His Seduction


A gay story: His Seduction ~Yes, I’m sure you’ve all heard this countless times before from many other readers, but this is my first attempt at a . . . er . . . sextual story, much less a gay one. But I had fun writing it, and I hope you will enjoy reading it. I think deep down, we all want to be seduced, right?

~~~~~~~~~~~ @>—,———- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Keith sat at the scarred wooden table working on his term paper in the small house he now called home. How he hated his business class! The only reason he was taking it in the first place was that taking it was the only way his father had agreed to pay for his schooling! His father had told him in no uncertain terms that he would take the class and than take his rightful place in the family business or else he would be cut off from his inheritance. Not that the money meant much to Keith, but he’d learned a long time ago that his father was not a person to cross. So here he was, his second year in college, and still struggling with his homework from one blasted class.

Frustrated over his homework, Keith looked around the small fraternity like house he called home with his two other roommates, brushing his black hair out of his eyes with a sigh. Being the only one still awake in the house at the moment, he could admit that they were a bunch of slobs. Just a few hours earlier, Jason had held one of his famous Friday night bash parties. Kids old enough to drink came from all over campus to relax and get friendly with anyone that looked halfway decent. Now in the early hours of dawn, the place was trashed. Cardboard pizza boxes and plastic cups littered the floors and furniture. At some time during the night, some drunken girl had managed to lose her bra, which was now hanging from the kitchen faucet. Keith was surprised that all of the partygoers had somehow managed to make it home, or to someone else’s home that was. Usually after one of Jason’s parties, most of them would be passed out around the house.

Hearing the upstairs shower go on, Keith reluctantly turned back to face his homework. He had to get some of it done before one of his well-intentioned roommates decided to drag him out for the weekend. For some unknown reason, they felt it was their duty to take him out every other weekend and try to get him laid by some overly willing girl. Mike, his other roommate, seemed to find amusement in Keith’s less than willing attitude to get rid of his virginity. His protests that he didn’t want to just hop into bed with some unknown girl when he didn’t have time for a relationship always seemed to make his roommate laugh. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate their efforts, some of the girls they picked out were beautiful, but Keith just didn’t want some one-night stand, it didn’t feel right.

Mike was an all around good guy; everyone on campus seemed to like him. Being the lead quarterback on the football team did seem to help his popularity status, though Keith was sure it was his Californian bodybuilder good looks that really caught the eyes of all the girls. Mike was 6’1”, blond with deep ocean blue eyes and the body of a Greek God. His smile alone could melt the coldest of hearts and had many times before, Keith knew. It seemed like nearly every night Mike had some new girl squealing with delight in his bed. Unfortunately for Keith, his room was right next to Mike’s and the walls were much too thin for comfort.

A few minutes later, Mike came down the stairs in a faded pair of jeans with a towel in hand as he dried off his hair, his bare chest still glistening with water from his shower. “Morning, Keith. You’re up early.”

Keith grunted a hello and tried to keep his mind on his paper. For some reason, he never seemed to be able to concentrate when Mike was around. Sure his roommate was intimidating, but Mike was one of his very best friends, there was no reason to be nervous around him. Unless Mike was trying to foist some girl off on him again, that was.

Mike leaned against the banister and watched Keith erase half a paragraph on his paper, nearly ripping the paper in his frustration. A smile haunted his lips as he watched Keith rise and pace near the table, apparently debating with himself on certain points that he had to have in his paper. He knew his shy roommate was having problems in his business major. He’d tried to convince him that he should just drop the class and save himself an ulcer, but Keith was determined to get through the class. Poor kid never seemed to realize all the fun he was missing out on that naturally came with college life. He’d even foregone the party last night because he’d had to study and said that he wasn’t old enough to drink anyway. One of the few rules in the house was no one drank unless they were twenty-one, strictly enforced by Jason.

Keith was good looking guy though not quite as well built as Mike. His body resembled more of a surfer than a bodybuilder. Mike’s little sister, Kelly, in college with them and a year younger than Keith, had said that Keith looked like the younger brother of one of those heroes on the front of one her beloved romance novels. At 5’9”, his black hair and dark steel colored eyes had drawn many appreciative looks from girls all over campus, though he insisted he simply didn’t see it. But Mike saw it. Mike saw a lot of things. It made him smile to think he knew things about Keith that Keith didn’t even know.

