Broadway to Vegas

A gay story: Broadway to Vegas Tess O-Meter — Green.

You can dip in and out of this unexpected series, but for a richer read and character development they are best when read in the order of writing. Broadway Lust Story, Broadway Love Story, Broadway Luck Story, Broadway Beginnings, Broadway Bust and Broadway to Vegas.


“Cheesy pasta, roasted veg and salmon with extra garlicky bread, as the only person I’m planning to stick my tongue in tonight is you.” Ty frowned and turned at the lack of response to his smutty statement. Tony was sat at the counter, staring into space. “That okay?”

“What? Oh sorry yea, whatever.”

I don’t think so, Ty thought to himself. ‘Whatever’ was not an appropriate response when he had cooked, or when he was offering potential anal wonder-worship.

Also, it was not like Tony.

Turning the heat down on the salmon a little, he observed Tony for a moment.

Pale, tense and tired. Something was wrong.

The last few months had been a little challenging and very busy. Pale, tense and tired had become Tony’s default for a while after they moved back to their apartment.

Half of the cast from Tony’s show and half of the club’s gals, guys and non-binary peeps (or gender neutrals as one of the bar people always referred to themself), had descended upon their apartment and somehow managed to clean and clear from top to bottom without getting in each other’s way, or making Tony and Ty feel anything but loved and supported.

However, over the next few weeks, Tony had become more and more quiet and withdrawn. Retreating into himself and always exhausted.

He would put up a good front, and give it his all on stage, but literally collapse when he got home and want nothing more than cuddles.

Ty liked cuddles as much as the next guy, but he became even more concerned when he realized that Tony was struggling with, well, basically erectile dysfunction.

Ty had always thought of that as an older man’s issue. Something to worry about in later life when perhaps they were bored of sex anyway and just liked snuggling in their slippers while watching younger man porn and reminiscing.

He had been shocked as hell to find himself googling it in his late 20’s (with a YOUNGER boyfriend) and unable to get Tony hard, even if he worked at it enough to experience wrist and cheek strain.

He had also made the mistake of googling it in the bar and was so distracted that he had not heard Frank sneaking up behind him.

Frank had nipped the phone out of his hand, scanned down the page and placed the phone on the bar, easing Ty gently onto a stool. “Talk to me.”

Once Ty had poured out his fears and concerns, Frank had been calm and supportive. Confirming the first step was to see a doctor for advice and to rule out a medical cause for the tiredness and other issues.

He had also cleverly pulled out of Ty, that there seemed to be a pattern in Tony’s sleep. Or lack of.

Ty had a tendency to wake early, despite his late nights. He had never needed much sleep. Usually he would use the bathroom and go for a run.

Over the past month or so he had woken on several occasions to find Tony lying awake, staring at the ceiling and seemingly tense. Frank had deduced that this coincided with mornings when they had rolled away from each other during the night.

On the mornings that Ty had woken and found Tony still sleeping peacefully, they had always been tangled together.

Frank’s theory was that Tony either didn’t feel safe, or didn’t feel that Ty was safe, and he suggested that the two of them move back to his and his husband’s spare room for a while.

Ty had been surprised to find that Tony jumped straight on this and immediately started sleeping better.

A few days after moving back to Cal and Frank’s, Tony had his first appointment with a doctor recommended by Frank. It turned out that as Ty’s life partner, Tony was covered by Engagement’s staff health policy.

The doctor had pulled Ty in from the waiting room, after subjecting Tony to a thorough fifty-minute examination and discussion, and confirmed that although they were taking bloods to rule out any medical cause for Tony’s issues. He was sure that Tony was a fit and healthy young man and the issues were psychological.

His diagnosis was post-traumatic stress disorder. His recommendation was counselling, and he was delighted when Ty confirmed he would be happy to attend with Tony.

Even the appointment was a huge step forward for Tony, who joked as they wandered the streets afterwards that the appointment had been thorough enough to make him feel used (causing Ty to crack up and nearly drop his coffee), and admitted that it was a relief for someone to listen and give him answers.

The PTSD hadn’t been triggered, as some might have assumed, by the dangerous situation when Mrs Baginski had held Ty hostage with a knife to his throat. But rather by their move back to the apartment.

Tony just couldn’t shake the knowledge that someone had been watching his and Ty’s most intimate moments for months.

Ty had commented that he had felt pretty upset and maybe ashamed, by which he annoyed himself, certainly it made him feel dirty. However, he had talked it through with Tony prior to moving back, and also Frank, and had been more focused on the future by the time they returned to the apartment.

“Tony’s shyer than me,” he said. “And these things effect everyone differently.” He had turned to Tony then, speaking gently, “Baby, you could’ve told me. I would have got you out of there sooner.”

“I was embarrassed. You were fine about it,” Tony had mumbled.

Their therapist, beaming at Ty had moved forward a bit. “Yes, but as Ty just correctly stated, and thanks for that Ty, these things effect everyone differently. No one is judging you. Why are you judging yourself?”

Tony had let out a shaky sigh and wiped his face, smiling a little when Ty squeezed his hand.

“Anyone who does judge you can fuck off,” he said fiercely and made Tony and the therapist laugh.

Two weeks after their first counselling session, Ty had found himself choking on Tony’s cock again and fell back on the bed, wiping his mouth, still coughing and letting out a heartfelt, “Thank. Fuck!” which made Tony giggle for about twenty minutes.

Obviously they would continue with counselling until Tony was ready to stop. Although Tony had been too embarrassed to go and see their friend, Sarah, for free therapy.

Which actually, Ty totally understood.

Their therapist had also been to see Mrs Baginski in hospital and it turned out that she had very little memory of the events. Certainly it was too hazy for her to be replaying Tony and Ty’s live sex life in her brain.

This had helped Tony move forward even further.

Their busy time had been made even busier when Frank and Cal had taken them to one of the small apartments in the building.

Engagement was in the basement of a building that Cal and Frank owned. They lived in a luxury duplex apartment covering part of the top two floors. There were three other smaller apartments and three offices of varying sizes and companies. Including a non-profit which Ty knew for a fact did not pay rent.

The apartment that they were led to, was let to an older couple who were linked somehow to Cal. It was one level at the top of the building. Smaller than the apartment that Ty and Tony had, but felt more roomy as it didn’t have the strange layout that their current place did.

The bathroom was as elegant and luxurious as any five star hotel. The whole space felt cool and calm. Even with piles of boxes and cases everywhere. Cal had stayed inside as Frank (who Ty still couldn’t get used to seeing in his non-drag uniform of jeans, T-shirt and wigless when around the apartment), had led them through the large window to the fire escape and up to the roof.

Tucked away was a private area of garden, including a small kitchen garden with fragrant herbs.

“You only have to walk around this screen to reach our garden,” Frank confirmed, as Ty’s heart started to race with possibility. “But this part is for the apartment below, and Don would like someone to take care of his herbs and stuff.”

It turned out that Don and Sam were returning to New Mexico to Don’s family, as they were struggling to cope alone.

Ty and Tony jumped at the chance to rent the apartment, at a ridiculously low amount. Mr Baginski, their landlord, had let them out of their tenancy with immediate effect and no penalty. When they moved out, Tony had reassured him awkwardly that everything was okay, but had gone with half their stuff and Frank as soon as he could, as soon as the cab arrived.

Ty had taken longer to chat with him, thanked him for the return of their deposit and wished him and Mrs Baginski all the best. He knew that they were also moving on, although Mr Baginski’s wife would have to transfer to a hospital nearer her husband when he moved. It was all very sad. It would be some time before they could properly restart their lives together.

However, fitting work, and moving, therapy and doctors appointments over a just a couple of months had been hectic and maybe too much for Tony, who had already been run down.

Ty moved to him now and ran his hands from Tony’s shoulders down to his fingers. Lifting and kissing his palms.

Tony seemed to startle and come out of his reverie. “Sorry. I was miles away,” he smiled vaguely, but Ty was not fooled.

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling bad?”

Tony frowned, “Do you know someone called Monroe Taylor?”

Ty blinked in surprise. “Er. Yea if he’s a dancer. We did a weird re-boot of Carousel off-Broadway together. Years ago.”

“Was he your boyfriend?” Tony demanded.

“No,” Ty looked at Tony, concerned. “What is this. You met Monroe?”

“He’s started in the show. Replaced Malcom.”

Ty winced. He knew the dancer had broken his leg and the news had not been good.

“He said you used to date,” Tony told him.

Ty shook his head again and holding up a hand turned back to check the fish. Seeing it was ready he plated up their meals and sat with Tony. Giving him a pointed look until he started to eat.

“Oh, that’s good,” Tony groaned in taste bud heaven.

Ty smiled and patted Tony’s arm. So he knew he was not being dismissed. Thinking for a few minutes while they started on their meal.

