. Could he? Also, he couldn’t love a man.

Ashley was startled. He tried not to show it, though. But secretly, he didn’t want this, whatever it was, to end, either. He was shocked that he felt a connection. He was confused that his normal instincts, which would have been to want this man to get out; out of his bed, out of his house, out of his world. Instead, he said “No plans. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, first, like you said, showers. Then, since it’s already late (it was 9:00 am, extremely late by his normal standards), maybe some food? Lunch, or if we get ready quick enough, maybe brunch?”

“That’d be nice.” They both skirted what was really on their minds. “I’ll throw your clothes in the wash, so you have something fresh to wear.”

“How big is your shower?” Thomas raised his eyebrows.

“Hmmmmm. Big enough. I’ll get your clothes started. Go ahead and get the water going.”

Most of Thomas’ clothes were in the living room where they had been thrown about after stripping them off last night. Ashley rose out of the bed and padded off.

Thomas couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful, naked body, especially the ass leaving the bedroom. He was shocked at the fact that he was so strongly attracted to another man. But he couldn’t deny it. He had denied it all of his life and he was tired of denying it.

Ashley glanced back over his shoulder and caught Thomas’ stare and the twinkle in his eyes. He grinned. He had never felt this way. All his life, he had felt unlovable. He had always used sex as an excuse to justify his belief that all guys, straight or gay, were the same. And to be honest, he had enjoyed playing upon the latent homophobia in most straight men. But this felt different. He couldn’t figure out this guy.

Ashley streaked about the living room, literally, being that he wasn’t wearing any clothes, grabbing up Thomas’ clothes, and then to the laundry room, anxious to get back to Thomas.

Thomas was just finishing brushing his teeth when Ashley returned. The shower was going and steam filled the room. Ashley, breathless from running around the house, shook with anticipation seeing Thomas’ handsome physique standing in front of the sink.

“Go ahead, and get in. I’ll join you in a sec.”

Thomas stepped into the modest sized walk-in shower. In a few seconds, after brushing his teeth, Ashley opened the glass door and joined him. A blast of cold air rushed in and Thomas shivered despite the warm water that was spraying his shoulders and back.

Seeing goosebumps on Ashley’s skin, thinking they were from the cold air, not realizing they were from Ashley’s excitement of being with him, Thomas stepped aside, letting Ashley move under the streaming shower head. Ashley turned and let the water blast his face.

Thomas picked up a wash cloth and held it under the nozzle of the bottle of body wash and pumped a few spurts out. The scent of coconut wafted up. Rather than proceeding to wash his own body, he was compelled to reach out and rub Ashley’s back with the sudsy cloth.


Thomas started with Ashley’s shoulders and slowly progressed down his spine. For several minutes, with gentle pressure, he scrubbed Ashley’s shoulders, sides and lower back. He then continued down. When he reached the top of Ashley’s ass, he hesitated.

Ashley held still, then pushed his ass towards Thomas, slightly. Seeing this as acceptance of what he was doing, Thomas then went for it and ran the cloth over Ashley’s butt and between his cheeks, up and in between his legs to his balls, which he washed longer than was truly necessary, rolling them around and massaging them. He then returned to Ashley’s ass, pushing the soapy cloth between Ashley’s buns with a single finger, swiping his crevice from front to back, washing away the night’s lubricant, sweat, and cum.

Ashley moaned, again “mmmmmm.”

Thomas put his hands on Ashley’s shoulder and gently spun him around. He pumped more of the body wash onto the cloth and proceeded to lavish his attention on Ashley’s neck, chest, and stomach. As he went over each of Ashley’s nipples many more times than was required, he got “Ooooos and Aaaaaahs”. Finally, he dropped the wash cloth to the floor and lowered his hand. With just his soapy hand, he began washing Ashley’s dick.

