
A gay story: Roomies Mike and Josh had been friends for as long as they could remember. They did everything together. They went through Cub Scouts together. They found and looked through their first Playboy together. They learned how to masturbate together. They lost their virginity with twin sisters, in the same motel room on the same prom night. They got drunk at graduation together. They enrolled in the same college and took a dorm room together.

Although they had done so many things together, even masturbated in front of each other, they had never once touched each other, except for the friendly butt pat.

They entered their dorm room and stared in awe.

“We are finally on our own, dude,” Mike said with a huge grin.

“Yeah, our own,” Josh agreed. “Let’s get unpacked.”

Without any discussion, they each moved to a side of the room, Mike to the right and Josh to the left. Being males, the unpacking didn’t take long. They pushed their clothes into dresser drawers and threw the rest into closets. Josh pulled out something from a duffle bag.

“Toast to our new digs,” Josh said, throwing a can of beer to his friend. They cracked them open and clanged their cans together. They then drank them down with one full pull. They smacked their lips and threw the cans towards the trash, missing of course. Josh stashed the other cans in his closet.

“Let’s go check out the campus,” Mike suggested and they went out exploring.

The last place they visited was the dorm cafeteria. They ate heartily and then went back to the dorm. They sat in the common room, watching television until after the late news. They went back to their room. Josh cracked two more beers and they sipped them as they made their beds. Josh then stripped down to his briefs and climbed into his bed. Mike sat on the edge of his bed for a minute. He wasn’t sure why, but he had a hard on and needed to let it go down before he undressed. However, as he watched his friend undress and noticed the lump in Josh’s briefs from Josh’s limp member, something inside him stirred and his hard on got harder instead of lessening.

Josh turned his face to the wall. Mike used this opportunity to hurriedly pull his clothes off and got into his own bed. His hard penis was bursting to get out. Mike turned to his wall and let his hand move inside his briefs, stroking softly on his member. A few minutes later, he shuddered and shot into his fist. He laid there panting quietly. He would have to sleep with this stuff in his underwear or risk pulling his robe on and going to the floor restroom down the hall. He opted to stay put. He drifted off to sleep, hearing soft snoring from his friend.

Mike awoke. But it didn’t feel like he was awake. He looked over to his friend and found that the covers had pulled off of his form. He then noticed that Josh was laying on his back, his hard penis sticking out of the hole in the front. Mike marveled at it. He had seen it many times before but had never felt what he felt at this moment. Every fiber of his body ached to have that hard pole in his mouth. He moved quietly to his friend’s side and kissed the tip of the hardness. He moaned softly at the soft, velvety feel of the glans. He felt a drop of moisture on his lips and licked out, taking the precome from his friend. He then opened his lips and let the soft tip move into his mouth. He moaned again and was joined by a moan from Josh’s supple lips. He hadn’t noticed before just how beautiful his friend was. He licked the underside of Josh’s penis with his tongue as he sank further down. He then felt pubic hair tickle the tip of his nose. He moaned again, feeling the tip press against the back of his throat. He felt the thick precome slide down his esophagus. Josh’s hips jerked up pushing his member further into Mike’s mouth and into his throat. Mike rubbed the tip of the penis with his throat muscles until Josh was panting. Mike then moved his head up and down, sucking and licking hard on this new treat. He felt the flesh swell and Josh grabbed the back of Mike’s head and plunged his hardness deep into Mike’s throat. Mike then felt Josh’s penis spasm and thick goo going down his throat. Mike forced his head up against Josh’s grip and was rewarded with thicker come across his tongue. Josh let go of Mike’s head and Mike sucked the rest out of his friend.

Mike awoke with a start and found his penis jerking, spewing more come into his shorts. He laid there in a fog for a moment, then remembered the dream. He had never had that sort of dream in his life. He wondered why this had come about. He then realized that he needed desperately to clean himself up. He also noted that now that he was going flaccid, the beer was needed to exit urgently. Mike got out of his bed, grabbed his robe and a clean pair of underwear, and headed down the hall to the restroom. He went into a stall, stripped out of his briefs, and wiped the come out of his pubic hair with toilet paper. He sat on the toilet and pointed his penis down. He sighed as his bladder emptied itself. He then stood, pulled on his clean briefs and robe, and returned to his room.

As he entered the room, he heard soft moaning. He looked at his friend and saw the covers bouncing quickly. He realized that his friend was masturbating. He didn’t want to disturb him, so he quietly disrobed and climbed back into his bed.

“Mike,” Josh said after he had grunted through his climax, “where’d ya go?”

“To the bathroom,” Mike said, looking at his friend. Josh’s face was flush and tear- streaked. “Are you okay?”

“Um,” Josh said, wiping the tears from his face, “not really. I think I am getting home sick.”

“What?” Mike said, incredulously. “You’ve only been gone for a day. You’ve spent more time than that at my house.”

“I know, but this is different and scary. I have never been on my own.”

Mike then noticed the beer breath on his friend. He looked to the floor and found the remaining two beer cans under Josh’s bed. He was mildly drunk. Josh never could hold his alcohol.

Josh pulled his covers off and Mike noted the towel under the blanket, drops of come on it. At least he was prepared.

Josh looked at his friend. Josh’s eyes were red from crying and his eyes were slightly dilated from the alcohol.

“Mike, ya know, I love you as a friend.” Josh stood and moved in front of his friend.

“Yeah, so.” Mike said, leaning back as his friend approached. Josh moved onto Mike’s bed and leaned toward him.

“Well, I can’t help but feel if there isn’t something more there.” Josh pushed quickly toward his friend and mashed his lips to Mike’s. Mike pushed his friend back.

“What the hell’s going on?” Mike said, irritated. He then felt Josh’s hand on his crotch.

