Against All Odds Ch. 16

A gay story: Against All Odds Ch. 16 Riley’s heart pounded as he raced through the hallway. Cassie’s words echoed through his mind, but he couldn’t focus on that now, not when he had so much to tell Noah. Bursting into Noah’s office, Riley stopped abruptly, panting and out of breath. “Noah!” He blurted out, … Read more

Freshman year, the end by skillz02

A gay adult story: Freshman year, the end by skillz02 , One weekend, near the end of our first year of college, Mark unexpectedly had to return home because of a dying relative. That left me alone for the weekend which was much appreciated since his return from winter break had caused a serious bout … Read more

Nico Herst, You're the Worst! Ch. 02

A gay story: Nico Herst, You're the Worst! Ch. 02 Part Two: Tasting the New Gravy ———— “Remember that old story about the founding of Meadowdaleville and the turkeys? It probably wasn’t their fault that they got caught up in an event like that. Sometimes, I think you just end up in the wrong place … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 28

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 28 The Human Bearer 28. He really liked getting himself in all sorts of problems, Riordan thought while walking quickly with Kyle on his tail. “Master Rio, are you mad at me for telling Master Xana everything?” “Not in the least, and I didn’t know you cared, Kyle,” … Read more