Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 04


A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 04 In the Last Chapter, we saw the nickname for Ryan’s family’s business. Here is the actual name.

‘Ryan Lyre Holt’ Indo thrummed his perfectly manicured nails against the wood of his desk as his other hand scrolled through the few articles he could find of his nieces’ new love interest. Despite being suspicious of this… kid, his family ran a good business. Even did missions of recovering old ships or ship wrecks.

The coffee in his mug moved ever so slightly, and the door slammed open. He looked up.

“You THREW him out?” Isobel wasn’t loud by any means but her voice could carry like a loud thunder. “You threatened him?”

Ah. Only took her a week.

The only two women Indo was ever scared of. He slowly closed the computer. “I don’t think he’s a good fit. We’re in the spotlight and you need someone who can handle that, not someone who easily succumbs to pressure. He’s too skittish.”

Isobel glared and marched to his desk, pressing her two hands on top of it. “Did he threaten me? Did he threaten you? Was my safety in jeopardy? You HAD NO RIGHT.” she slammed against the right. “He did NOTHING to you.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose and inhaled deeply. “Dewdrop, your safety is always my top priority. Your mother’s as well, I know you’re mad and I know it seems nobody’s good enough but I do my job with my gut. Just because he may be a good actor doesn’t mean -” he earned a huff as she turned away.

“I’m not sixteen anymore. Im a fucking twenty two year old adult. I will date who I damn well please. I – I want to date him.” She crossed her arms and stared down at him.

Indo spread his arms, “Then by all means. Look, clearly I won’t stop you. He’s -” he sighed. “You can do better. But you’re right, I’m only here to guard your life.”

They stared at each other as Isobel put her braid in a bun. He could understand, this was the third one she liked that he chased away. Not without good reason though, he was a goddamn reporter. The other wanted to take over the company and turn it into something benefiting offshore accounts. Both seemed nice, though had an ego. This one didn’t. He hated she was right. He had no reason other than being protective of her. Ryan was technically innocent. Damnit something was off. He didn’t care, he could feel it.

“I want one date of privacy tonight. He’s free. If you can’t give me that, then I’ll order you away from him.”

Indo raised an eyebrow. “I’m employed by your aunt, Dewdrop.” He raised his computer again, content he won.

Isobel leaned in and whispered, “Wanna bet?”

Indo glanced up, “fine.” He held a finger. “One date and at least bring your knife.”

Satisfied, Isobel smirked and strode over to the door. “Oh and I mean NONE of you follow me.” At least she shut the door on the way out.

Indo stroked his goatee as he read an article about Ryan who somehow started a scandal involving his boss. Scandal as in getting caught in an indecent position while going to find an anchor of a small ship. His lungs breathed a little easier and he knew he found it. The thing that he couldn’t place. Ryan was gay. Indo swung his seat facing the window. What was he doing with his niece? It couldn’t be about the money, Verzegeld, Ryan’s business name was doing surprisingly well. Though when he thought about seeing Isobel dance and then the bathroom, Ryan’s reactions made sense.

He smirked at the moon. Indo mistook his submissiveness as being scared. He tilted his head. He could use that to his advantage, try and see what he wants before his niece finds out. Fuck, this could break her heart.

A knock at the door before one of his own came in, “Sir, she’s leaving in a blue car with the young man.”

He brushed him off, “Leave her be.” Isobel wouldn’t take it well, however from his own research, it didn’t look like Ryan’s would either. Indo got up and smoothed out his suit. “I have a mission for you and Justin. I want you to find out anything you can about this guys’ family. Not just what they do but how they present. I’m trying to find a motive and I think I found one. Have Justin be on the inside. I’m saying this because I think his family will sell him out to be something he’s not.”

“You mean lie to us about him?”

“Precisely. Using him or something. I couldn’t get a straight answer out of him earlier so now it’s our way. Don’t let Isobel find out. Go.” Zeke nodded once and Indo handed him the file, freshly printed, then dismissed him.

‘Let her be happy. She doesn’t want to listen, just let her enjoy it’ at least for now he didn’t have to worry about the asshole getting handsy on her. Now what did his family want then?


He’d been itching to talk to Ryan since his stalking behavior. The date took nearly three hours and Indo talked himself into a rage and then talked himself into cooling down. Just because the guy was gay didn’t mean he wasn’t out for other things – though the quiet side of his mind added it could be a good thing.

No. No, his niece came first, not his dick. He saw headlights through the window and quickly as he could, took the back way of the house and got there in time to see Isobel get out and blow a kiss at Ryan. He pulled out his facemask from his pocket and as Isobel walked away, he swifty made his way to the car. He put on the mask and timed her closing the house door to him opening the back door of the car and sliding in.

Ryan had just turned on the car and froze.

“Don’t turn it off. Drive as if you’re going home and then pull over.”

“You gonna kidnap me?”

How to say ‘I know your secret’ without saying you know? “You want me to kidnap you?”

Ryan kept silent but did as he was told and then they were in a semi secluded area. The kid didn’t talk and Indo took pleasure in watching him nearly squirm.