Feeling impish, Mike twirled the damp towel in his hands and struck Keith in the leg with it.

“Ouch!” Keith grabbed his leg and glared at Mike. “What the hell was that for?”

Mike shrugged and walked to the fridge to get a soda, the breakfast of champions and the only thing strong enough to battle his hangover from last night. “Just thought I’d try and help take your mind off of your studies for a moment, that’s all.”

“Geeze, sometimes you’re such a dick,” Keith said under his breath as he rubbed his now sore leg.

“Hey, Jason wants to take us out to that stripper joint he’s been telling us about for the last month. You up to going?”

Keith sighed and leaned back against the table, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why do you two always insist on dragging me out to go see half naked girls?”

“Would you prefer fully naked? I’m sure we could arrange it.” Mike grinned.

Keith glared at him, a blush creeping into his cheeks. “You know what I mean. Look, I’m just not interested in watching some girl parade around in her underwear while strange men throw money at her. That’s not my idea of a good time.” Keith looked down at his paper on the table beside him. “Besides, I’ve got homework I have to get done.”

“Man, you are so gay.”

Startled, Keith looked up at Mike, not sure whether he should laugh or get mad at such a bold and untrue statement. Yet something fluttered in his stomach when he looked at Mike, those deep blue eyes holding something besides amusement in their depths, but what, Keith wasn’t sure. Deciding laughter was better than picking a fight, Keith grinned, saying, “And you’re an ass.”

Mike laughed and took a swig of his Coke. Setting it on the counter, he shrugged. “Think about it man, you hardly ever date, you are never interested in the girls that drool all over you, and you just complained about being forced to go to a topless joint. Face it, you’re gay.”

“Fuck you, Mike,” Keith laughed sarcastically, shaking his head. “The only girls drooling over me are the ones that want to get closer to the blond muscle man that happens to sleep in the room next to mine. Last time I looked, they were not overly interested in the book worm.”

“You’re too hard on yourself.”

“Just being honest.”

“I think you’re gay and just don’t want to admit it.”

“Fuck you, man.”

“Better stop telling me that, or you’ll regret it.” Mike walked closer to Keith looking surprisingly like a cat hunting its prey. “If you aren’t gay, prove it.”

“Dude, lay off the alcohol for a while, will you? You’re giving me the creeps.” Keith, not liking the look on Mike’s face, started slowly backing away as Mike advanced on him. “What do you mean prove it? You mean go sleep with some nameless girl? I told you, I’m not into that. It’s cheap.”

Mike didn’t say anything, just kept advancing. When Keith turned and bolted, heading for the stairs, Mike grabbed him and slammed him against the wall, pinning his arms at his sides. Lifting weights everyday, he was definitely the stronger of the two and had no trouble keeping Keith were he was.

Keith wasn’t sure what the hell was going on. Trying to calm his pounding heart, since struggling was getting him nowhere, he figured Mike was still slightly drunk from the party just a few hours earlier. Panicking would only be feeding fuel to the fire. When his roommates got drunk, Keith would usually take off since he wasn’t old enough to drink. He’d always had to deal with their hangovers, but not when they were still drunk. Now what? “Look, Mike, I’m sorry I told you to go fuck yourself, okay? I’m sorry. I’ll even go to that strip joint, I promise. I won’t even complain.”

He gritted his teeth as Mike’s hands flexed on his upper arms, knowing he was going to have bruises later. Mike had one of the strongest grips he’d ever known. “You’re hurting me, Mike.”

Mike gave him an evil grin. “Time to prove you’re not gay. Don’t disappoint me.”

Keith nearly passed out as his best friend, the most popular guy on campus, leaned down and lightly brushed a kiss against his lips. The sensations flooding through him made his heart stop. No girl had ever made him feel like this, that was for sure, but this was wrong, wasn’t it? He wasn’t gay, he should not feel this good over a feather light kiss from another guy! What the hell was going on here? What was Mike thinking? His knees almost gave out from under him when he felt the tip of Mike’s tongue trace his bottom lip. His hands reached out on their own accord and held tight to Mike’s arms to keep from sliding down to the floor, a whimper escaping him.

