Racing Into the Night Ch. 04

A gay story: Racing Into the Night Ch. 04 Chapter 4 – Something Red


Time was at a standstill in the interior of this cafe in Ottawa. Rachael tapped at the sheaf of papers under her, still waiting to be signed. Our coffees had arrived in the middle of my last retelling, and while she had mostly finished hers, I couldn’t bear to touch mine. I thought I’d vomit.

It was becoming colder in here. The late February chill threatened to settle in my bones. I wanted to let it. But I took my mug, still at least warm to the touch, and fussed over it. I was otherwise still in the storm of Rachael’s furious silence.

“You know,” Rachael said through a half-angry, half-sad grimace; “I really wish you’d just told me that was the last time.” I nodded morosely in recognition. “That…that you’d just fucked him once and gotten it out your system. But there were other times.” She sniffed. “As we know.”

“As you know,” I offered helplessly.


Against my better judgement, I kept meeting Mr. Rodriguez. I wish I could say something like, “I didn’t mean to!” or “it was all his idea!” but it wasn’t. And I did mean to. Every time I would swing by Mr. Rodriguez’s area after work, it was to pick him up so we could have sex. Our illicit version of sex, concealed in shadows, or in the cheap, crusty light of 1-star motel rooms that we only used to fuck in.

Those, I hated to say, were the places I liked having sex with him the most. Wrapped in the safety of terrible smoke-stained wallpaper, we were anonymous. We melted into the night with others who no doubt used these motels for exactly the same thing. And he could moan and scream as loud as he liked.

It was so anti-romantic. I needed it to be. Because with the ease that I could lose myself in Mr. Rodriguez’s aura, I needed the sickly surroundings to remind me where I was. In the blind spot of my wife’s knowledge of me. With another man. My cock hilt-deep in his asshole.

For his end, Mr. Rodriguez was getting more used to me fucking him. I could tell he wasn’t exactly much of a bottom before we started what we had, but he became more responsive to what I wanted from him. Me, too. I knew how to make him squirm even better now, though he wasn’t a closed book. He told me what he wanted, often. “Grab my ankles while you fuck me.” And, “Please, choke me.”

God. He was my personal poisoned chalice, and I was drinking so deeply of his wine, I didn’t think it would kill me. I pictured his wife Nitya’s reaction. Her flinty brown eyes going wide at the realisation that I’d turned her husband into a bottom. That I fucked him hard and raw like I was trying to get him pregnant. Maybe I was. I was delirious around him. Not myself. Or, came the dark, scary thought; this is who I am.

Speaking of Nitya, she, at some point during the summertime, had arranged a birthday party for their youngest daughter, Alia. She was turning ten. Of course, they invited us and Bailey over. Now, Bailey, at seven, was still quite a bit younger than the Rodriguez girls, but she still insisted that she had to go. Fine by us. There were gonna be a whole bunch of kids there anyway.

I think it was July that Alia’s birthday party came around, and it was being held at a rental hall in Nepean. I could hear a fucking gaggle of kids screaming and running around. Mrs. Rodriguez greeted us at the door, looking comfortable outside of her office clothes, if not tired. I chuckled inwardly. Been there. Rachael, Bailey and I hefted the gift for Alia and the gigantic Costco cake we’d gotten, and she ushered us in.

“You really didn’t have to get another cake, guys!” she was saying, brushing her silvery brown hair out of her face.

“We weren’t sure how many kids were coming!” Rachael offered, giving Mrs. Rodriguez a hug. They were close, I could tell, more than just coworkers. A bubble of joy came up in my throat watching them embrace like that. Seeing Rachael happy…

I reached down and patted Bailey on the shoulder, brushed a stray hair out of her face. “Sweetheart,” I told her; “why don’t you go and find Alia, give her your gift?” She gave me a wide, toothy grin.

“Okay, daddy!” She gave a bubbly look to her mother and Mrs. Rodriguez, and she was off. She melted into the gaggle of kids, and I lost sight of her. Beside me, the two other adults shared a soft laugh. Kids!

“Where’s Aaron?” Rachael was asking her. And I couldn’t help but catch the slight twinge of Mrs. Rodriguez’s mouth, like she was about to frown. Hmm. As quickly as it came about, she composed herself, and smiled. But her eyes…were so dangerous.