He thought about the plan he had made, that he had initiated before ever going to the bar last night; to see if he was gay. He thought about the blow job he had received last night from a man and the anal sex he had had with a man earlier this morning. Everything he had done up to this point, he could have done with a woman, and had done. But was all different. It had been better. He wasn’t positive about trying everything, like he had originally imagined, but he knew, in this moment, he wanted to feel another man’s dick. He wanted to hold it in his hand, to connect physically with another man.

He thought about how natural it felt, holding another guy’s penis. Only weeks, or days, or even hours ago, if someone had asked if he would touch another man’s penis, he would objected strongly. Now, it seemed like he couldn’t get enough. It just felt right.

He returned to the present. His hand almost covered the entire length of Ashley’s member and easily wrapped around its diameter. Despite it being on the small end of the scale, it was steely, yet silky smooth. He liked its size and the way it fit his hand. He wondered whether he would be intimidated if it was bigger, bigger than his own, even. An image of a larger dick flashed through his mind. But he refocused his attention on the cock in hand.

He ran his soapy hand up and down, getting more positive, vocal reassurances from Ashley that he was doing it right. He wrapped his hand just around the head and squeezed and loosened his grip. He slid his hand up and let the head pop out of his grip and then let it spear the ring of his curled fingers, using added pressure with his pinkie, and less resistance with his other fingers, to give the sense that his hand was like a pussy, or a butthole, fucking Ashley’s cock. It was awkward stroking a cock from this angle. He thought about spinning Ashley around and gripping him from behind, so that the motion would be more similar to jerking himself off, but he wanted an unobstructed view of his hand massaging Ashley’s shaft.

He slid his hand down, again to the base, and when Ashley’s penis peeked out of the top of his grip, he watched a droplet of precum bubble up, only to be quickly rinsed away by the shower. He thought about what it might taste like. One thing he considered a “little gay” that he had done in the past, was to taste his own precum (what guy hadn’t?) and it wasn’t bad. As a matter of fact, he recalled that he enjoyed it. But he wouldn’t say that it had been a regular thing.

Back to the hand job he was giving – he was pleased to see the effect he was having on Ashley. As the thought of tasting his own precum ran through his mind, he imagined tasting Ashley’s precum. This made his cock twitch. He was definitely going to give it a try if the opportunity arose.

He palmed the soft skin, stroking a few more times and rolling the additional precum that this produced around the head of Ashley’s cock. Ashley’s eyes were closed and he was making cute little noises that told Thomas to keep going. He continued to stroke, alternating the rhythm and speed, slightly twisting his hand around the head of Ashley’s cock, pulling back and tugging lightly, twisting and stroking at the same time. Then he began to stroke quicker, the way he often would when he was pleasuring himself alone.

Before long he had Ashley in the throes. He could tell because of all the years he had spent pleasuring himself in this way. Ashley’s eyes flashed open and he breathlessly demanded, “Faster! Faster!”

Ashley began bucking his hips, fucking Thomas’ hand, trying to match his pace. Thomas was mesmerized as he watched Ashley pump and thrust, trying to hasten his release. “OH GOD, PLEASE DON’T STOP!” Ashley screamed.

Thomas stroked the cock in his hand until he felt the build up of Ashley’s orgasm. “That’s it! Yes! Keep going! Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m almost there! Faster!” And then he was there, a white rope of cum shot out onto Thomas’ belly, and another, and another, until Ashley was spent. Thomas had to support Ashley with his left arm around his waist, as the younger man’s knees weakened.

Thomas held Ashley’s shaft as it softened, amazed at how wonderful it felt to have brought Ashley to an obviously satisfying climax. He squeezed out the last droplet of cum. Thomas watched as Ashley, with his thumb, wiped it from the tip and stuck it into his own mouth with a grin. He then smeared the remaining cum, that had landed on Thomas, into Thomas’ abdomen and around his chest. “I’ve heard it’s good for the skin.” But finally, he turned Thomas towards the spray of the shower and rinsed it away.

