The Roommate Arrangement Pt. 02

A gay story: The Roommate Arrangement Pt. 02 Things returned to normal after that amazing night. Noah had woken up the next morning late for his test and rushed out the door before I could mention anything. When he came home, he was on the phone with one of his friends and avoided looking me … Read more

Encounter at John’s 4 by the author

A gay adult story: Encounter at John’s 4 by the author Ryan and John stood behind me for a minute. “You got anything to restrain him with so he can walk around,” Ryan finally asked. “I want to have some fun with him.” What he meant by fun I had no idea. John left the … Read more

Married for Third Ch. 02

A gay story: Married for Third Ch. 02 K. Nitsua. Copyright 2011 by the author. Part 2: Exploration After a while Walt got off the bed and announced, “I’m hitting the shower, guys.” He walked into the bathroom. Sid and Brad listened as the sound of running water started. Sid turned to Brad and winked. … Read more

Endings Ch. 03

A gay story: Endings Ch. 03 Hi, thanks for all the votes and comments. This story is kind of a rollercoaster, but I promise to get it up pretty quick so you can all find out how it gets to the end. I will update my biog page with when new chapters are likely to … Read more