The Good Son Ch. 01

A gay story: The Good Son Ch. 01 Chapter 1 – The Golden Lotus

Gabriel woke, startled by the plane trembling as it flew over a sudden patch of turbulence. His head was tilted sideways, resting on his best friend Elliot’s shoulder, who had his head nestled on Gabriel’s. As he straightened his head, a drool string fell from the corner of his mouth, landing on Elliot’s shirt and waking his friend up.

“Shit.” Gabriel uttered, bringing his hand to his mouth.

“What?” Elliot mumbled incoherently.

“Sorry. I was drooling.” Gabriel said as he cleaned it off with his fingers carelessly. He then reclined on his seat and opened the window shutter, firing the morning sun rays right at Elliot’s face.

“Dude, c’mon!” Elliot uttered as he squinted his eyes, visibly ruffled. But just as Gabriel was about to close the shutter again, a charming voice broke through the speakers.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are approximately an hour from our final destination, Phuket, Thailand. I hope you are enjoying your flight so far. We’ll be serving breakfast soon. Please place your seats in the upright position. Our crew will be with you in a moment.” The voice conveyed.

“Bro, I’m starving.” Gabriel expressed as he peeked energetically over the seat in front of him. Elliot looked at him, his eyes still frowning.

“Wonder if your dad’s awake.” Elliot commented, pausing slightly to stretch before reclining abruptly in his seat as he sighed. “Probably not. Fucking first class.” He muttered, visibly peeved.

Elliot and Gabriel were best friends. They were more like brothers. Gabriel was an only child. His mother had him at 15, and after he was born, she left. Gabriel’s dad, only 16 years old at the time, stayed behind and embraced his role as a father. Maybe because of that, Gabriel’s relationship with him was something he treasured more than anything. Elliot also came from a broken home. But sadly, both his parents went missing in action. He ended up being adopted by an aunt who wasn’t particularly maternal, so for that reason, Elliot became an almost enduring presence in Gabriel’s life.

They were both stunning boys. Gabriel was 18, 5.6, typical jock build, fit but not overly muscular. He had short, straight, light brown hair, deep hazelnut eyes, and a smooth body with a thin gold fuzz covering his chest and legs. And the most perfectly round bubble butt.

Elliot was also 18, 5.8, with dark, twirly raven hair that tumbled over his vibrant blue eyes. His skin was light as snow, and his body was as smooth as peach skin. He was the perfect mixture of masculine and feminine, and if you added his deep, raspy voice to the mix, it’s safe to say Elliot was by far one of the most popular kids at their school. He had a James Dean, Marlon Brando quality to him. A bad boy with an alluring charm kind of vibe. Every guy wanted to be him, and every girl and gay guy wanted to get fucked by him.

Everyone but Gabriel, who was the exact opposite of Elliot. Shy, introverted, compassionate in nature, and loving. He was also extremely bright and always tried to see the best in people. His relationship with Elliot was a natural synergy. They both loved each other and protected each other. Gabriel’s diffidence challenged Elliot’s impulsiveness, and in turn, Elliot’s rebellious nature became tamed by his friend’s peaceful spirit.

“Finally!” Elliot hollered as the curtain blocking access to the first class section of the plain rolled open. From it emerged the most beautiful man to walk the earth. Tall, probably 5.9, with long, light brown hair wrapped in a man bun, sporting a scruffy beard, sweatpants and a ragged old white t-shirt that hugged his broad chest perfectly, enough to let his muscular figure pierce through. His name was Jonathan, and he was Gabriel’s father. As he walked along the aisle, his large soft dick swayed inside his pants, clearly denouncing he wasn’t an underwear kind of guy. His swag and demeanor were mind-blowingly charismatic, and it wasn’t long before everyone’s heads in the coach passageway veered, trying to take a peek at this manly man as he strolled casually through them.

“Dad!” Gabriel muttered, trying not to call attention to himself.

“What’s up?” The rugged stud asked, stopping beside the boy’s seats, his beautifully muscular ass sticking out the corridor.

“I need to take a piss.” Gabriel mumbled.

“Why are you whispering?” Jonathan questioned, chuckling. Gabriel looked to the back of the aisle, his eyes filled with desperation as a line of people piled outside the bathroom stall. “Ah, I see.” Jonathan uttered. “C’mon, you two.” He ushered. Both boys hopped from their seats, tracking him along the hall. As they reached the thick curtain, Jonathan lifted his hand, signaling to an attractive female stewardess, who approached them, her smile stretching and her eyes latched on Jonathan like two leeches. “Hey, Anna, can my boys use this one? They have to go, and…” He said, pulling his body back so she could see the queue of people at the other end of the corridor. The woman laughed nervously, looked around like she was about to do something wrong, and discretely nodded her head. Gabriel and Elliot looked at each other and rushed for the door, their shoulders bumping together, their bodies stuck between the small door. Jonathan’s arm lunged forward and grabbed Elliot, pulling him into his chest. “Let him go first.” He calmly said as Elliot struggled to break free.

Gabriel looked back at his father and smiled. Elliot looked ridiculously small standing there, his neck enveloped by Jonathan’s arm. He walked in and shut the door. Suddenly, a calming silence took hold. He opened his zipper, pulled his cock out, aimed it at the toilet, and tilted his head back, closing his eyes. As he emptied his bladder, he couldn’t help but feel a rush of goosebumps traveling through his body. He took a deep breath and just stood there. Outside the door, he could hear giggling. He brought his head back up and frowned. Gabriel had always been very possessive about his father. For his entire life, it was always just the two of them. The bond they shared was deep, meaningful, and felt unbreakable. Their intimacy was unconventional, and it was when Gabriel started school and began sharing the homelike experiences with other children that he understood just how different he was from them. Jonathan and Gabriel did everything together. How they felt comfortable around each other, the way they touched and spoke to one another was frowned upon by society. Their small age gap made Jonathan’s relationship with his son less paternal and more fraternal. And they would, more often than not, be mistaken for brothers, best friends, even lovers. They slept together in the same bed, and only recently had they organically started sleeping in separate rooms, more to Jonathan’s insistence. Despite people’s prejudice, Gabriel never allowed society to poison his relationship with his father. And Jonathan, well, he adored Gabriel more than anything or anyone in the world.

As the giggles subsided, he pulled his dick inside his pants, washed his hands in a rush, and opened the door to find Anna, the stewardess, standing there as she fake-smiled at him. He stuck his head off, looking left to right. Then he looked at Anna, who just pointed down the first-class corridor.

“Great.” Gabriel sarcastically commented. “Thanks.” He said, walking up to Jonathan’s seat. Elliot sat on the chair beside his father, his bare feet resting on the colossus and comfy chair.

“Hey, bud.” Jonathan said, smiling at Gabriel. Every time he looked at his son, his eyes would ignite. And Gabriel took pride in it. Elliot sat there, ignoring Gabriel as he scrolled through the large touchscreen.

“Bro.” Gabriel uttered, frowning at Elliot, who begrudgingly turned to face him. “They’re about to serve breakfast. Let’s go.” He stated, visibly annoyed. But Elliot just sat there, looking at Gabriel and then at Jonathan.

“They have waffles, dude.” Elliot argued, looking at Jonathan with a pleading gaze.

“I think Anna wouldn’t allow it. Besides, what kind of friend would you be, leaving Gabriel alone like that?” Jonathan taunted, winking.