“I mean,” Josh said quietly, moving his lips back to Mike, “I think I feel something more than just that kind of love for you.” Josh grabbed Mike’s hardening penis through the fabric of his briefs and began to stroke slowly. Josh pushed his lips back to Mike’s, pushing his body to pin Mike down this time. Mike couldn’t push Josh away this time. Mike felt Josh’s hand move into his briefs and pull out his penis. Josh began rubbing it hard and fast as he kissed Mike hard. Unable to resist, Mike just laid there and let his friend stroke him and kiss him. He felt the familiar build in his groin and then grunted softly through his orgasm. Jake then moved quickly and buried Mike’s softening member in his mouth. He sucked out the rest of Mike’s spunk, moaning softly. Mike’s penis didn’t subside and Josh continued to suck on it. Josh grabbed Mike’s balls and began to softly rub them. Mike was now enjoying what was being done to him. He put his hands on the back of Josh’s head and guided him to a slow and soft pace. As his best friend played with his balls and sucked on his penis, Mike realized that this was a reversal of his dream. Mike’s hips began to respond, and Josh sank full down onto his friend’s hardness, pushing it down his throat. Mike spasmed and shot hard down Josh’s throat. Josh pulled back and stroked his friend with his hand as he sucked out what was left of Mike’s seed. Mike collapsed back on the bed and sighed, feeling the best he had ever felt. Josh had just given him the best head job he had ever had in his life. He then realized he had just come for the fourth time in just a few hours time. He had never had that kind of fortitude.

Josh moved up Mike’s body, kissing and tonguing. He stopped at Mike’s erect nipples and softly bit and licked each one. He then moved back to Mike’s lips. Mike was now so entranced by his best friend’s actions that he had no desire to resist Josh’s advances. Mike wrapped his arms around his friend, and they kissed hard and long. Several times, Josh forced his tongue past Mike’s lips. Mike just moaned with inner desire. Mike then felt his friend move over him, push Mike’s legs together. He felt Josh’s hardness slip into the space between Mike’s legs, just below his scrotum. Josh began to move his hips up and down. Josh broke his grip on Mike’s lips and sighed as he began to pump forcefully between his friend’s legs. Mike found that this brought an interesting feeling in his balls as Josh’s pubic hair grated against them. After a few minutes, Josh thrust hard, and Mike felt warmth on his buttocks and between his legs. With the added lubrication now, Josh thrust harder and faster. He didn’t get soft and after a few more minutes, Josh growled and added more spunk between Mike’s legs. Josh collapsed onto his friend and found his mouth. They kissed hard and long again. Josh then moved to his friend’s side and put his head on Mike’s shoulder.

“What just happened, Josh?” Mike said quietly, as Josh traced his finger around Mike’s erect nipple.

“Mike, I have wanted to do that for a very long time. I heard you jacking off after you went to bed, and then you were moaning in your sleep. I was so turned on, that when you went out, I pulled on my own dick. I was climaxing when you came in. I was overcome with my feelings by that point, that I knew I needed to and could finally act on my desires.”

“So how long have you had these feelings for me?” Mike said quietly.

“Since I first saw your dick. You remember that night you slept over and we stroked off over that magazine together.”

Mike nodded softly. He remembered.

“Mike, what were you dreaming about?” Josh whispered.

“Well,” Mike said clearing his throat, “it was a first for me. I dreamed about sucking you off.”

Josh moved up and looked hard into Mike’s eyes. Josh smiled. “You did. So, then you feel the same about me as I do for you?”

“I don’t know really,” Mike said, breaking the gaze. “Honestly, I have never even entertained that idea of having sex with another guy. I was, well, I was turned on a little bit when you got undressed and I saw your lump as you got into bed. I already had a hard pecker and that made it worse. I then had the dream. I woke, coming in my shorts.”

Josh laid his head back down. “So, you aren’t against what I just did to you.”

Mike laid there quietly for long minutes.

“No, I guess not,” he said in a quiet whisper, “thank you.”

Josh cuddled tighter to his friend and fell asleep. Mike lay there again for a long time, mulling over what was going to happen next. He then drifted into his own sleep.

He felt Josh move over him and off the bed. He looked up and saw Josh pull on his robe and nearly sprint out of the room in the direction of the restroom. Mike took the opportunity to get up and clean himself off. It was now morning. Mike pulled on another pair of clean briefs and then some running clothes. Josh reappeared, slower, but obviously more comfortable. He noticed Mike’s clothes.

“Going running?” Josh said as he moved close to Mike.

“Yeah, I need some fresh air,” Mike said. Josh moved closer to Mike to kiss him. Mike leaned to Josh and their lips met. Josh moved back and smiled. Before Mike left, he turned to his friend.

“Josh, what we did last night was fun, but let’s keep it in this room, okay?”

Josh nodded and smiled.

Mike went down to the entrance and found a place to do some warmups. He stretched and did some light calisthenics. He then set out to run around the campus. He found a running trail that led up to the stadium and then back around the back of the campus. A few others had joined the trail as he approached the last leg that led back to the dorms. He made it back to his warmup spot and cooled down, stretching again. He then went up to his floor. Josh was sitting in the common room with three other guys.

“Mike, this is Tom, Matt and Harold. They have rooms down that way,” he pointed down one of the hallways.

“Good to meet ya,” Mike said as he shook each guy’s hand. He looked at Josh.

“I’m going to shower and then head down for some chow.”

“Okay,” Josh said, “I’ll join you for breakfast.”

Mike nodded and went to his room. His bed had been remade with clean sheets. The beer cans had been picked up. He smiled and grabbed his towel and robe. He went to the restroom, undressed, and showered. He dried himself and then pulled on his robe. He nodded to the guys again in the common room as he passed and then went to his room to dress.

Mike went back to the common room and Josh jumped up.

“Ready?” Josh said.

“Yeah,” Mike said heading to the stairs.

“How was your run?” Josh asked as they reached the building exit.

“Good. There’s a trail that goes around the campus. I picked it up over there.” He pointed to just behind their building. A few runners ran past.

“That’s cool. Maybe one of these mornings I will join you.” Josh said.

“You’ve been saying that forever, Josh, but you never do.”

“I know. I really hate exercising.”

“I know.” Mike said smiling.

They arrived at the cafeteria, and each ate heartily. They then went to the Union building where the student center was. They decided to play some pool. A few other students came in later. An impromptu tournament was arranged, and Mike and Josh found themselves playing as partners against a couple of cute girls. Mike and Josh lost miserably. But they had fun. The two girls ended up winning the tournament.

