Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 05

A gay story: Blurred Responsibilities Ch. 05 Ryan was out with Isobel, sitting by Diego’s Lake near her property. He had brought over his inventory photo book and was currently going over some of the pieces that his family had restored. He pointed to one. “This one’s a rare one, some form of execution device. They would strap their victim down and inflict a thousand cuts, in which after, they’d put them in this cage to be strung up for the birds.

She shook her head, “how did you restore it and not mess up the… stains?”

He chuckled, “a lot of effort. To be honest the stains, while they were there, in the picture it’s not original. We cleaned some of it up and basically repainted it.” He crossed his legs. He could feel eyes on him but he didn’t want to seem like he knew he was being watched. A playful idea popped into his head about what Indo would feel if Ryan casually draped his arm around his niece and bring her closer.

Isobel leaned against the tree. “I’ve heard about that. Quite a bit of others too about how they would slowly pull a man down to the tip of a triangular pyramid thing and slowly sink him lower.” She looked away. “There’s a family once. It’s a story I hear quite often and I’m rather fond of it. This family had countless artifacts over the years, passed down.. everything from jewels to instruments of torture, to a ship that ended up being lost.”

Ryan perked his head up at that, her words cutting into a fantasy of him, Indo, straps and a bed. “What kind of ship was it?”

“A Three-mast schooner”

Ryan let out a slow whistle. “How did she go down?”

Isobel looked down at her hands. “It started with a fire. Unknown cause and sh- the family they had to grab what valuable possessions they had and flee. That ship was packed. Along the Atlantic ocean, someone hit their ship. It went down.”

Ryan heard some pretty awful stories in their business but hearing one about a potential sabotage, maybe one that wasn’t even solved to this day could do him a lot of good. He scooched closer to her and crossed her leg with his own, causing her to look up.”

“What did this ship look like? Did they catch who did it?”

Isobel picked a dandelion and placed it in his hair, “No. Besides, you might already have it in one of your museums.”

He rolled his eyes, “They’re not our museums. They’re our clients.”

“Surprised they haven’t been broken into yet. There’s a group that’s breaking into them, stealing valuables that were supposedly on the ship.” Isobel moved his leg and got up. “Think it would be in your best interest to find out what museums have what. Next time you come over, I’ll go ahead and bring what little paperwork I have on it.”

Ryan frowned, and realized what she might be offering. He stood up, “Your aunt’s business could prevent that. Security equipment right?”

She smiled, and picked up a pebble, skipping it along the water. “Maybe. Maybe I just want information.” She smirked and kissed him on the cheek. “For now, thank you for the lovely lunch. I have to get back or this damned weather is gonna make my hair frizz up. Let me know though yeah? We can match inventories to articles?”

Ryan managed not to flinch at the kiss. “Um.. yeah, that’ll be cool.” He picked up his book and took her hand, kissing the back of it. He hoped Indo would see that.

“Thank you. I know you’re just as eager as I am.” She smiled and started walking off.

He looked at the water, wondering why she wouldn’t jump at the idea of having these items protected even though she was completely invested in this case. Should he tell his family about these supposed break ins? Shaking his head, he started back up the trail lost in thought and even admittedly a little sad at the chance he’d have to give up what Indo offered. Speaking of that, it’s been a full week since he heard from him. Indo was strictly business around him and even though it was hot as fuck to see, Ryan had yet to see if he’d own up to what he said. That’s why he pushed him today and he hoped it’d pay off. The last thing he wanted was to kiss her. Ryan shuddered.

Before he could head back around to the front of the property, one of the security teams stopped him. “Indo wants you to see him in his office please.” She even smiled as she said it, which wanted to make Ryan smirk. He nodded and followed her through a series of hallways and doors before knocking on one and opening it. “He’s here, Sir.”

“Thank you, bring him here and leave us.”

She led him inside and shut the door.

Ryan took the chance to look around his office. It was nicely spacious with a window overlooking the garden out back and Ryan could see the hint of water before Indo drew a deep blue curtain closed. So he did see it. Excellent. Indo had a fancy computer on his desk, mahogany wood everywhere and an AC clicked on.

“Front of the desk with your hands on top.”

Ryan blinked, startled, “Sorry?” Indo wore a black shirt that showed off his muscles with a few buttons undone and Ryan wanted to undo the rest with his teeth so badly. Sink to his knees…

“Desk. Front. Now.”