“Dad…” Gabriel mumbled, vexed. He turned around and was about to walk off, when he felt his father’s hand grab his.

“Hey, bud?” Jonathan uttered. Gabriel turned his head to look at him. “I love you.” He whispered, smiling as he grazed his fingers on the boy’s soft skin.

“I know.” Gabriel replied, the annoyance slipping through his lips. He turned around, strolling back to his seat, with Elliot following him just a few steps behind. The curtain dividing the classes shut behind them, and as his head turned forward, he realized the food cart was right in front of them. “Fuck.” He whispered to himself.

Gabriel and Elliot stood there for 10 minutes before they finally sat down, just in time for the plane to start descending. As they exited the plane, Gabriel could feel the intense heat and humidity in the air. It was his first time in a tropical country, and it wasn’t long before the three of them started taking off their jumpers, exposing their young, fit, and untanned upper bodies. They hopped inside the transfer bus, and after about 10 minutes stuffed inside it like sardines, they arrived at the airport. They grabbed their bags and walked to the arrival site, where a sea of young Thai men waited with signs referencing the different resorts, followed by guests’ surnames. Gabriel looked back at Jonathan, walking just behind him, who signaled ahead. Gabriel turned his head to find a very charming and handsome guy smiling at them, holding a sign that said: GOLDEN LOTUS | MR. LANCASTER.

“Hello, Mr. Lancaster! Welcome to Thailand!” He energetically exclaimed. Gabriel and Elliot chuckled.

“Thank you. Your name?” Jonathan charmingly questioned.

“Oh, Sakda, sir!” The young man stated, pointing his finger at the small plate placed over the pocket on his worn-down shirt. “Come, come. I have car waiting!” He hollered between a chaotic wave of transfer guides and families trying to reach their destinations. “I take bag, yes?” He said, turning back and grabbing Gabriel’s trolley. They pushed through the crown, and after about twenty minutes of bumping into random people and descending escalators, they finally reached Phuket’s airport’s parking lot, where a dark green topless jeep waited for them.

“Nice!” Elliot uttered, throwing his bag over to the back of the car and leaving his travel bag on the floor. He then jumped inside, taking the front passenger seat.

Gabriel looked at Jonathan, shrugging his shoulders. His father just smiled and signaled him to sit beside him while Sakda tucked away their bags on the back of the jeep. Then he walked to the front, sat on the driver’s seat, and adjusted the rearview mirror, seemingly glancing at Gabriel and Jonathan in the back, who nestled into each other. Jonathan immediately lifted his arm as Gabriel squeezed inside it, snuggling his head in his father’s broad, chiseled chest, his arm over his stomach as Jonathan gently stroked his son’s short hair. Finally, Jonathan leaned his head onto his seat, his left arm over the side of the car as he marveled at the tropical view already visible beyond the airport’s borders.

“You all friends, yes?” Sakda questioned as they drove through the parking lot’s gates, his eyes squinting as he gazed at Gabriel and Jonathan’s interactions. Gabriel rubbed his fingers playfully over Jonathan’s shirt, his eyes blinking tiredly.

“Dude, they’re father and son. I’m the friend.” Elliot explained, not looking at Sakda, his eyes concealed behind his sunglasses.

“Ah, no way! So young…” Sakda commented.

“Dude…” Elliot uttered, almost to himself. Jonathan chortled slightly.

“Were you born here, Sakda?” Jonathan questioned, trying to initiate conversation, attempting to shatter the awkwardness.

“Yes, sir! All my family is born and raised here.” Sakda stated, visibly pleased that someone was paying attention to him. “Five generations of local guides, sir!” He proudly noted.

“That’s nice.” Jonathan remarked, his eyes exhausted as he battled to stay awake. Gabriel was almost out when his head slowly tilted up, and his lips locked on Jonathan’s neck, lingering there, almost like a small bird looking for his mother’s beak. Jonathan’s lips stretched pleasurably. “How long until we get there, Sakda?” He questioned.

“Forty-five minutes, sir!” Sakda replied in his energized tone. Jonathan looked at Elliot, who slept, his mouth now opened as his head rocketed from side to side.

Let’s doze off a bit. Jet lag and all…” Jonathan teased, attempting to shut Sakda up. The young guide politely obliged. He leaned forward, took his headset from the glove compartment, put it on and drove the rest of the way, bobbing his head silently.

Jonathan honed his scruffy beard on his son’s head, sniffed his hair, kissed it, took a deep breath, and fell asleep as Gabriel’s hand tumbled casually over his massive crotch. Forty minutes later, Gabriel woke up, drool sliding from the side of his mouth into Jonathan’s collarbone.

“Bud, wake up. We’re here.” Jonathan whispered as Gabriel’s body stretched, his arms grabbing Jonathan’s torso tighter.

As he opened his eyes, Gabriel was startled by the long path of yellow lights that stretched over a small artificial lake, leading up to a large entrance with a gold stone lotus flower.

“Welcome to the Golden Lotus, sir! I hope you enjoy your stay!” Sakda sounded from the front of the jeep before circling it and grabbing their bags from the jeep’s trunk. “I’ll take bags to reception.” He informed, smiling.

“Thanks. I’ll leave a tip for you at the desk. Be sure to pick it up.” Jonathan informed, to Skada’s delight.

“Dude, it’s still hot as fuck.” Elliot commented as he lifted the base of his tanktop, exposing his chiseled, smooth six-pack, his arm grabbing his backpack from the jeep and throwing it over his shoulder.

“Bud, get your bag. Let’s go.” Jonathan instructed, delicately sliding his body from under Gabriel as if the boy was composed of porcelain.

“Dad? I can’t find my phone.” Gabriel muttered, his voice still dragging.

“I have it, Bud. You dropped it inside the car.” Jonathan said patiently.

“Oh…” Gabriel mumbled. He pulled himself up and climbed the side of the jeep, jumping to the ground. “Thanks, Sakda. Was nice to meet you.” He politely expressed. Sakda smiled and bowed, going over the bridge into the reception, carrying a trolley with all their bags.

They walked over the wooden bridge. It wasn’t steady and seemed to shift as they stepped on it, like a long water lily. Nevertheless, they could hear the water running under them, which was particularly soothing. As the boys approached the entrance, the interior reception entrance and foyer stood before them. The whole resort was golden-themed, with gorgeous white marble floors, gold wallpaper, and lotus flowers. But despite the vibrant interior design, the lighting was warm and cozy.

“You guys wait here. I’ll go check us in.” Jonathan ordered, pointing to a comfortable-looking couch just to the left of the entrance. Both boys glanced at each other and rushed over, with Elliot lunging into it and taking up the whole thing greedily. Gabriel started playfully pinching his thighs, trying to get his hand inside Elliot’s crotch. They laughed out loud as Jonathan went to the reception and started chatting with a beautiful Thai woman wearing white and gold attire. After the initial playfulness, the boys finally tired themselves, sinking into each other, their breaths heavy, their bodies and bags tangled together. They lay there, backs on the couch, their legs stretched and sticking out into the floor as they observed Jonathan talking to the woman, who seemed unable to concentrate on her work, distracted by his natural beauty and enamored by his foreign charm.

“He doesn’t even have to do anything.” Elliot remarked. “Like, dude…” He muttered. Gabriel looked at him and chuckled.