“Let’s get lunch, but I don’t want the cafeteria food. Let’s head out.” Mike said, motioning with his head off campus. They walked to the shopping center just across from the campus and found a buffet restaurant.

“This is great,” Josh said filling his plate full. “We will need to eat here regularly.”

They notice that Tom, Matt, and Harold came in a little while later, accompanied by three cute girls. Tom nodded to them in recognition. Matt introduced the girls to them: Jamie, Misty, and Claire. After Josh and Mike were full, they headed back to the dorm.

Once inside the room, Josh turned to Mike and kissed him hard, holding tight to him. When he broke, he moved back and looked into Mike’s eyes.

“I have needed that all day and I couldn’t do anything about it.” Josh said with a smile.

“You really are into this relationship thing, aren’t you?” Mike said as he sat in his desk chair, facing Josh, who now sat on his bed. “Oh, by the way, thanks for changing my sheets.”

“No problem, bro. I figured since I was the one who soiled them….Anyway, yes I am ‘really into this’ as you put it. I do understand, though, that you may not be.”

“Well,” Mike said, “I am not, but….”

“But you don’t mind the sex.”

Mike nodded. Josh stood, walked the two or three paces to in front of Mike and sank to his knees. He looked up at Mike and grinned. He then reached for Mike’s pants and undid them. He pulled out Mike’s penis and attacked it with the same fervor he had the previous night. Mike settled back and enjoyed the ministrations of his friend. After a few minutes, Josh felt Mike’s member swell and sank down hard. Mike moaned deeply and thrust up with his hips. He spewed for a good three minutes under Josh’s excellent technique. Josh then stood up and kissed his friend. Mike tasted the saltiness of his own seed as Josh pushed a wad into his mouth. Mike swallowed and moaned softly. He had tasted his come before, but not second hand. Josh moved back and smiled.

“Thank you,” Mike said, putting his softened member away.

“No problem,” Josh said, still licking his lips. “I could suck and taste you forever.”

Mike just shook his head and turned to his desk.

“What classes do you have tomorrow?” Mike asked, pulling out his own roster.

Josh moved to his own desk and pulled out his roster. “Um, English at 7:30, World History at ten and Writing at one.”

“I’ve got Sports at 7:00 and Writing with you.”

“Cool. I remember that we signed up for that one together. Hey, I’m a little hungry. Fancy a trip to the cafeteria?”

“Still hungry?” Mike said. “The buffet didn’t even make a dent, did it?”

“Well,” Josh actually blushed, “no, I am always hungry.”

“Well, I’m still full,” Mike said. He reached for his wallet. “But stop at the snack machine and get me something chewy on your way back.”

“Okay,” Josh said, stashing the money in his pocket.

Mike pulled out his briefcase and pulled out his textbook for his first class. He wanted to get a head start on the class work.

Josh got back to the room with a bag of Bit-o-Honey’s for Mike. He knew these were his favorites. He opened the door and found the room dark. He flicked on the light and snickered. There at the right-hand desk sat Mike, head flat on the book, a drop of spittle about ready to fall from his mouth. Mike sat up with a jerk and Josh had to laugh as Mike wiped the spittle from the corner of his mouth.

“Oh, man,” Mike said, blinking his eyes, “I musta fallen asleep.”

Josh looked at the book. “Well, what do you expect? That’s no light reader.”

Mike laughed and stood up. He stretched and headed for his bed. He sat on the edge and watched as Josh undressed. Josh didn’t stop at his underwear though.

“Last night was the first time I had slept in my underwear in nearly a year, except when I slept at your house.” Josh said, noting Mike’s stare. Mike wasn’t just staring at the nakedness though. He stared at Josh’s seven-incher. It hung loose, hitting Josh’s leg as he walked to the bed area.

“Um, Josh,” Mike said, trying to speak through dry lips. Mike had that strong desire he had felt in his dream.

“Yeah,” Josh said, turning to his friend.

“Come here, bud,” Mike said, motioning with his hand. With the same hand, he took a hold of Josh’s penis and guided Josh to stand in front of him. Mike looked at his friend’s penis as he moved it back and forth. Mike then leaned forward and kissed the still soft flesh of his friend’s tip. Josh sucked in the air and sighed. He placed his hands on the back of Mike’s head gently. Josh’s penis grew quickly now, and Mike wasted no time in sucking it in as it grew. Josh moaned with delight as he felt his tip hit the back of Mike’s throat. Mike choked just a bit as he tried to go further.

“Don’t overdo it, love,” Josh said, “that kind of treatment will come with practice.”

Mike backed off a bit and put his hand and the base of Josh’s hard member. He then began to bob his head, licking the underside of the hard flesh with his tongue. He also stroked with his hand. Josh gasped and moaned as his impending orgasm build. He held tighter and tighter to Mike’s head, intertwining a few fingers in Mike’s hair.

“Oh, yes, lover,” Josh said between grunts, “oh, god, YES.” And he thrust hard, spewing hard into Mike’s mouth. Mike choked on the first wad but didn’t loosen his grip. He swallowed quickly and then sucked out the rest of his friend’s seed. After milking out all he could, he looked up at his friend and smiled.

“Oh, Mikey, love, I have dreamt of this day.” Josh said with a smile. He dropped his head to kiss Mike. Mike fell back on his bed and Josh moved over him. They kissed hard, groping, and feeling each other’s bodies. Josh helped Mike out of his clothes, and they continued to caress and hold each other tight. After a little while, Josh pulled the blankets over them and settled in for the night. He cuddled behind Mike’s naked form, nestling his penis in Mike’s buttocks. He then reached around and light grasped Mike’s semi hard penis.

“Goodnight, my love,” Josh whispered in Mike’s ear. Mike mumbled goodnight as he was already drifting off.

Mike woke with a jerk, hearing his alarm blaring. He reached up above his head to the clock on the desk and smacked the off mechanism. He then felt the warm body behind him. He turned and Josh kissed him.

“Good morning, lover,” Josh said with a smile.

“Good morning,” Mike said as he got out of bed. He grabbed his robe and headed out to the hall and toward the restroom. Josh followed soon after. Mike was relieving himself at a urinal when Josh came in. Josh stood next to him and sighed as he let loose his bladder. Josh farted loudly and they both laughed.

