That Farm Summer

A gay story: That Farm Summer Just a quick one based a little on things I’ve done, a few people I’ve met, and a whole lot of creative license. Everyone is over 18 and any resemblance to those living or dead… Well the names are changed and stuff might have happened but I doubt anyone figures it out. Realized the other day it had been a while since I had posted anything new and it’s not from lack of writing as much as it is lack of finishing.

It was the middle of nowhere. Ten miles to the nearest town and it wasn’t big town at that. One Wendy’s, a few other restaurants and a diner. Mostly AG related stores. Not that they went to town much anyway.

It was a summer gig. I was in my second year of a degree in AG economics and at that point you really didn’t know much. I was lucky to get anyone to pay me. Pretty much the minimum and room and board but if you got good reports you might end up with something more interesting your next year.

It was a family farm running some cattle, growing hay, milk cow, chickens and doing some custom farming to fill in. I suspected they made more on the pheasant hunts that took place in the fall from the rich city boys.

Roy was the dad, Jeannie the mom, and two boys of 18 and 19, Jay and Josh. Apparently there was a daughter too but she’d gone to school and off the farm for a while now.

Room and board was an old bunkhouse I shared with the boys and Roy and Jeannie lived in the small, one bedroom house. Jeannie fed us well which was a good thing because we worked our asses off. Irrigation every day, feeding animals, moving cows off of pasture, cutting hay, and keeping up the irrigation ditches. I’d learn about farming a bit more from the business end to from Roy.

We settled into a routine pretty well and most of it involved work. I did my best to read a lot when I was there and there was bit of privacy when the family went to church. That apparently wasn’t thought of highly but nobody said anything. Have to admit I mostly used the opportunity to jack off.

Jay and Josh were chill and not bad as roommates. I’d already done roommates in college so didn’t have any problem with it. They too were bored a lot of the time and we’d go shoot starlings sometimes in afternoons or cans and stuff. Jay had a town girlfriend that he’d borrow the family car to visit but he wasn’t doing it all the time because of the time and amount of gas it took. We’d workout sometime but honestly all the physical labor we did normally took a lot of that energy away.

It was a couple of weeks in and Roy an Jeannie were gone for some reason. It was hot as hell during the day so we relaxed a bit putting off moving the irrigation spread.

Roughhousing is what they called as kids. Wrestling for the hell of it because we were bored and it was hot out there. We’d go have to move the irrigation set in a couple of hours. Wasn’t much TV out there and Internet was Satellite and you paid a lot for not much. The family rationed most of the bandwidth that came with it.

I was pretty confident I could take them both. I was bigger and probably stronger. Well over six feet and 210 pounds. My years of football and gym work showed. Especially compared to their wiry, slender bodies.

“So you think you can take me? ” questioned Jay and his confidence should have been a warning.

“Yeah, I think I could.”

“Willing to make it a bet?”

“What stakes?”

“How about loser is the winner’s slave for a day. Loser welches then it’s double”

“Not sure you’re gonna like doing all my chores? You gotta tell your old man why I’m being lazy.”

“Sure, but you’re awful sure you’re gonna win.”

“Let’s go then boy. First one to pin the other. Josh you’re the ref.”

I still think I could of taken him but he pulled off his shirt and with all the sweat it was hard to get a good grip on him. Every time I’d get my superior strength to bear my hands would slip and he’d wriggle out of it. And I figured pretty quick that he’d been a wrestler too. Turns out he was almost a state champ.

I fought like hell but couldn’t break the cradle he got my legs in my shoulder hit the grass so I couldn’t get any power.

“Pin. You got him Jay.”

“Damn, I’m gonna enjoy this” he said with a smug smile.

“You’re not dressed right for my slave. Been reading my Roman and Greek history and those guys had all kinds of slaves. Mostly from winning.”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t got the look.”

“And what is the look?”

“I dunno, Josh don’t slaves wear like less?”

“Yeah, something like a loincloth. You know. Just a flap in the front and back.”

“Fuck that. What if somebody sees. Plus I’m gonna burn out there.”

“Nobody out in the fields and we got sunscreen.”

“Well I don’t have a loincloth either.”

“That’s easy. Just take a pair of your boxers and scissors.”

“What the fuck guys?”

“Enough talking slave, strip on down. Josh go get Jimmy some sunscreen.”

Standing there in my boxers Jay ran the scissor blades up the leg hole on each side and cut. The crotch fell away and he trimmed back leaving my junk hanging in the breeze.

“Fuck dude, this is gay as hell.”

“Shutup slave, you got work to do.”

I’m sure I was a sight. Just leather boots and those boxers flapping loosely in the breeze. The guys were full of smartass remarks about slave boys and more than a few times Jay used the opportunity to swat or use a piece of baling twine across my exposed ass. I’d just give a look and he’d laugh along with Josh.

I was sweaty mess before I was done. The sunscreen saved me from the worst of the sun although my farmer tan wasn’t going to be the same.

“Damn, I need a shower. ” I said as we walked back to the house from the fields.

“Didn’t tell you you could do that did I.”

“What the fuck Jay. I’m a sweaty mess.”

“You got a mouth on you slave. No shower for you” he cackled. And while we’re cleaning up go ahead and make supper. I got hungry sitting there watching you work.”

At least it was cool in the house and I fried up some hamburgers and baked potatoes. They had me serve them, now barefoot and wearing my boxer loincloth.

Jay pushed back from the table and belched.

“Good little slave. Biggest chore I got right now is keeping my balls empty.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean.”

“Means I got full pair of balls and slave you’re gonna help me.”

“Seriously bro, you’re gonna have him help with that?”

“Yeah I ain’t seen Carol in like three weeks since she went to visit her Grandma. Been missing her giving head. And I got a slave and all. All those old Romans used their slaves for relief. Besides a mouth is a mouth.”

“Fuck Jay. Don’t do this. I ain’t gay.”

“Neither am I but I got full balls and that’s my biggest chore right now.”

