Born to Suck Ch. 05

A gay story: Born to Suck Ch. 05 I looked over at Sven as he skillfully maneuvered the truck out of the parking spot and headed down the road. Boy, he was a big man. I felt dwarfed sitting next to his rugged muscular frame. As we left the small town, he settled in to the speed limit on the highway and then turned in my direction. I turned as I saw him look at me and felt myself mesmerized by those beautiful piercing blue eyes.

“So how old are you, Kid?” he asked as he blatantly looked me up and down. I liked that he was calling me “Kid”. Somehow, it seemed to fit. I found myself hoping this would be what he would always call me.

“I….I just turned 18 a little while ago,” I told him.

“18?” he asked as he looked me up and down questioningly. “You look pretty small for 18.”

“I…I’ve always been small,” I said as I looked away with a feeling of shame sweeping over me.

“Hey Kid….” He paused and I turned to see him looking at me intently. “Don’t worry about it,” he said as he gave me a warm comforting smile. “If that’s the way you are, then that’s the way you are. You’ll be fine.” I felt much better after he said that. “Maybe working on the ranch will make a man out of you by the end of the summer.” He gave me a wink and a little smile that made me feel everything was going to be alright.

“Do you think so, sir?” He hesitated for a second when I called him “Sir”. It was like he wasn’t used to being referred to that way. For me, it just seemed natural to call him that.

“Well, I can’t guarantee you’ll grow much but working outside will help with that pale skin of yours.” He mentioned my pale skin, just like Mr. Jarvis had when I first came back to Monroe. I was wondering if my vitamin deficiency was starting to show already. And I didn’t have Mr. Jarvis around to feed me my medicine anymore. As he turned onto a country side road from the highway, it snapped me out of my thoughts.

“What’s it like?” I asked.

“What? The ranch?” I nodded as he looked over at me. “Well, your aunt and uncle have suffered just like everybody else since the whole economy went for a shit. He used to have a number of hired hands that worked there regular. I’d kind of supervise those guys and make sure they did their work. But your uncle had to let them go. He had to sell off a lot of the stock too. So with what’s left, things can pretty much be managed by your uncle, his two sons, and myself.” When he mentioned my cousins, it got me to wondering what the whole family was like.

“What…what are they like?”

“Your aunt and uncle?”

“All of them.”

“You aunt Claire is a sweetheart. One of the nicest ladies I’ve ever met; the salt of the earth, as they say. And a damn good cook too,” he said with a smile. “Your uncle Ben, well, he’s a different story. He used to be a strong proud man. But hard times over the last few years seem to have really kicked the crap out of him. He’s surlier than he used to be. He may seem to you to be a little gruff sometimes, but don’t let it bother you. It’s like he’s mad at the world and doesn’t really know how to handle it.”

“What about my cousins?” He looked over at me and I could see he was thinking about what he was going to say next.

“So Kid, we’re getting along pretty good so far, right?” he said.

“Yes sir!” I blurted out excitedly. “I mean, yes, I think so.”

“So if I tell you something, it’ll just be between the two of us?”

“Yes sir. I promise!” This was sounding more and more like the trusting relationship I’d had with Mr. Jarvis.

“Well, those two are a couple of knuckleheads. Brett’s the oldest, he’s 23. Tyler’s a year younger. I think they share a brain between the two of them. They barely got through high school and neither one of them has any initiative to try and make it on their own. They work on the ranch and stay with their mom and dad because they’re too lazy to do anything else. I think your uncle knows how I feel about them so he usually sends them off on chores that need doing away from me. He knows how frustrating it would be for me to have work with those two clowns. I’ve got enough of my own work to do without having to worry about those idiots.”

“If things are so tough there, why haven’t you left?” I asked curiously.

“I’ve asked myself that a number of times. Your aunt and uncle knew my folks and your uncle gave me the job a few years ago when I got out of the marines.” He paused for a second as he gathered his thoughts. “You know, I like the work. I like being outdoors, working with the land, with the animals. A man can come to peace with himself and the world when he’s working with it all day long. Also, I know it’s been tough for them. Unless something changes, I’ll stay and help at least until things start to turn around. I owe them that much and I’m not one to walk away from people who need some help.”

As I looked up at Sven, I felt my heart swell at his sense of loyalty and honor. This big man had impressed me with his down to earth attitude and his honesty. I felt safe with him. We’d agreed to be trustworthy with each other and I knew already that he was someone I could count on and who would be on my side to look out for me and protect me. It was a good feeling. I only hoped I could prove myself worthy. I hoped at some point, he’d give me a chance to show my gratitude for giving me this feeling of security and comfort that I’d already gotten just by listening to him speak.