“He’s dropping off Pia at her friend’s place,” she replied. “This party was going to be ‘too kiddy’ for her!” Rachael laughed at that. “He’ll be back in ten or so minutes.”

Ten or so minutes, I thought, privately, in my darkest thoughts. I could deal with that.

The rental hall was unofficially sequestered off into a kids’ area, and an adults’ area. Women that I guessed were the family and friends of Mrs. Rodriguez, among multiple others, were all chattering together as they gathered by a far wall. They gave this small army of kids–mostly girls–a wide berth to play, scream and roughhouse with one another. The birthday girl, Alia, was a real powder keg of energy.

But I was growing bored of this. Deep in shallow conversation with one of the kid’s moms, I found myself glancing at the door frequently, willing Mr. Rodriguez to appear. I wondered how he’d dress. I imagined loose jeans, and a white shirt, stained slightly with his sweat under the summer sun.

When he finally showed up, the view was even better. He strode in, clad in a dark grey tank top and khaki shorts, so I could see more of his long, toned limbs. The salt-and-pepper fur that coursed up and down the entire length of him. My breath caught in my throat. He was so sexy in his simplicity.

He greeted the other parents, then Rachael, then me. “Sorry I’m late!” he offered, his smile wide, genuine. “I was taking our eldest to a friend’s place. She thought this party was–”

“Too kiddy?” I offered. He looked at me, and I smiled. “Nitya already said so.” The other parents shared a knowing laugh at that one.

“Like you read my mind, Mr. Aguinaldo,” said Mr. Rodriguez with a broad grin.


I don’t remember the exact words I used that bought me the excuse to go down into the rental hall’s basement with Mr. Rodriguez. Something about finding more tables for the kids to sit and eat at. Either way, it was him and myself in the dingy basement of that place, used only as neglected storage.

Everything was dark, dusty, and filthy with cobwebs. The only nice thing about this level was the bathroom, its stark light shining like a beacon into the gloom. Of course, neither of us cared about that. Free of pretence, Mr. Rodriguez took my wrist and led me, somewhere in the darkness that I didn’t know. Maybe he’d been here before. Other birthday parties for his daughters.

He turned around and put a finger surreptitiously up to his smiling lips. Before us was a set of wide doors, marked STORAGE B, and when he opened them, I saw all manner of random crap in here. Tables, chairs, cabinets. Boxes that made skyscrapers in the dark. At the far end of the room was a rolling steel grate door; a dingy red light illuminating a sign that said BOILER. All of it was lit up by just a single weak white light.

The shadows in this room were deep, and embraced the two of us with the promise of secrecy. I looked at Mr. Rodriguez, his eyes glimmering with wicked intent.

“How much time do you think we have?” I asked him.

“They’re gonna be up there wrangling those kids for a while yet,” he surmised, taking my hand and pulling me further into the dark of STORAGE B. Behind a wall of cabinets, there lay a handful of neglected tables, one of which was upright.

He wasted absolutely no time. Mr. Rodriguez pushed me onto the only table, and went immediately for the waistband of my shorts. There were plenty of times when our sex was mostly foreplay, when we’d bring each other to the very edge of our respective orgasms, and pull back, and repeat ad nauseam. I loved those times. But here, bathed in the secrecy of a dingy storage room, with time racing against us, the excitement was already at a maximum.

I thought of the first time he’d sucked me off, at that office, in the dark. I smiled a little.

Now, Mr. Rodriguez had fished my cock out of the underwear it strained against. He dove down hungrily onto my dick, and the contours of his mouth were so familiar at this point. He barely hesitated, taking my length and girth all the way down now. He felt fucking incredible.

My shorts were down to my ankles now, and he slipped one leg out of them. Groaning, I laid back, giving him a view of my ass and my hole I knew he desired greatly. Up until now, I hadn’t let him fuck me. I think I was much too proud to. Or I had been…lately, I’d been opening up to the idea. He was no slouch when it came to his cock. I know he could turn me into a whimpering mess of a bottom if he wanted to.

Now just was not the right time, though. But fuck if it didn’t feel truly amazing the way Mr. Rodriguez lapped at my balls and taint. He was so hot, a fire so terribly clear in the stuffy dark of this room. He even licked at my hole with as much of the same fervour I had when I ate him out. Fuck. I really did want him to continue forever. But we didn’t have forever.