“I ain’t going to do it and fuck the bet. This is bullshit.”

His eyes narrowed. “So I’m going to have to tell dad that you’re a welsher who don’t keep his word. What do you think he’s gonna do about that?”

He had me there. Roy was one of those straightlaced, word is his bond kind of men. He’d fire me and I’d have a hard time getting a fill in job and was out in the middle of nowhere. And I needed what I made here for school the next year. I could see it on his face when he realized I had figured it out. It was a look of triumph.

“Get on your knees slave boy. Your master needs relief” he chuckled.

I’m pretty sure I’d never seen another man’s dick that close before. And they’re bigger than you think up close.

Jay’s wasn’t as thick as mine but longer. Probably a solid 7 plus inches that jutted hard out from his belly. And it tapped at my lips. “Open up slave. Get it done. I bet you like it.”

Now I had only been with women up to this point in my life and didn’t have any interest in guys but I was also horny as hell. Jerking off only did so much and the limited privacy limited even that.

So I went with it. The brief opening of my lips was filled by that first cock. Warm, hard, soft were the sensations along with a brief taste of salt as my mouth filled and his male musk penetrated my nostrils just like his dick with my mouth.

“Fuck your mouth is hot. This is going to be good. Watch the teeth” he moaned and pushed deeper. I gagged and tried to pull back but he gripped my head then.

“Suck it Jimmy. Suck my cock. You’re a good cocksucker. Better than Carol. Josh, video this shit. I’ll give you a turn. Jimmy boy you got a hidden talent.”

I was just trying to breathe. Snorting through my nose as the spit flowed and he fucked my pursed lips. My eyes shifted and I could see Josh holding up his phone. Obviously recording the face fucking I was getting.

“Get ready to swallow my load slave. Every drop.” It wasn’t like I had a choice. The twitching flesh suddenly spitting its glutinous load as the shots hit the back of my mouth and I swallowed in defense.

Jay grunted as he did it. The spurts continued way too long for my taste and then he pulled himself from my lips. “Fuck. That’s the best blowjob I’ve ever gotten. We’re gonna do that again.”

I was just happy to be able to breath normally despite the bleachy smell of his cum and the way it coated my mouth. It didn’t want to go down as I swallowed and tried to get the taste out.

“Now suck off Josh” he ordered. “Josh, you gotta try this” like Josh needed any convincing. His cock was out and he was fondling himself.

“But… I’m your slave… ”

“Yeah and your master is telling you to suck off Josh. It’s not like you’ve never sucked a cock before…” he chuckled.

Josh was clearly eager too. Of the two brothers he didn’t have a girlfriend and my guess, much experience with sex. As for me I was suddenly seeing my second ever cock up close right then.

He wasn’t as long as Jay at probably about six inches but damn he was thick. No toilet paper roll was going to fit over that fat thing. The contrast of that thick heavy member protruding rigidly away from his slender, toned body was stark.

My inspection was cut short by the tip prodding at my lips and they stretched to accommodate the girth as Josh let out a low moan.

“He’s a good cocksucker isn’t he… Your first BJ?”

“Fuck… Yeah” Josh said quietly.

“Fuck his mouth. Give him what every cocksucker needs.”

It was fast. Less than a minute and again I was gagging and trying to swallow as Josh’s balls emptied themselves into my mouth and it was over.

I got up and washed my mouth out first then brushed. A little in shock what had just happened. The weird thing running through my head was that if someone ever called me a cocksucker I couldn’t actually deny it. Just a weird thing to think of.

Now I wish that rinsing and brushing had gotten rid of the evidence but it didn’t. We settled down to sleep and I could still taste it and a few burps returned the cum odor too. Finally I nodded off and slept like I’d been hit with a hammer. All the emotions of what I had done was exhausting.

“Hey slave… Wake up. I got morning wood you need to take care of. ” Jay was nudging me as I lay there.

“What the fuck! It was only a day” I said grumpily trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes and wishing I didn’t have cum breath.

“Still got another 8 hours.”

“Fuck, what time is it?”

“Let you sleep til six. Cmon.” My eyes flew open when he nudged at my lips with what only could be his cock. He took advantage of my surprise and I found my mouth full again.

“Oh yeah… Nothing like morning head.”

It wasn’t so bad I reasoned until he went too deep and I gagged and choked then pulled off. “Take it easy dammit. Going to get your dick bit that way.”

“Go suck off Josh. Hope you appreciate it bro. He can suck me off later.”

Josh was eager and laid back against the pillow. His hard dick lay flat against his stomach and I had to kneel up between his legs to avoid bad angles. It was more of the same and Josh gripped my head and thrust into my mouth.

Wearing my boxer loincloth I didn’t notice any change in temperature but I did notice when the first wet jelly got slathered between my cheeks. I pulled my head off of Josh’s dick.

“What the fuck are you doing!” I protested.

“It’s calving jelly. When you gotta turn a calf for a breech birth you use it to get your arm up the cow’s ass. Bet it works good for buttfucking too.”

“Dude, that’s too much. It’s fucking gay…”

“Like sucking our cocks isn’t gay… Besides you’re my fucking slave until 2. I’m going to get all the benefits. Carol only gives blowjobs and is probably never giving up her ass. Figured there isn’t that much difference except you ain’t gonna get pregnant.”

“Ooofff…” The air went right out of my lungs when I felt him there. Prodding the ring and pressing hard.

“You’re fucking tight… Gonna lose our ass fucking cherries together.”

“Fuck it hurts… Stop…” the slick jelly had let him get partially in. Wedging the muscle open and it burned and ached as the muscle protested.

“Stop whining slave. Another inch and I’m just gonna slide right in” and it did as I squirmed and let out a girlish squeal as he fully seated.

“Fuck… That’s perfect… So fucking hot and tight. Going to fuck this ass so hard.” Jay had a grip on my hips and ground in deep as I moaned at the burn.