“Tony. You know that I had other sexual partners before I met you. Not many, I was never promiscuous, but some.”

“Yea, of course,” Tony blushed. “Sorry, it’s none of my business.”

Ty shook his head and swallowed. “Of course it’s your business. But in answer to your question, I never dated Monroe. He’s a bit of an idiot sometimes. But I can’t deny we hooked up a few times while we were in the show.”

He lifted the bread. “Mind you, the show was only open twelve weeks,” he admitted, before taking a bite.

“He made it sound like Romeo and Romeo,” Tony admitted.

“Yea, well. It was pretty tragic,” Ty mumbled and made Tony grin. “We were young, horny and convenient. I was never a player, but I can’t deny there’s a couple of guy’s I would delete if I could.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. He was so full of it, like ‘I had him first’ pretty obnoxious.”

“Sounds like Monroe,” Ty mused. “He’s a good looking guy and I was randy. Basically we fucked a few times after the show when everyone else went home. But a few weeks in, I realized I didn’t like him very much and called it quits. The show closed less than two months later.”

Tony had relaxed more now and was eating with obvious enjoyment. “Adam told him to stop talking about you like you were a piece of meat. Monroe didn’t like that.”

Ty snorted, “He was just trying to get under your skin.”

“Yea, that’s what Adam thought.” Tony chewed and swallowed. “But I know you did date Adam. I thought it was quite serious.”

Ty grinned at the memory. “Yea, he’s a sweetheart. And smoking hot.”

They rolled their eyes at each other in appreciation and laughed.

“We dated and half lived together for about four months. Other than the very occasional hook-up, it’s the longest relationship I had, until you.”

“What went wrong? I didn’t feel right asking Adam. Oh, and we didn’t tell Monroe about you and Adam by the way, but he’ll probably find out.”

Ty blew out a wet breath, he didn’t care about Monroe. “Nothing went wrong,” he said, shrugging. “Adam dumped me.”

“He dumped you?” Tony grinned when Ty burst out laughing. “I just assumed it was the other way round.”

Ty grinned to show he was flattered, then paused to clear the plates and make coffee, before he came back to Tony who was eagerly waiting for the story.

“This has to be eight or nine years ago, remember. We had been mostly staying at my place, but Adam just sat me down one day. Nothing special, normal day. He told me he loved me and wanted to be best friends for all time; well you know how dramatic he is!”

Tony grinned and nodded.

“But he thought we shouldn’t be lovers anymore.”


“He said there was someone out there for me. Someone who would really know me. Who would be my person. He brushed my tears away, it was my first proper relationship, and told me I was special and he loved me, but after four months I was still a mystery to him. I needed the person who would really see me and terrify me.”

Ty sipped and smiled at Tony. “He said I might meet that person the next day and he didn’t want to be standing in the way, because he wanted me to be happy.”

Tony sat and frowned into his coffee.

“So, apart from a couple of friends arranging meet ups with people they knew. My life was mostly sad and empty for the next little while. I was never into hooking up at bars or clubs.” He grinned, “I’ve only once picked up a guy at a club.”

Tony, still looking into his coffee, smiled. His eyes crinkling in a way that made Ty’s belly turn over. “How did that work out for you?”

Ty leaned forward and kissed Tony softly, “Fucking great.”

Tony was still smiling but it was a little sad. Ty tipped his chin with a finger, “What’s wrong?”

“What if Adam was right. What if I’m not your person?”

“You are,” Ty said, a confused frown on his face.

“But I don’t terrify you, I.” Tony stopped, blinking, when Ty burst out laughing, nearly toppling off the stool.

“Are you fucking kidding me. You scare the shit out of me, Tony.”

Tony half dropped his coffee, sloping it over the counter. “What do you mean. Why?”

Ty grabbed a cloth and quickly mopped up the spill. He was stood almost between Tony’s legs, and lifted his head, looking Tony straight in the eye. “You terrify me, because you could destroy me. You could break my heart, Tony. Adam was right. He would never have been able to do that. And you understand me like no one else ever has.”

Tony pushed the cloth aside and pulled Ty in. “I never will,” he whispered in a shaky voice against the skin of Ty’s throat. “I’ll never hurt you. I promise.”

Ty let his weight fall against Tony, feeling safe and supported. “I know.” He rubbed his chest, “You say things like that and my heart shakes.”

Tony pushed Ty’s shirt up and laid his lips on Ty’s chest, “I love you.”

“You see,” Ty half laughed. “There it goes again.”

Tony moved forward, slipping from the stool and forcing Ty back a step. “Dinner was lovely,” he said, taking Ty’s hand. “Let me thank you properly.”

Ty’s smile was huge as he let Tony lead him to the bedroom and they undressed each other while kissing.

Awkward, and takes longer than just stripping down, but they didn’t want their kisses to end.

Eventually they were naked, and Tony’s lips started to roam further. He mumbled against Ty’s pecs, “What do you want tonight? You can have anything you want.”

“Must have been good fish.”

“It was the garlic bread.”

Ty laughed and pulled Tony’s head back up for another long wet lip lock. Then he turned with a flirty smile and crawled onto the bed. Looking over his shoulder and shaking his ass at Tony. “Just use me, Baby. Fuck me good tonight,” he requested in a breathy growl.

His sultry expression dissolved into unsexy snorted laughter as Tony jumped and clapped with a happy, “Yay!” and ran out to grab some lube from the bathroom. His balls bouncing bizarrely.

When Tony jogged back in, Ty had his forehead on the bed and his ass in the air. He was still shaking with laughter.

“Why are you giggling?”

Ty rolled his head against the sheet. “I don’t know why I bother trying to seduce you.”

“Nor do I. You could just click your fingers and tell me, ‘sex now’ and the result would be the same.”

Ty snorted again. Then jumped when Tony gave him a light slap. But looking back he flashed hot from head to toe, seeing that Tony was already stroking himself and hard.

He shifted and spread his knees wider as Tony dribbled lube over his butt and started to ready him. Wider still when Tony told him, “Your butt’s too high, the angle’s wrong.”

He was breathing hard by the time he felt Tony nudge against his entrance. And humming. What was he humming?

“Tony. What the fuck? Are you humming Copacabana?”

“Am I?” A pause as Tony sank deep and Ty gasped. “Oh yea, I guess I was.” At which point Tony started humming louder and thrusting in and out of Ty in time.

“Oh Fuck. Oh Christ.”

Tony slipped his arms around Ty’s waist and chest and yanked him backwards, as he sped up, pounding hard and half singing. Thrusting forward with each panted word. “At. The. Copa. Ca. Ba. Na.”

“Urghh, ugh, ahhh,” was all Ty could manage in return.

Tony gave a half laugh and let Ty half drop to the bed, yanking his hips back into position and angling deep again.

“Like this, Babe?”


“You. Want. It. Hard?”

“Please,” Ty sobbed back, vibrating from head to foot.

Tony continued thrusting. Revelling in the hot slip and tight crush of Ty’s ass enclosing his cock. “Oh Christ, you feel so good.”

“Stop,” Ty groaned.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Tony slowed his next thrust.

“I’m gonna cum. I wanna cum in you,” Ty slurred.

“Oh, that kind of stop,” Tony realized, and pulling out he jacked himself fast, erupting over Ty’s ass a moment later.

Laughing loud when Ty complained, “What are you? A cum factory.”

“Ha ha. Yea, you’re a bit of a mess back here.”

Ty took a couple of moments to drag in some harsh breaths. He was gripping his cock hard.

Tony crawled onto the bed next to him and lowered his head so he could look into his face, blowing damp hair out of his eyes, “You okay, Babe?”

“Yea, yea. You were nailing my prostate every fucking time. I didn’t want to cum.” He groaned when Tony reached out and caressed his angrily throbbing cock with this fingertips. “Bastard!”

Tony grinned, “Come on then, get me ready. It won’t take long.”

Ty, still breathing hard, sat up and pulled Tony in front of him. Tony stretched like a cat and then rounded his back, to tuck himself under Ty’s larger frame.

“I’ll get you ready,” Ty agreed and reached around to his own backside, scooping globby cum into his hand before smearing it into Tony’s crack.

“What. No. Yuk. You can’t use cum as lube,” Tony panicked slightly.

“Serve you right,” Ty giggled evilly, but then added lube.

“Oh God. That’s so gross.”

“It’s your cum.”

“And now it’s in my ass. That’s perverted.”

Ty cackled and slid his cock up and down between Tony’s cheeks.

“Okay,” Tony surrendered. “Don’t care, just do me.”

“My pleasure,” Ty groaned as with four small thrusts he entered Tony’s tight passage.

“Oh, yeaaaaa,” Tony moaned with a long sigh. As Ty cradled him, caressing his chest and stomach.

