The Human Bearer Ch. 19

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 19 The Human Bearer 19. The large door opened with a hydraulic hiss, making Riordan and the young Xenos turn their heads. They quickly straightened up, as if they were a small army unit, to pay respect to the one entering their large quarters. It was Kanto, who … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 31

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 31 The Human Bearer 31. That was bad. Xana ignored his tries of communicating with him until they were inside their quarters. Riordan didn’t protest as his master manhandled him and placed him on the bed, climbing on top of him, his green eyes turned into pools of … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 28

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 28 The Human Bearer 28. He really liked getting himself in all sorts of problems, Riordan thought while walking quickly with Kyle on his tail. “Master Rio, are you mad at me for telling Master Xana everything?” “Not in the least, and I didn’t know you cared, Kyle,” … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 16

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 16 The Human Bearer 16. All around him, the house groaned under the pressure. Before, he had thought the claustrophobia effect was the worst to endure, but now, he was changing his mind. The streets were flooded; he could tell as much. Kyle had activated a whole protection … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 23

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 23 AN: I read your comments and acknowledge your concerns. Well, this chapter will make some things clearer. And do you think Rio is going to take whatever Marn says and act like a doormat? He’s better than that. The Human Bearer 23. That thing, about hating it … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 07

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 07 The Human Bearer 7. Riordan stared at Xana’s face for a while. When asleep, Xana looked more his age. His features were calm, and his lips were even curled up in a smile. Riordan tried to move away, but the never resting tail coiled around him. “Where … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 15

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 15 The nights were usually restless, with Xana’s need for fucking exceeding all his expectations before coming here, but it was not this night. Riordan couldn’t believe that they were actually just sleeping. The strong tail was wrapped around half of his body, without squeezing him. If anything, … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 17

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 17 He was back to his quarters, lying on his belly, the pain in his backside still strong. Kyle was moving quietly around him, injecting him with seth from time to time, but only into his belly. Riordan could only assume that Kanto had instructed Kyle to keep … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 18

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 18 The Human Bearer 18. He was soaked in alien cum. There was just so much all over his belly, chest, neck and face. What was worse, the smell alone made him dizzy with new desire, and he didn’t want it. He wished he could push that fog … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 10

A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 10 The Human Bearer 10. Xana was having a fucking laugh at him. It looked like snakemen could manipulate their cocks in all possible ways without a problem and the fucker didn’t even have to use his hands. Now, he had adjusted his position so that he could … Read more

The Human Bearer Ch. 03

The Human Bearer Ch. 03 – A Thrilling Chapter in this Gripping Gay Sex Story A gay sex story: The Human Bearer Ch. 03 “That is a rather unusual companion you have, Xana,” another snakelike creature hissed upon watching Riordan with unhidden disgust. “Interesting point of view, Dinah,” his owner replied in kind. “It’s just … Read more