“Give me a second… Please. Fuck it burns…”

“Long as I hear all those girly squeals from you. Fuck, put you in pair of panties and you bitches look the same from behind.”

“Okay… Okay” I was playing for time as my formerly virgin asshole begged for some relief from the intrusion.

I was hunched over Jay on my elbows hoping that the fire would go away. I looked up from Josh’s belly and saw him recording us again.

“You fuck back when you’re ready. I can stay up your tight ass all day like this. I thought your mouth was hot but damn your ass feels like a furnace. Just rock on back and take your fucking if you don’t want to be here all day with a cock up your ass.”

It took awhile and I was scared to move until I briefly moved and realized it was more like an itch than the pain before so I moved.

“Oh yeah, hump that ass back. Damn this feels fucking great. We’re so much gonna do this again. Fuck… Josh you have to fucking try this.”

The nonstop verbal litany was emphasized by the way he grabbed my hips and ground in. It was obvious too that my torture was going to be brief. “Fuck… ” I heard and then he thrust deep instinctually and I felt the grinding jerks of his pelvis as he came.

“Goddamn… That has to be the best. Josh… Saddle up… You got to try it. ”

Any objection I might have had was moot when Jay pulled out and I felt Josh’s thick member replace him.

“Uhhhh… ” I moaned at the sudden intrusion of the fatter member. The ways being greased and dilated just encouraged and enabled him to sheath balls deep quickly.

“Oh my god… Oh my god…” Josh’s turntable was stuck as he apparently fucked his first ass or pussy. So he didn’t last long and spasmed as he rooted deeply in my body. The truly odd and unexpected thing was I came too in violent waves that I had never experienced before.

“He came getting fucked” Jay announced. “What a fag… ”

I went to pull away after he said that. Embarrassed about it all. Getting fucked. Coming from it. Josh’s hands grasped me tight. Forcing me to stay mounted.

“Dude… Let me up… You had your fun…”

“… No. Feels too damn good. I’m getting hard again too.”

And he was. I could feel my hole stretch again as he stiffened. The juices ran down to my balls and dangled there before dripping and his sack pressed against me.

“Damn this ass feels good. Like nothing… Nothing I ever felt before. Fuck…”

He pulled out most of the way and slammed back in with an audible slap as my ass shook with the impact. The difference this time was a sense of confidence and the physical edge taken off. Whether it was my second or third assfuck is up for debate. What wasn’t was the thoroughness of his sodomy. Involuntarily I came again after drooling precum first for minutes. It was almost as though that fucking was squeezing the juices from me.

I came down from that blissful feeling to a second cock in my face and allowed the pounding from my rear to approximate a mouth fucking that had me almost out of body as I considered what I had happening. They would finish at some point I reasoned and just took the pounding delivered.

Josh finished first and this time withdrew after with a slippery expulsion that made my stomach muscles spasm from the emptiness. That didn’t last long as Jay pulled out, got behind me and easily sheathed himself. We fucked for a while until he withdrew and pushed me down flat. His full bodyweight pressed me down and he slid back in and I could feel my ass rubbing on his belly.

“Damn I like fucking your tight ass. Gonna fuck you until I ain’t got nothing left.”

I’d be lying if I didn’t say it felt nice. Rubbing in there despite the soreness. And the pure filthiness of it too. I hadn’t realized that it was like an internal massage. The hole grabbing onto the cock on the outstroke and reversing course as it plumbed your depths. Hitting spots you didn’t realize were there. The surprise of your own hardness and the realization your balls are drawn up tight waiting to empty as the sheet rubbed against the shaft.

And Jay loved it when all that stimulation caused me to come again. “Yeah, come on my dick faggot” and increased the thrusting speed through my clenching muscles which made the spurting mess on my belly increase.

I had to lay there and take it after that and finally he unloaded up me again before dismounting. I didn’t wait for permission and went and cleaned up then while trying to ascertain the amount of damage my poor asshole had taken. Cleaning out the copious jizz injected into me also was a big motivator.

Standing there under the hot water I was tentative. Worrying about what I would find. Was I going to shit myself because I now had a tunnel down there?

Thankfully I figured out that assholes are resilient. Mine was definitely distended but it was actually hard to get them cleaned out from up there. One finger went in easy and I tested the soreness with another. Yeah I was tender. All the friction of flesh rubbing I guess.

“Look at the fag fingering himself” came the voice and I realized that Jay and Josh were standing in the bathroom watching.

“I’m trying to figure out how much damage you assholes did to me” I protested.

“Sure you are fag. Show us that hole so we can see what we did to it.”

“You’re not serious…”

“Cmon slave boy, show us your hole. Turn off the water and bend over.”

“Damn Josh, we wrecked that ass. Not many wrinkles.”

“Shut up… Just leave me along and let me get dressed.”

They laughed. “Just remember to put on your slave clothes. You got hours left and we don’t want to waste time getting to those holes.”

I hoped they were kidding. I mean we’re young so we can go a lot but seriously. My body assessment was my ass was damn sore but I put on the dirty loincloth because I didn’t want any excuses.

We went and set the morning’s siphon tubes and I had to admit freeballing wasn’t bad. Heading back to the house I made us breakfast and we sat down and ate before I cleaned up.

Jay came up behind me and lifted the back before smearing butter on my crack. “Bend over Jimmy. Time for a little more fun.” I got mad.

“Fuck you. I’m too sore.”

“Well you either put out or you ain’t done being my slave.”

“Fuck you. You can’t get it up that often anyway in the next couple of hours anyway.”

“Found the old man’s viagra and gave Josh one too. Bet we could fuck the whole time. Bend over.”

“No… My asshole feels like it’s on fire and my damn jaw feels like it’s going to fall off.”

“You still owe us then. Another six hours worth of fucking and sucking.”

“Where are you getting six hours from? There’s only four hours left.”

“Interest. Gotta be pretty steep owing me that. And I’m not letting my brother go without either… So either bend over and put out or shake on it and agree.”