Thomas looked into Ashley’s eyes. With both of their teeth recently brushed and their mouths and breaths freshened, Thomas leaned in for the kiss that they had aborted earlier. With both hands, he held Ashley’s face and kissed him. Being shorter, Ashley had to lean his head back and lift himself up on his toes to press his lips to Thomas’.

Thomas, having tasted his own cum for the first time, in an earlier kiss, was now getting his first taste of another man’s as his tongue probed the inside of Ashley’s mouth. He had heard things about it tasting bitter, or just gross, but he found himself pushing his tongue into Ashley’s mouth trying to find more. He found it to be intoxicating.

Ashley broke the kiss and pushed him away. Ashley then said, “your turn” and bent down to retrieve the wash cloth. He added more body wash and started on Thomas’ front side, first washing away any remnants of his ejaculation that had remained on Thomas’ belly. Then proceeded to pay back the massaging wash that Thomas had given him. Paying due homage to his nipples and cock, just as Thomas had done for him.

At last, he soaped up his hand and began stroking Thomas’ rod. Thomas’ member was much larger than Ashley’s by comparison and Ashley’s hand barely wrapped around it.

But before Thomas could get close to cumming, the water began getting colder as they exhausted the capacity of Ashley’s water heater.

“Better rinse off quickly or this cold water will reverse any effect that has ‘arisen’,” Ashley quipped, looking down at Thomas’ turgid phallus.

“Guess you’re right. Besides, I’m getting hungry,” Thomas said, glancing hungrily down at Ashley’s cock that had already begun to stiffen again, smiling at the double entendre that had just easily slipped out.

Ashley thought he caught the drift of Thomas’ gaze and what he might have just hinted at. He couldn’t believe that Thomas would actually want to suck him. Or that he would consider agreeing to that. Not that any man he’d ever been with had offered. This guy was definitely different. Ashley loved the thought, and hoped he didn’t misread Thomas. He also found himself shocked that Thomas hadn’t insisted he finish him off. Surely Thomas expected something in return for jerking him off. That’s how it worked, right?

Thomas, for his part, hadn’t felt cheated, being left with a hard cock. After all, he had already cum twice in a relatively short period, and he had enjoyed the brief hand job, albeit one that was cut short for lack of a larger water heater. He mused that he had gotten so much pleasure from just making Ashley cum. It had been so satisfying in its own way. He had always considered himself an attentive and giving lover with the women he had slept with in the past, even though they hadn’t been exactly satisfying for him in a purely physical sense. He thought about how he had derived pleasure in the giving acts. Yet he had never felt the type of connection he was currently experiencing with Ashley.

Ashley turned off the water and pointed to two towels hanging just outside the shower, a blue one and a white one, “You can take the blue one. It’s larger.” Thomas stepped out of the shower and grabbed the blue towel and wrapped it around his waist. His hard-on, which clearly showed, at first, slowly deflated.

The air outside the shower was cool, and Ashley shivered a little when he stepped out. Thomas took the other towel, the white one and hold it open for Ashley. He then wrapped it around his shoulders, hugging him against his body, protectively, trying to warm him. He kissed the top of Ashley’s head.

“I’m sorry we weren’t able to finish what I started there at the end.” Ashley said.

“Don’t be. I’m okay, really.” Thomas replied, and he meant it.

“But …” Ashley started.

“Don’t worry. I’m okay.” Thomas interrupted, as he put his hand under Ashley’s chin and lifted his head he head and kissed him quickly on the lips. “Come on. Let’s go.” They walked back into Ashley’s bedroom.

Ashley dried off, then wrapped his towel around his waist.

The room still smelled like a brothel, the odor emanating from the cum-stained sheets. They looked at each other knowingly, and laughed. “Guess there was some sort of action in here last night,” Ashley said. “I’ll wash the sheets.” Thomas helped Ashley strip the bed. “Let me go swap your clothes into the dryer, and toss these sheets in the wash. Why don’t you go make us some coffees. The Keurig is on the counter and the pods are in the cabinet above it.”