Unwilling to open his mouth, Keith still felt his own lips push back with a closed mouth kiss of his own. All blood left his head, making him dizzy and harder than hell. Mike’s lips opened just enough to nip at Keith’s bottom lip evoking a small groan from Keith.

Mike pulled back from the kiss and moved to nibble on Keith’s sensitive ear. Keith closed his eyes momentarily as he felt that hot breath against his lob. What was happening to him?

Mike’s voice was low and husky, yet holding a thin line of amusement as he whispered into his friend’s ear. “You are so gay, man.”

Keith’s eyes shot open. It had all been some sick joke! A very twisted joke at that, made at his expense. But worst of all, he’d responded to the joke, his body betraying him in ways he hadn’t even thought it could. Did this mean he was gay, just like Mike had said? No, he couldn’t be gay! He liked girls!

Anger boiled in his veins as he heard Mike’s dark laugh. Not even caring that he would probably get the shit beaten out of him later for it, Keith brought his knee up and hit Mike in the crouch as hard as he could. Satisfaction flooded through him as Mike groaned out a curse and doubled over, falling to the floor holding himself and breathing heavily. Keith started up the stairs, but stopped half way up, turning back around. Rage and embarrassment flooded his face as he glared down at Mike. “Why did you . . . . If you ever tell . . . . Damn you, I’m not gay! I hope it hurts like hell, you ass!”

Fear crawled up his spine as Mike started to come to a sitting position, retaliation strong in his eyes even as he smiled. Keith didn’t wait around, but ran up the rest of the stairs.

Jason was just coming out of his room, looking tousled from sleep and alcohol. “Dude, what was that thud down stairs? It sounded like someone was in pain.”

To angry, frightened, and confused to say anything, Keith passed him and closed himself in his room, locking the door behind him. Leaning against the door, he panted and ran his hands through his thick black hair. What just happened? Surely he hadn’t been responding to a kiss from another guy! But then why did he feel disappointed that it had been just a joke?

“I’m not gay, I’m not gay,” he muttered under his breath fervently, absently rubbing the back of his head where a bump was forming from hitting the wall when Mike had pinned him. He could still feel Mike’s lips on his, his tongue caressing his lip. His cock twitched. “That bastard.”

He heard Mike come up the stairs and the blood drained from his face. Mike was going to kill him for kneeing him. He would never again have to worry about classes or his father or losing his virginity or anything at all because he would no longer be alive. Mike would break him in half and that would be the end of it.

Knowing from experience that Mike could break down any door in the house, Keith hurried to pull his student desk in front of the door. He stood back to look at his handiwork, than nearly panicked as he realized that the small aluminum frame would not hold out a 200lb man if he really wanted to get in. Hell, it wouldn’t even hold out a girl scout selling cookies! When Mike pounded on the door and demanded to be let in, Keith escaped out the window, jumping down into the side lawn. He had to get away from Mike until his friend calmed down enough that he wouldn’t commit murder, but where to go that the jock would never dare to follow him?

Keith grinned and headed at a dead run for the library.

It was cold outside when Keith finally headed home, night falling like a blanket over the campus grounds. Still mulling over the mornings events, a sigh escaped him. Not even his beloved books had been able to distract him from what had happened. He was nervous. Would Mike still be mad at him for kneeing him? Was he still mad at Mike for kissing him? No. Mike had been drunk, he was sure of it. But the whole kneeing incident had been enough to sober up anyone!

He walked into the house, determined to act normal. Jason and some redheaded girl were curled up on the loveseat in front of the TV, Mike on the other couch. They seemed to be watching some horror spoof where girls were running around screaming and taking off their clothes for no apparent reason. Keith knew without a doubt that Jason had picked out the film.

They looked up as he walked through the door.

“Geeze, man, where the hell have you been,” Jason demanded.

“Why should you care?”

Jason laughed and hugged the redhead closer. “I don’t, really, but I felt it was my duty to look like the concerned roomy. Don’t blow it for me!”

“Yeah,” the redhead said with a smile, her hand crawling up Jason’s shirt. “He’s trying to rack up sensitivity points with me so I’ll go to bed with him.”