“Bro, what the fuck are you saying? Every girl at school drools when you walk by.” Gabriel argued, his voice suddenly changing and becoming more somber. “At least they know you exist.” He mumbled incoherently. Elliot rolled his eyes, annoyed.

“I fucking hate it when you do that.” He uttered. Gabriel turned his head to face him. “Dude, most of them are sluts anyway. Don’t waste your time.” He stated as his friend looked at him, befuddled.

“What do you mean?” Gabriel questioned. Elliot paused, his eyes locked on Gabriel.

“You’re too good for them, Gabriel.” Elliot stated, turning his head away, immediately fleeing his own confidential statement. Gabriel beamed. It was rare that Elliot would show his vulnerability and compliment his friend like that, so whenever it happened, Gabriel would gladly accept it.

“Ok. That’s dealt with.” Jonathan informed as he walked back. “We got upgraded. The agency fucked up, and they gave our rooms to someone else. But we got a main suite.” He informed. The boy’s eyes flared with excitement.

“Fuck yeah!” Elliot hollered.

“I’m beat. Let’s hit the sack.” Jonathan stated, stepping over to the large hallway that spread into several corridors. He walked for over ten minutes, with the boys following close behind, all three men sporting an exhausted look. “Here we are. Room 123.” Jonathan stated, pausing momentarily. He then turned to face the boys as they broke out giggling. He swiped the card on the door and opened it. Inside, the room was massive, where a large living room separated the primary bedroom from a smaller section with two single beds. The entire south of the room was one large glass window facing the beach, and despite being pitch black, they could hear the waves crashing in the distance.

“This room is amazing!” Elliot shouted, his eyes glistening as he skimmed around. Jonathan smiled, but as he shifted his eyes from Elliot, he noticed Gabriel’s concerned look.

“Hey.” He called, ushering his son’s attention. “I’ll be right next door.” He said, winking.

The original plan was for Gabriel to share a room with him and have Elliot stay in his separate room. But, even back home, whenever Elliot stayed over, Gabriel would still jump on Jonathan’s bed and crash there while his best friend stayed in his room. And being away from home seemed to heighten Gabriel’s already anxious nature.

“Ok.” He responded reluctantly. Even though Gabriel was growing older, the truth was, there was nothing he enjoyed more than sleeping nestled into Jonathan. It provided him with an unparalleled sense of protection and comfort.

“Well, thanks a lot…” Elliot remarked sarcastically. Gabriel chuckled and punched his arm teasingly.

“I’m going to take a shower. Try and get some sleep, you two.” Jonathan suggested. He turned around and walked across the living room into the main bedroom, already pulling off his tanktop, his muscular broad back flexing, and his muscles pushing through.

Elliot walked to the single bed closer to the door and let his whole body tumble into it. He breathed deeply and let out a guttural exhale. Gabriel stood there, his backpack still on his shoulder, scanning the room and looking lost. He tossed his bag on the bed and wandered around the room. He stepped inside the living room and opened the minibar, taking out a small bottle of mineral water. Then, he returned to the bedroom area and walked inside the bathroom door to the right of the beds. His eyes flared at the sheer size of it with a shower area large enough to fit four people inside. He retracted to the bedroom, grabbed his travel bag, and took out a small pouch. Then, he went inside again, placed it next to the sink, and took out his toothbrush, washing his teeth. As he brushed them slowly, he stared at himself in the mirror. For some reason, since childhood, Gabriel had always been anxious. And although from the outside world he seemed calm and collected, inside, he battled with ceaseless turmoil. The only thing that seemed to appease that struggle was Jonathan. And their bond had become Gabriel’s safety net. The boy spat his toothpaste into the sink and rinsed his mouth with water before returning to the bedroom. Elliot had stripped to his undies, lying on the bed, his stomach facing down, his left leg lifted, and his head facing the other way.

“Bro…?” Gabriel whispered. “Elliot…?” He insisted. But there still needed to be a response.

Gabriel took a deep breath, stripped his clothes off, and let his body sink on the bed, facing up, one arm over his stomach and the other under his head as he gazed at the ceiling. He started breathing, trying his best to cage his racing heart. Gabriel looked back at Elliot, whose subtle snoring plugged up the silence. Then, after a few seconds, he pulled himself up, his arms holding his body as he sat there, eyes locked on the main bedroom’s door. He got up very slowly, trying not to make too much noise, and tiptoed his way over to the sliding door, opening it. It was dark, but the shutters on the window were down, so as the moonlight crept in, Gabriel could faintly see his father’s naked body spread across an oval bed in the center of the room. He was sleeping in the same position Gabriel had just a few moments ago. The boy slid the door shut behind him very slowly, and walked over to the far side of the bed, standing there like a child waiting for permission.

“Dad?” He whispered. But Jonathan just mumbled something, taking his hand to his crotch and scratching his balls. His soft, long, uncircumcised dick lay flat over his stomach.

Gabriel sat at the edge of the bed, dragging one of the large fluffy pillows over to him, turning over on his back, and gliding up next to Jonathan’s body. When he did, his father’s right arm stretched outwards, anchoring next to his head. As soon as it touched his head, Gabriel exhaled, and suddenly, the anxiety started to melt away. Even though he had grown almost as tall as his father in the last years, lying there next to Jonathan, Gabriel still felt vulnerable and small. There was just something about Jonathan that made his figure powerfully imposing. Gabriel began slowly scooting sideways, closer to Jonathan, and soon enough, their hips were touching. And then, most naturally and beautifully, like something that had happened countless times before, Jonathan turned his body over to Gabriel, his left arm and leg swathing the boy’s entire body, pinning him under him. Gabriel’s arms now crossed in front of his chest, his head nestled inside his father’s embrace. Jonathan sniffed his hair and exhaled deeply.

“It’s ok, bud. I’m here.” He whispered into Gabriel’s face, puffing his breath inside that cramped space between them, enveloping the boy with it. Jonathan’s breath smelled like wet wood, Gabriel’s favorite scent. Finally, the boy closed his eyes, surrendering to the safety of his father’s protection. Still feeling somnolent, Jonathan could feel the boy’s hands clutching his skin, gently pulling on his chest hairs. He drew Gabriel closer, his dick now honing his son’s thighs, and kissed his forehead tenderly. A few seconds later, Gabriel’s body finally relaxed, succumbing to fatigue. Jonathan smiled and fell asleep, too.

Gabriel’s eyes labored to open as the first morning rays crept inside the room. He could already hear the sounds of the ocean, which seemed even closer now. As he stretched his arm, he felt the space where his father had slept and could hear the shower water running in the back. His dick was stiff, and he needed to piss badly, so he jumped off the bed and rushed inside. Jonathan was showering, humming some random song, when Gabriel flew by him, his hand going for his dick, stopping just inches from the toilet.

“Morning, bud.” Jonathan greeted, smiling. He chuckled, seeing Gabriel’s body twitch as he tried to hold the shivers in. Jonathan squeezed a fair amount of shower gel on his hands and spread it over himself as the white foam layer began to build. When he turned back to face the shower door, Gabriel was already jumping in, his briefs on the bathroom floor, just outside the glass partition. He walked over to Jonathan and let his head drop on his chest, his arms hanging by the side of his body. “Did you get some sleep?” He questioned.