Ryan could feel himself getting hard and made no effort to hide it as he went to the desk.

“Feet apart, hands on the desk.

He placed his hands firmly on the desk and closed his eyes. “Thought we could do this in the bedroom…” He smiled. He heard him pick something up and the teakwood cologne filling his nostrils.

“You need to deserve my bedroom. It’s a privilege. I told you NOT to touch her. Now, I have to stop what I’m doing, my JOB, and teach you some basic control. So you are not to move at all. Make all the noise you want but you won’t move your hands, nor your hips.”

Ryan whined. “But Sir… how else will I be able to make it believable if I can’t touch her?” He heard something being turned on and placed right at his crotch. He gasped and arched his back slightly. He pressed his hands more firmly against the wood, trying his best not to move his legs and hands as waves of pleasure overtook his brain. “Ohhh fuckk!!” He let his head rest against the desk, panting as Indo took it away.

“Good boy. You touch her only if she initiates it! That way, she’ll only be mad more at herself.” As a reward, Ryan felt his belt being undone and he bit his lip as Indo pulled his jeans down slightly. “Remember, no moving.”

Indo turned on the vibrator again and this time, reached around him, putting the vibrations right against Ryan’s still covered cock.

“Oh god, FUCK!” Ryan’s legs were shaking as he fought not to thrust against it. “Ohh fuck Sir! Ohh!” His nails were starting to dig into the wood as Ryan started panting. “Yes yes yes yes!”

“You move, I stop completely, and you go home hard.” Indo breathes against his ear. “Understand?”

Ryan nodded, not trusting his voice other than the drawn out moans. His voice raised goosebumps, and he knew he needed to hear that voice again. “Please, Sir!”

Indo took it away to give Ryan time to recover his breath. “So you can listen. Kick off your pants and your underwear.”

Ryan knew better. “But.. I can’t move Sir.”

Indo smirked and kissed Ryan’s neck a few times, in which Ryan moved his neck to give him more access. “You can move only to take off your pants and underwear. Afterwards, you go right back.” He stepped back and with shaking hands, Ryan kicked off his pants and pulled down his underwear. Placing his hands back where they were, Ryan noticed the slight mark his nails left in the desk.

Indo whispered into his neck again, “I gotta say, you look absolutely fuckable like this.” He ghosted a hand around Ryan’s ass and Ryan accidentally leaned into it before Indo backed away.

“Shit shit no no please don’t stop I’m sorry-”

“Shhhh… I know you wouldn’t be perfect the first time around. I’ll give you one pass for that.” Indo continued to caress Ryan’s pale cheeks.

“Thank you, Sir.” Ryan couldn’t look down but he knew he was probably leaking pre cum by now judging by how hard his cock was throbbing. “Please..”

“Shh.. you’ve been so good.” Indo reached his hand around, while pressing his whole body against Ryan’s. “Feel how hard you make me, baby boy?” He took Ryan’s cook in his hand and slowly started pumping it, rocking Ryan back against the desk to the rhythm of his hand. “And you’re fucking thick too…” He bit his neck.

“Yes yes yes, oh fuck Sir!” Ryan’s nails were back to marking Indos’ desk as he desperately reminded himself of the rules over and over in his head. “So good!”

“Yeah?” Indo pumped him faster, tightening his hold and playing with the tip of Ryan’s cock with his thumb. “Already so wet for me, you imagining me fucking you? Only good little sluts get that.” Another bite closer to his ear.

Ryan whined loudly, “oh god! Please please!”

“What do you want?”

“Make me cum! Wanna cum all over your desk, Sir!”

“Oh you wanna mark it huh? So every time I see it I’ll think of this moment?” He rutted against Ryan’s back harder, pressing him completely against the desk as his hand wrapped around Ryan’s throat, lifting him off, and against his body. “Let me watch you cum. Go on.” He jerked Ryan off, twisting his wrist, feeling Ryan start trembling. “You’re so close now aren’t you? Gonna cum all over this desk with my rutting? You want me that much? Cum! Prove it! Cum for me!” He tightened his hold.

Ryan gasped, arching against Indo. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck oh god DADDY!!” With a final moan, Ryan shot four long streams of sticky cum, watching it splatter on the desk and he felt Indo grunt a few times before feeling a wet stain from his back.

Panting, he gently let Ryan go. “Gonna disobey me again?”

Ryan shook his head, “No sir.”

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