“Good?” Ty asked, as he rocked deep but gentle.


“Yea?” Ty reached lower and rolled Tony’s sensitive balls, while still holding him with a strong arm around his middle. Smiling against Tony’s damp neck when he started to tremble.


“I’m getting close.”

“Ah, shit.”

“Almost there,” Ty released Tony’s balls and tipped his head back, claiming an awkward kiss.

Tony just mumbled into the kiss as Ty rocked a little faster. Clenching around Ty’s cock as he tensed and then groaned, “Cumming.”

“Yes, oh fuck, yes,” Tony crowed as he felt Ty flood inside him.

Ty moved his weight to one side before falling flat onto the bed. Lying on his stomach, his arms spread out.

Tony had rolled half onto his side, so he snuggled blindly against Ty, while the tremors abated.

Their heavy pants had calmed somewhat before Tony finally opened his eyes and realized his head was in the small of Ty’s back. Shifting a little, and grimacing as he quickly wiped Ty’s sweat off his face, he draped himself over Ty’s lower body and casually ran his thumbs over Ty’s cheeks. Pulling him open and exposing his puckered hole.

Tony was amazed and fascinated to see that Ty was still vibrating.

Using one hand he kept Ty exposed, and very gently ran his fingertips over the sensitive skin, stroking softly. Under his fingers, the vibrations seemed to intensify and the hole tightened before trembling slightly wider again.

“Tony. What you doing?” Ty groaned.

“This is amazing.” Tony pressed gently around Ty’s anus in a circle, watching as he trembled open even further.

“Urrgggghh. Shit, Tony!”

Tony relented briefly and crawled up the bed, pressing a kiss to Ty’s chin. “It doesn’t hurt does it?”

“No, it’s just. A lot.”

“You’re still really open and ready. I just want to try something.”

A moment later he was back. Comfortably sat, his full attention on Ty’s butt.

He started by spreading Ty open again and just running his thumb over and over. He was gentle but Ty’s body seemed to open more with every pass, and within a couple of minutes he was fretful. Almost gyrating.

“Jesus, Tony. I’m too sensitive.”

“Don’t worry. I’m being careful.” Tony slicked up his fingers and started to open Ty back up properly. Ty mumbled into the pillow, but was semi humping the bed.

Then Tony, grinning, lubed up a dildo and pressed it against Ty’s hole. Even as he grunted and jerked, his body swallowed the toy with enthusiasm.

“Holy shit!”

“You’re doing great,” Tony soothed, as Ty wriggled and cursed.

He fucked Ty carefully with the toy, until the garbled nonsense confirmed he had the angle right for his prostate. Ty was full blown rocking into the mattress now.

Tony played the dildo with tiny careful movements, while again starting to rub little gentle circles where the silicone was stretching Ty’s skin.

He could feel the shaking muscles under his fingertips. See Ty’s ass trembling. Hear the sobbed begging.

Lowering his head, Tony dipped the dildo just so, and pressed his tongue firmly against the edge of the quivering hole. Nearly losing his front teeth as Ty yelled, jerked and shot his load all over the sheet.


“Ow. Damnit.”

“Oh my God,” Ty was half laughing, half crying.

Tony semi-stumbled to the bathroom and mostly cleaned himself up, before he came back with a cloth and attended to a shaking Ty.

Chucking the cloth in the general direction of the bathroom, he crawled into Ty’s waiting arms and dragged the (not particularly clean) sheet up.

“Need nap then shower,” he managed, tucking his head under Ty’s chin, his body already relaxing.

“Hmmm,” was all Ty managed in reply. Sleepily wondering if his asshole would ever stop vibrating.


A few days later, Tony was tucked away in a deli near the theater that had tables put aside for the cast.

It was Saturday, and he was chatting between shows with Polly, Randall, Adam and a couple of swings, when Monroe invited himself to join them.

Tony didn’t particularly like the guy, but he would never make someone feel unwelcome. Polly didn’t have such scruples and just glared.

“I hear you’re not around tomorrow, Tony. Going off to Vegas?”

“Yea, that’s right,” Tony confirmed. “It’s a guest spot thing on Monday. I’ll be back for Tuesday.”

“That’s exciting.”


“How’s Ty coping with it?”

Tony just frowned and shrugged, genuinely not understanding the question.

“Oh no, I didn’t mean anything,” Monroe said hurriedly, looking contrite. “I just thought it must be hard for him.”

“Why would it be hard for him?” Adam asked, his expression suspicious.

“Well, to see Tony’s career taking off, being so successful. If I was him I would be worried I was going to be left behind.”

Adam rolled his eyes, “That’s ridiculous.”

“Ty’s directed the show,” Tony explained. “It’s as much his talent as mine. I wouldn’t have known where to start without him.”

Polly slammed her glass down with unnecessary force and stared her death-ray at him.

Monroe looked a bit uncomfortable, but avoided her gaze. Looking instead at Tony with badly hidden concern. “I think that’s great. That’s he so supportive. So many people would be jealous, but I think it’s great that he doesn’t feel threatened by you.” His voice conveyed severe doubt.

“Ty’s got his own career,” Polly insisted stroppily. “He’s on a different path, there’s no reason whatsoever for him to be jealous of Tony’s success.”

Tony swallowed, uncomfortable with what Monroe was suggesting.

Monroe looked taken aback at Polly’s vehemence, but she wasn’t done.

“Ty’s not even thirty yet, and he’s got the best gig of his life. Complete artistic control and something he can develop. And even if he wasn’t working at all, or was clearing glasses somewhere, he still would not be anything but supportive of Tony.”

Monroe’s nice guy façade fell and he leaned forward, hissing at Polly, his face red. “Never going to see his name in nights or be asked to do a guest spot in Vegas though is he?”

“Stop.” Randall said quietly, silencing Polly’s retort.

He raised a finger in warning, wielding his cast lead status with absolute authority.

“I’ve known Ty for nearly a decade and I can tell you now, choreography is what he has always wanted.”

“In some little club?” Monroe sneered.

“Don’t interrupt me,” Randall pulled out the big guns, his voice low and dangerous and Monroe paled.

“That ‘little club’, as you put it, is one of the best respected venues in the city, and in Vegas, and it’s unlikely to stop there. Not everyone wants their name in lights. Ty is a confident person who wants to use his talent and be fulfilled and that’s what he’s doing.”

Randall then leaned forward and got into Monroe’s space. “Let’s be honest here,” he growled. “It’s not Ty’s jealously that’s the issue is it?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Monroe denied.

“Stop trying to cause trouble and undermine other cast members,” Randall demanded. “Tony’s not the only person you’ve gone after and it’s been noted. Take my advice and back off. Just do your job.”

Monroe looked around the table, pale and unhappy. “I didn’t mean anything,” he insisted before fleeing.

An uncomfortable silence followed. Broken by Tony’s hesitant, “Just to clarify. Is it Ty he’s got a problem with, or me?”

“Both,” Polly suggested and Adam nodded in agreement.

“Everything he says is negative,” one of the swings offered sadly. “He makes it seem like he’s being nice, but then he walks away and you realize you feel like shit.”

“Passive aggressive,” Adam said. “Unlike Polly, who is just straight forward scary.”

They all laughed, but then Adam looked at Randall, giving him a snappy, but cheeky salute. “I have to say Captain, that was impressive.”

Randall smiled at Adam’s antics, but his smile was wry, “Thanks, but next time I’m setting Isabel on him.”

They continued their meal. Moving the conversation to other things. Tony forced it to the back of his mind, and although strangely unsettled, tried to forget it.


By the time he and Ty landed in Las Vegas late the following morning, Tony could think of nothing but his upcoming guest spot. And it was hard to think about that through the terror.

They headed straight for the club, as Tony needed to rehearse with the band before they set up for the usual evening performances.

Ty left them alone for the first run through, and to get acquainted. Depositing their cases in their room, and heading out for snacks, before returning an hour later to find everyone firm friends.

The club was actually inside a hotel, which Milo had said was a massive help with security compared with New York, as any trouble makers had to get through hotel security before they made it as far as the club. Plus the club team always had back up.

The hotel encouraged the cast and crew to mingle with guests and casino users in between shows, or in their downtime. It was all good advertising.

In fact, when Ty returned with the food, upon which everyone descended like locusts, he found Milo had also turned up and was chatting happily with Tony. Thankfully he was no longer in fanboy mode.

Milo took some time in the lunch break to show Tony the stage, backstage, dressing rooms, bar, and the private room behind the mirrored bar where celebrities or anyone wanting privacy, would often gather to watch the shows.

After lunch they ran through again, this time with full movement and dance where applicable, though it was very limited. The final run through came in at 22 minutes, which allowing for the banter in between songs, meant the show would be between 30 and 35 minutes. Perfect.

