Encounter at John’s 4 by the author

A gay adult story: Encounter at John’s 4 by the author Ryan and John stood behind me for a minute. “You got anything to restrain him with so he can walk around,” Ryan finally asked. “I want to have some fun with him.” What he meant by fun I had no idea. John left the … Read more

Gray Rock Academy by The Pitbull

A gay adult story: Gray Rock Academy by The Pitbull , Gray Rock Academy by The Pitbull Fantasm, Authoritarian, Blowjob, Boy, Cruelty, Discipline, Gay, Hardcore, Reluctance, School, Teen Male / Teen Male, Young Author’s infos Gender: N/A    Age: N/A    Location: N/A Posted Thu 13th of November 2008 Font size : – + welcome to the … Read more