I was going to be walking funny as it was as much as I wanted all this shit to be over. “Fuck… Yeah I guess. Get a fucking timer cause I’m not doing a minute more either.”

“We get insurance too.” Jay held up his phone. “Say for the video that you agree to six hours of sucking and fucking as part of your slave deal.”

So I did it. What the fuck other choice did I have.

The next couple days were bad. I had aches everywhere and TMI, taking a shit was a special experience. Two days later we were getting ready to turn out the lights and Jay pulls out one of those kitchen timers.

“I want a going to sleep blowjob. I’ll set it for five minutes but I bet that hot little mouth of yours make it faster. You go over cause you’re not trying then we add it back on.”

“That’s not fucking fair. How am I supposed to guarantee you’ll get off that fast.”

“Better give a good blowjob then. Bet Josh wants one too.”

“At only five minutes I’ll be giving blowjobs until I leave.”

“Guess you should have bargained better. You can always give up your ass instead or double your time by taking both of us together. Now get over here and get the job done.”

It was fucked up incentives is what it was but I did my part. At 4 minutes, 35 seconds Jay spurted heavily in my mouth and he gave me credit for a full five. Josh of course wanted the same so I knocked an entire 10 minutes off my six hour tab. It was going to be a long summer.

The next night they both wanted a fuck. From underneath Jay’s bed came the gallon jug of calving jelly and a rough Navajo blanket he threw over it. A designated Fuck blanket apparently for containing the mess like the one last time.

The good news is I worked off almost 45 minutes and came three times. The payment was two loads in my lower GI and a freshly dilated anus. And grudgingly I admitted to myself I was nowhere near as sore from the process as that first time.

And so it went. Like a new toy they enjoyed it. They were each getting off two times a day and the novelty of morning blowjobs was added. And I was working off the time they imposed too.

Fuck me. I started to like it. The raw filthiness of it. That cock piercing your guts and massaging you from the inside. That liquid, greasy feeling of a well fucked ass and relaxed muscles down there. The smell of a man. His balls tapping your chin and the taste of his load as well as the sense of accomplishment that you got him off.

That didn’t mean I had forgiven them taking advantage though. I looked over at the timer as soon as Jay finished with me that one night and rolled over and off me. Negative 10 minutes.

He lounged in his post fuck torpor and without him seeing I grabbed a handful of the jelly and rubbed it over my hardness. Grabbing both feet I bent him double on the bed edge and shoved a t-shirt in his mouth as he started to yell. Tight but no match for lubricated flesh, I went up to the balls in him and he moaned. “How do you like that bitch? You owe me ten minutes.”

He bucked under me eyes wide but after several minutes there was a change. His eyes closed and hips began that subtle movement of the fucked and liking it. I reached down and jacked him then and it continued until the cum burst from his cock and spread across his check. I tugged the t-shirt out of his mouth. “Guess you’re a fag now” and kept fucking him. I’d never fucked an ass before either and found the heat and tightness remarkable.

I came with a bellow and bred him like he and his brother had done to me. Afterwards I showered and he still lay there I guess stunned by the turnaround.

“We can make this fun for the rest of the time I’m here and all get our rocks off regular or you can sit there and be a little bitch. I’d rather have some fun now that I’ve tried it but it’s up to you. Just know if you plan on fucking me you’d better be ready to suck and get fucked too. None of this bullshit you all tried to pull. I’m gonna fuck your brother too. So what will it be?”

“I guess… ”

“Then get over here and suck my dick hard…” I ordered.

He looked almost scared but I didn’t give him time to think. Pressing my cock to his lips and then in when he opened them slightly. There was no chance to pull back either as I gripped his head and slipped into his hot mouth. Truth is he didn’t need to suck me hard. I was already getting hard quickly but who turns down a blowjob.

The sucking started and I laughed. “Who’s the cocksucker now…” and pushed a little deeper making him gag a little and his eyes began watering.

Now I’m packing a bit as I’m already physically large. A little over 7″ in length but over two inches in diameter. I wanted nothing more than to drive myself into his throat but that wasn’t going to be easy. That said, Jay’s earlier treatment of me made me want to take him down a notch. I debated whether to drop a load into his mouth but then thought better of it and pulled out.

Jay was stunned enough that he didn’t resist when I pushed his shoulders down and slid behind him. His hole was reddened and wet and didn’t resist much as I pushed in to his heavy grunt. “Damn, feels good pushing my jizz around. You know I’m not going to give up fucking your ass. You better get used to this.”

He was making little grunts and moans every time I went deep. And I was deep fucking him. Making his ass cheeks ripple. Then I pulled all the way out. His angry pink hole gaped wide and pulsed rapidly. Searching for me and I pushed back in and his head came up and his back arched.

We fucked like that for almost ten minutes. Having come already I had some endurance. Knowing the effect fucking had on my own gland I moved so I could feel the bump inside slide past my cock with each thrust. He couldn’t stop if he wanted and gave a little yelp as he came and his hole clutched and contracted around my cock deliciously.

After that he passively just took the fucking and when I felt the cum finally rising in my balls I slid around his front and lifted him up.

The first shot hit right on his nose. Another on his cheek and as he sputtered what must have been a protest the thirds and fourth hit his upper lip and then right in the clown’s mouth.

He spit reflexively and gulped. All the fight out of him and he looked up to me just a little beaten.

“We’re not telling Josh about this and he’s gonna go negative too. I’m gonna take all you boy’s cherries. Got it? Betcha your dad wouldn’t be too happy to know his son was my cocksucking bitch. We can have fun til I leave but it’s gonna be a lot more equal.”

“Ok” he muttered and I almost laughed but didn’t at his jism covered face.

Josh was easy. He came sniffing around looking for some relief and I didn’t tell him no but pulled out the timer. He wasn’t paying attention that it was set to zero. He was a big fan of buttfucking and I grinned as I eyed the timer and enjoyed the fuck. I struggled with not coming because he did hit the spots really well but held off and finally he ejaculated into me and rolled off.

