Ebony slave girl ! by ThatJessieGirl!

Ebony slave girl ! by ThatJessieGirl!

Discover the tantalizing journey of desire and exploration in ‘Ebony Slave Girl’ by ThatJessieGirl. Dive into a provocative tale that pushes boundaries and ignites passion in an unforgettable gay sex story. Uncover the raw emotions and thrilling encounters that await!

It had been a 156 years since the American civil war had ended. The North had been no match for the Southerners who were fiercely determined not to get their rights to owning slaves abolished. Slavery was still alive and thriving. Those who had rebelled against the South were now since forgotten and their descendants had quickly acclimatised to the current way of life.

Naomi and Stephen were a married couple who were both in their late 30s and where very much in love with each other. Unfortunately Naomi had trouble conceiving due to a number of health reasons. So when the doctor finally gave her the news that she was expecting  and was soon to be a mom to a no doubt very lovely new tot, she was truly over the moon. Both her and Stephen were excited and hoped all would go smoothly.

Naomi’s obstetrician, Dr Davis was a well known and highly in demand obstetrician who also happened to be one of her very best friends from high school. Hence why the couple had chosen her as their doctor. Naomi felt much confident that her baby would arrive safely as she was in the care on one the most established doctors out there.

Dr Davis was equally excited for her friends as she knew how hard the journey of them conceiving had been. “Now the next couple of months are going to be a bit touch a go. Naomi I need you well rested and not to engage in strenuous activities and that includes rough sex and just to extra safe, sex in general. Normally I would recommend couples to still engage in their normal sexual activities but your case is very different you need to be very careful”

Stephen could not help but show his disappointment. He had such a healthy appetite when it came to sex and he truly loved having sex with his beautiful blonde blue eyed wife. Naomi was truly a beautiful woman. Heads turned wherever she went. She had an air of sophistication and class and the looks of a Victoria secret model. Stephen knew that he was a very lucky man.

Dr Davis being astute as she was noticed Stephen’s downcast demeanour and thus she quickly offered a solution ” Not to worry. There is an option in such situations. The government understands that this is a serious medical condition and in cases like yours the government is willing to provide a black slave to do as you please with. You will need help anyway around the house. So ordering a house slave is the best way to go. As you know my husband Pete is the head of the distribution of slaves around this area.  I have already asked him to pull some strings and have a black slave ready for you by tomorrow”

Naomi was so grateful to her friend and Pete for this option. The couple had been such good friends to her family and had really come through for her this time. Naomi and Stephen had thought about buying a slave in the past for their own fun and entertainment but getting one for free was even better. Her day was truly turning out for the best. First she was gonna be a mom and now she was getting a black slave. Stephen held her hand while grinning like the cat that just got the cream. Naomi could truly see the excitement radiating of her husbands face just at the thought of their own personal black fucktoy and this made Naomi even more happy.

Furthermore her friend told her that they could have a  young virgin girl. Even as young as 16, double less than their age and now Naomi and Stephen were scrolling at pictures of young naked black slaves on the ipad they had been given by Dr Davis. After a few images they stumbled upon a picture of a young black slave named Ayah. She had short nappy hair and her skin was dark as the night. Everything was all shaved and she had an amazing set of tips. What made Naomi choose her was the vulnerability in her face. She looked scared and unsure but they was something in those eyes that showed tremendous submission. She knew her place in the world and therefore Naomi knew she would worship the ground they walked on and would be willing to please them. Naomi liked that idea. Naomi’s pussy was so wet just from the idea of a slave who truly knew and believed with all her heart that her place in this world was to only serve white people Some slaves in the past had tried to get some ideas but thank God the government was always vigilant and stayed alert to thwart an attempts to destabilise their system and superior social structure.

After choosing their slave Naomi and Stephen concluded their appointment with Dr Davis who told them that their slave would arrive promptly by 8am tomorrow. Both Naomi and Stephen could not wait to meet her and called in sick the next day.

The next day Ayah arrived 5 minutes earlier eager to please her new owners and also a slave was never to be tardy and keep any white person waiting. She was so happy to have been chosen at such a young age to sexually satisfy her new Master but also terrified that she would not be enough for him or able to do a good job. It was truly an honour. As soon as she opened the door she was greeted by two very eager faces. She waited until they said something first as a slave never spoke first. Naomi spoke with such glee “Aw honey, look at this young nigger. Stephen I can’t wait to watch you fuck her”

Stephen turned to Ayah and issued an order “Take off all your clothes nigger. I was to see those tits and pussy. They belong to me now”. Ayah could not believe how fast all this was happening but she complied. Both Stephen and Naomi perused her body like she was merely an object, which she was in their eyes and this pleased her. Stephen grabbed her tits roughly ” Fuck honey, look at these tits. So much better than in the photos we saw”.Naomi on the other hand was touching Ayah’s pussy but she needed a better look. Naomi ordered Ayah to get on all fours and both Naomi and Stephen sighed at the sight of her pink folds. The contrast between her super dark skin and her bright pink pussy was stunning. She was truly a vision and they were so proud of themselves that they had chosen the right nigger for them. Stephen and Naomi led Ayah to her small bedroom.” This is where i will mainly fuck you whenever I want but I will also fuck you around the house. You see my wife is pregnant so after I fuck you you are gonna eat her pussy and make her cum. You hear me nigger”

“Yes Master” Ayah replied. Stephen could see the fear in her face and asked Ayah if she had ever been fucked before to which she replied no. Stephen’s cock twitched just at the thought of sinking his big thick cock in the tight black pussy he now owned. “Well this is for me and my wife’s enjoyment so I don’t care if you are not wet or ready for me. Get on your knees”. Ayah complied with “Yes Master” and before she even finished her sentence Stephen drove straight into her pussy with no warning. Ayah clawed at the floor and her knees buckled at the extreme pain she was experiencing from her hymen being abruptly torn. Naomi loved watching the faces Stephen was making as he drove roughly into their slave’s pussy. Ayah was struggling to breathe through it all and the grimace look on her face only served to make Naomi’s pussy wet. She started rubbing her pussy as Stephen kept repeating the torture, pounding their slave’s pussy while she tried her hardest not to make sobbing sounds.

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