“Yeah.” Gabriel’s muffled voice answered from under him. The boy raised his head and pushed Jonathan aside, stepping under the shower and rinsing his body and hair with the tepid water. “I’m hungry.” He stated as he poured some gel on his hand. He then took Jonathan’s hand and placed it on his shoulder, signaling his father to scrub his back.

“Let’s hurry then. The buffet closes at 9 p.m.” Jonathan urged as he rubbed Gabriel’s back. “You’re getting buffed.” He commented before stopping to scan his son’s back and smiling to himself. “You have the same body I did at your age.” He stated. Gabriel’s head, hanging between his shoulders, rose and fell back into Jonathan’s chest.

“Dad?” He asked.

“What?” Jonathan questioned.

“Do you think I’m weird?” Gabriel asked, his voice lower than usual, almost as if he was embarrassed for asking it.

“Of course not. Why are you asking this?” Jonathan fired back, his voice changing.

“Elliot said I shouldn’t date girls at school. That they’re not good enough for me.” He said, causing Jonathan to chuckle.

“Well, he ain’t wrong.” Jonathan remarked. “Being different isn’t a bad thing, Gabriel.” He assured. The boy turned around to face him, and even under all that running water, Jonathan could see the boy’s tears building. He took his hand and lifted his son’s chin, locking their eyes together. “Fuck what other people think.” He uttered, his face exuding confidence and determination. He pulled Gabriel in for a hug, their slippery, gel-covered bodies honing.

“Is this weird?” Gabriel asked.

“No…” Jonathan replied as they both fell into a deep silence. Then, suddenly, Elliot’s head peeked inside the bathroom.

“Dudes, let’s fucking go! I’m starving!” He hollered, visibly vexed.

The boys finished showering, dressed and headed out. The sun was hitting hard, and they could finally admire the resort’s beauty. Palm trees stretched beyond their eye’s reach. Small patches of golden-leafed paths led to the different areas. There were three main pools, one indoor and two large outdoor ones, all heated to body temperature. Along the outer rim of the complex, a beautifully mesmerizing white sand beach with the most spellbinding blue water, almost translucid, hovering motionless on the horizon. They followed the signs along the small roads, indicating the dining area. They eventually reached a large outdoor deck that hovered over the water, tables with gold towels, napkins, and several stations filled with food. Everything you could dream of, they had. Gabriel and Elliot looked at each other, grinning as they ran towards the food, clutching several plates. Gabriel looked back at Jonathan, who signaled him to take the table furthest from the crowd before walking there and sitting down as he waited for the boys, his eyes now goggling at the endless light blue ocean. Finally, after about ten minutes, the boys returned, juggling several plates in their arms, trying not to drop them on the floor.

“Dude, they have the best food! There’s a guy over there who cooks omelets. But, of course, you have to pick the ingredients.” Elliot commented, his voice filled with excitement. Jonathan kept staring at the ocean, ignoring the boy. “Did you go with mushrooms and red pepper?” He asked Gabriel.

“Fuck yeah.” Gabriel replied, his mouth already full like a chipmunk’s. While he chewed, his eyes went straight to Jonathan, who seemed particularly contemplative.

“Dad.” Gabriel probed. Jonathan finally turned his head, his son’s voice being the only thing that seemed to pluck him out of his reverie.

“Yeah. Right.” Jonathan replied, standing up and walking over to the food tables. As he crossed the room, several women’s and a few men’s heads would turn, unable to hold themselves from succumbing to Jonathan’s charming aura. As soon as he stopped near the fruit aisle, two attractive women, who had shared a complicit look as he walked by them, stood up and rushed over to him, starting a conversation. It wasn’t long before the boys noticed the women’s loud giggles as they reacted to what Jonathan was saying, his deep voice echoing across the deck.

“See? What did I tell you? The guy is like a pussy magnet.” Elliot jested, his eyes scanning Jonathan’s approach. Gabriel begrudgingly looked over, only to frown and bury his face back in his bowl of fruit. Then, after a brief silence, Elliot looked over at Gabriel, a gentle, taunting grin on his lips. “Did you ever catch him fucking anyone?” He asked. Gabriel stood up in his chair, a surprised expression on his face.

“Bro, really?” He uttered.

“C’mon, dude…” Elliot insisted, to Gabriel’s surprise.

“Yeah…a couple of times. I didn’t see anything, but I heard.” Gabriel reluctantly divulged.

“And? Don’t lie ’cause I know you guys talk about everything.” Elliot drilled, his head turning back, assuring Jonathan was still away from a hearing distance.

“Well…Whatever he was doing, they seemed to enjoy it.” Gabriel disclosed. Then he paused as if he suddenly remembered something. “I caught him leaving his room once. He was holding the bedsheets. Told me she had pissed herself.” He confessed to Elliot’s awed expression.

“Dude, you know that means…” Elliot mumbled, his voice stuttering uncharacteristically.

“Yeah, she enjoyed it.” Gabriel confirmed, almost in a proud way.

“Was he still hard? I mean, when you saw him leave the room?” Elliot continued. Gabriel started getting flustered. “Well?” He insisted. Gabriel scratched his head, his anxiety kicking in. Elliot noticed and started to backpaddle. “Sorry, dude, I get it. It’s your dad.” Elliot stated, punching Gabriel’s arm, trying to relax him. Gabriel smiled back nervously. Both boys stood there in silence. Then, out of nowhere, Gabriel’s voice broke through.

“He was. And it was huge. Still leaking.” He let out in a low but committed tone. His gaze got suddenly lost in the memory of it. Elliot stood there, looking at his friend, his mouth flared. Then he looked back at Jonathan.

“I’m getting more fruit. You want anything?” Elliot asked.

“Nah.” Gabriel mumbled, his eyes staring at the water.

Elliot stood up and hustled over to where Jonathan chatted with the girls. Gabriel remained at the table, observing his friend as he weaseled himself into the conversation. Soon enough, Elliot and Jonathan were talking away, the women’s bodies falling over them as they giggled willy-nilly. But Gabriel’s mind had fallen behind, his thoughts lingering on his father’s cock. He ran his fingers through his face as he tried to shake off the image from his mind, but Elliot’s question had unleashed something. A tucked-away memory that was now free and unhindered. It was well over fifteen minutes before they returned to the table, still chuckling and visibly turned on by their interaction with the girls.

“Dude, are you done? Let’s change. We’re meeting those chicks at the beach.” Elliot excitedly announced.

“Really?” Gabriel replied, visibly conflicted. “I thought it was just going to be the three of us.” He added.

“I don’t know about you, but I need to get laid, dude.” Elliot argued. Jonathan just stood there, his eyes scanning his son.

“Fine.” Gabriel begrudgingly conceded. “I need to catch up on my reading anyway.” He stated.

“For fuck sake…” Elliot muttered as he walked away. Gabriel lifted his head, afraid to face his father after spending twenty minutes picturing his hard, leaking cock. But once he did, he was met by Jonathan’s familiar gaze. And as always, his walls immediately crumbled, his heart rate dropped, and he felt a jolt of heat run through his body. Jonathan’s eyes were his home. And whatever happened, wherever they were in the world, Gabriel knew he would always be safe there. Jonathan winked, and they both followed Elliot back to the suite. Jonathan went straight to his room while Gabriel and Elliot rushed to their beds. Elliot stripped his shorts and pulled his shirt off. He sat on the bed, naked, his hand touching his soft cock as he examined it meticulously.