Thomas was in the kitchen, sipping his first cup, wearing nothing but his towel. He was lost in the reverie of the last 12 hours and didn’t notice Ashley standing in the doorway staring at him. When he did, he saw a look on Ashley’s face that made him feel warm on the inside. Ashley had gotten dressed and had on a pair of Spanx athletic shorts and a tee-shirt and was barefooted. Thomas soaked in the view of the beautiful young man and began feeling aroused, anew.

“Hey! I wasn’t sure how you liked yours. I found some sugar in the cabinet and flavored creamer in the fridge for mine.”

“That sounds about right for me.”

“Have a seat. I fix it for you.”

Ashley sat in one of the two chairs at the small breakfast table. He watched Thomas from behind. He admired the firm backside beneath the towel and well-defined back muscles. Thomas’ hair was still damp. He looked sexy as hell, moving about the kitchen.

Thomas turned around to face Ashley and handed the coffee to him and sat in the opposite chair. Ashley noticed slightly more enlarged bulge beneath the towel that Thomas had to adjust right before sitting.

“Sooo, I thought we’d get some brunch, and maybe just hang out today. If that’s alright with you.”

Ashley thought about it for a second. “Thomas, look, I …”. He couldn’t think of what he was going to say. On the one hand, he had a strong desire to be with Thomas, but on the other hand, this isn’t what he did. He fought the urge to tell Thomas that he had other things to do today, and tell Thomas that he should just leave. But he couldn’t form the words.

“I’d like that.”

Thomas smiled.

They sipped their coffees in silence for a few minutes. “You’ve got a nice little place here,” Thomas said, trying to break the ice. “And I can tell you have made some changes to the original. Wanna show me around?”

Ashley, proud of the work he’d done on his little bungalow, the one permanent fixture in his messed up life, said, “Sure. But you’ve already seen most of it.”

“But not in the daylight.”

“That’s true,” Ashley laughed.

They got up and walked around the house, Ashley explaining all the changes he’d made to the nearly 80 year-old home. The modifications were all very well thought out. The place also felt warm and inviting, unlike his cold, impersonal condo in a high rise Manhattan building. He had always liked and was proud of his place, but now he thought that it was just a place he lived, not a home, like this one.

Ashley had opened up the wall between the kitchen and living room/den, and had indeed, made the front bedroom a little smaller, turning it into an office, so he could enlarge the master bedroom.

Thomas also observed the artwork throughout the rooms. He didn’t know much about art, but he liked everything he saw. He even admired a few portraits of nude men scattered about, that seemed to blend well with abstracts and other pieces, the styles of which he couldn’t personally identify, but which looked nice, nonetheless.

“And of course, I added on a little bit here in the back, to make the master bath larger and give me the ‘two-man’ walk-in shower, that until this morning had never held more than one man,” he said with a smile, as they ended the tour back in the bedroom, where they had started the day.

Ashley turned towards Thomas. “Well that’s it. That’s the 25 cent tour”. That’s when he couldn’t help but notice the tent forming in the towel around Thomas’ waist.

Thomas, for his part, had been watching Ashley walk about the house, as much as paying attention to all of the home modifications and artwork, explaining the return of his stiffness. The dryer buzzer signaled its completion and ended their standoff.

“Well, that’s our cue. Let’s go get something to eat,” Thomas said.

“Um. Sure.” Thomas’ nonchalance, as opposed to being aggressive and demanding repayment for his earlier hand job, was making Ashley’s head spin. It was also making him want Thomas all that much more.

Ashley retrieved Thomas’ clothes and brought them to Thomas, who was waiting in the bedroom. Thomas suddenly feeling modest, hesitated a second, before thinking Ashley had already seen him naked several times, and dropped the towel, exposing his cock, which thankfully had returned to a semi-erect state. Ashley, suddenly embarrassed for the both of them, turned to give him a modicum of privacy while he slipped on his clean underwear, jeans. and shirt.

