Work Trip Fun

A gay story: Work Trip Fun I jerked awake as the plane touched the ground. Jesus, did I really sleep that whole flight? I thought to myself as I lifted off my eye mask and rubbed my eyes.

It was a early morning flight that got me to Atlanta at 10:30 am and allowed me to catch up on a little sleep after needing to get to the airport at 5am at the latest.

I was in town for a clients quick internal vendor meeting. Which meant I was going to be in a lightly air conditioned room all afternoon chatting with their employee’s as they wandered past my table. It was my first time doing this with this client and I was curious on the other vendors that would be in the room also. Usually it was a mix of guys who thought they were alpha jackasses and guys who were chill.

My product wasn’t in a competitive landscape with the other vendors I knew thanks to the list sent out beforehand. The manager usually tried to avoid sticking people with the same products in the same room.

I was stiff after the flight and already wasn’t looking forward to being on a plane again a little more than 24 hours from now. My flight back home left at 11 am the next day. Just a one day trip, so I was hoping it would all be worth it by the end.

I grabbed my bag, packed into the Uber, and listened to my podcast all the way to the hotel that was about 30 minutes away.

I checked my watch and was pleased to see I had more than enough time before needing to be at the site, set up, and ready by 2pm.

I checked in, unpacked, and then headed to the hotel bar to grab a slightly early lunch so I wasn’t sluggish by the time I got to the venue.

A salad and a beer later, I was changing into my work polo and heading back out of the hotel. It was very hot and humid. I wish I could have done the event in just shorts instead of the black pants I had on! It must have been north of 90 degrees and by the time the Uber arrived I was sweating just waiting in the shade.

The air conditioning in the car helped though and I was able to cool off before checking in and setting up my items on the table. Luckily it looked like there were only three other vendors there that day, so it wouldn’t be crazy busy.

I knew one guy who I’d seen at other trade shows, he was cool. The other two were nice when we all greeted each other, waiting for the employees to come down so we could talk their ears off.

One guy really caught my eye. He was with a company that sold those large industrial fans for warehouses and he was a cool breeze to look at!

He was probably at least 20 years older than me. I was guessing late forties or maybe even fifty. He was maybe an inch or two shorter than me. He introduced himself as Mark and had a really strong grip. His body had a really lean, hard look to him that must have come from being the handyman for his entire neighborhood! You could tell he used to be covered in muscles, but time had wrinkled his skin a little and had added a few extra pounds to hide a six pack.

Mark also had a silver necklace that was buried in his mountain of chest hair below his full beard. His hair was about medium length and pushed back with lots of flecks of grey interrupting the black hairs. His body hair that I could see from his chest was the same. It also looked like he had a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm peeking out of his dress shirt.

His left hand had jewelry too. A thick, gold wedding band. Too bad for me, I thought.

I let the dream that entered my mind of our naked bodies rolling around a massive bed drift from my mind. No point in getting worked up over something that wouldn’t come true!

I refocused and the afternoon passed quickly. Several successful mini meetings took place and I was confident the trip was worthwhile!

As I packed up and prepared to head back to the hotel, I felt someone standing nearby and looked up to see Mark standing at my table.

“Oh hi, I almost didn’t even see you!” I said in a little bit of surprise.

He laughed, “Well don’t be scared!” He held out his hands in a fake calm down position and smiled. “No, I was just curious if you were here tonight? I’m just looking to grab some food and drink at the hotel and usually don’t like to hang out alone when I can avoid it.”

His voice was slow and confident. He definitely seemed like a guy who knew what he wanted and took it. That thought wound up pushing my fantasies to the front of my mind!

“Yeah, I don’t fly out until like late morning tomorrow. What hotel are you at?”

“The Hilton, about two miles away.”

“Oh cool, that’s where I’m at too!”

“Lucky coincidence!” He said and I fought back a blush as he shot a big smile with gleaming white teeth framed by his beard.

“Yeah, I mean I still have to finish here and I’ll probably change, but I wouldn’t mind company either. Wanna meet at the hotel bar at like 7?” I offered.