On Sunday and Monday nights, the club did meals. From the hotel menu. With a couple of cabaret type performances. Sundays would be the usual club team. They did a rotation. It was a chance for performers to get a night or two off, but if they wanted to perform, to highlight particular talents.

For example, one of the gals who had worked with Cal and Frank in New York for five years, becoming something of a legend, before moving when they opened the Las Vegas club, was known for loud, raunchy, fun numbers. Involving a large chorus of well-built back-up dancers and plenty of innuendo.

But Chris, who identified female (but in direct opposition to Frank was happy to appear in public without full drag), had a quieter, more reflective side, and at least once a month would appear in the Sunday cabaret, with her soft smoky voice, crooning old jazz standards. Dressing with class but, best described as androgynous, whereby guests who were not familiar with her from the regular routines could often not tell whether they were watching and listening to a man or a women.

Ty on one of his previous short visits a couple of months ago, had needed to fill in for one of her back-up dancers (Her routine was still performed in New York so he knew it). It was a last minute thing and prior to them having been properly introduced. Good job they were both professionals as Ty had ended up half naked, crotch to crotch with his butt very firmly gripped in her hands.

When they had been chatting afterwards, Chris had (after some encouragement) given a quick demonstration of the softer version of her voice and admitted to Ty that she loved doing the cabarets because she could be mysterious. People really didn’t know who they were watching.

Monday’s were a similar set up, but usually with a guest artist. Often big names who were performing in town or came in especially. And sometimes less known people who Cal had heard of, or come across, getting a chance to show what they could do.

7pm and 11pm. Meals were then served around 8pm, quiet music would entertain them in between the shows. Most of the diners came in at 8pm and stayed for the late performance. Wandering out into the casino if they wanted, or hanging around the club chatting.

Milo had explained to Ty that most Sunday/Monday guests were regular VIP members and used them almost like a members club. Somewhere familiar and relaxing. Tickets were harder to come by when a name came in from out of town.

Despite the fact Tony did not consider himself a name. His two shows had sold out within 45 minutes of going on public sale. Out of 320 available seats over the two performances, less than 50 had been left available to non-members. Ty also knew that quite a few VIP members had tickets for both performances.

He hadn’t shared that with Tony. He was freaked out enough about the ‘banter as himself’ section of the performance.

By 4pm, they were getting shooed from the stage, nicely, as the evening performers needed to do their warm ups and run throughs.

Ty took Tony upstairs, and despite his insistence that he was too nervous to nap, Tony was deep asleep in less than ten minutes.

Ty woke him for the 7pm show, which by happy coincidence was Chris. Then they had dinner with Milo and Kevin. To say Kevin was excited about Tony’s performance the following day was an understatement.

They left after the second show, which was ‘show tunes by request’ with one of the dancers. He had a more than decent voice, and only got stumped once. There was an obviously frequent challenger in the form of a VIP member who requested a song called ‘I’m Hopeless When It Comes To You’, from a show called Stephen Ward.

The dancer, Kris, had borrowed a phone from an audience member and googled the song, complaining, “Oh, no. Next time, but I’m not doing an English accent,” his Atlanta southern clear and strong.

He had shared the VIP’s delight at stumping him though, enjoying the joke. Apparently it was only the second time it had happened.

“His knowledge of show tunes is like an encyclopaedia,” Milo had admitted. “The more obscure the better.”

Smiling, it had been a fun evening, Ty and Tony had wished Kevin and Milo goodnight, and headed towards the casino. To what were known as the baby tables.

It took Ty all of twenty minutes to lose his fifty bucks stake. Tony moved around the various games, going up to $275 at one point then crashing to $20.

They ended up at a craps table, and Tony bet his last $20 on a single-roll. Known as a ‘Yo’ (Tony thought it sounded cool), he was either going to walk away with nothing or most of his original fifty. To win, he had to roll eleven with his two dice.

Hamming it up with the dice, Tony was acting like it was going to make or break him. Even the staff were smiling.

Ty pressed his lips to Tony’s ear and whispered, “If you win I’ll worship your ass until you beg for mercy.” Causing Tony to fumble the dice onto the table and then stand with his eyes closed, too scared to look.

“Congratulations, Sir,” the dealer pushed the stakes towards him and raised an eyebrow as if asking if he wanted to bet again.

Ty confirmed they were leaving as Tony cheered with pleased surprise and allowed an elderly lady next to him to hug him.

“That was so much fun,” Tony grinned as they rode the elevator back to their room. “We could play some more. It’s not even 2am.”

“Early start,” Ty told him.

“What? Why?”

Ty laughed at the horror on Tony’s face, “It’s a surprise.”

Tony slumped and pouted, but perked up when Ty stuck his tongue out and waggled it.

He pushed past Ty when they reached the room, “I’m gonna shower.”

“Please do,” Ty agreed dryly.

Twenty minutes later Tony’s shower was a memory and he was a sweaty, incoherent mess.

Sprawled out on the bed, his eyes blind and staring, wheezing in air so hard that Ty was a little concerned for this voice the next night. Well, tonight actually.

Ty briefly lifted his head from where he had been eating Tony out, and licked long and rough up his crack continuing to waist height before sitting back. Tony’s thighs and butt cheeks were trembling as if he was being electrocuted. And his toes were shaking, which Ty found amusing and freaky at the same time.

He massaged Tony’s butt roughly, pressing his thumbs in and exposing his hole over and over. Before almost casually pressing just behind Tony’s balls.

“Arrggghhhack,” was groaned out of Tony’s throat as his body lifted in what was basically a Mexican wave from his head to his shaky toes.

Ty laughed and pressed against Tony’s prostate again, causing him to wail, “Oh God!”

Flubbing his lips to regain some sensation, Ty bent over Tony again, spreading him ruthlessly wide and rimming his hole without mercy.

He loved Tony’s taste. He loved the sounds he made. Right now a sort of grunted, “Uck, Ug, Uuka” sound.

He loved pushing his tongue deep and feeling Tony’s trembles vibrate all the way into his teeth and jaw. Swirling his tongue around and forcing Tony to open a little more, before lapping with his tongue and then French kissing, literally sucking at Tony’s entrance.

As he pushed deep again for what would be the fifth or sixth intensely deep, almost brutal, rimming. Tony half gasped, half cried out and came so hard that Ty realized with a little shock that he actually passed out for a moment.

He quickly lay part alongside Tony, his left leg slung over Tony’s thighs, his fingers still gently caressing Tony’s hole.

Faces close he brushed Tony’s hair back and watched his eyes flutter open, “It’s okay. You’re okay.”



“The. Hell?”

Tony focused on Ty’s concerned, but smirking face. “Did I just pass out?”

The grin widened, “Yea!”

Tony dragged in a shaking breath and closed his eyes, lifting his head from the pillow, “You’re going to need to stop that in a few.”

“Tell me when,” Ty agreed softly, his fingers still teasing up and down Tony’s butt, dipping lightly into his quivering hole.

“Another,” Tony said quietly. Then, “Maybe one more, or,” he winced. “Okay just one, no two more.”

Ty laughed softly and gently swiped two more times, watching the pleasure and total overwhelm compete on Tony’s face. Before resting his hand on Tony’s ass.

Tony opened his eyes again and blinked sleepily at Ty. “Thank you.”

“Well you did throw eleven.”

Tony’s eyes were already fluttering closed, his head dropping back to his arms.

“Hold on, let me move this towel.”

“Hmmm,” Tony mumbled, his body going lax.

“Goddamn,” Ty cursed and shoved Tony half over so he could drag the soiled towel out from under him.

By the time he had deposited it in the bathroom and cleaned himself up (he had cum when Tony did), Tony was fast asleep and gently snoring. A sign of exhaustion.

Setting the alarm on his phone, Ty snuggled in to spoon Tony and pulled the cover up to protect them from the frigid air-con. Despite Tony’s body still being like a furnace.

He kissed the back of Tony’s neck and soon drifted off.


The alarm going off at 5am was an unwelcome shock to Tony, who tried to burrow under the cover and came face to face with Ty who was on his way up.

Ty kissed him almost awake and then dragged him into the shower, to wash off the rather rancid scent of sweat and sex which had mutated into something quite terrifying overnight.

Back in the bedroom he balanced a genuinely mostly asleep Tony against some drawers and pulled a ready made smoothie out of the fridge.

Tony made impatient grabby hands as Ty was trying to get the straw in and then snatched at the container. Sucking hard and glaring.

Ty ended up applying Tony’s sunscreen to one arm at a time as Tony wouldn’t release the smoothie, just passed it from one hand to the other as Ty tended him, with a grumpy pout on his face.

Ty smiled, surprisingly amused. It was like dealing with a stroppy toddler, desperately in need of a nap.

