Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 03

A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 03 Once I get out of the shower the next morning, my phone is lit up from messages on the family chat group. Mostly my mother asking where I was and then my brothers filling her in on Isobel, and then her replies of “Finally, someone who’s worthy and beautiful, this could be good!” I quickly brush pass all of her passive aggressive paragraphs of my past… ah, flings. Including one university professor.

Focusing my energy elsewhere instead of our usual fighting, I grab my last outfit of jeans and a casual purple shirt – a flirty but fun statement. I was in the middle of combing my thick hair when banging coming from my door starts. I open it to find Jake. “Family meeting.” Without waiting for a pause, he pushed through, followed by Mother dearest and George. George being the immediate next in line to own the Restoration company.

Rolling my eyes, I casually make my way to the bed and kick all of last night’s activities under the bed, cursing at the fact I’ll now have to clean it later. “And why my room?”

My mother, while not tall, is dangerously intimidating. She has a purple dress, with a light golden belt, and sharp heels that click in time to my eye twitch at every damned meeting. “Since you can’t make good decisions yourself, your father decided it would be best for the benefit of Lifeline if you could woo the Quartz family. Think about it. Precious pieces of art, nicely guarded-” she turns to face me. “It would put a guarantee on the Business. Guaranteed safety.”

I stop myself from having a sigh. Being around people was always tiring but being around Isobel, especially when she has a personality more bubbly than a McDonald’s sprite just wants to make me want a cool cup of water instead. No, don’t go there brain. Don’t do it. Not in front of the Fam. I cross my arms, “Fine. Makes logical sense.” Which, my ego aside, actually does. “Plan?”

“You’re going to introduce yourself, show at her place, and place so much devotion on her, they won’t want to lose you. Starting with a call. The first step is always to introduce yourself to her family first, and then Isobel. Let them know you, while wanting to learn more about their security.” Mom smiles warmly at me while I’m trying not to gag. George looks at me expectedly.

“We know you haven’t had a good track record with women,” my mom looks away, “but we’ll be right there with you. At the end of the night, make sure you want to invite her somewhere. Something that catches her interest.”

So love bombing. This isn’t going to make me an asshole at all.”Simple enough.”

“Let THEM know you care for her. Hold her hand, linger hugs, make sure to glance her way every now and then.” Mom injects.

God I wished they’d stop. As perfect of a plan it falls to help me with my own plan, I’m really going to have to act this out.

“We’ll give you a month.”

“Wait a month? She isn’t gonna fall in love that quickly! Even if I do all those things, that isn’t enough time to build a partnership for those papers!”

“Well next month, they’ll want to meet us. So a month of you wooing, another month of us basically doing the same and by the third month, we’ll have this in the bag.” George points to the floor as he finishes talking.

And then what? Marriage? Kids? Family? Absolutely not. Not on my watch. Not to mention our wedding night would be a disaster if I happened to call out her uncle’s name while fucking her into the mattress. When will it end? How often could I keep up with having a side piece wishing it was him that I came home to every day? What if she finds out? Shit. “Sounds Foolproof. For Lifeline of course.”

George saw right through my shit. “This is important, Ryan. This could put you in a good position. Having a clean slate once and for all. We’re trusting the future to you.”

No pressure. I nod. “I’m fully prepared and I promise to do what’s good for the sake of us.” I give a nice smile.

George looks to my mom. “I don’t believe him. I saw we have him check in every week, see how it goes.”

Oh for fucks sake.

“That’s a fair rule. Now, call her. You have her number.”

Of course they’d figure it out. I take out my phone and knowing my family, I put the call on speaker, waiting for it to dial.

Surprisingly the call goes well. I state my name, state the expected pleasantries, and she seemed a little too excited on confirming I could meet her family. When I got done with the call, my brother George throws some slacks at me.

“A date with a woman means dressing well.”


So this is how I’m here. On a couch, nervously waiting for her Uncle, Indo. We are at opposite couches, facing each other. Apparently in order for me to get to her Aunt, I need to meet the Security team. Works for me. I just need to not lose my shit when he shakes my hand or think of the fantasy I had of him cumming down my throat. I focus on my breathing and once he rounds the corner from the tea table, he’s buttoning one of his wrist buttons. Same jet black facemask. He stops at Isobel’s end of the couch. With a swallow, I slowly get up and reach my hand out. “Our last meeting caught me off guard. Let us try again. My name’s Ryan, and I was the one who was dancing with your niece, Isobel.” Good, makes me sound like I actually pay attention. He looks at my hand and narrows his eyes.

It’s awkward to say the least. Isobel clears her throat.

“Move away from the couch. You’re subjected to a pat down of any weapons.”

I blink as I glance at Isobel who nods once. “He always does this. It actually happened once before -” she shuts up from a glare she receives. They had a security thing where it scanned my body as soon as i walked in but I guess he wasn’t satisfied enough. Not that I’ll complain.

I do as I’m told and hold my hands out, stopping myself from putting them over my head. I want him to work for my submissiveness.

I breathe in deeply once his hands touch my body. They seem almost rough and he grips with such a force, from my chest to my hips and for a split moment, I lean a fraction into him, keeping in time with his pat downs to make it seem like the movement caused it. At last down to my ankles. Oh you can absolutely tie me there, Sir. God I hate my brain and the sheer will to keep my eyes ahead and not at him almost at his knees.

It was over quickly and I stood there not sure what to do.

“Please, sit.” he says finally.

I sit. Isobel gives me a soft smile but she doesn’t know what my brain is thinking of.

He grills me on why his niece, how much do I know about their company and I wished I paid a little more attention at the Gala. I sugar coat it and absolutely applaud at their cause like I’m at a goddamn interview. I take Isobel’s hand any time I mention her and ignore the glares he gives me. The protectiveness makes him a hundred times hotter. After he grilled me for another hour, Isobel shows me the way out into the hallway and apologizes for her Uncle.

“He’s just doing his job. I’d be weary too.” I manage not to grimace as I place a quick kiss on her cheek. Once she’s gone, I get the door open only for something behind me to slam it closed. I’m roughly turned around, and pinned by my neck from the Man of my Hour.

He leans in close and I lick my lips as my dick twitches. God I needed this. A strong man, a door, and the promise of delicious bruises. “I don’t know what your game is but your answers are a tad bit too perfect.”

What if I told you I made them just for you? I whisper, “I don’t know what you mean, Sir.”

He growls.

Oh – OH. “Honest!” No no honestly please keep going.

It’s almost as if he hears my thoughts and presses me harder. I do my best not to breathe because I know if I do, I’ll moan or keen or make some ridiculously embarrassing noise to someone who may or may not be straight. I look into his eyes and my body immediately responds with almost melting into his touch, practically deflating. It’s almost as if he’s challenging me to be cheeky with him. “Just let me show you and if you don’t like it I can let myself out. Never to bother. It’s just a month!”

“You are not to touch her while I’m there. You are not to take advantage of her. You are not to get her drunk or take her places alone!” He tightened his hold on my neck and then I do whimper. My dick twitches. Just a little closer, I’m begging you. Make me cum right here.

I just nod quickly and he lets me go. He opens the door for me and shoves me out by my shirt. Fuck he’s strong. I’ll need to get him mad, to push him, hell to pin me somewhere like a desk or a bed. Maybe it won’t be so bad. I like a challenge.

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