Coby Pt. 01

A gay story: Coby Pt. 01 Only humans over the age of 18 years engage in any sort of sex in this fictional story.

Hope the buildup is not too slow.

Thank you, as ever, to @kenjisato for his thoughtful, thorough editing.


Coby, Part 1

Born of a Central-European mum and a South-Asian dad, Coby was a beautiful boy. This is not any kind of pejorative or judgement – he was undeniably a boy with “pretty” facial features. He wasn’t effeminate or ‘girlie’ (whatever that means) – it was simply his physiognomy. He was beautiful.

I can never work these things out: Coby was the son of the daughter of my father’s second wife. What does that make us? Step-uncle/nephew? He and I were not that close as he grew up, only because of geography: I’ve always lived downtown and his family is way out in the outer suburbs. So we only really saw each other a few times a year, at family events. I have always been the fun, cool uncle in my family. The one who played games with the younger ones, who didn’t talk down to them, the one who actually listened to them and didn’t patronise them. In other words, Coby and I had a normal, utterly conventional relationship as he grew.

Coby was by this point almost nineteen and finishing highschool. Two inconsequential events in the past few months could have signalled to me that more might have been going on, if I had been paying attention. Yup, hindsight.

First was at a thanksgiving dinner party at his family house, not long after Coby turned eighteen. At some point after dinner, there were 5 or 6 of us – assorted family members of various ages – rough-housing and being silly together up in Coby’s room: you know, play-wrestling, doing stupid caricatures of martial arts moves. Generally just being idiots but having a lot of fun in the process!

At one point I had Coby pinned down on the carpet and had put a foot on his chest and belly in “conquest,” while beating my chest like a knight from Python’s Grail. Coby was trying to extricate himself and was kicking at me so I grabbed one of his legs. He squirmed away from me but I held on to his leg so my foot on top of him shifted down as he squirmed until it was on his crotch. When I realised where my foot was I immediately moved it but as I did so I noticed that Coby had stopped squirming and was looking at me with an enigmatic expression. It lasted mere milliseconds – over as quickly as it happened. Never thought of it again.

Second was a few months later at another family dinner, this time at a restaurant. We had all arrived in separate vehicles. Sixteen people all at one huge table. By chance Coby and I ended up sitting beside each other, at a corner of the horseshoe(-ish)-shaped table, during the meal. At one point we were play-fighting again, poking each other etc. I am very ticklish and I scream ridiculously when tickled, which naturally delights all my nieces/nephews. I had tried to poke him in the ribs but he grabbed my hand to stop me. I relaxed my hand so it fell to the table and instead of letting go, Coby held on to my hand for some reason. It was only for a second – less than a second – and again I didn’t think anything of it – but his dad noticed and asked him irritatedly what he was doing. Coby quickly and sheepishly let go of my hand and the conversation moved on.


Coby’s good looks meant many commercial modelling/acting gigs as a child, continuing as he grew into adolescence. As he came of age, he still got the odd commercial and although he was old enough to get around on his own, his typically helicopter-ish parents still preferred to drive him to and from his gigs – or arrange for another family member to ferry him around. They were extreme suburbanites, living way out in the hinterland and were lamely frightened of the city. Since I lived right downtown and very close to the studio most of his gigs were at, his folks asked me a few times to look after him for the time between his shoot and when they would be able to have him picked up.

A few months after the events above, Coby had a commercial shoot and no one was available to pick him up so his folks asked me to look after him for a couple of hours. Our usual arrangement, no biggie.

Someone must have let him in the main door of my building because without warning there was a knock on the door of my flat. I opened it and there he was: taller than me now, and fit, in both senses. He is a black belt in karate so you can imagine his physique! And still gorgeous of course.

I gave him a quick hug in the doorway but my door has a closer on it: I had been propping the door open with my foot, the hug threw me off balance and the door hit us.

We went the rest of the way inside so I could close the door. Coby stood in the hallway, pausing, and I turned, opening my arms.

“Hey c’mere give us a proper hug. It’s been like forever man!”

We took the step or so toward each other and connected into what should have been – at least based on our history – a typical quick, back-slappin’ “bro” hug. I think we both were waiting for the other to pull away to end the hug, but neither of us did, so there we stayed, joined from shoulder to thigh. We both adjusted our arms but still neither of us pulled away. It was a lovely warm, human moment.

