The Logging Road Pt. 01

A gay story: The Logging Road Pt. 01 Jason began unbuttoning his trousers as he and his driver stood beside the road. From behind the fabric, his erection throbbed; his dick expanding and stiffening with each pulse of his pounding heart. He cautiously eyed Andrew as he too unbuttoned his pants, pulling out his soft penis.

Though Jason is in his early twenties, this was only his second time seeing another cock. Andrew’s was not smaller, nor larger than that of most men’s, but perhaps it only seemed extra large because of his own inexperience laying eyes upon them.

Pulling his light brown foreskin back a little, the golden stream didn’t take long to rush out and plunge down the slope. Andrew was pretending to be unaware of Jason’s indiscretion. This moment of relief was being spied on by his younger passenger, but he knew, and he felt compelled not to protest…in a way, he felt flattered.

Taken aback by Andrew’s white body and yet slightly darker genitals, Jason mused how his own cocoa-colored dick was the same shade as the rest of him. He watched as Andrew flicked his cock about, doing the shake, and then started buttoning himself up. Finally, his own stream began and he was able to do his business and get back in the truck.

They both hopped into the 1930 Chevrolet Pickup, it was nearing a decade in age, and yet it took these old logging roads real well. The shocks were a little bouncy, each time they went over some ruts, it shook the two men around. Jason enjoyed it, he liked the way Andrew would grip the wheel each time, his golden-hued knuckles turning white as he squeezed the brown leather. Not only that but his tight trousers and the jostling of the vehicle combined to create a rather pleasurable sensation in his pants. He could feel the head of his cock jiggling and thrusting slightly within the confines of his foreskin with each shake and bump of the truck.

“I really appreciate you driving me into town,” Jason said, breaking the silence between them.

He wanted to emphasize his gratitude. Men of Jason’s color weren’t treated well in this country, especially not in these rural backwoods. However, things were different between them, Andrew is the older brother of his best friend, Isaac.

He continued, “I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t important.”

Andrew gave a cordial smile and nodded his head once, “Think nothing of it, my friend. It’s not your fault the telegraph cables are down, these old trees blow over all too frequently. Besides, I always need an excuse to drive into ol’ Stumptown, I can acquire new parts and tools, and even pick up a few things for Mother and the Mrs.”

“Even still, I wish I had the funds to help you out with the gas, at least.”

He waved his hand dismissively, “Jason, I wouldn’t have it. You’re a friend in need, besides, you think Isaac would stand for it if he heard I drove you to Portland and demanded payment! Never.” His eyes scanned the winding road and the massive fir trees that obscured it.

Jason nodded, then remembering something, he inquired, “How is Ike? Have you heard from him? I do miss seeing him around.”

“Oh, he’s doing fine, just fine,” he paused to slow down for a rather sharp turn on the rugged hillside. “He’s a foreman now.” Rubbing his lips with the fingers on his left hand, he cracked a smile as he reminisced, “Isn’t it funny how life works, we all go our separate ways sometimes, and live lives differently than expected. It seems not too long ago, you and Ike were wrestling each other for the last butterscotch, now you’re grown men making your way in this world.”

Jason had only half of his attention, the rest of him was admiring the contours of Andrew’s body. His cock stirred in his trousers, and he felt it stiffening again, it was like the thing had a mind of its own.

As Andrew scanned the forest, their eyes met, but only fleetingly, the younger man sheepishly turned his head away. He was confused by this behavior until he spotted the growing bulge against Jason’s inner thigh. With a quick glance at the road ahead, he turned back to the bulge. He’d never seen a black man’s dick before, never thought about it, but suddenly he couldn’t help his curiosity.

“And how’s the Mrs.?” Jason tried desperately to shatter the awkward silence of his embarrassment.

His eyes kept rolling back to the bulge as if some force had continued to tug at his attention. Andrew started to feel his own manhood stir as his curiosity got the better of him. He blinked hard, trying to focus back on the road. “She’s…she’s alright. We get along, but…” Andrew couldn’t help but steer the conversation down an unfamiliar path, “sometimes I feel a bit neglected.”

The young man turned to look at him, a thirty-something man, ten years his senior. The muscles that gripped the wheel were that of a railroad crewman. He hauled out rotten ties from the track, and with nothing but sheer manpower, he and his crewmates thrust the new lumber under the rails and pounded the spikes in with their sledgehammers. His body was just the right amount of man.

“In what way do you feel neglected?” Jason had no sooner asked the question than suddenly predicted the answer.

Taking a gulp to ease the lump in his throat, Andrew took a chance to discreetly hint at his desire at that moment. “Well, you know, a man and woman occasionally perform their marital obligations, but it’s not nearly as often as I wish it would be for us.” He cocked an eye towards Jason, hoping he’d pick up the hint.

With his heart hammering in his chest, and his eyes glued to a spot on the windshield, he replied, “I’m sorry to hear that.” He took a moment to breathe. “If there was something you wish she would do more of at least, what do you think it would be?”