Looking at his shorts and tee shirt, Ashley said, “I’ve got to put on something nicer.” He stripped in front of Thomas and quickly changed into some boxer briefs, a pair of linen trousers, a silk, short-sleeved, button-up shirt and slipped on some casual loafers. “Ok. I’m ready.”

They drove to a little cafe, in Thomas’ rental car, not far away. They were shown to a table on the sidewalk patio and when the waitress arrived, placed their orders.

Thinking that he barely knew him, in spite of the sex and intimacy they’d already shared, Thomas asked Ashley about himself.

Ashley, beginning to feel comfortable with Thomas, told him about his childhood, the good and the bad, and how his parents had always supported him, especially when he came out. He told him about high school, leaving out some of the more bitter details. Then he told him about college, his mentor at a local gallery, and his job. He didn’t have to mention that he’d never had a real relationship. Thomas could tell from his tone that he’d been hurt a few times and was probably opening himself up more than he ever had.

About midway through his life story, Thomas had reached across the table and laid his hand on Ashley’s. This didn’t go unnoticed by Ashley, who didn’t pull away like he normally would. He continued telling Thomas about himself.

“God, I’ve been doing the talking almost all morning.” It was true, and it felt like a weight had been lifted. They had finished their food and were on their third cups of coffee. “Tell me about Thomas …,”he laughed, “Shit! I don’t know your last name.”

Thomas loved Ashley’s smile and his laugh. He worried, because it didn’t seem like Ashley had much to smile or laugh about. He was glad he could make him smile. He hoped to see more of it.

“Smith. Thomas Smith.”

“Oh, like ‘Bond. James Bond?” Ashley laughed.

There they were again, the smile and the laugh. “No, just ‘Thomas Smith’.” He retorted.

“Let me pay our tab and then let’s just go for a walk,” Thomas said.

“You don’t have to pay for mine.”

“No, but I want to. Besides, it was my suggestion.”

“That’s because you had a peak in my refrigerator and cabinets and saw that I’m not much of a homemaker.” Ashley thought, “Is this a date?” While he had been with dozens of men, he’d never actually been on a date with one.

Thomas insisted on paying and walked over to the cashier. She smiled and looked at Thomas and then over to Ashley. “He’s cute.”

“Uh, thanks.”

“Y’all make an adorable couple.”

Thomas thought about correcting her and telling her they weren’t a “couple.” But instead, just said, “Thanks.” He wondered if they were a couple, or if they could become one. This was all very new to him, the idea of being with another man. He was not offended, though by her suggestion, just caught off guard.

He walked back over to the table. He was grinning, thinking about what the cashier had said.

“What?” Ashley asked, seeing Thomas grin.

“It’s nothing.” Thomas didn’t want to presume Ashley was feeling they were a couple. “Let’s go for a walk.”

They walked, a little aimlessly, while Thomas told Ashley about himself and what he did for a living. Ashley stayed close by his side. Thomas liked the closeness. Though, when he let Ashley know he would be leaving, going back home to New York, once the contract he was working on was signed, Ashley put a little distance between them. He felt he may have hurt Ashley and he thought he knew the reason why. He began to formulate another plan. After all, that’s what he did for a living, basically he made plans. This one, though, wasn’t ready to share, yet. He had to think through the details.

Ashley was troubled by his emotions. What did he care if this hadn’t been like his previous one-nighters? What if it was only a two or three-nighter? Why was this guy getting into his head? He figured he would enjoy it while it lasted, then go back to the way it had always been. Who knows, if he was able to find someone like Thomas, one time, maybe there were others like him out there. He fought the old demons that kept telling him he wasn’t worthy of love. With that resolved in his mind, he lightened up.

Thomas sensed the return of a more relaxed attitude from Ashley. He didn’t know the reason, but it made him feel better that Ashley didn’t seem quite as agitated.

Their little stroll had circled around and ended back at the cafe and Thomas’ car. “Well, Smith. Thomas Smith, what do you want to do next?”