“Sounds good to me, I’d offer to help, but I think I’ll have my hands full too!” He said gestured back to his table with two fully bags to take back on his flight.

“No worries!” I said laughing. “See you at 7.”

He gave a casual wave and took off with his stuff in tow.

Fuck me. I’m going to be up all night horny as fuck. I thought as I packed up and headed back to my room.

I undressed quickly and changed back into more casual clothes. I wore a pair of sneakers, cotton shorts, and a casual black tee shirt. I saw I had a little time and popped open my laptop to finish a few work items before going to meet Mark.

Before I headed out, I did a quick check in the bathroom. Re-applying deodorant, a quick cologne spray, and washed my mouth with mouth wash.

I was in my mid 20’s, lean, but in a runner sense, not muscular and hard bodied like Mark seemed. My body and groin area was shaved and I maintained that very well. I lifted my shirt and smiled at how my lean abs looked in the lighting. God I was vain, I thought and headed out the door.

When I got to the hotel bar, Mark was already there, sitting at the far corner. He looked like he went straight there after the event, still wearing the same chino pants, dress shirt, and boots.

He smiled and waved me over. “Hey, thanks again for making a little time for this old timer.”

“Haha no, you seem chill and I was probably going to be boring and watch movies all night or work anyway. You’re much better company.” I said blushing right away. Damn it man, don’t flirt, you’ll just wind up disappointed! I thought glancing again at his wedding ring.

I ordered an old fashioned and Mark continued to sip beers. He was on his third by the time our food arrived.

He was pretty cool, we had some light conversation about our work places, the travel woes of being away from home, I learned he had a wife and three kids. They’d been married for 25 years.

After about an hour, we were really getting into more fun conversations. We both liked baseball, though he was a Yankees fan which was disappointing. I was on my third old fashioned and couldn’t help but let my eyes drift around his hot body again. He had a bulge that made me desperate to see out of his chinos.

“So, do you want to have sex with me tonight?” Mark said casually.

My eyes snapped up and focused on his eyes again. Did I hear him right? He was smiling coolly and didn’t waver from meeting my eye contact, like he just asked if I wanted another drink. Maybe I misheard him?

“Um, what sorry, I missed that?” I stammered out.

He laughed and took another sip of his beer. “I said, do you want to have sex with me tonight?”

I blinked a couple of times. I mean yes, obviously, but was he just fucking with me? Or did he actually want to fuck me? Whatever, the risk was worth it.

“I mean, yeah I do.” I finally got out.

“Good.” Was all he said and took another sip.

I drank my old fashioned. “You’re joking aren’t you?”

He laughed, “No, I just thought you’re fun at the bar, you’re probably fun in bed too, and life’s too short not to ask!”

On that we agreed! “Ok, but I mean, aren’t you married?”

“Yes, but we’ve been together so long. She’s knows I’m bi. She allows me to have my fun and she has a little fun on the side too.”

“Wow, progressive.” I said.

“We think so.” He winked at me. “And we’re the happiest married couple I know.”

“Well that’s great. For you and me!” I said joking, not really sure where to go from here. I was a little thrown off track by how forward he was!

“Yeah, mind if we go to your room? I’ve got to head to the airport at like 5am, so might be easier.”

I smiled at the laying out of the logistics. “Yeah, sounds great.”

We each paid our tabs. He added on a bottle of Pinot Noir to take with us.

We finished our drinks in kind of stunned silence. The anticipation of the next moments of the evening weighing on our minds.

We set the drinks down and headed to the elevator. Glancing and smiling at one another while we rode to my floor.

We stepped out and I unlocked my room. His hand rested on my hip as I did so.

I felt my body heat raise at his first touch.

I pushed open the door and we went inside. He put the “Do Not Disturb” sign on and closed the door. We were hiding in darkness now as the shades were drawn.

I reached over and flicked on the bathroom light that was just off the hall.

He looked past me and, smiling, said, “A king bed, perfect for kings.”

His light hearted jokes put us both at ease.

“Do you mind if I shower first?” He asked. “Sorry, long day.”