He made it easy. Pulling out he lay on his front in post-fuck torpor. Sitting up I stared as his firm ass. The muscular cheeks deeply divided and naturally open near my target.

Coating my cock thoroughly with calving jelly I moved and put a firm hand in the small of his back while pouring a stream of the jelly into his crease.

“What… What are you doing?”

“Look at the timer Josh. You went negative. You owe me now and I’m gonna take it out of your ass. Already fucked Jay twice and now I’m taking your cherry. We can take this slow or you can fight it but I’m going to fuck you up the ass. What’s it gonna be?”

“You fucked Jay…?”

“Yeah… Twice… And he came twice moaning like a little bitch and I dropped a load on his face. What’s it gonna be?… It feels good after a while. Can’t say I don’t enjoy getting fucked but you boys took advantage”

“Slow I guess…”

“Get up on your knees and get your ass high. I’ll get you ready.”

I’d never fingered an asshole before and his was a cute pink pucker. Reminded me of a past girlfriend but she never let me fuck her ass and didn’t have a set of balls and heavy prick hanging down between her legs either. He jumped when I dragged the lube over that winking hole. Thinking about it I used my other hand to begin slowly jerking him off.

He squirmed then gasped. Giving a little whimper when I pushed my finger in his tight opening.

“You like that Josh. Getting your asshole fingered like a slut. My cock’s going in there. You’re gonna get opened up and fucked. A big creamy load up there like a pussy…”

He didn’t respond but kept squirming and his cock had hardened with my attention too. I rubbed his gland which generated another level of moans and humping back. I used the opportunity to introduce another finger.

“Ohhh… ” he started. The strange feeling of getting your hole dilated hitting him. I knew it all too recently and well. I finger fucked him then. Opening and greasing his hole.

I didn’t want it too big or get him too used to it. Considering how he had willingly used my hole, I wanted him a little on edge but waited until he was bucking back on my fingers. Slipping behind him fully my fingers slid out and my cock in a few inches. His tight ring penetrated a little he bucked up and squealed at the intrusion but I had him firmly in my grasp. My own wrestling experience coupled with a hand around his lower shaft and balls limited what he could do.

“It hurts…”

“That’s you losing your cherry. It gets better. Push out and it will make it feel better faster.”

What I didn’t tell him is I was going to use that to get firmly up the second ass I had ever fucked.

“Fuck!!!!” he shouted when I felt his hole open and slid in balls deep. “It feels like a fucking baseball bat up there.”

I held him there although every instinct wanted me to fuck him hard. Instead my hand began stroking his cock. A slow handjob that first made him tense. I almost chortled when he began moving his hips slightly. Trying to get me to rub faster and in that fucking himself. I think he was oblivious to it until I said something.

“Yeah, keep on fucking yourself Josh on my cock. Keep that up and I’ll be giving you a butt baby soon.”

He hung his head in shame at that one but now I kept up the rhythm. My balls slapping against him along with my pelvis as I jerked him off in unison.

And the moans. He was moaning long and deep as I sodomized and jacked him. Knowing what set me off I nudged his legs wider and came down into him from higher.

“Oh.. Oh.. Oh” his voice was up an octave and I jammed deep into him as his tight little hole spasmed uncontrollably. My own balls injected my future babies into him while he went through the aftershocks.

Just like his brother I pulled out then and got a little thrill as I saw that greasy ravaged hole between his legs struggle to close from its widened state. Rubbing the knob of my cock against it and smearing traces of my cum on the ridge. It looked for all the world like it was inviting me back in. I’d be back there I was sure. Sodomy was too much fun to not.

He gave a little groan and slipped down to his belly. “I think you ruined me. I’m going to be walking like I been riding for two days.”

“Nothing like you two didn’t do to me. And you both fucked me. I’m going to go wash up and then you’re going to suck my cock.”

It’s hard to say whether it was guilt or obedience that kept him there. After a quick shower I walked back out and he was still laying there. On his side now and watching me.

Something about his passivity turned me on and my cock stirred itself awake at the prospect of more action.

Moving towards his head I took a handful of hair and he dutifully opened as I pushed against his lips. “Yeah you’re a born cocksucker aren’t you. You know I’m going to do the same thing I did to your brother don’t you. Fuck you like a woman and then jizz on your face? Don’t stop sucking but blink your eyes twice if you understand cocksucker.”

His eyelids went down to his cheeks twice emphatically and I might have gripped his hair a little tighter as I fucked his face. “When I pull out I want you to lay on the edge of the bed and pull your legs back. You’re going to watch me fuck you.”

I backed up and without hesitation he slid into the receptive posed I asked for. “Pull that ass open and show me that freshly fucked hole” and I almost laughed at how easily he did my bidding. It was my hole to fuck and I slid up him staring down at the emotions flitting over his face as I took him a second time. Shame, acceptance, resignation and then lust as my front pushed hard against his ass.

His legs were over my shoulders then. Like a bitch and I told him so. “Jerk yourself off Josh. I’m not going to stop until you come on my cock again.”

He was tentative at first but then he sped up. His eyes rolling back in his head as I pounded his hole and gland and again he came. You’d have thought it would be less but instead the constant gland stimulation had produced a flood that sprayed up his chest and lay in drops in his sparse blonde chest hair.

I pulled out to his groans and moved up his chest myself. “Jerk me Josh. Right on your face. Unless you want the suck the cock that just fucked you.” In the end I spilled my last load on his face and made him lick up the deposit that ended up on his upper lip. Best part one that I could tell by his eyes that he was beaten. I might suck his dick or let him fuck me again because I wanted it but he was going to do the same.

To say the turnabout changed things was an understatement. With the more equal play we did more. I’ll just say that you haven’t lived until you’ve had a hard cock fucking your ass while a mouth sucked you off. They both lost their mouth cherries that way. I mean they had both sucked cock by then but there’s a difference when a man’s prick empties itself down your throat.