“Dude, you think I should stop trimming my pubes?” Elliot questioned. Gabriel chuckled.

“Makes it look bigger if you shave. Which in your case helps.” Gabriel quipped. Elliot’s head shot up, his eyes gaping, and his mouth stretched into a looming laughter.

“You little shit!” He hollered, lunging naked over Gabriel, pushing them both over his bed. He started tickling Gabriel’s stomach as the boy giggled. “Take that back, bitch!” He yelled.

“No!” Gabriel shot back, laughing and trying to weasel his way out from under his friend. “Stop!” He pleaded between giggles. Then suddenly, he felt something brush against his inner thigh. He bent his head back, and Elliot was there, frozen and with a weird expression. Half smiling and half panicked. “Bro, are you hard?” He questioned, whispering. They looked at each other and broke out into a contained chuckle. Then, out of nowhere, Elliot started slowly rubbing his cock on Gabriel. “Bro…” Gabriel whispered again, his eyes flared. But he didn’t try to move or push away. The boy remained there, his legs pinned under his friend. And with each stroke, he felt his friend’s dick grow larger. Finally, Elliot leaned forward, bringing his head closer to Gabriel, his whole body now over his friend’s.

“Are you weirded out?” He whispered secretly into Gabriel, who felt the scent of his best friend’s breath for the first time on him.

“I…” Gabriel stuttered, incapable of reacting. Elliot’s dick was now hard, throbbing between Gabriel’s legs. Suddenly, Elliot pulled back, grabbed his dick with his right hand, and with his left hand, pulled Gabriel’s shorts down in one swoop, uncovering his smooth ass. “What are you doing, bro?” He questioned, his eyes fidgeting.

“Chill, I just wanna know how it feels?” Elliot whispered before taking his cock and rubbing the tip over Gabriel’s crack, unleashing a gasp from the boy’s mouth. Gabriel could feel Elliot’s precum sticking to his skin as he teased it around his crack. “Can I just put the tip in?” Elliot whispered again.

“Bro…” Gabriel muttered before he realized Elliot wasn’t asking. His friend looked back hastily, making sure Jonathan wasn’t around, bent slightly over Gabriel’s ass, and plunged the moist tip inside his friend’s parched sphincter. Gabriel immediately pulled away in pain.

“Just as I thought. Smooth as a pussy, but tighter.” He mocked, slapping his friend’s ass and grinning.

Suddenly, they heard sounds coming from Jonathan’s room, and they both jumped off the bed, turning their bodies away. Elliot swooped over to his bag and pulled his swim shorts out, clumsily popping them on. Meanwhile, Gabriel fled to the bathroom, mortified that Elliot or his father could notice the massive boner he sported. He locked the door and sat on the toilet, utterly nonplused. Why did Elliot do that? He had never demonstrated any inkling regarding gay stuff. Maybe Elliot was just horny as fuck, Gabriel thought. Suddenly, he felt compelled to take his hand to his ass, and as he skimmed his cheek, he felt a cold jello substance on it. His friend’s precum was all over it. Gabriel peeked around, ensuring nobody was inside that bathroom with him, nervously assuming the walls were somehow see-through. He took his fingers to his nose and sniffed them, his eyes locking in delight. Then he stuck his fingers inside his mouth and sucked the precum off them. It was salty, with a pinch of fruity flavor. He smiled and leaned back, grabbing a piece of toilet paper and cleaning his hands and ass. He got up, walked to the door and stopped, startled by his reflection in the mirror. He turned to face himself.

“You’re a sick fuck, Gabriel.” He uttered before turning around and leaving the bathroom. Elliot and his father were chatting on the large balcony facing the south part of their room. A small ramp with an electronic door gave access to the resort’s private beach. Gabriel picked his towel from the edge of the bed, crammed his phone, pods, and a book into his backpack, and walked outside.

“Ready?” Jonathan asked.

“Yeah.” Gabriel replied, trying to avoid Elliot’s gaze, which appeared locked on him. Jonathan went ahead, and Gabriel followed him behind. As he was passing by Elliot, he felt a smack in his asscheeks. “Bro, stop!” Gabriel uttered without looking back, still able to hear Elliot’s giggles behind him.

They walked through the golden lanes, following the signs until they finally arrived at the beach area. The whitest sand imaginable. Pearl-toned, shining brightly as the sun rays hit them, their reflection almost incandescent. The sea was still and peaceful, its blue waters scintillating and its sheerness revealing its shallow depth. Fishes of all colors and sizes swam freely around the people bathing, oblivious to man’s presence. They walked a couple of yards to a tent with three beach chairs. A resort employer was waiting for them with a card.

“This is our spot.” Jonathan informed, grabbing the card from the staff member’s fingers.

“Fuck yeah.” Elliot replied as he stretched, his chiseled gut peeking through his lifted tanktop. He pulled it off and threw it on the middle chair. Gabriel sat on the right one, and Jonathan took the one closest to the beach bar, just a few yards away.

“I’ll head to the bar. You guys want anything?” Jonathan asked.

“I’ll go with you!” Elliot said promptly. He seemed eager to follow Jonathan around. Gabriel sat on his chair and reclined back, popping his sunglasses on and taking the book out of his backpack.

“No, thanks. I’ll stay here.” He replied, not even looking at them. He felt slightly annoyed, for some reason, since his strange beat with Elliot. Even so, he felt Jonathan’s eyes on him. He could always feel his father’s gaze searching for him, scanning his well-being at all times.

“Elliot, c’mon.” Jonathan ushered, sensing his son’s need to be alone.

They walked away, chatting and pointing to a mountain trail that surged through the west part of the resort. Gabriel wondered if they could eventually book a walk there since he had always enjoyed hikes in the wild and knew Jonathan loved them, too. He brought the book over his crotch and gazed at the crystal blue water before him, barring all the noise around him. Gabriel closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his anxiety dissipating with each breath. Soon, all he could hear were the small waves rubbing gently against the hard sand near the shore. And suddenly, images of his father’s hard dripping cock started flashing inside his mind. Followed by Elliot’s moist cock tip rubbing against his crack. Gabriel chuckled nervously, bringing his knees up to conceal his now-raging boner. He pulled the book up and slapped it across his face, a popping sound unleashing into the air as it struck his forehead.

“For fuck sake…” He mumbled, his face hidden behind the book cover.

“Hey!” A husky young voice uttered from behind his book cover. Gabriel lowered it just enough to let his hazelnut eyes peek over it. Standing before him was a beautiful young man about his age. He smiled at Gabriel and pointed at the bar. “They’ve been calling you for over a minute now.” He said, crossing his arms behind his back. Gabriel turned his head towards Elliot and Jonathan, who waved frenetically, looking positively drunk and already in the company of those two annoying women from earlier.

“Oh yeah. That’s my father and my best friend.” Gabriel said, turning to the boy and reclining back on the chair, completely ignoring them.

“Wow, really? He must have had you young.” The boy commented in a genuinely curious way.

“Sixteen.” Gabriel replied.

“Don’t want to sound weird, but…he’s hot.” He said, chuckling and smiling.

“It’s ok.” Gabriel replied, trying to be polite. “That seems to be the general consensus.” He said, winking at the boy. “I’m Gabriel, by the way.” He introduced himself, extending his hand in greeting.