He asked me a few questions about life at Monroe and my upbringing over the years as we continued on to the ranch. Finally, we turned off the road onto a dusty driveway between two rusty gateways. After making his way up the long driveway, he pulled to a stop before a modest two-storey brick farmhouse surrounded by trees. A short distance away from the house I could see a large barn and a separate low one storey building with siding partially visible beyond one corner of the barn. There were low wood fences everywhere and I could see some horses and cattle grazing in the fields.

“I think they’ve been waiting supper for us,” Sven said as he threw the truck into park and scrambled out the side. I followed and as he grabbed my little suitcase and backpack from the rear of the truck, the door of the farmhouse opened and my aunt stepped out.

“Joey,” she said in a sing-song voice as she stepped off the porch and gave me a big hug. I wasn’t sure exactly what to do so I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back uncomfortably. She stepped back and wrung her hands in the apron she was wearing. She was a wholesome looking woman in her mid-to-late forties with a sweet face and a gentle smile.

“I’m your Aunt Claire,” she said pleasantly and then a sad look came over her face. “We were so sad to hear about your mother and father. We always wondered what happened to you.” I guess not enough to try and find me before now.

“Thanks for saying that, mam. It was a long time ago now,” I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

“Well, you’re here now. And we’re happy to have you.” Just then we heard the sound of the screen door on the house swinging open and an older man in overalls and two grown boys in jeans and work shirts walked up to us.

“You Joey?” the man said in a gruff voice. He didn’t exactly look too thrilled to see me.

“Yes sir.”

“You look pretty scrawny,” he said as he looked me up and down like he was picking out a work-horse.

“He’ll be fine, Ben,” Sven said as she stepped forward. I was glad he spoke up on my behalf. “In a few weeks I’ll bet he’ll be able to tackle any job you give him.”

“Hmmpphh,” my uncle grunted, “we’ll see.” He reluctantly reached out and shook my hand. My hand was almost lost in his big rough mitt.

“Joey,” my aunt said as she motioned toward her sons, “these are you cousins. This is Brett,” she said pointing to the bigger one, “and this is Tyler. But we all call him Ty.” I looked over at the two boys standing side by side. Brett was about 6′ tall and Tyler just about an inch or two shorter. Both had medium builds and unruly thatches of brown hair. It looked like they’d both been wearing caps all day and had recently taken them off. They were both kind of just average looking, not ugly but nothing to write home about either. As their mother introduced them, they both just nodded and mumbled some kind of greeting in my direction. It appeared obvious that of the two of them, Brett was always the leader and Tyler followed his example.

“Hello,” I said politely as I nodded back to them.

“Well, I bet you’re starving after that long bus ride,” my aunt said as she motioned towards the house. “Let’s go get some nice hot food into you.”

“Thank you, mam,” I replied politely. As I stepped into the house and the comforting smell of the warm food hit my senses, I realized how hungry I was. Sven set my suitcase and backpack just inside the door and we all went to the simple long wood table they had in the eating area off the kitchen.

“You can sit here, dear,” Aunt Claire said as she pointed to the chair next to her. Uncle Ben sat at the head of the table with Aunt Claire to his right and my spot was beside her. Across from us sat Brett and Ty while Sven took the chair to my right at the other end of the table. The table was loaded with food; roast beef, mashed potatoes, warm biscuits, gravy, corn, carrots and a salad. It was more food than I’d ever seen on one table in my life. I watched as the boys loaded up their plates and I took as much as I thought I could eat.

Sven was right; my aunt was a great cook. The food was mouthwateringly delicious and I ate more than I had in a long time. There was just some general chit chat about the work on the ranch over dinner, mostly between my uncle and Sven. The boys asked me a couple of times about life at Monroe and I answered what I could. They joked with each other and poked each other a number of times which was similar behavior I was used to from some of the older boys at Monroe. As the meal ended, my aunt brought in a warm apple pie which she served with ice cream. It was fantastic and I even had a small second piece.

“So Joey,” my uncle said as he finished up and pushed his empty dessert plate forward, “as you can see, we have kind of a small house here. I’ve been thinking about putting an addition on the back but until that’s done, we’re gonna have to put you up with Sven in the bunkhouse.” He nodded towards the front of the house and I realized he was talking about that one storey building I’d seen beyond the barn. The look on my uncle’s face when he told me was that he thought I’d be upset with this arrangement. When I heard that I’d be staying with Sven, I felt my heart start to race with excitement. But I knew that I couldn’t let on, so I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before I spoke.

