Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 05


A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 05 Ryan was out with Isobel, sitting by Diego’s Lake near her property. He had brought over his inventory photo book and was currently going over some of the pieces that his family had restored. He pointed to one. “This one’s a rare one, some form of execution device. … Read more


Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 03


A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 03 Once I get out of the shower the next morning, my phone is lit up from messages on the family chat group. Mostly my mother asking where I was and then my brothers filling her in on Isobel, and then her replies of “Finally, someone who’s worthy and … Read more


Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 04


A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 04 In the Last Chapter, we saw the nickname for Ryan’s family’s business. Here is the actual name. ‘Ryan Lyre Holt’ Indo thrummed his perfectly manicured nails against the wood of his desk as his other hand scrolled through the few articles he could find of his nieces’ new … Read more


Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 02


A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 02 Once I do get to the blasted Ball, my so-called date is nowhere to be found. Instead, there is a number on the table, held down by her empty wine glass. I pick it up and see my brother waving me over. Rolling my eyes, I cross the … Read more