I put a hand on his chin, feeling the spit that dripped down his stubble. “Mr. Rodriguez…” I gasped out; “we’ve gotta cum. Soon.”

Lit up by the red light to our right, the smile he gave me in the dark was carved in devilish shadow. He looked truly sinister. Unholy. “We’ve got time,” he whispered, low and throaty. “Don’t you worry.” And he went back down on me. It was torture.

I tweaked my nipples to the rhythm of his sucking, and found myself caught in a current of immense pleasure. With his wide hands, he’d reach up and plant them onto my belly, grasping but finding no purchase. I loved the way he massaged me, how my body rolled under his desperate touch. Like he did, he at some point fished his own cock out of his shorts and was furiously jacking himself off.

My orgasm was approaching. I was nearly there. That was when I heard a door open, from somewhere far away. Fuck!

“You’d better hurry,” I urged him. All he did was suck harder, and keep holding me down.

My blood froze when I heard from somewhere, very distantly: “Aaron?”

“It’s Nitya!” I gasped out, pushing him off of me. My eyes darted frantically around the room. Door closed, not locked. We were pretty far into the room, but what was a single room against a determined individual like Nitya Rodriguez?

My breath caught thickly in my throat as I heard her footsteps circle around the empty basement. Frantically, I looked for a way out of this. And it was there: to my right, lit up in red. BOILER. I pulled Aaron up off the floor by his shoulders, and pulled him towards the grate door. To my horror, it came open slowly, and with a sick, rusty squeeeaaaaaalllllll….

Cringing, I pushed him in, then ducked inside myself. Another disgustingly obvious squeal later and the door was shut. I was dizzy with panic. It just had to be his fucking wife. Here in the boiler room, we fumbled around even more blindly, trying to squeeze into the deepest, blackest corner we could find. Dim red pinpricks of light came in through the holes of the door. I could hardly see Mr. Rodriguez, but felt him as he led me past a tight squeeze. In the corner we found ourselves in, we were pressed right against the wall.

Shock overtook me when I felt his hand move from my back to my cock again, wrapping around the base. His fingers squeezed my balls tenderly. I tried to leer at him, but it was too dark. Are you fucking kidding me! I wanted to scream at him. But I couldn’t let myself say anything. He was jacking me off quickly, a very quiet slapping sound filling the room. But it was like a sonic boom in my ears.

For what felt like an interminable minute, I thought we were in the clear. He kept pulling at my fat engorged cock, precum slicking his hand. He squeezed, rippling his fingers the same way he did when he jacked himself off. My thoughts were pounding against my skull. Stop this right now! I wanted to say. But he turned me on so goddamn much.

The way he was behind me, pressed against the wall by my huge form, I tried to wriggle away to give him room to breathe. That’s I heard it, the familiar wet slap of him masturbating. His hot, plum-like cockhead was pressed into the folds of my back. He hefted his cock like a rolling pin, smacking it against my skin. My knees shivered at the contact. His touch pressed right up against me was insane.

Soon, he found my asscrack. He let out that slow, deliberate laugh while he ran his hot dick head up and down, leaving a trail of precum that I involuntarily clenched around. Like I was trying to draw his man juices into my hole. Mr. Rodriguez hummed with appreciation at the feeling. He did this for so many long minutes, degrading my willpower as he went. God, I really did want him to fuck me….

“Mr. Aguinaldo,” he whispered, his voice matching the inky black of the shadows around us. “Please let me put it in you.”

“Nitya’s looking for us,” I reminded him, weakly, and my knees threatened to buckle as he continued to strafe his cock against my crack. His cock head kissed my hole, slick with sweat and precum.

“Can you keep quiet?” he said with a viciously mischievous lilt to his voice.

Jesus Christ. “Don’t be ridic…ulous…aaaah….” My protest was rapidly fading in my throat as he prodded my hole with his cockhead. He was just so big…and I was so tight, and in need of him. My pride, my lust, and my fear of being discovered by his wife, all gathered in the most dangerous intersection in my brain. Nitya was somewhere out there. And he had his cock trained at my burning hot hole.