“I’d love to see your gallery.”

Ashley lit up at the suggestion. If he had one passion, it was art. And he was proud of his little gallery. Well, technically it wasn’t his, but he liked to think of it as his. And his boss, his mentor had always made him feel like he could do anything he wanted.

It suddenly occurred to him that Art … he laughed when he thought about the owner of a gallery being named Art …. Art was one man in his life, other than his father, of course, that had never expected anything from Ashley, other than that he be his best. Art was gay, but had never hit on him, never once even hinted that his job would be dependent on getting something from Ashley, he had only taught and encouraged him to do wonderful things, to be wonderful. Maybe his life hadn’t turned out as bad as he always considered it to be. Yes, his personal life was a mess, but his family and Art, and there others in his life, who made it worth living. And now there was Thomas, but he didn’t want to get ahead of himself. Maybe, just maybe, though … he just decided to leave it at that.

“Why don’t you drive?” Thomas suggested.

“Okay. It’s not far from here.”

On the short ride to the gallery, Thomas couldn’t help but stare at Ashley. He was so cute, no he was truly beautiful. He couldn’t believe he was thinking this way about a man. He found himself wanting him, in a way he had never felt when he had been with women.

He found himself thinking about last night. He had had a man’s lips on his penis, his mouth wrapped around him. He had exploded in the most intense orgasm from a blow job he had ever experienced. He was curious if he could be on the giving end of such an act.

He had then made love to the tightest, most wonderful hole his cock had ever been in, and watched his lover achieve what he thought was an equally powerful climax. It far exceeded anything he had ever felt from a pussy. He pondered whether he could be on the receiving end of such an act.

He fondly recalled the feeling of Ashley’s cock in his hand only a few hours ago. He remembered how good it felt to be the catalyst of Ashley’s release. He hadn’t had a release of his own, but that didn’t bother him. If nothing else, he had always been an attentive lover, but pleasing a man was all new to him.

All of these things meant that his experiment, his plan to see if he was gay, to see if he could be with a guy, was slanting towards a resounding “yes”. None of the relationships in his past had ever felt as good, or so right as what he was feeling with Ashley. He reached his left hand over and gently stroked the back of Ashley’s neck, a quite intimate move, despite their previous sexual intimacy. Ashley didn’t react, but deep down the touch made him feel something he had never experienced.

They arrived at the gallery and Ashley lead Thomas inside. They spent a couple of hours examining the artworks, Ashley telling Thomas about each of the local artists on display. By then, it was late afternoon.

“Well, how about some dinner? My treat.” Ashley said.

“That sounds great. But I’d like to go by my hotel and grab some things. Do you mind?” Thomas asked. “How dressy should I plan for?”

“Nothing too fancy. Look, why don’t you pack for in the morning, too. That is, if you want to stay the night again.” Ashley couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. He had just asked Thomas to spend another night with him. But he was looking forward to being fucked again. He had to come up with an out, though. “But, I always have lunch with my parents on Sundays, just so you know.” He hoped that Thomas would get the hint that he would have to leave tomorrow.


They went by Thomas’ hotel and Thomas packed a few things in his carry-on bag. Ashley waited in the car, wondering what he was doing. “It’s just one more night,” he told himself. “Besides, he said himself, that he was leaving after his business was done.” He couldn’t help but feel a little hurt, though. He thought Thomas was different, but he was probably just like all the rest.

Thomas returned to the car. He had crammed several outfits into his small piece of luggage, wondering himself where this was leading. If things were heading where he felt they were, his new plan was to return to New York only long enough to make arrangements with his business partners to move to Raleigh. After all, with the huge tech industry in the area, there would always be opportunities for his line of work. Besides, with Zoom, internet and VPN connections, and other emerging technologies, it didn’t matter where he lived.

On the drive back to Ashley’s place, Thomas worked through some of the details in his head. He wasn’t aware of how distracted he had been. “I’m sorry, what was that?” He had missed part of what Ashley said.