“Oh yeah! Nathan.” The boy replied, taking one step forward and shaking Gabriel’s hand. He then stopped and glimpsed at the book Gabriel was reading. “I love that one. I read it like once a year.” He declared. Gabriel’s eyes shot up at him, his lips stretching into a reluctant smile and his interest increasing exponentially.

“You like Hermann Hesse?” He asked, leaning forward and sitting on the chair, his legs crossed in front of him.

“Fuck yes. “Siddhartha” is the G.O.A.T.” Nathan said without missing a beat. “God, sometimes I wish I could just go away. Disappear into the world. Have my wonderful spiritual journey.” He explained. Gabriel’s transfixed gaze loomed over him as if this random person was plucking the words out of his head. Gabriel smiled.

“Wanna sit down?” He blurted instinctively. Nathan looked at him, seeming hesitant as he darted his eyes around.

“I’d love to, but…my mom and dad are control freaks. So I’ll have to report back, or they’ll think I’ve drowned or got abducted by the Thai mob or something.” He jested before motioning to leave. Then he halted. “Maybe I can stop by tomorrow morning? We’ll go for a walk or something…” Nathan suggested, in the most endearingly shy way. Gabriel’s eyes stared at the boy intensely.

“Yeah. Sure.” Gabriel replied, leaning back on his chair. His wide thighs opened outwards. He couldn’t help but notice Nathan staring at them through the corner of his eyes.

“Great. Nice to meet you, Gabriel.” He hollered, waving as he stepped away.

“You too, Nathan.” Gabriel threw back, winking.

After Nathan left, Gabriel sat there, struck by how comfortable he had just felt talking to this guy. He hadn’t been this engaged in a conversation since, well, ever. And the anxiety levels were lower than usual. He leaned forward again, trying to catch a glimpse of Nathan walking away, and as he pondered on this unexpected meeting, he felt his chair tremble behind him.

“Made a new friend?” Jonathan questioned, his crotch now hugging Gabriel’s lower back. His hands were around the boy’s torso, pulling him into him. He planted a kiss on his son’s shoulder. Then he stopped and took his luscious lips to his neck, kissing him again, sending a delightfully cold shiver down Gabriel’s spine. He veered his head to the side and caught Elliot observing them with surgical detail.

“Just a guy I met. He’s here with his parents. Seems like a cool guy, educated.” Gabriel explained.

“Seems gay.” Elliot argued. He appeared upset.

“Do you know what “Siddhartha” is?” Gabriel poked, looking at Elliot.

“Yeah…he’s a Buddha dude or something…I’ve seen you read that shit.” Elliot desperately tried to explain.

“Well, I rest my case.” Gabriel razzed, causing Jonathan to chuckle, who now had his nose cramped inside his son’s neck, sniffing his skin softly. “Dad?” Gabriel whispered, grabbing the sun cream and passing it over his shoulder. Jonathan grabbed the bottle and began spreading the cream over his son’s back. He closed the cap, tossed it aside, and took both his hands, sliding them over him deeply and slowly. Jonathan wasn’t just setting cream on the boy but also offering him a pleasurable massage. Gabriel’s chin immediately dropped to his chest as he exhaled. Each movement his father performed was thorough, methodical, meaningful, tender, and caring. Jonathan’s eyes followed his hands as he idolized his son’s form, a proud gaze and a sense of accomplishment for being able to create such a beautiful, wise, and marvelous creature. Gabriel’s arms skated back gently, his hands clutching Jonathan’s thighs. Sensing this, he pulled Gabriel back and laid the boy on his chest. He then started rubbing the remaining cream on his son’s pecs. Elliot observed, his eyes struggling to veer away as he noticed Gabriel’s nipples get hard and prickle as Jonathan’s large hands skimmed over them, flattening the few little sandy brown hairs around the areolas. Jonathan finally crossed his hands over Gabriel’s pecs, holding the boy in his embrace, kissing his hair continuously, and sanding his beard gently over it.

Elliot stood there, mesmerized by the absence of awareness from both men and the lack of distance between their bodies as if they were one person. Jonathan was touching Gabriel as an extension of his own body. A part of himself he cherished more than anything. Elliot’s mouth started getting dry. He would never avow to himself or anyone, but that moment he witnessed, that exchange between his best friend and his father, sent a rush of jealousy through his body.

Gabriel had someone who loved him more than anything and worshiped the ground he walked on. And Elliot craved that. Desperately.

“I’m going swimming.” Gabriel announced as he attempted to stand up. But Jonathan swathed his legs around him, his thighs squeezing against his son’s stomach.

“Not a chance. You’re mine now.” Jonathan teased, locking his son under his grip as the boy struggled to break free.

They started wrestling, discharging small yet energetic tugs, trying to keep their bodies on the chair. Their caged giggles, pressed under their heavy breaths as Jonathan subdued Gabriel’s body, turned into soft moans. Suddenly, Gabriel snapped his head back and landed his mouth inches from his father’s. Jonathan paused momentarily, then took his lips to Gabriel’s mouth and kissed him. He lingered there a bit before pulling away slowly. As he did, Elliot glimpsed at Gabriel, who had his eyes closed and a gentle expression as he smiled.

“I love you.” Jonathan whispered. Elliot could barely make out the words, his eyes squinting and trying desperately to remain elusive. But Jonathan and Gabriel were in a world of their own. Not even a cataclysm of biblical proportions could sway their gaze.

“I know.” Gabriel replied as he opened his eyes. His father’s protective gaze hovered over him. “Bro, you coming?” He questioned, turning his head over to Elliot.

“Hum, yeah. Sure.” Elliot stuttered.

Gabriel jumped up and stretched his arm, helping Elliot off his chair. The boys rushed for the water, Gabriel punching Elliot’s arm and running away, making his friend chase him around the sand and down to the water’s plunge point. As Jonathan reclined in his chair, he could hear the boy’s childlike screams of happiness as they delighted in the water’s warm temperature.

After about thirty minutes, Jonathan descended into a deep sleep when he felt drops of salt water fall on his chest and stomach. Even though his eyes were still closed, he could feel a body looming over him, blocking the sunlight. Jonathan smiled and extended his arms, assuming his son would be there. Since he was a child, whenever Gabriel came from the water, he let the drops from his soaked hair cascade into his father’s heated body. Jonathan’s hands clutched the boy’s thighs, sliding slightly into his ass cheeks. But he halted abruptly, flaring his eyes, his hands snapping away from the boy’s ass. Instead of Gabriel, Elliot hovered over him, soaking wet and with a conniving grin on his lips.

“You know, for a second there…I almost felt like I was him.” Elliot whispered, a quirky and oddly seductive tone in his voice. A side of him that Jonathan had never witnessed.

“What the fuck, Elliot!” Jonathan clamored, pushing the boy back with his arm. Elliot fell back, his ass on the chair, laughing hysterically.

“What’s so funny?” Gabriel questioned as he walked inside the tent, soaking wet and shaking the water of his hair like a dog. Elliot stood up quickly and let himself tumble on his chair, his smooth body sparkling as the sun hit it, his crotch moving up and down as he adjusted his position. Gabriel grabbed his towel and sat in front of Jonathan, who took the towel in his hand and started drying his son’s hair and back.

“Nothing.” Elliot replied elusively.