Trying to ignore the fact that Mike hadn’t stopped watching him since he’d come in, Keith came in and sat on far corner of the longer couch trying to look calm, but staying as far away from Mike’s reach as he could. He smiled at the girl. “Is it working?”

“Hmm, I think it just might be.”

“So, where have you been hiding,” Mike asked in a nonchalant way.

Keith blushed, remembering why he’d left the house in the first place. Even in the library, his one sanctuary, he hadn’t been able to forget! It had plagued his mind relentlessly all day. Not meeting Mike’s eyes, he never saw the smile that tugged at those beautiful lips. “I didn’t really go all that far.”

Jason laughed. “The library again? You and your books, man. I don’t think I will ever understand you, Keith.”

Mike’s smile widened, his eyes still intent on Keith. “Oh, he’s not all that complicated. You just have to know what makes him . . . rise to the occasion.”

Keith’s eyes widened and he blushed again, looking at Mike in shock. What was Mike playing at? “Um, I think I’m going to head for bed. I have class in the morning and I don’t think I should sleep through it. Night guys.”

Classes bogged down the rest of the week so Keith didn’t have much time to spend at home and hang out. Most of his time he spent in the library. The few times he was at home Mike acted normal, thankfully. There were a few occasions when he would brush up against Keith, his hand lightly brushing his ass or some bump against him so there was some kind of body contact as he would reach for something or pass something to a friend. But Mike would always act as if nothing was wrong, so Keith blew it off, though he was persistently having trouble sleeping remembering those few seconds when their bodies would be pressed together.

Jason insisted on having a huge party for Keith’s birthday, even though most of the people he was inviting didn’t even know who Keith was and could have cared less. Keith gave in and agreed to the party, already determined to lock himself away in his room for most of the night. But when Friday night rolled around, Keith found himself dragged into the fray of students and had been told firmly by both his roommates that since the party was in his honor, he had to stick around for at least a couple of hours. They told him that since it was his birthday, he could have a little beer, being a special occasion and all. Even Kelly showed up at the party, dragging him into the back room where most of the dancing was going on. Before long, he was dancing to some dark song about outsiders looking in. The night was actually turning into a good night.

“Hey, you’re not a bad dancer, Keith,” Kelly muttered into his ear as their bodies intertwined on the dance floor. “You know, if I didn’t like my boyfriend so much at the moment, I’d demand you take me to your room right now.”

He laughed.

Her pale blue eyes looked into his, a smile on her lips. “You think I’m kidding? Damn, the way you dance makes me hot enough to drag you down to the floor right here right now and have my way with you!”

“But you care for your boyfriend, right?”

She sighed dramatically. “I do, damn him. Can I call you up if I ever dump him for being the jerk I know him to be?”

“Anytime, love, anytime.”

Keith danced several more songs with her, moving his body rhythmically to the music. He’d always felt that dancing was an erotic form of art. Apparently, Kelly thought so, too, as she swayed her body rhythmically in tune with his. If she hadn’t been Mike’s little sister, he’d be sorely tempted to make a move on her. She was one of the few girls that really interested him.

A few hours later, he finally decided to make his way out of the party and maybe catch a few hours sleep. Making his way to his room he closed the door and turned on the light. The music from downstairs vibrated through the walls, making him smile. He wondered vaguely how many people would still be here in the morning under the pretense of celebrating his birthday.

Stripping off his shirt, he threw it into a corner and collapsed onto his bed. Sitting up, he struggled to pull off his sneakers.

The morning had begun with Mike and Jason barging into his room, dragging him into the shower and turning it on cold while they sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. Kelly had stopped by, dragged them off of him, and handed him store bought cupcakes and gave him a birthday kiss he wouldn’t soon forget. Shortly after that, his father called to tell him that his grades needed to improve or he wouldn’t get his allowance (which he used for rent) and by the way happy 19th birthday. When he reminded his father that it was his 20th birthday, his father told him in no uncertain terms, “Then start acting your age, damn it,” and hung up. It was just about the nicest conversation he’d ever had with his father. The rest of the day had gone fairly smoothly, besides the fact that Mike had been giving him strange looks all day.

“Enter at your own risk,” he called when someone knocked at his door, throwing his shoes and socks over near the window.