“Oh, not at all. I’d prefer it actually!” I said chuckling.

He handed me the wine and went into the bathroom.

I set the wine down and kicked off my shoes and socks as I heard him turn on the water. I plugged my phone in and checked my messages real quick.

I heard him call from the shower, “You gonna join me or what man?”

Of course, god that would’ve been hot as hell to just hop in with him, stupid me! I undressed quickly. My cock was already growing with anticipation and was about half hard.

I stepped into the bathroom and he smiled at me from around the curtain. “Finally!” He said as his eyes roamed over me. “You’re worth the wait though, I love your body!”

“Hey, I’m a millennial, I get distracted!” I joked as I relieved myself before pulling the curtain and stepping in.

God he was a hunk, I thought as my eyes took in his naked body as he finished washing himself with a soaped up washcloth.

Black and grey hairs were everywhere. His body was hairy and tanned from his head to his toes. He even had a bigger bush than I’m used too. But that didn’t detract from his beautiful cock though. His cock hung at a semi and I could see he was packing!

I wasn’t small myself, about average, but I was sure he was going to have me by an inch or two when he was hard, and probably twice as thick too!

He did have a full arm sleeve on his right arm. As well as tattoos of his kids names on his chest over his heart. He had kept his necklace and ring on too I saw.

He was standing under the water. His hair pushed back and his body hair matted as the water coursed down his body.

“Come here.” He said and I stepped into his arms.

He grabbed a fresh washcloth and lathered it with body wash. I rested my hands on his hips as he started to wash my shoulders and down my arms. Then he began rubbing my chest with the washcloth. Then my abs and then he rubbed my cock with the cloth.

I let out a small moan as my sensitive cock was soaped up through his strong hands.

He smiled at me and motioned for me to turn around. I spun around and put my hands on the wall. I could feel his eyes roaming over me, taking every inch of my body in.

I felt his cock bump into my ass and noticed he was getting harder. I felt so sexy that he was getting hard just looking at me.

Then Mark ran the cloth over my upper back, lower back, and over my butt. My breath caught in my chest.

He squatted down and washed my legs, started at my feet. He stood up again and re-lathered the wash cloth.

“Fuck you are sexy!” He muttered behind me which made me smile. Then I felt his hands spread my cheeks. My breath was ragged in anticipation.

He ran the cloth down my crack. Then up again. Back down. Then put pressure on my hole. I moaned as he cleaned me, making sure I was squeaky clean for him.

All too quickly his hands felt my behind. Then he put the washcloth down and spun me around again.

His hands rested on my hips, I put my hands on his hips. Our lips were inches away and our cocks were poking each other. I was fully hard and painfully ready for an orgasm. I glanced down and smiled at his big, wet dick hanging between his legs.

Mark smiled one more time and then lifted his lips onto mine. I pressed back and our bodies steamed up the shower even more.

Our lips pressed hard into one another for a moment before opening and our tongues finding one another. I slipped my hands off of his waist and pulled them up to wrap around his neck.

His hands gripped the side of my hips hard, then relaxed, and moved back to cup my ass cheeks.

“Mmm you’re a good kisser…” I whispered around the spray of the water.

“That’s not all I’m good at…” he responded and he punctuated the end of that sentence by smacking both of his palms on my ass cheeks and gripping me tighter.

We kissed again and I couldn’t wait any longer. We separated slightly and I reached down with my right hand and gripped his cock.

He drew a deep breath as he felt me touch him. I could feel his heart race.

My hand fit nicely over his long, thick shaft. He felt heavy in my palm.

I slowly ran my hand up and down his length. Then gathered up a little body wash and lubed his shaft up and my hand start to slide up and down him easily.

He pulled his right hand off my ass and returned the favor. My cock twitching as he touched me the same way.

The sounds of our moans echoed in the shower as we met one another’s eyes. Our hands stroking the other closer to the edge.

Mark reached his left hand up and gripped my neck and pulled me to his lips again. I let my left hand fall and join my right in stroking his big dick.