I moved my arms down to Coby’s lower back but held him to me as I leaned my head back to look at him, trying to read his expression. Before I could, he gave me, well, he gave me a quick little smooch on my cheek, just as quickly stepping back, laughing and shoving me back toward the door.

What the heck was that?

“Got any beer?”

“Yup. Fridge.”

I followed him into the kitchen.

“How was the gig?”

“Eh, you know. The usual.”



“Too bad.” Having lines in a shoot is a significant couple of notches up on the ol’ Fee Schedule…

“Let’s go sit. I’ll put some tunes on. Requests?”

“Impress me.”…Our usual faux-snark. I put on Esperanza Spalding’s latest masterpiece. Mmmm mm.

“So who’s coming to get you?”

“Actually your dad is.”

“Aah hah! That’s hilarious. That is insanely far out of his way. Why the hell don’t you just take the train and an uber man. It would cost the world way less in carbon emissions, fuck.”

“I know it’s ridick. What can I say: I’m a fucking wimp. I’ve fought and fought with mom about it. I can’t win. She is relentless. So I just let her have her way, you know?”

“Yeah… pick your battles and all that.”

“Exactly. Fucking embarrassing though.”

“Hope you at least do something nice for your grampa once in a while. Although, sad to say, he’s probably happy to be wanted. Happy to be useful, a part of things.”

“Huh. I never thought of that, but I can see it.”

“Don’t you dare ever say anything like that to him. You wouldn’t, would you?…And Don’t Take Advantage Of It!”

“Nah. It’s cool.”

We sat and listened to Thang.

“Holy shit man this tune is fucking awesome. Listen to those harmonies. Who is this?!”

“Read it and weep, sinner.” I handed him the cd sleeve pointing to the current track. Coby was just grooving.

“Wow. You got some game for an old man. Old man. Who’d’a thunk you would have good taste in music.”

“Says the ill-educated punk to the professional musician! So fucking fuck you too, mate! Cheers!” We clinked glasses laughing and grooving to Spalding.

We listened quietly to the end of that tune, then went back to chatting, catching up.

In a few minutes another super tune started and I leaned my head back on the couch to wallow in the sounds. After zoning out for half a minute or so I felt Coby inching over, maybe trying to be subtle, but he wasn’t being very! Eventually we were kind of nestled together. I had to lift my arm out of the way and ended up just laying it on Coby, my arm over his shoulder and down his side. Coby squirmed again, I guess expressing enjoyment.

“This is nice.” I squeezed him lightly as I said it.



“Can we talk…?”

“Of course. Anything. What’s on your mind?”

“I’ve… I’ve been having, um… thoughts.”

Yikes, is this going to get intense? Although, I do want him to feel comfortable sharing personal stuff with me. Even though we haven’t spent all that much time together…you know. Have to play this cool.

“Well, ah, thoughts are good…”

“I’ve been thinking about some outside shit. Like really outside. *pause* Ok, you know I’ve never had any trouble getting girls. I don’t mean that in a gross way, but, fuck, the truth is the truth. In highschool I had to turn away more girls than I actually hooked up with. I’ve had my share of girlfriends. And I fucking love it man. I’ve had some great times. *sigh* But I’ve been thinking of like other things too lately, and I can’t figure out even where these thoughts have come from. It’s like my brain is purposely trying to mess with me.”

He stops, and looks at me, tacitly imploring me to understand.

“Coby whatever it is, I’m good with it. I’ve been around the block dude. I’ve seen a thing or two.

“Pfft, I bet you have, you slut!”


“Kidding… jes’ kiddin’!”

“I know… Point is: you can trust me.”

“Sorry… *sigh* My fucking dad is so closed-minded and an asshole about anything even remotely non-het’ro. And there was no one at school who was like, out. My school was pathetically anti-sex – people were so uptight about it – even the stupid students. Can you believe there was actually a student abstinence club…! You know, one of those after-school clubs… You know, like, like chess club, or cooking club, or d&d! *pause* Abstinence Club…”

“Come on!!! No way…!”

“Yes way… It’s like seriously fucked up. So, I’ve never ever had any-fucking-one I could talk to about, about real shit. Even just trying to figure out what I actually feel. Want. What’s going on in my messed up brain.”