“Well…uh…I suppose most men just want to screw their wives all the time, but I wouldn’t need it that often if she could just give me a little more mouth action.” He sniffed, hiding his anxiety and trying to seem casual and confident. “You ever had the pleasure of mouth action?”

Jason’s breathing increased, making him a little light-headed. He lied, “No…I…no, I’ve only ever thought about using those skills on a woman.”

Andrew burst out laughing, startling Jason with his boisterous howling. “No, Jason!” he sucked in air between his giggles, “I meant…I meant if you’ve ever received mouth action!”

Sinking down into his seat and feeling his cheeks warm up, Jason tried to shield his embarrassment with his hand over his face.

As Andrew settled down and took another sharp turn, he managed to continue the conversation. “You’re a funny guy, my friend, but I like the way you think. Perhaps getting it from another man would feel even better. I’m sure a man would know better how to handle a dick. An entertaining notion.”

Jason’s erection swelled again, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Andrew, he was now directly staring at his groin. The very idea that another man was watching his cock grow from inside his trousers, and not wanting to look away, made him even harder.

“We’re a long ways out from the village and from Portland. I don’t suppose we’d see another soul for hours, especially not out here in these backwoods. What do you say we pull over and stretch our legs?”

Jason nodded.

The truck pulled off the road, down a much narrower and more rugged logging road. Driving just a bit into the old-growth forest. The vehicle lurched to a stop next to a large Douglas Fir.

Jason suddenly felt Andrew’s heavy hand on his thigh, it stroked his leg with an open palm. The erection stiffened to its maximum and he let out a moan of pleasure. The hand then slid down between his legs and wrapped around his bulge, giving it a firm but gentle squeeze.

“You’ve certainly developed into a fine man.” Andrew gulped again. “Why don’t you show me what you got?”

With another nod, Jason began to unbutton his trousers while the man got out of the truck, and circled around to the passenger side, opening the door so that he could get a better view. His dick was so hard that it took a bit of work to get it out of his pants. It was a little over average size, the foreskin still half-covering the head, and it stood upright.

Both men were excited beyond measure, Andrew had never considered looking at another guy’s genitals, and Jason was not used to showing off his. They were nervous and elated, both because they had known each other platonically for so long, but also because they mutually trusted one another.

They were treading into dangerous territory. If anyone caught them like this…and what they were about to do…they could both be lynched. For the young black man, there was an added terror, these backwoods folk favored Andrew and might forgive him, but they merely tolerated Jason and would still demand his blood.

And yet, they crossed that boundary, to feel the pleasure of this taboo.

Andrew admired the dick, cupping his balls and then pulling down his foreskin to see the plump, pink head poke out. A small pearl of pre-cum beaded up on the top of the head, and he used his finger to rub it around. This was so new to him, so foreign, yet familiar. Another man’s cock was in his grasp, not his own. It’s an experience that he will never forget.

Jason moaned again, so utterly aroused by the situation, and feeling the warmth and firm grip of the other man as he was being stroked. The fact that the grip was not his own, he no longer controlled the pleasure, he exposed his most vulnerable part to another man and let him control it.

He wanted to see the penis that he saw minutes ago off the side of the road. He wanted to see what it does as it gets hard, how it looks erect, and how it behaves when it launches semen out of it. Placing his hands on Andrew’s groin, he waits to get the approving nod from the older man. And with it, he then unbuckles the belt and undoes the buttons of the man’s fly. With each button the flaccid bulge juts further out of its confines. Jason’s heart was hammering.

Peering down as the younger man carefully pulls down his slacks and underwear, Andrew is nervous about his manhood being touched. But he was so curious about the situation. Curious how the young man would react to seeing his cock. Curious to know what it feels like to be gripped by another man this way. Curious to see if he gets hard and what kinds of pleasure Jason intends to give him.

From behind the fabric wrapping, the flaccid cock and balls sprang forth, dangling helplessly in the open. A rush of adrenaline coursed through the young man as the sight of Andrew’s genitals was electric. He’d known this man for a long time, and though he’d felt stirrings when thinking about acting upon his desires with other men, he had never before considered it with him. Jason never expected that he would one day be here, face-to-face with the hairy manhood of his best friend’s older brother. This is only the second white man’s cock he’s ever seen, and he was genuinely eager to investigate it.

Heat radiated from the man’s groin, right into Jason’s face, and it sent electric jolts of pleasure through him. He reached up and ran his fingers through the brown and bushy pubic hair…it was full, and it was wiry, but everything about the density and texture was so masculine and exciting. His hand slid down to gracefully brush the soft length of the dick in front of him, protected in its foreskin covering. The skin on it was a sort of dull brown, and the scrotum which supported the two fat testicles, was a shade darker still.

Jason opened his mouth wide and used his tongue to coax the dick into his mouth. With his hand, he cupped the balls. That radiating heat he felt earlier was now a welcome respite from the chilly late Autumn bite of the Pacific Northwest. The pubes tickled his nose and cheeks, and inside his mouth, the cock gave a single pulse of excitement. The young black man started moving his head back and forth, feeling the flesh beneath the skin gliding with the motion. Suddenly, there was a sweet flavor that spread across his tongue, and when he investigated it, it was slippery and gooey. It was Andrew’s pre-cum, and it was delicious.