“Oh,” I said with just the right note of disappointment in my voice, “I…I guess that would be okay; if Sven doesn’t mind.” I looked at him anxiously.

“No, that’ll be fine,” he said as he gave me a conspiratorial wink. I knew that Sven was aware that this was going to be the state of my living arrangements. Even as grumpy as Uncle Ben was, I knew he wouldn’t have just sprung this on Sven out of the blue. Even so, I was glad her responded as he did. It gave me a nice warm feeling of being wanted.

“Well, it’s been a long day for you, Joey. I’ll let Sven show you where you’ll sleep and we’ll see you in the morning.” Satisfied that everything had gone as he hoped, my uncle pushed his chair back and started to stand up.

“Yes sir,” I replied as everybody else started to get up from the table as well.

“C’mere Joey,” Aunt Claire said as she got up from the table. She leaned forward and gave me another big hug and a kiss on the forehead. As she pulled back, I saw her eyes shimmering with tears. “We’re so glad you’re here, Joey. I hope you’ll be happy.” I looked over her shoulder at her husband and two sons and from the looks on their faces; it didn’t look like they exactly shared her feelings.

“Thanks, Aunt Claire,” I said and then turned to follow Sven. He easily scooped up my battered old suitcase while I slung my knapsack over my shoulder and followed him down the porch and towards the bunkhouse. It was later than I thought and the sun was starting to settle on the horizon.

“That addition your uncle said he’s planning for the back of the house,” Sven said as he looked over at me trying to keep up with his long strides.


“Well, he’s been planning that addition for the past fifteen years.” He looked back over his shoulder to make sure no one was following us. “So I wouldn’t be waiting on that too much if I were you.” He winked at me again and I smiled and nodded in understanding.

As we came around the corner of the barn, I saw the door to the bunkhouse and a row of windows facing us. Sven held the door open for me and we stepped into an area where there was a storage room with some closets and cupboards and then you turned into one big long room. I looked down the long narrow room and it made me think of old army movies I’d seen. There were five bunks along one wall and three along the other. Each one had a big storage trunk for your gear at the end of it and a small side table with a lamp between each bunk. At the end of the side that had only three bunks, where the other two bunks would have normally gone, there was a separate small enclosed room with a door. Beyond that room, I could see into another room similar in size to the entranceway we’d just come through.

“Down here, Kid,” Sven said as he strolled down between the bunks until he reached the furthest one on the side that held five. “This one’s yours.” He sat my suitcase on the end of the bed and I slipped my knapsack off my shoulder and set it down next to the suitcase.

“C’mere, I’ll show you the rest.” She stepped over towards the small enclosed room opposite my bunk. “This is my room. We’ve got no TV here but I’ve got a computer that can access the internet by satellite. You’re welcome to use it.” I poked me head into his room and he had a bigger bed than the rest of the bunks and a small desk with a computer on it, a dresser with a mirror over it and a small built-in closet.

“And over here’s the bathroom.” He was standing in the open doorway just past his room. I stepped by him into the tiled room and saw that most of the end wall of the building was covered with shower heads. There were five of them in a row. Across from the showers were two sinks, a urinal, and one toilet stall. As I turned and looked the other way, there were storage shelves with towels, sheets, blankets and pillows, and some other cupboards for storage as well. I looked over at the stacked piles of folded towels; all of them were brown. My aunt and uncle must have gotten them at a clearance sale at a liquidation center or something. I took one more look at the gang-shower area and the shared bathroom facilities and now it really reminded me of an army movie! I felt totally intimidated about the idea of showering with strangers. The idea was totally foreign to me. Sven drifted back into the main room and I followed like a little puppy.

“I….I hope you don’t mind me being here,” I said nervously. Based on what he’d told me and the way most of the stuff in the room looked like it hadn’t been used in awhile, I figured he must have gotten used to having this place to himself. I was really worried that he’d find my intrusion bothersome.

“No, I don’t mind at all,” he said as he stopped near the foot of my bed. “It’ll be nice to have somebody else around for a change; especially somebody as cute as you.” He reached out and tousled my hair affectionately. I felt my heart swell at his words and his playful touch. I felt myself blushing and I couldn’t keep the smile of happiness off my face. He looked down at me with a warm smile and I felt comfortable just basking in the presence of this rugged handsome man.