“Mike, d..,” he stopped short of using an endearment as Mike shot him a look of warning. “Sorry. Do you want to meet for lunch today?”

“Um, I don’t know. I should have a break before our Writing class, but don’t count on anything. If I don’t see you, I’ll meet you in class. Save me a seat, huh?”

“Sure thing.”

They showered side by side in the open bay showers. Josh resisted the urge to help out his love. They dried and pulled on their robes. Josh led the way back to the room. Mike gasped at the time. It was already six thirty and he still had to find his classroom. He threw on some clothes, threw his book into his briefcase and headed out the door.

“Hey,” Josh said with a small frown, walking towards the door quickly. Mike turned and Josh planted a hard kiss on his lips. “See you later.”

“Yeah.” Mike said with a little irritation at the delay. He then nearly ran out of the building. Josh dressed, grabbed his books, and headed to the English department.

Josh arrived at the cafeteria at 12:15 and was disappointed not to see Mike there. Josh got his food and found a table. He pulled out his World History book and began to read the day’s homework. At 12:45, he packed his book, dropped off his dishes and headed to back to the English department for his writing class. As he arrived at the doors to the English building, Mike came running up.

“Hey,” Mike said out of breath.

“Hey,” Josh said, with disappointment in his voice.

“Class ran way long. The professor is a real windbag. I can’t wait to get out on the field.” Mike said.

“So, you didn’t get anything to eat?” Josh’s disappointment turned to concern.

“Nope,” Mike said. “Good thing you got me these.” He pulled out the bag of candy, half empty.

“Well,” Josh said, “dinner will be on me. How about the buffet?”

“I wish I could, but I have a ton of homework for Sports already. I was thinking about grabbing a sandwich from vending.”

“Yuck.” Josh said, scrunching his nose. “I’ll bring something then.”

“Okay,” Mike said as they entered the classroom. They got seats together and sat down for the day’s offering.

Mike hustled back to the dorms. Now he had nearly three hours of homework to do. Josh’s load wasn’t so hectic, so he headed to the Union center, partly to let Mike get some work done, partly to relax. He lost three straight games of pool to three eager players. He then headed back to the dorms. He looked at his watch and decided that he would stop and get something from the cafeteria to take back to the room. It was Oriental Food Night. He ordered a bit of General Tsao’s Chicken for Mike and Sweet and Sour Pork to share. For himself he ordered two orders of Shrimp Chow Mein. He grabbed a couple of drinks also. He balanced it all back to the dorm. He kicked at the door and Mike opened. Mike took some of the boxes from Josh.

“General Tsao’s for you.” Josh said as they opened the boxes, “and some S&S to share.”

“What you get?” Mike looked over.

“Just Chow Mein.”

“Wimp.” Mike said teasingly.

“Whatever,” Josh shot back, stuffing a big fork full into his mouth. “How’s the work coming?”

“Not as hard as I thought it would be.” Mike said as he stuffed his own mouth full. They ate in relative silence, with the exemption of the slurping and chewing. Mike flipped on his stereo and they both relaxed as they ate.

“That was good, thanks,” Mike said as he threw away the box. “The cafeteria here is so much better than in high school.”

Josh just nodded as he was still eating. Mike turned back to his work. Josh cleared his mouth and asked, “How much more do you have?”

“One more page of Sports, then I have to write those two paragraphs for Writing.”

“Yeah, well I guess I better get busy,” Josh said as he took the last bite of Sweet and Sour. “My work isn’t very time consuming, but I don’t want to stay up too late either.”

Mike didn’t answer. He was already engrossed in his work.

Two hours later, Mike closed his laptop and stretched. He looked over to Josh. Josh’s head was down on the desk and he had fallen asleep.

“Josh,” Mike said as he stood, “Josh, wake up.” he lightly shook Josh’s shoulder. Josh raised his head and turned to Mike.

“Huh?” Josh said squinting.

“You fell asleep doing your homework.” Mike said.

“Damn,” Josh said, coming awake quickly, “now I’ll be up late. Did you get yours done?”

“Yup,” Mike said with a grin, “I’m going to turn in now. Don’t be too long, huh?”

Josh went back to his work. Mike pulled off his clothes and climbed into his bed. He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Sometime later, he felt Josh slide into the bed with him. Mike copied his friend’s position from the night before and soon fell asleep together.

Mike had set his alarm a little early for the morning. He crawled over his friend. Josh stirred.

“What time is it, love?” Josh said groggily.

“Four thirty.”

“What the f..? Why so early?”

“I want to go running this morning. I have all sit-down classes today and I don’t want to fall asleep in them.”

“So come back to bed then.”

“This will wake me more.”

Josh reached out and took a hold of Mike’s penis and slowly stroked it.

“This will work too,” Josh said.

“Maybe, but not this morning.” Mike said, pulling away. Mike pulled on his clothes, leaned down and kissed Josh. “Goodbye. Don’t forget your 6:30.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Josh turned over and fell back asleep. Mike grabbed his bags and headed for the track.

About seven o’clock, Mike’s phone beeped. Josh had sent him a message.

Mike keyed in his reply.

came the reply.

Mike finished his third class at 12:15 and headed quickly to the cafeteria. Josh was there with a plate ready. It was a grilled cheese sandwich with fries and punch. Josh had already finished his hamburger and coke.

“Hi, l…” Josh stopped himself and looked around. He leaned in and whispered, “Hi, love.”

Mike shot him a look, but softened when he realized that Josh was trying really hard.

“How was your lunch?” Mike asked as he picked up the jam for his sandwich.

“Wasn’t your mom’s, but it was okay.” Josh said, stealing one of Mike’s fries.

Mike swatted Josh’s hand. He ate quickly and looked at his watch.

“What else you got today?” Mike asked between bites.

“Only Physics at three. I’m going to the library to finish last night’s work and get a head start on the new work.”

“Good,” Mike said as he finished off his fries. “I have to get to my English class. See you at the room.”

“Yeah, I’ll be there about six. How ’bout meeting me here after my class?” Josh said as Mike started to leave.