“I said, while you were packing, I made dinner reservations for 8:30.”

Thomas looked at the clock on the dash. It was only 6:00. “That sounds great.”

“Is something bothering you? Do you want to tell me what you’re thinking about?”

“I’m sorry. It’s not important.” Thomas lied. “I’ll tell you later.” He changed the subject. “This has been fun, today. Just hanging out with you. I loved your gallery.”

“Well, it’s not mine. But, Art has been a wonderful boss.”

“I liked him. He seems very nice.”

“Yeah. He’s kinda been like my second dad.”

By that time they were pulling onto Ashley’s street. Thomas loved the quaint little neighborhood and thought what it might be like living here in a community full of rainbow flags. He was getting used to the idea that he was gay. He shook his head thinking about how he had been in denial for so long. He also thought about how much he wanted Ashley and how much he was willing to do. They walked up the front stairs and he waited while Ashley unlocked the door.

He walked in first. Something about being in Ashley’s personal space increased his desires. When Ashley closed the door behind them and turned around, Thomas took the initiative and wrapped his arms around Ashley and pulled him into an embrace. He kissed him.

Ashley was a little shocked, but quickly returned the kiss.

Thomas broke the kiss. “We’ve got a little time to kill.”

“Uh huh, maybe I’ll finish what I started earlier.” He rubbed the bulge in Thomas’ pants.

“That can wait.” Thomas said. He had other plans.

Ashley was perplexed. Thomas leaned in and kissed Ashley, again, pushing his tongue into Ashley’s mouth. Ashley welcomed it with his own tongue. Thomas lowered his hands to Ashley’s butt and lifted his feet off the floor. Ashley wrapped his legs around Thomas’ waist and Thomas carried him into the bedroom, their mouths never separating.

Ashley had made the bed earlier and Thomas set Ashley on the foot of the bed, on top of the comforter, and began unbuttoning his shirt. Ashley unbuckled his own pants as Thomas pushed Ashley’s shirt off his shoulders. He kissed and sucked Ashley’s neck. Ashley kicked off his shoes and scooted towards the headboard, leaving his pants and Thomas at the foot of the bed. Leaning against the pillows, in just his boxer briefs, he was anticipating Thomas’ cock in his ass again, hoping for another orgasm, or set of orgasms, similar to what he had earlier.

Thomas slowly undressed, stripping down to nakedness, before crawling onto the bed towards the waiting Ashley. He was growing aroused just thinking about what he was about to do. He crawled between Ashley’s legs and grabbed the waistband on Ashley’s underwear and tugged them down. Ashley pulled one leg, and then the other, out.

Thomas crept up until he was hovering, on his hand and knees, slightly above Ashley, face to face, Their penises brushed against each other. Thomas resumed their kiss and then moved his lips back to Ashley’s neck, then to his chest and nipples.

Ashley was in euphoria, and anticipation of what he thought was to come.

Then Thomas continued kissing a trail down towards Ashley’s sex. Ashley stopped him and put his hand on Thomas’ chin and lifted it, “Wait! You don’t have to do that.” Again, this was uncharted territory. Ashley had never had a man so intent on giving him pleasure. His pleasure had always been in being used, in a twisted sort of way.

Thomas stared into Ashley’s deep blue eyes. “I want to.” He couldn’t believe how much he lusted after the opportunity to suck a dick. Such a thought had never entered his mind. Yet here he was about to give his first blow job, willingly.

Thomas lowered his head and kissed the sensitive skin right above Ashley’s groin. He lifted his head slightly and was looking directly at Ashley’s small package, the stiff 4 to 4.5 inch circumcised penis, the small cherry-sized balls, all shaved and smooth. He truly wanted it so badly.

Ashley’s cock twitched and a droplet of precum appeared on the tip. Thomas dipped his tongue in it and then felt the familiar feeling when the head of his own cock released a glob. He couldn’t believe he was so fucking turned on by another man’s dick. The taste of Ashley’s precum was intoxicating and he craved more. Another bead appeared and Thomas touched his tongue to it. Pulling away, a string stretched between the head of Ashley’s cock and Thomas’ lips.