I felt his body shudder and he pushed my lips back. “You’re going to make me cum baby, keep doing that, just like that!” He groaned and I could feel his cock pulse in my hand. I looked down in time to see his cum spurt out of his tip and splash against my stomach.

He kept cumming hard. His muscles tensing and his groans filling the room. I stroked him slower and slower as he subsided.

His chest heaved as he calmed down. His face turned red behind his beard and his wrinkled eyes looked at me filled with passion.

“You’re fucking good!” He said as he continued to stroke my cock.

I smiled back, too concentrated on my own feelings of an impending orgasm.

Mark’s free left hand pulled me to face away from him.

I felt his beard press between my shoulder blades. His right hand kept stroking me at a steady rhythm. His left arm wrapped around my chest and held me tightly with his hand on my pec.

I pressed back into him and felt his big dick with my ass and hamstrings.

My eyes closed as I felt closer to the edge. I heard Mark’s voice.

He lifted his head off my back and softly bit and kissed my neck. “You’re so fucking sexy, boy. The way you touch me and make me cum was so hot. I’m going to make you cum now. I want you cum hard for me baby.” He was whispering roughly in my ear.

I felt my cock ready to blow. “I’m going to cum Mark…” I cried out.

His hand immediately started to stroke me quicker and drive me right off the edge. My cum flew out of me, shooting hard into the tub.

“Good boy, cum hard for me, cum hard for me, good boy.” He said as I came.

He leaned away from me and smacked my ass with his left hand and then groped me hard as he continued to pump my cock slowly, draining me.

I bent at the waist and pressed my hands into the wall. Letting him feel me up and push me through my orgasm.

After a minute, I opened my eyes and pushed his hand away. My sensitivity was way too high!

I turned and we wrapped our arms around one another and kissed again. Our cocks hanging between us.

We washed off again. “Ready for wine?” Mark asked.

“Need a break old man?” I teased him.

“Maybe I just like wine?” He said back smiling as we dried off and wrapped the white robes around ourselves.

We poured the wine and drank two glasses while we chatted a little more. Mark leaned on his hands on the end of the bed. I was in the chair, facing the bed and propping my feet up next to him.

“So you just travel the world on these work trips fucking any hot guy you come across?” I asked playfully.

“When the wife’s away, the boys will play.” He said raising his glass in a mock toast and winking.

“I bet you’ve got a trail of guys wanting to see that pretty cock in action again huh?”

“Pretty? I’ve heard a lot of descriptors for my dick, not sure if I’ve heard pretty before!” He said with a booming laugh.

“Well, I’m an admirer!”

“And we’ve barely even done the foreplay too.” He said sipping his wine.

I felt my cock coming to life again at that implication and I could see his starting to tent in his robe too.

I set my glass down and he did too. I stood up and pushed the chair away. Then undid my robe belt and let it fall open. My cock was standing straight.

I moved in front of him as his eyes roved over me and I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him to his back with his legs on the floor. I climbed up and mounted him.

Then leaned down and kissed him. His beard tickled me slightly as our wet tongues found one another again.

His hands were on my hips again, feeling me slightly grinding my cock against his robe and my body against his covered cock.

“Stay right here…” I whispered and then slowly slid down his body. I kissed my way down to his thick chest hair and pushed his robe open. I leaned to the side and kissed his pec, and then repeated to the other side.

My hands found his belt and undid his robe and I pushed his robe open fully. His cock was hard and sprung up into my chest.

I kissed down to his stomach and wrapped my fingers around his shaft again. He let his hands drift up and onto my shoulders.

I lowered again and set my knees on the floor between his legs. My hand holding his cock up and towering at my face.

“Yeah, your cock is fucking pretty!” I said which got a smile out of him while I admired his thick, veiny cock.

His hands lifted up and he laid them behind his head. I leaned forward and kissed his cock head. It jumped slightly and I repeated that same kiss. He was sensitive on the underside I noticed.

I didn’t waste any time and let my lips drop over his thick head. I pushed myself down on his shaft and felt him press against the back of my throat as he gasped. I gagged a little.

“Good boy.” He moaned up into the room.