“Yeah, okay,” Mike said quickly.

Josh shook his head. “That guy’s going to wear out quickly.”

Six twenty and Mike hadn’t arrived yet. Josh was just about to go and get his dinner when his phone beeped.

It was Mike.

Josh dialed Mike’s number.

“Hey,” Mike said, cheerily. “I thought you said that you finished about six.”

“Yeah…” Josh said with a little irritation, “I’m waiting for you here in the cafeteria.”

“Oh,” Mike said lost in his forgetfulness. “Oh yeah. Sorry. I’ll be there in a sec.”

“Whatever,” Josh said as he thumbed off his phone. “Jerk,” he said.

Mike came running in as Josh sat down with his tray.

“Sorry, man, I totally spaced it. What’s for sup?” Mike said with a smile.

“Pork cutlet and mashers,” Josh said deadpan.

“Hey, what’s eatin’ you?” Mike said, sitting down in front of his friend.

“I don’t know. I just was hoping that you would remember dinner with me, I guess.”

Mike looked hard into his friend’s face. He saw something there that he hadn’t realized before. He took Josh’s hand and waited until he looked up.

“Josh, we need to talk. But not right here. I’ll go get my dinner and then we will either go for a walk or something. Okay?” Mike tried to look upbeat, but Josh wasn’t taking. Josh just shrugged.

Mike got a couple of quick items from the refrigerator and sat down across from Josh. Josh had finished and was thumbing through one of his textbooks.

‘At least he hasn’t left,’ Mike thought to himself.

Mike ate his yogurt, vegetable mix and fruit cup. He then took hold of Josh’s hand again.

“Ready to go, bud,” Mike said pulling on Josh’s hand to help him up. Josh let his friend help him up. Josh tried to keep a hold of Mike’s hand, but Mike wouldn’t keep it. Josh huffed a little but stayed near his friend.

“Let’s leave our books at the front desk at the dorm so we don’t have to carry them with us,” Mike said, trying to keep the conversation light. “By the way, did you get your homework done?”

Josh just nodded when Mike finally looked at him.

“Good. I don’t have much tonight and it won’t take very long.”

After leaving their bags, Mike guided Josh onto the trail that went around the campus. They walked without talking for nearly a mile. Mike then motioned to a picnic table in a wooded section near the south end of the campus.

“So, Josh, what’s up?” Mike said, talking seriously.

Josh’s eyes well up. He dropped his head onto his arm on the table. Mike put out his hand and tussled Josh’s hair.

“Josh, dear,” Mike said softly, moving his head close to Josh’s ear, “you have put more emotion into our relationship than I have, haven’t you?”

Josh nodded his head. He raised his face; tears streamed down from his eyes.

“After I confessed my love for you and you reacted, well, compliant, I thought maybe you and I were a couple. And I miss you when you’re gone.”

Mike looked hard into his friend’s eyes and saw the desire there.

“Josh, dear,” Mike said, trying hard not to sound too endearing, “I do love you, but not as you love me. I thought that you understood that. I don’t mind being with you. I don’t mind sleeping with you. I think it is kind of neat to have someone there to hold. But I am not going to be monogamous, with a male or female. I have yet to have sex with any girls here. As a matter of fact, the sex you and I have had is the only sex other than my fist that I have had since graduation.”

Mike held firm to Josh’s hand. “Now, if you can accept that our relationship is going to be a strong friendship with benefits, then I am all for it. If not, well then maybe one of us needs to find a new room. I don’t want to find a new room or roommate. I want to stay with you. Do you understand my position?”

Josh wiped his eyes and nodded. “I’m sorry, love. I put way more into this than I should have. I was just hoping that you would begin to feel the same way I do.” He smiled and squeezed Mike’s hand. Mike returned the squeeze. Mike looked around, found no one and leaned over toward Josh. Josh met him with soft lips and they kissed quickly.

“Okay, then, I assume that we can remain roommates and friends.” Mike said as he stood.

“Friends with benefits,” Josh added with a laugh.

“Yeah, with benefits,” Mike said with a smile. Josh squeezed Mike’s hand again and let it go.

Back in the room, Josh sat at his desk, reading up on his next day’s class while Mike did his homework. Mike’s head kept drifting down, showing he was having trouble staying awake. Josh moved to his friend, spun his chair around and quickly undid Mike’s pants. Mike didn’t protest the distraction and helped wiggle out of his pants. He then pulled his shirt off and leaned back while Josh slowly stroked his penis. Josh smiled and lowered his head to Mike’s lap, taking all of Mike’s penis into his mouth. Mike gasped as Josh sucked him down deep. Josh then began to bob his head, pressing his tongue hard against the sensitive part of the penis. Mike moaned with delight and then began to pant. Mike put his hands on Josh’s head as Josh cupped Mike’s balls with one of his hands. Mike’s hips began to react and soon, Josh sensed Mike’s penis swell. Mike thrust up hard, spewing a large wad into his friend’s mouth. Josh moaned, sucked, and swallowed each wad shot by Mike. He continued to suck out all Mike would give him until Mike’s penis shrank again.

“Thanks, dear,” Mike said, winking at Josh, “that woke me right up.”

“I thought it might,” Josh said smiling up at his partner, “but don’t be too much longer.”

“I won’t,” Mike said, tussling his friend’s hair. Mike then leaned down, and kissed Josh. Josh shuddered and blushed. Mike turned back to his work.

Twenty minutes later, Mike slammed his book shut and announced that he was done.

“Hurray,” Josh said, raising his arms above his head.

“Now, let’s get to bed,” Mike said, taking Josh by the hand, helping him undress and settling into bed. Josh lay behind Mike. Josh’s penis was rock hard.

“Oh, dear,” Mike said playfully, “I guess someone hasn’t gotten off yet tonight. Tell you what, why don’t you dry fuck me from behind.”