Thomas then took the tip between his lips and sucked. He was rewarded with more of the slippery, salty, yet sweet liquid. He swirled it around in his mouth savoring the taste. He had to have more. He placed his left hand under Ashley’s erection and touched his balls. He gently massaged them.

Ashley couldn’t believe what was happening. In his experience, men like this didn’t exist. He could hardly form words, barely managing to mumble or moan Thomas’ name, in between unintelligible grunts. And his head laid back, with his eyes half-closed in ecstasy.

Thomas meanwhile, was sliding his lips up and down, wrapping his tongue around and sucking every inch of Ashley’s cock, milking his balls, just hoping he was doing this right. A steady stream of silky goodness coating his tongue and the insides of his mouth told him he was doing it as right as he could.

Along with the taste, Thomas reveled in the feel of Ashley’s flesh sliding in and out. The heat, the rigidity, the smoothness felt so good. He never could have imagined pleasing another man could make him feel this way.

It really didn’t take that long. Soon, Ashley felt the inescapable tipping point was eminent. He felt he had to warn Thomas. “Thomas, stop. I’m about to cum.” He somehow managed to get out.

Thomas didn’t let up. He took the entire length of Ashley’s penis in his mouth and even wrapped his balls up in his lips. He knew more than anything he wanted this.

“Oh fuck! Oh shit! Oh, oh, oh! Oh godddd!” Ashley sobbed as he blew his load into Thomas’ waiting mouth.

Thomas didn’t know what to expect. He should have anticipated it, based on the way cum had exploded from Ashley’s cock from the hand job earlier, but Ashley’s cum shot out so quickly. He wasn’t prepared for the volume spewing from Ashley’s small anatomy. Some of it squirted out of his lips, but he managed to swallow most of it and held the last load that eventually dribbled out, in his mouth.

He kept Ashley’s full cock in his mouth, but didn’t move, knowing how sensitive the penis was, immediately after ejaculating. However after waiting a minute or two, he slowly pulled his mouth off, sucking it from the base to the tip, to capture the last drop he knew would be forthcoming. After rolling it around with his tongue and enjoying the last of it, he swallowed.

The taste was different from the precum. It was savory and slightly bitter, but in a good way. The thickness of it stuck to his tongue, gums and the roof of his mouth. His saliva began to dilute the stickiness and he swallowed once, twice to clear the remnants. Ashley wiped the droplets that escaped and dripped down Thomas’s chin with his finger. Thomas took Ashley’s wrist and pulled the cum-covered finger to his mouth. He sucked it in, seemingly unable to quench his thirst.

It was then that he looked down at the bed comforter beneath his cock. There, with another drop dripping out from his plump, but soft dick, was a pool of cum. Ashley recovering from his delirium, somehow managed to lift his head and look down to see what Thomas was looking at.

“What the …? Did you cum?”

Thomas grinned, “I guess so.”

“From … from just sucking me?”

“Yeah, I guess that I means I liked it. Sucking you, that is.” He laughed.

Ashley laughed at this absurd comment. No one just came from sucking someone else, did they? But he couldn’t shake the feelings and emotions swelling up. Here was a guy who could have left him after each sexual escapade, who not only didn’t, but continued showing a sensitivity to his needs, needs he wasn’t even aware of, primarily a need to be treated with respect and dignity, but also a need to be desired in a way that didn’t reek of self-centered taking with no giving.

Ashley began to cry, softly. He remembered Thomas comforting him last night. Treating him with kindness and compassion. More tears rolled down his cheek.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. It’s nothing.” Ashley deflected, not wanting to tell Thomas how he really felt. He forced himself to stop crying.

Thomas did the only thing he could think of, what came naturally for him. He crawled up next to Ashley and held him close, just like the night before.


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