“Well, you’re probably tired after a full day of traveling,” he said as he looked at me standing there awkwardly before him. All of a sudden I felt the stress of the entire experience coming down on me and I realized how tired I actually was. It had only taken a few words from this man and just the power of suggestion had me looking at my bed with thoughts of just crawling into it and going to sleep.

“I think you’re right. I do feel pretty whipped. Sittin’ on a bus all day isn’t much fun.” I stepped over to my bunk and pulled open my knapsack.

“Sittin’ on a bus all day is a pain in the ass…..literally,” he said and we both chuckled. “Look, why don’t you put your stuff away and then take a shower before you go to bed. It’ll feel good to wash all that road dust off you.”

“Okay, that sounds like a good idea.” As Sven disappeared into his room, I opened the storage locker at the foot of the bed and stored away the few pieces of clothing I owned. I hung my jacket up in the closet near the entrance and put a few personal items, including a couple of books I’d brought with me, on the little bedside table. I kicked off my sneakers and put them under my bed and then grabbed my pajamas. The door to his room was open but I knocked tentatively, unsure of what to do.

“Yeah?” he asked questioningly from inside the room. I poked my head around the doorframe and saw him sitting in front of his computer. He’d taken his shirt off and I almost opened my mouth in awe as I stared at his muscular arms and chest. Wow! I’d never seen anything like it. His upper body seemed perfectly sculpted. I looked at the smooth skin following the strong curves of his firm biceps and broad shoulders and as he turned in his chair to face me, my gaze drifted down to the pronounced pectoral muscles on his chest. My eyes followed the curves of those firm pecs inward where they followed a fine dusting of dark hairs in the middle of his chest leading in an inviting narrowing trail towards his stomach.

“Uh…yeah,” I stammered as I tried to remember what I’d come to ask. “Should I…uh…should I just take a towel off the shelf in there or….”

“Yeah, just grab any of the clean towels off those shelves I showed you. There’s soap and shampoo on the little shelves in the wall near the showers. Pick any one you want.” He paused as he looked down at the pajamas in my hand. “What are those? Pajamas?”


“You might not need those. It gets pretty warm in here; there’s no air conditioning. We just try and get whatever cross-breeze we can.”

“Oh…okay, thanks.” As he turned back to his computer, I took one last look at his thick barrel chest and muscular biceps; then stepped into the washroom area a little flustered from looking at him and thinking about the idea of sleeping without my pajamas, which was something I’d never done either.

I grabbed a clean towel off the shelf in the storage area then set it down with my pajamas on a bench near the shower area. I used the toilet and then turned on the shower furthest from the open doorway to the rest of the bunkhouse. I was a little nervous about showering in a big open room like that but figured I’d better get used to it. I peeled off my jeans and t-shirt and threw them on the bench before stepping onto the big tiled floor. It felt so good to have the hot steaming water cascading down over me. I grabbed the soap and thoroughly washed myself. I found myself constantly looking at the open doorway as if I expected someone to come in. I think subconsciously, I was hoping Sven would come in, and I felt ashamed of myself for thinking such a thing.

I finished my shower, dried off and then as I was accustomed to, I put on my pajamas anyway. I put my towel to dry on one of the racks and then went back to my bed where I slipped beneath the sheets and turned on the light beside my bed. I stacked up my two pillows and grabbed a book I’d brought with me. I could barely concentrate on what I was reading; I kept picturing Sven’s strong masculine body before my eyes. I found myself re-reading the first few lines time and time again.

“Feel better, Kid?” His question snapped me back to reality and I lowered my book to see him standing near the foot of my bed. Oh man, he looked like a god standing there. Those blue piercing eyes had such a warm comforting feeling that I couldn’t help but feel drawn to this man. His broad shoulders and V-shaped body drew my eyes downward from those rugged shoulders, over his firm muscular chest, to his taut flat stomach. I had heard the boys at Monroe talking about trying to get a “six-pack”. As I looked at Sven, I now knew exactly what they’d been talking about. I could see the rippling muscles of his stomach clearly through his smooth tanned skin. He just had on his jeans, and as they fit just a little bit loose at the waistband, I wondered how those stomach muscles would feel if I was to just slide my hand right down over them into his pants. As it dawned on me what I was thinking about, I felt myself turning red with embarrassment. I also realized I’d been so busy staring at him that I’d even forgotten what he’d asked me.

“Uh…what’s that?” I said red-faced.