Josh shivered as his friend moved onto the bed, snuggling his ass against Josh’s hardness. Mike reached behind himself and took a hold of Josh’s hard member and guided it between his legs. Josh shuddered again as Mike squeezed his legs tight around his friend’s rod. Josh began to move back and forth, and Mike countered. Shortly, Josh began to pant and moan. He thrust harder and harder until he finally growled and thrust hard. The first wad shot clear across the bed and onto the floor. The next one, on the sheets and finally the rest dribbled out onto Mike’s leg. Mike sighed, and Josh squeezed tight to him, leaving his softening member between his friend’s legs. They soon passed into deep sleep together.

The next few days and weeks were hectic. Mike’s schedule hit full swing and Josh’s schedule settled into its mundane way. Josh realized that this would be how their relationship would continue and didn’t mope any longer. But he still pined from time to time when Mike got really busy and forgot about his friend. They still slept together at night, but their fun time grew less and less.

Josh would leave little ‘friendship notes’ around the room for Mike. Mike just chuckled, but he kept each one of them in a drawer of his desk.

Mike finally had sex with a girl nearly three weeks after school had started. He had met her on the trail one morning and they went out to dinner that night. After dinner they walked down a spur of the campus trail that led through the woods behind the campus. A mile or so up the trail, she pulled him into a clearing hidden from the trail. She kissed him and reached her hand into his pants, stroking him until he was hard. He didn’t resist and put his hands into her shirt to feel her firm breasts. They then discarded all their clothes. She moved to a fallen log and leaned up against it with her legs wide open. He took the hint and moved to her, rubbing his penis against her hardened clitoris and across her wet hole. She moaned as she pulled him to her, locking her lips to his. He slid his penis into her wetness, and she gasped as he thrust hard up into her. She sighed and sagged against him. He began a slow, but steady stroke, pulling out each time. She finally got impatient and thrust her hips to him. He gave in and thrust fast and hard into her. He growled and she moaned loudly as they hit their mutual orgasms. She held him tight until his penis slipped from her dripping hole. She kissed him lightly. He stood, helped her dress, and then dressed himself. They kissed lightly again, and Mike escorted her to her dorm building.

When Mike arrived back at his room, Josh was doing his homework. Mike sighed as he sat down. Josh spun around and looked at his friend.

“You had sex,” Josh said with a knowing smile.

Mike just nodded. Josh kept smiling as he moved to his friend and kissed him lightly.

“I assume that it was good,” Josh said, sinking to his knees in front of his friend. Mike just nodded again as Josh opened Mike’s pants and pulled out his penis. Mike’s member grew quickly, and Josh sniffed at it.

“Oh, she was sweet one,” Josh leaned forward and licked Mike from balls to tip. “Oh, yeah, she was sweet.”

Mike moaned and pushed up with his hips, showing that he was rearing to go. Josh took Mike’s member into his mouth with one quick slurp and quickly began to suck, lick and bob. Mike didn’t last very long. He thrust hard after only a minute or two, filling Josh’s mouth with his seed. Josh sucked out all that Mike had to offer and all of the girl’s sweet juices from Mike’s flesh.

“God, Josh,” Mike said, panting, “you’re damn good at that. How did you learn that?”

Josh blushed and turned away.

“Sorry, dear,” Mike said, running his finger around Josh’s ear.

“No,” Josh said turning back, “it’s alright. Confession time, but let’s get comfortable together.”

Josh stood and took off his clothes, getting ready for bed. Mike took the cue and followed Josh’s lead. They moved to the bed. Mike got in first and pushed his back to the wall. He held the blanket up to let Josh into the bed with him. Josh snuggled in, putting an arm over the waist of his lover.

“Comfy?” Mike asked quietly. Josh nodded and leaned into Mike for a kiss. He pulled back and looked into Mike’s eye.

“Okay,” Josh said, his face red as a beet. “Well, I learned that from….my…..sister.”

Mike gasped, “No fuckin’ way.”

Josh nodded. “She didn’t actually do it to me. But she taught me with vegetables and one of her dildos. Her favorite thing was to ply herself with a dildo and then give it to me to suck on. It was the only way I was ever going to taste her. Anyway, as a graduation gift (graduating from her school of Magnum Cum Lotta”) she told me she had a special treat. She had brought home one of her boy-toys. She got him all worked up with her breasts and teasing ass. She told him that she wanted him to be blindfolded during their foreplay. He was so struck with her that he would go walking naked through the Catholic Church if she asked him to. So, she blindfolded him and then quickly tied his arms behind him. He complained for a good two minutes. She motioned me out of her closet, and I knew what to do. I kissed his member and then licked him from balls to tip. I then opened wide and sank down to the hilt in one full push. The boy gasped and thrust with his hips. I took him well, as my sister had taught me. I then began to bob my head. His tip slid easily into my throat with each thrust down. I felt his member grow and the boy growled and thrust his hips forward. I sank down full and sucked hard. The boy growled again and shot again. I pulled back then and began to suck out all that he had. He ejaculated three more times into my mouth. It was my first taste of another male’s come. It wasn’t the best in the world, but at the moment I didn’t care.

“Anyway, when he shrank, I quickly and quietly left to my own room. A few minutes later I heard my sister cry out with her orgasm. A few minutes after that, she knocked on my door. She stepped in wearing her robe, which she let hang loose after she entered.

She asked how I liked what I did, and I told her it was great. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. She then left me to stroke myself to sleep.

“Wow,” Mike said watching his lover, “that’s incredible. Have you had many more dicks since, I mean besides mine?”

“Well,” Josh blushed, “I actually had tried my hardest to suck at least one cock a week until we graduated. I then went dry until you and I started together. Or I should say until today.” He blushed again.

“You sucked someone off today?” Mike said rising to one elbow and looking down on his friend. Mike felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time: jealousy.

“Whoa, dude,” Josh said backing away a little at Mike’s reaction, “I thought we were cool with this.”

“Wha…” Mike started, then stopped, “I’m sorry, man. I really hadn’t prepared myself for this. I guess I have more emotion in this relationship than I was letting on. Anyway, I think I’m okay now. Go ahead.”

Josh didn’t move towards Mike just yet, but he began his story.

