Celeste Side Story: Succubus


A gay story: Celeste Side Story: Succubus AN: This has no particular place in the timeline, it’s just Celeste feeding his succubus side with a human male. If you are unfamiliar with my Celeste Series here’s some notes to help: Celeste is the god of lust and has to get sexual energy from humans about … Read more


In It for Life Ch. 32


A gay story: In It for Life Ch. 32 In It For Life 32. “So, Senator, do you believe that your newly found popularity with the younger crowd has contributed substantially to your being re-elected?” The host linked her hands and threw Don a pointed look over the table. “We have an important duty towards … Read more


Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 02


A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 02 Once I do get to the blasted Ball, my so-called date is nowhere to be found. Instead, there is a number on the table, held down by her empty wine glass. I pick it up and see my brother waving me over. Rolling my eyes, I cross the … Read more


The Island, chapter 11_(0) by Robert Michael Shook


A gay adult stories: The Island, chapter 11_(0) by Robert Michael Shook , Ch. 11/15 When all but two boys had backed away from the arguement, all hell broke loose. The two boys lunged at each other and began to fight. Jimmy realized that this was no ordinary boy fight. It looked as if the … Read more