“Needless to say you’re safe here. Trust that.”

“Thanks.” He nestled into me again. I turned myself partially toward him, arcing my body allowing him to snuggle right in. Inside I was freaking out a little bit. So unexpected. So unlike him. And, I’ve seen his dad’s asshole side – at least a bit of it. He doesn’t get angry, so much as snarky and whiny.

But at the same time I was loving this, whatever this was. I’ve always been a physically close person. A hugger, I suppose. I was tempted to wrap my other arm around him pulling him right in close. But I resisted. Too soon. Plus it would have been too boisterous, disturbing the sweet slow intimacy we were growing. Plus he was turning me on, as fucked up as that was. Eventually,

“I mean it’s not as if I’m gay. I’m totally not gay. Like I said a minute ago: I. Love. Hot. Girls. Women. *long pause* But I also think about, other things.”

There was obviously more, but I gave him the time and mental space. Besides it wassn’t an uncomfortable lull. We were both at ease. Spalding was still flowing – Each song a new universe.

“Hey want to hit my pipe?”

“You have weed?!?! Fucking awe-some!!! Holy shit you are seriously the best family member I have.”

“Hey. It’s just a bit of pot. People should learn to deal.”

“Well I don’t want to be wasted when grampa gets here so I’ll only do a couple hits.”

“Yeah good call, it’s decently strong.”

I get up, get the pipe, lighter, glasses of water, fresh beers (two trips) and I’m soon back.

“Hey let’s go over to the window to smoke. Don’t want the place to be too smelly in case me’ dad decides to come right up to the door to collect you.”

“Nawww! He wouldn’t do that?! Here’s hoping he calls from the car.”

“Ha! He’ll probably call when he’s like x blocks away and he’s calculated in his head exactly how long it will take – cross-referenced to how long he figures it’ll take you to get down to the lobby from my flat.”

“Ha ha too right.”

We each took a couple (…or so…) tokes from my little Fisherman’s Friend™ then headed back to the couch. Coby held back allowing me to sit first. I had gotten over my surprise by that point and had decided to ride it out: see where he wanted to go. So instead of sitting I lay down sideways on the couch, pushing right back into the cushions – propped up on an elbow, and waited to see Coby’s response. He looked at me and smiled – again, a bit sheepishly. He sat down in the middle of the couch, we clinked glasses and each took a swig of our fresh beers. Then Coby lifted his legs up, sideways, lying down and snuggling right into me. Essentially spooning.

“That was a nice smoke. Mm mm. Where were we?” Coby turned his head as he said this and flashed his twinkling eyes at me, a coy smile on his face. Darling lad. Damn, I think, he’s a grown man now. Pretty much a grown man. He’s one family member I would have wanted to spend more time with, watching him grow, sharing in it. Sigh.

“You, have, thoughts…”

Thirty seconds passed.

“You’re um like totally cool with this yeah?”


“Well, I think about other guys’ cocks. I mean I’ve only ever seen them in the showers at the gym at school – other than porn, obvie. But I’d kind of like to, to, uh, yeah… Oh and when I um jerk off I like to, you know, play with my, my ass.”

“You do know all of that is totally fucking normal, right? Wait, I think I know. Let’s see if I have this clocked… I think you are actually fine with it yourself, but then you get your dad’s voice in your head, messing you up. *pause* Close?”

“Ding! We have a winner.”

I pulled him tighter into me, more comfortably nuzzling into his neck. Again without thinking about it I planted my lips on his neck simply holding them there. But a desire to kiss Coby crept up on me which I couldn’t resist, for long. Eventually my lips puckered. I was kissing my step-nephew’s neck! Holy shit. Coby seemed to like it, turning his head to nuzzle back as much as he could. A simple gesture but perfect.

Another minute or two went by in comfortable quiet, both of us seemingly revelling in the contact. The closeness. New emotions.

“Fuck I can’t stand it. I’m so effing horny. Dude, you’d better be good to your word, fuck. *pause* Um. *deep breath*…Ok. I want to play with your cock. Fuck, you know I’ve always had a thing for you right? You knew, right?”

I looked at him for a good second, thinking hard.

“Fuck I feel like I should have but honestly I had no clue, man.”

“Well I did. Do.”