“M…Mr. Rodriguez….” I was muttering, barely even aware of myself. I reached out, put my hand on what felt like a boiler, and clenched my anal muscles around his cockhead. I wasn’t strong enough not to let him in. Breathing deep, I braced for the feeling of penetration.

Mr. Rodriguez popped his fat, hot cock head into my asshole.

At that same moment, the outer door to the storage room creaked open.

I wanted to scream.

Mr. Rodriguez froze only momentarily, but I knew. Once he was in, he would hardly be able to restrain himself. He was a man, like me. I knew the terrible battle that was raging in his hips that he would not be able to win. He pushed slowly in, his breathing frantic as he breached my walls and listened for what was going to happen next.

The inner door to the boiler room lit up with the dim light of the outer room, pinpricks of white that barely penetrated the dark of this back area. I heard Nitya’s footsteps slowly, cautiously step into the storage room. Mr. Rodriguez let out a shuddering groan that–hopefully–only I could hear, as he fucked me.

I was going nuts. This was much too risky. This was his wife that was looking for him. There was a fucking party full of parents and their kids up there. My wife. My daughter. My mind reeled.

Mr. Rodriguez was unrelenting. His fear, his excitement were practically tangible in the way that he pulled back and pushed in. The upward curve of his cock brushed against my prostate, and it made my cock feel full, like he was trying to push the cum out of me. A strangled cry was caught in my throat. This was everything I didn’t think I wanted from him. He was fucking me. He was finally fucking me.

“Don’t…stop…” I whispered to him. The telltale smacking of his wet thighs against my ass threatened to give us away, but I wasn’t strong enough to care in that moment.

“I won’t, Mr. Aguinaldo,” he likewise whispered in my ear. “You feel so fucking good.”

“How good? Tell me.”

“Like I wanna make you my wife.”

My cock throbbed at his praise. At the same time, I heard ponderous footsteps circling the room, not yet coming close to the boiler area. God, what was I doing?

“Aaron,” came Nitya’s voice from the room beyond. “Are you here?” We pursed our lips. Aaron continued to buck into me, slowly, his hands wrapping around me. Just under my chest. Like he was trying to crush me into him.

My breath was hot as it poured out of me, trying so hard not to scream Mr. Rodriguez’s name. I felt alternating jabs of lust and horror as the husband fucked me, got deeper into my tight hole, and the wife roved around the room beyond, coming dangerously close to the boiler room.

“Aaron?” she was calling into the dank of the room. “Where the hell are you? Your wallet is here, Aaron, are you hiding from me?”

For a moment, Mr. Rodriguez froze. As if he was working on instinct, his hips kept gyrating and pounding his cock into me. I wanted to pant, scream, but I couldn’t with Mrs. Rodriguez so close by. Mr. Rodriguez continued his assault on my ass, kneading my tits like it was the last time he was going to ever get to do it. He tweaked my nipples, his twitching fingers rubbing my most sensitive spots.

“Holy fuck…” I whispered as quietly as I could manage.


I froze. The door to the boiler room. Nitya was here.

Aaron stopped, his breath catching in his throat. His dick pulsed with anticipation inside me, his hardness wrapped in the folds of my guts. To my abject horror, the lights came up in this room, though they were equally as dim as the outside storage room.

I saw for the first time that Mr. Rodriguez and I had worked ourselves into an obscure corner, surrounded on all sides by huge PVC pipes. In our blindness, we had squeezed past a wall and into this nook. The ugly yellow-white haze cast Mrs. Rodriguez’s shadow into the long opposing wall. She moved slowly. So goddamn slowly.

“Holy shit,” Aaron was whispering into the crevice of my back. “Mr. Aguinaldo–I’m….” I put my hand on his hip, trying so hard to communicate that he needed to shut up. He jerked his hips, bumping into my prostate once more. My cock leaked, and dripped its fluids of arousal. He squeezed closer into me, his breaths desperate. “I’m cumming….”


Jesus Christ.

Mr. Rodriguez held his place, but his cock was bouncing inside me, letting loose his cum. His orgasm inside my ass made my head swim. He held me tight, and I could feel his cock giving minute plunges into me, jerking powerfully at least five times. I could feel his cum running out of my ass, mixing with my sweat. I wanted to collapse to the damn floor.