Once the drink was finished, and Ty had guzzled his own, they dressed in running shorts, and t shirts. Ty handed Tony a light jacket as well, zipping up his own. “It’ll be chilly with the air-con. And outside.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.” Ty kissed Tony’s sulky lips, wrapping his arms around his neck. “Have I ever let you down?”

“No,” Tony admitted after a moment and let Ty lead him from the room.

When they reached the ground floor, Tony stopped in shock. Just gone 5.30am and the place was buzzing. People in evening clothes, people in yoga pants.

“No time in Vegas,” Ty grinned and pulled him towards the exit.

It was quieter in the pre-dawn chill outside. The doorman offered them a cab, but Ty indicated a rundown car just pulling over. “I think that’s our ride.”

“Good Lord. Get it out of here,” the doorman pleaded, but he was smiling and wished them a good morning.

Tony saw Martin, the band’s keyboard player waving from the car, “Hey. Good morning.”

He peered curiously at Tony, “How much sleep did you get? You look exhausted.”

“Not enough,” Tony admitted.

“About three hours,” Ty confirmed, “But we’ll take a rest this afternoon.”

“Take the back, Tony,” Martin advised. “You can grab another half hour now.”

Tony crawled onto the back seat and gratefully slid back into sleep as they drove away from the bright lights of the strip and towards the edge of town.

It was the road becoming rougher and the car stopping that woke him. Glancing at his watch he saw they had been driving about forty minutes and as he stumbled from the car, disentangling his legs from Ty’s jacket, he saw it wasn’t quite dark anymore.

“Thanks,” he said absently, handing Ty back his jacket, as he stared around. It was eerily quiet and completely remote. Everything looked grey in the half light.

“Where are we?”

“I’ll tell you later,” Martin said mysteriously. “Don’t want to give away the surprise.” He handed them both water and then unlocked a small metal box that was welded into his trunk.

Ty and Tony were both shocked to see him pull out a belt and holster that he wrapped around his waist.

“Is a gun a necessary running aid in Nevada?” Ty asked.

“It is since I came face to face with a cougar on the trail,” Martin said with a grin at their stunned expressions.

He pulled the gun out. “I’ve seen a cat once, and that was nearly a decade ago, but I’m not going to deny, the shorts came back dirty that day!”

He laughed with them. “This gun is lightweight, but noisy. Noise is what I wanted. In the highly unlikely situation that we come into contact with a cat and that I am not able to plan our retreat, you take the safety off like this,” he showed them the stiff safety switch.

“It’s point and shoot like the movies. First shot in the air. The cougar will run, unless it’s unable.”

He looked at them, “Either of you held or fired a gun before?” They both shook their heads. “So you grip in both hands, aim centre mass and fire while counting. One to nine. If the cat hasn’t stopped by then, it’s probably already chewed your arm off.” They both grinned nervously.

“At this point you have three shots left. Assuming the cat is down you get as close as you safely can and you fire two into the chest and one into the head.” He rubbed Tony’s arm as he looked upset. “You don’t want an injured cat crawling away to die slowly, or becoming a danger to others. It’s only sick or injured cats we need to worry about. Healthy cats won’t get anywhere near us.”

He made the gun safe and holstered it as Ty asked, “We’re not likely to need this knowledge though are we?”

“Nah, it’s just my boy scout training.”

They started up a rough track. Warming up slowly and taking care where they placed their feet. Speeding up when they hit a smoother path.

Tony’s lungs were burning after twenty minutes, but he admitted there was something beautiful about the landscape, barren as it was.

Suddenly, as the track started to dip, the sun came over the horizon and Tony stumbled to a halt, blinded. He threw up his hands trying to shield his eyes, “Jesus.”

“Here,” a ball cap was slapped on his head and when he squinted he saw Ty holding out his sunglasses.


Ty then gripped his shoulders and turned him. Tony’s mouth dropped open.

The mountain was lit up in flaming reds and golds. Shining colours that only nature can create.

“Holy Shit!”

“Wow, Martin. That’s beautiful,” Ty said.

“Welcome to Sunrise mountain,” Martin grinned. “We got a good one today.”

They stood for a while, feeling the sun warm on their backs as it climbed higher. Watching the mountain which seemed to breathe before them.

“It makes me think of fire, and dragons, and something,” Tony paused, his voice awed. “Something so much bigger than us.”

“Power,” Martin stated. “It’s makes me think of power. Nature, not that bullshit power than man throws around.”

He turned and indicated Ty who had moved a short distance away, and was stood facing the sun, his eyes closed, lips moving.

“What’s he doing?”

“I think he’s praying,” Tony said quietly.

Martin tipped his head, “That’s not English?”

Tony smiled, “Not that kind of praying. Ty’s Lakota. Well, half. His grandfather is very spiritual. I forget living in New York, but Ty’s a lot like him.”

Martin smiled softly. “That’s as beautiful as this mountain,” he said.

Tony’s smile widened. They turned away slightly to give Ty his space. Continuing to watch the light show over the harsh rocks.

“Something else, right?” Ty said, coming up behind them.

“It’s amazing. Thank you. And thank you, Martin.”

“I love sharing it,” Martin admitted. Then grinned when Tony’s stomach rumbled. “Yea, back to the car.”

The track was a loop and they ran back down to the car with the light now blazing in front of them.

Winded and exhilarated by the time they reached the road.

Martin handed them fresh water and towels and secured the gun, before they pulled away.

Tony sipped the water slowly, feeling nauseous from hunger and hoping he wouldn’t embarrass himself before they reached the city, which was currently spread before them like a map.

Less than ten minutes later they swung off the road and into the car park of a diner. Pulling up next to a couple that Tony recognized from the band.

“Hey guys,” Martin smiled as they got out. “Didn’t see you on the track today.”

“We walked the other way. Morning Ty. Tony.”

They entered the diner to be greeted by a waitress who looked like the only reason she didn’t have a cigarette hanging out of her mouth was because she had been fined one time too many.

She grabbed two coffee pots and reached the table as Ty, the last to sit, settled in.

“Morning Lou.”

“Hey Martin.” She filled their cups and then set the spare pot of coffee on a warmer in the middle of the table. Looking at Tony and Ty she added, “Oh. Fresh meat.”

Tony snorted into his coffee as the rest laughed.

“Tony. Ty. This is Lou. This is basically her place. Lou this is Ty, he’s the club’s new chorographer, but mostly based out of New York. And Tony is doing a guest spot tonight.”

“It’s good to meet you, Lou. This is great coffee,” Tony said. Ty nodded, already reaching for a refill.

“I’ll put another pot on,” she smiled and moved away as a younger waitress approached with butters, jellies, and spreads, along with a large jug of orange juice.

“Hey, Karen. How are the driving lessons going?”

The waitress grimaced. “Mom’s taking me out now. Dad’s refusing to get in the car with me.” She caught Ty’s eye and blushed prettily.

Ty flashed her his most charming smile, and then felt bad when she dropped her pad. Tony subtly pinched his thigh.

“Opps, sorry. Do you know what you want?”

Bill, the drummer looked at Tony and Ty. “You guys got any allergies, intolerances or anything weird like vegetarian.” They both grinned and shook their heads.

“Five cardiacs then please, Karen.”

“How’d you want your eggs?”

“Over-easy?” Bill glanced around the table. “Yea, over-easy all round.”

Karen smiled, glanced again at Ty and still flushed moved away, passing Lou who was coming back with enough toast to feed a platoon.

“This’ll get you started, fill the holes in those manly bellies. And yours, sweetie,” she added with a wink to Suzie (Bass), who laughed and grabbed a slice.

Tony was already spreading butter. He was famished.

“Why was Karen blushing?” Lou asked.

“She liked the look of Ty,” Martin managed around a mouthful of toast.

She raised an eyebrow at Ty who tried to look innocent. “Well, try and rein your hormones in. Her boyfriend could break you in half.”

“Really?” Ty scoffed. I mean, at 6ft 2 and athletic he was no pushover.

“Here he comes now,” Lou told him and nodded out the window. They all looked out and Ty’s jaw dropped.

The man heading across the parking lot must have been 6ft 8 and about three times Ty’s weight. He looked like he could bench press the truck he had just climbed out of.

“Huh!” Ty managed, and then realized Lou was laughing at him. She flipped her pad on his head. “I’m kidding. Karen’s guy weighs less than her, soaking wet.”

The door opened and the giant came in, “Morning, Lou.”

“Hey, Sweetie. Be right with you.”

He nodded and headed to a table.

Ty turned to Tony. “You would have protected me, right, Honey?”

Lou laughed as Tony chewed his toast and shook his head doubtfully, eyeing the large truck driver, “Nah, I don’t think so.”

A few minutes later, both waitresses came over with five plates, piled high with pancakes, berries, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, hash browns, mushrooms, beans, and sausages.

