Great sex at the health club!! by s dieterich

A gay adult story: Great sex at the health club!! by s dieterich , This is a TRUE story so there will be no exaggerations! No foot long cocks or gallons of spurting cum, just lots of great, realistic sex! Great sex at the health club Intro: This is a true story, so don’t expect … Read more

Quicksand Pt. 01

A gay story: Quicksand Pt. 01 This story is a gay romance/thriller that will appear in 5 parts. As a novella (101 pages), it lacks the non-stop lurid sex of many Literotica stories yet has several steamy scenes. __________________ Part 1 I read bout my neighbor on the front page of the morning paper. He … Read more

In For a Penny, In For a Pound

A gay story: In For a Penny, In For a Pound My wife’s big round ass ground against him hard and she could feel his big, erection and throbbing in his pants. She had never done anything like that before. She wasn’t a swinger or a hot wife and she had never been unfaithful to … Read more

The Forge

A gay story: The Forge (Wrote for fun to give a try at a category I’ve not written in before. Hope it’s enjoyable) Rivulets of sweat run down my bare skin to dampen the already wet edge of my leather pants. I keep a slow count as I pull down the rope on the bellows. … Read more