Mike entered with a bottle of beer in each hand and a grin on his face. “Hey, you’re not going to sleep yet are you? It’s only,” a quick look at his watch, “three in the morning. The sun isn’t even close to rising yet, so it’s still early!”

Keith laughed and took one of the beers Mike offered him, scooting over on the bed as Mike sat next to him. Though his nerves jumped at the thought of being alone with Mike, Keith shrugged it off. If Mike wasn’t going to make a big deal about it, than neither would he.

Mike took a swing on his beer. “You’d better drink that. You wont be allowed to have anymore until your next birthday.”

“Yes, Dad,” Keith laughed sarcastically.

“So, how does it feel to be twenty now? You feel any different?”

Keith put his unopened beer on the night table and flopped back on the bed, his hands behind his head staring at the small glow-in-the-dark stars he had put there several months ago. His roommates often teased him about them, but those stars let him dream, so he kept them up. “No, I don’t feel very different. How did you feel when you turned twenty?”

“Oh, that was way too long ago to remember. I can’t remember much of what happened two days ago, much less what happened two years ago.” Mike put his own beer down and looked at Keith. Keith had closed his eyes, a pleased smile on his face as he talked about some stupid thing Jason had been doing a little earlier at the party. After all his grumbling about having to go to the party, it looked like he had really enjoyed himself. His black hair fell over his forehead and Mike’s fingers itched to brush it back. Knowing he wouldn’t have a better chance than this he leaned down, held onto Keith’s wrists and kissed him.

Keith’s eyes went wide. A whimper rose in his throat as Mike’s tongue invaded his mouth. The kiss was demanding, yet surprisingly gentle. Keith soon found himself kissing Mike back with just as much need instead of trying to turn his head away, feeling himself growing hard at the possession in the kiss. He lost himself in the moment, feeling Mike’s tongue make love to his own, never knowing that such a simple kiss could be so pleasurable. He felt Mike’s body cover his, Mike’s hips slowly grinding down onto him.

When Mike came up for air, Keith’s eyes were wide and uncertain, his breathing uneven. He couldn’t seem to meet Mike’s blue gaze, so he stared over his shoulder instead. How was he supposed to react? He knew he wasn’t gay, but his cock had never been harder than it was at this moment. Licking his lips, he panted, “M-Mike?”

Mike kissed the tip of Keith’s chin, breathing hard. “Don’t fight it, Keith.”

“I-I don’t understand, is this another joke? If so, I’m not finding this very funny.” Desperately trying to comprehend what was happening to him, Keith struggled against Mike’s iron grip, his hips coming off the bed in an attempted to free himself and dislodge Mike. He needed to stand up, to put some distance in between them so he could breath, so he could think, but Mike’s grip was to strong to break! Keith decided he really needed to start going to the gym! Panic was rising in him at an alarming rate. This wasn’t happening, it couldn’t be. But if it wasn’t, why the hell was he so turned on?

“No it’s not a joke, far from it.” Mike groaned as Keith moved his hips again. “Please stop wiggling around, Keith, you’re killing me.”

Realizing that he could feel Mike’s hard-on against his thigh, Keith did as he was told and stopped moving. Was Mike turned on?

Mike looked into Keith’s uncertain eyes and smiled. “I’m not going to hurt you, Keith, I promise, but I need you very badly right now and I’m not going to be taking no for an answer. It hasn’t been easy keeping my hands off of you this last week, you know.”

“But you’re not gay! I hear all the girls you have in your room! And I’m not gay . . . am I? No, no, I’m not.”

Mike gave a low, dark laugh. “I’ve been bi-sexual for quite sometime. And, like it or not, so are you or you wouldn’t be throbbing right now the way you are.”

Keith blushed and looked away, trying to will his erection away to no avail. Damn treacherous body!

“Please, just give me tonight to hold you, let me teach you all the things your body craves. Anything beyond tonight is totally up to you, but let me have this night with you.” Knowing that he couldn’t simply force his best friend into it, he let go of Keith’s wrists. When Keith didn’t struggle, but looked at him with uncertain and pleading eyes, Mike grinned and started to kiss his way down Keith’s jaw and down throat.

