Celeste Side Story: Succubus


A gay story: Celeste Side Story: Succubus AN: This has no particular place in the timeline, it’s just Celeste feeding his succubus side with a human male. If you are unfamiliar with my Celeste Series here’s some notes to help: Celeste is the god of lust and has to get sexual energy from humans about … Read more


Vigilante Justice by Falconetti


A gay adult story: Vigilante Justice by Falconetti Tull Morrison was lying in his hotel room bed, cleaning his . 45 calibre Scholfield break-top fast draw revolver, when the knock came at the door. It was hot and dry and Tull had run short of whisky so he was more than a little bit parched. … Read more


The Witch


A gay story: The Witch Rebecca was a witch. Not an ugly old hag, always trying to do mischief and evil. But she did have a penchant for poetic justice, often trying to make the punishment fit the crime. Her eye had recently fallen on Neil and Stewart, two nineteen year old men, the captains … Read more