Holy. What do I do with that! I let it hang in the air for a few seconds, while taking in a slow deep breath, then a sloooooow swig of beer.

“Well, shit… How are ya s’posed to respond to that?! *pause* You know I can’t say this of many other family members, but I always wish you and me could have connected more, when you were growing up. Oh fuck! no I don’t mean like this! No, I mean like, regular nephew/uncle stuff. *pause* The rest of the family: meh – I can take ’em or leave ’em. But you, I always felt, I don’t know, you have more going on, upstairs. I wish I had made more of an effort to reach out – spend time with y’all. *sigh* My bad I guess, being the ‘adult in the room’ and all. But whatever. Past is the past. This is now. Close your eyes.”


“Close your eyes.”

“Um, random.”

“Jes’ do it.”

I turned his torso so he was lying flat on his back, and once his eyes closed I leaned in to kiss him, proper-like. I felt him tense for a second, then he relaxed and returned the kiss. At the same time I ground my crotch against his side, sliding my arm down from where I had been cradling his cheek in my hand so that my forearm lay casually across his bulge, then pressing down provocatively.

“But seriously, I need to shower before anything else. *Ding!* Hey: let’s shower together. My shower’s not huge. It’ll be cozy.”

“Lead the way.”

The perfect “ice-breaking” activity for us. A built-in distraction. We went in to my bedroom first where I unceremoniously got naked, urging Coby to do the same. No sense being squeamish at this point. Then I was in the bathroom getting the water temperature right, and jumped right in. I figured it would be better – less awkward – if I just took the lead, letting Coby follow. Instead of checking in with him every step of the way, constantly bringing attention back to his shyness/nerves/self-consciousness. Sure enough in about twenty seconds the curtain opened and in popped a gloriously naked 18 year old afro-ed adonis. Aye-yi-yi, here I am being the mentor, helping a flailing young person figure himself out. Am I allowed to take pleasure from being the helper? A lot of pleasure? Why not…? So, no guilt, right?! Crickets. Right? It was a tentative question. A plaint. Fuck it. No. No need for guilt. Enjoy being a mentor.

“Jeeze would you look at yourself… Fuckin’ell you are gawwww-geous.”

I put my hands on his hips as my eyes raked up his body. I could only speak very slowly and deliberately:

“Your skin is unbelievably beautiful. So rich. You fucking glow, dude. Your skin glows, it’s so perfectly lovely.”

“Ok ok enough already. Yeah I’m good looking. Deal.”

“You’re right I’m sorry. I’m done. *pause* In my defence, though, it is my first time seeing you in all your glory. Surely you have to allow an honest reaction the first time. It’s only courteous! Surely you’ve done a double-take with a gorgeous babe when you first get naked together. And surely she graciously indulged you, no?”

“What the fuck are you even talking about right now?!” The arid sarcasm of youth.

Without answering, I pulled our pelvises together, at the same time leaning down and slurping a nipple into my mouth. Coby bucked up into my crotch and moaned deeply, sliding a hand up to cradle my cheek. It was such a small gesture but in that moment it made me feel a little submissive towards him. Here was this tall, slim but built, imposing youth cradling my head to his breast: I could totally get off on being topped by him. But countering that was a stronger impulse to, even lightly, top him, this time. Our first time being sexual. Don’t ask me why, fuck. Probably pathetic ego. Maybe not all: it will definitely be better for Coby this way. Take away the need to be the aggressor. Blah blah blah.

“Shower,” I said, as much to myself as to him. Straightening up and grabbing the soap, I proceeded to soap up Coby’s entire front, shamelessly – and quietly – wallowing in the suppleness of his skin. The ripples and ridges of his muscles. I was perving out. Before soaping his underarms I nuzzled right in and actually licked, savouring his b-o.

Phew, I had it baaaaaad… I’d never felt that way about a man before. Most of my previous sexual exploits involving other men have been multiple-participant type situations, mostly with my primary partner, who thus far has been a woman. In scenes like that I get horny for cock – I’ve gotten pretty crazy with it a couple of times. Definitely another story. Ok, stories.