“Well, I was in the library earlier, doing my homework. I was having trouble concentrating, so I stood up and walked around a little. As I looked down one stack of books, I saw a guy with a hand in his pants, stroking himself. He looked up at me and blushed, pulling his hand out of his pants. He started to walk away. I quickly went to him and asked if he was okay. With a red face, he shook his head. He quietly told me that he hadn’t had sex in awhile and beating off in the bathroom and his dorm was getting old fast. So, he decided to spice it up a little and he has been trying to find a place to masturbate in a somewhat public place.

“I asked if he really wanted to get off. He nodded his head vigorously. I asked if he would mind if a guy blew him. He started to nod, stopped, and then shook his head. I looked around and headed to the most remote section of the library I knew. I looked around again and fell to my knees. He was shaking hard by now. He said that he had never done anything with a guy, not even masturbated in a guy’s presence. I reached for his zipper and opened it quickly. I then reached in a fished out his hardness. He gasped as I wrapped my fingers around the base of his seven-incher. I then kissed the tip of his penis. I opened my lips then and sank down on his hard. He sucked in air and moaned. He put his hands on the back of my head as I began to bob him. His breaths came quick now, and I knew he wouldn’t last long so I moved quicker. With a muffled moan and a swelling of his member, he climaxed. His come was slightly bitter and sparse, but I enjoyed what I could. I sucked the rest out of him and then helped him put it back. I looked up at him. He wouldn’t look me in the eye, but I could see the small grin on his face. He mumbled his thanks and then left quickly.”

Mike just sat there in shock. His jealousy had subsided, but he wasn’t sure how he truly felt. Josh stood and leaned to his love.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly and kissed Mike tenderly.

Mike stood and took Josh in his arms. He embraced him hard.

“Josh, dear,” he said softly and quietly, “I will get over it. Please forgive me if I seem a little offish.”

Josh squeezed back and sighed. They parted but Josh kept his friend’s eyes.

“Mike, can we talk about us a little,” Josh said with seriousness.

“Okay…,” Mike said with uncertainty. He sat in his desk chair. Josh grabbed the one from his desk and sat in front of his lover.

“Love, I sense in you great doubt and turmoil sometimes. I know you enjoy our fun, but you are uncomfortable with showing affection, especially in public. In part, I am sure, it is due to societies’ norms, i.e., their unacceptance of homosexuality. I, on the other hand don’t give a flying flock of fucking ferrets what others think. However, I will not impose my nonconformist views on you. But if the time comes when you are ready for a full and true relationship with me, I will be waiting.

“There is one aspect of gay love that I have never partaken of at least with a living penis. My ass may not be completely virgin, but I have yet to have anal sex with a person. That I am reserving for the one that desires to be with me, makes a commitment to me.

“I really hope that will be you, my dear Michael.”

Mike was looking down at the floor now. He understood what Josh was saying. He had actually hit it on the head. Mike was afraid of society more than he was willing to accept this type of relationship. Besides, he really did like girls.

“So, my dearest,” Josh continued, “you just let me know if and when you are ready.”

Josh grasped Mike’s hand. Mike looked up and smiled lightly at his friend.

A few weeks passed. Josh and Mike continued their dorm room affair. Josh had his first girl since graduation towards the middle of the semester.

Josh had been playing pool in the StuLo. He hooked up with a girl, Jamie, that he knew from his history class, to play doubles against another pair. They took the first three games fairly easily. The fourth, they got trounced and were bounced from their table. They couldn’t get onto another table soon, so Jamie suggested they go get something to eat at the cafeteria. Josh accepted and they headed across the Commons. She led them to a semi-private table, and they sat and chatted for a long while. As they chatted, Josh noted that Jamie would rub her leg against his; since they were both in shorts, this produced quite a sensation in Josh. He hadn’t been with a girl in a very long time and having one flirt with him was very refreshing. He returned the flirtation. Shortly, she had suggested that they go back to her apartment, just off campus for a real drink. He accepted and she slipped her hand into his as they walked east and off the campus to a row of student housing. She led him up to the third floor of the last building in the row. On the left side of the stairwell, she pulled out her keys and opened the door. She pulled him inside. She looked around and nodded.

“My roommate said that she would be at work late tonight. I guess she was right.”

She led him to the kitchen and opened the cupboard, took out two glasses and bottle of amber colored liquid. She poured a bit into each and then led him to the living room. She tossed aside some books and magazines from the couch and bade him sit. She handed him a glass and then sat next to him, but with her back against the arm of the couch, so that she faced him. He sipped from his glass and choked slightly. She laughed and sipped from her own glass.

“Don’t drink it too fast. It’s pretty strong. Do you like?”

Josh nodded slowly. He already felt a little warm and the drink made him even warmer. He looked over at his friend and it got even warmer. He sipped from his glass, keeping his eyes on Jamie. She smiled, sipping once, then twice. She put her empty glass on the floor against the couch and moved to Josh. She took his glass and put it next to hers. She leaned over him and kissed him softly. She sat back and watched his reaction. Josh wasn’t surprised at all at what had just happened. He took her hand and pulled her back to him, actually pulling her on top of him. She was forced, more or less, to mash her lips to him, but neither cared. He wrapped his arms around her as she pushed her form against him. They kissed hard and long, writhing together. She eventually ended up straddling his waist, rubbing her mound against the now hard lump formed in his pants. She sat up, grinding her covered pussy to him. She pulled her tee shirt over her head then reached behind and undid her bra. She flung the bra off towards an open door behind the couch. She put her fingers under his shirt and pushed it up and over his head. This helped him sit up. She reached for the button of her shorts and opened them. He took his cue and moved up and laid her back on the couch. He took hold of her shorts and pulled them off her. She pushed down her panties and flung them towards the open door with her bra. He undid his own pants quickly and shucked them, along with his briefs. He moved to her, and she spread her legs in anticipation. He moved between her legs and aimed his rock-hard penis at her wet, open hole. He leaned into her and they both sighed. He pushed full into her in one swift movement and they both moaned deeply. He stopped quickly, though, as his sensibility took over.

“Uh, what about protection?”