Mrs. Rodriguez stood just outside the passage. I watched her shadow while her husband came inside of me, holding me like he would break if he let go. And then I heard her footsteps once more, walking away from the corner. The clicking of the lights going off, and that horrible squeal. I didn’t move again until I heard the lights click off in the outside room, and the door closing once again.

All at once, I sank to my knees. I was so wet between my legs. Mr. Rodriguez had flooded my insides. I felt him come down with me, draped over the arch of my body. “Mr. Rodriguez, holy shit,” I mumbled–and was cut off when I felt him slide into me again.

“Mr. Aguinaldo,” he was panting. “That was fucking insane.” He pulled back, and pushed back in again, this time with all the fervour of a demon. “Mr. Aguinaldo…! Aaaaghh…!” And he continued fucking me like he hadn’t just cum.

“You’ve just shot…” I protested weakly. But my hand moved to my throbbing cock anyway. The smell of his sex and cum and cock filled the stagnant air.

“I need you so badly,” he said, haggardly. “I never want to stop breeding you. Can I do that? Please? Mr. Aguinaldo. Please let me keep breeding you.” His pleading chain of “I need you, I need you, I need you…” filled my ears and the room. I laid there, arching my ass upwards more so he could get into me deeper. So deep that a part of him never left my body.

“Mr.–ughh–Rodriguez!” My orgasm was quickly swimming up from my balls and throughout my body. “I’m gonna cum too.” I started jacking off, my hot breath plastering my face to this dusty, disgusting floor. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming….”

He pounded me while I shot all over the floor. My new fresh cum joined the splatters of his last orgasm. I was riding out the waves of my orgasm while he brought himself to a stunning second one inside of me. He collapsed on top of me as he came, his hot cock desperately twitching inside my battered hole. His voice was hoarse as he gasped in my ear, his arms travelling and skittering up and down my sides.

“I fucking came again,” he muttered in disbelief. “Your ass is so hot and good it made me cum twice.”

“Yeah,” I replied. I had no words left in me, just the emptiness Mr. Rodriguez had created in me when he withdrew.


Eventually, rationality took over once again. We pulled up, dusted ourselves off, and put our clothes back on as we headed to the basement bathroom. The evidence of Mr. Rodriguez’s abuse of my hole was frightfully obvious, like the streaks of cum down my inner thighs. We washed off in the bathroom, not saying much. But sometimes I’d steal a glance at him as he wiped himself down with a damp paper towel, and he’d catch it. And he’d smile. Like a wolf.

Once we were cleaned off, we dragged one of the picnic-style tables out of the storage room, so as not to make it too obvious. When we returned upstairs with it, hardly any of the parents batted an eye. Rachael was embroiled in a game of Stella-Ella-Ola with Bailey and some of the other girls.

Only Nitya Rodriguez noticed our return, and she held her husband’s stare with her dark, flinty eyes. “Aaron,” she said, only addressing him; “where the hell were you? You couldn’t find a table sooner?”

“It’s a big basement, babe,” he responded, hardly meeting her eye. “And I’ve got it now. Mr. Aguinaldo helped me. What’s the issue?” Her eyes flitted to me very briefly, her contempt melting into confusion. But she had nothing to say to me. She just turned back to her husband, and then turned away. We shared a look. He smiled. I rolled my eyes and looked away, fearful that he’d see the red of my blush.

Alia’s birthday party went well. A few hours later, when most of the kids and parents had filtered out, the ones that stayed behind were his family, Nitya’s family, and mine. Mrs. Rodriguez kept her eyes on her husband as she commiserated with her family, them packing away the leftover food. He and I worked together to pack away the tables and stack the chairs. Rachael swept up the trashed decorations.

“Thanks for helping us out, Mr. Aguinaldo,” Mr. Rodriguez said at normal conversation level. Plenty loud enough for his in-laws to hear us. “You are a really good friend.”

“Anytime,” I replied, much too conscious of the way Nitya’s voice dropped to a whisper as she talked now. I shot him a look, but he only replied with a purse-lipped silence. I thought of our much-too-close encounter earlier in the boiler room.

It was a thought that made my blood run cold to think that, in spite of her stony silence towards me, that she’d found out.

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