In the cold air, the hot sensation of the mouth sucking and pulling on his dick was so welcoming. In his hand, Andrew felt the younger man’s cock throbbing, more pre-cum leaked out from the tip and so he used it to lube the rigid meat. He had never before considered laying a hand on another man’s penis and here he was stroking one. He rather enjoyed it, it felt thick and substantial in his grasp. It wasn’t much smaller than his, but due to his own inexperience, it seemed as if Jason’s was bigger. Cocking his head to get a better look at the black bouncing sack beneath his grasp, he extended his finger so he could feel the silky, tight wrinkles of the scrotum. Again, a familiar feeling, but so foreign because it was not his own.

Jason couldn’t help the smacking of his lips against the shaft, the slight sucking force he applied to it was making the occasional noise. He didn’t realize that the sound was actually turning on his sexual partner. Soon the flaccid cock began to thicken, and then lengthen…all the while it became warmer and more solid with each pass of his lips and tongue. With his hand still cupping and gently rolling the plump balls, he used his free hand to grasp the now fully erect shaft as he removed his mouth from it. Pulling the foreskin, back, it revealed a spectacular glans with microscopic speckles of pink, lavender, and red, the little pigments of flesh that made a beautiful color similar to that of a nailbed on a finger. He stuck out his tongue and tickled the cock slit and frenulum which made Andrew throw back his head and moan with pleasure. The young man rolled the foreskin forward and sucked and licked the excess skin itself. He then thrusted his wet tongue into the foreskin and glided it over the slippery head of the cock, which made the man rock on his heels with the sensation.

Andrew tightened his grip on the smooth cock in his hand. Pulling and pushing on the foreskin, feeling the gooey wetness of the younger man’s cock head gliding across his palm. The ridge of the little helmet was rubbing into his hand. He felt the warmth of Jason’s mouth enveloping his cock again, and he nearly lost his footing but was steadied by the black man’s hands wrapping around his butt. The older man watched as Jason wetted his lips with the cock’s precum and rubbed the lips over his glans.

As Andrew began thrusting his cock into Jason’s mouth, the younger man enjoyed the fact that his balls were smacking against his chin. The wiry pubes and loose scrotum brushed his skin. The movement generated a breeze tinged with the scent of Andrew’s manhood. He squeezed his fingers over the older man’s buttocks, trying to get handfuls of it and enjoy the firm nature of the flesh.

Jason felt his own cock rolling near the climax. He moaned; the vibrations of his throat translated into the thick cock in his mouth which then manifested into a groan of pleasure from Andrew. The black cock was teetering on the edge, his head gliding in and out of the man’s palm…then suddenly, he rolled over into powerful jolts of pleasure. He breathed heavily, the air rushing out of his nostrils and blowing the pubes away from his nose.

Andrew was stunned with fascination as he watched ropes of cum launch from the little slit on the cock. The semen landed on his forearm, hot and viscous. He was entranced at the sight.

I did that, he thought to himself with exhilaration. I made him cum!

The idea that his touch, his influence could cause another man to descend into such pleasure had excited him even more. It was then that Andrew felt his own dick stiffen even more, a sure sign that he was nearing the finish. His partner must have sensed it too, because he sucked harder as he thrust his hips into him.

“Will you eat what I give you?” He asked the younger man.

Jason moaned approvingly.

“That’s good,” Andrew grinned, “I’ve got a lot to give you.”

With the black man’s cum running down his arm, Jason thrusted faster into his skull. And then he felt the point of no return. Like an assault of pleasure, fast spasms rocked through his body, he could feel his own semen squirt into the man’s mouth.

From the very first spurt, the cum began to choke Jason. He felt the cock in his mouth pulsing in quick frequency, shooting more of his load into him. He couldn’t breathe, yet the dick was still thrusting in and out of his mouth. An attempt to swallow the hot fluid only made things more difficult. Coughing, labored breathing, moaning from being overwhelmed…Jason soon felt the white liquid spilling out from his lips and coating his chin.

The thrusting gradually subsided, the salty cum filled any remaining space in his mouth, and he swallowed as much as he could just to help him breathe. Finally, he pulled himself off of the cock as it slumped down with a shimmering coat of saliva and semen. He was gasping for air.

Their eyes both met. Andrew’s face was flush with red, sweat beaded on his forehead, and he was exhausted. Jason’s mouth was overflowing with cum, he was desperately sucking in air. They were both a mess. Cracking a smile, they then broke out in laughter, collapsing into the seat of the truck together.

They would have to clean themselves up with shop rags that Andrew kept for unexpected maintenance out on the road. And after they were done with their duty in Portland, they’d have to drive the long stretch back. It wasn’t over. They still had another chance for more. They desired to try new things when they could again drive out onto the logging road.

To be continued…

***AUTHOR’S NOTE*** If you enjoyed this story, please leave a comment, and consider reading my other stories. This story will continue into a short series.

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