A gay story: The Human Bearer Ch. 15 The nights were usually restless, with Xana’s need for fucking exceeding all his expectations before coming here, but it was not this night. Riordan couldn’t believe that they were actually just sleeping. The strong tail was wrapped around half of his body, without squeezing him. If anything, despite it all, that position offered him comfort. Xana was holding him in his arms, so Riordan rested on top of that sculpted torso, his head filled with dreams. He slowly descended into the warm cocoon offered by his master, too helpless to resist. It felt as if his entire body was melting, not one hard bone left in him. And, in that silence, as he dreamed, he swore he could hear, along with the beating of Xana’s heart, slower than a human’s, with a hypnotizing quality to its sound, a second heartbeat, and it didn’t belong to him. It had to be the Xenolite, Riordan thought, his head still wrapped in the shroud of dreams.
He listened to the two heartbeats, so close to him, and a part of him ached. He was different from them. Xana had to talk some crazy shit, about how the boy – did he really know that it was a boy? – would look like him, Riordan, too. There was no way… Or was it? It was a beautiful dream for sure. He could safely blame it on the pregnancy. The chemistry of his body was completely out of whack. It had all been a whirlwind. The kindnapping, watching Lewis getting bred like an animal, Cario giving birth and left behind without a glance from his master, Tasha having Xer’s Xenolite… It was all becoming a tangled mess inside his sleep addled brain.
And through all that, he thought he heard something. Something like a child’s crying. Not even that disturbed the pleasant quality of his sleep. Hush, little one, I’m here. In his dream, he knew that he was using Xana’s gift of being able to communicate using his mind and nothing else. The child’s crying turned into cooing as he was being soothed by those words. Can you really hear me? Riordan wondered, and the reply he got was a short, child-like, giggle.
He smiled, or he dreamed he was smiling. Something soft touched his lips and he opened his mouth to receive it. Whatever was happening, it was slowly turning into insistence. Eventually, he tore himself away from the world of dreams and opened his eyes.
Xana was kissing him slowly.
Couldn’t you wait for morning sex?
I can’t wait when I’m with you. I told you, Riordan, that would be cruel. You’ll sleep all day while I’m seeing about my duties.
Fine. You horny dog.
I assure you, there is nothing canine about me.
Except for your constantly hard dick.
Xana appeared in no mood for more talking, even so effortlessly, using only their minds, and moved Riordan gently, making him straddle his lap, while uncoiling his tail. There was no need for foreplay. Riordan could tell he was wet already, and his arousal coursed through him, making him shiver slightly. Strong arms moved to embrace him and hold him close while his ass wasn’t spared. The now familiar large appendage that the snakeman called his cock was at his hole, pressing its way in. Riordan could tell his ass was opening to receive it. Damn, he had turned into such a huge whore since he’d arrived on Xeno. He was willing to do a lot of things for money. The thing was, money no longer mattered. He had no actual use for them, besides the needs of ordinary living. There were other things he wanted, things he had never thought about before, like an alien cock fucking his ass until he cried for more and to be left alone at the same time.
Not only a cock, though. Xana appeared very much in the mood for some serious fun, because he was adding his tail for double penetration. “Don’t stretch me so much,” Riordan whispered, while wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure moved through him. It was a sort of a dry orgasm, without coming, and it felt weird, but no less pleasurable than the real thing.
“What are you afraid of? And I’m only helping you get used to a considerable stretch since you worry about giving birth so much,” came the reply from his alien master. Alien husband? Riordan didn’t go down that road and pushed it away. Damn Kyle and his suggestions that this might be like a marriage of sorts.
“Great. You make it sound like I’m some whiny little bitch.”
“Bitch,” Xana repeated the word and laughed like a naughty kid.
“Don’t you dare,” Riordan growled at him. The word didn’t sound at all like an insult in Xana’s mouth. He was saying it just like a child who didn’t understand the sense.
“Tell me what you need, Rio,” Xana said in an intimate whisper.
The cock and the tail in his ass were taking turns at hitting him in all the right ways rhythmically, bringing more of that pleasure forth. Riordan gasped and tried to rein in his need to just push himself into the two appendages fighting for dominance in his ass. Yeah, Xeno sex was it. He had sucked cock before coming here, as means to an end, never for pleasure, and now he was all over Xana’s shaft like a hungry whore.