I proceeded washing all the way down to Coby’s feet, ignoring his naughty bits for the mo’, lifting each foot and giving it a gently massaging clean. Standing back up, I turned him around and started on his shoulders and back. Again I went all the way down his legs to his feet, then (finally) returning to his sweet sweet buns. I got his legs as far apart as possible in the tub, then started caressing his cheeks letting my fingers slip through his crack lightly, randomly. Once or twice I slid my hand right through his legs cradling his balls on the way by, to eventually grab his cock, sliding up to the head, giving it a squeeze. Then doing everything again in reverse order, sliding down the shaft, worry-bead-ing his balls, fingers surfing the ridge of his perineum, then dancing a rapid-fire irish jig, one-after-the-other on his rosebud.

He leaned his upper body forward ever so slightly, pushing his bum back to me. He even arched his back a bit. Oh, this boy – sorry, man – was loving this. He was so ready for it. I began to focus on his hole, pulling a cheek aside with one hand, the other running a finger back and forth over his little puckered anus, every so often stopping and applying a bit of pressure – not penetrating – simply assessing (ha!) its elasticity. He was groaning more often now.

“Oh wow. That feels fucking amazing. Please. More.”

I rinsed off all the soap from his butt, then leaned in and slathered my tongue all the way from his perineum to his hole. Then I flicked my tongue lightly across his hole stopping once in a while to place the tip right into the opening, pushing ever so lightly in. Coby again pushed his bum toward me. So far so good. So far so bloody amazing actually. I didn’t expect he would participate so actively so soon. I’d have been a fool to do other than go with it!

After giving his whole crack another good slathering, I flexed my tongue into as much of a point as I could and moved it back to his entrance, applying actual pressure this time and penetrating him fully for the first time – just the tip – just a centimetre. I couldn’t help moaning as well, at how amazing his ass felt, but I was drowned out by Coby’s moans and whimpers. I pushed in as hard as I could, which wasn’t very deep honestly. Coby loved it, whimpering again – his voice rising in pitch noticeably – and pushing back onto my tongue.

“Oh my fucking god. This is soooo fuuucking awwwwwesome…! Why the fucking fuck did I wait so bloody long before trying this… Please please don’t stop. I can not believe how unbelievable your tongue feels. Your tongue is my new god. Seriously.”

Well, someone was liking it!

I pulled out to give my tongue a bit of a break, but kept slathering and lightly jabbing at his hole, once in a while introducing a fingertip. I gave him the tongue again, deep as I could, burying my nose right into his crack. I thrust in and out as deeply as I could for as long as I could. But my tongue was too soon knackered, at least for penetrating.

So I switched to fingers, slowly sliding my middle finger up as far as the second knuckle. He gave no sign of anything but continued pleasure, so, slowing down even more, I pushed my finger all the way in, nestling my whole fist right up in his crack. He pushed back, making a sound that was barely human. It made me want to make him make it again!

Time for the second finger. Sure enough, he adjusted quickly, showing his pleasure by starting to thrust his ass back in time with my fingers’ thrusts. I had another gush of emotion and had to kiss his hole again, which I proceeded to do, slobbering my lips all over, stabbing my tongue in at the same time. Now for the third finger. Pushing slowly, there was definitely resistance this time. But no sign from Coby that his pleasure had diminished at all. I kept pushing slowly slowly, up to the second knuckle but I wasn’t sure whether he could take the sudden pop when my big knuckles broke through. He answered my question for me, by pushing back, taking my – three! – fingers all the way to my fist.

“Fuck dude. I cannot believe any of this is happening. You are like my absolute favourite human being on this fucking planet. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Why was I so scared to try all of this? It’s just… Like, seriously.. it, it just is, man. Ah ha!: mind-blowing. That works. But you know, not to kill the buzz, but, no joking around, this is like real. What the fuck am I even saying…”

“You’re saying it’s honest. Completely open and honest.”

“Trust, too – that’s big.”

“Don’t I know it. I don’t trust easily.”


Maybe 30 seconds passed. I continued playing with his hole while he squirmed.

“Please fuck me. I want your cock in me.”

I stopped and looked at him: “Bedroom.”

We quickly rinsed, dried off and were bedroom-bound.

Before getting on the bed Coby pulled me impulsively into a hug. We melted deliciously into each other, arms tight. His breathing was a bit sporadic.

“What is even happening to me right now?! I can’t… I’m about to get fucked. In the ass. You’re going to, to put your cock in my ass. What does this mean?!”