Gabriel looked back at his father, searching his eyes. Jonathan just nervously smiled, but the boy sensed his embarrassment, so he let himself sink into his chest, and as he did, he felt Jonathan exhale deeply, his lips resting on Gabriel’s shoulder. The boy forced the back of his head into his father, and knowing what this meant, Jonathan slouched back. Gabriel turned around and laid over him, his stomach pressing into his father’s pelvis, his chest nestled over his stomach, and his head rocketing up and down on Jonathan’s chest, who took his right hand and started stroking Gabriel’s wet hair gently. Elliot scanned them, his eyes squinting from the sun. Finally, he laid back down, grabbed his t-shirt, and dropped it over his face.

“We should get wasted tonight.” Elliot suggested from under it. “Maybe invite those girls for some drinks?” He continued.

“Whatever…” Jonathan uttered, his voice hauled away by his son’s alluring peacefulness, sleeping over him. He enveloped his arms around Gabriel and closed his eyes. Half a minute later, they were both asleep. And Elliot eventually followed suit.

Later that afternoon, they woke, dazed yet relaxed. They picked up their stuff and walked back to their room, showered, and put on their best shirts, getting ready to go out to dinner. Elliot and Gabriel were both wearing denim shorts. Elliot’s were tighter and hugged his smooth athletic figure, perfectly showcasing his flawless muscular butt. He wore a green shirt with a tropical-themed design. Gabriel couldn’t help but comment.

“Bro, you really wanna get laid today, hum?” He teased as they strode through the golden route, making Jonathan chuckle.

Gabriel looked stunning, wearing a pair of white sneakers, denim shorts, and a lightweight white shirt that wafted along with the gloaming draft. Elliot caught Jonathan glimpsing at Gabriel several times, smiling. But even he had to admit that Gabriel’s beauty was effortless, something he most undoubtedly inherited from his father. Jonathan didn’t possess one shred of vanity in him. And yet, his swag, gentle demeanor, and manly charisma allowed him to get away with minimum effort. He wore swim shorts, a white baggy tank top, flip-flops, and his usual long hair in a bun. His beard was still nicely trimmed, showcasing and perfectly framing his luscious, stout lips. He tanned easily, so the skin on his bulky arms was already allowing that golden tone to peek through, which, contrasting with the white layer of his top, made the sight of him tantalizing.

They finally arrived at the dining area. Unlike breakfast, the resort had given a different setting for the food tables, presenting the deck with a more restaurant vibe. As they approached the table, Elliot lifted his arm in greeting. Jonathan and Gabriel were stunned to realize the girls from earlier were waiting for them.

“Yeah, I invited them. You can thank me later.” Elliot said in a cocky tone. Gabriel glanced at his father, his face teeming with aggravation.

“You should have told us.” Jonathan fired back.

“You guys were asleep. Besides, I need to get laid. We all do. Right?” He grilled, only to be met with an awkward silence. “It’ll be fun!” He whispered as they approached the women.

They greeted them, standing around the table as Elliot initiated the conversation. Eventually, Jonathan’s social nature kicked in, and they sat down, chit-chatting away as the girls’ attention concentrated on Jonathan, which seemed to annoy Elliot profusely. Gabriel sat at the far end of the round table, giggling, knowing that as long as his father was there, Elliot wouldn’t stand a chance. So, he wasn’t surprised when his best friend finally came around the table and sat next to him.

“Dude, they won’t even look at me. What the fuck.” He whispered.

“Bro. Don’t feel bad. Unless he fucks them both, you’ll get your chance.” Gabriel mocked, trying not to giggle at the worried look on Elliot’s face.

“You think he…” Elliot muttered before recognizing his friend’s grin and punching him on the arm. Then he reclined back on the chair, his sight locked on Jonathan. Almost as if he was studying him. “Dude, let’s do shots.” He suddenly hollered, snapping out of his woolgathering.

“Bro, you know I can’t handle shots.” Gabriel argued, his voice grumbling with disinterest.

“I know…” Elliot uttered maliciously. “Gabe…please.” He pleaded, changing his tone completely. Gabriel knew how rare it was for him to call him that. He glanced at his friend, his eyes begging for help.

“Fine.” Gabriel finally conceded to Elliot’s utter bliss.

He jumped off his seat, headed to the bar, and returned after a few minutes, holding a massive tray full of shot glasses filled with different collared liquids. By this point, Jonathan had both girls climbing over him, his arms spread open, and their heads tilted as they cracked shallow jokes and laughed, trying to battle for his attention. They started drinking shots, Elliot vigorously embracing the responsibility of getting everyone drunk out of their minds, and soon, the girl’s high-pitched voices exploded across the deck. Gabriel, already hazed and slightly confused, still managed to acknowledge the annoyance of everyone in the dining area regarding the noise they were making.

Even so, being the good friend he was, he chugged a couple of shots down before finally recoiling back and sinking into the chair. By then, most people had left, and it wasn’t long before they were the only group left. Once that happened, the girls became visibly less constrained by social etiquette. The one leaning on Jonathan’s right arm climbed him, stuck her tongue inside his mouth and started making out with him. As she rolled her tongue inside Jonathan’s mouth, his eyes peeked from under her, glimpsing at Elliot, who attended the scene with a conquered look. Jonathan pulled back, approached the other girl, and whispered something in her ear. Next thing you know, she was up from her chair and walking over to Elliot, sitting on his lap, moving her ass over his crotch. The boy’s head fell back as he exhaled. She pulled his head up and kissed him, grabbing his curly raven hair. Elliot’s arm reached forward and stood there before Jonathan met him for a spirited high-five.

Gabriel watched as both men made out before him, humoring himself at how that table had turned into a portrait of sexual anarchy. Gabriel took a deep breath, trying to keep his vision steady. But under his pants, his dick was rock hard. His eyes would toggle between the girls as he scanned her asses. Now and then, Elliot would grab the girl on his lap’s tits, making Gabriel’s dick itch, but as he concentrated on it more, he realized he was looking at Elliot’s hand and not her breast. He couldn’t construe what was happening until his gaze finally shifted and landed on his father, whose face was hidden by the girl scaling him. From where he stood, Gabriel could peek under the table, and his eyes suddenly locked on his father’s cock, crammed between the girl’s cheeks. It looked massive, even pressed under her. His pelvis started pushing up, and a loud moan spewed from her mouth. Jonathan’s hand immediately went over it, and his face peeked from under her. He looked around, making sure no staff or guests were around.

But the girl seemed insatiable. She ripped his hand from her mouth and turned around, making a sloppy movement under the table, yanking her panties off and saddling back into Jonathan. He rolled his eyes and brushed his hand over his face, chuckling. But suddenly, his eyes locked on Gabriel, who seemed transfixed at the sight of him making out with this girl. He looked at his son, seeming reluctant to proceed. But after a brief moment, his hips began moving, and his eyes latched steadily on Gabriel. Something was happening. That was drilling deeper inside their limitless intimacy and puncturing into unknown territory. And for a moment, everything stopped. Across from them, on the other side of the table, Elliot observed, enthralled by the moment. A voyeur, an unwelcomed observer, unknowingly taking part of such an intimate moment. His eyes twitched and became glistened with emotion.

Then suddenly, a sharp voice slashed through this wrinkle in time.

“Fucking weirdo.” The girl sitting on Jonathan’s lap uttered, her eyes scowling at Gabriel.

“What did you just say?” Jonathan blasted back, his face contorting in disgust. He grabbed the girl’s arms like two twigs and yanked her sideways, throwing her to the ground.