They all started squabbling over the maple syrup and ketchup.

Ty filled a fork and eyed it. “I can see why you refer to this as a cardiac. I can feel my arteries narrowing down already.”

Lou, who had come back with yet more toast, laughed and ruffled his hair this time. As she was around the same age as his grandmother, Ty let her and just grinned.

“We come once a week” Suzie admitted. “It’s payback for the early morning hike.”

Ty looked at Tony, who just mumbled, “It’s really good,” around bulging cheeks.

Unbelievably, it was still not quite 11am when Martin dropped them back at the hotel.

Ty reassuring Tony in the elevator that sleep was the best thing this afternoon and they would have plenty of other occasions to do more in Vegas on later trips.

Indeed, Tony was flagging by the time they reach the room.

He stopped in horror as they entered. “The bed’s been changed.”

“Yea. It’s called room service,” Ty said, puzzled.

Tony ran into the bathroom and back out looking horrified, “The towels have gone.”

“Good,” Ty watched as Tony looked out into the corridor and then rushed back in, going to the safe and pulling out his wallet.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m so embarrassed. The state of those sheets, and Urghh.”

“I think you’ll find they’ve seen worse.”

“Not the point,” Tony claimed, pulling a fifty from his wallet and heading into the corridor.

Ty stood intrigued and watched him approach an open door with a trolley outside.

“Oh, Hi. Sorry. Did you clean room 1411?”

“Si, Senor,” the maid appeared in the doorway. “Is there a problem?”

“No, no. I just wanted to, er, give you this.” Tony handed her the money. “Thank you, and I’m so sorry.” He walked away quickly and flushing red brushed past Ty into the room with a whispered, “Shut up!”

Ty and the maid grinned at each. She was clearly amused.

“Gracias, Señorita.” Ty called.

“De nada.”

Tony was already rolled into the covers and Ty just stripped, climbed in and pressed the remote to lower the light into a relaxing gloom.

He tugged some cover free for himself and kissed Tony’s nose. “You’re adorable.”

Tony just wrinkled his nose before pressing it into Ty’s neck.


11pm and Ty perched on a bar stool for Tony’s second performance. The first had been incredible. Tony coming up to him afterwards with wide eyes and shaking a little, “Was it okay?”

“No,” Ty had replied before kissing him, “It was amazing. The clue is in the standing ovations.”

Tony had then spent an hour and a half signing autographs, grinning in selfies, and chatting with audiences from both the early and late shows, before Milo and Ty could get him away for some food and a break.

Still, most of the 11pm crowd had already gotten their moment with Tony.

The lights dimmed and the room hushed. The stage was dark. Although the band was visible, stage left.

Tony’s beautiful voice came out of the dark, unaccompanied. “Close every door to me, hide all the world from me.”

The music gradually kicked in and the lights slowly came up, revealing Tony. Suited up, looking handsome as hell and like the loneliest man on earth.

Both Engagement clubs were intimate spaces, and even from the bar Ty could feel the anguish and pain pouring from him. The deliberately shaky breath before, “If my life were important-” and the fear in his eyes.

Ty glanced around and saw many audience members with tears in their eyes. Including most of Engagement’s usual cast who were perched along the bar with him, Milo and Kevin.

This had actually been a challenging number to do in a small performance like this, as the middle of the song has a lyric free, climbing, rising centre which is usually performed by a choir of kids, basically ‘lalala-ing’ to make ‘Joseph’ feel less alone.

But Tony’s ‘Joseph’ was very alone and they had no gang of kids.

The solution had been Martin’s brainwave and, as it had in the first show, it took the audience’s breath away.

A loan violinist (Martin’s wife, Carrie) appeared from the dark stage. Recreating the motion of the sound with her violin and sending it soaring, as she and ‘Joseph’ circled, their eyes locked. She looked like an angel, dressed in shimmering, floating black.

You could practically see the hope and strength pouring into ‘Joseph’ until, as the exciting whine of the electric guitar took up the final cords and the song morphed into pure rock, he swung back to the audience, determination in his eyes. The angel fading back into the darkness.

No more an abandoned prisoner, this man was going to kick ass. The song climbed louder and louder, and a shiver ran down Ty’s spine at the repeated, “Children of Israel, ARE NEVER ALONE.” Which Tony belted with such power that people pressed back in their seats, and grinned with delight.

It had always bugged Ty that people only belted the final line of that song. Not Tony. Tony always belted from that point on, and it rocked.

When the final cords and echo of Tony’s voice died away, the entire room jumped to their feet and went wild.

Tony should have been prepared after the earlier reaction, but he still looked slightly flummoxed. It was the cutest thing.

As the applause died down a little and people re-took their seats, Tony half waved a little awkwardly and leaned back into the mic.

“Wow, I’m getting such a great welcome tonight. Thanks so much. Hi, I’m Tony.”

This led to another round of cheering and Ty grinned into his drink at Tony’s bemusement.

He really had no idea that his simple, ‘Hi, I’m Tony,’ had the entire room falling just a little bit in love with him.

Tony then went into his brief spiel about how that song had been chosen for tonight as it was important to him being both his favourite audition number, and the first role he ever performed, aged fourteen in high school.

Tony was surprised when the audience started laughing, awwww-ing and cooing. That hadn’t happened in the first show.

Of course it hadn’t. Because the picture of Tony as ‘Joseph’ during high school hadn’t been projected on to the screen at the back of the stage during the first show.

They had over a hundred people watching both shows. It couldn’t be exactly the same.

Ty laughed in delight as Tony eventually glanced over his shoulder and saw the picture.

“Oh no,” he said, blushing. “Oh Boy!” He laughed awkwardly and told the audience, “That wasn’t there last time.”

He glanced back again, “Jesus. I was so skinny. You should have seen the kid playing ‘Pharaoh’. He was in the football team. Made me look about this big,” he held his finger and thumb about a half inch apart.

Laughing with the crowd he unbuttoned his jacket and shook his head. “This is the sort of thing that happens when you introduce your boyfriend to your parents,” he grinned.


“Anyway,” Tony continued, “When in Vegas.”

The audience murmured in appreciation as the familiar (and very long) opening to Mr Bojangles started.

This had been another challenge.

You could hold a gun to Tony’s head and he still would not be able to produce a whistle. Fingers in his mouth to hail a cab, no problem, but otherwise forget it.

Ty quite often teased Tony that his inability to whistle was a sign of terrible mouth and tongue control and resulted in horrible and sloppy blow jobs. Ty enjoyed teasing Tony this way because the result, every time, was that Tony would feel honour bound to prove him wrong.

Fun times.

Shit! Ty shifted on the stool uncomfortably. Why the hell did he have to start thinking about blow jobs? Now he was getting hard.

The problem was, the long introduction and the band master doing Tony’s whistling for him, meant that Tony would just be standing there behind the mic stand looking like a dick. They had needed to think of a solution to that.

Cue, Miss Lola La-Sparkle — stage right.

Lola was one of Milo’s drag artists (although she preferred ‘Drag Queen’ and identified as female), who was cute as a button out of drag and downright beautiful when ‘on’.

She was also very petite, so even in her eight inch glittery heels, she was a match to Tony’s five-eleven, rather than towering over him which would have looked stupid.

Lola, instantly recognizable to most of the crowd, sashayed onto the stage, exchanging flirty looks with Tony who took the bowler hat she brought him. “Thank you very much,” he told her in a sexy low tone.

In the earlier performance, Lola (who had been firmly instructed not to kiss Tony and leave lipstick all over his face), had given his butt a pat instead, which had not been in the rehearsal and made Tony giggle.

He tried to pull it back, but Lola paused and blew a kiss from the side of the stage, giving him such a blatant eye fucking that he completely lost it.

Standing with one hand on the mic stand, the other holding the hat, head down just laughing. The band, with an almost musical sigh, restarted the intro which made everyone laugh harder.

Tony took a breath, muttered “Sorry, guys,” to the band then looked up at the room with a rueful, “I’m a professional, honestly.”

It had been funny and unintentionally charming, but Milo and Ty had decided against trying to recreate it for the second show.

Thankfully this time Lola kept her hands to herself and Tony managed to stay on cue.

They hadn’t created a character for this song. Ty just let Tony enjoy it.

It’s a beautiful, sad song. Almost like a little journey.

Ty had given Tony just a little tap, and a little shuffle in a couple of places. Just enough to enhance the song. Deceptively simple, unless you knew dance. In which case it was clear how very talented Tony was.

As the song ended and the long exit began (the band master once again whistling for his super), Tony took the mic stand over to the edge of the stage. Slung his jacket over it, and tipped the hat at an angle.

Walking back to centre stage with just the microphone in his hand, the jacket and hat looked just like a bent, frail, thin old man. The light fading on it as the song ended.