Trying to keep it light, I grabbed his head in both hands, rubbing noses, eyes wide: “Baby it means your world is about to be rocked! Woohooo!”

I got him on his back on the bed, climbing over him and putting my lips right up to his ear and whispered in what felt like a lascivious growl:

“I am absolutely fucking loving all of this. And you too.”

I reached down between us to grab my cock as Coby lifted his legs right back, spreading himself completely open for me. Needless to say, a rather fetching sight.

“Ok, here we go. You asked for it!”

Coby kind of just sizzled for a second, before hissing back to me through gritted teeth:

“Bring it you bastard. Fuck my fucking ass, man. Take my ass cherry. Make me a fucking man!”

“Holy shit you are in-to this my man. I am so gonna give it to ya. Wait one sec.”

I leaned over to the nightstand to grab the lube I had put out, applying it liberally to Coby’s hole and my cock. I got back down behind Coby, leaned in and rubbed my well-lubed cock up and down his crack. Coby whimpered, pulling his own legs right down either side of his chest and spreading himself completely open for me lewdly, shamelessly. Aye-yi-yi. When faced with this, what’s the person with the cock to do? Well, they fuck them. I put my cockhead at his opening and began, agonisingly slowly, pushing forward. My cock was penetrating his asshole for fuck sake.

“Ohhhh myyy godddd. Take it, love. Take my cock.”

I was in. Coby sucked air when my head first popped through, but calmed as I held steady, the head just inside. I was inside Coby. My family play buddy, from forever. I guess relationships change. Evolve. This was our relationship’s metamorphosis. The cocoon of our budding connection split open to reveal its butterfly. Fuck did I write that?

“Fuck yes! Your cock is inside my ass. I can’t believe it but fuck it feels amazing. It’s big though… I’m glad you warmed me up with your fingers. And your tongue. Holy, your tongue, bro…! *pause* Ok I’m ready. Deeper. Slowly.”

I started penetrating deeper, again with an agonising slowness. Coby took a deep breath and began what became an endless “Ohhhhhhh…”

Finally I bottomed out inside of him. I put my arms around him, hugging him super-tightly and stroking his hair.

“Oh Coby. My darling boy – man. Do you like my cock, my darling Coby? My Cobita?”

Coby’s eyes suddenly focused, looking at me. “What did you call me?”

“Cobita. My sweet Cobita.”

Coby didn’t say anything but his eyes seemed to lose focus again and there was muscular evidence of him suppressing a smile.

“Again, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but: fuck me. Please fuck me good. Fuck me deep.”

“As you wish.” Ho-lee, I thought, I am going to give it to him. Royally.

I pulled out all the way to the tip holding there for a moment. Catching his eye I gave him a bit of a smirk, plus my patented single-cocked eyebrow. Suddenly I turned serious and firmly thrust my cock all the way back inside him – to the hilt. Coby moaned deeply thrusting his pelvis up, surrendering himself to my cock, to me.

I got into a nice slowish steady rhythm, thrusting all the way each time until my balls slapped his buns. Before I started really going at him, I leaned down and kissed his gorgeous lips again. At first just holding my lips on his for as long as I could until I could no longer resist opening his lips with my tongue. After a sumptuous languid kiss I broke it off, pushing myself back up so I could get to work! After adding some more lube, I immediately picked up the pace, and the firmness with which I whacked his pelvis with mine as my cock bottomed out deep inside him.

Coby mostly kept up the long “Ohhhhhhs.” Impressive lung power honestly. But once in a while he also panted a: “Fuck me. Fuuuuuuck meeeeeee.” And again I noticed the pitch of his voice rose. More this time. He was definitely sounding more femme. Had he noticed? I decided to test it a bit. Even though it inhibited my thrusting capabilities, I leaned back down so my lips were up to his ear.

“Oh, Coby, my lover. My gorgeous lover. Take all of my cock, my lovely lovely lover. You are my Coby aren’t you?”

“Yesssssssss!”…In a positively girly whine, was all he could muster. His brain bandwidth was overwhelmed by what was going on in his butt.

Ok so this was working.

“My sweet sweet darling man. My Coby. Talk to me lover. Tell me what’s going in on here.”

…I said, as provocatively as possibly, tapping his temple.

“I fucking love your cock in my asssss. I. I love how you’re fucking me. You know, like, taking control.”