Only problem was after a while the problem was they wouldn’t touch each other yet and it put a crimp on what we could do. As much fun as it was being the focus of attention all the time, having some flexibility would make all the pairings that much more fun.

When we got a rare opportunity to stop in town I made sure to stop by the liquor store and pick up some Beam. Later that night I filled up our glasses, making sure theirs were always full and they didn’t have much of a tolerance yet.

I was still half sober and had both of them buck naked. I had Jay’s ass in the air and made Jay grease him up and lube him which he did after some hesitation.

“Now suck me and lube me up. Then put me in your brother’s ass Josh.”

He was a willing cocksucker by now and I finally pushed him off and motioned to him. A tentative hand grabbed my granite hard erection and poked it between Jay’s cheeks.

‘Yeah baby. Shove it in. Make me assfuck your brother” and Josh with his lowered inhibitions did just that. Making Jay grunt with pleasure as I opened him up.

I gave him a moment to take in the fucking I was giving Jay and then I pushed it. “Suck his cock Josh while I’m fucking him. Be a good brother.”

“But… ”

“But what? It’s not like you all are going to get pregnant although I’m putting enough man juice up both of you to knock you up. Suck his dick and make him happy.”

It was tentative at first but soon Jay was getting the joy of the fuck and suck. His ass twerking with pleasure as both sides got their stimulation. He nutted in Josh’s mouth and I followed up by breeding him not much later.

“Get back here Josh. You can play in my sloppy seconds.”

“Uhhh… Ain’t it wrong… ”

“You just sucked his cock and swallowed his load. Nothing like a freshly creamed asshole for fucking either. You don’t have to hold back and pound that ass hard. Now get back here.”

I bent and gave him a couple quick sucks then lubed him up and held it there. Mashing Josh’s cock against Jay’s anus. It dripped with my spit and lube. “Hold still” I ordered and Jay stilled himself.

Flesh parted and Jay grunted with the penetration. “Fuck his ass Josh. Give him a butt baby.” It just slithered in from there to Jay’s intense moans.

Now if I hadn’t just come I’d have got behind Josh and given him a good fuck but he had to settle for two of my fingers reaming his asshole while his cock reamed his brother’s. The effect was similar none the less and Jay got his second load of the day.

I didn’t want Josh to feel like he got one over on his brother so after he came I pushed him over next to Jay who I didn’t let get up. It’s a special form of hedonism I’m sure to fuck two brothers side by side and my cock had hardened right up when I saw the sight. The one not getting fucked had three of my fingers up there asshole as I buggered the other.

Finally I pulled out. “Josh, lay on your belly. Jay… Finish what I started.” I had an obvious ulterior motive watching Jay’s ass go up and down as he fucked his brother. I pulled his cheeks wide and moved against that used hole. Jay of course didn’t last long as the creamy filling to that sandwich and had to lay there as stirred all those deposit in him into a juicy froth before adding one more of his own.

Fact is that fucking Jay’s ass in that state was fucking perfect. He was getting off and that had his tight little hole working too. He was well fucked by that point too. All that jizz and lube moving around as I reamed his asshole was perfect and after he was done I finished up him too.

Both those boys were moving gingerly the next day so we started off with a daisy chain that morning that left all of us with a mouth full. I think I surprised them when I offered up a fuck that night but they indulged and sucked me off twice while the other used my sheath to get off. And that set off a trend of each of us servicing the other as the time presented itself. It turns out they also got off getting fucked but I really liked it for some reason. I’d get demanding about it too, topping from the bottom.

It was quite a fuckfest and since then I can’t remember ever having that much sex. We must have all been dropping loads two or three times a day into whatever orifice or that blanket were available.

That meant I truly missed it when Jeannie took the boys to see her parents for three days. That meant my workload went way up and I shouldn’t have been that surprised the next day.

Roy stood over me that morning. “Get up, we got work to do with the boys gone.”

I slid out of bed as he stood there and stared. And I stared back “What…?”

“I’ve seen the nasty things you boys do…” he kept talking. “Jeannie won’t suck anymore. Certainly don’t take it up the ass… How about we take the morning off and you show off all those dirty things you know”

I was shocked to say the least. Mister conservative had always been my take on him but he slid those overalls down and I could see his hardness pressing out the front of his briefs. And from the size of the bulge in the front he was big.

Now I don’t know when I became a cock slut but apparently I was one now as I pulled the waistband forward and slid it down. Apparently the boys got different characteristics passed down because Roy was both long and thick. Capping all that off was a huge hanging ball sack that struck me as similar yet proportional to the bull we kept out in the pasture. His man smell too was off the charts and I found myself taking a deep whiff of it which made my own cock stiffen to an alarming hardness.

I didn’t give him a chance to object and took that leaking tip into my mouth and laved it with my tongue. My newfound cocksucking ability on display and his hands grasped my head.

“Jesus boy… Oh lord…” came as I dipped down and took as much as I could. My salivary glands responded to the back tongue pressure by almost squirting as it was all I could do to not rub one out. Instead I kept on hand on those weighty orbs that conformed to my hand and the other on the shaft controlling him from impaling my throat.

Roy obviously hadn’t emptied those big balls for a while because less than a minute later I felt them rise and tighten to signal his imminent emissions and the force of the squirts was strong enough that I felt each one. The act turned me on enough that my own load spattered into my underwear in empathy.

“Oh my lord… I didn’t know… ”

I looked up at him as I pulled off. Letting that softening mass dangle to my chin and realizing that some of the juice from his massive balls had dripped from my chin. I think I was in lust when I said it and meant it. “It’s gonna be even better filling up my ass. These big old balls just pumping your baby makers in me.”

“Ah yeah, I’d like that Jimmy. I seen you humping back to it. I want see that boy. That need for it. Give me a minute. I can feel the twitch down there. It ain’t gonna take long. Show me you getting that boy hole ready.”

