The Witch

A gay story: The Witch Rebecca was a witch. Not an ugly old hag, always trying to do mischief and evil. But she did have a penchant for poetic justice, often trying to make the punishment fit the crime.

Her eye had recently fallen on Neil and Stewart, two nineteen year old men, the captains of the two football sides in the small town where they lived. They were typical jocks – burly and insensitive. They mistreated their many girlfriends and were particularly vindictive towards the small number of gay students in the local community. Rebecca felt they deserved a lesson.

While not being friends of one another Neil and Stewart had to meet occasionally to discuss the fixtures in the local football league. On this particular day they had met in the local bar to plan the next game their sides were to play against each other. Their business concluded they sat together finishing off their glasses of beer – watched over by Rebecca from the other side of the room. Rebecca was wearing a little smile as she decided what she would do.

So a few minutes later Neil felt the beer relaxing his muscles and a sense of peace creeping over him. He yawned, enjoying the feeling. He noticed that he was getting an erection, tenting in his shorts. For a young man of his age this was not all unusual and he enjoyed the sensation while he tried to conceal the visible signs.

Neil did not know this but exactly the same sensations were being felt by Stewart.

Both of them realised that they had better say their farewells and leave before the other became aware of their predicament. Rising to their feet they turned to one another to shake hands on the conclusion of their business.

It was at this point that things began to take a weird turn. As their hands met each of them felt a charge of erotic pleasure in their entwined palms. Both of them flushed and tried to turn away from one another. But that wonderful sensation was so powerful that neither of them succeeded in releasing the other’s hand.

There they stood, hands clasped, the contact generating overpowering feelings of pleasure and contentment. A few people in the bar noticed the tableau: the two young men frozen in place, and hands joined. Neil and Stewart didn’t care. They were bathed in these incredibly powerful sensations. And while this was happening their erections were expanding powerfully at the front of their shorts.

Rebecca watched with delight because of course it was her spell that had captivated Neil and Stewart. Now she took the spell to the next level.

Neil stared at Stewart and Stewart returned his gaze. Both were noticing the other’s youthful strong body, their handsome face, their narrow waists and cute bums – and that wonderful tent in the other’s shorts.

Their eyes grew soft and dewy, their lips parted, and expressions of devotions came across their faces. They began to whisper words of endearment to one another, soft and tender expressions of eternal love, promises to never part. And their faces came together in a soft meeting of lips, a mingling of moist tongues, and the gentlest of facial caresses – the complete opposite of the rough way they had treated their once-upon-a-time girlfriends.

A crowd began to gather around them intrigued by this very uncharacteristic behaviour by two of the town’s tough guys. But Neil and Stewart were oblivious to the onlookers lost in their new-found love. When the bartender insisted they break their clinch and leave they did not respond and they found themselves forcedly ejected out onto the street.

Rebecca released her spell just slightly so that the two young men could recover enough to find their way back to Neil’s apartment where they staggered through the door to land on the large sofa in the living room.

“What just happened, man” said Neil. But Stewart could only shake his head in confusion. Neil continued “We’ve got to stop behaving like this Stu. We’re not gay. We must have just gotten a bit drunk.”

Looking down they saw their hands were still clasped together. When they managed to break their contact each of them felt an overpowering sense of sadness and loneliness. It was impossible to resist touching their fingers together once more – and the sense of peace, rightness, and devotion once more returned.

After some experiments they realised that trying to separate from each other led only to feelings of misery. But when they gave in and resumed their caressing they were rewarded by feelings of utter happiness.

This happiness was by no means confined to their throbbing cocks. It was more the happiness of finding fulfilment in the love for another person. So over the following days they realised that, so long as this overriding desire to please the other was expressed in alternative ways, they need not always be in physical contact. Neil made every effort to discover what Stewart enjoyed and Stewart reciprocated. This could be just taking an interest in what the other liked or it could be in discovering some physical action that the other enjoyed. So was borne an intimacy that was much more than physical.

Rebecca knew that her work was done. She had set the two friends on a journey that they needed no further encouragement to take.

When Stewart found out that Neil had a sensitive erotic area in the small of his back he found himself very turned on by long hours in which he gently stroked, rubbed and oiled Neil’s back. And when Neil discovered that, in the early morning, Stewart liked hearing raunchy language about the pleasure of peeing he would accompany Stewart to the bathroom and gently hold Stewart’s cock as his golden stream splashed into the toilet bowl, and then reverently wipe him dry afterwards.