It was surprisingly moving, and brought the audience again to their feet.

Tony shared a few words about how much he loved that song. And about his short time in Las Vegas. Choosing this evening to give the diner some free advertising. Earlier he had spoken about the sunrise run.


“So, right now I’m doing a show in New York, ‘Empty Nights’. Has anyone here been over to see us?” Tony shielded his eyes and peered out as a few people whooped and one lady yelled, “Four times!”

“Whoa. Four times? What are you like a mega-fan?” Tony called over.

The lady stood at the urging of her table and admitted, “I’m a huge Randall Wynter fan.”

There was a scattering of laughter as she quickly sat back down, but she smiled with relief when Tony responded, “Oh Boy, me too. Randall’s amazing.”

Someone closer to the front asked a question that Tony leaned in to hear. He nodded smiling and then stood to take in the room again. “This gentleman just asked if I had learned much from Randall. If his reputation is true. And yes, we’re a close knit cast, we all learn from each other, but Randall really is something else, he has so much experience.”

Tony took a more comfortable pose, switching the mic to his right hand. “Like this one time we were rehearsing ‘Energy’, for those who don’t know it’s a big ensemble dance number, but the main four characters are all making big decisions so you have to be heard over each other. Over all this confusion and yea, energy on stage.”

Tony’s easy attitude had the entire room hanging on his words. Even Ty, who had no idea what story he was about to tell.

“Randall steps up during the rehearsal to help me out, because I’m just getting, ‘I can’t hear you!’ from our director, MC. He grips my hips, pushes my feet a little further apart and pushes me forward a little.” Tony demonstrates.

“He tells me to widen my stance, and slaps his hand on my gut.” Tony pressed his own large hand against his flat stomach, below his navel, and Ty fidgeted a little on the stool.

Suddenly uncomfortable again, because he knew that was right where Tony’s happy trail started and he was swamped by the sudden urge to press his lips right there, and continue down.

“And Randall says, ‘Don’t pull the air into your lungs. Pull it down through your body to my hand.” Tony grinned a little, glancing down at his hand. “Well, I looked at Randall and said, ‘Honey, if your hand goes any lower you’ll be gripping my balls and I’ll be singing that line soprano.'”

Ty snorted into his drink as Tony grinned and the room erupted into laughter, he hadn’t heard that story before.

“Yea, same thing happened with the cast. It was pretty funny. But Randall, he just narrows his eyes and says ‘breathe’, and I do, and I sing that line like I’ve never sung it before.”

Tony paused to take a sip from a bottle of water, and then sort of waved the bottle as he continued. “After work that night I asked Randall if he might do me a favour. ‘What do you need?’ He asked me. No hesitation. And the next day he comes with me to my voice class. Meets my coach and it’s like a masterclass. There’s loads of talented, experienced people in the cast, and I’m soaking up everything I can, but to answer the question. Randall Wynter is one in a million. I’m really lucky to be working with him.”

Tony took more water and smiled as the room applauded again, nodding his agreement with them.

“Anyone want to hear a song from Empty Nights?” he asked. There was a huge cheer and Tony again caught a question that the rest of the room missed.

Giggling a little, “Yes I am allowed. I got permission and everything.”

Lee the band master, and lead guitar started the complicated riff that was the introduction to ‘Sex with a Stranger’, the song that had been a surprise break away hit for the show and was fast making Tony’s name. There was a ripple of excitement through the room.

Ty thought it had become so popular, partly because it was pure rock, loud, not too long, and heavy on guitar. Always a crowd pleaser. But equally, because Tony was so hot when he sang it. Of course Ty may be a little biased.

On stage, in character as Tim, Tony had to be sexy, but also arrogant enough that the audience buy the character of Miranda turning him down.

Tonight in this concert version, Tony didn’t have to worry about not outshining anyone, and he sang it as pure sex. Ty felt like he was a puddle of heat and lust about to melt all over the stool and onto the floor.

Mic gripped in both hands, eyes dark with arousal, legs wide, feet planted, Tony sang the fuck out of the song. As the last cord died away the whole room leapt to their feet.

Tony blinked a little, grabbing a couple of deep breaths and then sent the room a dazzling smile as they cheered him.

He managed to quieten them enough to name and thank the band, Lola and Carrie. Thank everyone for coming, and advise them he would be at the bar for a few moments if anyone had missed him earlier.

Shortly afterwards, Tony re-appeared with the band at the bar, looking flushed and happy, to be congratulated by the club’s performers.


It was near midnight and most of the audience were wandering out, but one lady approached Tony when the crowd of staff had thinned a little. Ty whispered to Milo who darted off towards the private room behind the bar.

It was the Randall Wynter fan, smiling sheepishly at Tony. She was holding an ‘Empty Nights’ photo programme and a pen.

“Do you mind?” she asked. “I’ve got almost everyone now.”

“Sure,” Tony agreed and they leaned on the bar, heads close together as he flicked through, looking for somewhere to sign.

Unfortunately due to building works opposite the theater in New York, it hadn’t been possible for autograph hunters to hang around the stage door. The sidewalk was a fraction of it’s usual size for over thirty yards. Really just access to the theater.

Fans had taken to accosting the cast all around the city. Tony was impressed at how many people she had tracked down.

She indicated where she would like him to sign, a double spread with his and Randall’s characters looking moody and sexy.

Ty watched Tony scrawl, ‘All the best from Randall Wynter’s second biggest fan’ then the flamboyant Anthony Thomas-Risio. Before adding ‘Tony’ in brackets under his official signature.

The fan was delighted. Neither of them noticed a man sneak out of the private room and come up behind them.

“So where’s Randall’s signature?” Tony asked, and her face fell.

“I haven’t got it in this programme yet. Other ones, from years back, but I haven’t managed this one yet.”

“Maybe I can borrow the pen?” a deep rich voice came from close behind them. Causing the fan to squeal and go bright red, and Tony to jump so hard he nearly went over the bar.

“Where the fuck did you come from?” he gasped, clutching his chest.

“Wouldn’t miss your show,” Randall said as he picked the pen up from the floor and gave his number one fan a shoulder hug. “Flew in this morning.”

He grinned at Tony’s comment and uncapped the pen to add his own cheeky statement above his character, Kevin’s head.

Tony was still standing dumbfounded. Pinching his nose (which Ty knew meant he was feeling tearful), leaning against Ty who was rubbing his back.

Randall suddenly frowned. “Do you have Dane Hocking’s autograph in here?” Dane had created the character that Randall played, and was now rehearsing the show in London.

“Oh no. He had left the cast before I got to see the show.”

Randall nodded and leaned back from her slightly. “Yo, Dane,” he yelled towards the private room.

To Tony’s astonishment Dane appeared in the doorway. “What?” he yelled back. Then, “Hi, Tony.”

“Come over there, we need your autograph.”

“Bring MC,” Ty added, and Dane nodded, disappearing briefly before reappearing with MC in tow.

“But you guys are in London,” was all Tony could whisper when they approached.

“You think we would miss this?” Dane asked. Pulling Tony into his arms and letting him hide a few emotional sobs against his shoulder as Randall explained about the autographs.

The fan excitedly found a page that had an article about the opening night and a small picture of Dane and MC with Isabel Tells. She asked if they would sign there, and also commented on how lovely it was they had come to support Tony.

MC (who directed the show) took the pen first. “We would be grateful if you could hold off until tomorrow afternoon before posting anything on social media. It’ll be a nightmare at the airport in the morning otherwise.”

“Of course, no problem.”

Dane nudged Tony towards Ty. “We’ll see you in a few, just have a quick catch up with this lovely lady. You go with Ty. See who else is here.”

Tony blinked, “There’s more?”

Dane pushed gently, “Off you go.” Letting Ty guide Tony towards the private room.

Ty propelled Tony gently with a arm around his waist. “Izzy couldn’t come,” he said, “she had.”

“A wedding. I know. Ty, what’s going on? Who’s here?”

“Come see,” Ty smiled and tugged Tony through the door.

Tony stood shocked and took in the room. Chairs scattered about. Tables laden with snacks at the back.

Polly, Gene and Sarah, were stood chatting with MC’s wife. His parents and one of his sisters were gathered in a small group on the other side of the room with Frank and Cal.

Some of the Vegas club’s performers had already wandered in, drawn like bees to the honey of the buffet.

About six other members of the Empty Nights cast, including Adam, were already hanging around the food. With them was also a friend of Tony’s from his home town, another Tony, and what was probably his current girlfriend.

And here, sat by the door, Ty’s grandparents.

Tony’s smile was huge as he bent to hug Ty’s grandma. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you’re here.”

“Huh!” She gave his cheek a pat (not quite slap) and then kissed it better. “As if we would be anywhere else.”