I lifted up and repeated that process a dozen times. Letting my saliva fall out of my lips and coat his shaft. His cock entering me over and over again. From the tip of his dick, down to his pubes I slid my lips over him.

Mark leaned up and his hands lifted me off his cock and kissed me. My hand still held his wet cock as I sat on my heels between his legs.

He kissed me softly and then I felt him urging me to stand up. I did and he guided me to lay down on the end of the bed, across his lap.

I let him lay me down with my hips on his thighs. My cock pointing straight down, my head tickling the bed cover. His cock between us and resting on my hip.

I could feel it’s wetness from my mouth and the raw power that it radiated.

Mark flipped my robe up and it bunched around my shoulders. He grabbed my butt cheeks with both hands and I moaned as he felt me up again. I felt his hand grip the hair on the top of my head and he pulled my face up to the mirror on the wall.

“Watch.” He said before going back to groping me.

I watched as he spread my cheeks and then leaned over. He let a drop of spit fall from his lips and the cool wetness smacked against my asshole.

“Fuck…” I groaned out.

He pressed his index finger against my hole and rubbed it around the rim. Letting the wetness spread around me. His free hand pushing my cheeks wide open.

I groaned as he pushed his finger into me. Penetrating me. I watch his face of concentration. I saw my face of desperate lust as he entered me.

Mark was deep inside of me with his finger, up to his knuckle. I felt him exit me slowly. Spit again. Then two finger pried me open and repeated the same process of pressing deep into me.

I groaned as I watched him finger me. My cockhead tingling against the bedsheet between his legs.

“That feels so good!” I moaned as he slowly fucked me with his index and middle fingers. Agonizingly slowly. I was desperate for more.

My breath sped up and I felt so horny watching this older man play with my ass.

After a few slow pumps with his two fingers, he withdrew again. The cool air felt good on my asshole.

He spit again and now I felt three fingers on my rim.

“Breathe baby.” He whispered and I relaxed as he pushed inside of me again. Three fingers this time.

I breathed out slowly and moaned as he continued to slowly fuck me with his fingers. Three fingers pulling out to my rim and then pushing deep to his knuckle.

In and out of me he slid, stretching me. While I moaned and groaned. My legs squirmed as he bottomed out in me. My ass was stretched around him and I still needed more.

“Mark, fuck me please, I need you to fuck me!” I begged as he looked into the mirror and met my eyes.

Without a word, he withdrew his fingers and I felt hollow. I slid off of his lap and he moved me to all fours on the bed, facing the mirror.

I dropped my head to the sheets and presented my fully prepped ass to him.

The bed shifted as he got behind me. I felt his heavy dick laying across my back. Then a wetness as he dripped lube onto his shaft.

I could hear as he spread the lube over his dick. Then another sensation of coolness as he dropped a little onto my crack.

I felt his big cockhead run along my crack and gather the lube and position at my entrance. He leaned forward and he pulled me up by my hair again to face the mirror.

“Watch.” He said and then he entered me.

My mouth hung open and I breathed hard as I relaxed my butt to let him inside of me.

He was staring at my ass as he pushed into me. I watched this masculine, older man enter me fully with his big cock.

I let him slowly push into me until I could feel his pubes. And then with the eagerness of a young man, I pressed my ass back into his hips and let him bottom out in me, urging him to fuck me.

My face was red as I handled his big cock. His hands gripped my hips hard. Then they smacked my cheeks. I felt a rush of heat and could feel my pale butt turning pink under his smack.

“Good boy.” He groaned and then like with his fingers, he withdrew slowly to my rim, and then pushed fully inside of me.

I watched as he opened me up with his cock. He was a pro! My ass stretched around his shaft and tested my girth limits.

I let my head fall again to the bed and presented myself ass up, head down for him.

His thrusts picked up pace at that sign for more and I felt the bed rock as his thighs and glutes pumped his cock into me over and over again. He used his full length every time.

The room felt hotter as he thrusted harder and harder. The wet smack of his hips and balls hitting my ass echoed in the dimly lit room.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” I cried out as my hands gripped the sheets.