“I asked if you felt better after your shower,” he said as he reached up with both hands over his head and stretched. My eyes went wide as saucers as I looked at the beautiful muscle tone of his body as he extended his arms upward and rolled his head around his shoulders to work out some kinks. I flicked my eyes down and saw more of those rippling stomach muscles that were being drawn up above the waistband of his jeans.

“So nice,” I said almost hypnotized by his rugged muscular body on display before me.

“What’s that?” he said questioningly as he dropped his hands back to rest on his hips. I realized I’d spoken unconsciously and I quickly had to scramble to get out of this one.

“Yeah, I meant it felt so nice to take a shower.” I felt my face flush with embarrassment as I tried to recover from my mistake. I saw him watching me intently.

“See, Kid. I told you it gets hot in here. You look pretty warm already.” I felt myself blushing even more after he said that. “Yeah, like I said, you might want to re-think those pajamas you’ve got on. Anyways, I’m gonna grab a shower too. It’s been a long day.” I watched the flowing muscles of his strong back as he walked into the shower room. Oh jeez, what a body he had. He disappeared around the corner and I heard the water running. As much as I would have liked to peek around the corner and look at him, I was dreadfully afraid of being caught. I didn’t want him to think I was a creep. I tried to concentrate on my book and when he shut off the shower, I kept flicking my eyes towards the door of the shower room, waiting for him to come out.

“Aaahhh, that’s better,” he said as he ambled around the corner and walked towards me. He had a towel wrapped around his hips and knotted at the side. I could see one muscular thigh through the split in the towel as he moved towards me. He pushed his slick wet hair back from his face and it looked incredibly sexy. I found my eyes glued to his perfect face and body as he approached. He stopped once again at the foot of my bed and ran his fingers through his damp hair sensually.

“Well, don’t stay up too late, Kid. Six o’clock comes pretty early around here.”

“Six o’clock!” I burst out. I don’t think I’d ever been up that early in my life.

“Yeah, Kid. This is a ranch, not some fancy resort,” he said with a playful smile on his face. “You’ve got a lot to learn, starting tomorrow. Now get a good night’s sleep.” He pointed his finger at me, winked, and then turned to go into his room across from my bunk.

“Sven,” I spoke up as he reached the door to his room. He stopped with one hand on the door frame and looked back. “Thank you. Thanks for being so nice to me.”

“You’re welcome, Kid. Now get some sleep,” he said with pretended seriousness in his voice; like a teacher chastising a student.

“Yes sir,” I replied and set my book down on the table beside me. I watched as he turned and just as he entered his room, he loosened the towel and drew it off his body as he pushed the door closed behind him. I caught just a glimpse of the beautiful round firm mounds of his backside before he disappeared from view. I had to catch my breath as I pictured what I’d just seen.

I turned off the light on my bedside table and the room was plunged into darkness. As my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I could make out objects in the room clearly from the moonlight drifting in from the windows. Also, when he’d closed the door to his room, he’s left it open just a crack so a thin sliver of yellow light streamed from the open slit. For about twenty minutes, I tried to settle down to sleep but visions of Sven just kept running through my head. Once I saw him take off that towel, I kept wondering if he was in his room naked or if he’d put something on. Finally my curiosity got the better of me and I stealthily slid out of my bed in my pajamas and crawled silently on my hands and knees across the five or six feet separating his door from the bottom of my bunk. I decided that if he caught me, I’d tell him I’d dropped my bookmark and was looking for it. I’d taken it from my book and was gripping it in my hand, just in case.

I eased up as quiet as I could to the opening of his door and peered inside. I saw him sitting in a hard wooden chair at his desk intently reading something on his computer. He was naked as I hoped and I was looking at him almost straight on to his left side. As my eyes drifted down to his midsection, from my angle, all I could see was the outside of his strong muscular thigh and smooth hip. I moved slightly to try and get a better angle.


“Oh shit!” I thought to myself as one of the floorboards under me creaked. It was probably barely noticeable but to me, it sounded like a gun going off. My eyes flicked automatically up to Sven’s face as he turned to look towards the source of the sound. I knew that if I moved quickly, he would surely notice the movement through the slit of the door. The only other option was to stay as still as possible and hopefully he wouldn’t notice me. So I froze and watched. He took a quick glance towards the door and not detecting anything out of the ordinary, he turned back to the computer screen. I saw a little smile cross his face; he must have been enjoying what he was reading.

After my heart stopped racing, I settled down on my haunches, making sure to avoid the dangerous floorboard that had been the noisy culprit just moments ago. As I watched him through the door, he reached toward the keyboard shelf in front of him and used the computer mouse. I saw him click through a few different things before stopping. From my angle, I could only see the side of the monitor and not any of the screen whatsoever, so I had no idea what he was looking at.