This mutual caring for one another led them to become more gentle and thoughtful young men, and their friends all noticed this new aspect of the previously rough pair. Their voices became softer as they no longer felt anger and all the time their love towards one another dominated their thoughts.

It was of course impossible to hide to the world that they were now a couple committed to one another, bound by devotion and service to each other. They left their football teams and took up more artistic interests – singing in Neil’s case, painting for Neil – and always looked forward to the end of the day when they could be together, alone, absorbed in the other, discovering new things that they could do for one another.

Erotic taboos vanished one by one. So long as they were giving pleasure to the other no holds were barred.

One day, while Neil was gently supporting Stewart’s cock in their now regular morning urinary ritual, Stewart playfully sprayed his golden stream onto Neil’s face. Sensing that Stewart enjoyed this, Neil immediately began to long to further indulge Stewart in this direction. “Let me drink you, Stu” he whispered and, pulling the dripping cock to his mouth he eagerly slaked his thirst. Once upon a time drinking another man’s pee would have revolted both of them but now, as it represented an act of love and surrender, it seemed the most natural and perfect act in the world. To Neil, Stewart’s urine tasted divine and, from now on, he looked forward to his regular wonderful drink.

Another day, as they enjoyed the feeling of one another’s cocks, Stewart wondered silently how Neil’s cock would feel embedded deep inside his arse. Such was the strength of their emotional closeness that Neil immediately intuited Stewart’s secret thought. “Come here, Stu, there’s something I want to do for you.” With a smile he showed Stewart a tube of lube. “Bend over, my darling” he whispered. With feelings of joy, Stewart complied and a few minutes later he felt the tip of Neil’s cock probing the entrance to his tight rear hole. Neil was a gentle lover and took Stewart’s anal cherry very slowly, coaxing his cock into Stewart’s tight boy hole, widening it gradually, relaxing him, until it became the most natural thing in the world to slide into him right up to the root of his cock. Stewart moaned with pleasure sighing “Oh take me deep and hard, deflower me, make me your ass slut”. This dirty talk turned both of them on all the more and it was all Neil could do to hold his orgasm back until Stewart was completely ready. When Stewart screamed out “Yes, yes, now, Neil, now!” both of them climaxed in the most intense feeling they had ever experienced.

As they lay panting next to one another on the bed Neil became aware that his cock, as well as being soaked in his own cum, was slick with the aroma of Stewart’s arse. He was already familiar with and adored the odour of Stewart’s pee and it was therefore a small step before he became enamoured of all the discharges from Stewart’s body. Clasping his cock, soaking it with the moisture from Stewart’s arse, and then sucking from his fingers felt so wonderfully intimate that he determined there and then that he wanted to wipe Stewart off after all of his bathroom discharges. So the mornings were now doubly more enjoyable as, once Stewart had squat and excreted, Neil lovingly wiped him clean with cotton wool and tongue.

Because their love was both emotional and physical it did not grow stale. The spur of their both wanting to find new things their soul-mate enjoyed kept them intimately engaged with no waning of the pleasure they felt in their relationship. Both were utterly fascinated by the other’s skin, their soft folds, the unblemished perfection. Without conscious thought both kept their skin smooth and soft for the other’s greater enjoyment. It was a natural progression to letting their previously virile hard muscles soften, and their bodies swell with soft tissues. Whereas they had previously been slim and lean now both of them developed a different physique – physiques much more suited to the erotic and gentle caresses each bestowed with love upon their lover. In place of their previously taut muscles each now displayed rolls of soft flesh to their mutual delight. Fat would have been an ungenerous word; nevertheless it was clear to all that they were becoming amply endowed with soft bulges and they had to renew their old clothes for a more comfortable fit.

Their new attire was chosen together. Materials like silk and satin, even chiffon. Indeed it became impossible to find exactly what they wanted in men’s shops and they now routinely shopped in female clothing outlets. They felt no embarrassment: why would they? It was all done for the pleasure of the other. Their social circle gravitated towards a cross-dressing culture where men dressed in women’s clothes attracted only few comments and their friends now tended to be camp and gay. More and more they integrated into this new milieu. Make-up and hair styled as women were natural next steps and all the time their love increased.

A year later when Rebecca checked on the two lovers she was delighted with what she saw. A pair of somewhat plump but elegant and well-dressed women arm in arm, supporting the other on high heels, tottering down the street, stopping from time to time for a tender kiss. If you looked closely you could still see that they had been men but their smart nylon stockings and swishing skirts hid that fact well. Look! They are stopping by that tree. One of them has raised their skirt and the other’s hand is underneath it. You can only guess what is happening but you know from the looks on their faces that they are both enraptured.

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