I sat up quickly, gave him 6 hard sweet thrusts. Then back down to his ear.

“What else, my love?”

“I. Fuck am I messed up or what?! *pause* Whew! Ok I’m… I am getting off on being all girly. There I said it. I’m feeling, I don’t know, pretty. Fuck.”

“Well isn’t today just full of surprises. But seriously, it’s so awesome you’re able to say that to me – makes me happy. You are a pretty one to be sure! Just look at you.”

I planted feather kisses all over his face. I spotted a tear snaking down into his hair. I immediately stopped thrusting, with my cock deep in his ass, and released his legs so he could wrap them around me and I hugged him tightly. I felt him sob three, four times. Big jerky sobs. Then he took a deep breath, let it out, and took another.

“Wow. That happened. I guess I needed the release? Whatever. I feel better now. *pause* Thank you, for, you know… Whew. Ok you can get back to fucking me now. Please?”

“Um, we can talk about that later, yeah?”

“‘Course… K, fuck me.”

“How about doggy?”

“Hell yeah!”

I got off him so he could swivel around, presenting his unbelievable ass to me. His nigh-19-year-old, karate blackbelt – no further explanation needed – ass. He spread his legs wide, leaning his upper body right down to the mattress, opening himself up for me invitingly.

“Give me your cock, big daddy.” Ok that was over the top girly, flirty. Campy even. I saw him snake a hand between his legs to stroke his bobbing member. Then his hand moved down further and rubbed his little rosebud – which was on fire! To my delight he made that indescribably provocative sound again. Mmmmm mmm!

I was revved up and ready to go so I quickly got in position and – more lube! – gave it all to him in one sweet thrust. Coby moaned loudly, encouragingly. That was all it took for me to realise exactly how revved up I was and what I needed, which was to give it to Coby hard and fast and come inside him. I grabbed his hips and started thrusting hard and deep, quickly picking up speed. After a minute I was pretty much wailing on his ass, jamming my pelvis on his as hard as I physically could. It was bliss. A high-energy, very physical kind of bliss. Coby couldn’t moan anymore because I was fucking him too hard, instead with each thump he let out a high-pitched “Ah! Ah! Ah!”

“Take it. Take it. Take my cock. Unh. Unh. Unh.” I was getting close. “Coby, I’m going to come inside you. I’m going to fill you with my cum.”

“Yes. I want your cum. Give it to me. Yes I’m going to come too. Fuck! Ooooooooohhhhh… Fuck me haaaaarder. Yes. Yes. Ah. Ah.”

Then he just screamed and forcefully pushed his ass back against me. And that sent me over the edge into a glorious, crazy orgasm. I thrust so, so deep and held it for a second. Two seconds. Then back to thrusting until the next spurt forced me to thrust deep and hold it. Repeat. Repeat. My head was exploding from sensory overload and I was blissing out. A huge, surely goofy open-mouth grin on my face, as I wailed on Coby between orgasmic spasms. My orgasm went on crazy-long. Coby stopped making any sound at all at that point, trying only to stay with me as we jerked and thrust, coming down from our orgasms. Bereft of energy I started to keel over, but took Coby with me so we ended up spooning again, my cock still inside him and I nuzzled his neck lovingly.

“Well, so, who ever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

“You’re eighteen, you moron!”

“Woof woof.”

“Woof woof yourself.”

“Woof woof yourself. Woah. Say that three times fast eh? Woof woof yourself; woof woof your…self; woof woof forswel… Fuck. See!”

“Shh.” I wanted us to wallow in afterglow. “I think I’ve just fallen in love with you, my pretty pretty boy.”

“Mm mm. Say it again.” He pushed back against me, jostling my still-hard cock.

“Ahh, so you like being my pretty one don’t you? You like it when I call you My Pretty?”

Coby looked up at me through his lashes, nodding with a campy sheepishness.

“I can’t help it. You’ve done something to me today. Helped me to some pretty heavy realisations about myself. My um, nature. Tendencies. Whatever. So I like cock apparently.”

“So it seems. And this is just the start! Well, can be… But we should get cleaned up. Me’ dad’ll be calling any minute.”

“Oh shit yesss. I totally forgot!”

I let Coby use the bathroom first. We were both presentable in time. Traffic can be a blessing. Dad eventually called. My prediction was spot on!


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