Ty’s grandfather pulled him in next. Despite his waist length grey hair and only coming up to Ty’s shoulder, they were shockingly alike. “That was beautiful, Tony. Really beautiful.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Tony rubbed his chest, slightly breathless, “I’m so pleased you’re here.”

Suddenly the room was full of bodies, noise and motion, as Tony found himself being pulled into hugs, handshakes, accepting congratulations and excited conversations.

He was separated from Ty and had some vague idea of making his way around the room to his parents.

Ty watched Tony be passed around the room. He was chatting somewhat absentmindedly with Gene and Polly, feeling intensely proud and excited for Tony’s future.

Only half engaged in the conversation, he looked around at all the people that were here celebrating with Tony.

Dane, MC and MC’s wife had flown in from London. They had actually enjoyed the whole weekend in Vegas, and Ty had been sneakily texting yesterday to make sure they didn’t cross paths.

Ty’s grandparents had also arrived Saturday morning and been taken under Dane’s care to keep them clear of Tony and see the sights.

Ty had wanted to sneak down to their room yesterday afternoon when Tony was napping, to say Hi, but they had been out having too much fun!

He had managed to see them this afternoon. Only briefly, they were off to the casino. Again with Dane, who Ty suspected they wanted to adopt.

The New York crew had been flown in by Cal this morning. Arriving at the hotel just after Ty and Tony arrived back, and by all accounts hitting the slots hard.

They would be flying back in the morning, poorer and tired, but having had fun.

The room was busier now. Ty saw his grandparents were in a little group of seats near the door. His grandfather was chatting with enthusiasm to three of the club’s drag artists. Ty couldn’t be sure of their identity from the angle. Apart from Lola. He recognized her dress.

His grandma was also there but having an intense conversation with a slender young man. She had his hand in hers and was tracing his palm.

No wait. Ty squinted, trying to imagine make up and sequins. Yes, that was Crissy, so her palm as she identified female. Ty hadn’t met her out of drag and so hadn’t recognized her at first. Unmade up he could see her heritage clear in her facial structure. He would guess Sioux and wondered what they were talking about.

Knowing his grandma, it could be anything from historic battles to Crissy’s nail polish.

He looked back to Tony, who had made it to his parent’s little group and it suddenly hit him. This was his guy.

Ty took a few steps towards Tony, leaving Gene and Polly staring at him curiously as he walked away from the conversation, and then stopped. A sudden lack of confidence leaving him stranded in the centre of the room, a strange almost angry expression on his face, as he stared and tried to summon the courage to move.

Tony was released from his Mom’s embrace to be immediately yanked in by his, very emotional, dad. He blinked and waved at his sister, Megan, over their dad’s shoulder, “Hey.”

“Hey, kid,” she grinned. “Kate couldn’t make it, she had school.”

Tony nodded. Their eldest sister was a teacher.

His dad stood back and they both took shaky breaths, blinking rapidly.

“I. I,” Dan swallowed and tried again. “So proud.” It was all he could manage.

Tony just smiled wetly and gripped his dad’s shoulder.

“I think some Champayne is needed,” Frank declared, raising a questioning eyebrow at Tony.

Glad for the distraction, and doubly distracted as he had just realized he had been separated from Ty, he nodded, “Yes, please.” Before looking around to spot Ty standing several feet away staring at him.

“Champayne, Ty?”

Ty just stood as if rooted to the spot, his eyes dark, his expression. Odd. Tony pushed down a sudden wave of unease.

“Ty,” Tony tried again. “Do you want some champagne?” Ty just continued to stare at him, his eyes unreadable and Tony felt a frisson of fear as conversation became muted, more people noticing Ty’s strange behaviour.

Monroe’s voice suddenly snuck into his head. ‘Jealous, he’s jealous, he’ll leave.’

“Marry me.”

Tony blinked. He thought he had seen Ty’s lips move, but what? He shook his head slightly. Vaguely noticing, out of the corner of his eye, his Dad’s hand come up and slap over his Mom’s mouth. “What?”

Now Ty’s lips curved into his familiar lazy smile. “Marry me,” he said again.

The whole room was now holding it’s breath.

Tony glanced around, slightly panicked, then back to Ty who was now slowly stalking him across the room. “Did you just ask me to marry you?”

Ty shook his head, reaching Tony and cupping his pale cheeks. “Actually, no. It wasn’t a question. I don’t much feel like giving you a choice.” Ty swooped in and kissed Tony softly.

When he pulled back Tony was grinning, with tears tracking down his face.

“Be mine?” Ty asked now.

“What, now? Here?” Tony stuttered.

Ty laughed, “No. I don’t mean a Vegas quickie. Not everyone is here. We’ll get married in Philly, so all of your sisters can be there.”

Tony’s heart just crashed. Crashed at Ty’s feet. He heard his Mom’s soft emotional exclamation.

All of your sisters included the little girl born between Kate and Megan. She had only lived six hours, and had been named Mary. Megan and Tony had never known her, but she had always been loved and remembered by the whole family.

Ty hadn’t said both of your sisters, he had said all of your sisters, and Tony who thought he knew how much he loved Ty, realized there was always more. You could always fall deeper.

“I’m asking for your promise,” Ty continued. “Will you be mine?”

“Yes.” The end of which was muffled as Ty’s mouth crashed back onto his and the room erupted with excitement.

“Oh God, yes,” Tony mumbled and gripped Ty’s hair, pressing his whole body as close as he could. He was sobbing now, and he didn’t even care.


The crazy impromptu party lasted until 2am, at which point MC had insisted that anyone who was cast or understudy for Empty Nights go and get some sleep.

Tony was exhausted. He had tried to slip away when Ty’s grandparents called it quits about an hour before, but had been dragged back into the fray.

Now, as he blearily watched Ty fight with the keycard, he was seriously hanging.

“Yes!” Ty hissed with success and swung open the door, waving a half bottle of Champagne at Tony and slopping some on the carpet. “We’re in. Get naked. I want to fuck you.”

Tony who was only half as drunk, but twice as tired, snorted out a laugh. “Ty, I’m going to be unconscious in about thirty seconds. I don’t think I’m up for fucking.” He looked down at himself and giggled at the unintended pun. “Nope. Not up.”

“I’ll do it. I’ll do it. I’ll do it,” Ty half sang, before swigging from the bottle. Then in a sudden change of demeanour he oh-so-carefully placed the bottle on the nightstand and tip toed over to Tony, as if to tell him a secret.

Face serious, Ty gripped Tony’s shoulders and looked earnestly into his eyes. “I’ll do it,” he declared and looked puzzled when Tony cracked up.

“Okay, sorry.” Tony relented. “Go get the stuff together then, I need to piss.”

“Don’t be too long,” Ty whispered.

“I feel like I could pee for a month,” Tony whispered back, and grinned when Ty shook his head solemnly. “Okay, just a few minutes then.”

Business done, Tony stripped. It didn’t seem fair to pull his pants back up when Ty probably wouldn’t manage the zip. He wandered back in to the bedroom and sure enough Ty was only half naked. Cursing and wrenching at his jeans.

Pushing the exhaustion back, Tony crawled onto the bed and hugged Ty from behind. “Need a hand?”

“Fucking zip broke.”

“Lie back, I’ll take a look.” He gave Ty a helpful shove towards the mattress.

“Oh. I’m dizzy,” Ty told him, like it was the most wonderful thing in the world.

“No shit,” Tony replied as he pulled the zip down easily and then tugged Ty’s jeans over his thighs. “How much Champayne did Frank give you?”

“Lots. It tasted pretty.”

“Uh huh.”

“You taste pretty.”

“Do I?” Tony asked, his smile fond and amused. Ty rarely drank, and it was even rarer for him to get silly on it. Always fun though.

“I’m going to marry you.”

Tony yanked the jeans free and then crawled back onto the bed and over Ty’s body. “I’m going to marry you as well.”


“Yep.” Tony bent his head and kissed Ty’s chest, then licked across to his nipple. Wrapping his lips around the hard point, before sucking hard and then soothing with his tongue.

“That’s good,” Ty mumbled.

“You taste pretty as well,” Tony said against Ty’s skin as his lips travelled across to his other nipple.

“Do I?” Ty sounded quietly delighted. His eyes fluttering closed.

“Hmmmm,” Tony agreed, before pressing soft kisses across Ty’s stomach and then back up his chest. Ty heaved a satisfied sigh.

Tony ghosted his lips across Ty’s six-pack. Tracing the groves of his abs. Ty moaned softly.

Tony softly nuzzled his way back up to Ty’s neck. Pressing an open mouthed kiss to his pulse. There was a faint vibration against his lips and then, finally, a soft snore.

“Thank fuck,” Tony whispered to himself and was asleep less than a minute later.

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