“SCRAPE…” His chair made a sharp noise on the floor as he turned it slightly to the left, towards the door where I was watching. He leaned forward slightly as he did and pulled open the top drawer at the side of the desk. I watched as he reached in and pulled out one of those brown towels like I’d seen on the shelves and tossed it on top of the desk beside the computer screen. He then reached in the drawer and I saw him pull out a plastic jar and set in on the top of the desk to his left.

“Holy crap!” I thought to myself as I recognized the same type of jar of Vaseline that Mr. Jarvis had in his drawer! I could even see the writing on the label: Vaseline—Baby Fresh Scent. I wondered hopefully if he was going to pump out a load of medicine, just like Mr. Jarvis had. My eyes were now big as saucers as I watched Sven reach into the jar and scoop up a generous amount of the greasy lubricant with his left hand. Funny, but I’d never noticed earlier that he was left-handed. As he pulled his hand back, he leaned back in his chair. I expected him to shift his chair back around to face directly towards the monitor but he left it where it was, turned slightly towards me. I figured that if he was going to jerk off, having the chair turned slightly would give him a little more freedom of movement with his left hand. He wouldn’t have to worry about banging it into the keyboard shelf. As he sat back in his chair he opened his legs until I was looking right up between his spread thighs.

“Hhaaahh…” The sound from an involuntary sharp intake of breath issued from my mouth as the amazing sight of his exposed cock came into view. I was afraid my little gasp of astonishment would alert him to my presence but he just kept intently looking at the computer screen. I saw that little smile cross his face one more time. Once I saw that he hadn’t noticed me, my eyes immediately dropped back down.

“WOW!” I thought to myself. The first thing I noticed was that his crotch was totally clean-shaven. I’d never seen anything like that before and to me, it was totally unexpected for someone his age. In one way, it made him look like a little kid. In another way, it was so wildly erotic as it drew your eyes to his exposed virile manhood. I let my eyes drift down to the long dormant monster lying between his legs. I had thought that Mr. Jarvis had a big cock but I could tell that even though it was flaccid, Sven’s was going to be bigger. It hung majestically between his spread thighs like a sleeping serpent. It sat on the seat in front of him and then dangled over the edge with the large plum-sized mushroom head pointing downwards. I could see the outline of huge egg-shaped balls lying beneath the silky smooth skin of his wrinkled scrotum resting on the seat on each side of that gorgeous member. I watched mesmerized as he continued to look at the computer screen but reached down with his left hand and lifted up his long heavy cock.

“Oh man, it’s beautiful,” I said to myself as he wrapped his big hand around it and hefted it towards me. I gulped as he brought up the big flared crown and it seemed like he was pointing it directly at me. I quickly flicked my eyes up to his face but he continued to peer intently at the computer screen with that sly little smile on his face. My eyes quickly dropped back down as his hand started to slide back and forth. As he slowly moved his greasy hand along the full length of that beautiful piece of flesh, I watched as it started to thicken and stiffen under his gripping hand. He was taking low slow strokes all the way from the thick base to the very tip. As his hand was moving in a smooth corkscrewing motion, it left a glistening covering of the warm lubricant behind. Soon, his entire thickening cock was shining with a thin slick coating of the viscous gel. I breathed deeply and even from where I was kneeling, I could smell the familiar fragrance of the baby-fresh scent.

“Mmmmmm,” I unconsciously let out a little purr as the smell I’d already come to love so much invaded my senses. I checked again but fortunately he still hadn’t detected my little sound. I quickly dropped my eyes again and sat mesmerized as his big hand and long fingers continued to slide up and down his cock in a warm gripping corridor. As I watched for a further minute or so, it continued to thicken and extend further and further out from within his stroking hand.

“Oh Jesus!” I thought to myself as it seemed to finally reach full erection. The dark crimson crown had become totally engorged with blood and looked red and angry as it throbbed beneath the shiny coating of lubricant. I could see the gaping red eye at the tip filling with shiny fluid and knew this was the beginning stages of the medicine like Mr. Jarvis had fed me. As his cock thickened, it forced his gripping hand to open further. At full erection, his own big hand couldn’t even close around it. I thought enviously about how my own small hands would look on that beautiful glistening cock. The next time he milked his pumping hand all the way to the tip, I was surprised to see him slide it right off the end.