I stood and was going to turn around but he grasped the back of my head and I felt the stubbly face as he pressed his lips against mine. Then he abruptly turned me around and I pulled the gallon jug of calving jelly from beneath the bed.

With a healthy amount on fingers I greased the ways not skimping because it was going to be a tight fit.

“Oh boy, gonna be hard to deliver a calf without a hardon now thinking about you.” I looked back as I used three fingers to open up more. His cock was half hard and I flipped around and sucked him the rest of the way hard before giving him a good coating.

“Fuck me. Give me that big cock. I need a good solid fucking.”

And he did. I had some experience so my no longer virgin vale was used to it but he was deliciously big. And his response was even hotter. Big moans as I felt it slip into my channel and ford itself deep. “My god…” he whispered. “Just like silk and an electric blanket”

I was on edge too. So full with that soft hot flesh. Almost on the edge of pain but not yet. If I had taken this first I might have given up from it but instead it was so satisfying to get fucked like this. The big bull with his heavy balls and a job to impregnate the heifer. And I was that heifer.

Any hesitation Roy had disappeared as he buried himself deep and grabbed hold to root deep. I came from it. The idea, the physical feelings, and the enthusiasm to breed that was deep in me. Even if it was me getting bred.

“Uhhh… Uhhh… He apparently didn’t have much resistance to the spasming rectum he was embedded in as I came in big spurts that shouldn’t have been there based on how much I had just come recently.

“That’s… That’s the best I ever had” he whispered as he slithered out and I felt that freshly fucked glow run through me.

“Me too. I loved it. You bred me like a bull. I just feel so sexy right now knowing you put your seed way up there. I’m gonna want it again.”

He paused for a second I thought perhaps I had overstepped my bounds.

“All the time boy. Don’t think that I’m gonna give up your body after that. We’ll make time. Don’t want the boys to know though. Be just between us. And those dirty boys aren’t gonna want to give you up either. Can you take getting cornholed that often.”

I chuckled. “If you’re anything like your boys I’m not getting a break at all. I can take it. Anything to get this big dick more often.”

I was damn wore out when Jay, Josh and their mom got back from that trip. Roy was like a newlywed with the sudden availability of sex and I was willing. The fields and remoteness lent itself to privacy and I’d look up see his cock hanging out looking lonely and give it a suck. Those gallon jugs of calving jelly were getting carried in the truck now too and more than a few times I’d find myself laying back on a tailgate with knees back getting railed hard.

He’d come to the bunkhouse too if the boys were gone. The easy availability of my holes a sudden treat he wanted to make the most of. For an older guy he was horny as hell and that explained a bit about the boys and their proclivities. And good to his word, the first time he had to deliver a calf I watched him do it and noticed that the front of his pants was pushed out and he stared at me intensely as he slipped on the plastic arm covering and slathered his arm with calving jelly.

I held the rope and pulled when needed as he maneuvered the calf around up to shoulder in the cow. When the calf was on the ground and getting attention from the cow I watched Roy begin to clean up and did some staring myself while unbuttoning my pants and slathering between my cheeks with the jelly.

We didn’t need to say anything as I bent over the pickup tailgate and he bred me right there. The fuck hard and fast with both of us straining with need. I was so worked up that the feeling of that hard meat sliding up my shoot might as well have been connected directly to my balls. The cum shooting in big spurts as he slid balls deep.

“Ain’t you the hussy” Roy exclaimed as his hips hit my wriggling ass with a smack. “My god I love cornholing you though.”

“And I love getting that big thing. Go on… Give me that seed… Fill me up… Just like that bull does. Service my boy cunt…”

Now Roy was a conservative, god fearing type. He wouldn’t ever curse much. I’m pretty sure the word Fuck had never passed through his lips. But this set him off. The words. I mean living on a farm with animals means you learn reproduction at an early age with animals but the dirty synonyms didn’t necessarily go with it. Servicing cows was the polite talk for them getting fucked.

And the kink came out in his words. “Gonna put a bull calf in your heifer cunt” he shouted and I felt the powerful bursts at some level and that fat cock jerked and thrust at full depth as he bellowed not unlike the actual bull in the pasture did.

The funny thing is he was embarrassed after the fact. That didn’t stop him however from breeding me anytime we got some time together and alone. More than a few times he and the boys were combining forces in my hole spaced not all that far apart. I was an unapologetic cock slut by then.

As for the boys it became apparent when they returned that something had happened while they were gone. There was no hesitation on either’s part to sucking and fucking one another. Apparently being away and being used to the constant sex we were having meant they turned to each other. What was surprising was how often Josh was now topping Jay. That said, I was never lacking in holes or cock for my holes. It was almost organic. You felt the urge and responded.

We lounged when not working in our underwear. Grabbing an ass and fingering it. Pulling our cocks out and placing them near the desired mouth. Or my favorite, obviously greasing up your hole and presenting as an invitation for cock.

I wasn’t the only one who did it either and when you saw one avenue being explored you’d decide whether to give or receive and join the fuckfest. Thinking back, we were horny little fucks with just about free reign and the knowledge that my time there was coming to an end. Jay and Josh filled in with each other some but Roy was having a hard time with it I think. He started making up excuses for us to go work on one project or another. Sending the boys another way so he could sample my charms. And he very thoroughly did both. The males around that farm were probably the most satisfied around for miles.

That last week it was in the morning and the night and to be honest I was getting plain wore out between the group of them. I had to leave that Saturday morning and get back to school to get moved in. The boys were consciously choosing things that required three. Trading off who got to be the center of attention as the sandwich filling in fucking and sucking. I worked both exercising my now trained expertise as a cocksucker as a brother got railed or being the bottom or top as part of three way fucking. Young and full of cum in more ways than one.

Roy of course was strictly a top and confided that his sex life otherwise was a Saturday night 15 minute missionary experience. He loved getting sucked off or if the opportunity presented itself, sliding up my tight rear. My approaching exit had him taking every opportunity to get alone. More than a few times he and the boys were churning each other’s juices inside me and I felt like a proper slut knowing it.