SMACK! The sound clapped through the room as he spanked me hard with his right hand on my right cheek.

SMACK! His right hand reached over and treated my left cheek to the same hard spank.

SMACK! SMACK! He swatted both cheeks once more. Now I thought they were red instead of pink!

Then I groaned as he pressed his body over me and forced me to the bed. My cock trapped between the sheets and my stomach. His big dick stayed inside of me as we switched to a prone bone.

I could see the mirror easily as I lay on the bed. He was leaning over me, his arm and shoulders muscles gleaming in the dim light. His hairy body was glowing with sweat.

His left hand moved and gripped around the back of my neck. His grip was crushing me as he continued to fuck my ass hard.

I reached back and wrapped my fingers around his wrist as he gripped my neck. My other hand holding the sheets as he rode my ass hard.

I saw his face screw up in concentration and he met my eyes in the mirror. He didn’t have to say anything, I could feel his body thundering to another orgasm.

“Cum inside of me!” I moaned loudly and our eyes stayed locked on one another for a few more thrusts and then…

“Fuck!” He bellowed out and his dick erupted inside of me. His cock pulsing and shooting load after load deep into me. It felt like he was cumming in my stomach!

I cried out as he pushed deeper into me. His balls laying against me. His legs shaking slightly as he emptied himself inside of me. Then he pulled back and thrusted deep into me and held himself there. Then he did that a few more times urging every drop of his cum to force out and breed me.

I felt pulled like a rag doll as he rolled to the side and then to his back. My body laying on him now, my legs in the air. I cold feel his necklace and chest hair press hard into my back.

His cock planted firmly inside of me. I felt his cum seep out of me and onto his groin. Then he slowly slid his dick in and out of me a few more times as I held my legs up and he held me on top of him. I whimpered as he pushed into me again and again and again. This stud could really fuck and breed!

Slowly he calmed down and then rolled to the side and laid me down.

Without taking a pause, he stood up and used a towel to clean his cum off of himself. Then he slid it under my butt as I leaked his seed while laying on my back.

He looked at me. My eyes wild with passion, I needed to cum. He laid on the bed between my legs and pulled my cock into his lips.

My legs shuddered as he slid his lips up and down my length. His right hand held my base and jerked me in time with his lips.

I let my head fall back and it hung off the bed. I could see the mirror and in the reflection was Mark’s head bobbing up and down on my shaft. I watched him suck me hard. My hands resting on his head.

“I’m going to cum, you’re going to make me cum!” I warned him but he didn’t relent his blowjob pace.

I tensed, curled up to watch the top of his head, and shot deep into his throat. His head continued to bob up and down and swallowing me fully.

I pushed my hips up and held myself in his mouth as he swallowed every drop of my cum. With a pop, he pulled off after I was drained.

He wiped his beard with the clean part of the towel and smiled at me as he dropped to his back and laid next to me.

Our bodies were hot and we were still breathing hard. The room filled with the smell of sex.

My eyes were closed living in the moment after my body was fucked well. I felt Mark roll over and kiss my shoulder. I opened my arm and he laid his head on my chest, this thigh draping over mine. He patted my chest with his hand and he jokingly whispered “Good boy.” And we couldn’t help but laugh in post sex bliss.

“Mmm I love older men!” I said giggling.

“Thank you for not saying old!” He responded.

We laid together for a few moments more. Then he raised up and we kissed for a while more. Letting our bodies intertwine.

We showered and passed out naked under the covers. Our bodies pressed together wherever they could.

I woke up at around 4am to the toilet flushing. Mark came out and smiled at me. He was fully dressed and about to head back to his room.

He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over and kissed me.

“Stay here and fuck me again, take a later flight!” I pouted.

“I have to get back, but let’s do this again, next time we meet.”

“Add me to your list of travel hoes.” I said teasing and then he left to catch his flight.

I slept some more and then had to leave for mine in the mid morning. The night replaying in my head.

It’s not fun trying to hide a boner in athletic shorts on a flight while the previous nights hot sex replays over and over in your head!

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