“I guess,” he inhaled sharply, “that you know it better than me.”
“I’d like to hear you. Your voice is music to my ears.”
“I talk crap most of the time,” Riordan said and moaned. He bit hard on his bottom lip and moved his hips to meet the maddening thrusts by himself.
“You do have an unconventional manner of speech,” Xana agreed pleasantly and reached for Riordan to bring their mouths close for a deep kiss. “It’s enticing me to put you in place.”
“You’re using my own stuff against me,” Riordan complained, barely breathing now.
Tears were streaming down his face, and he believed there was no way to get higher than the peaks he was touching now. However, Xana was a fucking master of control. He slowed down and kissed him more, keeping him there, on the verge of that insane kind of pleasure for what felt like hours.
Riordan was breathless and dizzy when Xana let go of his mouth. “Can I come, please?” he found himself asking.
“So unlike you to demand it so openly.” Xana chuckled and teased his bottom lip, over and over.
The alien tongue was a thing of wonder in itself. It was a bit rough, so Riordan experienced a slight sensation of burning where Xana insisted on licking. It made him crazy sensitive, too. His master’s strong arms wrapped tightly around him and held him close. The cock and tail were now going wild. Riordan heard the squelching sounds they were making while penetrating his used ass. He cried out, no longer capable of keeping in his ecstasy, and the pleasure came all at once, hitting him like a freight train. He was falling into Xana’s arms, and it felt like an infite fall into the abyss, something he had never experienced before.
The two appendages in his ass squirmed and tensed, finding their own release. However, that was something he only registered faintly, as the world tilted around him.
Riordan woke up what felt like eons later. His body was slightly numb with sleep when he opened his eyes and saw that morning was there. He reached for Xana and felt relief when his hand met his master’s body. “Awake already? I thought I tired you out thoroughly,” Xana joked.
“Well, it looks like I have great rebound, what can I say?” Riordan stopped for a moment. Was it okay to bring it up? “By the way, that sex was pretty wild,” he joked. Wild didn’t cover it.
His remark was met with a chuckle. “Did you like it? I am well aware that Earthians are sensual and sensitive creatures. I am doing nothing but test your body’s limits for pleasure.”
“Well, don’t test too hard. I’m pregnant, after all.”
“Your pregnancy is not the same with what Earthians experience.”
“Yeah. I mean, us guys don’t get preggo usually.”
“An oversight. You look wonderful with a round belly.”
“You think that because you’re a perv. But, really, how did you make it so, I don’t know, intense?”
“It was intense for me, as well. We’re creating a bond, Riordan,” Xana explained and pulled him close.
The warmth coming off the alien’s skin was lulling him back to sleep. “Is it one of your crazy experiments or something? ‘Cause it would be frigging nice if you warned me beforehand.”
“That would ruin the surprise,” Xana said. “Plus, it would influence your response.”
Riordan sighed. “You are conducting experiments on me. For the record, I was just joking.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Obviously. Don’t you have to leave for work?” Just as he said that, he wrapped himself around Xana’s body tightly, not wanting to let go. He had such a physical need to be close that he didn’t know what to make with it. All he knew was that Xana felt warm and comforting, and that he needed so much more of it. But if it was all just conditioning… Or some reaction dictated by seth or who knew what else cocktail of chemicals meant to make his body go out of whack like that? Riordan felt too cozy to overthink it.
“I believe I can stay here with you for a little while,” Xana whispered and kissed his temple.
For an alien husband, this snakeboy was behaving pretty well. Riordan didn’t overthink it; it was impossible, anyway. He was already sleeping.
“I’m turning into a total bum,” he declared when he woke up, hours later.
Kyle was already there, and he got breakfast with him, which was pretty awesome. Yeah, he could use that. What an awesome thing was that seth stuff, after all. He could just stuff his face, not with cookies, because now he was very mindful of having another to be responsible for, but still. “Master Xana will be happy to hear that you’re enjoying yourself.”