That last morning I was all packed to go and the boys and then Roy packed the rest of me so I got on that plane sore and very well used. The next hour and a half sitting there left me concerned I was going to get up with a massive wet spot and every time I burped the scent of cum wafted through the air. I almost LOLed over the woman a couple of rows up whose nose would go up in the air every once in a while. Her sniffing outed her as a fellow cocksucker. I bet she swallowed too.

By the end of that two weeks back in school I had decided I was at least bi. The summer had increased my confidence and sex drive. And it seemed to attract women too. The local coeds did their best to keep my balls empty I but was missing something.

One of them was quite the dirty girl and when I slipped a thumb up her ass fucking doggy she responded like a champ. A couple of lubed up fingers later and I was sodomizing my first woman who loved it and came a couple of times on my dick. Instantly Kayley went on my regular fuck buddy list and she pretty much insisted on a jaunt up the dirt road every time we hooked up.

The problem was I was missing dick too. It was pretty apparent when I woke up one morning with messy boxers and a dream of the boys double-teaming me thoroughly. Then Roy nailed me with my hands grasping the bars of the crush used to immobilize cows for insemination among other things. Fuck the totally straight life. I needed dick in my mouth and especially up my ass.

So I added fuck buddies who were guys and went to the health center and started taking Prep. I hooked up once with a dude and used condoms but that was how I figured out that part of my kink was being fresh bred. Didn’t like wearing condoms and not getting that load myself. Between the coeds and three regular guys that I maintained that daily fuckfest that me, the boys and Roy had started. Also discovered the joys of getting thoroughly dominated and fucked by a forty something bear daddy that packed such a thick slab of meat that it felt like I was losing my cherry all over again. That year I was a bit of a man whore too but that’s another story.

To my surprise a couple of months in I got a call from Roy. Me and the boys had been using Snap to keep up but Roy hadn’t communicated at all. Apparently he was coming down to a cattle auction alone and wondered if we could meet. He told what hotel he staying in.

We met in front of a restaurant and I gotta say that thoughts of eating went away. Roy had that same look. “You all that hungry?” he asked.

“Well not for food” I replied.

“You wanna go back to my hotel?”

“Been waiting for it”

Pretty sure the clothes didn’t stay on more than 30 seconds once in that room. I tried to kneel and suck his cock which stuck out hard as could be but he wouldn’t let me. Flipped quickly around I knelt on the bed and felt that familiar hardness against my starfish. The good news is that I knew we were going to fuck and my hole had been lubed since I left my room.

It flared against that helmet and like natural sucked him in as I bucked against him in need and he bellowed with his own. “Oh god boy… Been missing this bad.”

Despite having a well-used hole now his need and burying into my rectum put me on edge. Back arched, panting heavily, shoving my ass into his groin with a heavy impact. “Fuck me Roy… Breed me deep… Oh fuck.. Oh fuck”

“Dirty boy… Sodomite… Tempting this sinner to give his seed…” Needless to say neither of us lasted long although it was my spasming hole that seemed to set him off and I got that long desired breeding I had been craving.

There was something about one of my firsts doing it that was somehow unique because honestly I had a been a bit of a cum dump since returning to school. I slid down to my belly and like I hoped Roy followed. Softening but still ensconced in my passage which made me shudder and twitch a bit.

His weight nicely mashed me down and I gave my ass a little wriggle into his groin and he grunted in satisfaction. “Keep that up and you’re gonna get sodomized again dirty boy.”

“You promise?…” I wriggled again, enjoying the movement in my wetness.

“Yes boy… No relief for months… Well you just wait and see what happens to your tight little ass…”

I squeezed my kegels on him and he gave a little gasp. “You’re a hussy all right… Just asking to be sodomized…”

“You know it. Sodomize me Roy… Sodomize me with that big cock. When you leave I want to be walking funny. Swell up my belly with all your cum up there. Your little whore with a fat bellyful.”

He got hard all the way with that and proceeded to fuck me into a stupor. I think I came twice to his once with a couple dry orgasms in there too. And despite being very used to being fucked I think I relaxed just that much more. It felt like just that much more of him got in me.

The edge taken off he lasted a while too. My core felt warm and tingling with the pleasure of it all. At the time thinking I could do this forever. The tug and slide of flesh in flesh. The slap of flesh against my ass and his heavy sack against me. I think I was purring.

When he finally came I just reveled in it. Not actually able to feel the bursts but feeling his cock pulse in me as his seed filled my inner passage. I muttered a little complaint when he slid out too. Missing the filling and close body compact.

“You drain this old bull’s balls boy. Don’t know I have much left in the tank. Let’s clean up and go get something to eat so I can regain some energy. Gotta go back the morning after next. Can only make so many excuses about how long an auction is.”

So we cleaned up and he showered but I wanted to keep his essence in me so I just sponged off and we ate as I enjoyed that freshly fucked and creamed feeling.

We were finishing eating “You free for the next day or so..?”

“Yeah, all my school stuff is done and I’ll make time.”

“Well come with me to the auction and I’ll get that done and then we’ll test out how good these blue pills I got work. Kinda remember something about walking funny and a round belly I wanna try. You up for it?”

“Couldn’t keep me away.. ” I glanced around and then rubbed his cock through his pants. “I’m gonna suck you off really soon so no desert for me tonight.”

We both kept up our end of things. Have to admit I limped out of his hotel room the morning he left. And I certainly carried enough juices introduced through both orifices that I might have had an added bump. I’d like to think I did. In the end I think I wore out his dick too and he had the smile of a man who was thoroughly satiated.

The slowdown in my sex life recovering from this took a few days and I had to deliver a few blowjobs and eat a little pussy until everything came back to life but it didn’t take long. Roy apparently found he liked going to auctions a lot more than normal and I’d get a little warning so I could get my homework done and then spend a couple days with him enjoying his big cock.

Now I need to decide whether to take up his offer of a job next summer…

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