“Hhaahh,” I gasped again as his rock-hard cock sprang up forcefully towards his stomach. He kept his jacking hand away from his erection and I watched with my mouth gaping open as it throbbed and pulsed with each powerful beat of his heart. It was bobbing rhythmically on its own and I watched enthralled as the gaping eye filled with silky fluid. He seemed to flex the muscles in his stomach and that beautiful big cock oozed a milky drop of pre-cum from the pee-slit. I watched mesmerized as it slowly distended and dangled from the tip in a growing globule. It took all my willpower to prevent me from barging through that door and catching that dangling drop of milky pre-cum with my tongue. With his hand away from his bobbing rigid erection, I took the opportunity to take a good hard look at the full length of his magnificent cock. I had thought Mr. Jarvis’ cock was big at about 9″ long; this beautiful monster had to be at least an inch and half to two inches longer. And it looked almost as big around as my arm. The engorged mushroom head was enormous; not just big around, but incredibly long from the very tip to where the thick purple rope-like corona separated it from the gnarled shaft below. I looked at the myriad of thick veins lining that powerful shaft and wondered what that would feel like under my tongue. I found myself salivating at the thought.

“It looks so powerful!” I thought as he flexed his stomach muscles one more time and his throbbing erection bobbed menacingly. I watched as glistening pre-cum continued to ooze from the tip of his cock and drizzle downwards. I gaped in awe as a large dangling strand distended further and further before the thinning web snapped and the globule dropped onto the floor just in front of his chair. I gulped as I looked down at that delicious looking morsel of his warm fluid sitting in a little puddle on the floor. My eyes were drawn back up to his cock as he reached forward and wrapped his big hand back around his surging erection. He started to stroke it more vigorously and I could hear the thrilling slippery sound of his lubricated hand pumping back and forth along the full length of his beautiful cock.

“Oh yeah,” I heard him mutter softly under his breath as his hand milked steadily back and forth in a tantalizing corkscrewing motion. I could see the huge flared crown getting darker and darker as it became absolutely engorged with blood. My God, what a beautiful sight that was. He was breathing more rapidly now and I could feel my own heart racing as he got closer and closer to orgasm. My eyes zeroed in on the gaping red eye at the very tip of his cock. I could see it starting to fill with a milkier colored fluid and then I saw a large whitish gob pulse to the surface and sit poised at the very tip for just a second.

“Oh fuck, Kid, here you go,” he mumbled quietly. “Kid!” I was shocked and elated at the same time to think that he might have been thinking about me when he jerked off. But not as shocked as I was to see the milky white globule shoot forth as part of a long thick rope of his manly cum.

“Hhaaah,” I gave a surprised sharp intake of breath again as I watched in awe as that creamy rope of cum rose high in the air. Holy shit! It must have shot a good 5′ in the air before cresting and then falling down in a big pearly gob onto his muscular chest. The first shot was quickly followed by a second, then a third and then a fourth. I was totally enraptured as I watched rope after thick milky rope of his potent semen shoot forth. As each creamy wad shot high in the air and fell onto his body, his chest and stomach was quickly becoming a mess of his pearly seed. I watched as at least another four or five slightly smaller shots ejaculated from his throbbing cockhead to fall on his stomach or down over his jacking hand.

“Oh yeah,” he mumbled softly under his breath as he continued to pump away at his spewing cock, “get it all, Kid.” I felt myself shudder with excitement as I listened to him use the pet name he’d been calling me earlier. I was tempted to burst into the room and start slurping up that delicious looking cum from his body and it took all my willpower to stop me. My heart was simply racing and I could hear myself breathing rapidly as I watched his sliding hand start to slow down. A few more pulses of cum oozed from the gaping eye and ran sluggishly down the underside of his cock and over his hand. He finally slowed his stroking hand and stopped with it wrapped around the thick base. The rest of that beautiful long monster extended far out from his circling hand and I watched it throb invitingly with each beat of his heart. I looked further up and saw the glistening silvery gobs and crisscrossing ribbons of his cum as it coated his chest and stomach. It looked so appetizing as the pearly-white fluid stood out boldly against his smooth tanned skin. Oh man, I had thought Mr. Jarvis had a lot of cum when he shot; it couldn’t even compare to the amount Sven had just shot. There were big gobs of it everywhere on his body and his hand was almost totally covered in with it. I’d never seen so much of my favorite medicine in one place at one time. I found myself licking my lips as I enviously watched him take his hand and trace his fingertips through the thick gobs of cum on his chest.