“You are very much into positive thinking, aren’t you, Kyle?”
“I don’t know what that is, Master Rio, but it sounds like a good thing.”
“Yeah, I guess some would agree with you. Put Tasha through, please. He needs to know that these alien dudes don’t just abandon their bearers after they give birth. Or at least some of them don’t. Xana told me.”
Kyle assumed the communication position but his lights flickered and blinked repeatedly, without Tasha coming through, by audio and video, as usual. “I’m sorry, Master Rio. It appears that I cannot reach him.”
“What do you mean? He’s like in the bathroom or something?”
Kyle continued his flickering for a bit. “No. I simply cannot reach him. He’s not at his master’s household, nor anywhere in the vicinity.”
“Stop scaring me. He probably went shopping. You know, having mobile phones would be a lot more convenient. And these dudes think they’re the advanced race.”
“Master Tasha is not at the shopping center, either. He is not in any location I can reach, public or private.”
“Now you’re worrying me. What does this mean? Did he fall off the face of this planet or something?”
“Falling off the face of the planet is not possible,” Kyle replied promptly. “But it doesn’t appear that Master Tasha is on the face of the planet, either.”
Riordan straightened up, his appetite as good as gone. “Fuck.” His mind began reeling, putting two and two together. What was happening? If he were on Earth, and one of his friends — naming them that was a bit of a stretch — were a no-show, he’d just think that they found something better to do than hang out with him. However, they were on Xeno, and here, weird things tended to happen for a reason.
“Do you want me to try his owner, Master Rio?”
“Yeah… no, better not. I somehow doubt that guy would waste his time talking to a bearer. He’s the head honcho around here.”
“He might make an exception, because it is you asking,” Kyle pointed out. “As you well know, Master Xana is close friends with His Royal Chancellor.”
“Even so. Can you try Xer for me, though? That punk might know better where Tasha is than his dad.”
Kyle continued his routine. Riordan could only assume that bearers making random calls to Xenos who weren’t their owners weren’t exactly the norm, but now, that was his best shot.
“I apologize, Master Rio. I cannot reach him either.”
“Now that’s too much to be a coincidence,” Riordan murmured under his breath. “Hey, do you happen to know if there’s just a thing as Xeno news?”
“They don’t need such a thing,” Kyle explained.
“Right. Because they communicate through their minds like the aliens they are.” Riordan pondered for a bit. “I think I know,” he said brusquely. Was it possible for him to tap into that network of minds even if he wasn’t directly looking for Xana? “Hey, Kyle, you know that Xana’s been training me into that telepathic stuff, right?”
“Yes, and he also used it to make you understand the language they spoke here ever since you arrived.”
“For real? I thought it was kind of weird that I understood plenty. That fucker, always with a hidden agenda. Anyway, do you think I could, you know, listen in?”
“Listen in to what?” Kyle asked, always the agreeable bot at his service.
“I don’t know exactly, but things such as gossip between them, if anyone happens to mention Tasha or Xer, or anything out of the ordinary?”
“You can, but not without difficulty. It would help if you used me so that I can connect with other bots in other households. We could listen in that way.”
“How do I do that?” Riordan asked.
“You only need to think of it. Master Xana has upgraded my system again, so that you can use me for contacting him, in case you couldn’t for various reasons.”
“Like getting kidnapped and having some tin foil placed on my head,” Riordan said brightly.
“You would have to be completely incapacitated to end up not being able to communicate with Master Xana now. I don’t see how tin foil could prevent that.”
“It was a joke.”
“A tin foil joke?”
“You could say that. Now, let me think…”
He did the same as he had proceeded when he had crushed on his master’s meeting with his brethren, and soon, it felt as if he was inside a bubble from which he could look upon the inside of other households. He quickly understood that he was basically seeing through the eyes, if they could be called that, of other domestic bots. It wasn’t much, but it was something. He quickly guided Kyle to connect with the bot or bots inside Marn Saver’s home, but the interior of that house seemed completely deserted. It also appeared a lot more austere than the place he shared with Xana, but he chose not to dwell on that.