“So you’re gay.” And just like that, the kid deflated.

“Look, if you don’t kill me, I’ll be out of your hair and I won’t come back.”

“You’d be out of my hair if I killed you anyway.”

Ryan glanced at the mirror, eyes shifty. “That’s… that’s fair. I just meant, we can forget about this and I’ll walk away.”

“Something tells me you don’t want to do that.”

“I don’t.”

“Out of the car.” Indo got out and waited patiently for Ryan. “Why Isobel?”

He shrugged in his blazer – he had class. “She showed interest first.”

Oh, that made sense. She has a habit of jumping into everything. He nodded in understanding, “So she’s the one who roped you into this?”

“Kinda… Im the one saying yes.”

Should he choke him against the car to get an answer? “Why?”

“So I don’t disappoint my family again. I have a habit of being…” Ryan indicated with his hand. “Ya know and they paid the price for that. She was an opportunity to make them proud and my family shoved me into it.”

Indo wanted to kill him and yet help him. “I think we can help each other.” Ryan looked up at him. “I could help you on one condition. You give me something equally valuable to you.”

Ryan leaned against the car frowning.

“There’s a reason I’m security. You’re aroused by me. Don’t think I didn’t notice the way you quiver when I touch you. You weren’t scared, otherwise you’d mask it with anger. You just.. submitted.” Ryan looked like he wanted to object but Indo continued. “See, I’m always protecting people. It’s my job, but there’s another kind of caring. And that, I haven’t had in a while. The caring for another’s soul. Complete vulnerability, emotionally, spiritually. You don’t have the confidence now but with my help I can help you find your voice and help you stand your ground.”

Ryan thought about it for a moment. “Go on.”

“Since you’re emotionally going after my niece, I want the same from you. You give me your submissiveness. It’s win win. I help you with getting you stronger, you help me with giving me what I need. This won’t be like others you’ve had. This will be an active deal. Yes or no?”

Ryan swallowed and Indo could make out how rapidly he was breathing. “Yes. God yes. Please.”

Indo shook his head, holding up a hand. “First you tell me what you like and don’t like. Everything.” Isobel was gonna kill him. Maybe both of them.

“Um..” Ryan licked his lips. “I.. I like control. Being controlled, I like it when I’m choked, I like it when I’m completely at my partner’s mercy.” Indo loved complete eye contact Ryan was making. “I like being spanked, collared…um… I don’t really like fisting. I’m sore too much after, and I don’t really like the puppy play. I love being praised, edged,” Did Indo just hit Gold? “I like being restrained.. commanded.”

“Good. Very good. Your safe word? Traffic lights are a good guide.”

Ryan nodded, “yeah, like red, yellow, absolutely.”

“Our kinks are in good alignment. That’s good. Now. It’s always Sir. No names. Names are reserved for Isobel. It’ll either be Sir or Daddy to you. Daddy for when we’re alone. Understood?”

Ryan nodded, “Yes Sir.”

“At least until you find a safe out that won’t entail breaking Isobel’s heart.” Indo walked up to him, smirking when Ryan flattened against the car, ranking his eyes from the shoes up. “Questions?”

“Why do you wear the mask?”

Indo smiled, “So I’m not recognized when I’m off the clock in public. What do you want right now?”

Ryan blinked, “sorry?”

“What do you want right now? This very moment?”

Ryan breathes deeply as they both felt the sprinkles of another storm. “Your lips… Sir..”

“Louder. Like you mean it.” Another step towards him, an owl hooted somewhere.

“I want.. your lips on mine.”

Indo placed his arm on the side of the car, effectively trapping Ryan from fleeing to the driver’s door. “I’m not your boyfriend. This won’t go beyond closed doors. You’re on your own in your own time.”

Ryan looked from the mask to those bright pale blue eyes. “Yes sir. May I take it off?” He pointed to the mask and Indo nodded once. With a shaking hand, he unhooked one ear. Curving his hand around Indos’ neck, he leaned forward and connected their lips.

Indo let him lead for a few seconds before pulling back.

“Wait.. that’s it?”

Indo smirked as the rain started drizzling. “That’s all you wanted. If you want more, tell me. How do you want me to kiss you?”

Ryan pressed their bodies together, making sure Indo felt his cock. “Your tongue… touching mine.”

He pressed Ryan back to the car, grabbed a fist of his curls, and yanked his head back slightly before devouring the young man’s mouth. Immediately, Ryan was the first to moan, sucking Indos’ tongue.

He liked that noise. He pressed his knee in-between Ryan’s legs, thrusting his body against Ryan’s. Ryan clutched his jacket, trying to rut back as Indo claimed his mouth, not letting anything go amiss in that hot mouth. God he needed this and if he didn’t stop soon, he wouldn’t make it back at a decent time. He pinned Ryan’s wrists on either side of his head, biting his lip as he pulled away. “What do you say?” He panted, fighting for control again.

“Thank you, Sir..”

He smirked. “Good boy. I’ll let you have more if you earn it.” He let go of Ryan and started walking back, letting the cold rain cool him and ease his body temperature.

Fuck it’s been a long time since he handled a twink.


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