“Mother fucker! Look what you did!” She yelled, apparently surprised by Jonathan’s reaction, while she tried to seize her bra strap that had just broken during the fall. Her friend pulled away from Elliot’s lap and rushed over to her.

“Don’t you ever talk to him like that again!” Jonathan vociferated, his face tensing up in rage. His body was now towering over the woman like a menacing beast. The woman slid away from him in fear, her ass still on the ground, but remained silent. “Get the fuck away from me.” Jonathan hailed as the other woman helped her friend up. They both marched away, complaining and darting back, ensuring they weren’t following them.

“Dude, what the fuck…” Elliot uttered. But Jonathan didn’t even look at him. Instead, he went straight to Gabriel, who, after a slightly awkward chuckle, lifted his unsteady head to look at his father.

“Dad, I’m sorry.” He mumbled, his head unable to keep steady, now nestled inside his father’s embrace.

“You did nothing wrong. Fuck them.” Jonathan expressed into Gabriel’s ear. He then looked back at Elliot. “Party’s over.” He stated. Elliot stepped forward to help him carry Gabriel, but Jonathan stopped him. “No. I’ll do it.” He informed.

He pushed the table to the side, draped both arms under his son’s armpits, and, with no effort, lifted the boy in the air. Gabriel scissored his legs around Jonathan’s waist, and they left for their room. Along the way, they didn’t say a single word as Jonathan carried Gabriel’s drunken body, and Elliot followed closely behind, his eyes locked on them. They finally entered the room, pitched dark with only the moonlight from the beachside skulking in, layering the room with a greyish atmosphere. Elliot stretched his arm, going for the lights.

“Don’t. Leave it. Get me a bottle of water from the minibar.” Jonathan ordered as he walked to Gabriel’s bed and laid his son on it so delicately it seemed Gabriel’s body was floating. Elliot ran for the fridge, grabbed a bottle, and rushed back. But he suddenly halted, standing in the shadow that loomed over the living room. Jonathan was kneeling beside Gabriel’s bed, his face glued to his son’s. Elliot took a few steps further, attempting to hear what he was saying. “You know why I named you Gabriel?” Jonathan whispered. Gabriel just moaned. “I named you Gabriel because…you were an angel sent to save me. You’re my strength. My reason to live.” He professed, his hand gently caressing the boy’s face. He then leaned forward and kissed Gabriel’s lips. “I love you, bud. So much.” He professed. Gabriel moaned again and rolled his body to the other side, curling himself into a fetal position. Jonathan stood straight and pulled the sheets up, covering his son’s body. Then he took a few steps back and let himself fall over Elliot’s bed, exhausted. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, decompressing from all the frenzy, and his body began to slump into the mattress.

Suddenly, he felt something rub against his leg. A hand skated through his fuzzy inner thigh, stopping inches from his crotch. He unfurled his eyes and lifted his head slightly, his face flaring in shock. Elliot sat beside him, facing Gabriel, his hand latched on Jonathan’s skin.

“He looks so peaceful.” Elliot uttered. “I think…I’m starting to understand.” He continued, his voice quiet and eery. His hand slid further up, the nib of his fingers touching Jonathan’s sack. “I wish I had that…” He admitted.

“Elliot…what are you doing?” Jonathan questioned, perplexed.

“I don’t know…” The boy replied, leaning in and grabbing Jonathan’s cock, which was now semi-hard. His head finally turned, locking in on Jonathan’s gaped eyes. “It’s okay. You can pretend I’m him. I don’t mind.” He implied, a grim smile forming and ill malice in his eyes.

Jonathan’s arm shot from the bed, his large hand grabbing Elliot’s, turning him over, and plunging his body onto the mattress. He was now on top of the boy, his hand bound tightly around his neck, under a tight grasp. But as he looked down, Jonathan was met by Elliot’s unphased stare. There was no dread or surprise, only ardor and perfidious enjoyment. Jonathan’s breath began to settle, and he slowly unleashed his grip on Elliot. He pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed, his arms between his legs, looking overthrown.

“Go to sleep, Elliot.” Jonathan whispered, his voice lacking its vibrancy. He slowly crawled up, stepping away from Elliot’s bed, and walked to his room, closing the sliding door behind him.

An hour had gone when Gabriel strenuously opened his eyes, his body still glued to the bed and his head feeling extremely heavy. He could barely hear anything with the thumping inside his ears. The boy turned on the bed slowly, the room spinning around him. He glanced at Elliot’s empty bed. He bowed his head towards the ceiling, confused by his friend’s absence. He pulled himself up with effort, sitting on the bed while the moonlight shot at him from the side, his eyes squinting. As his ears finally adjusted, he was surprised by an undistinguished muffling sound encroaching from the living room area. He rolled his legs sideways and sat on the edge of the bed for a moment before shooting his body up.

“Fuck.” He muttered as he tried to hold his frail balance.

He started dragging his feet across the smooth carpet floor, ambling over to the living room, which was pitched dark. But as he reached the middle of the room, he quickly realized that the sounds were actually coming from Jonathan’s bedroom. His body paused. He motioned to turn back, but a deep urge compelled him to proceed. He resumed, tiptoeing over to the sliding door, which he could see was slightly opened. A crack so small he could slip his fingers through, discretely opening it, which he did. Although the room was dark, the light slinking through the window lit the bed with a golden glow, enough for Gabriel to see his father’s muscular ass bouncing up and down on someone. He couldn’t see who was under him, apart from the feet that looked large for a woman. As he squinted, his eyes zeroing in on them, his heart suddenly froze. His heartbeat started racing, and his throat locked almost immediately.

Another muscular arm emerged from under Jonathan, a hand clenching the silk sheets as it tried to pull away from him. Elliot’s head sprung from under him, his curly raven hair bouncing back and forth following Jonathan’s every thrust. Slowly, they began sliding to the right, and soon, their heads pointed to the edge of the bed, their bodies facing the door sideways. Elliot wailed, his face contorting with distressing pleasure, his hands gripping the sheets.

“Shhh…” Jonathan whispered, bringing his left hand up and shielding the boy’s mouth, which seemed to entice him even more because as soon as he did, Elliot began to cry and mewl, the sounds muffled by Jonathan’s grip. His ass rocketed up and down on Elliot’s hole, the clapping sound of his pelvis hitting it becoming louder, blaring.

Gabriel couldn’t move. His feet seemed to cling to the floor as overwhelming anxiety poured over him like a tidal wave. His hands, holding the door still, began to tremble. It took him a few seconds before he finally slid the door shut, still able to catch Jonathan grabbing Elliot’s raven locks and sowing his face on the bed, his hips bobbing up and down as he drilled his massive cock into his son’s best friend’s gape, the boy’s whaling breaking from underneath.

As he closed the door, Gabriel’s legs caved, and he hit the floor, the smooth carpet dulling the sound of his fall. He felt sick and powerless. He wriggled back to his bed, still slightly wheezy, threw himself on it, laying with his head facing the large glass window, his hazelnut eyes lit by the gray gloom. He took his hand to his mouth, caging a profound cry of anguish. He shook his head violently from side to side, his incredulity crushing his luminous spirit. Then, as his weary body finally caved in, his hand still cladding his mouth, his eyes began to well up, and tears flowed from them, skating into his pillow. Then, from under his hand, his muffled voice finally broke free.


(To be continued…)

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