Keith gasped as Mike took one of his hardened nipples into his mouth, lightly nipping on it with his teeth. His tongue swirled around the sensitive nub until he made Keith groan, then moved on to the next. Mike’s hands found the front of Keith’s pants and soon had them undone and was slowly pulling them down with his boxers, his mouth never stopping its ministrations to Keith’s nipples when Keith’s hands stopped him.

“Mike, I don’t know how to, um,” he stuttered, not sure how to verbalize his distress. Could this situation get any worse? Not only was he a novice, but now he had to point it out! “That is I never, um-“

Mike gave another low throaty laugh as he looked into Keith’s worried eyes. “If you are anything at all in here like you were out there on the dance floor with my sister, believe me, you have nothing to worry about.”

“You were watching me?”

“I couldn’t take my eyes away from you.” Looking deep into Keith’s eyes, he whispered with a smile, “I’m sure you’ll learn this quicker than you do that damn business class. And I can guarantee you’ll enjoy it more.”

As Mike began sliding down his pants, Keith’s face heated and he closed his eyes, gripping the bedspread with clenched fists. He was embarrassed at how hard he’d become. Never having compared his cock with friends in high school, he wasn’t real sure whether it was a good size or not. What if it was too thin? Or too thick? What if he came too soon? Would Mike be disappointed? Would he laugh at him? Why hadn’t anyone told him sex would be so fucking stressful?????

Afraid he was going to hyperventilate, Keith took a deep, shaking breath.

He felt his pants slide off, heard them thud to the floor. Then a deafening silence fell about the room, as he lay there naked in front of his best friend. He held his breath, waiting for Mike’s ridicule, but it never came. Taking a chance, he slowly opened his eyes to find Mike grinning at him. “What?”

Mike let out a light laugh. “This might be a lot more pleasant for both of us if you relaxed a little. Don’t be so nervous.”


When Keith didn’t relax in the slightest, Mike laughed again and began prying the bedspread from the death grip Keith had on it.

“Oh.” Keith let go of the bedspread and concentrated on breathing. Breathing was good, he had to remember that.

Mike sat up and took off his own shirt, his broad muscular chest smooth. Leaning down on his elbow, he let his fingers slowly trail down Keith’s ribcage and stomach, delighting in feeling the muscles jump at his touch. He let his hand play in the small amount of coarse dark hair surrounding Keith’s cock. It was long and hard at a wonderful eight inches, uncut. Precum leaked out of the tip, the clear fluid running down the side. “Your cock is beautiful, you know that?”

Keith blushed, wondering whether he should respond in kind. No! Of course not! He hadn’t even seen Mike’s cock yet, how could he say he had a beautiful one too?

He felt Mike move on the bed, but didn’t have the courage to see what he was doing. Before he knew it, Mike’s mouth had wrapped its self around Keith’s cock.

“SHIT!” Keith gasped and came to a sitting position as electricity shot through his body. He’d never had such wonderful sensations on his cock before! Not even when masturbating. Mike’s mouth seemed to suck it in, his tongue playing around the tip. Then sliding down the length, taking it farther into his mouth. Keith nearly shot his load right then and there when Mike took him into his throat!

Mike’s free hand came up and fondled Keith’s balls, rolling them around. Sometimes he would take his mouth off just long enough to take one of them into his mouth, his hand stroking slowly up and down Keith’s length. Occasionally, he would reach his finger down into Keith’s ass, moving it around slowly, Keith nearly passing out with the pleasures that created!

Within a few minutes, Keith knew he couldn’t hold off. “Mike, I’m – I’m going to cum!”

Mike began sucking harder.

Keith couldn’t hold it in. He came harder than he’d ever cum in his life, and Mike never missed a drop. Keith grew dizzy and light headed, flopping back on the bed.

Mike came up in front of him smiling, his lips glistening. “Mmm, that was nice.”

When Keith finally caught his breath again, he grinned as well. “I’ve never felt anything that felt that good before.”

“And we’re just getting started.” Mike leaned down and kissed him again. Keith could taste his cum on Mike’s lips and tongue and found himself growing hard again. “It’s going to be a long night, Keith. I hope you’re up for it.”

Keith’s grin widened. With Mike, he was up for anything.


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