“Oh, yeah,” She reached up and pulled open a drawer of an end table and pulled out a square package. She pulled it open and pulled out the circle inside. He reluctantly pulled out of her. She reached between them and pushed the circle to his tip, then rolled the rubber material down along his hardness. He sighed as she ran her fingers back across the covered flesh. She resumed her previous position, and he reentered her, slipping even more easily into her. The warmth of her sex flooded over him as he began to slide in and out of her. She closed her eyes and reveled in the pleasure he was giving her. He soon was pumping hard and fast into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and then her arms around his neck as he leaned into her hard. She moaned and groaned as she reached her climax. He grunted and hissed as he slammed hard into her. He then growled loudly and slammed against her. She cried out in ecstasy at the same time. He collapsed on top of her, burying his head in her split breasts. She hugged him tight to her as she rode out her own climax.

He lifted his head and looked up at her.

“That was awesome. I haven’t been inside a woman in nearly six months.”

“Oh, you poor boy. Thank you,” She kissed him lightly on the lips. She released her legs and arms. He reached between them and eased out of her, making sure the condom came with him. He stayed semihard, but he didn’t think he would be able to get it back up. She grabbed a Kleenex and helped him dispose of his rubber. She then took his limp penis in her fingers and began to stroke it lightly. He sat back on the couch, and she moved to him. She leaned down and took his flaccid member into her mouth. She began to suck and lick him. He was a little surprised when he felt himself go hard again. He laid his head back and relished her mouth around him. After a very good five minutes, he put his hand on the back of her head and pushed up with his hips. She took him deep into her throat and sucked hard through the first ejaculation. She then forced her head up and sucked on his tip as he shot two more hard wads into her mouth.

She didn’t stop; she just continued to lick and suck on him. Again, to his surprise, she got him hard again. She reached into the drawer again and pulled out another condom. She quickly covered him. She then straddled his waist and sank down hard, impaling herself. After squeezing hard with her vaginal muscles, she began to pump up and down hard and fast. He steadied her with his hands on her buttocks. He joined in, pumping up with his hips. It took a long fifteen minutes, with two rests for breath, to bring them both off. He didn’t have much left to fill the condom, but it did feel good. She had a stronger orgasm and collapsed onto his shoulder, panting and short of breath. It took her a good five minutes to regain her breathing, but she didn’t pull up even then. She ground down, keeping his now fully flaccid flesh deep inside her. She kissed him hard and held him for long moments. She would mash down every few minutes, trying to help him regain his hardness. After another fifteen minutes, he had to stop her and admit he was spent. She sighed, but then giggled as she nipped at his nose, then she sucked hard on the lower part of his neck. She latched there for a long moment, then released. She left a large round bruise, marking him. She giggled and kissed him again. She then reached down and pulled the condom out of her as she stood. She wrapped it in Kleenex and threw it in the trash. She moved to his side and played with his nipples as they cuddled together.

The next thing Josh knew, he was sitting in a dark room with a warm body next to him. A noise had woken him. Light streamed into the room from his right. He opened his eyes and blinked. The body next to him roused also. A light came on, blinding them both.

“Oh,” said a voice behind the light, “ha, ha. Jamie, I see you got some tonight. Not bad lookin’ either.”

A blond moved across the room in front of them, kicked off her shoes and went into one of the doors behind the couch.

“Sorry about that,” Jamie said as she stood up. “I didn’t mean to let us doze off like that.” She picked up her shorts and pulled them on without panties. She then pulled her tee shirt over her head. She helped him into his clothes. They kissed lightly.

“Thanks again,” she said, as she led him to the door. “I really enjoyed it. I hope you understand, though, that all I am interested in is the sex.” She blushed a little as she stepped back.

“Good,” Josh said as he leaned to kiss her at the door, “I have an almost relationship right now.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s almost and very open.”

“Well, I hope you don’t have any problems with her.”

Josh snickered but didn’t explain. “Don’t worry, there won’t be problems. Maybe we could hook up again another time, either at the table or at the hips.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.” She said with flirty eyes. They kissed one last time as she opened the door for him.

Josh opened the door to the dorm room and found his lover asleep at his desk again. Josh moved to him and kissed him gently on the cheek and then on the lips.

“Come on, lover boy. Time for bed.”

Mike just grunted as Josh pulled off both their clothes and helped Mike into bed. Josh cuddled to Mike and then Josh joined Mike in slumber.

In the morning, Mike woke first. He was a little confused. How had he gotten into bed and when did Josh come back. He turned and found Josh still asleep. Mike reached down and took a hold of Josh’s penis and began to stroke him. Josh stirred a little and smiled, turning onto his back. Mike dove under the covers and began to kiss, lick and suck Josh’s growing member. There was bit of an odor down there, but Mike was so into what he was doing that he kept at Josh’s member. Josh jerked a couple of times and filled Mike’s mouth with his come. He was now fully awake, moaning and sighing.

As Mike finished cleaning Josh off, he realized what the smell at Josh’s crotch was. He popped out from under the covers and looked into Josh’s face.

“You fucked a girl,” Mike said, half accusing, half excited.

Josh nodded behind his silly-assed grin.

“Well…” Mike pushed.

Josh related the happenings of the previous evening in great detail. He slowly stroked Mike as he told the story. He sensed Mike’s pending orgasm and pushed the covers off of them. He sank down just as Mike ejaculated. Josh kissed his way up his lover’s body, stopping momentarily at his nipples. He then joined Mike in a passionate kiss. They kissed and caressed each other for long moments. Finally, they broke, looking hard into each others eyes.

“Mike, my love, have you thought any more about the future of our relationship?” Josh said quietly.

“A little.”

“Do yesterday’s actions make it more or less an option?”

“Well, I am happy that you got a fuck. I’m not sure if it sways me one way or the other.”

“Good. I was worried that it might dissuade you from me.”

Mike didn’t say anything to this, but he did close his eyes and lay back on the bed.

“Josh, love, I’m not sure I can ever make that much of a commitment to you. I haven’t had a girl since the trail episode. I haven’t really tried either. I have been so busy with class that the only chance I have for sex is when I come here, and I am with you. So, I still don’t feel that connection you want, but I still enjoy the sex immensely.”

“Thank you for your honesty.” Josh leaned over and kissed Mike on the cheek, then moved to his mouth. They kissed for a short while. Josh then got up and readied for the day. Mike followed, hurrying to make his first class.

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