“Oh wow,” I said to myself as I watched his hand scoop up a big wad of thick cream and let it dangle teasingly from his fingertips. Her brought the dangling gob forwards and I almost groaned out loud as he lovingly spread it all around the sensitive spongy membranes of his cock-head. He had totally released his hand from around his cock now and as he sat there letting his breathing return to normal, I watched intently as that beautiful cock ever so slowly deflated until it was once again lying on the seat beneath him with the cum-covered cock-head hanging down over the edge. He reached forward and picked up the towel he’d pulled out of the drawer and I watched in disappointed envy as he wiped up the warm cum from his chest, stomach and hand. When he was done, I was surprised to see that he tossed the towel onto the floor just inside the door behind which I was hiding. I thought he would have put it back in the drawer like Mr. Jarvis did but I guess he put it there to remind him to throw it in the laundry basket. I looked in through the open slit of the door and could see multiple gobs of his white viscous semen clinging to the surface of the brown towel. All of a sudden, I was glad my aunt and uncle had gotten those brown towels and not white ones!

“Bedtime,” I heard him say softly and then he shut down his computer, got up from his chair and then I lost sight of him but I heard the soft squeak of his bedsprings as he got into bed. I held stock still for fear of being detected and then I breathed easier when I heard the click of his light switch and then the room was plunged into darkness. I could hear him move slightly as he settled into his bed and then I figured I’d better get back to my own. I kept thinking about that towel though, and the last thing I’d been looking at before the light went off were those big warm gobs of his milky seed. I touched the door softly with my fingertips and pushed on it ever so gently. It moved easily and with no sound whatsoever. I pushed it open a little further and then stopped. Good, he hadn’t heard me. I pushed the door open just a little bit more and then in the darkness, slid my fingertips along the floor until I touched the edge of the towel. I carefully grabbed it and dragged it slowly towards me. I pulled it totally out of the room and then lifted it up in my hands. I brought it up to my face and I could already smell the warm manly scent of his cum along with the familiar sensual smell of the Vaseline. I turned slightly and let a stream of moonlight fall over my shoulder onto the fabric. I could see the dim light reflecting off a few wads of his semen and I lowered my mouth and let my tongue run over the saturated fabric.

“Mmmmmm,” I almost purred out loud as I felt the wonderful feeling I’d come to love so much already as my tongue made contact with his warm manly cream. I licked up one big gob and slowly rolled it all around the inside of my mouth. His cum was incredibly thick and I loved the exquisite sensation of the musky wad of seed sliding all around the inside of my mouth. After savoring the feel of the warm thick cream rolling all over my tongue and from one cheek to the other, I swallowed. Oh God, did it ever taste good. The smooth silky fluid left a warm soothing coating as it slid down my throat before finding a nice warm spot in the pit of my stomach. I turned back to the towel and ran my tongue over the surface until I encountered another warm gob. I felt like a person stranded in the desert who finds a canteen of water as I thirstily searched out and sucked up every drop of his thick creamy semen. When I figured I had as much as I could get, I pushed some of the fabric right into my mouth and sucked on it.

“Mmmmmm,” I heard myself let out another soft purr as I could both taste and smell the rugged manly scent of his cum. I was able to suck out a little more of his delicious seed from the deep fibers of the towel and then I reluctantly slid it back inside the door. I softly grasped the edge of the door and pulled it back to its original position. I slowly retreat backwards on my hands and knees until I was next to my own bed and then slid into it.

My mind was racing as I thought about what I had just seen and heard. Not only was I thrilled by being able to witness Sven jerking off in private; I felt my heart swelling that he had called out my name when his cum shot forcefully from his stunningly gorgeous erection. I lay breathing shallowly in my excitement wondering if he would do the same thing tomorrow night.

As I lay there fantasizing about what it would feel like to have my own little hands stroking tortuously along his huge powerful manhood, I noticed that even with a few windows open, Sven had been right; it was pretty hot in the bunkhouse. I pushed the thin blanket on my bed right down to the bottom and lay there in my pajamas and covered by just the top sheet. I tried to rid my mind of those seductive images and get to sleep but after another ten minutes or so, I still felt warm. Although I had never slept without my pajamas on before, I hesitantly slipped them off and dropped them on the floor at the side of my bed. It felt kind of wicked to be lying there naked beneath the sheet, but I liked it. I certainly didn’t feel as hot, that’s for sure.

As visions of Sven’s enormous rigid cock shooting thick white cum high into the air ran through my brain, I finally drifted off to sleep…..Yes, maybe things here at Aunt Claire and Uncle Ben’s weren’t going to be so bad after all….

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