Now, he didn’t know what to do. He tried a few households at random, without getting nowhere. Most of the feed he got that way just showed bearers enjoying massages, indulging in tasty foods or watching mindless television. He was about to move on, when in the last house he visited with the eyes of his mind, he noticed two bearers together. They were lying on a large bed and seemed caught up in conversation. Gossip was one thing he wanted, so he stopped there.
“I’m telling you, it’s true,” one of them, a doll face with a serene look on his face, said while rubbing his giant belly. “They eloped or something.”
“Just hear yourself. Eloped? Where? It’s not like this planet lets anyone elope. Where could they have gone? Earth? I don’t think so.” The second seemed a bit aggravated by the other’s excited tone.
“They were seen,” the first insisted. “I mean, that redhead just got into a car, a black car–”
Redhead. There weren’t many like that. Riordan mentally patted himself on the back for stopping here.
“Black car, black car,” the other repeated, showing his annoyance. “This isn’t some mystery novel. It’s real. Maybe he went to give birth.”
“No, I’m telling you. Come on, we all know he got mounted by his owner’s son. I mean, imagine that. Do you think they were taking turns fucking him? Without, you know, the father knowing about his son?”
“You make absolutely no sense. And you’re talking about the most important Xeno on this planet. I’d keep my mouth shut if I were you. And why is your bot just standing there, like an idiot? Shouldn’t it be in the kitchen or something? Send it away. It gives me the creeps. Like he’s spying on us.”
Riordan interrupted the connection, which was, to put it mildly, exhausting. “I’ll be damned,” he murmured. “Kyle, do you understand what these brainless dolls were saying?”
“I can infer that Master Tasha was seen getting into a vehicle and disappearing. Furthermore, the overall tone of the conversation suggested that it was a secret, and what we can understand, indeed, is that–”
“That motherfucker Xer whisked Tasha away to who knows here,” Riordan completed his bot’s words, without delay.
“It appears so. But I must remind you that such information is only hearsay,” Kyle reminded him.
“Yeah, taken by itself, but together with the fact that Tasha and Xer are nowhere to be found… I haven’t tried communicating telepathically with them, though. How can I be so stupid?”
“You’re not stupid, Master Rio. Your ability is new to you still.”
“Thanks for being a good friend, but now, I really need to try and get in touch with Tasha.”
“I am advising against it,” Kyle said.
“Why? I’m not that tired.”
“I have run a few simulations as the new information came in. If Master Tasha and Master Xer have indeed eloped, that puts them in a very dangerous situation. They are defying the fundamental law of this planet.”
“Which is what?” Riordan asked.
Kyle waited for a bit, as if he was trying to pick the correct words. Seeing his nature, he was probably just running some more calculations in the background. “Interfering with the duty of a bearer, which is to deliver his master’s egg, is punishable with exclusion and even death, in certain circumstances.”
“But the egg belongs to Xer.”
“Yes. But that is not what the official records show.”
“What the hell is happening? Why would Xer do something as dangerous as that, knowing the consequences?”
Kyle’s lights flickered.
“Any more commentary would be useful,” Riordan suggested.
“Master Rio, I’ve just received an important communication from His Royal Chancellor. The following motion is now in effect. All the bearers must remain in their households, without being allowed to leave under any circumstances, starting now.”
“What? Are we all being put under house arrest? Because Xer is stupid and horny?”
“I do not know more than this, Master Rio. Do you need to get out of the house? We could always say that we were already out when the motion was announced and we were just heading back home.”
“No, not right now. But it’s fucking weird, isn’t it?” Riordan got up and walked out of the room.
Most rooms didn’t have windows, and seeing how grey the world outside was, maybe that was a good thing. However, now, more than ever, he felt a wave of claustrophobia washing over him.
He got the entrance door and opened it widely. Nothing seemed strange at first, but then he heard a sound, like waves crushing against cliffs. He turned his head and froze for a moment, as his eyes couldn’t transmit to the brain what he was seeing, and he couldn’t comprehend. He was pulled back and the door closed in front of his eyes, while Kyle’s metallic arm held him close.
“What the fuck?”
@geemeedee – yeah, Drato loves his bearer, too, in his own alien way. And Cario will appear later, during some very important and critical moments. Riordan and he will become friends, even.